

单词 request

Definition of request in English:


noun rɪˈkwɛstrəˈkwɛst
  • 1An act of asking politely or formally for something.


    a request for information


    the club's excursion was postponed at the request of some of the members


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A few days later, Turkey officially approached its other NATO partners with a request for more help.
    • Persons 16 years and older can make an advance ‘written statement containing a request for termination of life’ which the physician may carry out.
    • The funds raised remain in the specific country and when funds are required for an operation of a patient, then the company formally sends in a request for funds.
    • Guo's wife said in a deposition that ‘the underground bank was opened at the request of aunt in Fujian Province,’ they said.
    • For instance, they took care to include materials recycling in the construction request for proposals.
    • A group representing the company's 300 pensioners has been refused a request for a meeting with management and told that they will not get any shares in the floated company.
    • A seller accepted their offer to buy a house, but agents representing name-brand insurance companies rejected their request for insurance.
    • The company expects to receive a formal request for documents or a subpoena in the next few days.
    • If you haven't received something from an institution for some time, it may mean your request for change of address may not have been processed.
    • Yet last year, at the request of the police, the film was banned from being shown in Turkey, which gives some indication of just how politically sensitive the Kurdish question was there at that time.
    • According to Raoof, many of the features introduced into DB2 are either at the request of application vendors or in anticipation of requirements they may have.
    • A ninth lane is being added to the running track at the request of international athletes, and a media zone is being created.
    • The group filed a request for safeguards in February over imports from China and Vietnam, leading the ministry to conduct a six-month probe into whether to impose the restriction.
    • ‘Indeed, at the request of the liquidator, we are preparing an account of the situation and will have a surplus to hand over to him, we think,’ he said.
    • Were these alterations by Holbein, at More's request, or by Lockey, at the request of More's descendants?
    • At the request of a third party, Lucire interviewed 319 patients in litigation over arm pain.
    • At the request of the Russian prosecutors, the Swiss authorities have also recently frozen $5bn in bank accounts belonging to Khodorkovsky and his associates.
    • It may have been that the request for the gun discouraged them, or it may have been for other reasons, but in their wisdom they never appeared.
    • The feeling of paranoia is strong throughout while the scenes relating to the request for political asylum are chilling in the current, particularly given the current political climate of intolerance.
    • At the time of going to print, I haven't received an answer from the Chancellor to my request for Council to abide by the simple rules of natural justice and set fees in term time.
    appeal, entreaty, plea, petition, solicitation, supplication, prayer, invocation
    demand, call, summons, requisition
    literary behest
    rare imploration, adjuration, obtestation, impetration, obsecration
    bidding, asking, entreaty, pleading, solicitation, petitioning, supplication, begging
    demand, instance
    1. 1.1 A thing that is asked for.
      to have our ideas taken seriously is surely a reasonable request


