

单词 silly

Definition of silly in English:


adjectivesilliest, sillier ˈsɪliˈsɪli
  • 1Having or showing a lack of common sense or judgement; absurd and foolish.


    another of his silly jokes


    ‘Don't be silly!’ she said


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She felt slightly silly, saying these things in front of her husband, but didn't care.
    • This silly man is being abused, ridiculed and punished for having flouted his own moral principles, and then being idiotic enough to confess it.
    • The bombast, condescension, arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect.
    • Monday's story in the Wall Street Journal about Academy DVD screeners and their vulnerability to piracy was slightly silly.
    • It was silly, extremely foolish and childish of me.
    • She would guide me through the difficult parts and ridicule my silly mistakes.
    • There's a skinny, floppy-haired scamp on stage wearing a slightly silly outfit.
    • I don't have any obvious answers to this riddle - or at least, none that aren't wearing silly tinfoil hats.
    • It's a very bold move, and some would suggest a slightly silly one.
    • What I can't understand is why we just can't leave people to live their lives in peace, unscathed by our silly, ridiculous prejudices.
    • They are truly silly, absurd films, intended primarily to make people laugh.
    • A seriously slight but enjoyably silly teen hit manages to deliver a healthy second dose of college chuckles - without changing a thing.
    • I had assumed that everyone (and Jessica in particular) would understand my comment as a silly joke.
    • We will always end up looking slightly silly, because we will be dealing with them after the event, when all the protagonists have run for cover and it is very difficult to get to the basis of what happened.
    • We are frail, we are human, we make mistakes, we do foolish things, silly things.
    • So it was a history of Britain with lots of silly jokes.
    • Obviously this is silly and common sense must prevail, so it is the interpretation of the law that becomes all-important, but it is in this interpretation where we have the inconsistency.
    • I felt slightly silly as I remained in my chair, watching everyone dancing and having fun.
    • Yes, it is all a bit familiar - but, sadly, nowhere near as delightfully absurd and unrepentantly silly as the Ghostbusters movies.
    • The cartoons inject humour, while the writing is crystal-clear and direct - it never relies on silly jokes and is never patronising.
    foolish, stupid, unintelligent, idiotic, brainless, mindless, witless, imbecilic, imbecile, doltish
    imprudent, thoughtless, rash, reckless, foolhardy, irresponsible
    mad, erratic, unstable, scatterbrained, feather-brained
    flighty, frivolous, giddy, fatuous, inane, immature, childish, puerile, half-baked, empty-headed, half-witted, slow-witted, weak-minded
    informal daft, crazy, dotty, scatty, loopy, screwy, soft, brain-dead, cretinous, thick, thickheaded, birdbrained, pea-brained, pinheaded, dopey, dim, dim-witted, dippy, pie-faced, fat-headed, blockheaded, boneheaded, lamebrained, chuckleheaded, dunderheaded, wooden-headed, muttonheaded, damfool
    British informal divvy, dappy
    Scottish &amp Northern English informal glaikit
    North American informal dumb-ass, chowderheaded
    South African informal dof
    West Indian informal dotish
    dated tomfool
    unwise, imprudent, thoughtless, foolish, stupid, idiotic, senseless, mindless, fatuous
    rash, reckless, foolhardy, irresponsible, inadvisable, injudicious, ill-considered, misguided, inappropriate, illogical, irrational, unreasonable
    hare-brained, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, laughable, risible, farcical, preposterous, asinine
    informal daft, crazy
    1. 1.1 Ridiculously trivial or frivolous.
      he would brood about silly things


