

单词 handler

Definition of handler in English:


noun ˈhandləˈhændlər
  • 1usually with modifier A person who handles or deals with certain articles or commodities.


    a baggage handler


    a food handler


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Persons who work as food handlers can contract and possibly transmit hepatitis A to others.
    • Instead, keep a good ball handler and assist specialist on the floor, and maybe a strong rebounder.
    • Airline and airport employees working in restricted areas - such as pilots, baggage handlers and maintenance workers - are required to undergo new checks.
    • As yet mediation has not proved popular with claims handlers, but it may yet appear in the Government's White Paper on clinical negligence reform.
    • Airwing flight handlers prepare to launch a Navy F / 18 fighter aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt on Monday.
    • All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same.
    • Ed Kovalick has worked for 28 years as a Northwest baggage handler.
    • He was unable to identify who set the rates (Mr Joannou or Miss George) which were communicated to claims handlers verbally.
    • Liverpool was the leading handler of traffic, with 2.5 million tons in 1830, but nationally in 1841 three-fifths of tonnage was still handled without docks.
    • Flight attendants and baggage handlers keep an eye on each other, too.
    • Account handlers aren't referred to as ‘suits’ by their scruffy unkempt creative colleagues for nothing you know.
    • ‘Know more about Japanese sashimi,’ Hong Kong's food and hygiene authorities advised local consumers and food handlers Friday.
    • Authorised cash handlers will include a small number of firms which accept cash from clients on their own account as part of the business process.
    • The majority of vacancies are for commercial account handlers, underwriters and liability claims.
    • She telephoned a Primecare call handler at 12.37 pm and described what was wrong with EllieJo.
    • But detecting the fungi on large-volume crops like grain - and removing them - is a big challenge to commodity handlers.
    • Mitchell, aged 30, has worked as an Ansett baggage handler for the past eight years.
    • They are post office employees, factory workers, baggage handlers, nurses, secretaries, lab technicians, and teachers.
    • District administrative officer Henry Mukungula appealed to food handlers to follow laid-down instructions in the distribution of relief stocks.
    • But difficulties arise where the handler has knowledge that a question of title is involved, as where the act he is required to do is to his knowledge in pursuance of a sale or other disposition by the apparent owner to a third party.
    1. 1.1 A device which handles certain articles or substances.
      the company launched three telescopic handlers
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The PC receives a signal from the device handler indicating that a component is in place and that the test can begin.
      • There was no driver for the telescope handler.
      • Static information called a moniker is embedded in the device, and a generic device handler software is installed on the computer.
      • If you must use JavaScript functionality, use logical event handlers instead of device-dependent ones.
      • PayPal is one of the largest credit card transaction handlers in the world.
  • 2A person who trains or has charge of an animal, in particular a police officer in charge of a dog.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • His animal trainers and handlers scrubbed an ordinary gray elephant with white plaster and used peach-colored tint around the animal's ears, trunk and feet.
    • And obviously, the animal handler was there as well.
    • We see various shots and angles: two dogs rearing up, a handler releasing his animal into the ring or a close-up of a child, perhaps averting his eyes from the terrible spectacle.
    • North Vancouver has one of the largest police dog squads on the Lower Mainland, with five handlers and their dogs.
    • And it took animal handlers six hours to capture the creature, pictured right.
    • There, the dogs are bred and looked after by the handlers who take the dogs in charge of them to their homes.
    • The animal handler gave it a sharp kick sending it rocketing across the road, but we were told to ignore this test as his interference had invalidated the research data.
    • Police dog Chase, who fell four storeys from a hotel roof last fall while doing an explosives search, has made a miraculous recovery despite serious injuries, said his handler and police partner.
    • Future research needs to evaluate moving devices and moving techniques to improve welfare and safety for animals and handlers.
    • The police dog and its handler only found the plaid shirt that is one of the exhibits.
    • Habituated lions have been brought up by trained animal handlers.
    • A total of 12 dogs and their handlers represented police forces in the South West and Wales at the regional police dog trials held in Wiltshire at the weekend.
    • And they even come with their own animal handler, free of charge, which should be a great boon.
    • She once evaded a police dog and handler sent to track her.
    • Apparently the handlers of this tiger charge $5 for a ride on it.
    • We saw people running outside to get all the doors open, and an animal handler came out and said that Roy had been attacked.
    • Behind him the cage was being opened and animal handlers with restraints moved in.
    • The police dogs' handlers are full members of the Teamsters Union.
    • They are considered vermin here, to the point that a professional bird handler is employed to fly his birds of prey among them on a daily basis.
