

单词 careless

Definition of careless in English:


adjective ˈkɛːləsˈkɛrləs
  • 1Not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors.


    she had been careless and had left the window unlocked


    a careless error


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Locked in their cells most afternoons, the breeders grew restless and consequently careless in their actions.
    • The problem is that the current Republican Party may be socially conservative but fiscally it is careless.
    • The police blame it on the rash drivers and careless pedestrians.
    • Employers have every right to take reasonable steps to protect themselves from harm from malicious or careless workers.
    • In the hospital Mack asked if she knew the careless devil that had thrown the cigarette end.
    • However, you will have crash effects on your car if you get too careless and rough.
    • Young, brash and careless they are guilty of making basic errors.
    • When he came to write up his travels in 1790 he was careless with his original notes, with the result that critics claimed he had penned a work of fiction.
    • If one person makes a mistake or gets careless, the results can be catastrophic.
    • Some commentators have tended to see this judgement as some kind of mistake - as the result of careless Ofsted inspectors.
    • Sadly, however, it seems this made people a little more careless and as a result syphilis in many areas is on the rise again.
    • He was often careless with tactical dispositions and as a result, his army lost thousands of men.
    • And apart from the direct health problems, what about the number who die as a result of fires started by careless smokers?
    • I have been careless and not paid attention, talking too much and letting you get the advantage, you young rascal.
    • Pray that whatever has caused them to be so careless doesn't harm them or someone else.
    • It has been rendered ineffective by careless road-users, mostly though because it has been partially laid.
    • Instead, they appear to result from the mere garbling of details by careless writers.
    • Even so, it has had too many lulls, been too careless with the football and, with few exceptions, lacked cohesion.
    • She had been careless up until then, spraying errors far and wide, but when Serena went home, the errors cleared up.
    • It is not fair on others to behave in a careless, foolhardy fashion.
    inattentive, incautious, negligent, remiss
    forgetful, absent-minded
    heedless, irresponsible, impetuous, reckless
    informal sloppy, couldn't care less, slap-happy
    shoddy, slapdash, slipshod, scrappy, slovenly, unconsidered, amateurish, negligent, lax, slack, wild, disorganized
    hasty, hurried, perfunctory, cursory, thrown together, sketchy, hit-or-miss
    inaccurate, imprecise, inexact, incorrect, wrong, erroneous, error-ridden
    informal sloppy, slap-happy, scatterbrained
    British vulgar slang half-arsed
    thoughtless, unthinking, insensitive, indiscreet, unguarded, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-thought-out, unwise, misguided, incautious, inadvertent, rash, foolhardy
    hasty, spur-of-the-moment, hare-brained
    negligent in, mindless of, heedless of, improvident about, unconcerned about, indifferent to, oblivious to
    reckless about, remiss in, slapdash about, slipshod about, frivolous about
    informal sloppy in, messy in
    1. 1.1 (of an action or its result) showing or caused by a lack of attention.
      he admitted careless driving


      a careless error


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Under the Road Traffic Act, a person shall not drive a vehicle in a public place without due care and attention, commonly known as careless driving.
      • The foremost cause of death in young men is not drink, fighting in the streets, careless driving or even drugs, though they may play a part.
      • Of course it's good to get things right, but I'm afraid we're all capable of careless errors at times.
      • But a series of careless errors let the Scots back in the game, with the final indignity being the bizarre own goal.
      • It looks as though Salisbury's careless talk may have cost her both her job and her freedom.
      • Many question why these errors happen and whether they occur as the result of careless practices.
      • In some cases, the performances were careless, humdrum or lacked lustre.
      • Cognitive blanks are the sporadic result of careless reading, I knew.
      • Fire figures show that on average at least one person dies each year during Diwali celebrations as a result of careless use of candles.
      • They held their discipline, were running hard in the last few minutes and, despite a few careless errors and some touches of naivety, were never dull.
      • Why 100,000 Americans die each year in our nation's hospitals as a result of careless medical mistakes.
      • And, yes, there were tragic accidents to mar it, resulting from careless handling of the fireworks.
      • Some surface damage may also result from careless disc handling or simply from bad luck.
      • Although the collision was the result of careless driving by the defendant, the injury to the plaintiff was exacerbated by the fact he had deliberately chosen not to wear a seat belt.
      • I mean, his behavior was, according to this, indiscrete at best, careless at worse.
      • Consider the parent who has the misfortune of having to care for a critically injured child over a long period as a result of a careless driving incident.
      • Another gift try was conceded when careless passing resulted in an interception, and so it went on as the home side failed to halt the flow of points against them.
      • One result of careless scapegoating is that there is little or no time spent asking and answering the hard questions.
      • He emerged as the great hope in 2001, then spent the next 12 months standing still, and his career is littered with careless errors and lame excuses.
      • He sometimes tries to do too much, which leads to careless decisions that can result in fumbles and interceptions.
      • In planning a quilt, my reaction to this ordered system has always been a reckless measuring which produces careless results.
    2. 1.2careless of/about Not concerned or worried about.
      he was careless of his own safety


