

单词 mash

Definition of mash in English:


verb maʃ
[with object]
  • 1Reduce (a food or other substance) to a pulpy mass by crushing it.


    mash the beans to a paste


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Mash together the sage, thyme and pine nuts with a little bit of olive oil, either using a mortar and pestle, a small food-processor, or by chopping the pine nuts and herbs and then mashing the mixture with a spoon.
    • They will even swallow pebbles and rocks, which aid digestion by helping to mash the food in the crocodile's stomach.
    • Once the potatoes have been mashed, ensuring that there are no lumps left in the mash, add the sliced spring onions and give the potatoes one final whip.
    • Rice cakes and crispbreads can be spread with low fat cream cheese or try mashed banana and then pile sliced fruit on top.
    • You may use steamed and mashed homemade foods or baby foods from jars.
    • Mashed avocado is also ideal for babies, since it is mild and creamy in flavour yet higher in vitamins B1 and B2, potassium and magnesium than any other fruit or vegetable.
    • Back in the small village, Janey stood in her home kitchen mashing food for her daughter who sat in her crib waiting for her lunch.
    • And don't forget, they can also be mashed like potatoes for a bit of variety.
    • Leafy vegetables may also be mashed together with the starchy foods.
    • We had to mash her food for a while but she's better now.
    • In a large bowl or food processor, mash bananas until mushy.
    • The recipe book notes that over-ripe bananas can be mashed then frozen until ready to use for baking.
    • We had peas, spicy chickpeas, yoghurt curry, dhal and mashed banana with tamarind sauce, coriander leaf chutney and millet bread.
    • The fish was served on a pile of sorrel with mashed chickpeas.
    • Just before you're ready to serve the stew, mash one or two of the potatoes against the cooker's side, and blend them into the broth.
    • With a potato masher, mash the tomatoes and bread together.
    • Stir in the rest of the ingredients and use a potato masher to mash everything together, being careful not to scratch the pot's nonstick surface.
    • Drain the potatoes thoroughly, then mash with 50g butter and the hot milk, adding the mustard and seasoning to taste.
    • For complete neophytes, you mash squash and potatoes with a potato masher.
    • The premolars, which are flatter than the canines, grind and mash food.
    crush, squeeze, squash, compress, pulp, reduce, clamp, pack down, tamp, condense, compact, trample, stamp, tread, grind, mill, pound, pulverize, macerate
    1. 1.1 Crush or smash (something) to a pulp.
      he almost had his head mashed by a slamming door


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A vision passes through my mind of marine plumbing 100 years ago, the toilet flushing immediately in front of the paddle-wheel for the discharge to be mashed up.
      • In seconds it could mash the most alert of minds into jellylike senselessness.
      • The yellowish contents of the bag seemed to be mashed up.
      • When the water is cool enough, use your hands to mash the pulp as finely as possible.
      • The modern process is virtually the same except that the cotton rags are mashed to a pulp by a machine called the Hollander beater and the polishing and smoothening is done by a manually operated calendaring machine.
      • Every day mountains of perfectly good, once-used boxes are piled up on the streets and simply mashed up with all other forms of waste.
      • When the lizards find him at the bottom of the hill, he is mashed to a pulp, and there is nothing left but some fur and bones.
      • He beautifully captures the Lord of the Flies cruelty of insecure adolescents grasping for their place on the ladder, mashing the faces of those below them under heel.
      • Companies purchase thousands of tons of old newsprint every year: they mash it into a pulp, skim the ink off the top, and make more newsprint.
      • Anyway, he took a mighty swing with one of those rusty red bricks, and managed to bring it down squarely on the middle finger of my right hand, mashing it flat.
      • The little brats will only mash it into your lovely oiled floorboards and goatskin rugs.
      • Today he danced precariously on the summit, mashing to a pulp the thick green leaves of a branch of pig's-face under his feet.
      • Three to five months later they are taken to the water mills and mashed into bamboo pulp.
      • And now here they lie, in an echo of the little boy and the snowman, just a little mashed lifeless pile proving that the episode wasn't a dream at all.
      • They'd take it, mash the flowers into pulp and use it to dye their fabrics for the village.
      pulp, crush, purée, cream, smash, squash, pound, beat, macerate, liquidize, liquefy, whip, grind, mince, soften, mangle, chew
    2. 1.2West Indian, US informal Press forcefully on (something)
      the worst thing you can do is mash the brake pedal