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Why do the inhabitants of the future grant the man's request when they surely know what will happen to him when he returns to his past?
      • She begins to curse the summoner for his unfair request, saying that she would like to give his body to the devil.
      • Their reasons for making a request don't even come into it and requests are only refused if they have a clear, negative impact on the business.
      • But employers can refuse the request if they have a clear business reason for objecting.
      • A request has to be made with reason given before the principal grants permission.
      • These are reasonable requests, as Stursberg genially points out, but when he first raised the issue, some film-makers thought he was asking them to walk on water.
      • Though admittedly this was not a breakthrough idea, it was a reasonable request, so Smith's office worked with the airman to implement a solution.
      • Either way, the landlord will probably want the right to review the person you pick, and that is a reasonable request.
      • All of these assignments and requests for prayer are done through the Internet.
      • The Human Rights Commission has turned down a request by Murphy to attend his appeal as an observer.
      • He pretends to comply with Tamora's request and summons his son Lucius to his house, but he also offers to arrange for a banquet to entertain his guests.
      • Whether autumn brings these requests to an end altogether, or the appeal changes to ‘let's enjoy winter together doing nanpa!’
      • How could Congress reject such a reasonable request?
      requirement, wish, want, desire
      Latin desideratum
    2. 1.2 An instruction to a computer to provide information or perform another function.
      the computer is busy servicing requests from other processes
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The tricky part, explains Hsu, is making sure that every information request made by a Web page is routed through SafeWeb's secure servers.
      • Next up an embarrassed apology of sorts as I inadvertently hit the update button on my address book filer program as a result it sprang into action issuing obscure requests and information v-cards to all and sundry.
      • Lipsky realized that the same sequence of electronic requests and deliveries could be used to track a browser after it clicks on an ad and gets linked to an advertiser's Web site.
      • If not, the request is passed to another neighbor that the first computer doesn't know about.
      • However, it had to be done while processing requests for data and processing other users who were submitting data for analysis.
    3. 1.3 A tune or song played on a radio programme, typically accompanied by a personal message, in response to a listener's request.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was initially leaked to a US radio station earlier this year, and listeners immediately flooded Djs with requests to hear it.
      • These requests prompt the repetitive playing of a singer's song, which is the goal of promotion.
      • Within the first three days of them trying the song, it was already Top Five for requests on the phones.
      • A live disc jockey, on air from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. eastern time, will take e-mail requests and conduct interviews with prominent women.
      • Listeners' requests may or may not have made a difference.
      • In the spirit of trying to personalize the listening experience, both XM and Sirius have made it possible for people to contact DJs and programmers with feedback and requests.
    4. 1.4archaic mass noun The state of being sought after.
      human intelligence, which is in constant request in a family


verb rɪˈkwɛstrəˈkwɛst
[with object]
  • 1Politely or formally ask for.


    he received the information he had requested


    with clause the chairman requested that the reports be considered


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Valtemand reports finally that Norway requests peaceful passage through Denmark in order to reach Poland.
    • The watchdog has written to a number of manufacturers and retailers requesting information about the issue.
    • If not, then it is up to you to request this information.
    • More information will be requested if the company is of interest.
    • It restated that the consortium was fully funded, that it had carried out due diligence within five days and requested a second tranche of information from the company.
    • Local authorities are quick to deny responsibility for problems and slow to provide requested information, he said.
    • The first step in becoming certified is to request an application/information package.
    • In March 1872, the United States Senate passed a resolution requesting information from the Department of War on the progress of the survey.
    • When the story was being written, Mr. Scolamiero did not return repeated Dance Magazine phone calls requesting information.
    • But other inmates as well as guards routinely sought him out for autographs or to request writing tips or advice on their appeals.
    • The Barron Inquiry has no powers to request information or compliance with the inquiry, and is entirely dependent on the voluntary co-operation of others.
    • Mobile phone records and utility bills might also be requested in order to establish whether the residency laws were observed.
    • More tellingly, in the case of Finnegan, the auctioneer requested his Jersey solicitors to give him a new name as one of the stated owners of Canio.
    • Lawyers in the Caymans say that if the Irish inspectors are requesting the information as a result of an investigation into tax evasion, the legal framework will not allow the disclosure of information.
    • As soon as you establish confidentiality, you should request financial information.
    • Your employer may have special forms that you must complete in order to request a loan.
    • But he said the reduction in the extra time available to local authorities to decide on an application after requesting additional information had serious staffing implications.
    • If you send out information two months after a consumer requested it, that's not timely.
    • Sitting back down, Brock politely requests a tube of Super Glue.
    • So he sends an e-mail to both his customer marketing manager and his category management analyst requesting information from their recent consumer segmentation research about marketing to moms and gatekeepers.
    ask for, appeal for, call for, seek, solicit, plead for, put in a plea for, pray for, petition, sue for, supplicate for
    apply for, put in an application for, put in for, place an order for, put in an order for, order
    demand, require, requisition
    call on, beg, beseech, entreat, implore, importune, adjure
    invite, bid
    rare obtest, impetrate, obsecrate
    1. 1.1with infinitive Politely or formally ask (someone) to do something.
      the letter requested him to report to London