    • So I'd scope out the competition to see what you're up against first; maybe research animal handlers, pet trainers etc?
  • 3A person who trains or manages another person.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Participants value debates because candidates must let down their protective guards and speak and act outside the control of their handlers.
    • Then, a girl from the MD class was being walked down the hall with one of the MD teachers, or handlers, as most of us call them.
    • Celebrities have their handlers and image managers to make sure that their celebrities continue to be seen and positively perceived by publics.
    • As Reid's handlers administered a draught of brandy to him, a large object hidden under a piece of broad-cloth was dragged close to his corner.
    • Sasaki has given last year's Japan Cup winner a break since then and has been preparing him carefully for the French feature but the handler admits the travelling troubles have disrupted his schedule.
    • Each agency revolves around a single child agent and her handler.
    • These weren't Escalade-driving glitterati, five handlers removed from actual people.
    • What better way to top the shortlist than to shaft a rival agent handler?
    • But this single-mindedness was honed by a team of white trainers and handlers.
    • I then got in touch, or got the office manager to get in touch with the handler and tell him to get on with it because I thought it was their job that was gone off.
    • Their beloved leader is a shell of a man, incapable of doing anything without his handlers ' instruction.
    • At Wembley his executives and handlers display little of the nervousness around him that is all too apparent in the courtiers to others.
    • Before Hefner dines out, his handlers routinely fax his dinner instructions to the restaurant of choice.
    • Doesn't he have handlers or agents who know what's best for him?
    • Chomsky did not speak Vietnamese, and so he depended on government translators, tour guides, and handlers for information.
    • On a professional level, we have to work with these people and their handlers, but we don't have to like them.
    • However, I did manage to scare off their handler who would only say he had phone issues.
    • Out here in the real world, I have no entourage of coaches and handlers organizing my schedule, preparing my meals, and supervising my workouts.
    • Once we were in the West Bank there would be veteran ISM leaders to guide us, but the Palestinian handlers had ultimate control.
    • He thanked his handlers, the Reggaesoca organizers, the voters, journalists and the almighty.
    instructor, coach, teacher, mentor, adviser, counsellor, guide, guru, manager, tutor, educator
    1. 3.1 A person who trains and acts as second to a boxer.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • No way anybody but Foreman, his handlers, and Cosell thought Foreman could win, let alone actually pull it off.
      • Flores' handlers may hope that it had the desired effect on their fighter, who, after failing to make the weight, needs to lose two pounds.
      • Tyson's handlers said later he injured his knee late in the first round.
      • He is the kind of opponent that Tyson's handlers wanted to put off as long as possible.
      • Tyson's handlers, scouring the globe for a safe opponent, scheduled his next fight on June 11 with club fighter Kevin McBride, the slowest prizefighter in the business.
      • Then, in unbounded joy, he leaped up into the arms of his handlers, who held him aloft while he punched the sky repeatedly, and the building shook.
      • As Hagler is paraded around the ring on the shoulders of his handlers, Hearns, broken and weary, is being carried back to his corner by a member of his entourage.
      • So murderous was Funeka's left hook that Mofu was left prostrate on the canvas for some moments as medical personnel and concerned handlers feverishly revived him.
      • According to Bebe's handlers, the boxer injured his hand while preparing for the fight and the injury was confirmed by a doctor on December 28.
      • Sullivan's handlers warned their man that Kilrain was using a strategy of hanging near the corners so that if Sullivan missed with one of his crushing haymakers he would strike the ring post.
      • His handlers tried to encourage him by telling him that the bout was fixed in his favour, but then the word came that it was on the level and would go for 45 rounds if needed.
      • Things have gotten so bad, in fact, that Liston's handlers have secretly asked the sparring partners to take it easy on Sonny.
      • His handlers know this, they've always known, which is why he's fighting a cruiser this time out, a move without pride or dignity, a lame effort to perpetuate the myth while angling for a big pay day.
      • I don't know, but I think, as they watched Joe Louis being helped up by his handlers, several of them might have thought they were witnessing something more than a boxing match.
      • According to his handlers Boy Boy Mazaleni and Phila Mzamo the young boxer complained of a headache at the end of the seventh round.
      • He had the potential to be great - but never realized it due to lack of discipline and being manipulated by his handlers.
      • He looked fantastic fighting the stiffs his handlers would find for him to build his record on until one day he ran into Juan Carlos Rubio in February of 2002.
      • While Mormeck shadow boxed toward the ring, led by a string of handlers all dressed in battle fatigues, the loud speaker pumped runway music for a Victoria Secret show.
      • Lets hope his handlers will feed him some bigger game next time up.
      • That's why Tyson's handlers signed his next match with Clifford ‘The Black Rhino’ Etienne.