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But how can it claim to uphold standards of broadcasting excellence when its own production methods are evidently so careless of craft skills?
      • Yet still, the sense that this is a ‘private’ public space remains very important to me, so I feel alternately uncomfortable about and careless of the possibility of being recognized.
      • A society that is careless about animals' pain is likely to be casual about human suffering.
      • We're careless of each other, we want different things, and yet we're stuck together, in it for the long haul.
      • I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm… very sorry that I hurt them.
      • Even as a young, curious, apparently altruistic man, my grandpa was always quite careless of the feelings and needs of others close to him.
      • Does your drinking make you careless of your family's welfare?
      • He was ill educated, unintelligent, lacking in common sense, careless of his duties, immoral, emotionally retarded and lazy.
      • Their prevalence suggests that we are careless of our environment and of the environmental image we convey.
      • The three main parties focus on these ‘swing’ voters and the issues that concern them, careless of the views of the rest of us.
      • That made him careless about liberty and willing to use the authority of the state to create the sort of society he wanted to see.
      • No one suggests that the government should be casual or careless about the terrorists in our midst.
      • Why we should be so careless of the nutrition, the physical and psychological health, and the education of so many of the country's future citizens seems incomprehensible.
      • If he really was careless of his integrity he would have stayed in Hollywood and jumped through the hoops that the studio bosses demanded.
      • He may be careless of the careers of his colleagues but even the most virulent press frenzy is unlikely to budge him.
      • See now, rounding the headland, a forlorn hopeless bird, trembling black wings fingering the blowy air, dainty and ghostly, careless of the scattering salt.
      • The home to which Manesquier takes his new friend is clearly that of a wealthy man, careless of his surroundings.
      • The writer was incorrigibly careless of diction and unable, as his letters reveal, even to spell ‘grammar,’ to say nothing of mastering it.
      • Who can take seriously the human dignity of a man who was careless of the human dignity of millions of his subjects?
      • People of all nations and faiths know that we are all vulnerable to terror, which by its nature is careless of its targets and indifferent to human life.
      unconcerned about, apathetic about, apathetic towards, uncaring about, casual about, nonchalant about, offhand about, uninterested in, uninvolved in, uninvolved with
    3. 1.3 Showing no interest or effort; casual.
      she gave a careless shrug


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Bad smart casual is when a man mixes inappropriate pieces in a careless manner.
      • The careless, the casual, the thoughtless reader will come away from them no wiser than he was before.
      • Deciding that it was either now or never, I shrugged my shoulders in a careless manner, as if it were no big deal.
      • She gave her head a careless shake, and as a result very nearly pitched herself off her seat.
      • Many security breaches result from a careless or indifferent attitude in the office.
      • Parsons shrugged his shoulders and gave Bradley a careless look.
      • Finally he gave a careless shrug, dropping the man's head with a thud that predicted a headache the next day.
      • ‘I never felt like I belonged in that world,’ he says with a careless shrug.
      • Many parents reported being exhausted and confused by the lack of information support and careless approach.
      • Slowly we get used to the careless mentality I have known for so long, a casual, easy-going laziness.
      • Shrugging in a careless way, Leanne yet again, flung her mother aside and stepped outside onto the street.
      • Finally he handed it over with a careless shrug.
      • He shrugged his slender shoulders in a careless manner still staring at her irately.
      • As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
      • And the portraits, however careless they seem are not exactly casual snaps.
      • It was weird that she was staying here, nonchalant and careless, after the events that night.
      • He often did that, and as usual, her only reaction was a careless laugh.
      • So we covered 1,500 kilometres and more - the actual spots seldom reveal themselves to a casual or careless traveller.
      • His casually careless attire and an ‘I care a damn attitude’ attract more attention.
      • Or else our future generations are certainly going to pay the price for our careless, negligent and easygoing approach to the whole issue.
      unstudied, artless, casual, effortless, unconcerned, nonchalant, insouciant, languid, leisurely, informal
      informal couldn't-care-less


Old English carlēas 'free from care' (see care, -less).