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You really think I'm supposed to marry you on the spot right now just because you answered some silly trivia question?
      • Ack, it sounds so silly and trivial now, but I was literally shaking with rage at the time.
      • It's a deeply silly and trivial entertainment cheerfully devoid of any nutritional or calorific value whatever.
      • The experiments were trivial, downright silly you may say, but the theoretical implications may be profound.
      • For decades, petty rules, silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense.
      • You think it's a silly and trivial innovation, well maybe, but who knows where it might lead.
      • That might sound unnecessarily silly or trivial, but it's been a serious point of contention.
      • It's probably silly and frivolous, but maybe you want to respond.
      • But it's not automatically rendered trivial and silly, just because it's about a household animal.
      • Brainball may seem like a ridiculously silly game, but it demonstrates how a machine can know something about your emotional state.
      • None of these cost much or had much relevance but collectively, in a period where morale was weak, they were silly, petty little annoyances that were easy to avoid.
      • You should hear how men howl at this finding: What a trivial excuse, how silly.
      • He did not want her to make his feelings sound silly and ridiculous, even if her intentions were good.
      • A variation of 0.2 degrees seems trivial and almost silly to worry about.
      • That is just frivolous and silly, and I ask the member to stand and withdraw and apologise for that comment.
      • And I had this thought, which I hope doesn't sound too silly or too frivolous or disrespectful of a disaster.
      • Be clear that your child should tell you straight away if anything unusual or frightening has happened, even if it seems silly or trivial to him and especially if he's been told not to tell.
      • And while the occasional privacy violation seems trivial, perhaps even silly to some readers, these abuses really do add up over time.
      • For the next hour or two, they engage in serious debate, silly gossip or frivolous prattle.
      • After reading these… my explanation seems silly and trivial.
      trivial, trifling, frivolous, footling, petty, niggling, small, slight, minor, insignificant, unimportant, inconsequential, of little account
      informal piffling, piddling
      North American informal small-bore
    2. 1.2as complement Used to convey that an activity or process has been engaged in to such a degree that someone is no longer capable of thinking or acting sensibly.
      he often drank himself silly


      his mother worried herself silly over him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He drank himself silly and had to take a cab home.
      • But she still worried herself silly every time a visit was coming up.
      senseless, insensible, unconscious, stupid, dopey, into a stupor, into oblivion, into senselessness, into a daze
      numb, dazed, stunned, stupefied, groggy, muzzy
  • 2archaic (especially of a woman, child, or animal) helpless; defenceless.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She is silly, helpless, Irish, very poor, and 28 years of age.
    • In many of the tales the fairies are tiny, silly, helpless creatures.
  • 3Cricket
    attributive Denoting fielding positions very close to the batsman.


    silly mid-on


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sourav Ganguly, once legendarily dismissive of spinners but now woefully out of form, was dropped by Younis Khan at silly mid-off.
    • Ian Bell, surrounded by a slip, gully, short leg and captain Ricky Ponting at silly mid-off, became Warne's second lbw victim for eight.
    • Illingworth was content with two short legs, silly mid-on, slip and gulley as he wheeled away for less than one run an over.
    • Soon after, he played a sharply rising ball as well as he could, off his ribs almost, and watched, relieved as it fell just short of silly mid-off.
    • Derek Underwood bowls the last ball of the day to Bernard Julien who plays defensively to Tony Greig at silly point.
nounPlural sillies ˈsɪliˈsɪli
  • A foolish person (often used as a form of address)

    〈非正式〉傻瓜,笨蛋 常用作称呼语

    come on, silly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Quit interrupting the news bulletin in that infuriating manner when you don't actually have any results at all to hand, sillies.
    • Apparently, 1/3 of American men have not had a checkup in the past year, you sillies.
    • Then he says huitlacoche is corn fungus, not a nervous breakdown, sillies.
    nincompoop, dunce, simpleton
    informal nitwit, ninny, dimwit, dope, dumbo, dummy, chump, goon, jackass, fathead, bonehead, chucklehead, knucklehead, lamebrain, clod, pea-brain, pudding-head, thickhead, wooden-head, pinhead, airhead, birdbrain, scatterbrain, noodle, donkey
    British informal silly billy, stupe, nit, clot, twit, berk, twerp
    Scottish informal nyaff, sumph, gowk, balloon
    North American informal bozo, boob, schlepper, goofball, goof, goofus, galoot, lummox, dip, simp, spud, coot, palooka, poop, yo-yo, dingleberry
    Australian/New Zealand informal drongo, dill, alec, galah, nong, bogan, poon, boofhead
    South African informal mompara
    informal, dated muttonhead, noddy
    archaic clodpole, spoony, mooncalf


  • the silly season

    • High summer regarded as the season when newspapers often publish trivial material because of a lack of important news.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘It has been a bit back to the old days this summer when the silly season really meant the silly season,’ he says.
      • But then we are in the silly season, are we not to judge by newspaper news priorities.
      • It's the silly season of course and there's no news.
      • The long hot summer and the silly season, as the British tabloids call the month of August, is upon us, and what better place to be than, say, the French Riviera.
      • Pity we get the silly season news without the weather to match.
      • It's summer, the silly season in the news business.
      • Still, it's not all bad: lack of news brings us the silly season.
      • OK, so it's August and the silly season for news, but isn't it easy to manipulate the media and get them to cover your event?
      • Do it and once it's all over - bring on the silly season of parliamentary recess, no news, summer holidays, leather on willow so that everyone can recover.
      • It's the silly season, when there is little news of interest to expats.


