

单词 resonant

Definition of resonant in English:


adjective ˈrɛz(ə)nəntˈrɛzənənt
  • 1(of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or reverberate.


    a full-throated and resonant guffaw


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Her voice, which had been weak, became stronger, deeper, more resonant.
    • He has a deep and resonant or perhaps a high and nasal voice.
    • I do vocal exercises and on my own I can have a deep resonant voice.
    • Scallon spoke for the first time, his voice deep, resonant and rich with power.
    • His voice was naturally deep and resonant, a good, powerful, commanding voice.
    • I actually have a deep resonant, rich voice, but it comes out only rarely.
    • Annoyance flashed through Rosemarie like lightning as a deep, resonant laugh came from above.
    • He immediately interrupted, voice slightly deeper, much more resonant.
    • I was beginning to warm to this man, I even liked his deep, resonant voice.
    • But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.
    • The voice was deep and resonant and commanding.
    • Words cannot describe their soft and resonant sounds.
    • It is a smooth and mellow voice, deep and resonant.
    • ‘Please be seated,’ she said, in the same deep resonant voice as I had heard in the hallway.
    • When these cattle move side by side in the herd, their hollow horns knock together, producing a characteristic resonant sound.
    • A chuckle, if you could call it that, deep and resonant, filled the car.
    • ‘Here,’ he said, and his voice was deep and rich, resonant and infinitely caring.
    • Large, ungainly and hanging onto my thick specs, I'd leap over a vault with my free hand, landing with a resonant thud on the other side, and I loved it.
    • So the resonant sound is dubbed an auspicious sound.
    • After a few months, he'll likely have a resonant, deep, and full voice just like an adult!
    deep, low, sonorous, full, full-bodied, vibrant, rich, clear, ringing, orotund
    bass, baritone, basso
    loud, carrying, booming, thunderous, thundering
    rare pear-shaped, canorous
    1. 1.1resonant with (of a place) filled or resounding with (a sound)
      alpine valleys resonant with the sound of church bells


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Soon Esther neared the tented forest resonant with the shouts of campers - old familiar sounds of her childhood.
      • I was hiking in a fairly remote region when a few other hikers told me of a mountain pass leading into a spectacular valley resonant with cascading waters, lush with rolling meadows, dotted with innumerable wild flowers, and protected on all sides by snow-capped peaks.
      • How different from the scene in the last century when Subrahmanya Bharati sang of the enchantment of Puduvai, lit by dawn gold streaming across the blue sea, resonant with Vedic chants, steeped in elegant Tamil culture!
      • He talks to the musician about growing up in a house resonant with music, about his early struggles and about how music can make people weep.
      • The hill of Sanchi, surrounded by verdant forests with the river gurgling at its feet, resonant with the hymns and chants, must have been one of the most idyllic, spiritual spots.
      reverberating, ringing, resounding, echoing, filled
      vibrating, pulsating
    2. 1.2 Having the ability to evoke enduring images, memories, or emotions.
      the prints are resonant with traditions of Russian folk art and story


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There's a story he tells which may be particularly resonant here.
      • And his sparing use of close-ups for maximum emotional impact is both resonant and economical.
      • Instead, it's photography that has produced ‘some of the most affecting and resonant of artworks… images that possess a stark and unsparing eloquence’.
      • The resonant emotions projected by the album render titles and lyrics unnecessary.
      • Emotionally honest and socially resonant, it transcends the melodramatic cliches of prison drama to explore the relationship between a mother and daughter and the corrosive nature of the penal system.
      • The film's most emotionally resonant moment occurs early on, when Drew confronts her parents with her pregnancy.
      • It's stunning and virtuosic, but it's not especially emotionally resonant.
      • He ran the more emotionally resonant campaign - speaking clearly, simply and passionately.
      • In fact, people make decisions based on emotive associations that are formed by the creation of simple, easily grasped, emotionally resonant frames that are then repeated ad nauseam.
      • I often have found the sweeper poems to be most resonant with adolescents, both here and abroad.
      • The resonant epigraph evokes curiosity as well as wonder.
      • Arousing, resonant writing links the physical with the emotional.
      • Her Scandinavian English is sharp, heavily accented, the grammar and syntax strange in some places, but the emotions are palpable, resonant, honest.
      • He then explores creating the experience of visiting an emotionally resonant, historic space.
      • Stipe's lyrics, meanwhile, are less abstract and more resonant than ever.
      • The two distinct sets of highly structured traditions are not simply deeply emotionally resonant; they carry the force of commandment.
      • Using perfectly composed shots to amplify an emotionally resonant story, the film successfully argues that ‘artistic’ films do not have to be boring.
      • This is, of course, an extreme example, but it is also an extraordinarily resonant image.
      • People seldom truly fit a stereotype; they just attach themselves to the one most emotionally resonant when they can't trust themselves enough to be something different.
      • It is an emotionally resonant and compelling personal story, and all of it is true.
      evocative, suggestive, expressive, redolent, moving, poignant, haunting
  • 2(of a room, musical instrument, or hollow body) tending to reinforce or prolong sounds, especially by synchronous vibration.