Definition of careless in US English:


  • 1Not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors.


    she had been careless and had left the window unlocked


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is not fair on others to behave in a careless, foolhardy fashion.
    • Locked in their cells most afternoons, the breeders grew restless and consequently careless in their actions.
    • And apart from the direct health problems, what about the number who die as a result of fires started by careless smokers?
    • He was often careless with tactical dispositions and as a result, his army lost thousands of men.
    • Even so, it has had too many lulls, been too careless with the football and, with few exceptions, lacked cohesion.
    • When he came to write up his travels in 1790 he was careless with his original notes, with the result that critics claimed he had penned a work of fiction.
    • If one person makes a mistake or gets careless, the results can be catastrophic.
    • In the hospital Mack asked if she knew the careless devil that had thrown the cigarette end.
    • Some commentators have tended to see this judgement as some kind of mistake - as the result of careless Ofsted inspectors.
    • However, you will have crash effects on your car if you get too careless and rough.
    • Sadly, however, it seems this made people a little more careless and as a result syphilis in many areas is on the rise again.
    • I have been careless and not paid attention, talking too much and letting you get the advantage, you young rascal.
    • She had been careless up until then, spraying errors far and wide, but when Serena went home, the errors cleared up.
    • Employers have every right to take reasonable steps to protect themselves from harm from malicious or careless workers.
    • Pray that whatever has caused them to be so careless doesn't harm them or someone else.
    • The problem is that the current Republican Party may be socially conservative but fiscally it is careless.
    • Young, brash and careless they are guilty of making basic errors.
    • Instead, they appear to result from the mere garbling of details by careless writers.
    • The police blame it on the rash drivers and careless pedestrians.
    • It has been rendered ineffective by careless road-users, mostly though because it has been partially laid.
    inattentive, incautious, negligent, remiss
    shoddy, slapdash, slipshod, scrappy, slovenly, unconsidered, amateurish, negligent, lax, slack, wild, disorganized
    thoughtless, unthinking, insensitive, indiscreet, unguarded, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-thought-out, unwise, misguided, incautious, inadvertent, rash, foolhardy
    negligent in, mindless of, heedless of, improvident about, unconcerned about, indifferent to, oblivious to
    1. 1.1 (of an action or its result) showing or caused by a lack of attention.
      he admitted to careless driving


      a careless error


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It looks as though Salisbury's careless talk may have cost her both her job and her freedom.
      • Cognitive blanks are the sporadic result of careless reading, I knew.
      • I mean, his behavior was, according to this, indiscrete at best, careless at worse.
      • He emerged as the great hope in 2001, then spent the next 12 months standing still, and his career is littered with careless errors and lame excuses.
      • Many question why these errors happen and whether they occur as the result of careless practices.
      • Fire figures show that on average at least one person dies each year during Diwali celebrations as a result of careless use of candles.
      • Of course it's good to get things right, but I'm afraid we're all capable of careless errors at times.
      • Although the collision was the result of careless driving by the defendant, the injury to the plaintiff was exacerbated by the fact he had deliberately chosen not to wear a seat belt.
      • Why 100,000 Americans die each year in our nation's hospitals as a result of careless medical mistakes.
      • In some cases, the performances were careless, humdrum or lacked lustre.
      • The foremost cause of death in young men is not drink, fighting in the streets, careless driving or even drugs, though they may play a part.
      • Consider the parent who has the misfortune of having to care for a critically injured child over a long period as a result of a careless driving incident.
      • And, yes, there were tragic accidents to mar it, resulting from careless handling of the fireworks.
      • One result of careless scapegoating is that there is little or no time spent asking and answering the hard questions.
      • In planning a quilt, my reaction to this ordered system has always been a reckless measuring which produces careless results.
      • They held their discipline, were running hard in the last few minutes and, despite a few careless errors and some touches of naivety, were never dull.
      • Under the Road Traffic Act, a person shall not drive a vehicle in a public place without due care and attention, commonly known as careless driving.
      • Another gift try was conceded when careless passing resulted in an interception, and so it went on as the home side failed to halt the flow of points against them.
      • Some surface damage may also result from careless disc handling or simply from bad luck.
      • But a series of careless errors let the Scots back in the game, with the final indignity being the bizarre own goal.
      • He sometimes tries to do too much, which leads to careless decisions that can result in fumbles and interceptions.
    2. 1.2careless of/aboutpredicative Not concerned or worried about.
      he was careless about his own safety