    2. 3.2 A publicity agent.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But publicly at least, Parliament's senior media handlers are at pains to emphasise that they will show no favour.
      • His handlers obviously coached him to adopt a more somber demeanor, though his signature cynicism came through just as clearly.
      • The power of the ad comes from something you seldom see in a presidential campaign, a moment of genuine human feeling without any prompting from handlers or spin doctors.
      • George W's handlers are masters of the presidential photo-op, posing their boy just perfectly to convey a positive message for the TV cameras.
      • Even a format controlled by handlers and spin doctors seemed like a breath of fresh air.
      • Naturally, Hollings' handlers in the entertainment industry are beside themselves with joy.
      • I managed to hook it into a different event handler, and effectively deal with incoming requests quite happily with my first script, in one attempt.
      • Nevertheless, the President and his handlers probably hope to use high-profile events such as the Pennsylvania crisis to make some political hay.
      • Sayles' new movie Silver City is a political critique with a nincompoop who media handlers and powerful businesspeople freely manipulate.
      • Bill Cosby was pushed by his agents and handlers to do racial jokes but rarely did.
      • They don't hide behind a retinue of handlers and lawyers and public-relations fools.
      • In his bid to recapture the good old days of government, he will spend this week in consort with his advisers and handlers.
      • Even though both candidates periodically recalled the instructions of their handlers to smile, each frequently expressed his exasperation with the other.
      • The PM's handlers and media managers, through smart time management, must ensure he is regularly but selectively exposed.
      • Part of the key to his inexplicable success must be his handlers’ deft leverage of the public's short attention span.
      • Clearly, these celebs were making a statement - probably at the direction of their handlers - seeking to be as profound as Madonna and Britney were.
      • Playing rock star isn't quite working, though - even if it's the direction his handlers are pushing for on his debut album, 219 Days.
      • That was something that was a question posed to Macy's, because Macy's is in charge of the handlers.
      • In the recent presidential run, much was made by him and his handlers of his supposedly superior moral values based on his commitment to Jesus.
      • At best, they look at the image that his handlers manage to concoct, weigh it against the unflattering caricature that his opponents try to sell, and decide which they prefer to believe.
    3. 3.3 A person who directs the activities of a spy or other freelance agent.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now, I'm a double agent for the CIA, where my handler is a man named Michael Vaughn.
      • Although some in the bureau grew suspicious of her in the early 1990s, the Los Angeles agent who was her handler said not to worry, he knew her well.
      • Early last year the agents told their handlers that several groups had been taught to strip and reassemble Kalashnikovs in the mosque's basement.
      • His FBI handlers allegedly turned a blind eye to his activities as they were more interested in those of the east coast Italian Mafia.
      • He was resettled in Britain in January 2002 after telling his former handler, Detective Garda John White, that he would co-operate on any investigation provided his security was assured.
      • Additionally, it was emphasized that source handlers should develop a skeptical view of their sources and prepare detailed questioning plans.
      • When Doland, who was working on an unrelated drug case for the BLM at the time, mentioned Harelson to his BLM handler, the agent was incredulous.
      • It also describes Major M as ‘an employee of the Intelligence Corps [MoD], and a former handler to [Agent F], who is also a handler to another agent codename Stakeknife’.
      • Van Wyk denied that he had ever sold firearms, although he admitted that he had kept an illegal firearm in his possession on the orders of his police handler.
      • In the meantime he had maintained contact with his handlers and over the two days 12 th and 13 th December 1995 had been the subject of a debrief.
      • Labour handlers are more cautious and say they would be happy with five.
      • All the informant's intelligence gathering activity must be directed and controlled by the handler.
      • Steven Genovese and Mr Evitt, had discovered Gerald was an informant and had taped him speaking to his police handler.
      • When the first captured British-trained agent's confirmation was believed by his English handlers, the Germans concluded the others would also.
      • She came to be regarded by her handlers in the KGB as their prize spy.
      • He used a Palm III personal digital assistant to store and encrypt information that he would later give to his handlers.
      • Instead of directing his efforts against his opponents, he was directing them against the handlers who tried to force him to run.
      • He conceded that in his evidence in chief he had testified according to a statement compiled out of information he supplied to his police handler.
      • In addition, Nelson claimed that his military intelligence handlers knew this had happened.
      • She shrugged off the mental tags of the agent and their handlers and headed left down the dark carpeted hallway.
      secret agent, undercover agent, enemy agent, foreign agent, secret service agent, intelligence agent, double agent, counterspy, industrial spy, fifth columnist, mole, plant, scout