    the sound of these instruments, played in a resonant room, is unforgettable
    the sound is produced by striking resonant little metal bars
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The resonant acoustics of the church (a Miami Beach landmark) provided the perfect ambience for Handel's music.
    • When it is blown, the feather acts as a reed, producing a deep, resonant sound.
    • What you will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech.
    • Move around while listening and the hum changes to a low, soothing throb or at particularly resonant points in the room, vibrates your skull rather unpleasantly.
    • The use of the wood block and resonant and jingly metals enhances the Oriental flavor of the music.
    • This all may sound irrelevant to the review, but this setting and the organ's origins do produce a wonderful, rich resonant sound.
    • It might be possible to amplify this moving-mirror radiation by using a resonant cavity with vibrating walls.
    • Each buckling results in a burst of resonant vibrations from the tymbal, with the repetition rate of these bursts being determined by the contraction frequency of the tymbal muscle.
    • As in the cardiac examination, deliver taps at points along a straight line moving from resonant areas into the areas expected to show dullness.
    • This follows from the response of any resonant system (a room, a struck object, a vocal cavity) to an impulse-like excitation.
    • The deep resonant sound of the Alp horn and the happy pumping of an accordion followed us out onto the terrace where we stood almost within handshaking distance of that awesome peak.
    • Selective resonance at these eigentone frequencies will inevitably colour the sound, especially in small rectangular rooms where the resonant frequencies are high enough to fall within the musical range.
    • The resonant vibration of cantilevers also produced noise.
    • Sonics could not be better, as every note is clearly delineated in a perfectly resonant environment.
    • Then, if you take the lid off the piano to boost it, sometimes the room becomes too resonant and the sound goes all over the place.
  • 3technical Relating to or bringing about resonance in a circuit, atom, or other object.


    resonant absorption of radiation
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Carotenoids in individual living human lymphocytes gave rise to sufficiently strong resonant Raman scattering that enabled direct Raman imaging of the carotenoid distribution in the cell.
    • A second of time is defined as x oscillations of a cesium atom's resonant frequency, and is commonly measured in atomic clocks.
    • The high values observed in suspension probably are due to a resonant two-photon absorption process.
    • All atomic clocks measure time in terms of the natural resonant frequencies of various atoms and molecules.
    • Depending on the resonant or natural frequency of the atom and the frequency of the incoming wave, the emitted photon will have changed phase when compared to it's unaffected brethren.
  • 4(of a colour) enhancing or enriching another colour or colours by contrast.


    the resonant reds, greens, and browns typical of Ribera's palette
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is a work that requires an interpreter of the depth and understanding of Bernard, whose precise and lucid touch projected the harmony and thematic process with resonant colours and bite.
    • His colours became more resonant, his drawing more grandly simplified, and his expression of the mysteries of life more profound.
    • The method of colour therapy is based on the law of resonant colours interaction, conterminous to frequency characteristics of body.
    • Jan combines glaze painted tiles with glass and mixed media mosaic, exploring their resonant colours and tactile qualities.
    • The stiff and stylised human forms dominate, colluding powerfully with the resonant colours.


  • resonantly

  • adverb
    • This is music that deftly defines its era, often more resonantly than the chart-based pop of the time.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The recitatives were poignantly intense, and while immersed in Beethoven's idiom, came across without affectation, the resonantly repeated note-pairs imbued with restrained passion.
      • In particular, interesting phenomena occur in nanoscale structures at the plasmon frequency, at which optical absorption is resonantly enhanced.
      • Biological systems might interact resonantly with microwave fields but there is as yet no robust evidence.
      • In my mind, it is rare for a film to be consistently funny, resonantly humane, and socially conscious.


Late 16th century: from French résonnant or Latin resonant- 'resounding', from the verb resonare, from re- (expressing intensive force) + sonare 'to sound'.