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She forcefully reached over and mashed the play button, storming out of the room as the message began to play for her boss.
      • It's smooth and responsive, quickly downshifting when the gas is mashed, and upshifting late or early depending on what the driver is doing with the throttle.
      • Half the action scenes felt like someone was mashing the gas pedal while the parking brake was still engaged.
      • At the end of every straight the brake pedal would be mashed into the floor before the car was flung into the next curve, generating cornering forces well in excess of the gravitational pull of Earth.
      • I did manage to mash the back brake, but it had little effect against the massive power of the big cruiser.
    3. 1.3West Indian, US informal Attack or assault.
      they both got mashed up pretty bad


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I mean, come on, who would really run to the cameras with their face completely mashed up just to make her sales go up?
  • 2(in brewing) mix (powdered malt) with hot water to form wort.


    the barley is dried out over peat fires and mashed with water which flows through peat ground
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We have inherited two mighty tubs intended, probably, for mashing illicit whisky, but since we took over the quondam pig and Christmas tree empire, each of them contains a geranium.
    • Mash the malt and maintain it at 67°C until the wort ceases to give a positive reaction with iodine.
    • Mash any malts, barley, maize and wheat in a mash tun for 90min at 66°C. Sparge with 3 gallons of water at 70°C.
    • It’s full of the rich, complex malt flavors that only mashing will give you.
    • The materials to be distilled are mashed in water.
  • 3Northern English (with reference to tea) brew or infuse.

    I've just mashed a pot of tea
    no object we'd let the pot mash for ten minutes
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They decided to wait, so we asked them to take a seat and mashed a pot of tea in preparation for a chat.
    • He went back indoors, and mashed some tea.
    • I bit my tongue, and mashed a cup of tea to silence the rumbling of our stomachs.
    • To his left was a table containing mineral water, an electric kettle full of water, a cup, milk etc with which he later mashed a cup of tea and demonstrated how a kettle could sing.
    • Bertha came downstairs ten minutes later and, saying nothing, she set about mashing some tea for them both.
    • She fried me two eggs and mashed a pot of tea.
    infuse, be in preparation
noun maʃ
  • 1A soft mass made by crushing a substance into a pulp, sometimes with the addition of liquid.


