

单词 pluck

Definition of pluck in English:


verb plʌkplək
[with object]
  • 1Take hold of (something) and quickly remove it from its place.


    she plucked a blade of grass


    he plucked a tape from the shelf


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She reached over and plucked a small grass blade from his hair.
    • She sank back into the soft grass and plucked a snow white lily from it's stalk.
    • Hoshiko rolled onto her stomach, plucking blades of grass from the immaculate lawn.
    • He plucked a blade of grass, splitting it in two.
    • They strode past a cedar tree, and Caleb plucked several needles from a protruding branch.
    • He quickly kissed my lips and playfully plucked the carton of apple juice from my hand.
    • Then, with a sickle, Kasle plucks weeds for Rs 20 a day on the landowner's fields.
    • Were I meeting men of this caliber, I'd be head over heels, humming wedding marches and plucking the petals off of daisies in the classic, he loves me, he loves me not fashion.
    • Baba leans across, plucks it out of the tea, and after removing his handkerchief from his pocket, gently mops the petals.
    • Each show plucks the boss of a major organisation out of the boardroom and deposits them on the shop floor.
    • And boy, Steve reached down today and plucked it just like picking a flower.
    • She stammered, quickly plucking her favorite perfume off of her dresser and spraying some on.
    • He plucks a long blade of grass to chew on out of habit.
    • After some consideration, Jane plucked a light green T-shirt from her closet, and pulled on her favourite pair of jeans.
    • When he looked around all he could see was just greenish vegetation from which he spotted some kind of a familiar plant where he plucked a few leaves and quickly crushed them using a stone.
    • He plucks a hibiscus flower from a bush and hands it to me.
    • The compère strides forward and plucks the microphone from the stand.
    • She cautiously plucked a blade of grass from the lawn, and scrutinised it.
    • He plucks old characters from obscurity, brings them together and makes them dance.
    • Instead she plucks the fixings for a salad from the garden.
    • Nobody sees it, until at the station a smart woman leaving the train bends over and plucks it off the floor and smooths it down as she cradles it in her hand.
    remove, pick off, pick, pull, pull off/out, extract, take, take off
    1. 1.1 Catch hold of and pull quickly.
      she plucked his sleeve


