The farm first opened its gates to the public almost accidentally 15 years ago when a local playschool came to visit.
It comments on the need for playschools and community centres, but makes the plea that future planning should take into consideration the feelings and life-style of the people concerned.
The playschool will open soon at Ballyduff Community Centre.
The remainder of the boxes were filled by pupils in the local Convent Primary School, children attending the playschool and also the little girls in the Brownie group.
A playschool and after-school service is being mooted for the Community Building on the Golf Course Road this September.
Not surprisingly, the family's four-bedroom house in Pocklington is as much a playschool as a home, with toys everywhere.
The National Parents Council said that while class sizes may be a factor in later enrolments, greater availability of playschools may also be a reason.
The club is a pre-school centre with four levels - playschool, nursery, and junior and senior kindergarten.
Twenty-four children are already signed up for the new term and Ms Hughes wanted to assure parents that the playschool will be opening as scheduled in September.
He goes with a shadow tutor who helps him to participate fully in the playschool's activities and interact with other children.
There are a few places at the playschool for the year starting in September for children of the local area.
We have been involved in economic change, in improving access, in providing better sports facilities and in improving schools, playschools and social facilities.
A special thank you goes to the local lollipop lady who ensured the children from the playschool reached their neighbouring primary school with ease and safety.
There are no places left for the playschool for the year starting in September.
All places for the playschool this year are full but we are currently taking names for children from the area for September 2005.
This is a separate session from the playschool and is taking place upstairs in the Resource Centre.
The community playschool can cater for 40 children and is now full, with a long waiting list.
Along with modernisation, these pre-school institutions assumed the form of playschools and kindergartens.
Betty has been the driving force behind the community playschool since it first opened its doors in the Parish Hall 13 years ago.
Work on the new playschool will be carried out by local people on a voluntary basis and it is hoped to begin work shortly and have the new school open by the end of the summer.