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was actually reassured by this but six months later I was requested to resubmit my claim because my salary details were incorrect.
      • The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality responded by requesting the James Creek study so that the state could develop its federally mandated water-quality targets for sediment.
      • He said some of the actors have requested to leave the production for other career prospects, which he said will not affect the production.
      • But Candide could not be happy without Cunegonde, and he requested to leave that land of paradise in search of his beloved.
      • We are then requested to look amongst ourselves for a suitable replacement for a member of the performance cast who apparently resigned from the production.
      • New clients were calling the school specifically requesting to study with her.
      • Even though we have a notice on our shopping cart requesting customers to phone in their order if it can't be processed by WorldPay, generally they don't bother - they give up.
      • It was an ode to peace in English requesting Lord Krishna to come down to earth and resolve the conflicts of the world.
      • The charge varies depending on which and how many masks the visitors request to appear.
      • The solicitor handling my brother's estate wrote to me requesting me to attend his office in connection with the legacy on June 27 this year.
      • Recruited to the Special Operations Executive, she requests to be sent to France as an undercover agent to trace her RAF pilot lover, shot down on a mission.
      • Joshua himself appeared reluctant to criticize the work of other carvers, publicly at least, unless requested to do so.
      • The more your hopes are raised by an agent requesting to see your writing, the worse it gets.
      • Reached for comment, the MD of Barden International Mr Kano Smith, requested to be sent the questions via email.
      • Hess came to his radical views after writing to Murray Rothbard and requesting to meet him.
      • As demand theory predicts, the higher the premium or amount a consumer is requested to pay, the less likely a consumer will be willing to pay the premium.
      • We were sometimes requested to play nothing but tangos the whole evening.
      • The survey instrument was presented as an electronic version on the internet and students were requested to complete it.
      • In a day or two after, I was requested to attend the judge's court, which was crowded with Europeans and natives.
      • Companies that will form the delegation of the President are requested to cover their own transport, accommodation and incidental costs.


  • by (or on) request

    • In response to an expressed wish.


      application forms are available on request
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The study is available on request from the joint agents.
      • Many are two bedroom with cots available on request, making them ideal for families.
      • It is also our experience that some court staff are not aware that they are obliged to give copies of these statements to respondents on request.
      • Don't list references or state, ‘References available on request.’
      • A list of the furniture and effects included in the sale is available on request.
      • Aim has an approved list of solicitors who are experienced in the area of family law, which is available on request, and leaflets outlining the most frequently asked questions about separation and divorce.
      • But cassette and video recorders are usually available on request or at least by arrangement.
      • It is also available by request to any school that would like to increase its awareness of threatened and endangered species and what can be done to protect them.
      • Information on stress cracks, starch, protein, and oil is available on request for a fee since they have been classified as ‘official criteria.’
      • The turnover figures of the pub are available on request.


  • requester

  • noun
    • If the requester closes the work order, he or she is then presented with a short satisfaction survey, which is used to provide immediate feedback on the craftsperson's performance.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Departmental supervisors first enter identifying data about the employee for whom privileges are requested and about the requester into an intranet form.
      • This means that if an agency stores its information electronically, it would no longer be able to inundate requesters with paper records.
      • Ministers prefer to leave the problem to be resolved in the courts, where disappointed placing requesters can appeal.
      • The money is then taken from the estate and used to pay the requester.


Middle English: from Old French requeste (noun), based on Latin requirere (see require).

Definition of request in US English:


  • 1An act of asking politely or formally for something.