      no object brambles plucked at her jeans


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I plucked at the sleeve of the jacket Roop had given me, trying to think of a change in conversation.
      • Slightly surprised at that line of questioning I plucked at my jeans.
      • He shivered once or twice and plucked at the blanket and drew it close to his face.
      • Joren moved quickly, plucking the young woman away from the corpse and pressing her against the wall.
      • Morgan plucked at his sleeve and they both sat down silently on the other bed.
      • He lowered himself into a chair and leaned back, stretching his legs out before him while he plucked at his lower lip in thought.
      • His mother sank back down onto the couch and plucked at the seat.
      • So when I tried them on, the cutest little Latino boy came and knelt in front of me and sort pinched and plucked at me, showing me where he'd take them in to fit me better.
      • She sighed again and plucked at a loose thread in her dress.
      • She plucked at the ribbon trim on her pillowcase and didn't reply.
      • Riga grinned proudly and plucked at the sleeve of his shirt aimlessly.
      • She strode up to her daughter, and plucked at the pink blouse.
      • Actually, he jumped off the stool and ran towards his little brother - quickly plucking the bowl from his hands and making his way towards me.
      • ‘Well at least wash it,’ Jane wrinkled her nose as she plucked at his cloak.
      • Luckily enough, a circus happens to be passing by, and one dwarf leads his elephant over to the car, where the elephant plucks the woman out with his trunk.
      • Wondering if Manda had left it there, he quickly plucked it from its constraint.
      • I looked down at myself and plucked at my jacket.
      • She looked down at her clothing and plucked at the wrinkles in her tee shirt.
      • He plucked at my elbow and we three retreated slowly, until the guard gave up and wandered away.
      • His graceful hands deftly plucked at various cables and wires, reconnecting, splicing.
      pull (at), tug (at), clutch (at), snatch (at), take hold of, grab, seize, catch (at), tweak, twitch, jerk
      informal yank
    2. 1.2 Pull the feathers from (a bird's carcass) to prepare it for cooking.
      the turkeys are plucked and cleaned by machine
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then it would be slaughtered, plucked and cleaned in time for dinner on the day itself.
      • They also want cheap labour to cut the sugar cane, pluck the chickens, pick the oranges, mow the lawns and make the beds.
      • Once the blood has drained, the stall-owner plucks off the feathers, removes the entrails and hands the bird over in a bag.
      • One day I labored in the basement kitchen plucking a hundred pigeons, burning the tougher feathers off with a hand-held torch.
      • He at once began work on the bird, plucking the feathers carefully from its wings and tail and setting them in a pile on the sand, then skinning it with his dagger.
      • The owner of the turkey and the ‘Keeper of the Fowl’ were going to have the bird cleaned and plucked and we were going to have a Turkey Fry.
      • So, when Linda is not helping out with lambing, plucking her fabulous chickens or collecting eggs from her daughter's quails, she is knocking up new duck-houses in her carpentry shed.
      • He was already plucking the last few feathers and rubbing spices into the carcasses in preparation for cooking.
      • Wringing pigeons' necks, plucking and cleaning, were jobs he now did without demur.
      • The temperature had dropped dramatically, and he was pleased to be able to get a good blaze going before setting to work plucking and preparing his wildfowl.
      remove the feathers from, strip of feathers
      rare deplume, displume
    3. 1.3 Pull some of the hairs from (one's eyebrows) to make them look neater.
      whether you pluck your eyebrows depends on your type of looks
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Undergoing a total transformation by cutting her hair, plucking her eyebrows, and having her teeth capped, Céline was willing to do whatever it took to make her dreams a reality.
      • The camera is too close to her face, her make up is flaked and cracking in places, tiny stray hairs, missed by plucking, appear on her eyebrows.
      • Avoid over plucking the eyebrows, only take stray hairs from below the brow line as a rule or get them done professionally.
      • I've also plucked hair from my eyebrows but will not go into this.
      • It is of vital importance to pluck one's eyebrows regularly.
      • My nails were cut and shaped, my eyebrows plucked and then a massage with sweet smelling creams.
      • I could live without a leg wax and having my eyebrows plucked.
      • For small, annoying hairs in inconvenient places, try plucking.
      • Teen magazines are full of articles on how to lose weight, get the right hair highlights, pluck eyebrows effectively, and so on.
      • Sarah flicked her hair over her shoulder and raised an immaculately plucked eyebrow.
      • As it singes, it seals the ends of the hair so it doesn't grow back as quickly as when you wax or pluck it.
      • With the help of a trusty pair of tweezers (the sharper, the better), pluck away at the hairs you want to eliminate.
      • My eyes are small like my dad's, and my eyebrows have been plucked much thinner than natural.
      • Cohen saw potential in a beauty parlour where women could get make-up done, have eyebrows plucked or false eyelash extensions applied.
      • Really need to pluck or get her eyebrows waxed or something.
      • I got my eyebrows plucked professionally yesterday too.
      • Her eyebrows are plucked and slender and brown like her natural hair color.
      • Women in particular are depicted in literature as looking forward to this break in their routine, dying their hair blonde in preparation, plucking their eyebrows and putting on all their jewellery.
      • He held a pair of tweezers in his hand, debating whether or not to pluck away the three stray hairs between his eyebrows.
      • Martha had her eyebrows plucked in a rounded and shallow arch, which added to her beauty.
    4. 1.4Geology (of glacier ice) break off (pieces of rock) by mechanical force.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They contain kilometre-scale blocks of igneous basement rocks, plucked by the rising diapir from the footwall of the fault.
  • 2Quickly or suddenly remove someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation.


    the baby was plucked from a grim orphanage


    Example sentencesExamples
    • On this street, Eureka volunteer firefighters' rescue boats later would pluck at least 20 people to safety, many from their rooftops.
    • Two of the people rescued were plucked from near-death situations.
    • He was plucked from the rocks by a lifeboat crew.
    • A bird plucked from an oil spillage has been returned to the wild next to a sewage plant.
    • The officer slung a rope around Ben's shivering body and plucked him to safety after a two-hour operation.
    • Rescuers managed to pluck the Dutch man from the stricken boat.
    • Helicopter pilots flying from its deck were some of the first to begin plucking stranded New Orleans residents.
    • The U.S. Coast Guard, going in and plucking, one by one, these victims from rooftops and other areas along the Gulf of Mexico.
    • Dozens of cats and dogs, even snakes and exotic birds have been plucked to safety and taken to temporary shelters.
    • Crews plucked stranded villagers and tourists from rooftops and even the tops of cars.
  • 3Sound (a musical instrument or its strings) with one's finger or a plectrum.


