

单词 stain

Definition of stain in English:


verb steɪnsteɪn
[with object]
  • 1Mark or discolour with something that is not easily removed.

    her clothing was stained with blood


    no object red powder paint can stain


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The tables had a ravaged look - platters almost empty and puddled with brownish juices, serving spoons staining the linens, parsley sprigs limp and bedraggled.
    • Thank you for making me laugh by saying I looked like a monster after the charcoal stained my teeth black.
    • Or you might stain light-colored paper with tea, coffee or crepe paper.
    • My parents gave me a small dog which I love dearly, but she has caused havoc by urinating on the lawn, staining it yellow.
    • The act of crushing leaves or flowers with a hammer releases pigments that stain fabric.
    • The ceiling's decorations were heavily stained with smoke while most of the flooring was broken.
    • An ugly gash ran up her left leg and blood had stained the carpet.
    • If you wait, it may be too late to safely remove the spot without staining or discoloring the fabric.
    • Iced tea is a light brown shade and will stain the white cloth covering the table just like the cranberries.
    • if you stain that there'll be serious consequences.
    • The carpet was white at one time, but smoke and time had stained it yellow.
    • And then there was the dishevelled-looking crooked old man in a dirty stained raincoat and muddy boots.
    • He remembered seeing his mother sewing the flag; he remembered how she had cried, how her tears had stained the fabric.
    • Known in ancient Greece, this plant was also called ‘sallow thorn’ because the berries can stain the skin yellow.
    • For young women, and young men, chewing sepa, and having stained teeth, is considered old fashioned and unattractive.
    • Many of the flats above are boarded up, the railings at the front and the side of the properties have rusted and the concrete blocks are stained and marked with graffiti.
    • The most prominently stained sites are marked with triangles and numbered from distal to proximal to serve as landmarks.
    • Her smile reveals the solitary stained tooth giving character to her mouth, possibly confirming the witch theory to the cynical.
    • I couldn't help but notice his teeth were stained a faint yellow, probably from consumption of too many cigars.
    • I could remember him talking about how coffee can stain a person's teeth yellow and how he felt like he was too young to have yellow stained teeth.
    discolour, blemish, soil, mark, muddy, spot, spatter, splatter, smear, splash, smudge, blotch, blacken
    dirty, get/make dirty, get/make filthy, sully, spoil, defile, pollute, contaminate, foul, befoul, grime, begrime
    literary besmirch
    1. 1.1no object Be marked or be liable to be marked with a stain.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The writer goes on to describe granite as a ‘porous stone, meaning it can be easily stained.’
      • Slabs need to be sealed to prevent staining and moss growth.
      • Handwritten on scraps of paper, crumpled and often stained, they may be hard to decipher at times.
      • There it comes sliding down the luggage ramp: flattened, tattered, stained, wonderfully unappealing.
      • Soft contact lenses and clothing may be permanently stained.
      • I got out the pages of my calculations, by now curling and stained.
      • You can wash it with a garden house, it doesn't mildew, it doesn't stain, it looks good, it has great acoustics.
      • The stucco is chipped and stained and peeling off like sunburned skin; the lawn expired months ago.
      • Little Sye was sitting on the grass, her dress stained and dirty.
      • There were no carpets on the floors which, uncovered, had become stained and dirty.
      • He had came back, light-hearted and happy, but muddy and grass stained.
      • Is the cotton plug or filler in the bottle torn, sticky, or stained, or does it appear to have been taken out and put back?
      • More than half of the bed frames were dusty or stained.
      • Their fingers are stained and their teeth are yellow and their breath smells of smoke, and still, I don't say a thing.
      • With the lapse of time, they would become stained and have plants growing in the gaps resulting from the acceptably uneven surface of the blocks.
      • The greasy water did put out the fire, but the dress was burnt, torn and stained.
      • Grouting can also stain - specialist grout cleaners are available from DIY shops or Relics of Witney.
      • The mattresses are very old and stained, and are often wrapped in plastic so the children don't get even sicker from being in contact with the dirty mattresses.
      • His Academy uniform is as stiff and properly worn as any I've seen, but the material is stained and patched.
      • Luckily, it was a dark red shirt, so hopefully even if it stains, it won't be visible.
    2. 1.2 Damage or bring disgrace to (the reputation or image of someone or something)
      the awful events would unfairly stain the city's reputation