    pound the garlic to a mash


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Place the sweet potato mash in the centre of the plate and then the seared kangaroo on the potato facing inwards.
    • The Panchara Patta is eaten by being crushed by hand into flakes, adding to a banana mash and mixing the two well.
    • My companion opted for the red roasted pork fillet with rocket mash and gazpacho salsa.
    • Mash all of this together, season with pepper and pour over it enough of the meat stock to produce a mash of soft consistency.
    • Lunch likewise consists of a mash of dourra but without meat.
    • And finally, sambal is a mash of peppers rather than a sauce.
    • Gabe promptly filled Ethan's bowl to the brim with the contents of that pot, which turned out to be a mash of vegetables.
    • Try seared sea bass with butternut squash purée, chicory and white bean sauce, and roast venison with confit savoy cabbage and tarragon mash.
    • And the stew you mention is probably karafs, a terrific mash of celery cooked down with mint and turmeric, among other things.
    • Celeste will kill for profiteroles and ice cream, Daphne for sweet potato and marshmallow mash.
    • This was served with a creamy mash of onion, peas and capers, and it lifted the mash to balance beautifully with the fish.
    • Instead, there might be spice-crusted scallops with chilli mash, or lobster biryani, followed by a chocolate samosa with Indian tea ice cream.
    • Vendors wander the sand selling newspaper cones of peanuts or of lentil mash flavoured with chilli, ginger, curry leaves and salted green mango.
    • Serve the leek mash on four warmed dinner plates.
    • To complete the meal serve it with sweet potato mash and sautéed English spinach.
    • We followed with fillet of cod coated in a herb and Parmesan crust served on a parsnip mash, and French onion, mushroom and Gruyère cheese tart.
    • Add enough garlic cream to flavour the mash, remembering to keep some back for saucing at the end.
    • My sister informed me she'd finished her task and gave me the garlic mash which I scattered in a line across the front entry way.
    • In the market I see people grinding up thumb-joint sized crabs in a pestle and mortar to make a vile green-brown mash.
    • The pesto mash was smooth and tangy, thanks to the basil.
    pulp, purée, mush, paste, pâté, crush, slush, liquid
    derogatory pap
    1. 1.1British informal mass noun Mashed potato.
      for supper there was sausages and mash
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We still do roasts on site and we still do pies, and fish and chips, and sausage and mash.
      • One word of advice: when you are boiling potatoes, whether to make mash or to roast them, don't let the water boil too vigorously.
      • It was tender and tasty, and the potato and chive mash was every bit as good as our waiter had promised.
      • As the name suggests, the menu contains a lot of sausage and mash and steamed puddings, but it's fun, fast and all wonderfully fattening.
      • King Edwards, for example are a dry floury potato that will disintegrate around the edges when boiled, so makes excellent mash, roast and chips.
      • I am not sure there is a more welcoming sight on a cold autumn evening than a trio of sticky, glistening sausages and a deep pile of creamy mash.
      • And the sausage and mash was actually very good: a nice local venison banger and tweedy potato.
      • Potato is also a staple of Hungarian cuisine and the restaurant offers potato mash and roasted nut-formed potato.
      • For our main course, we plumped for wild mushroom and leek lasagne, and pork and apple sausages, with mustard mash and red wine gravy.
      • She did sausages and mash and toad in the hole - that was one of our favourites.
      • Traditionalists will be drawn to steaks or the Cumberland sausages with mash and onion gravy, while lighter tastes are catered for with grilled salmon.
      • I opted for the wild boar sausage and mash, with a side helping of hummus and ciabatta.
      • Serve with creamy mash and blanched buttery cabbage, or try the sliced celeriac dish that follows, which again can be made ahead and reheated to serve.
      • The rump steak was succulent and was served with creamy mash, although the overcooked ratatouille let the dish down.
      • The Cumberland sausage and mash served on an adjoining table looked vast.
      • This dish is perfect served with creamy mash and buttered cabbage.
      • Opt for simple comforting English fare like fish-finger sarnies with ketchup, or Cornish pasties and sausage and mash.
      • Remove skewers, slice the sausage and serve on a pile of mash.
      • Creamy garlic-flavoured potato mash would be delicious with this and the tomato and watercress salad below.
      • The steak with mash seemed a bit pedestrian by contrast.
    2. 1.2mass noun Bran mixed with hot water, given as a warm food to horses and other animals.
      a bucket of mash
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Protein-rich worm feed and chicken mash are added for supplements.
      • She slowly transferred them to Pro-nutro then growing mash and finally garden bird seed.
      • He had run her too much; he would have to tell Meric, the stable boy, to give her oats and a mash, plus a blanket to stop her from shivering.
      • If no pasture is available then the mare will have to be fed a bran mash to keep the feces loose.
      • Starter mash for chicks and poults usually has amprolium added, which is a coccidiostat.
    3. 1.3mass noun (in brewing) a mixture of powdered malt and hot water, which is left to stand until the sugars dissolve to form the wort.
      the brewer now transfers the mash to a mash tun
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The ideal pH of the wort, which is the mash soaked in hot water, is about 4.7.
      • This imparts a distinctive taste to the fermented barley mash from which the water of life is distilled.
      • I suspect that the reason the recipe calls for a large amount of sugar in the wort is that this mash doesn't produce enough fermentable sugars to make beer.
      • To make the mash, the malted barley is crushed between rollers and then wet with hot water, at around 65°C.