    she picked up her guitar and plucked it idly
    Example sentencesExamples
    • She started strumming, and plucking the strings, and finally singing.
    • Could my daughter be playing me like a violin; plucking at my heart strings so I would feel loved?
    • He let his fingernails grow long, the better to pluck his new classical guitar.
    • I watched her fingers pluck the strings gracefully, feeling her courage getting greater with the song.
    • I sat with the lute in my lap, trying to reach for forgotten notes as my fingers plucked the strings.
    • He has plucked and strummed the strings of the electric guitar.
    • Jande let the silence stretch for a moment before she began plucking a soft, almost drone-like rhythm in the lower register.
    • She could not pick out a single word from the speedy way the bright folk spoke, but she could guess what they meant by the way they were plucking at her harp and looking at her expectantly.
    • Rita picked up his guitar and plucked at the strings.
    • The guitar player hesitantly plucking the same melodic line over and over again, unsure of whether to stop or to go on.
    • And another (rather inspired this one) when he serenaded them with a banjo while plucking the theme tune to 1970s hick-horror flick Deliverance.
    • The whole room was silent while the guitar was still being plucked and a few other odd noises were involved.
    • She started plucking out tunes and she became a star and that is a great story and something we can all be inspired by.
    • It reached deep inside, plucking at the heartstrings, moving everyone's souls.
    • Mingus plucks the lazy line of notes, the last of which rises to meet the downward shifting piano, which in turn merges in motion with the wandering trumpet.
    • That evening ended on a low chord with a little whimsical note plucked in the upper register.
    • After putting the finishing touches to an instrument, he plucks a mournful tune which fills the workshop, his big brown eyes briefly lost in thought.
    • With a deep breath, Jeananne plucked at her harp and sang a shrieking tune to the only audience member without the means to block out sound.
    • In fact this is a very romantic comic, and none of it's overplayed or plucks the heartstrings unnecessarily.
    • Atkins does it all, singing and strumming and plucking, while Plummer takes a seat behind the drums.
    strum, pick, thrum, twang, plunk, finger
    play pizzicato
noun plʌkplək
mass noun
  • 1Spirited and determined courage.


    it must have taken a lot of pluck to walk along a path marked ‘Danger’
    Example sentencesExamples
    • And so, with great delight, the two close friends set out to prove they have lost none of their pluck or zest for life and through various assignations and mistaken identities turn the tables beautifully on Falstaff.
    • Wendy couldn't help but admire the pluck and ingenuity these youngsters showed.
    • While she hints at the demons in Maya's past, she invests little intelligence or pluck in the character.
    • The goal is to ensure that patients' spirits - their source of both peace and pluck - remain intact.
    • Peter doubted the absolute truth of these statements, but he did not doubt the General's heart and his pluck.
    • The son returns to be by his father's bedside, and finds that the old man has still a lot of pluck that he displays when his old friend turn up.
    • But their leaders were full of admiration for their pluck and cheerful acceptance of the conditions.
    • For example, this time last year you highlighted the sheer day-to-day pluck and dedication of young carers in the borough.
    • But her considerable pluck, vivid imagination, and true talent enable her to regain the respect of her judgmental community.
    • What the Borders team lacked in class it made up for in pluck.
    • Bob used plenty of pluck and hard work to get started, and then he offered other businesses the chance to get started too.
    • ‘Although large and powerful, they have not the pluck and martial spirit of Englishmen,’ one soldier remarked, just before his death.
    • Admiring her pluck and determination Clint reluctantly takes her on and a fascinating relationship of substitute father and daughter emerges.
    • After returning to terra firma the photographer said: ‘It was a lot further up that I realised and I admire the builders for their pluck in being able to work up so high.’
    • Of course, not everyone has the pluck to become an entrepreneur, and most businesses fail before they get off the starting block.
    • But while he may not have the same terrier-like reputation as his brother and admits that maybe he could do with honing that never-say-never spirit, he showed plenty of pluck.
    • President Reagan is showing an awful lot of pluck given this tragedy.
    • At 73 June sings those lyrics with the same determined pluck as she did at 9, revealing an artist whose hopefulness proved as solid and indefatigable as her voice.
    • And when I was here a few weeks ago, I met with a number of those families, and I was impressed by their pluck, their spirit.
    • While fast food restaurants require their workers to have a high school diploma, street vendors only need some cash and a bit of pluck to start up their business.
    • His youth, pluck and decisiveness were one of the major assets which made him different from the Communists whose radical slogans had never been translated into real actions.
    courage, bravery, nerve, pluckiness, boldness, courageousness, braveness, backbone, spine, daring, spirit, intrepidness, intrepidity, fearlessness, mettle, determination, fortitude, resolve, resolution, stout-heartedness, hardihood, dauntlessness, valour, doughtiness, heroism, audacity
    informal grit, guts, spunk, gutsiness, gumption
    British informal bottle, ballsiness
    North American informal moxie, cojones, sand
    vulgar slang balls
  • 2The heart, liver, and lungs of an animal as food.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Wash the pluck and put in a pan of boiling water and boil for 1 hour.
    • Put the pluck into cold salted water, boil, then skim and simmer for 1 hour.