  • sillily

  • adverb ˈsɪlɪliˈsɪləli
    • The custom involved a group ‘simply or sillily and without ceremony or introduction’ walking into people's houses to check if the clock was in good repair.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I then realised I actually quite like the police station, with its spiralling steps, and bizarre platforms on sillily long stilts.
      • It's just as well I have sillily long legs, which don't fit in most theatres, so I can stick them out onto the steps and be my own tripod.
      • They were rather sillily teaching them how to do it for each other.
      • As the song ended, she collapsed sillily on his lap.


Late Middle English (in the sense 'deserving of pity or sympathy'): alteration of dialect seely 'happy', later 'innocent, feeble', from a West Germanic base meaning 'luck, happiness'. The sense 'foolish' developed via the stages 'feeble' and 'unsophisticated, ignorant'.

  • A medieval Englishman would have been pleased if you described him as silly—you would have been saying he was happy or lucky. The word is an alteration of earlier seely, from an ancient root meaning ‘luck, happiness’. The Old English sense of seely was ‘happy, fortunate, blessed by God’. This subsequently developed into ‘holy’, then ‘innocent, defenceless, deserving of pity’, at which point, in the later Middle Ages, silly largely took over. Cynical people often regard goodness and simplicity as showing a lack of intelligence, and since the late 16th century the primary sense has been ‘foolish’. In cricket, silly is used in the names of fielding positions such as silly mid-off and silly point, to indicate that the fielder is positioned closer than usual to the batsman. What makes such positions ‘silly’ is that the fielder is required to stand perilously close to the bat. In high summer wealthy and important people deserted Victorian London while Parliament and the law courts were in recess. Since the mid 19th century the months of July and August have been the silly season, when British newspapers often print trivia because of a lack of important news. The first silly billy was either William Frederick, the Duke of Gloucester (1776–1834), or King William IV (1765–1837). William IV, the predecessor of Queen Victoria, became unpopular when he intervened in politics by imposing the Conservative Robert Peel as prime minister, despite a Whig majority in Parliament.


Billie, billy, Chile, chilli (US chili), chilly, Dili, dilly, filly, frilly, ghillie, gillie, Gilly, hilly, Lillee, lily, Lyly, papillae, Philly, Piccadilly, piccalilli, skilly, stilly, Tilly, willy-nilly

Definition of silly in US English:


  • 1Having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish.


    another of his silly jokes


    “Don't be silly!” she said


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They are truly silly, absurd films, intended primarily to make people laugh.
    • I had assumed that everyone (and Jessica in particular) would understand my comment as a silly joke.
    • It was silly, extremely foolish and childish of me.
    • She would guide me through the difficult parts and ridicule my silly mistakes.
    • So it was a history of Britain with lots of silly jokes.
    • Monday's story in the Wall Street Journal about Academy DVD screeners and their vulnerability to piracy was slightly silly.
    • She felt slightly silly, saying these things in front of her husband, but didn't care.
    • This silly man is being abused, ridiculed and punished for having flouted his own moral principles, and then being idiotic enough to confess it.
    • Yes, it is all a bit familiar - but, sadly, nowhere near as delightfully absurd and unrepentantly silly as the Ghostbusters movies.
    • Obviously this is silly and common sense must prevail, so it is the interpretation of the law that becomes all-important, but it is in this interpretation where we have the inconsistency.
    • It's a very bold move, and some would suggest a slightly silly one.
    • What I can't understand is why we just can't leave people to live their lives in peace, unscathed by our silly, ridiculous prejudices.
    • The bombast, condescension, arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect.
    • I felt slightly silly as I remained in my chair, watching everyone dancing and having fun.
    • There's a skinny, floppy-haired scamp on stage wearing a slightly silly outfit.
    • We will always end up looking slightly silly, because we will be dealing with them after the event, when all the protagonists have run for cover and it is very difficult to get to the basis of what happened.
    • I don't have any obvious answers to this riddle - or at least, none that aren't wearing silly tinfoil hats.
    • We are frail, we are human, we make mistakes, we do foolish things, silly things.
    • A seriously slight but enjoyably silly teen hit manages to deliver a healthy second dose of college chuckles - without changing a thing.
    • The cartoons inject humour, while the writing is crystal-clear and direct - it never relies on silly jokes and is never patronising.
    foolish, stupid, unintelligent, idiotic, brainless, mindless, witless, imbecilic, imbecile, doltish
    unwise, imprudent, thoughtless, foolish, stupid, idiotic, senseless, mindless, fatuous
    1. 1.1 Ridiculously trivial or frivolous.
      he would brood about silly things