    a request for information


    the club's excursion was postponed at the request of some of the members


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The group filed a request for safeguards in February over imports from China and Vietnam, leading the ministry to conduct a six-month probe into whether to impose the restriction.
    • The funds raised remain in the specific country and when funds are required for an operation of a patient, then the company formally sends in a request for funds.
    • According to Raoof, many of the features introduced into DB2 are either at the request of application vendors or in anticipation of requirements they may have.
    • The company expects to receive a formal request for documents or a subpoena in the next few days.
    • Were these alterations by Holbein, at More's request, or by Lockey, at the request of More's descendants?
    • A ninth lane is being added to the running track at the request of international athletes, and a media zone is being created.
    • Yet last year, at the request of the police, the film was banned from being shown in Turkey, which gives some indication of just how politically sensitive the Kurdish question was there at that time.
    • A few days later, Turkey officially approached its other NATO partners with a request for more help.
    • A seller accepted their offer to buy a house, but agents representing name-brand insurance companies rejected their request for insurance.
    • The feeling of paranoia is strong throughout while the scenes relating to the request for political asylum are chilling in the current, particularly given the current political climate of intolerance.
    • At the request of the Russian prosecutors, the Swiss authorities have also recently frozen $5bn in bank accounts belonging to Khodorkovsky and his associates.
    • At the time of going to print, I haven't received an answer from the Chancellor to my request for Council to abide by the simple rules of natural justice and set fees in term time.
    • ‘Indeed, at the request of the liquidator, we are preparing an account of the situation and will have a surplus to hand over to him, we think,’ he said.
    • Guo's wife said in a deposition that ‘the underground bank was opened at the request of aunt in Fujian Province,’ they said.
    • Persons 16 years and older can make an advance ‘written statement containing a request for termination of life’ which the physician may carry out.
    • It may have been that the request for the gun discouraged them, or it may have been for other reasons, but in their wisdom they never appeared.
    • If you haven't received something from an institution for some time, it may mean your request for change of address may not have been processed.
    • At the request of a third party, Lucire interviewed 319 patients in litigation over arm pain.
    • A group representing the company's 300 pensioners has been refused a request for a meeting with management and told that they will not get any shares in the floated company.
    • For instance, they took care to include materials recycling in the construction request for proposals.
    appeal, entreaty, plea, petition, solicitation, supplication, prayer, invocation
    bidding, asking, entreaty, pleading, solicitation, petitioning, supplication, begging
    1. 1.1 A thing that is asked for.
      to have our ideas taken seriously is surely a reasonable request


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Human Rights Commission has turned down a request by Murphy to attend his appeal as an observer.
      • Though admittedly this was not a breakthrough idea, it was a reasonable request, so Smith's office worked with the airman to implement a solution.
      • Either way, the landlord will probably want the right to review the person you pick, and that is a reasonable request.
      • A request has to be made with reason given before the principal grants permission.
      • All of these assignments and requests for prayer are done through the Internet.
      • But employers can refuse the request if they have a clear business reason for objecting.
      • She begins to curse the summoner for his unfair request, saying that she would like to give his body to the devil.
      • These are reasonable requests, as Stursberg genially points out, but when he first raised the issue, some film-makers thought he was asking them to walk on water.
      • Whether autumn brings these requests to an end altogether, or the appeal changes to ‘let's enjoy winter together doing nanpa!’
      • How could Congress reject such a reasonable request?
      • Why do the inhabitants of the future grant the man's request when they surely know what will happen to him when he returns to his past?
      • He pretends to comply with Tamora's request and summons his son Lucius to his house, but he also offers to arrange for a banquet to entertain his guests.
      • Their reasons for making a request don't even come into it and requests are only refused if they have a clear, negative impact on the business.
      requirement, wish, want, desire
    2. 1.2 An instruction to a computer to provide information or perform another function.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, it had to be done while processing requests for data and processing other users who were submitting data for analysis.
      • Lipsky realized that the same sequence of electronic requests and deliveries could be used to track a browser after it clicks on an ad and gets linked to an advertiser's Web site.
      • The tricky part, explains Hsu, is making sure that every information request made by a Web page is routed through SafeWeb's secure servers.
      • If not, the request is passed to another neighbor that the first computer doesn't know about.
      • Next up an embarrassed apology of sorts as I inadvertently hit the update button on my address book filer program as a result it sprang into action issuing obscure requests and information v-cards to all and sundry.
    3. 1.3 A tune or song played on a radio program, in some instances accompanied by a personal message, in response to a letter or call asking for it.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the spirit of trying to personalize the listening experience, both XM and Sirius have made it possible for people to contact DJs and programmers with feedback and requests.
      • Within the first three days of them trying the song, it was already Top Five for requests on the phones.
      • Listeners' requests may or may not have made a difference.
      • A live disc jockey, on air from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. eastern time, will take e-mail requests and conduct interviews with prominent women.
      • It was initially leaked to a US radio station earlier this year, and listeners immediately flooded Djs with requests to hear it.
      • These requests prompt the repetitive playing of a singer's song, which is the goal of promotion.
    4. 1.4archaic The state of being sought after.
      human intelligence, which is in constant request in a family


