

单词 typical

Definition of typical in English:


adjective ˈtɪpɪk(ə)lˈtɪpɪk(ə)l
  • 1Having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing.


    a typical day


    a typical example of 1930s art deco


    typical symptoms


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Unfortunately, this is hardly a typical example of the quality available in pubs.
    • The symptoms of bird flu in people vary from typical flu symptoms to eye infections and pneumonia.
    • Symptoms have ranged from conjunctivitis to typical flu-like symptoms.
    • The diagnosis of MI was based on typical clinical symptoms, ECG changes and enzyme elevations.
    • Eliecer and his family are an example of a typical Columbian coffee family.
    • Other typical symptoms include muscle pain and aching on minimal exercise, as well as mood and sleep disturbance.
    • The most typical examples were the realignment of candidacy lists in Kowloon East and Kowloon West.
    • He has quality, is a typical modern player and has great technical ability.
    • Debt experts have claimed she is a typical example of people who have been caught out by the boom in easy credit.
    • What is remarkable about those four, pretty typical examples is that they were all spoken in one day in late April.
    • The development of industrial zones is a typical example of how the the national resources have been misused.
    • So what we have is just a typical example of a publisher claiming credit for something he had nothing to do with.
    • In case you are not a regular browser of the business section of your local bookstore, let me describe a typical example of the genre.
    • It is a typical example of the absurdly piecemeal nature of road planning in Britain since the dawn of the mass motoring area.
    • So it is important to be attentive to typical symptoms such as sudden dizziness or headaches.
    • This is a typical example of arthritic degeneration of the lower cervical, mid thoracic and the lumbar regions of the spine.
    • One recent government decision is a typical example of ideological nonsense.
    • Since he did not develop the typical symptoms, he thought the test might have been a false positive.
    • Your spurious example of a woman with friends in Switzerland is a typical example of muddying the waters.
    • The situation in Hull is a typical example of why the Government announced earlier this week a major crackdown on truancy.
    representative, classic, quintessential, archetypal, model, prototypical, stereotypical
    distinctive, distinguishing, particular
    normal, average, ordinary, standard, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, stock, orthodox, conventional, predictable, unsurprising, unremarkable, unexceptional
    informal bog-standard
    1. 1.1 Characteristic of a particular person or thing.
      he brushed the incident aside with typical good humour


      how typical of Iris to think of such a detail
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sociodemographic characteristics were typical of patients seen at this hospital.
      • His character is formed by a sense of honour and duty typical of the baroque hero.
      • It was cold as hell out, which is typical for Minnesota in January.
      • The Senators' last game, in all too typical fashion, had ended in a loss.
      • That would be typical of the politically correct party that he represents.
      • Connor goes into battle armed with some cool weaponry, which is pretty typical sci-fi fare.
      • In his typical ad hominem fashion, Jarvis attacks Levy for being a white male.
      • This variation in the supposed identity of principal characters is typical of mythology.
      • The organisation of this festival of fun in the middle of winter is typical of the resilient people of Blackball.
      • While that sounds like typical movie fare, remember whom the actor is that plays Pete.
      • The Topography of Terror catalogue is typical of the well-paid neglect seen in the memorial as a whole.
      • We both stood up, and in his most typical fashion, Major Lee gave me a hearty salute.
      • In typical Top Model form, the answer to this is to badger and bully the girl to toeing the line.
      • I was, however, expecting your typical romantic chick flick with a happy ending.
      • Victor's son Philip said his father showed typical modesty when accepting the award.
      • EMC may well have offered sweet deals to the few affected customers but that type of behavior is typical of a large vendor.
      • Her rose-colored view of the Castro regime is typical of a particular social milieu.
      • So typical of these yokels to make such a tasteless error of judgment.
      • The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack is pretty typical comedy fare, mainly focusing on the front soundstage.
      • On the floor of the wreck are the usual bits of debris, typical of the general litter found around a boiler-room.
      characteristic, in character, in keeping, to be expected, usual, normal, par for the course, predictable, true to form, true to type
      customary, habitual
      informal … all over
    2. 1.2informal Showing the characteristics expected of or popularly associated with a particular person or thing.
      you really are a typical journalist
      Example sentencesExamples
      • That's typical of Irish folks' ability to turn a plain sentence or phrase into poetry, song or satire.
      • You may already have several ideas about typical British food, but the most popular dish in Britain is curry!
      • Not what you would expect of chips from your typical Chinese outlet.
      • In typical British tradition, the stands around the ground are uncovered and at the mercy of the sun.
      • He spoke in an unfeasibly low voice, with the lyrical and laconic speech so typical of the Jamaicans.
      • Typical of the breed was Sawyer, who spent four years at Strathclyde in the 1980s.
  • 2Representative as a symbol; symbolic.


