

单词 wheeze

Definition of wheeze in English:


verb wiːz(h)wiz
[no object]
  • 1Breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages.


    the illness often leaves her wheezing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • EIA's symptoms include wheezing, coughing, prolonged expiration, rapid heart rate and tightness of the chest.
    • It may be that high levels of cat allergen induce tolerance, which protects against wheeze in very young children, but provoke symptoms in older children predisposed to wheeze for various reasons.
    • Liz smiles professionally and holds Larry, who wheezes and splutters, enduring his hardship with a stoicism that looks exhausting.
    • In a statement released this week, Schering-Plough said Asmanex improved lung function as well as day and nighttime symptoms such as coughing and wheezing and decreased the need for rescue medication.
    • Radical as ever, Brinkmann listens to the rasping of his lungs, from which his voice rises, wheezes, belches, whispers and shouts.
    • The older man was beginning to wheeze as he breathed.
    • The elder man spoke in a weak, plaintive tone, constantly stopping to wheeze and gasp for breath.
    • Vincent lifted the pillow as Jack coughed and wheezed.
    • I checked online and found that metoprolol has a warning to contact the doctor immediately if you experience wheezing, shortness of breath or swelling of hands and feet.
    • Does your chest wheeze or make whistling sounds even when you do not have a cold?
    • There can be sudden choking with acute respiratory distress, or there can be delayed symptoms with cough, wheezing, and hemoptysis.
    • He was still coughing and wheezing, trying to stay quiet.
    • I could see she was wheezing and struggling to breathe.
    • Inside, the group browsed, coughed, hacked, wheezed, and spluttered.
    • The old man wheezed and gasped terribly, groaning out a little as the pain of his performance finally caught up with him.
    • Every time the refrigerator cycled on, I'd be coughing and wheezing.
    • ‘That's enough for today,’ Bolts wheezed as Katie entered with a super happy look on her face.
    • The old man eyed me suspiciously and limped forward as he wheezed and gasped for breath.
    • Abruptly the old man wheezed and slumped back in his chair, one stiff, gnarled hand to his chest.
    • There's sneezing, hacking, coughing, wheezing and aching, not to mention a constant runny nose and watery eyes.
    breathe audibly/noisily, gasp, whistle, hiss, rasp, croak, pant, cough
    1. 1.1with object Say (something) with a wheezing sound.
      he could barely wheeze out his pleas for a handout


      with direct speech ‘Don't worry son,’ he wheezed
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Uriah wheezes a laugh and swaggers back to the picnic table for more wine and cheese.
    2. 1.2no object, with adverbial of direction Walk or move slowly making a wheezing sound.
      she wheezed up the hill towards them


      Example sentencesExamples
      • So I persisted, wheezing and tripping up and down the steep hills.
      • If you climb simulated hills on a stationary bike, you can wheeze up real ones on a mountain bike.
      • ‘Thank you, everyone,’ Nick wheezed as the shuttle moved on, re-entering Earth's ozone.
      • He glanced back at Vincent, who was puffing and wheezing from the walk down the tunnel under the burden of ammunition, weapons and the oppressive heat of his coat.
      • Dreyr collapsed into a heap on the floor and wheezed as the figure walked away, its cloak billowing in the breeze and giving the illusion that the figure was much larger and more formidable.
      • Cami did not look at her as Alyssa wheezed to a walk next to her.
      • He moved lazily towards me, his voice was wheezing.
      • Over the next few days I wheezed and huffed and puffed my way slowly along the mountain paths.
      • Patients with severe asthma may not have any wheezing as there is very little air moving in and out of the lungs.
    3. 1.3 (of a device) make an irregular rattling or spluttering sound.
      the engine coughed, wheezed, and shrieked into life