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Miscarriages of justice stained the reputation of the service.
      • We ask you not to allow the despicable act of one person to stain the reputation of an entire community of good, hard-working people.
      • Indeed, he moaned so constantly during the journey, sitting as he was on a rusty stool, so as to permanently stain his reputation as a man.
      • You were betrayed by my country and my country is stained by your blood.
      • We are used to reading court reports in which the identity of minor offenders is concealed so that their characters are not irretrievably stained.
      • As such it wants to ensure that firms do nothing to stain their reputation when they ship jobs overseas.
      • They didn't want the actions of a few to stain the reputations of many.
      • John Chivington's reputation was irrevocably stained by the attack on Sand Creek.
      • At a minimum, I believe that the Court's inexcusable ruling will severely stain its reputation for years to come, perhaps decades.
      • Thou hast wronged me deeply and it stains thy honour.
      • And the bankruptcy black mark stains your credit history for 10 years.
      • His reputation is stained with recklessness and disorder.
      • And not only are we ignoring world opinion, we have stained our national reputation by throwing around lies.
      • In seeking a third term, he's breaking a two-term limit pledge, which has stained his image as a populist man of principle.
      • Thinking back over Freddy's past attacks, I felt dirty and stained.
      • Have his actions stained the national honour?
      • A woman who dared defy this tradition was despised by her family for staining the reputation of her in-laws.
      damage, injure, harm, sully, soil, blacken, tarnish, taint, besmirch, blemish, defile, blot, smear, bring discredit to, dishonour, drag through the mud
  • 2Colour (a material or object) by applying a penetrative dye or chemical.


    wood can always be stained to a darker shade


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Repeat until the entire deck is stained with two coats.
    • The paintings are also stained here and there with pale, translucent washes of chromatic dye.
    • Personally, I like to grow them in simple, inexpensive half-barrels stained darkest matt green.
    • Slides were stained with hematoxylin/eosin or propidium iodide.
    • To achieve this, she made the built-in desk and shelves look as much like furniture as possible, using molding at the top of the cabinets and staining the natural wood.
    • A root sample was stained with trypan blue for the determination of root colonization by G. intraradices, following the method described previously.
    • The specimens were fixed in formalin, and paraffin sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and saffron.
    • Osmium tetroxide is used by scientists to stain materials and as a catalyst to speed up chemical reactions.
    • Among the structures found in the developing limb, the patterning of the cartilage has been the best studied, as this can be stained and seen easily in whole mounts of the embryonic limb.
    • None of the wood is stained, and some trees even retain their bark.
    • The wood trim throughout the home had previously been stained almost black.
    • After electrophoresis, the agarose gels were stained with ethidium bromide and visualized by ultraviolet light.
    • It was on paper stained by one of their chemicals to simulate antique parchment.
    • Colonies were stained with iodine vapors and photographed.
    • You can fill in nail holes with wood putty/dough before sanding if you are not planning to stain the wood.
    • Prime and paint or stain the new boards to match the rest of the house.
    • For instance, one sizable jar contained conjoined twin lambs, their wool stained orange by the medium in which they were immersed.
    • Thin sections were placed on the grids for electron microscopy and stained with lead citrate.
    • This stuff will stain wood among other things and is bad for your lungs.
    • Weeds must be controlled, and the use of chemicals may stain the material.
    colour, tint, dye, tinge, shade, pigment
    varnish, paint, colour-wash
noun steɪnsteɪn
  • 1A coloured patch or dirty mark that is difficult to remove.


