

单词 squire

Definition of squire in English:


noun skwʌɪəˈskwaɪ(ə)r
  • 1A man of high social standing who owns and lives on an estate in a rural area, especially the chief landowner in such an area.


    the squire of Radbourne Hall


    as title Squire Trelawny


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The trustworthy parson and the trustworthy squire are the twin pillars of rural life.
    • Black portrays Roosevelt as a patrician country squire who harbored a strong social conscience and a prejudice against the new industrial rich.
    • Nevertheless, he was wealthy enough to build Vaucluse House, still one of the best Georgian buildings in the country, and live there, as he said, like a squire at home.
    • In the past, stag hunting had been the preserve of the aristocracy and small-scale hare and fox hunting that of the country squires.
    • We know that he was born into a family of high standing in France and he describes himself as a squire, certainly suggesting that his family were wealthy landowners.
    • Ordinary gentlewomen, daughters not of lords, but of local knights and squires, showed moreover the same sort of awareness of the dignity of their blood and arms as did great ladies like Dervorguilla of Galloway.
    • The old 16 th-century Welsh squire - and crook - Sir John Wynn loved his ancestry.
    • There was also a small English rising in Northumberland, supported mostly by catholic and high Anglican squires who were bankrupt.
    • The story, told by the aged steward Thady M'Quirk, serves as the fictionalized memoir of his service of four successive squires on a remote Irish estate over a period of eighty years.
    • A Grade II-listed former windmill, the Round House was built in 1790 by local squire Earl Bathurst, who later became lord chancellor, and was used as a windmill until the early 1830s.
    • The squire, Sir John Boileau, and the vicar, the Reverend Mr Andrew, were both highly literate men who didn't get on - and both kept diaries, largely about each other.
    • Deference to the squire and the parson was often a façade, masking constant challenges to authority by poaching and more explicit threats of rick-burning.
    • Her father Sir Reginald Sheffield 8th Baronet, squire of Normanby Park, Lincolnshire, was appointed a deputy lieutenant for what was then Humberside in 1985.
    • Scott, by contrast, is very much the country squire, down in town from his home in the Borders.
    • Francis Edgeworth was the first of a line of four squires who lived at Cranalagh, two miles north of Mastrim, until Frank, the fourth, built his new house at what became Edgeworthstown.
    • The squires were talking earlier and it sounds like the Duke has set up a large bath house for the contestants and their parties off of the north field.
    • Striding out with his faithful hound at his heels, he would be the picture of the country squire were it not for his somewhat bizarre attire - cut-off shorts, a sleeveless T - shirt and a sailor's cap.
    • Especially over-optimistic were those landowners who, envying the political rights and responsibilities of the English squire, sought to popularize in Russia the ideas of British liberalism.
    • He has long yearned the quiet life of a country squire in a little Cornish style farm in Sussex where he could raise bees.
    • The rise of chamber knights and squires was a general phenomenon of the fourteenth century, and was not confined to the well-known court of Richard II.
    landowner, landholder, landlord, lord of the manor, country gentleman
    1. 1.1British informal Used by a man as a friendly or humorous form of address to another man.
      〈英,非正式〉 用作男子间友好或幽默的称呼先生
      sorry, squire, but I know my limitations
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We haven't verified that it works, and if you want to mess around with your Windows Registry, as it suggests, that's your own affair and nothing to do with us, squire.
      • So it seems that your working career, squire, is very much tied up with the World Club Championship bid from the Wolves.
      • ‘You've cost us a place in the final, squire.’
      man, my friend
    2. 1.2US archaic A title given to a magistrate, lawyer, or judge in some rural districts.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Joss and his gang actually report to the mastermind of the operation - Sir Humphrey Pengallan, the local squire who is also Justice of the Peace.
  • 2historical A young nobleman acting as an attendant to a knight before becoming a knight himself.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A squire takes his fallen master's identity to joust in medieval combat.
    • The next day, if he had passed the test, Olivier would be knighted, along with many other squires attending knights gathered here in Kazkraby for the tournament that always followed a meeting of the Council.
    • The group was almost always together, except when the squires had to leave the pages to practice weapons with an advanced swordsman, or do their chores given to last-year squires.
    • If you survive being a page, and can stand being a squire, and pass the test of knighthood, then, and only then, will you be worthy of the title of a knight.
    • Squires were the sidekicks of knights, for whom the squires would polish the armor, feed the horse and cook meals.
    attendant, courtier, equerry, aide, companion, steward, page boy, servant boy, serving boy, cup-bearer, train-bearer
  • 3Australian A subadult snapper fish (Chrysophrys auratus ).

