I also managed to prove that crazy golf is not one of my lifeskills.
Additions such as the playground, crazy golf and a treasure hunt are very popular with families.
This working farm includes horse and pony-trekking, crazy golf, pet corner and play area.
They will also be taking part in a range of activities including arts, crafts, swimming, badminton and crazy golf.
Crazy golf is included in the ticket price, the toboggan slides are great fun for kids of all ages and there are other outdoor activities to enjoy in fine weather.
Away from the beach, there's bowling and crazy golf.
Fun and frolics were enjoyed by all, with a host of activities on offer to the public including side shows, games and even a round of crazy golf!
He claimed the council could make more money from running the crazy golf on Flagstaff Gardens than it could from the rent offered by either bidder.
The origins of crazy golf are hotly disputed, with both Britain and the United States claiming to have come up with the idea.
The greens are not as even as the carpet in Room 902 and I may as well be playing crazy golf the way the balls keep veering away from the hole.
Facilities include tennis courts, crazy golf, a playing pitch, barbecue area and children's playground.
The campsite had numerous other facilities, including crazy golf, children's playgrounds, a fishing lake and a small animal farm.
The idea is that it will use various areas of Happy Mount Park - the crazy golf, paddling pool and mini-train, for instance - as sets.
We play crazy golf and have a great time together.
Crazy golf, the eccentric relative of the real thing, claims to be Britain's most popular seaside sport.
A few tried their hand at crazy golf.
There was a tea room in the house and every year, on first arriving on holiday, we would play crazy golf and drink tea on the grass in the gardens.