Definition of handler in US English:


  • 1usually with modifier A person who handles or deals with certain articles or commodities.


    a baggage handler


    a food handler


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Account handlers aren't referred to as ‘suits’ by their scruffy unkempt creative colleagues for nothing you know.
    • The majority of vacancies are for commercial account handlers, underwriters and liability claims.
    • Ed Kovalick has worked for 28 years as a Northwest baggage handler.
    • ‘Know more about Japanese sashimi,’ Hong Kong's food and hygiene authorities advised local consumers and food handlers Friday.
    • He was unable to identify who set the rates (Mr Joannou or Miss George) which were communicated to claims handlers verbally.
    • Instead, keep a good ball handler and assist specialist on the floor, and maybe a strong rebounder.
    • They are post office employees, factory workers, baggage handlers, nurses, secretaries, lab technicians, and teachers.
    • All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same.
    • Airline and airport employees working in restricted areas - such as pilots, baggage handlers and maintenance workers - are required to undergo new checks.
    • But difficulties arise where the handler has knowledge that a question of title is involved, as where the act he is required to do is to his knowledge in pursuance of a sale or other disposition by the apparent owner to a third party.
    • As yet mediation has not proved popular with claims handlers, but it may yet appear in the Government's White Paper on clinical negligence reform.
    • District administrative officer Henry Mukungula appealed to food handlers to follow laid-down instructions in the distribution of relief stocks.
    • Authorised cash handlers will include a small number of firms which accept cash from clients on their own account as part of the business process.
    • Persons who work as food handlers can contract and possibly transmit hepatitis A to others.
    • She telephoned a Primecare call handler at 12.37 pm and described what was wrong with EllieJo.
    • Mitchell, aged 30, has worked as an Ansett baggage handler for the past eight years.
    • Flight attendants and baggage handlers keep an eye on each other, too.
    • But detecting the fungi on large-volume crops like grain - and removing them - is a big challenge to commodity handlers.
    • Airwing flight handlers prepare to launch a Navy F / 18 fighter aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt on Monday.
    • Liverpool was the leading handler of traffic, with 2.5 million tons in 1830, but nationally in 1841 three-fifths of tonnage was still handled without docks.
    1. 1.1 A device which handles certain articles or substances.
      the company launched three telescopic handlers
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you must use JavaScript functionality, use logical event handlers instead of device-dependent ones.
      • PayPal is one of the largest credit card transaction handlers in the world.
      • There was no driver for the telescope handler.
      • Static information called a moniker is embedded in the device, and a generic device handler software is installed on the computer.
      • The PC receives a signal from the device handler indicating that a component is in place and that the test can begin.
  • 2A person who trains or has charge of an animal.