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The brakes wheeze and the windows shudder, the seats are cracked and creaky.
      • The machine had been wheezing and spluttering for a while now as I subjected it to my punishing regime of no less than five windows open at any one time and finally it gave up the ghost.
      • It coughed and wheezed to a stop beside the pumps, and I dutifully walked out to serve the tired and dishevelled middle-aged woman sitting behind the wheel.
      • Quickly I entered my car and started the engine, which coughed and wheezed into life.
      • The reactor sat on a table with an attached vacuum pump wheezing away.
      • Outside, the church bus rumbled to a stop, air brakes wheezing.
      • Then we sat and chatted as the little thermal printer attached to the spiro-whatsit machine wheezed out its report.
      • The boat's engine had coughed and wheezed for a good ten minutes before Kami had been able to coax it into working order.
      • The massive machine wheezed and spewed diesel smoke as it pushed an enormous heap of concrete debris, olive trees, and metal sheeting into a larger pile at the roadside.
      • A loud rip vibrated, slowly wheezing out and even grossed me out as I tried not to gag.
      • On a hot afternoon, a Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation bus approaches a bus stop in JP Nagar and wheezes to a halt a few metres away.
noun wiːz(h)wiz
  • 1A wheezing sound.

    I talk with a wheeze


    there wasn't the faintest wheeze from the starter motor
    Example sentencesExamples
    • After counting nine blades the mixture control was set to auto-rich and the Pratt &. Whitney radial sprang into life after a few coughs, a wheeze, and a puff of exhaust smoke.
    • Still have a bit of a chesty wheeze and cough too, but, hopefully it will all be cleared in the next day or two.
    • Another sign is a cough or a wheeze or breathing problems, sinusitis or other nasal problems.
    • There is not a sound, apart from the faint wheeze of someone playing a harmonica.
    • He listens to the oxygen machines hum and burble and gasp, the humidifier wheeze, the buzz of the fluorescent light in the hall.
    • A valet whisks a car away for arriving patrons, while down at the corner, a Metro bus wheezes and clanks to a stop.
    • These symptoms last a day or 2 and are followed by worsening of the cough and the appearance of wheezes (high-pitched whistling noises when breathing out).
    • The shadow emitted a terrible sound, an awful wheeze of frenzied laughter suppressed until it became strangling.
    • On six tunes, the wheeze of a button accordian added a dimension that bluegrass purists had never heard before; unfortunately, the band doesn't presently have an accordion player.
    • He had no other symptoms, and the examination didn't yield a clue - no rubs, rales, wheezes, or murmur.
    • Research has found that babies and children exposed regularly to smoky atmospheres are twice as likely to have asthma attacks or chest infections, are more likely to get coughs, colds and wheezes and are off school sick more often.
    • The man, in a veined body stocking, is a helpless victim, thrashing, lolling and collapsing like a mad puppet on twisted strings, to musical pings and wheezes.
    • I dare to ask; my throat is sore, and my voice sounds like a nasal wheeze.
    • The barn owl's call is distinguished by a screech that has shades of a wheeze.
    • The youngster had breathing problems and was given an oxygen mask, inhalers and steroid tablets after contracting a viral-induced wheeze last summer.
    • The track blossoms into a wonderful cacophony of bells, whistles, and wheezes.
    • At night when I'm lying in my bed, my wheezes echo throughout my apartment.
    • Nocturnal wheeze and cough are considered to be common features of asthma.
    • The air, however, holds the suspended product of untold sneezes, coughs and wheezes, many of them, we must remember in the time of SARS, from Chinese Canadians.
    • He always popped his handkerchief once, wiped his brow, and then emitted a loud wheeze - like the releasing of steam from a locomotive.
    constricted breathing, gasp, whistle, hiss, rasp, croak, pant, cough
  • 2British informal A clever or amusing scheme, idea, or trick.