  • plucker

  • noun
    • usually in combination a goose-plucker
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Rubber workers would be required to tap 50 extra trees per day, for example, while tea-leaf pluckers would have to increase their harvest from 14 to 16 kilograms per day.
      • To register a day's work, a tea plucker has to meet a quota of 18 kilograms of leaves.
      • Hailing from a musical family, he started out as a guitar plucker.
      • Mubuyu farms will employ over 1,500 coffee pluckers during the harvest period between April and September of which the majority will be women.
      • They have also rejected employers' demands for productivity-linked wage rises and financial penalties against tea pluckers who fail to meet their daily quota.
  • pluckless

  • adjective


Late Old English ploccian, pluccian, of Germanic origin; related to Flemish plokken; probably from the base of Old French (es)peluchier 'to pluck'. Sense 1 of the noun is originally boxers' slang.

  • pull from Old English:

    A word that originally expressed a short sharp action, more like pluck (Old English) or snatch (Middle English), all words with obscure origins. To pull the plug is to prevent something from happening or continuing. Nowadays this probably brings to mind the image of someone disconnecting an electrical device by pulling out the plug from the socket, but the plug referred to here is one found in a forerunner of the flushing toilet, used from the mid 18th century. To flush it you had to pull a stopper or plug. To pull someone's leg, or tease them, has been used since the late 19th century, but the idea probably goes back to the 16th century, when you might pull someone by the ear, nose or sleeve to insult or make fun of them. If you pull out all the stops you make a very great effort to achieve something. The stops in this expression are the knobs or levers on a church organ which control the pipes. Pulling out all the stops will obviously result in the maximum volume possible.


buck, Canuck, chuck, cluck, cruck, duck, luck, muck, puck, ruck, schmuck, shuck, struck, stuck, suck, truck, tuck, upchuck, yuck

Definition of pluck in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Take hold of (something) and quickly remove it from its place.