    the performance of dog and handler in the ring must be accurate and correct
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The animal handler gave it a sharp kick sending it rocketing across the road, but we were told to ignore this test as his interference had invalidated the research data.
    • And it took animal handlers six hours to capture the creature, pictured right.
    • A total of 12 dogs and their handlers represented police forces in the South West and Wales at the regional police dog trials held in Wiltshire at the weekend.
    • And obviously, the animal handler was there as well.
    • They are considered vermin here, to the point that a professional bird handler is employed to fly his birds of prey among them on a daily basis.
    • Behind him the cage was being opened and animal handlers with restraints moved in.
    • Apparently the handlers of this tiger charge $5 for a ride on it.
    • His animal trainers and handlers scrubbed an ordinary gray elephant with white plaster and used peach-colored tint around the animal's ears, trunk and feet.
    • Habituated lions have been brought up by trained animal handlers.
    • North Vancouver has one of the largest police dog squads on the Lower Mainland, with five handlers and their dogs.
    • We saw people running outside to get all the doors open, and an animal handler came out and said that Roy had been attacked.
    • The police dog and its handler only found the plaid shirt that is one of the exhibits.
    • The police dogs' handlers are full members of the Teamsters Union.
    • Future research needs to evaluate moving devices and moving techniques to improve welfare and safety for animals and handlers.
    • And they even come with their own animal handler, free of charge, which should be a great boon.
    • Police dog Chase, who fell four storeys from a hotel roof last fall while doing an explosives search, has made a miraculous recovery despite serious injuries, said his handler and police partner.
    • We see various shots and angles: two dogs rearing up, a handler releasing his animal into the ring or a close-up of a child, perhaps averting his eyes from the terrible spectacle.
    • She once evaded a police dog and handler sent to track her.
    • So I'd scope out the competition to see what you're up against first; maybe research animal handlers, pet trainers etc?
    • There, the dogs are bred and looked after by the handlers who take the dogs in charge of them to their homes.
  • 3A person who trains or manages another person.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I then got in touch, or got the office manager to get in touch with the handler and tell him to get on with it because I thought it was their job that was gone off.
    • Their beloved leader is a shell of a man, incapable of doing anything without his handlers ' instruction.
    • Participants value debates because candidates must let down their protective guards and speak and act outside the control of their handlers.
    • He thanked his handlers, the Reggaesoca organizers, the voters, journalists and the almighty.
    • However, I did manage to scare off their handler who would only say he had phone issues.
    • Out here in the real world, I have no entourage of coaches and handlers organizing my schedule, preparing my meals, and supervising my workouts.
    • On a professional level, we have to work with these people and their handlers, but we don't have to like them.
    • What better way to top the shortlist than to shaft a rival agent handler?
    • Chomsky did not speak Vietnamese, and so he depended on government translators, tour guides, and handlers for information.
    • But this single-mindedness was honed by a team of white trainers and handlers.
    • Celebrities have their handlers and image managers to make sure that their celebrities continue to be seen and positively perceived by publics.
    • These weren't Escalade-driving glitterati, five handlers removed from actual people.
    • Before Hefner dines out, his handlers routinely fax his dinner instructions to the restaurant of choice.
    • Sasaki has given last year's Japan Cup winner a break since then and has been preparing him carefully for the French feature but the handler admits the travelling troubles have disrupted his schedule.
    • Once we were in the West Bank there would be veteran ISM leaders to guide us, but the Palestinian handlers had ultimate control.
    • Each agency revolves around a single child agent and her handler.
    • As Reid's handlers administered a draught of brandy to him, a large object hidden under a piece of broad-cloth was dragged close to his corner.