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If he really was careless of his integrity he would have stayed in Hollywood and jumped through the hoops that the studio bosses demanded.
      • Yet still, the sense that this is a ‘private’ public space remains very important to me, so I feel alternately uncomfortable about and careless of the possibility of being recognized.
      • No one suggests that the government should be casual or careless about the terrorists in our midst.
      • Does your drinking make you careless of your family's welfare?
      • Who can take seriously the human dignity of a man who was careless of the human dignity of millions of his subjects?
      • See now, rounding the headland, a forlorn hopeless bird, trembling black wings fingering the blowy air, dainty and ghostly, careless of the scattering salt.
      • The three main parties focus on these ‘swing’ voters and the issues that concern them, careless of the views of the rest of us.
      • But how can it claim to uphold standards of broadcasting excellence when its own production methods are evidently so careless of craft skills?
      • We're careless of each other, we want different things, and yet we're stuck together, in it for the long haul.
      • Even as a young, curious, apparently altruistic man, my grandpa was always quite careless of the feelings and needs of others close to him.
      • I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm… very sorry that I hurt them.
      • He was ill educated, unintelligent, lacking in common sense, careless of his duties, immoral, emotionally retarded and lazy.
      • People of all nations and faiths know that we are all vulnerable to terror, which by its nature is careless of its targets and indifferent to human life.
      • That made him careless about liberty and willing to use the authority of the state to create the sort of society he wanted to see.
      • Their prevalence suggests that we are careless of our environment and of the environmental image we convey.
      • A society that is careless about animals' pain is likely to be casual about human suffering.
      • Why we should be so careless of the nutrition, the physical and psychological health, and the education of so many of the country's future citizens seems incomprehensible.
      • The home to which Manesquier takes his new friend is clearly that of a wealthy man, careless of his surroundings.
      • The writer was incorrigibly careless of diction and unable, as his letters reveal, even to spell ‘grammar,’ to say nothing of mastering it.
      • He may be careless of the careers of his colleagues but even the most virulent press frenzy is unlikely to budge him.
      unconcerned about, apathetic about, apathetic towards, uncaring about, casual about, nonchalant about, offhand about, uninterested in, uninvolved in, uninvolved with
    3. 1.3 Showing no interest or effort; casual.
      she gave a careless shrug


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘I never felt like I belonged in that world,’ he says with a careless shrug.
      • Bad smart casual is when a man mixes inappropriate pieces in a careless manner.
      • Or else our future generations are certainly going to pay the price for our careless, negligent and easygoing approach to the whole issue.
      • Shrugging in a careless way, Leanne yet again, flung her mother aside and stepped outside onto the street.
      • Slowly we get used to the careless mentality I have known for so long, a casual, easy-going laziness.
      • Parsons shrugged his shoulders and gave Bradley a careless look.
      • And the portraits, however careless they seem are not exactly casual snaps.
      • The careless, the casual, the thoughtless reader will come away from them no wiser than he was before.
      • It was weird that she was staying here, nonchalant and careless, after the events that night.
      • So we covered 1,500 kilometres and more - the actual spots seldom reveal themselves to a casual or careless traveller.
      • She gave her head a careless shake, and as a result very nearly pitched herself off her seat.
      • As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
      • He shrugged his slender shoulders in a careless manner still staring at her irately.
      • Many parents reported being exhausted and confused by the lack of information support and careless approach.
      • Finally he gave a careless shrug, dropping the man's head with a thud that predicted a headache the next day.
      • Many security breaches result from a careless or indifferent attitude in the office.
      • Finally he handed it over with a careless shrug.
      • He often did that, and as usual, her only reaction was a careless laugh.
      • Deciding that it was either now or never, I shrugged my shoulders in a careless manner, as if it were no big deal.
      • His casually careless attire and an ‘I care a damn attitude’ attract more attention.
      unstudied, artless, casual, effortless, unconcerned, nonchalant, insouciant, languid, leisurely, informal


Old English carlēas ‘free from care’ (see care, -less).





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