    there were mud stains on my shoes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This gel will remove most stubborn stains and is excellent for removing grease from carpets and for washing greasy clothes.
    • If the shirt has cycled through the dryer, the stain may be more difficult to remove.
    • Anna was dressed in a dirty nightgown with mud stains on her.
    • Once the cup is entirely clean (including those hard to remove tea stains on the bottom of the cup) rinse it in hot water.
    • Cut lilies should be handled with care: the pollen on the stamens easily rubs off onto clothes leaving a stain that's difficult to remove.
    • Tooth-whitening toothpastes can remove some stains and help keep your teeth clean in the short term.
    • Most stains will come out in the wash, or with the added help of a pre-wash stain remover.
    • Wash all removable shelves and bins, letting them soak in the sink to remove tough stains.
    • Then when I tried to spit on my fingers and clean the stains they become dirty mud stains.
    • Did you know that you could use white toothpaste to remove green ice pop stains from your kitchen counter?
    • Darker shoes are also less likely to look dirty simply because stains won't show as much.
    • Remove streaks or heat stains from stainless steel by rubbing with club soda.
    • Yet, experts also warned that because such detergents are better at removing dirt and stains, they retain a certain market share throughout the country.
    • The longer you wait the harder stains are to remove.
    • Tear stains marked my T-shirt and my nose was sore from sniffing so much.
    • To remove mildew stains from Venetian blinds, mix together some fine emery powder and linseed oil.
    • Trouble is it's so hot it's difficult to remove those stubborn stains.
    • I spent a very pleasant weekend removing the stains from a few linen napkins, and then researching the care of antique linen.
    • He was wearing a long, dowdy beige jacket, the edges of which were marked with mud and grass stains.
    • White wine vinegar can bring sparkle to windows, lemon juice and warm water is a great alternative to bleach and baking soda can remove stains from carpets as well as dissolve dirt and grease.
    mark, spot, spatter, splatter, blotch, blemish, smudge, smear
    dirt, foxing
    1. 1.1 A thing that damages or brings disgrace to someone or something's reputation.
      he regarded his time in gaol as a stain on his character


