

单词 crescent

Definition of crescent in English:


noun ˈkrɛz(ə)ntˈkrɛs(ə)ntˈkrɛs(ə)nt
  • 1The curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon.


    the moon was a slender crescent
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Another omen claims that if the first crescent of the new Moon appears with its lower horn obscured, stormy weather is indicated in the first phase of the Moon.
    • Now, it is but a thin waxing crescent!
    • The moon appeared as a thin crescent in the dark, cloudy blue sky.
    • The moon, waned away to a tiny crescent, didn't emit enough light for him to be sure of his way.
    • Thirty-three hours later, as the Moon set in the west, it would be visible as a slender crescent.
    • The crescent of the New Moon glowed in the indigo heavens, and to his left, Venus, the Evening Star of Ishtar kept him company.
    • On the morning of the 19th the yellowish planet will be below and to the left of the Moon's crescent.
    • She found him standing alone in the moonlight, staring up at the waxing crescent.
    • Another difference between the hemispheres, which is often overlooked, is the direction in which the crescents of the Waxing and Waning Moons point.
    • Astronomy was necessary to view the lunar crescent for religious purposes.
    • The night was silent, all three moons were alive in the sky now and their glowing crescents cast an eerie glow across his face.
    • Above me, a silver crescent moon hung, now and then, clouds of dark shadow misting across it.
    • Every month, the first crescent of the new moon is observed, defining the beginning of the new month, whilst each year Ramadan commences 11 days earlier.
    • The Moon will be a waning crescent, just a few days from New, and so will not interfere.
    • The moon waxes from new to sickle, crescent, half-full and disk, and wanes back again as the relative positions of sun and moon change.
    • The view is from Titan's night side, making the moon appear as a thin crescent.
    • The moon was a bright crescent among the sea of stars, each one glowing brightly.
    • The appearance of a crescent is a phenomena associated with the position of the moon as it reflects light from the sun and it is not subjected to weather or atmospheric conditions.
    • It will not be washed out by moonlight this year, since the Moon will be a waning crescent just a couple of days from New.
    1. 1.1 A representation of a crescent used as an emblem of Islam or of Turkey.
      on the flag was embroidered the Turkish crescent
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The law center is now suing the school system, which bans Nativity scenes but regularly display menorahs and Muslim crescents.
      • And I mark that the crescent was Mohammed's emblem!
      • It has been commonly assumed that the crescent - being a symbol of Islam - would be a favoured choice for both literate and illiterate voters alike.
      • They take their name from one of the symbols of Islam, the crescent, and the fact that they are allying together or ‘combining.’
      • The word is fashioned out of an Islamic crescent, Jewish star and Christian cross.
      • The flag has a red star and crescent, symbolizing Islam, in a white circle in a red field.
      • The baker asked no reward other than the exclusive right to bake crescent-shaped pastries commemorating the incident, the crescent being the symbol of Islam.
    2. 1.2historical The political power of Islam or of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 2A thing which has the shape of a single curve that is broad in the centre and tapers to a point at each end.


    a three-mile crescent of golden sand


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Through the open French windows is a dream beach: a perfect crescent of pristine sand lapped by clear blue water and shaded by tall palm trees.
    • Great sweeping ridges of sand snaked up to star-shaped, wind-blown summits in perfect crescents.
    • Magnfied a dozen times, you can see the city centre and Hillbrow forming a greyish crescent at the bottom.
    • The long crescent of white sand is shaded by seagrapes and coconut palms and framed by wooded hills.
    • The house is at the centre of a picturesque crescent of houses surrounding a green.
    • In the Maldives, the sea is the focal attraction - a perfect narrow crescent of a beach lapped by the lagoon-like Indian Ocean.
    • Now all that surrounds us is a close crescent of dagger-edged, obsidian-black hills.
    • His unquenchable enthusiasm sees crescents and terraces, a hotel and a library, and bathing machines.
    • The end result is a three-storey, south-facing crescent, terminating in a taller building at either side, creating a book-end effect.
    • Occasionally a tiny crescent of pure, clean sand provides a few steps of respite.
    • The fireworks party was organised by all of Ben and Sarah's neighbours in a small communal garden at the back of the crescent of houses where they live.
    • Let's be honest: For most travelers, Honolulu has always been about sunning and swimming along the languorous crescent of golden sand that is Waikiki.
    • The beach is one of those long sweeping crescents of sand, book-ended by massive piles of granite boulders topped with towering Hoop Pines.
    • Put a generous dollop of beef into the centre of each circle and fold over to form a crescent.
    • They couldn't see another sign of human life along the three-mile crescent.
    half-moon, sickle-shape, semicircle
    arc, curve, bow, arch, bend, crook
    rare demilune, lunula
    1. 2.1British usually in names A street or terrace of houses forming an arc.
      we lived at Westway Crescent