    she plucked a blade of grass


    he plucked a tape from the shelf


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He plucks a hibiscus flower from a bush and hands it to me.
    • Were I meeting men of this caliber, I'd be head over heels, humming wedding marches and plucking the petals off of daisies in the classic, he loves me, he loves me not fashion.
    • Hoshiko rolled onto her stomach, plucking blades of grass from the immaculate lawn.
    • After some consideration, Jane plucked a light green T-shirt from her closet, and pulled on her favourite pair of jeans.
    • When he looked around all he could see was just greenish vegetation from which he spotted some kind of a familiar plant where he plucked a few leaves and quickly crushed them using a stone.
    • Nobody sees it, until at the station a smart woman leaving the train bends over and plucks it off the floor and smooths it down as she cradles it in her hand.
    • They strode past a cedar tree, and Caleb plucked several needles from a protruding branch.
    • Instead she plucks the fixings for a salad from the garden.
    • He plucked a blade of grass, splitting it in two.
    • She cautiously plucked a blade of grass from the lawn, and scrutinised it.
    • And boy, Steve reached down today and plucked it just like picking a flower.
    • Then, with a sickle, Kasle plucks weeds for Rs 20 a day on the landowner's fields.
    • He plucks a long blade of grass to chew on out of habit.
    • She reached over and plucked a small grass blade from his hair.
    • Baba leans across, plucks it out of the tea, and after removing his handkerchief from his pocket, gently mops the petals.
    • He plucks old characters from obscurity, brings them together and makes them dance.
    • The compère strides forward and plucks the microphone from the stand.
    • She stammered, quickly plucking her favorite perfume off of her dresser and spraying some on.
    • He quickly kissed my lips and playfully plucked the carton of apple juice from my hand.
    • She sank back into the soft grass and plucked a snow white lily from it's stalk.
    • Each show plucks the boss of a major organisation out of the boardroom and deposits them on the shop floor.
    remove, pick off, pick, pull, pull off, pull out, extract, take, take off
    1. 1.1 Catch hold of and pull quickly.
      she plucked his sleeve


      no object brambles plucked at her jeans


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She strode up to her daughter, and plucked at the pink blouse.
      • I plucked at the sleeve of the jacket Roop had given me, trying to think of a change in conversation.
      • He plucked at my elbow and we three retreated slowly, until the guard gave up and wandered away.
      • Joren moved quickly, plucking the young woman away from the corpse and pressing her against the wall.
      • She sighed again and plucked at a loose thread in her dress.
      • His graceful hands deftly plucked at various cables and wires, reconnecting, splicing.
      • She looked down at her clothing and plucked at the wrinkles in her tee shirt.
      • He shivered once or twice and plucked at the blanket and drew it close to his face.
      • Luckily enough, a circus happens to be passing by, and one dwarf leads his elephant over to the car, where the elephant plucks the woman out with his trunk.
      • Actually, he jumped off the stool and ran towards his little brother - quickly plucking the bowl from his hands and making his way towards me.
      • He lowered himself into a chair and leaned back, stretching his legs out before him while he plucked at his lower lip in thought.
      • She plucked at the ribbon trim on her pillowcase and didn't reply.
      • Riga grinned proudly and plucked at the sleeve of his shirt aimlessly.
      • His mother sank back down onto the couch and plucked at the seat.
      • Morgan plucked at his sleeve and they both sat down silently on the other bed.
      • Slightly surprised at that line of questioning I plucked at my jeans.
      • I looked down at myself and plucked at my jacket.
      • ‘Well at least wash it,’ Jane wrinkled her nose as she plucked at his cloak.
      • Wondering if Manda had left it there, he quickly plucked it from its constraint.