    the pit is typical of hell


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It expects the typical customer to have an income of half the national average.
    • The typical soldier of Victorian popular fiction and poetry, Tommy Atkins, had yet to be invented by Kipling.
    • The company is looking for products which will be popular with the typical European housewife rather than tourists.
    • Our headcount has more than trebled since; and the typical Indian can now expect to live twice as long.
    • Our typical farmer cooperative today is built upon a model that uses debt to finance itself.
    • The typical model of the family is the nuclear family consisting of two parents and their children.


  • typicality

  • nountɪpɪˈkalɪti
    • Ethnographies that highlight the historicity, lack of typicality, and internal tensions make generalizations across or among divergent cases quite difficult.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But it's a story about specific people, and only a half-wit ever reads a story and assumes any character is a typicality, unless it's a type of character they've never come across before.
      • Analyses of goddess worship argue for the typicality of such phenomena, and their status as emblematic and fundamentally sustaining of the nation.
      • To wine-makers, however, wine faults are specific departures from an acceptable norm, the least quantifiable of which may be a lack of typicality.
      • The present findings constitute strong evidence that, for participants with significant experience of a category, typicality is driven more by ideals than by centrality.
      • I cannot therefore present a broad set of types of peasantry as I did for aristocracies, for the problems of typicality are that much greater.
      • If a participant was unfamiliar with a fish, he did not give it a typicality rating.
      • Like all regional historians Bruegel must deal with local particularities and the problem of typicality.
      • We also consider centrality in the scientific taxonomy and four other possible predictors of a fish's typicality: desirability, familiarity to participants, size, and habitat.
      • Since when has typicality been a criterion of historical accuracy?
      • Lincoln was to become a hero in the myth that grew out of the times - a most unlikely result to many of his contemporaries who could see only his ordinariness and typicality.
      • Alternative actions are queued according to typicality.
      • Shetland has a small population, but this has not distorted the typicality of the figures.
      • Although some reference will be made to other railway companies, typicality is always a problem where reliance is placed on one specific example or locality.
      • Participants were interviewed individually and asked to complete three tasks, in this order: the familiarity task just described, a hierarchical sorting task, and a typicality rating task.
      • When desirability scores for the three trout are set to .40, the correlation between typicality and desirability goes up to .86.
      • You are raising a question really about typicality.
      • But when I try to make my language more particular, I see that the life of this place is always emerging beyond expectation or prediction or typicality, that it is unique, given to the world minute by minute, only once, never to be repeated.
      • It is a mark of the novel's broad, objective narrativity that while the narrator enumerates the story's representative features, the characters themselves have little sense of their typicality.
      • While the essays are finely crafted, and held together by a common theme, at no time is the issue of typicality addressed.


Early 17th century: from medieval Latin typicalis, via Latin from Greek tupikos, from tupos (see type).


atypical, prototypical, stereotypical

Definition of typical in US English:


  • 1Having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing.


