

单词 counter-intuitive

Definition of counter-intuitive in English:


  • Contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation.


    this explanation sounds perversely counter-intuitive
    computer analyses have in the past produced a number of counter-intuitive results
    Example sentencesExamples
    • And what we're finding which is especially curious, is that the results are counter-intuitive.
    • This diagnosis, though counter-intuitive, is simply right, I think.
    • Instead, what Harford has done is convey the excitement, the power, and the often counter-intuitive results of economic thought.
    • I must confess that most of my readers have found my argument utterly counter-intuitive and contrary to their personal experience.
    • And doesn't it sound counter-intuitive to have an anti-littering campaign that you don't tell anyone about?
    • It seems counter-intuitive, but third degree burns are the most severe.
    • My counter-intuitive feeling is that the constant exhortations of the need for leaders does not come from ordinary Australians but from certain elites.
    • It seems a little counter-intuitive to call a 12-day-old baby a stranger.
    • He approached the trial-and-error three-year project like one of his counter-intuitive mathematical problems.
    • The mothers are showing a typical male profile, and that's counter-intuitive since you would expect them to be showing a more typical female profile.
    • Analysts who depended heavily upon intuition for their discoveries were rather dismayed at this counter-intuitive function.
    • That theory sounded counter-intuitive to me at first.
    • The trick is again counter-intuitive: instead of accelerating rapidly when traffic gets going, travel more slowly.
    • The latter point may sound counter-intuitive, but one advantage of raising children is that you learn to take knocks.
    • These may be private associations, private pleasures, and it is counter-intuitive to parade them in public.
    • If they want to protect their family from financial hardship in case they can no longer earn an income, it seems counter-intuitive to opt for a product with such limited scope for paying out.
    • The results of Experiment 1 paint an interesting, and counter-intuitive, picture.
    • To some extent, the notion of ambivalence is counter-intuitive because it contradicts the traditional notion that attitudes are either positive or negative.
    • Such a view also has the unappealing consequence that a life devoid of ambition is more likely to be meaningful than one full of ambition, and this seems counter-intuitive.
    • Well let's go inside, because people say that the sound is worse inside the house, which seems counter-intuitive really.


  • counter-intuitively

  • adverb
    • What the President has done in this package is move much closer to a world where we tax capital less, enabling, perhaps counter-intuitively, all of us to have higher wages.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thus, counter-intuitively, plants are likely to have diverged first, leaving fungi and animals as sister groups.
      • Or, counter-intuitively, global warming could disrupt the North Atlantic Gulf Stream, thereby ushering in another Ice Age and giving Provence a Siberian climate.
      • Perhaps counter-intuitively, the most comprehensive study of the subject found that clients who were ordered to drug treatment by a judge were more likely to complete the program successfully than those who volunteered for treatment.
      • The most ludicrously titled tracks are, perhaps counter-intuitively, also the least memorable.




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