      • So when I tried them on, the cutest little Latino boy came and knelt in front of me and sort pinched and plucked at me, showing me where he'd take them in to fit me better.
      pull, pull at, tug, tug at, clutch, clutch at, snatch, snatch at, take hold of, grab, seize, catch, catch at, tweak, twitch, jerk
    2. 1.2 Pull the feathers from (a bird's carcass) to prepare it for cooking.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He at once began work on the bird, plucking the feathers carefully from its wings and tail and setting them in a pile on the sand, then skinning it with his dagger.
      • Wringing pigeons' necks, plucking and cleaning, were jobs he now did without demur.
      • They also want cheap labour to cut the sugar cane, pluck the chickens, pick the oranges, mow the lawns and make the beds.
      • Then it would be slaughtered, plucked and cleaned in time for dinner on the day itself.
      • He was already plucking the last few feathers and rubbing spices into the carcasses in preparation for cooking.
      • So, when Linda is not helping out with lambing, plucking her fabulous chickens or collecting eggs from her daughter's quails, she is knocking up new duck-houses in her carpentry shed.
      • Once the blood has drained, the stall-owner plucks off the feathers, removes the entrails and hands the bird over in a bag.
      • One day I labored in the basement kitchen plucking a hundred pigeons, burning the tougher feathers off with a hand-held torch.
      • The owner of the turkey and the ‘Keeper of the Fowl’ were going to have the bird cleaned and plucked and we were going to have a Turkey Fry.
      • The temperature had dropped dramatically, and he was pleased to be able to get a good blaze going before setting to work plucking and preparing his wildfowl.
      remove the feathers from, strip of feathers
    3. 1.3 Pull some of the hairs from (one's eyebrows) to make them look neater.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He held a pair of tweezers in his hand, debating whether or not to pluck away the three stray hairs between his eyebrows.
      • As it singes, it seals the ends of the hair so it doesn't grow back as quickly as when you wax or pluck it.
      • Cohen saw potential in a beauty parlour where women could get make-up done, have eyebrows plucked or false eyelash extensions applied.
      • With the help of a trusty pair of tweezers (the sharper, the better), pluck away at the hairs you want to eliminate.
      • For small, annoying hairs in inconvenient places, try plucking.
      • Martha had her eyebrows plucked in a rounded and shallow arch, which added to her beauty.
      • I could live without a leg wax and having my eyebrows plucked.
      • Her eyebrows are plucked and slender and brown like her natural hair color.
      • Women in particular are depicted in literature as looking forward to this break in their routine, dying their hair blonde in preparation, plucking their eyebrows and putting on all their jewellery.
      • My nails were cut and shaped, my eyebrows plucked and then a massage with sweet smelling creams.
      • The camera is too close to her face, her make up is flaked and cracking in places, tiny stray hairs, missed by plucking, appear on her eyebrows.
      • Avoid over plucking the eyebrows, only take stray hairs from below the brow line as a rule or get them done professionally.
      • I got my eyebrows plucked professionally yesterday too.
      • Sarah flicked her hair over her shoulder and raised an immaculately plucked eyebrow.
      • It is of vital importance to pluck one's eyebrows regularly.
      • Teen magazines are full of articles on how to lose weight, get the right hair highlights, pluck eyebrows effectively, and so on.
      • I've also plucked hair from my eyebrows but will not go into this.
      • Undergoing a total transformation by cutting her hair, plucking her eyebrows, and having her teeth capped, Céline was willing to do whatever it took to make her dreams a reality.
      • My eyes are small like my dad's, and my eyebrows have been plucked much thinner than natural.
      • Really need to pluck or get her eyebrows waxed or something.
  • 2Quickly or suddenly remove someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation.