    〈澳〉小笛鲷(拉丁名 Chrysophrys auratus

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Off Byron the parrotfish and nice size squire and snapper are appearing.
    • Tailor are around most of the headlands, with some nice squire and bream being caught off Lennox Headland.
    • If you can get outside there are some tuna, jew and trag about with the odd squire and mackerel which are far and few between.
    • In close off Byron there were flathead and some fit looking squire, while out wider the cobia and mackerel and yellowfin tuna were the big drawcards.
    • Pearl perch are on the wider reefs with squire in close.
    • Gary of Ballina Charters has been out a few times with yellowtail kingies, mowies and nice sized squire coming home in the icebox.
    • Mixed bags including squire and trag, jew also were reported on the closer reefs off Ballina.
    • Teraglin seem to be the best bet at the moment but with some nice squire mixed in with them.
    • Offshore and the lads got onto the close reefs for some squire, snapper and trag jew.
verb skwʌɪəˈskwaɪ(ə)r
[with object]
  • 1(of a man) accompany or escort (a woman)


    she was squired around Rome by a reporter


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Ken Cole, has been the soul of gracious hospitality and his girlfriend, Katie Moulthrop (a formidably bright and well-formed young Catholic) has been squiring me around everywhere and feeding me yummy meals.
    • The closest he ever actually got to Russia was squiring the ‘sweet Isabella Lindsay’ during his Border tour of 1787, the daughter of a Jedburgh doctor.
    • Today, a very nice guy named Daniel Miller came and picked me up and squired me all over Sydney.
    • And normally, to be squiring someone from the Models 1 brochure, you have to look the part, live the life, run with the fast-living, high-octane international set.
    • Surely, some Light Colonel with a busted marriage could be convinced to squire her around town while he waits out his retirement papers.
    • That leaves plenty of time for Barney and Andy to squire their young ladies around - and handle all the personal squabbles that crop up in this little town where everyone knows everyone else's business.
    • The two met in 1946 and Glenconner was briefly the princess's beau, squiring her around the balls and parties of fashionable post-war society.
    • The hunky Hollywood star has been spotted around town squiring none other than that gorgeous ‘Policewoman’ Angie Dickinson!
    • Alexander Woolcott, a prominent theater critic, squired her to plays.
    • I told him how anxious you were about his reclusiveness, and to please you I think he would certainly squire you about town, but he would undoubtedly prefer to stay at home and nurse his wound.
    • Marcia was such a knockout I wanted to squire her about to show her off, but she would have none of that.
    • A year ago he was everywhere, slick of hair and sharp of suit, squiring Jennifer Lopez to all the best parties.
    • In the absence of the editor, Mark Douglas - Home, she was squired around by deputy Kevin McKenna, resplendent in a Hugo Boss suit.
    • In films he often squired showier stars - Anthony Quinn in ‘Zorba the Greek, ‘Lynn Redgrave in ‘Georgy Girl, ‘Jill Clayburgh in ‘An Unmarried Woman, ‘Bette Midler in ‘The Rose ‘- to Oscar nominations; he was the solid ground they danced on.’
    • Things had started out awfully well with the dancing and the kissing and the mutual appreciation and then… Nick had showed up and squired her away, monopolizing her for the better part of the evening and making Keaton chartreuse with envy.
    escort, accompany, guard, chaperone, squire, convoy, guide, lead, conduct, usher, shepherd, follow, shadow
    1. 1.1dated (of a man) have a romantic relationship with (a woman)
      he was still squiring Doreen, his high-school sweetheart
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He's squired some of the world's most beautiful women.
      • They are athletes who are told by their clubs to achieve physical perfection, yet their fans love the fact that superstar footballers live the life that ordinary people can't: squiring models, endless drinking and group sex.
      • Andy finds time to squire a few pretty ladies around, too, and even his motherly Aunt Bee dallies with romance this season.
      • Untroubled by self-doubts and consistently successful, he is portrayed as having squired and bedded numerous women.


  • squiredom

  • noun
    • The whole place seemed a maze to me, and I could not imagine how Liam navigated them, even though he had lived here from birth, with the exception of the time that he served his squiredom.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The end of the period of squiredom is often celebrated with a feast organized by the family of the squire or by the Tutor Knight himself.
      • Wealthy and more or less contented, O'Hara settled into a life of uxorious country squiredom, first in Quogue, on Long Island, and then in Princeton.
      • The faithful squire, who dubs Don Quixote the Knight of the Sorrowful Face, is a poor, uneducated farmer who's lured into squiredom by the idea that he will, by following his Master, one day become Governor of his very own island.
      • Much of Gaius's squiredom was spent fetching and carrying for the knight, lugging spare weapons and armour around while his master dispensed advice, ostensibly teaching the youth the virtues of humility and laboriousness.
  • squireship

  • noun
    • Having just ended his squireship, Mieric has decided to seek his fortune and travel - wanting to experience for himself the wonders of his uncle's tales.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Robert had finally given up art and opted for country squireship.
      • He abdicated his squireship in favour of his son Nathaniel.
      • During your squireship you are expected to make a name for yourself.
      • During the period of squireship, the knight imparts his knowledge of combat law, technique, arms and armor to his squire.
  • squirehood

  • noun
  • squireling

  • noun
  • squirely

  • adjective


Middle English (in sense 2 of the noun): shortening of Old French esquier 'esquire'.