    a new wheeze to help farmers


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Policy wonks might have thought it a clever wheeze to apply New York Mayor Giuliani's zero tolerance on street crime to cannabis users.
    • This clever wheeze encapsulated both the best of Brown and the worst: it commanded the moral and political high ground in being seen to clamp down on non-declaration of income.
    • The opposition seems to have embarked on a fruitless strategy to force the organisation to be less, how shall we put it, opaque in his parliamentary contributions and other wheezes.
    • Some of these cunning wheezes succeed, and some of them don't.
    • Our concern is that this is all a wheeze not to pay rent for the foreseeable future to the detriment of the pension fund.
    • Elsewhere, as you'll have noticed, tactical buttons were the wheeze of the week.
    • No bank worker in their right mind would go to their boss in most Irish banks and blow the whistle on one of the bank's wheezes for making more money that they are entitled to.
    • Stalking customers after they signal their intentions unambiguously is a wheeze to hold on to someone who has taken a lot of trouble to break free.
    • Although not an ideas person, she's got one or two new wheezes.
    • This could have been one of those rare wheezes which combines a desirable outcome with populist appeal.
    • This is not just a clever publicity wheeze, it is also communicating a set of very complex and powerful points.
    • What it can do is facilitate you - and me - to employ Naresh and others like him by thinking up various wheezes which guarantee employment.
    • But the progress we have made, the progress that we will continue to make doesn't come from grand rhetoric, it doesn't come from clever-sounding wheezes.
    • It's not about a clash of ideals - or God forbid - ideologies; it's becoming a contest to see who can connive to sucker in the largest number of voters with the most eye-catching wheezes.
    • The Dundee midfielder was performing a series of wheezes for the photographer, involving hanging from goalposts and catching a ball one-handed, when I found out he had been chosen.
    • This illiberal wheeze is the idea of Home Office minister.
    • And he has exhausted all of the possible clever taxation wheezes.
    • This was no time to be helping the Guardian fill its pages with droll wheezes.
    • He had always been an enthusiast for technological wheezes, from a doomed scheme for the underground gasification of coal to a death-ray which killed rats.
    • Who knows what daft wheezes they would contrive.
    scheme, plan, idea, tactic, move, stratagem, ploy, gambit, device, manoeuvre, contrivance, expedient
    trick, dodge, subterfuge, game, wile, ruse, joke, prank, stunt
    archaic shift


  • wheezer

  • noun
    • This finding is consistent with data showing that the persistent wheezers represent one third of the children who wheezed and are those who showed a deterioration of the pulmonary function over time.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Subjects with at least three episodes of wheezing were defined as recurrent wheezers and as having asthma if the episodes were doctor verified.
      • There was no difference in the frequency of allergic sensitization at age 3 between never wheezers and children with late-onset wheeze.
      • However, because of the inclusion criteria in the questionnaire, transient wheezers should not have been labeled asthmatic in our study population.
      • A British study showed that young wheezers and subjects with asthma have a higher prevalence of snoring compared with subjects without asthma.
  • wheezingly

  • adverbˈwiːzɪŋliˈ(h)wizɪŋli
    • He kept his eyes on me while he wheezingly announced the generous purpose of his visit.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They're amusing in English, but the Spanish dub again, inexplicably, renders them wheezingly hilarious.
      • And then there's the man's voice: It's a great wheezingly melodic rumble of a thing, like the hold music on hell's hotline.


Late Middle English: probably from Old Norse hvæsa 'to hiss'.

  • [LME] Wheeze is probably from Old Norse hvæsa ‘to hiss’.


Achinese, Ambonese, appease, Assamese, Balinese, Belize, Beninese, Bernese, bêtise, Bhutanese, breeze, Burmese, Cantonese, Castries, cerise, cheese, chemise, Chinese, Cingalese, Cleese, Congolese, Denise, Dodecanese, ease, éminence grise, expertise, Faroese, freeze, Fries, frieze, Gabonese, Genoese, Goanese, Guyanese, he's, Japanese, Javanese, jeez, journalese, Kanarese, Keys, Lebanese, lees, legalese, Louise, Macanese, Madurese, Maltese, marquise, Milanese, Nepalese, officialese, overseas, pease, Pekinese, Peloponnese, Piedmontese, please, Portuguese, Pyrenees, reprise, Rwandese, seise, seize, Senegalese, she's, Siamese, Sienese, Sikkimese, Sinhalese, sleaze, sneeze, squeeze, Stockton-on-Tees, Sudanese, Sundanese, Surinamese, Tabriz, Taiwanese, tease, Tees, telegraphese, these, Timorese, Togolese, trapeze, valise, Viennese, Vietnamese, vocalese