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is nothing in us that can remove the self-inflicted stain and blemish on that image.
      • I think it's a stain on his integrity, but an understandable one.
      • That does not remove the stain from the District Court record.
      • Yet court after court had declared his innocence and removed the stain from his character like mud from his boots.
      • Once one's credibility has been tarnished, it is difficult to remove the stain.
      • If he resigns now, his exit would leave a stain on his entire career.
      • It's their responsibility to verify that I'm not a shoplifter, and am free to go about the rest of my life without a stain on my character.
      • The character of Tess up to her last downfall… is consistent enough, and we do not object to the defiant blazon of a Pure Woman, notwithstanding the early stain.
      • In return, the stain of dishonor he's brought to his clan will be cleansed.
      • It is a story of savage in-fighting which has left a bloody stain on the club's reputation.
      • That it is largely ignored is a stain on the reputation of those who would have us believe they have the good of the theatre at heart.
      • John Leslie was left ‘without a stain on his character’, according to the judge, but many newspapers disagreed.
      • It was a ruthless bid for mainstream success, yet he emerged without a stain on his avant-garde credentials.
      • They were just outraged, because it was such a stain on them, as well.
      • The prosecution and judge both said he left court ‘without a stain on his character’.
      • In your final paragraph you suggest that the underclass is a stain on our society, which suggests we somehow create it.
      • The slave trade was a horrible stain on our country's history, but we need to move on in order for us to achieve.
      • Fully 18 months after being suspended from duty they can go back to work without a stain on their reputations.
      • Religious exercises could not affect the social stain of dishonor.
      • He was freed on condition he returned to face the courts again, which he did last week to hear the judge quash the original verdict and release him without a stain on his character.
      blemish, injury, taint, blot, blot on one's escutcheon, slur, smear, discredit, dishonour, stigma
  • 2A penetrative dye or chemical used in colouring a material or object.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They cut borders and pattern lines into the surface to separate different applications of colored chemical stains.
    • The glue seals the wood so it will not accept stain or coloring to the same degree as the surrounding area does.
    • The owners painted the ceiling off-white and applied a stain to the rustic beams to make them look like driftwood.
    • And remember, treat oily or waxy stains first, then treat protein, tannin and dye stains.
    • Chemical stains and polymer toppings are now being distributed through construction supply houses.
    • The wood grain, visible through the stain, becomes almost calligraphic.
    • They will take chemical stains differently, too, if that's what you intend to use.
    • Allen reports that his company sometimes uses chemical stains to add final colors.
    • Advise the students of safety issues and of the possibility of chemical stains.
    • Penetrating stains or preservative treatments are preferred for rough sawn lumber.
    • If your home is enhanced with natural woodwork, you may also want to consider the chemical content of the stains and waxes you use on it.
    • As in the case of sandblast stenciling, chemical stains can be applied before or after stencils are placed.
    • These stains penetrate the wood surface, are porous, and do not form a surface film like paint.
    • Also, when slabs won't accept chemical stains, they can be sprayed with white Spray Top and then successfully be stained.
    • Many of the commonly used stains and stain combinations are represented in this atlas.
    • A varnish stain or polyurethane in clear or tinted is another choice for redwood, cypress and cedar.
    • Now several companies are providing training for stamped concrete, polymer overlays, and chemical stains.
    • If finish is thus worn, then perhaps blotting food coloring with chlorine bleach will lift the dye stain.
    • On the inside walls and floor, make sure to avoid wood treated with stains or chemicals that could harm hatchlings.
    • He then highlighted the existing color with chemical stains.
    tint, colour, dye, tinge, shade, pigment, colourant
    varnish, paint, colour wash
    1. 2.1Biology A special dye used to colour organic tissue so as to make the structure visible for microscopic examination.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mucicarmine, Alcian blue, elastic, and trichrome stains were used selectively to help define morphology.
      • Elastic trichrome and trichrome stains of the liver tissue failed to show evidence of fibrosis.
      • Additional tissue sections and other histochemical stains were evaluated in individual cases as necessary.
      • A mucicarmine stain of the tissue was focally positive, but no capsular material was identified surrounding the organisms.
      • A cytospin slide was also stained with a Papanicolaou stain and examined in cytology.
    2. 2.2Heraldry Any of the minor colours used in blazoning and liveries, especially tenné and sanguine.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Next among the colours of heraldry are the three stains: tenné, murrey (supposedly a colour associated with mulberries) and sanguine (or blood colour).
      • Also, the abatements, which, were they in metals or colors, were rare but otherwise not unusual charges, were tinctured in the two stains: sanguine, better known as wine-color or murrey, and tenne or orange.


  • stainable

  • adjective
    • He noticed that some material scattered throughout the nucleus heavily absorbed the dye and coined the word chromatin to describe this dark, stainable substance.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tiny vessels smaller than 6 m diameter without clearly visible and stainable cell wall thickenings were neglected.
      • During cell division, the stainable, inactive DNA appears in the form of threads or rods called chromosomes.
      • The diameter of about 83% of the stainable pollen grains ranged between 110 and 140 m; 5% had a smaller diameter and 12% a larger diameter.
      • They are known as argentaffin cells, because they are selectively stainable with silver salts.
  • stainer

  • noun ˈsteɪnəˈsteɪnər
    • Although water-based sealers and stainers are environmentally friendly, they do not apply well to wood.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A nation of snackers has become a nation of stainers.
      • Boucher grew up near the Hotel de Ville in Paris, in the Rue de Verrerie, which was, as its name suggests, a street inhabited mostly by stainers and other workers in glass.
      • However, because some automated stainers operate in a batch mode, it may not be possible to vary incubation times.
      • It is certainly our experience that the use of an automated stainer increases the reproducibility and reliability of a wide variety of immunohistochemical stains.


Late Middle English (as a verb): shortening of archaic distain, from Old French desteindre 'tinge with a colour different from the natural one'. The noun was first recorded (mid 16th century) in the sense 'defilement, disgrace'.