  • esquire from Late Middle English:

    An esquire was originally a young man of gentle birth, who attended a knight. Esquire comes from an Old French word which means ‘shield bearer’ and comes from Latin scutum ‘shield’. Squire is really the same word. Esquire later came to refer to a man belonging to the higher order of English gentry, below a knight, and from there became a polite title added to the name of a man, at first only one regarded as a ‘gentleman’.


acquire, admire, afire, applier, aspire, attire, ayah, backfire, barbwire, bemire, briar, buyer, byre, choir, conspire, crier, cryer, defier, denier, desire, dire, drier, dryer, dyer, enquire, entire, esquire, expire, fire, flyer, friar, fryer, Gaia, gyre, hellfire, hire, hiya, ire, Isaiah, jambalaya, Jeremiah, Josiah, Kintyre, latria, liar, lyre, Maia, Maya, Mayer, messiah, mire, misfire, Nehemiah, Obadiah, papaya, pariah, peripeteia, perspire, playa, Praia, prior, pyre, quire, replier, scryer, shire, shyer, sire, skyer, Sophia, spire, supplier, Surabaya, suspire, tier, tire, transpire, trier, tumble-dryer, tyre, Uriah, via, wire, Zechariah, Zedekiah, Zephaniah

Definition of squire in US English:


  • 1A man of high social standing who owns and lives on an estate in a rural area, especially the chief landowner in such an area.


    the squire of Radbourne Hall


    as title Squire Hughes
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Black portrays Roosevelt as a patrician country squire who harbored a strong social conscience and a prejudice against the new industrial rich.
    • He has long yearned the quiet life of a country squire in a little Cornish style farm in Sussex where he could raise bees.
    • The rise of chamber knights and squires was a general phenomenon of the fourteenth century, and was not confined to the well-known court of Richard II.
    • We know that he was born into a family of high standing in France and he describes himself as a squire, certainly suggesting that his family were wealthy landowners.
    • Her father Sir Reginald Sheffield 8th Baronet, squire of Normanby Park, Lincolnshire, was appointed a deputy lieutenant for what was then Humberside in 1985.
    • The squire, Sir John Boileau, and the vicar, the Reverend Mr Andrew, were both highly literate men who didn't get on - and both kept diaries, largely about each other.
    • There was also a small English rising in Northumberland, supported mostly by catholic and high Anglican squires who were bankrupt.
    • The trustworthy parson and the trustworthy squire are the twin pillars of rural life.
    • Ordinary gentlewomen, daughters not of lords, but of local knights and squires, showed moreover the same sort of awareness of the dignity of their blood and arms as did great ladies like Dervorguilla of Galloway.
    • Deference to the squire and the parson was often a façade, masking constant challenges to authority by poaching and more explicit threats of rick-burning.
    • The story, told by the aged steward Thady M'Quirk, serves as the fictionalized memoir of his service of four successive squires on a remote Irish estate over a period of eighty years.
    • A Grade II-listed former windmill, the Round House was built in 1790 by local squire Earl Bathurst, who later became lord chancellor, and was used as a windmill until the early 1830s.
    • Nevertheless, he was wealthy enough to build Vaucluse House, still one of the best Georgian buildings in the country, and live there, as he said, like a squire at home.
    • Francis Edgeworth was the first of a line of four squires who lived at Cranalagh, two miles north of Mastrim, until Frank, the fourth, built his new house at what became Edgeworthstown.
    • Striding out with his faithful hound at his heels, he would be the picture of the country squire were it not for his somewhat bizarre attire - cut-off shorts, a sleeveless T - shirt and a sailor's cap.
    • Especially over-optimistic were those landowners who, envying the political rights and responsibilities of the English squire, sought to popularize in Russia the ideas of British liberalism.
    • The squires were talking earlier and it sounds like the Duke has set up a large bath house for the contestants and their parties off of the north field.
    • In the past, stag hunting had been the preserve of the aristocracy and small-scale hare and fox hunting that of the country squires.
    • Scott, by contrast, is very much the country squire, down in town from his home in the Borders.
    • The old 16 th-century Welsh squire - and crook - Sir John Wynn loved his ancestry.
    landowner, landholder, landlord, lord of the manor, country gentleman
    1. 1.1British informal Used by a man as a friendly or humorous form of address to another man.
      〈英,非正式〉 用作男子间友好或幽默的称呼先生
      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘You've cost us a place in the final, squire.’
      • So it seems that your working career, squire, is very much tied up with the World Club Championship bid from the Wolves.
      • We haven't verified that it works, and if you want to mess around with your Windows Registry, as it suggests, that's your own affair and nothing to do with us, squire.
      man, my friend
    2. 1.2US archaic A title given to a magistrate, lawyer, or judge in some rural districts.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Joss and his gang actually report to the mastermind of the operation - Sir Humphrey Pengallan, the local squire who is also Justice of the Peace.
  • 2historical A young nobleman acting as an attendant to a knight before becoming a knight himself.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The next day, if he had passed the test, Olivier would be knighted, along with many other squires attending knights gathered here in Kazkraby for the tournament that always followed a meeting of the Council.
    • The group was almost always together, except when the squires had to leave the pages to practice weapons with an advanced swordsman, or do their chores given to last-year squires.
    • A squire takes his fallen master's identity to joust in medieval combat.
    • Squires were the sidekicks of knights, for whom the squires would polish the armor, feed the horse and cook meals.
    • If you survive being a page, and can stand being a squire, and pass the test of knighthood, then, and only then, will you be worthy of the title of a knight.
    attendant, courtier, equerry, aide, companion, steward, page boy, servant boy, serving boy, cup-bearer, train-bearer
[with object]
  • 1(of a man) accompany or escort (a woman)