Phrasal Verbs

  • mash something up

    • Mix or combine two or more different elements.

      in my films I've always tried to artfully mash up genres
      Dinsdale mashes up dance styles like UK garage, house, and hip-hop with masterful aplomb
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mashing up the superhero genre with the high school comedy, Mike Mitchell's Sky High is the kind of movie Disney should produce more often.
      • They toyed with Afro-Brazilian hoo-hah for a good few years before they started mashing up ragga, noise, punk, and R&B.
      • In the late '60s, while Chicano rock was rising on the West Coast, the Big Apple's NuYorican scene was mashing up Motown and mambos.
      • The London-born outfit emerged a few years ago and have spent their time since then mashing up an eclectic set of influences in a sound which can best be described as thrilling.
      • The second full-length disc from The Cooper Temple Clause finds them continuing to mash up rock, grunge and electronica with healthy abandon.
      • Director Adrian Lyne mashes up motifs from some of his past films, most notably 9 1/2 weeks, Flashdance and Fatal Attraction.
      • That would help scientists and students gain easy access to the latest research data, and help websites that mash up material from a variety of sources.
      • As one third of the mix and blend crew he's most at home mashing up the styles to produce a sound 100% his own.
      • Matthew has mashed up Google Maps with the National Rail website to create Vaguely live train maps.
      • Future functionality will include the ability to mash up the softphone with webcams, Meebo, Flickr, etc.


Old English māsc (as a brewing term), of West Germanic origin; perhaps ultimately related to mix.

  • Brewing provides the earliest context of mash. The mash is a mixture of ground malt and hot water which is left to stand to form the infusion called ‘wort’. The first example of mash meaning ‘mashed potatoes’ is from 1904, by the British MP and novelist A. E. W. Mason: ‘I…go into a public-house…and have a sausage and mash and a pot of beer.’ The word may ultimately be related to mix. This is from Latin mixtus which became mixte in Old French. This was heard by English speakers as ‘mixed’ and a new verb, to mix, was formed. As an abbreviation for ‘mobile army surgical hospital’ MASH goes back to 1950. The term was made famous in the 1970 film M*A*S*H, set in a field hospital during the Korean War. The film gave rise to a long-running TV series (1972–83).


abash, ash, Ashe, bash, brash, cache, calash, cash, clash, crash, dash, encash, flash, gnash, hash, lash, Nash, panache, pash, plash, rash, sash, slash, smash, soutache, splash, stash, thrash, trash


[with object]
  • 1Reduce (a food or other substance) to a uniform mass by crushing it.