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the 1820s Bath, Bristol, Dublin, and Edinburgh, cities which had flourished in the eighteenth century, were all still raising classical squares, streets, and crescents.
      • The street was in fact a crescent with a large, Victorian home situated at the very end.
      • Taking hold of his bag again and sliding the phone into his pocket, he picked up his pace and ran out of the park and wove in and through the complex network of crescents, courts, drives and streets.
      • Townhouses line the streets, crescents, and squares - with some terraces descending quite steeply to the north.
      • Ritchie got out of his car and walked up to number 34 Stanford crescent.
      • There were no streets, only avenues, crescents and closes.
      road, thoroughfare, way
    2. 2.2Heraldry A charge in the form of a crescent, typically with the points upward.
  • 3A moth or butterfly with crescent-shaped markings on the wings.


    an orange or brown American butterfly with a silvery mark on the underside of the hindwing (genus Phyciodes, subfamily Melitaeinae, family Nymphalidae).

    a brownish European moth with a pale mark on the forewing (several species in the family Noctuidae, in particular Celaena leucostigma).

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Now, 10 years later, the trees are growing strong, welcome news to the pearl crescent butterfly.
adjective ˈkrɛz(ə)ntˈkrɛs(ə)ntˈkrɛs(ə)nt
  • 1attributive Having the shape of a crescent.


    a crescent moon


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Place onto trays and bend into a crescent shape.
    • We had rolls and butter, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad, and pastries that were shaped like crescent moons and stuffed with roast meat and apples.
    • It was a large oval surrounded by to crescent moon shapes.
    • The handle was just a sharply carved crescent moon shape, crudely cut from a tarnishing piece of bronze.
    • As it approaches us, it appears bigger and more of a crescent shape.
    • She fingered the charm on her necklace, a golden sunburst with the shape of a silver crescent moon in the center.
    • A crescent moon arched overhead, its halo adorning the dark canvas.
    • Transfer the cookies to the prepared sheet pans and bend to a form a crescent shape.
    • There was a moon now, an unnatural white, with a jagged crescent shape that made it look as if a bite or two had been taken out of it.
    • Set on the center was a beautiful purple gem, the shape of a crescent moon.
    • She had a golden cloak that had a clasp in the shape of a crescent moon.
    • The fleet of 130 ships - including 22 fighting galleons - sailed in a crescent shape.
    • Each charm is an alternating crescent moon and star shape.
    • The chairs were formed into a perfect crescent shape.
    • Bring the edges together and pinch to seal firmly, forming a crescent shape with a flat base.
    • Around her neck she wore a pendant shaped like a crescent moon.
    • She was wearing a light blue winter coat with matching earrings in the shapes of crescent moons.
    • It had become a small floating island shaped like a crescent moon, surrounded by a light blue, metallic ocean.
    • The shape of a crescent moon was visible against the gray-blue painting overhead.
    • The beach was set out in a crescent moon shape with the ocean lapping up onto the white sand.
  • 2literary Growing, increasing, or developing.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The crescent ray grew to immense proportions and then flew downward.


  • crescentic

  • adjective krɛˈsɛntɪk
    • Others resembled SRCs, with rounded or crescentic peripheral nuclei.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cusps of the middle row are crescentic, increase in size posteriorly, and are closely spaced from each other, sometimes joined nearly to the apices by crests.
      • The container here is similar in design to a crescentic bowl from the compound at Igbo Ukwu called Igbo Isaiah.
      • At dusk bunches of these tireless birds rise so high that they become mere crescentic specks in the darkening sky.
      • On the left-hand side of the carapace, a thin crescentic ridge marks the position of one of the paired lateral eyes.


Late Middle English cressant, from Old French creissant, from Latin crescere 'grow'. The spelling change in the 17th century was due to the influence of the Latin.