    the baby was plucked from a grim foster home


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Two of the people rescued were plucked from near-death situations.
    • Rescuers managed to pluck the Dutch man from the stricken boat.
    • Crews plucked stranded villagers and tourists from rooftops and even the tops of cars.
    • Helicopter pilots flying from its deck were some of the first to begin plucking stranded New Orleans residents.
    • On this street, Eureka volunteer firefighters' rescue boats later would pluck at least 20 people to safety, many from their rooftops.
    • The officer slung a rope around Ben's shivering body and plucked him to safety after a two-hour operation.
    • A bird plucked from an oil spillage has been returned to the wild next to a sewage plant.
    • Dozens of cats and dogs, even snakes and exotic birds have been plucked to safety and taken to temporary shelters.
    • He was plucked from the rocks by a lifeboat crew.
    • The U.S. Coast Guard, going in and plucking, one by one, these victims from rooftops and other areas along the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 3Sound (a musical instrument or its strings) with one's finger or a plectrum.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Jande let the silence stretch for a moment before she began plucking a soft, almost drone-like rhythm in the lower register.
    • It reached deep inside, plucking at the heartstrings, moving everyone's souls.
    • And another (rather inspired this one) when he serenaded them with a banjo while plucking the theme tune to 1970s hick-horror flick Deliverance.
    • He let his fingernails grow long, the better to pluck his new classical guitar.
    • With a deep breath, Jeananne plucked at her harp and sang a shrieking tune to the only audience member without the means to block out sound.
    • Rita picked up his guitar and plucked at the strings.
    • He has plucked and strummed the strings of the electric guitar.
    • Atkins does it all, singing and strumming and plucking, while Plummer takes a seat behind the drums.
    • Could my daughter be playing me like a violin; plucking at my heart strings so I would feel loved?
    • She started plucking out tunes and she became a star and that is a great story and something we can all be inspired by.
    • The whole room was silent while the guitar was still being plucked and a few other odd noises were involved.
    • That evening ended on a low chord with a little whimsical note plucked in the upper register.
    • After putting the finishing touches to an instrument, he plucks a mournful tune which fills the workshop, his big brown eyes briefly lost in thought.
    • In fact this is a very romantic comic, and none of it's overplayed or plucks the heartstrings unnecessarily.
    • Mingus plucks the lazy line of notes, the last of which rises to meet the downward shifting piano, which in turn merges in motion with the wandering trumpet.
    • She could not pick out a single word from the speedy way the bright folk spoke, but she could guess what they meant by the way they were plucking at her harp and looking at her expectantly.
    • I sat with the lute in my lap, trying to reach for forgotten notes as my fingers plucked the strings.
    • I watched her fingers pluck the strings gracefully, feeling her courage getting greater with the song.
    • She started strumming, and plucking the strings, and finally singing.
    • The guitar player hesitantly plucking the same melodic line over and over again, unsure of whether to stop or to go on.
    strum, pick, thrum, twang, plunk, finger
  • 1Spirited and determined courage.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And so, with great delight, the two close friends set out to prove they have lost none of their pluck or zest for life and through various assignations and mistaken identities turn the tables beautifully on Falstaff.
    • And when I was here a few weeks ago, I met with a number of those families, and I was impressed by their pluck, their spirit.
    • But their leaders were full of admiration for their pluck and cheerful acceptance of the conditions.
    • While she hints at the demons in Maya's past, she invests little intelligence or pluck in the character.
    • While fast food restaurants require their workers to have a high school diploma, street vendors only need some cash and a bit of pluck to start up their business.
    • At 73 June sings those lyrics with the same determined pluck as she did at 9, revealing an artist whose hopefulness proved as solid and indefatigable as her voice.
    • Of course, not everyone has the pluck to become an entrepreneur, and most businesses fail before they get off the starting block.
    • Bob used plenty of pluck and hard work to get started, and then he offered other businesses the chance to get started too.
    • Peter doubted the absolute truth of these statements, but he did not doubt the General's heart and his pluck.
    • The goal is to ensure that patients' spirits - their source of both peace and pluck - remain intact.
    • Admiring her pluck and determination Clint reluctantly takes her on and a fascinating relationship of substitute father and daughter emerges.
    • After returning to terra firma the photographer said: ‘It was a lot further up that I realised and I admire the builders for their pluck in being able to work up so high.’
    • ‘Although large and powerful, they have not the pluck and martial spirit of Englishmen,’ one soldier remarked, just before his death.
    • But her considerable pluck, vivid imagination, and true talent enable her to regain the respect of her judgmental community.
    • President Reagan is showing an awful lot of pluck given this tragedy.
    • What the Borders team lacked in class it made up for in pluck.
    • But while he may not have the same terrier-like reputation as his brother and admits that maybe he could do with honing that never-say-never spirit, he showed plenty of pluck.
    • His youth, pluck and decisiveness were one of the major assets which made him different from the Communists whose radical slogans had never been translated into real actions.
    • The son returns to be by his father's bedside, and finds that the old man has still a lot of pluck that he displays when his old friend turn up.
    • Wendy couldn't help but admire the pluck and ingenuity these youngsters showed.
    • For example, this time last year you highlighted the sheer day-to-day pluck and dedication of young carers in the borough.
    courage, bravery, nerve, pluckiness, boldness, courageousness, braveness, backbone, spine, daring, spirit, intrepidness, intrepidity, fearlessness, mettle, determination, fortitude, resolve, resolution, stout-heartedness, hardihood, dauntlessness, valour, doughtiness, heroism, audacity
  • 2The heart, liver, and lungs of an animal as food.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Put the pluck into cold salted water, boil, then skim and simmer for 1 hour.
    • Wash the pluck and put in a pan of boiling water and boil for 1 hour.


Late Old English ploccian, pluccian, of Germanic origin; related to Flemish plokken; probably from the base of Old French ( es)peluchier ‘to pluck’. Sense 1 of the noun is originally boxers' slang.





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