Hopefully the story of her recovery will reach many young women suffering from our cultural obsession with being ultra-thin.
I really think that it's crazy that women want to be ultra-thin.
The ultra-thin metal should be handled with care, and then sealed to protect the filmy surface.
Held together by an ultra-thin steel wire, the shades are sand-blasted acrylic which is easy to clean.
The scientists are participating in an ongoing program at Brookhaven to grow ultrathin organic films on solid and liquid surfaces.
This ultra-thin flip phone is sure to turn a few heads.
Previous research indicated that exposure to ultra-thin models in fashion magazines leads to excessive dieting and body dissatisfaction among adolescent girls.
If you have ultra-thin hair, layers and texturing help strands work together to create lift.
Harvard University scientists have found that ultra-thin silicon wires can be used to electrically detect the presence of single viruses.
Ultra-thin models stare down at us from advertising hoardings, bearing no relationship to how we actually look.
This ultra-thin layer of foil eliminates the need for refrigeration and prevents spoilage without using preservatives.
The ultra-thin shape of the panels will allow future TV set designers to create televisions with a total thickness of only 3cm or less.
Ultrathin superconducting wires can withstand stronger magnetic fields than larger wires made from the same material.
The system uses the ultrathin chips to store information electronically in a manner similar to that of an inked barcode label.
Ultrathin organic coatings offer a new way to slow the corrosion of steel.
The advantage of an ultra-thin flatscreen television is that it can stand right up against the wall, or even hang from it.