  • The Romans referred to the thin curve of the waxing moon early in its cycle as luna crescens, ‘growing moon’. Crescens comes from Latin crescere ‘to grow’, the source of many English words such as the late 19th century curved croissant (the French form of crescent), accrue (Late Middle English), decrease (Late Middle English), and increase (Late Middle English). From being applied to the moon the word came to be applied to anything of that same shape. See also crew


acquiescent, adolescent, albescent, Besant, coalescent, confessant, convalescent, depressant, effervescent, erubescent, evanescent, excrescent, flavescent, fluorescent, immunosuppressant, incandescent, incessant, iridescent, juvenescent, lactescent, liquescent, luminescent, nigrescent, obsolescent, opalescent, pearlescent, phosphorescent, pubescent, putrescent, quiescent, suppressant, turgescent, virescent, viridescent

Definition of crescent in US English:


  • 1The curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The moon waxes from new to sickle, crescent, half-full and disk, and wanes back again as the relative positions of sun and moon change.
    • The Moon will be a waning crescent, just a few days from New, and so will not interfere.
    • The crescent of the New Moon glowed in the indigo heavens, and to his left, Venus, the Evening Star of Ishtar kept him company.
    • Another omen claims that if the first crescent of the new Moon appears with its lower horn obscured, stormy weather is indicated in the first phase of the Moon.
    • The moon was a bright crescent among the sea of stars, each one glowing brightly.
    • The view is from Titan's night side, making the moon appear as a thin crescent.
    • Above me, a silver crescent moon hung, now and then, clouds of dark shadow misting across it.
    • She found him standing alone in the moonlight, staring up at the waxing crescent.
    • On the morning of the 19th the yellowish planet will be below and to the left of the Moon's crescent.
    • The moon, waned away to a tiny crescent, didn't emit enough light for him to be sure of his way.
    • Another difference between the hemispheres, which is often overlooked, is the direction in which the crescents of the Waxing and Waning Moons point.
    • The appearance of a crescent is a phenomena associated with the position of the moon as it reflects light from the sun and it is not subjected to weather or atmospheric conditions.
    • Astronomy was necessary to view the lunar crescent for religious purposes.
    • Thirty-three hours later, as the Moon set in the west, it would be visible as a slender crescent.
    • It will not be washed out by moonlight this year, since the Moon will be a waning crescent just a couple of days from New.
    • The night was silent, all three moons were alive in the sky now and their glowing crescents cast an eerie glow across his face.
    • The moon appeared as a thin crescent in the dark, cloudy blue sky.
    • Every month, the first crescent of the new moon is observed, defining the beginning of the new month, whilst each year Ramadan commences 11 days earlier.
    • Now, it is but a thin waxing crescent!
    1. 1.1 A representation of a crescent used as an emblem of Islam or of Turkey.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The law center is now suing the school system, which bans Nativity scenes but regularly display menorahs and Muslim crescents.
      • The word is fashioned out of an Islamic crescent, Jewish star and Christian cross.
      • And I mark that the crescent was Mohammed's emblem!
      • They take their name from one of the symbols of Islam, the crescent, and the fact that they are allying together or ‘combining.’
      • It has been commonly assumed that the crescent - being a symbol of Islam - would be a favoured choice for both literate and illiterate voters alike.
      • The flag has a red star and crescent, symbolizing Islam, in a white circle in a red field.
      • The baker asked no reward other than the exclusive right to bake crescent-shaped pastries commemorating the incident, the crescent being the symbol of Islam.
    2. 1.2the Crescenthistorical The political power of Islam or of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 2A thing that has has the shape of a single curve, especially one that is broad in the center and tapers to a point at each end.