  • tincture from Late Middle English:

    A tincture was originally a dye or pigment. It comes from Latin tinctura ‘dyeing’, from tingere ‘to dye or colour’. Because dying involves making solutions and extracting active ingredients, it started to be used for a pharmaceutical extract in the late 17th century. The slang sense for ‘an alcoholic drink’ evolved from this in the early 20th century. A number of other words go back to tingere. Tint (early 18th century) was originally tinct, and tinge (late 15th century) comes from the related verb tingere, ‘to colour’. Stain (Late Middle English) goes back to tingere via a shortening of distain, from Old French desteindre ‘tinge with a colour different from the natural one’.


abstain, appertain, arcane, arraign, ascertain, attain, Bahrain, bane, blain, brain, Braine, Cain, Caine, campaign, cane, cinquain, chain, champagne, champaign, Champlain, Charmaine, chicane, chow mein, cocaine, Coleraine, Coltrane, complain, constrain, contain, crane, Dane, deign, demesne, demi-mondaine, detain, disdain, domain, domaine, drain, Duane, Dwane, Elaine, entertain, entrain, explain, fain, fane, feign, gain, Germaine, germane, grain, humane, Hussein, inane, Jain, Jane, Jermaine, Kane, La Fontaine, lain, lane, legerdemain, Lorraine, main, Maine, maintain, mane, mise en scène, Montaigne, moraine, mundane, obtain, ordain, Paine, pane, pertain, plain, plane, Port-of-Spain, profane, rain, Raine, refrain, reign, rein, retain, romaine, sane, Seine, Shane, Sinn Fein, skein, slain, Spain, Spillane, sprain, strain, sustain, swain, terrain, thane, train, twain, Ujjain, Ukraine, underlain, urbane, vain, vane, vein, Verlaine, vicereine, wain, wane, Wayne

Definition of stain in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Mark (something) with colored patches or dirty marks that are not easily removed.


    her clothing was stained with blood


    no object red ink can stain
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Iced tea is a light brown shade and will stain the white cloth covering the table just like the cranberries.
    • An ugly gash ran up her left leg and blood had stained the carpet.
    • The most prominently stained sites are marked with triangles and numbered from distal to proximal to serve as landmarks.
    • The ceiling's decorations were heavily stained with smoke while most of the flooring was broken.
    • My parents gave me a small dog which I love dearly, but she has caused havoc by urinating on the lawn, staining it yellow.
    • The carpet was white at one time, but smoke and time had stained it yellow.
    • Known in ancient Greece, this plant was also called ‘sallow thorn’ because the berries can stain the skin yellow.
    • And then there was the dishevelled-looking crooked old man in a dirty stained raincoat and muddy boots.
    • The tables had a ravaged look - platters almost empty and puddled with brownish juices, serving spoons staining the linens, parsley sprigs limp and bedraggled.
    • Her smile reveals the solitary stained tooth giving character to her mouth, possibly confirming the witch theory to the cynical.
    • if you stain that there'll be serious consequences.
    • I couldn't help but notice his teeth were stained a faint yellow, probably from consumption of too many cigars.
    • Thank you for making me laugh by saying I looked like a monster after the charcoal stained my teeth black.
    • Many of the flats above are boarded up, the railings at the front and the side of the properties have rusted and the concrete blocks are stained and marked with graffiti.
    • The act of crushing leaves or flowers with a hammer releases pigments that stain fabric.
    • If you wait, it may be too late to safely remove the spot without staining or discoloring the fabric.
    • For young women, and young men, chewing sepa, and having stained teeth, is considered old fashioned and unattractive.
    • I could remember him talking about how coffee can stain a person's teeth yellow and how he felt like he was too young to have yellow stained teeth.
    • He remembered seeing his mother sewing the flag; he remembered how she had cried, how her tears had stained the fabric.
    • Or you might stain light-colored paper with tea, coffee or crepe paper.
    discolour, blemish, soil, mark, muddy, spot, spatter, splatter, smear, splash, smudge, blotch, blacken
    1. 1.1no object Be marked or be liable to be marked with a stain.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The mattresses are very old and stained, and are often wrapped in plastic so the children don't get even sicker from being in contact with the dirty mattresses.
      • Is the cotton plug or filler in the bottle torn, sticky, or stained, or does it appear to have been taken out and put back?
      • More than half of the bed frames were dusty or stained.
      • Soft contact lenses and clothing may be permanently stained.
      • The writer goes on to describe granite as a ‘porous stone, meaning it can be easily stained.’
      • Slabs need to be sealed to prevent staining and moss growth.
      • Luckily, it was a dark red shirt, so hopefully even if it stains, it won't be visible.
      • The greasy water did put out the fire, but the dress was burnt, torn and stained.
      • There it comes sliding down the luggage ramp: flattened, tattered, stained, wonderfully unappealing.
      • I got out the pages of my calculations, by now curling and stained.
      • There were no carpets on the floors which, uncovered, had become stained and dirty.
      • The stucco is chipped and stained and peeling off like sunburned skin; the lawn expired months ago.
      • With the lapse of time, they would become stained and have plants growing in the gaps resulting from the acceptably uneven surface of the blocks.
      • Their fingers are stained and their teeth are yellow and their breath smells of smoke, and still, I don't say a thing.
      • You can wash it with a garden house, it doesn't mildew, it doesn't stain, it looks good, it has great acoustics.
      • Little Sye was sitting on the grass, her dress stained and dirty.
      • He had came back, light-hearted and happy, but muddy and grass stained.
      • His Academy uniform is as stiff and properly worn as any I've seen, but the material is stained and patched.
      • Grouting can also stain - specialist grout cleaners are available from DIY shops or Relics of Witney.
      • Handwritten on scraps of paper, crumpled and often stained, they may be hard to decipher at times.
    2. 1.2 Damage or bring disgrace to (the reputation or image of someone or something)
      the awful events would unfairly stain the city's reputation