    a typical day


    a typical example of 1930s art deco


    typical symptoms


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Unfortunately, this is hardly a typical example of the quality available in pubs.
    • He has quality, is a typical modern player and has great technical ability.
    • This is a typical example of arthritic degeneration of the lower cervical, mid thoracic and the lumbar regions of the spine.
    • In case you are not a regular browser of the business section of your local bookstore, let me describe a typical example of the genre.
    • The situation in Hull is a typical example of why the Government announced earlier this week a major crackdown on truancy.
    • What is remarkable about those four, pretty typical examples is that they were all spoken in one day in late April.
    • The development of industrial zones is a typical example of how the the national resources have been misused.
    • Your spurious example of a woman with friends in Switzerland is a typical example of muddying the waters.
    • The most typical examples were the realignment of candidacy lists in Kowloon East and Kowloon West.
    • Since he did not develop the typical symptoms, he thought the test might have been a false positive.
    • The diagnosis of MI was based on typical clinical symptoms, ECG changes and enzyme elevations.
    • Other typical symptoms include muscle pain and aching on minimal exercise, as well as mood and sleep disturbance.
    • So what we have is just a typical example of a publisher claiming credit for something he had nothing to do with.
    • So it is important to be attentive to typical symptoms such as sudden dizziness or headaches.
    • The symptoms of bird flu in people vary from typical flu symptoms to eye infections and pneumonia.
    • It is a typical example of the absurdly piecemeal nature of road planning in Britain since the dawn of the mass motoring area.
    • One recent government decision is a typical example of ideological nonsense.
    • Debt experts have claimed she is a typical example of people who have been caught out by the boom in easy credit.
    • Eliecer and his family are an example of a typical Columbian coffee family.
    • Symptoms have ranged from conjunctivitis to typical flu-like symptoms.
    representative, classic, quintessential, archetypal, model, prototypical, stereotypical
    normal, average, ordinary, standard, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, stock, orthodox, conventional, predictable, unsurprising, unremarkable, unexceptional
    1. 1.1 Characteristic of a particular person or thing.
      he brushed the incident aside with typical good humor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We both stood up, and in his most typical fashion, Major Lee gave me a hearty salute.
      • The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack is pretty typical comedy fare, mainly focusing on the front soundstage.
      • EMC may well have offered sweet deals to the few affected customers but that type of behavior is typical of a large vendor.
      • The Topography of Terror catalogue is typical of the well-paid neglect seen in the memorial as a whole.
      • Her rose-colored view of the Castro regime is typical of a particular social milieu.
      • While that sounds like typical movie fare, remember whom the actor is that plays Pete.
      • Connor goes into battle armed with some cool weaponry, which is pretty typical sci-fi fare.
      • So typical of these yokels to make such a tasteless error of judgment.
      • It was cold as hell out, which is typical for Minnesota in January.
      • On the floor of the wreck are the usual bits of debris, typical of the general litter found around a boiler-room.
      • Victor's son Philip said his father showed typical modesty when accepting the award.
      • The Senators' last game, in all too typical fashion, had ended in a loss.
      • That would be typical of the politically correct party that he represents.
      • This variation in the supposed identity of principal characters is typical of mythology.
      • I was, however, expecting your typical romantic chick flick with a happy ending.
      • In typical Top Model form, the answer to this is to badger and bully the girl to toeing the line.
      • The sociodemographic characteristics were typical of patients seen at this hospital.
      • In his typical ad hominem fashion, Jarvis attacks Levy for being a white male.
      • The organisation of this festival of fun in the middle of winter is typical of the resilient people of Blackball.
      • His character is formed by a sense of honour and duty typical of the baroque hero.
      characteristic, in character, in keeping, to be expected, usual, normal, par for the course, predictable, true to form, true to type
    2. 1.2informal Showing the characteristics expected of or popularly associated with a particular person, situation, or thing.
      you really are a typical journalist
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Typical of the breed was Sawyer, who spent four years at Strathclyde in the 1980s.
      • In typical British tradition, the stands around the ground are uncovered and at the mercy of the sun.
      • That's typical of Irish folks' ability to turn a plain sentence or phrase into poetry, song or satire.
      • He spoke in an unfeasibly low voice, with the lyrical and laconic speech so typical of the Jamaicans.
      • Not what you would expect of chips from your typical Chinese outlet.
      • You may already have several ideas about typical British food, but the most popular dish in Britain is curry!
    3. 1.3 Representative as a symbol; symbolic.
      the pit is typical of hell


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Our typical farmer cooperative today is built upon a model that uses debt to finance itself.
      • The typical soldier of Victorian popular fiction and poetry, Tommy Atkins, had yet to be invented by Kipling.
      • The typical model of the family is the nuclear family consisting of two parents and their children.
      • Our headcount has more than trebled since; and the typical Indian can now expect to live twice as long.
      • It expects the typical customer to have an income of half the national average.
      • The company is looking for products which will be popular with the typical European housewife rather than tourists.


Early 17th century: from medieval Latin typicalis, via Latin from Greek tupikos, from tupos (see type).





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