    mash the beans to a paste


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They will even swallow pebbles and rocks, which aid digestion by helping to mash the food in the crocodile's stomach.
    • Rice cakes and crispbreads can be spread with low fat cream cheese or try mashed banana and then pile sliced fruit on top.
    • We had peas, spicy chickpeas, yoghurt curry, dhal and mashed banana with tamarind sauce, coriander leaf chutney and millet bread.
    • The premolars, which are flatter than the canines, grind and mash food.
    • Just before you're ready to serve the stew, mash one or two of the potatoes against the cooker's side, and blend them into the broth.
    • Leafy vegetables may also be mashed together with the starchy foods.
    • The recipe book notes that over-ripe bananas can be mashed then frozen until ready to use for baking.
    • The fish was served on a pile of sorrel with mashed chickpeas.
    • Once the potatoes have been mashed, ensuring that there are no lumps left in the mash, add the sliced spring onions and give the potatoes one final whip.
    • Stir in the rest of the ingredients and use a potato masher to mash everything together, being careful not to scratch the pot's nonstick surface.
    • You may use steamed and mashed homemade foods or baby foods from jars.
    • For complete neophytes, you mash squash and potatoes with a potato masher.
    • And don't forget, they can also be mashed like potatoes for a bit of variety.
    • Mashed avocado is also ideal for babies, since it is mild and creamy in flavour yet higher in vitamins B1 and B2, potassium and magnesium than any other fruit or vegetable.
    • In a large bowl or food processor, mash bananas until mushy.
    • We had to mash her food for a while but she's better now.
    • Mash together the sage, thyme and pine nuts with a little bit of olive oil, either using a mortar and pestle, a small food-processor, or by chopping the pine nuts and herbs and then mashing the mixture with a spoon.
    • With a potato masher, mash the tomatoes and bread together.
    • Drain the potatoes thoroughly, then mash with 50g butter and the hot milk, adding the mustard and seasoning to taste.
    • Back in the small village, Janey stood in her home kitchen mashing food for her daughter who sat in her crib waiting for her lunch.
    crush, squeeze, squash, compress, pulp, reduce, clamp, pack down, tamp, condense, compact, trample, stamp, tread, grind, mill, pound, pulverize, macerate
    1. 1.1 Crush or smash (something) to a pulp.
      he almost had his head mashed by a slamming door


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The modern process is virtually the same except that the cotton rags are mashed to a pulp by a machine called the Hollander beater and the polishing and smoothening is done by a manually operated calendaring machine.
      • The yellowish contents of the bag seemed to be mashed up.
      • And now here they lie, in an echo of the little boy and the snowman, just a little mashed lifeless pile proving that the episode wasn't a dream at all.
      • The little brats will only mash it into your lovely oiled floorboards and goatskin rugs.
      • In seconds it could mash the most alert of minds into jellylike senselessness.
      • They'd take it, mash the flowers into pulp and use it to dye their fabrics for the village.
      • When the water is cool enough, use your hands to mash the pulp as finely as possible.
      • He beautifully captures the Lord of the Flies cruelty of insecure adolescents grasping for their place on the ladder, mashing the faces of those below them under heel.
      • Today he danced precariously on the summit, mashing to a pulp the thick green leaves of a branch of pig's-face under his feet.
      • Three to five months later they are taken to the water mills and mashed into bamboo pulp.
      • Companies purchase thousands of tons of old newsprint every year: they mash it into a pulp, skim the ink off the top, and make more newsprint.
      • Anyway, he took a mighty swing with one of those rusty red bricks, and managed to bring it down squarely on the middle finger of my right hand, mashing it flat.
      • A vision passes through my mind of marine plumbing 100 years ago, the toilet flushing immediately in front of the paddle-wheel for the discharge to be mashed up.
      • Every day mountains of perfectly good, once-used boxes are piled up on the streets and simply mashed up with all other forms of waste.
      • When the lizards find him at the bottom of the hill, he is mashed to a pulp, and there is nothing left but some fur and bones.
      pulp, crush, purée, cream, smash, squash, pound, beat, macerate, liquidize, liquefy, whip, grind, mince, soften, mangle, chew
    2. 1.2West Indian, US informal Press forcefully on (something)
      the worst thing you can do is mash the brake pedal