  • sound from Old English:

    There are four different ‘sounds’ in English. The one relating to noise is from Latin sonus. Related words are dissonance (Late Middle English) ‘inharmonious’; resonance (Late Middle English) ‘echo, resound’; resonant (late 16th century); resound (Late Middle English); and sonorous (early 17th century). Sonar, however, is an acronym formed from Sound Navigation and Ranging on the pattern of radar. Sound, meaning ‘in good condition, not damaged or diseased’, is from Old English gesund. In Middle English the prominent sense was ‘uninjured, unwounded’. Use of sound to mean ‘having well-grounded opinions’ dates from the early 16th century; the phrase as sound as a bell appeared in the late 16th century. This puns on the first meaning of sound, and also on the fact that a cracked bell will not ring true. The third sound (Late Middle English) ‘ascertain the depth of water’ is from Old French sonder, based on Latin sub- ‘below’ and unda ‘wave’. The final one for a narrow stretch of water is Middle English from Old Norse sund ‘swimming, strait’, related to swim.

Definition of resonant in US English:


  • 1(of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring.


    a full-throated and resonant guffaw


    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘Here,’ he said, and his voice was deep and rich, resonant and infinitely caring.
    • Words cannot describe their soft and resonant sounds.
    • When these cattle move side by side in the herd, their hollow horns knock together, producing a characteristic resonant sound.
    • Large, ungainly and hanging onto my thick specs, I'd leap over a vault with my free hand, landing with a resonant thud on the other side, and I loved it.
    • Annoyance flashed through Rosemarie like lightning as a deep, resonant laugh came from above.
    • But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.
    • So the resonant sound is dubbed an auspicious sound.
    • The voice was deep and resonant and commanding.
    • It is a smooth and mellow voice, deep and resonant.
    • Scallon spoke for the first time, his voice deep, resonant and rich with power.
    • He has a deep and resonant or perhaps a high and nasal voice.
    • Her voice, which had been weak, became stronger, deeper, more resonant.
    • He immediately interrupted, voice slightly deeper, much more resonant.
    • I actually have a deep resonant, rich voice, but it comes out only rarely.
    • After a few months, he'll likely have a resonant, deep, and full voice just like an adult!
    • I do vocal exercises and on my own I can have a deep resonant voice.
    • A chuckle, if you could call it that, deep and resonant, filled the car.
    • I was beginning to warm to this man, I even liked his deep, resonant voice.
    • ‘Please be seated,’ she said, in the same deep resonant voice as I had heard in the hallway.
    • His voice was naturally deep and resonant, a good, powerful, commanding voice.
    deep, low, sonorous, full, full-bodied, vibrant, rich, clear, ringing, orotund
    1. 1.1resonant with (of a place) filled or resounding with (a sound)
      alpine valleys resonant with the sound of church bells


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Soon Esther neared the tented forest resonant with the shouts of campers - old familiar sounds of her childhood.
      • The hill of Sanchi, surrounded by verdant forests with the river gurgling at its feet, resonant with the hymns and chants, must have been one of the most idyllic, spiritual spots.
      • How different from the scene in the last century when Subrahmanya Bharati sang of the enchantment of Puduvai, lit by dawn gold streaming across the blue sea, resonant with Vedic chants, steeped in elegant Tamil culture!
      • He talks to the musician about growing up in a house resonant with music, about his early struggles and about how music can make people weep.
      • I was hiking in a fairly remote region when a few other hikers told me of a mountain pass leading into a spectacular valley resonant with cascading waters, lush with rolling meadows, dotted with innumerable wild flowers, and protected on all sides by snow-capped peaks.
      reverberating, ringing, resounding, echoing, filled
    2. 1.2 Having the ability to evoke or suggest enduring images, memories, or emotions.
      the prints are resonant with traditions of Russian folk art and story