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His reputation is stained with recklessness and disorder.
      • Have his actions stained the national honour?
      • We ask you not to allow the despicable act of one person to stain the reputation of an entire community of good, hard-working people.
      • You were betrayed by my country and my country is stained by your blood.
      • As such it wants to ensure that firms do nothing to stain their reputation when they ship jobs overseas.
      • And the bankruptcy black mark stains your credit history for 10 years.
      • We are used to reading court reports in which the identity of minor offenders is concealed so that their characters are not irretrievably stained.
      • Indeed, he moaned so constantly during the journey, sitting as he was on a rusty stool, so as to permanently stain his reputation as a man.
      • And not only are we ignoring world opinion, we have stained our national reputation by throwing around lies.
      • A woman who dared defy this tradition was despised by her family for staining the reputation of her in-laws.
      • Miscarriages of justice stained the reputation of the service.
      • At a minimum, I believe that the Court's inexcusable ruling will severely stain its reputation for years to come, perhaps decades.
      • Thou hast wronged me deeply and it stains thy honour.
      • John Chivington's reputation was irrevocably stained by the attack on Sand Creek.
      • Thinking back over Freddy's past attacks, I felt dirty and stained.
      • In seeking a third term, he's breaking a two-term limit pledge, which has stained his image as a populist man of principle.
      • They didn't want the actions of a few to stain the reputations of many.
      damage, injure, harm, sully, soil, blacken, tarnish, taint, besmirch, blemish, defile, blot, smear, bring discredit to, dishonour, drag through the mud
  • 2Color (a material or object) by applying a penetrative dye or chemical.