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's smooth and responsive, quickly downshifting when the gas is mashed, and upshifting late or early depending on what the driver is doing with the throttle.
      • She forcefully reached over and mashed the play button, storming out of the room as the message began to play for her boss.
      • I did manage to mash the back brake, but it had little effect against the massive power of the big cruiser.
      • At the end of every straight the brake pedal would be mashed into the floor before the car was flung into the next curve, generating cornering forces well in excess of the gravitational pull of Earth.
      • Half the action scenes felt like someone was mashing the gas pedal while the parking brake was still engaged.
  • 2(in brewing) mix (powdered malt) with hot water to form wort.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The materials to be distilled are mashed in water.
    • Mash any malts, barley, maize and wheat in a mash tun for 90min at 66°C. Sparge with 3 gallons of water at 70°C.
    • It’s full of the rich, complex malt flavors that only mashing will give you.
    • We have inherited two mighty tubs intended, probably, for mashing illicit whisky, but since we took over the quondam pig and Christmas tree empire, each of them contains a geranium.
    • Mash the malt and maintain it at 67°C until the wort ceases to give a positive reaction with iodine.
  • 3Northern English (with reference to tea) brew or infuse.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Bertha came downstairs ten minutes later and, saying nothing, she set about mashing some tea for them both.
    • They decided to wait, so we asked them to take a seat and mashed a pot of tea in preparation for a chat.
    • He went back indoors, and mashed some tea.
    • She fried me two eggs and mashed a pot of tea.
    • To his left was a table containing mineral water, an electric kettle full of water, a cup, milk etc with which he later mashed a cup of tea and demonstrated how a kettle could sing.
    • I bit my tongue, and mashed a cup of tea to silence the rumbling of our stomachs.
    infuse, be in preparation
  • 1A uniform mass made by crushing a substance into a soft pulp, sometimes with the addition of liquid.


    pound the garlic to a mash


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And the stew you mention is probably karafs, a terrific mash of celery cooked down with mint and turmeric, among other things.
    • And finally, sambal is a mash of peppers rather than a sauce.
    • Serve the leek mash on four warmed dinner plates.
    • In the market I see people grinding up thumb-joint sized crabs in a pestle and mortar to make a vile green-brown mash.
    • We followed with fillet of cod coated in a herb and Parmesan crust served on a parsnip mash, and French onion, mushroom and Gruyère cheese tart.
    • Add enough garlic cream to flavour the mash, remembering to keep some back for saucing at the end.
    • Try seared sea bass with butternut squash purée, chicory and white bean sauce, and roast venison with confit savoy cabbage and tarragon mash.
    • Instead, there might be spice-crusted scallops with chilli mash, or lobster biryani, followed by a chocolate samosa with Indian tea ice cream.
    • This was served with a creamy mash of onion, peas and capers, and it lifted the mash to balance beautifully with the fish.
    • My companion opted for the red roasted pork fillet with rocket mash and gazpacho salsa.
    • Lunch likewise consists of a mash of dourra but without meat.
    • The Panchara Patta is eaten by being crushed by hand into flakes, adding to a banana mash and mixing the two well.
    • To complete the meal serve it with sweet potato mash and sautéed English spinach.
    • Mash all of this together, season with pepper and pour over it enough of the meat stock to produce a mash of soft consistency.
    • Place the sweet potato mash in the centre of the plate and then the seared kangaroo on the potato facing inwards.
    • Vendors wander the sand selling newspaper cones of peanuts or of lentil mash flavoured with chilli, ginger, curry leaves and salted green mango.
    • My sister informed me she'd finished her task and gave me the garlic mash which I scattered in a line across the front entry way.
    • Gabe promptly filled Ethan's bowl to the brim with the contents of that pot, which turned out to be a mash of vegetables.
    • The pesto mash was smooth and tangy, thanks to the basil.
    • Celeste will kill for profiteroles and ice cream, Daphne for sweet potato and marshmallow mash.
    pulp, purée, mush, paste, pâté, crush, slush, liquid
    1. 1.1British informal Mashed potatoes.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Potato is also a staple of Hungarian cuisine and the restaurant offers potato mash and roasted nut-formed potato.
      • I am not sure there is a more welcoming sight on a cold autumn evening than a trio of sticky, glistening sausages and a deep pile of creamy mash.
      • This dish is perfect served with creamy mash and buttered cabbage.
      • Opt for simple comforting English fare like fish-finger sarnies with ketchup, or Cornish pasties and sausage and mash.
      • We still do roasts on site and we still do pies, and fish and chips, and sausage and mash.
      • And the sausage and mash was actually very good: a nice local venison banger and tweedy potato.
      • As the name suggests, the menu contains a lot of sausage and mash and steamed puddings, but it's fun, fast and all wonderfully fattening.
      • It was tender and tasty, and the potato and chive mash was every bit as good as our waiter had promised.
      • One word of advice: when you are boiling potatoes, whether to make mash or to roast them, don't let the water boil too vigorously.
      • The rump steak was succulent and was served with creamy mash, although the overcooked ratatouille let the dish down.
      • For our main course, we plumped for wild mushroom and leek lasagne, and pork and apple sausages, with mustard mash and red wine gravy.
      • The steak with mash seemed a bit pedestrian by contrast.
      • I opted for the wild boar sausage and mash, with a side helping of hummus and ciabatta.
      • King Edwards, for example are a dry floury potato that will disintegrate around the edges when boiled, so makes excellent mash, roast and chips.
      • Remove skewers, slice the sausage and serve on a pile of mash.
      • She did sausages and mash and toad in the hole - that was one of our favourites.
      • Traditionalists will be drawn to steaks or the Cumberland sausages with mash and onion gravy, while lighter tastes are catered for with grilled salmon.
      • Serve with creamy mash and blanched buttery cabbage, or try the sliced celeriac dish that follows, which again can be made ahead and reheated to serve.
      • Creamy garlic-flavoured potato mash would be delicious with this and the tomato and watercress salad below.
      • The Cumberland sausage and mash served on an adjoining table looked vast.
    2. 1.2 Bran mixed with hot water, given as a warm food to horses and other animals.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She slowly transferred them to Pro-nutro then growing mash and finally garden bird seed.
      • Starter mash for chicks and poults usually has amprolium added, which is a coccidiostat.
      • He had run her too much; he would have to tell Meric, the stable boy, to give her oats and a mash, plus a blanket to stop her from shivering.
      • Protein-rich worm feed and chicken mash are added for supplements.
      • If no pasture is available then the mare will have to be fed a bran mash to keep the feces loose.
    3. 1.3 (in brewing) a mixture of powdered malt and hot water, which is stood until the sugars dissolve to form the wort.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The ideal pH of the wort, which is the mash soaked in hot water, is about 4.7.
      • To make the mash, the malted barley is crushed between rollers and then wet with hot water, at around 65°C.
      • I suspect that the reason the recipe calls for a large amount of sugar in the wort is that this mash doesn't produce enough fermentable sugars to make beer.
      • This imparts a distinctive taste to the fermented barley mash from which the water of life is distilled.