    • Doesn't he have handlers or agents who know what's best for him?
    • Then, a girl from the MD class was being walked down the hall with one of the MD teachers, or handlers, as most of us call them.
    • At Wembley his executives and handlers display little of the nervousness around him that is all too apparent in the courtiers to others.
    instructor, coach, teacher, mentor, adviser, counsellor, guide, guru, manager, tutor, educator
    1. 3.1 A person who trains and acts as second to a boxer.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • No way anybody but Foreman, his handlers, and Cosell thought Foreman could win, let alone actually pull it off.
      • I don't know, but I think, as they watched Joe Louis being helped up by his handlers, several of them might have thought they were witnessing something more than a boxing match.
      • Things have gotten so bad, in fact, that Liston's handlers have secretly asked the sparring partners to take it easy on Sonny.
      • Then, in unbounded joy, he leaped up into the arms of his handlers, who held him aloft while he punched the sky repeatedly, and the building shook.
      • He is the kind of opponent that Tyson's handlers wanted to put off as long as possible.
      • That's why Tyson's handlers signed his next match with Clifford ‘The Black Rhino’ Etienne.
      • Sullivan's handlers warned their man that Kilrain was using a strategy of hanging near the corners so that if Sullivan missed with one of his crushing haymakers he would strike the ring post.
      • While Mormeck shadow boxed toward the ring, led by a string of handlers all dressed in battle fatigues, the loud speaker pumped runway music for a Victoria Secret show.
      • Flores' handlers may hope that it had the desired effect on their fighter, who, after failing to make the weight, needs to lose two pounds.
      • According to his handlers Boy Boy Mazaleni and Phila Mzamo the young boxer complained of a headache at the end of the seventh round.
      • His handlers know this, they've always known, which is why he's fighting a cruiser this time out, a move without pride or dignity, a lame effort to perpetuate the myth while angling for a big pay day.
      • He looked fantastic fighting the stiffs his handlers would find for him to build his record on until one day he ran into Juan Carlos Rubio in February of 2002.
      • Tyson's handlers, scouring the globe for a safe opponent, scheduled his next fight on June 11 with club fighter Kevin McBride, the slowest prizefighter in the business.
      • As Hagler is paraded around the ring on the shoulders of his handlers, Hearns, broken and weary, is being carried back to his corner by a member of his entourage.
      • So murderous was Funeka's left hook that Mofu was left prostrate on the canvas for some moments as medical personnel and concerned handlers feverishly revived him.
      • Tyson's handlers said later he injured his knee late in the first round.
      • He had the potential to be great - but never realized it due to lack of discipline and being manipulated by his handlers.
      • According to Bebe's handlers, the boxer injured his hand while preparing for the fight and the injury was confirmed by a doctor on December 28.
      • Lets hope his handlers will feed him some bigger game next time up.
      • His handlers tried to encourage him by telling him that the bout was fixed in his favour, but then the word came that it was on the level and would go for 45 rounds if needed.
    2. 3.2 A publicity agent.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nevertheless, the President and his handlers probably hope to use high-profile events such as the Pennsylvania crisis to make some political hay.
      • In the recent presidential run, much was made by him and his handlers of his supposedly superior moral values based on his commitment to Jesus.
      • Even a format controlled by handlers and spin doctors seemed like a breath of fresh air.
      • They don't hide behind a retinue of handlers and lawyers and public-relations fools.
      • Naturally, Hollings' handlers in the entertainment industry are beside themselves with joy.
      • The PM's handlers and media managers, through smart time management, must ensure he is regularly but selectively exposed.
      • The power of the ad comes from something you seldom see in a presidential campaign, a moment of genuine human feeling without any prompting from handlers or spin doctors.
      • Clearly, these celebs were making a statement - probably at the direction of their handlers - seeking to be as profound as Madonna and Britney were.
      • His handlers obviously coached him to adopt a more somber demeanor, though his signature cynicism came through just as clearly.