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But it's not automatically rendered trivial and silly, just because it's about a household animal.
      • None of these cost much or had much relevance but collectively, in a period where morale was weak, they were silly, petty little annoyances that were easy to avoid.
      • For decades, petty rules, silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense.
      • After reading these… my explanation seems silly and trivial.
      • It's a deeply silly and trivial entertainment cheerfully devoid of any nutritional or calorific value whatever.
      • You should hear how men howl at this finding: What a trivial excuse, how silly.
      • That might sound unnecessarily silly or trivial, but it's been a serious point of contention.
      • It's probably silly and frivolous, but maybe you want to respond.
      • And I had this thought, which I hope doesn't sound too silly or too frivolous or disrespectful of a disaster.
      • That is just frivolous and silly, and I ask the member to stand and withdraw and apologise for that comment.
      • Brainball may seem like a ridiculously silly game, but it demonstrates how a machine can know something about your emotional state.
      • Be clear that your child should tell you straight away if anything unusual or frightening has happened, even if it seems silly or trivial to him and especially if he's been told not to tell.
      • A variation of 0.2 degrees seems trivial and almost silly to worry about.
      • For the next hour or two, they engage in serious debate, silly gossip or frivolous prattle.
      • You really think I'm supposed to marry you on the spot right now just because you answered some silly trivia question?
      • You think it's a silly and trivial innovation, well maybe, but who knows where it might lead.
      • And while the occasional privacy violation seems trivial, perhaps even silly to some readers, these abuses really do add up over time.
      • The experiments were trivial, downright silly you may say, but the theoretical implications may be profound.
      • Ack, it sounds so silly and trivial now, but I was literally shaking with rage at the time.
      • He did not want her to make his feelings sound silly and ridiculous, even if her intentions were good.
      trivial, trifling, frivolous, footling, petty, niggling, small, slight, minor, insignificant, unimportant, inconsequential, of little account
    2. 1.2as complement Used to convey that an activity or process has been engaged in to such a degree that someone is no longer capable of thinking or acting sensibly.
      he often drank himself silly


      his mother worried herself silly over him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He drank himself silly and had to take a cab home.
      • But she still worried herself silly every time a visit was coming up.
      senseless, insensible, unconscious, stupid, dopey, into a stupor, into oblivion, into senselessness, into a daze
    3. 1.3archaic (especially of a woman, child, or animal) helpless; defenseless.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She is silly, helpless, Irish, very poor, and 28 years of age.
      • In many of the tales the fairies are tiny, silly, helpless creatures.
  • A foolish person (often used as a form of address)

    〈非正式〉傻瓜,笨蛋 常用作称呼语

    come on, silly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Quit interrupting the news bulletin in that infuriating manner when you don't actually have any results at all to hand, sillies.
    • Apparently, 1/3 of American men have not had a checkup in the past year, you sillies.
    • Then he says huitlacoche is corn fungus, not a nervous breakdown, sillies.
    nincompoop, dunce, simpleton


  • the silly season

    • High summer regarded as the season when newspapers often publish trivial material because of a lack of important news.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Still, it's not all bad: lack of news brings us the silly season.
      • OK, so it's August and the silly season for news, but isn't it easy to manipulate the media and get them to cover your event?
      • But then we are in the silly season, are we not to judge by newspaper news priorities.
      • It's summer, the silly season in the news business.
      • The long hot summer and the silly season, as the British tabloids call the month of August, is upon us, and what better place to be than, say, the French Riviera.
      • ‘It has been a bit back to the old days this summer when the silly season really meant the silly season,’ he says.
      • Pity we get the silly season news without the weather to match.
      • Do it and once it's all over - bring on the silly season of parliamentary recess, no news, summer holidays, leather on willow so that everyone can recover.
      • It's the silly season of course and there's no news.
      • It's the silly season, when there is little news of interest to expats.


Late Middle English (in the sense ‘deserving of pity or sympathy’): alteration of dialect seely ‘happy’, later ‘innocent, feeble’, from a West Germanic base meaning ‘luck, happiness’. The sense ‘foolish’ developed via the stages ‘feeble’ and ‘unsophisticated, ignorant’.





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