(c.311–c.381), bishop and translator. Believed to be of Cappadocian descent, he became bishop of the Visigoths in 341. His translation of the Bible from Greek into Gothic (of which fragments survive) is the earliest known translation of the Bible into a Germanic language. Ulfilas is traditionally held to have invented the Gothic alphabet, based on Latin and Greek characters.
乌尔斐拉斯(约公元311-381,主教和翻译家,据认是卡帕多西亚族后裔,公元341年成为西哥特人主教,将《圣经》希腊文版译成哥特文 有部分残存,是已知最早的《圣经》日耳曼文本,传说是乌尔斐拉斯根据拉丁和希腊字母创立了哥特文字母)