      • In his bid to recapture the good old days of government, he will spend this week in consort with his advisers and handlers.
      • George W's handlers are masters of the presidential photo-op, posing their boy just perfectly to convey a positive message for the TV cameras.
      • That was something that was a question posed to Macy's, because Macy's is in charge of the handlers.
      • Sayles' new movie Silver City is a political critique with a nincompoop who media handlers and powerful businesspeople freely manipulate.
      • Part of the key to his inexplicable success must be his handlers’ deft leverage of the public's short attention span.
      • I managed to hook it into a different event handler, and effectively deal with incoming requests quite happily with my first script, in one attempt.
      • At best, they look at the image that his handlers manage to concoct, weigh it against the unflattering caricature that his opponents try to sell, and decide which they prefer to believe.
      • But publicly at least, Parliament's senior media handlers are at pains to emphasise that they will show no favour.
      • Playing rock star isn't quite working, though - even if it's the direction his handlers are pushing for on his debut album, 219 Days.
      • Bill Cosby was pushed by his agents and handlers to do racial jokes but rarely did.
      • Even though both candidates periodically recalled the instructions of their handlers to smile, each frequently expressed his exasperation with the other.
    3. 3.3 A person who advises on and directs the activities of a politician or other public figure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Van Wyk denied that he had ever sold firearms, although he admitted that he had kept an illegal firearm in his possession on the orders of his police handler.
      • His FBI handlers allegedly turned a blind eye to his activities as they were more interested in those of the east coast Italian Mafia.
      • He used a Palm III personal digital assistant to store and encrypt information that he would later give to his handlers.
      • When the first captured British-trained agent's confirmation was believed by his English handlers, the Germans concluded the others would also.
      • He conceded that in his evidence in chief he had testified according to a statement compiled out of information he supplied to his police handler.
      • Steven Genovese and Mr Evitt, had discovered Gerald was an informant and had taped him speaking to his police handler.
      • Additionally, it was emphasized that source handlers should develop a skeptical view of their sources and prepare detailed questioning plans.
      • He was resettled in Britain in January 2002 after telling his former handler, Detective Garda John White, that he would co-operate on any investigation provided his security was assured.
      • All the informant's intelligence gathering activity must be directed and controlled by the handler.
      • She shrugged off the mental tags of the agent and their handlers and headed left down the dark carpeted hallway.
      • Now, I'm a double agent for the CIA, where my handler is a man named Michael Vaughn.
      • In the meantime he had maintained contact with his handlers and over the two days 12 th and 13 th December 1995 had been the subject of a debrief.
      • Early last year the agents told their handlers that several groups had been taught to strip and reassemble Kalashnikovs in the mosque's basement.
      • When Doland, who was working on an unrelated drug case for the BLM at the time, mentioned Harelson to his BLM handler, the agent was incredulous.
      • Labour handlers are more cautious and say they would be happy with five.
      • Although some in the bureau grew suspicious of her in the early 1990s, the Los Angeles agent who was her handler said not to worry, he knew her well.
      • It also describes Major M as ‘an employee of the Intelligence Corps [MoD], and a former handler to [Agent F], who is also a handler to another agent codename Stakeknife’.
      • She came to be regarded by her handlers in the KGB as their prize spy.
      • In addition, Nelson claimed that his military intelligence handlers knew this had happened.
      • Instead of directing his efforts against his opponents, he was directing them against the handlers who tried to force him to run.
      secret agent, undercover agent, enemy agent, foreign agent, secret service agent, intelligence agent, double agent, counterspy, industrial spy, fifth columnist, mole, plant, scout




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更新时间:2024/10/19 16:40:20