    a three-mile crescent of golden sand


    a crescent-shaped building


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The end result is a three-storey, south-facing crescent, terminating in a taller building at either side, creating a book-end effect.
    • Now all that surrounds us is a close crescent of dagger-edged, obsidian-black hills.
    • They couldn't see another sign of human life along the three-mile crescent.
    • Let's be honest: For most travelers, Honolulu has always been about sunning and swimming along the languorous crescent of golden sand that is Waikiki.
    • Through the open French windows is a dream beach: a perfect crescent of pristine sand lapped by clear blue water and shaded by tall palm trees.
    • Put a generous dollop of beef into the centre of each circle and fold over to form a crescent.
    • Magnfied a dozen times, you can see the city centre and Hillbrow forming a greyish crescent at the bottom.
    • Great sweeping ridges of sand snaked up to star-shaped, wind-blown summits in perfect crescents.
    • Occasionally a tiny crescent of pure, clean sand provides a few steps of respite.
    • His unquenchable enthusiasm sees crescents and terraces, a hotel and a library, and bathing machines.
    • The fireworks party was organised by all of Ben and Sarah's neighbours in a small communal garden at the back of the crescent of houses where they live.
    • The long crescent of white sand is shaded by seagrapes and coconut palms and framed by wooded hills.
    • The beach is one of those long sweeping crescents of sand, book-ended by massive piles of granite boulders topped with towering Hoop Pines.
    • The house is at the centre of a picturesque crescent of houses surrounding a green.
    • In the Maldives, the sea is the focal attraction - a perfect narrow crescent of a beach lapped by the lagoon-like Indian Ocean.
    half-moon, sickle-shape, semicircle
    1. 2.1British A street or row of houses forming an arc.
      we lived at Westway Crescent


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There were no streets, only avenues, crescents and closes.
      • The street was in fact a crescent with a large, Victorian home situated at the very end.
      • Townhouses line the streets, crescents, and squares - with some terraces descending quite steeply to the north.
      • In the 1820s Bath, Bristol, Dublin, and Edinburgh, cities which had flourished in the eighteenth century, were all still raising classical squares, streets, and crescents.
      • Ritchie got out of his car and walked up to number 34 Stanford crescent.
      • Taking hold of his bag again and sliding the phone into his pocket, he picked up his pace and ran out of the park and wove in and through the complex network of crescents, courts, drives and streets.
      road, thoroughfare, way
    2. 2.2Heraldry A charge in the form of a crescent, typically with the points upward (also a mark of cadency for a second son).
  • 3A moth or butterfly with crescent-shaped markings on the wings.


    an orange or brown American butterfly with a silvery mark on the underside of the hind wing (genus Phyciodes, subfamily Melitaeinae, family Nymphalidae)

    a brownish European moth with a pale mark on the forewing (several species in the family Noctuidae, in particular Celaena leucostigma)

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Now, 10 years later, the trees are growing strong, welcome news to the pearl crescent butterfly.
  • 1Having the shape of a crescent.


    a crescent moon


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She had a golden cloak that had a clasp in the shape of a crescent moon.
    • She was wearing a light blue winter coat with matching earrings in the shapes of crescent moons.
    • Each charm is an alternating crescent moon and star shape.
    • Set on the center was a beautiful purple gem, the shape of a crescent moon.
    • Bring the edges together and pinch to seal firmly, forming a crescent shape with a flat base.
    • As it approaches us, it appears bigger and more of a crescent shape.
    • It had become a small floating island shaped like a crescent moon, surrounded by a light blue, metallic ocean.
    • The handle was just a sharply carved crescent moon shape, crudely cut from a tarnishing piece of bronze.
    • A crescent moon arched overhead, its halo adorning the dark canvas.
    • Place onto trays and bend into a crescent shape.
    • Around her neck she wore a pendant shaped like a crescent moon.
    • She fingered the charm on her necklace, a golden sunburst with the shape of a silver crescent moon in the center.
    • The chairs were formed into a perfect crescent shape.
    • The beach was set out in a crescent moon shape with the ocean lapping up onto the white sand.
    • The shape of a crescent moon was visible against the gray-blue painting overhead.
    • It was a large oval surrounded by to crescent moon shapes.
    • We had rolls and butter, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad, and pastries that were shaped like crescent moons and stuffed with roast meat and apples.
    • The fleet of 130 ships - including 22 fighting galleons - sailed in a crescent shape.
    • Transfer the cookies to the prepared sheet pans and bend to a form a crescent shape.
    • There was a moon now, an unnatural white, with a jagged crescent shape that made it look as if a bite or two had been taken out of it.
  • 2literary Growing, increasing, or developing.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The crescent ray grew to immense proportions and then flew downward.


Late Middle English cressant, from Old French creissant, from Latin crescere ‘grow’. The spelling change in the 17th century was due to the influence of the Latin.





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