Phrasal Verbs

  • mash something up

    • Mix or combine two or more different elements.

      in my films I've always tried to artfully mash up genres
      Dinsdale mashes up dance styles like UK garage, house, and hip-hop with masterful aplomb
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mashing up the superhero genre with the high school comedy, Mike Mitchell's Sky High is the kind of movie Disney should produce more often.
      • Director Adrian Lyne mashes up motifs from some of his past films, most notably 9 1/2 weeks, Flashdance and Fatal Attraction.
      • That would help scientists and students gain easy access to the latest research data, and help websites that mash up material from a variety of sources.
      • As one third of the mix and blend crew he's most at home mashing up the styles to produce a sound 100% his own.
      • Matthew has mashed up Google Maps with the National Rail website to create Vaguely live train maps.
      • The London-born outfit emerged a few years ago and have spent their time since then mashing up an eclectic set of influences in a sound which can best be described as thrilling.
      • They toyed with Afro-Brazilian hoo-hah for a good few years before they started mashing up ragga, noise, punk, and R&B.
      • Future functionality will include the ability to mash up the softphone with webcams, Meebo, Flickr, etc.
      • In the late '60s, while Chicano rock was rising on the West Coast, the Big Apple's NuYorican scene was mashing up Motown and mambos.
      • The second full-length disc from The Cooper Temple Clause finds them continuing to mash up rock, grunge and electronica with healthy abandon.


Old English māsc (as a brewing term), of West Germanic origin; perhaps ultimately related to mix.


  • Mobile army surgical hospital.





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