Definition of wheeze in US English:


[no object]
  • 1(of a person) breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages.


    the illness often leaves her wheezing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Vincent lifted the pillow as Jack coughed and wheezed.
    • The elder man spoke in a weak, plaintive tone, constantly stopping to wheeze and gasp for breath.
    • EIA's symptoms include wheezing, coughing, prolonged expiration, rapid heart rate and tightness of the chest.
    • ‘That's enough for today,’ Bolts wheezed as Katie entered with a super happy look on her face.
    • There can be sudden choking with acute respiratory distress, or there can be delayed symptoms with cough, wheezing, and hemoptysis.
    • Inside, the group browsed, coughed, hacked, wheezed, and spluttered.
    • Does your chest wheeze or make whistling sounds even when you do not have a cold?
    • The older man was beginning to wheeze as he breathed.
    • Every time the refrigerator cycled on, I'd be coughing and wheezing.
    • Radical as ever, Brinkmann listens to the rasping of his lungs, from which his voice rises, wheezes, belches, whispers and shouts.
    • The old man wheezed and gasped terribly, groaning out a little as the pain of his performance finally caught up with him.
    • The old man eyed me suspiciously and limped forward as he wheezed and gasped for breath.
    • It may be that high levels of cat allergen induce tolerance, which protects against wheeze in very young children, but provoke symptoms in older children predisposed to wheeze for various reasons.
    • He was still coughing and wheezing, trying to stay quiet.
    • Liz smiles professionally and holds Larry, who wheezes and splutters, enduring his hardship with a stoicism that looks exhausting.
    • There's sneezing, hacking, coughing, wheezing and aching, not to mention a constant runny nose and watery eyes.
    • I checked online and found that metoprolol has a warning to contact the doctor immediately if you experience wheezing, shortness of breath or swelling of hands and feet.
    • Abruptly the old man wheezed and slumped back in his chair, one stiff, gnarled hand to his chest.
    • In a statement released this week, Schering-Plough said Asmanex improved lung function as well as day and nighttime symptoms such as coughing and wheezing and decreased the need for rescue medication.
    • I could see she was wheezing and struggling to breathe.
    breathe audibly, breathe noisily, gasp, whistle, hiss, rasp, croak, pant, cough
    1. 1.1with object Utter with a wheezing sound.
      he could barely wheeze out his pleas for a handout


      with direct speech “Don't worry son,” he wheezed
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Uriah wheezes a laugh and swaggers back to the picnic table for more wine and cheese.
    2. 1.2 Walk or move slowly with a wheezing sound.
      she wheezed up the hill toward them


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Cami did not look at her as Alyssa wheezed to a walk next to her.
      • So I persisted, wheezing and tripping up and down the steep hills.
      • Over the next few days I wheezed and huffed and puffed my way slowly along the mountain paths.
      • ‘Thank you, everyone,’ Nick wheezed as the shuttle moved on, re-entering Earth's ozone.
      • If you climb simulated hills on a stationary bike, you can wheeze up real ones on a mountain bike.
      • Dreyr collapsed into a heap on the floor and wheezed as the figure walked away, its cloak billowing in the breeze and giving the illusion that the figure was much larger and more formidable.
      • Patients with severe asthma may not have any wheezing as there is very little air moving in and out of the lungs.
      • He glanced back at Vincent, who was puffing and wheezing from the walk down the tunnel under the burden of ammunition, weapons and the oppressive heat of his coat.
      • He moved lazily towards me, his voice was wheezing.
    3. 1.3 (of a device) make an irregular rattling or spluttering sound.
      the engine coughed, wheezed, and shrieked into life