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Stipe's lyrics, meanwhile, are less abstract and more resonant than ever.
      • This is, of course, an extreme example, but it is also an extraordinarily resonant image.
      • Emotionally honest and socially resonant, it transcends the melodramatic cliches of prison drama to explore the relationship between a mother and daughter and the corrosive nature of the penal system.
      • Using perfectly composed shots to amplify an emotionally resonant story, the film successfully argues that ‘artistic’ films do not have to be boring.
      • Instead, it's photography that has produced ‘some of the most affecting and resonant of artworks… images that possess a stark and unsparing eloquence’.
      • People seldom truly fit a stereotype; they just attach themselves to the one most emotionally resonant when they can't trust themselves enough to be something different.
      • The two distinct sets of highly structured traditions are not simply deeply emotionally resonant; they carry the force of commandment.
      • He ran the more emotionally resonant campaign - speaking clearly, simply and passionately.
      • Arousing, resonant writing links the physical with the emotional.
      • The film's most emotionally resonant moment occurs early on, when Drew confronts her parents with her pregnancy.
      • In fact, people make decisions based on emotive associations that are formed by the creation of simple, easily grasped, emotionally resonant frames that are then repeated ad nauseam.
      • And his sparing use of close-ups for maximum emotional impact is both resonant and economical.
      • The resonant epigraph evokes curiosity as well as wonder.
      • There's a story he tells which may be particularly resonant here.
      • It's stunning and virtuosic, but it's not especially emotionally resonant.
      • I often have found the sweeper poems to be most resonant with adolescents, both here and abroad.
      • Her Scandinavian English is sharp, heavily accented, the grammar and syntax strange in some places, but the emotions are palpable, resonant, honest.
      • He then explores creating the experience of visiting an emotionally resonant, historic space.
      • It is an emotionally resonant and compelling personal story, and all of it is true.
      • The resonant emotions projected by the album render titles and lyrics unnecessary.
      evocative, suggestive, expressive, redolent, moving, poignant, haunting
  • 2(of a room, musical instrument, or hollow body) tending to reinforce or prolong sounds, especially by synchronous vibration.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This follows from the response of any resonant system (a room, a struck object, a vocal cavity) to an impulse-like excitation.
    • Each buckling results in a burst of resonant vibrations from the tymbal, with the repetition rate of these bursts being determined by the contraction frequency of the tymbal muscle.
    • As in the cardiac examination, deliver taps at points along a straight line moving from resonant areas into the areas expected to show dullness.
    • When it is blown, the feather acts as a reed, producing a deep, resonant sound.
    • Selective resonance at these eigentone frequencies will inevitably colour the sound, especially in small rectangular rooms where the resonant frequencies are high enough to fall within the musical range.
    • The resonant vibration of cantilevers also produced noise.
    • The use of the wood block and resonant and jingly metals enhances the Oriental flavor of the music.
    • The deep resonant sound of the Alp horn and the happy pumping of an accordion followed us out onto the terrace where we stood almost within handshaking distance of that awesome peak.
    • Then, if you take the lid off the piano to boost it, sometimes the room becomes too resonant and the sound goes all over the place.
    • Sonics could not be better, as every note is clearly delineated in a perfectly resonant environment.
    • What you will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech.
    • It might be possible to amplify this moving-mirror radiation by using a resonant cavity with vibrating walls.
    • The resonant acoustics of the church (a Miami Beach landmark) provided the perfect ambience for Handel's music.
    • Move around while listening and the hum changes to a low, soothing throb or at particularly resonant points in the room, vibrates your skull rather unpleasantly.
    • This all may sound irrelevant to the review, but this setting and the organ's origins do produce a wonderful, rich resonant sound.
  • 3technical Relating to or bringing about resonance in a circuit, atom, or other object.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Carotenoids in individual living human lymphocytes gave rise to sufficiently strong resonant Raman scattering that enabled direct Raman imaging of the carotenoid distribution in the cell.
    • A second of time is defined as x oscillations of a cesium atom's resonant frequency, and is commonly measured in atomic clocks.
    • All atomic clocks measure time in terms of the natural resonant frequencies of various atoms and molecules.
    • The high values observed in suspension probably are due to a resonant two-photon absorption process.
    • Depending on the resonant or natural frequency of the atom and the frequency of the incoming wave, the emitted photon will have changed phase when compared to it's unaffected brethren.
  • 4(of a color) enhancing or enriching another color or colors by contrast.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is a work that requires an interpreter of the depth and understanding of Bernard, whose precise and lucid touch projected the harmony and thematic process with resonant colours and bite.
    • Jan combines glaze painted tiles with glass and mixed media mosaic, exploring their resonant colours and tactile qualities.
    • His colours became more resonant, his drawing more grandly simplified, and his expression of the mysteries of life more profound.
    • The method of colour therapy is based on the law of resonant colours interaction, conterminous to frequency characteristics of body.
    • The stiff and stylised human forms dominate, colluding powerfully with the resonant colours.


Late 16th century: from French résonnant or Latin resonant- ‘resounding’, from the verb resonare, from re- (expressing intensive force) + sonare ‘to sound’.





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