    wood can always be stained to a darker shade


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The paintings are also stained here and there with pale, translucent washes of chromatic dye.
    • Personally, I like to grow them in simple, inexpensive half-barrels stained darkest matt green.
    • Thin sections were placed on the grids for electron microscopy and stained with lead citrate.
    • Colonies were stained with iodine vapors and photographed.
    • The specimens were fixed in formalin, and paraffin sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and saffron.
    • For instance, one sizable jar contained conjoined twin lambs, their wool stained orange by the medium in which they were immersed.
    • To achieve this, she made the built-in desk and shelves look as much like furniture as possible, using molding at the top of the cabinets and staining the natural wood.
    • Slides were stained with hematoxylin/eosin or propidium iodide.
    • Among the structures found in the developing limb, the patterning of the cartilage has been the best studied, as this can be stained and seen easily in whole mounts of the embryonic limb.
    • Weeds must be controlled, and the use of chemicals may stain the material.
    • This stuff will stain wood among other things and is bad for your lungs.
    • After electrophoresis, the agarose gels were stained with ethidium bromide and visualized by ultraviolet light.
    • Prime and paint or stain the new boards to match the rest of the house.
    • None of the wood is stained, and some trees even retain their bark.
    • Repeat until the entire deck is stained with two coats.
    • It was on paper stained by one of their chemicals to simulate antique parchment.
    • Osmium tetroxide is used by scientists to stain materials and as a catalyst to speed up chemical reactions.
    • You can fill in nail holes with wood putty/dough before sanding if you are not planning to stain the wood.
    • A root sample was stained with trypan blue for the determination of root colonization by G. intraradices, following the method described previously.
    • The wood trim throughout the home had previously been stained almost black.
    colour, tint, dye, tinge, shade, pigment
  • 1A colored patch or dirty mark that is difficult to remove.


    there were mud stains on my shoes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Most stains will come out in the wash, or with the added help of a pre-wash stain remover.
    • Cut lilies should be handled with care: the pollen on the stamens easily rubs off onto clothes leaving a stain that's difficult to remove.
    • Trouble is it's so hot it's difficult to remove those stubborn stains.
    • Once the cup is entirely clean (including those hard to remove tea stains on the bottom of the cup) rinse it in hot water.
    • White wine vinegar can bring sparkle to windows, lemon juice and warm water is a great alternative to bleach and baking soda can remove stains from carpets as well as dissolve dirt and grease.
    • Darker shoes are also less likely to look dirty simply because stains won't show as much.
    • Remove streaks or heat stains from stainless steel by rubbing with club soda.
    • If the shirt has cycled through the dryer, the stain may be more difficult to remove.
    • Yet, experts also warned that because such detergents are better at removing dirt and stains, they retain a certain market share throughout the country.
    • Then when I tried to spit on my fingers and clean the stains they become dirty mud stains.
    • Tooth-whitening toothpastes can remove some stains and help keep your teeth clean in the short term.
    • He was wearing a long, dowdy beige jacket, the edges of which were marked with mud and grass stains.
    • Did you know that you could use white toothpaste to remove green ice pop stains from your kitchen counter?
    • I spent a very pleasant weekend removing the stains from a few linen napkins, and then researching the care of antique linen.
    • The longer you wait the harder stains are to remove.
    • Anna was dressed in a dirty nightgown with mud stains on her.
    • This gel will remove most stubborn stains and is excellent for removing grease from carpets and for washing greasy clothes.
    • To remove mildew stains from Venetian blinds, mix together some fine emery powder and linseed oil.
    • Tear stains marked my T-shirt and my nose was sore from sniffing so much.
    • Wash all removable shelves and bins, letting them soak in the sink to remove tough stains.
    mark, spot, spatter, splatter, blotch, blemish, smudge, smear
    1. 1.1 A thing that damages or brings disgrace to someone or something's reputation.
      he regarded his time in jail as a stain on his character