    she was squired around Rome by a reporter


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In films he often squired showier stars - Anthony Quinn in ‘Zorba the Greek, ‘Lynn Redgrave in ‘Georgy Girl, ‘Jill Clayburgh in ‘An Unmarried Woman, ‘Bette Midler in ‘The Rose ‘- to Oscar nominations; he was the solid ground they danced on.’
    • The hunky Hollywood star has been spotted around town squiring none other than that gorgeous ‘Policewoman’ Angie Dickinson!
    • The two met in 1946 and Glenconner was briefly the princess's beau, squiring her around the balls and parties of fashionable post-war society.
    • And normally, to be squiring someone from the Models 1 brochure, you have to look the part, live the life, run with the fast-living, high-octane international set.
    • Marcia was such a knockout I wanted to squire her about to show her off, but she would have none of that.
    • Alexander Woolcott, a prominent theater critic, squired her to plays.
    • Things had started out awfully well with the dancing and the kissing and the mutual appreciation and then… Nick had showed up and squired her away, monopolizing her for the better part of the evening and making Keaton chartreuse with envy.
    • Ken Cole, has been the soul of gracious hospitality and his girlfriend, Katie Moulthrop (a formidably bright and well-formed young Catholic) has been squiring me around everywhere and feeding me yummy meals.
    • The closest he ever actually got to Russia was squiring the ‘sweet Isabella Lindsay’ during his Border tour of 1787, the daughter of a Jedburgh doctor.
    • Surely, some Light Colonel with a busted marriage could be convinced to squire her around town while he waits out his retirement papers.
    • A year ago he was everywhere, slick of hair and sharp of suit, squiring Jennifer Lopez to all the best parties.
    • In the absence of the editor, Mark Douglas - Home, she was squired around by deputy Kevin McKenna, resplendent in a Hugo Boss suit.
    • That leaves plenty of time for Barney and Andy to squire their young ladies around - and handle all the personal squabbles that crop up in this little town where everyone knows everyone else's business.
    • Today, a very nice guy named Daniel Miller came and picked me up and squired me all over Sydney.
    • I told him how anxious you were about his reclusiveness, and to please you I think he would certainly squire you about town, but he would undoubtedly prefer to stay at home and nurse his wound.
    escort, accompany, guard, chaperone, squire, convoy, guide, lead, conduct, usher, shepherd, follow, shadow
    1. 1.1dated (of a man) have a romantic relationship with (a woman).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They are athletes who are told by their clubs to achieve physical perfection, yet their fans love the fact that superstar footballers live the life that ordinary people can't: squiring models, endless drinking and group sex.
      • Andy finds time to squire a few pretty ladies around, too, and even his motherly Aunt Bee dallies with romance this season.
      • He's squired some of the world's most beautiful women.
      • Untroubled by self-doubts and consistently successful, he is portrayed as having squired and bedded numerous women.


Middle English (in squire (sense 2 of the noun)): shortening of Old French esquier ‘esquire’.





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