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The reactor sat on a table with an attached vacuum pump wheezing away.
      • Quickly I entered my car and started the engine, which coughed and wheezed into life.
      • The machine had been wheezing and spluttering for a while now as I subjected it to my punishing regime of no less than five windows open at any one time and finally it gave up the ghost.
      • The massive machine wheezed and spewed diesel smoke as it pushed an enormous heap of concrete debris, olive trees, and metal sheeting into a larger pile at the roadside.
      • On a hot afternoon, a Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation bus approaches a bus stop in JP Nagar and wheezes to a halt a few metres away.
      • The brakes wheeze and the windows shudder, the seats are cracked and creaky.
      • A loud rip vibrated, slowly wheezing out and even grossed me out as I tried not to gag.
      • Outside, the church bus rumbled to a stop, air brakes wheezing.
      • It coughed and wheezed to a stop beside the pumps, and I dutifully walked out to serve the tired and dishevelled middle-aged woman sitting behind the wheel.
      • Then we sat and chatted as the little thermal printer attached to the spiro-whatsit machine wheezed out its report.
      • The boat's engine had coughed and wheezed for a good ten minutes before Kami had been able to coax it into working order.
  • 1A sound of or as of a person wheezing.


    I talk with a wheeze


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The track blossoms into a wonderful cacophony of bells, whistles, and wheezes.
    • He listens to the oxygen machines hum and burble and gasp, the humidifier wheeze, the buzz of the fluorescent light in the hall.
    • He always popped his handkerchief once, wiped his brow, and then emitted a loud wheeze - like the releasing of steam from a locomotive.
    • A valet whisks a car away for arriving patrons, while down at the corner, a Metro bus wheezes and clanks to a stop.
    • These symptoms last a day or 2 and are followed by worsening of the cough and the appearance of wheezes (high-pitched whistling noises when breathing out).
    • Still have a bit of a chesty wheeze and cough too, but, hopefully it will all be cleared in the next day or two.
    • On six tunes, the wheeze of a button accordian added a dimension that bluegrass purists had never heard before; unfortunately, the band doesn't presently have an accordion player.
    • The youngster had breathing problems and was given an oxygen mask, inhalers and steroid tablets after contracting a viral-induced wheeze last summer.
    • There is not a sound, apart from the faint wheeze of someone playing a harmonica.
    • The barn owl's call is distinguished by a screech that has shades of a wheeze.
    • The man, in a veined body stocking, is a helpless victim, thrashing, lolling and collapsing like a mad puppet on twisted strings, to musical pings and wheezes.
    • Another sign is a cough or a wheeze or breathing problems, sinusitis or other nasal problems.
    • The air, however, holds the suspended product of untold sneezes, coughs and wheezes, many of them, we must remember in the time of SARS, from Chinese Canadians.
    • At night when I'm lying in my bed, my wheezes echo throughout my apartment.
    • The shadow emitted a terrible sound, an awful wheeze of frenzied laughter suppressed until it became strangling.
    • Research has found that babies and children exposed regularly to smoky atmospheres are twice as likely to have asthma attacks or chest infections, are more likely to get coughs, colds and wheezes and are off school sick more often.
    • I dare to ask; my throat is sore, and my voice sounds like a nasal wheeze.
    • He had no other symptoms, and the examination didn't yield a clue - no rubs, rales, wheezes, or murmur.
    • After counting nine blades the mixture control was set to auto-rich and the Pratt &. Whitney radial sprang into life after a few coughs, a wheeze, and a puff of exhaust smoke.
    • Nocturnal wheeze and cough are considered to be common features of asthma.
    constricted breathing, gasp, whistle, hiss, rasp, croak, pant, cough
  • 2US informal An old joke, story, aphorism, act, or routine.

    the old wheeze about the diner complaining about the fly in his soup
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A few years ago when Schoolfreinds started in Australia, I stuck my details up on the website for a bit of a wheeze.
    • This is just a New Age recycling of the old wheeze, ‘badmothering-causes-male-violence.’
    1. 2.1British A clever or amusing scheme, idea, or trick.
      a new wheeze to help farmers


      scheme, plan, idea, tactic, move, stratagem, ploy, gambit, device, manoeuvre, contrivance, expedient


Late Middle English: probably from Old Norse hvæsa ‘to hiss’.





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