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I think it's a stain on his integrity, but an understandable one.
      • Fully 18 months after being suspended from duty they can go back to work without a stain on their reputations.
      • It was a ruthless bid for mainstream success, yet he emerged without a stain on his avant-garde credentials.
      • In your final paragraph you suggest that the underclass is a stain on our society, which suggests we somehow create it.
      • Yet court after court had declared his innocence and removed the stain from his character like mud from his boots.
      • That does not remove the stain from the District Court record.
      • The prosecution and judge both said he left court ‘without a stain on his character’.
      • Religious exercises could not affect the social stain of dishonor.
      • There is nothing in us that can remove the self-inflicted stain and blemish on that image.
      • In return, the stain of dishonor he's brought to his clan will be cleansed.
      • They were just outraged, because it was such a stain on them, as well.
      • If he resigns now, his exit would leave a stain on his entire career.
      • It is a story of savage in-fighting which has left a bloody stain on the club's reputation.
      • The character of Tess up to her last downfall… is consistent enough, and we do not object to the defiant blazon of a Pure Woman, notwithstanding the early stain.
      • John Leslie was left ‘without a stain on his character’, according to the judge, but many newspapers disagreed.
      • Once one's credibility has been tarnished, it is difficult to remove the stain.
      • It's their responsibility to verify that I'm not a shoplifter, and am free to go about the rest of my life without a stain on my character.
      • He was freed on condition he returned to face the courts again, which he did last week to hear the judge quash the original verdict and release him without a stain on his character.
      • The slave trade was a horrible stain on our country's history, but we need to move on in order for us to achieve.
      • That it is largely ignored is a stain on the reputation of those who would have us believe they have the good of the theatre at heart.
      blemish, injury, taint, blot, blot on one's escutcheon, slur, smear, discredit, dishonour, stigma
  • 2A penetrative dye or chemical used in coloring a material or object.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Advise the students of safety issues and of the possibility of chemical stains.
    • The wood grain, visible through the stain, becomes almost calligraphic.
    • Now several companies are providing training for stamped concrete, polymer overlays, and chemical stains.
    • Penetrating stains or preservative treatments are preferred for rough sawn lumber.
    • The owners painted the ceiling off-white and applied a stain to the rustic beams to make them look like driftwood.
    • These stains penetrate the wood surface, are porous, and do not form a surface film like paint.
    • On the inside walls and floor, make sure to avoid wood treated with stains or chemicals that could harm hatchlings.
    • As in the case of sandblast stenciling, chemical stains can be applied before or after stencils are placed.
    • They cut borders and pattern lines into the surface to separate different applications of colored chemical stains.
    • They will take chemical stains differently, too, if that's what you intend to use.
    • He then highlighted the existing color with chemical stains.
    • Chemical stains and polymer toppings are now being distributed through construction supply houses.
    • If your home is enhanced with natural woodwork, you may also want to consider the chemical content of the stains and waxes you use on it.
    • Allen reports that his company sometimes uses chemical stains to add final colors.
    • Many of the commonly used stains and stain combinations are represented in this atlas.
    • And remember, treat oily or waxy stains first, then treat protein, tannin and dye stains.
    • A varnish stain or polyurethane in clear or tinted is another choice for redwood, cypress and cedar.
    • Also, when slabs won't accept chemical stains, they can be sprayed with white Spray Top and then successfully be stained.
    • The glue seals the wood so it will not accept stain or coloring to the same degree as the surrounding area does.
    • If finish is thus worn, then perhaps blotting food coloring with chlorine bleach will lift the dye stain.
    tint, colour, dye, tinge, shade, pigment, colourant
    1. 2.1Biology A special dye used to color organic tissue so as to make the structure visible for microscopic examination.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A cytospin slide was also stained with a Papanicolaou stain and examined in cytology.
      • A mucicarmine stain of the tissue was focally positive, but no capsular material was identified surrounding the organisms.
      • Elastic trichrome and trichrome stains of the liver tissue failed to show evidence of fibrosis.
      • Additional tissue sections and other histochemical stains were evaluated in individual cases as necessary.
      • Mucicarmine, Alcian blue, elastic, and trichrome stains were used selectively to help define morphology.
    2. 2.2Heraldry Any of the minor colors used in blazoning and liveries, especially tenné and sanguine.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Next among the colours of heraldry are the three stains: tenné, murrey (supposedly a colour associated with mulberries) and sanguine (or blood colour).
      • Also, the abatements, which, were they in metals or colors, were rare but otherwise not unusual charges, were tinctured in the two stains: sanguine, better known as wine-color or murrey, and tenne or orange.


Late Middle English (as a verb): shortening of archaic distain, from Old French desteindre ‘tinge with a color different from the natural one’. The noun was first recorded (mid 16th century) in the sense ‘defilement, disgrace’.





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