[with object]
  • 1Politely or formally ask for.


    he received the information he had requested


    with clause the chairman requested that the reports be considered


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It restated that the consortium was fully funded, that it had carried out due diligence within five days and requested a second tranche of information from the company.
    • Local authorities are quick to deny responsibility for problems and slow to provide requested information, he said.
    • If not, then it is up to you to request this information.
    • Lawyers in the Caymans say that if the Irish inspectors are requesting the information as a result of an investigation into tax evasion, the legal framework will not allow the disclosure of information.
    • Valtemand reports finally that Norway requests peaceful passage through Denmark in order to reach Poland.
    • More information will be requested if the company is of interest.
    • If you send out information two months after a consumer requested it, that's not timely.
    • The Barron Inquiry has no powers to request information or compliance with the inquiry, and is entirely dependent on the voluntary co-operation of others.
    • But other inmates as well as guards routinely sought him out for autographs or to request writing tips or advice on their appeals.
    • But he said the reduction in the extra time available to local authorities to decide on an application after requesting additional information had serious staffing implications.
    • Your employer may have special forms that you must complete in order to request a loan.
    • So he sends an e-mail to both his customer marketing manager and his category management analyst requesting information from their recent consumer segmentation research about marketing to moms and gatekeepers.
    • Mobile phone records and utility bills might also be requested in order to establish whether the residency laws were observed.
    • In March 1872, the United States Senate passed a resolution requesting information from the Department of War on the progress of the survey.
    • The first step in becoming certified is to request an application/information package.
    • The watchdog has written to a number of manufacturers and retailers requesting information about the issue.
    • As soon as you establish confidentiality, you should request financial information.
    • When the story was being written, Mr. Scolamiero did not return repeated Dance Magazine phone calls requesting information.
    • Sitting back down, Brock politely requests a tube of Super Glue.
    • More tellingly, in the case of Finnegan, the auctioneer requested his Jersey solicitors to give him a new name as one of the stated owners of Canio.
    ask for, appeal for, call for, seek, solicit, plead for, put in a plea for, pray for, petition, sue for, supplicate for
    1. 1.1with infinitive Politely ask (someone) to do something.
      the letter requested him to report to New York immediately


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But Candide could not be happy without Cunegonde, and he requested to leave that land of paradise in search of his beloved.
      • The survey instrument was presented as an electronic version on the internet and students were requested to complete it.
      • The charge varies depending on which and how many masks the visitors request to appear.
      • I was actually reassured by this but six months later I was requested to resubmit my claim because my salary details were incorrect.
      • The more your hopes are raised by an agent requesting to see your writing, the worse it gets.
      • The solicitor handling my brother's estate wrote to me requesting me to attend his office in connection with the legacy on June 27 this year.
      • We are then requested to look amongst ourselves for a suitable replacement for a member of the performance cast who apparently resigned from the production.
      • Joshua himself appeared reluctant to criticize the work of other carvers, publicly at least, unless requested to do so.
      • Companies that will form the delegation of the President are requested to cover their own transport, accommodation and incidental costs.
      • Even though we have a notice on our shopping cart requesting customers to phone in their order if it can't be processed by WorldPay, generally they don't bother - they give up.
      • In a day or two after, I was requested to attend the judge's court, which was crowded with Europeans and natives.
      • Reached for comment, the MD of Barden International Mr Kano Smith, requested to be sent the questions via email.
      • It was an ode to peace in English requesting Lord Krishna to come down to earth and resolve the conflicts of the world.
      • Recruited to the Special Operations Executive, she requests to be sent to France as an undercover agent to trace her RAF pilot lover, shot down on a mission.
      • He said some of the actors have requested to leave the production for other career prospects, which he said will not affect the production.
      • As demand theory predicts, the higher the premium or amount a consumer is requested to pay, the less likely a consumer will be willing to pay the premium.
      • Hess came to his radical views after writing to Murray Rothbard and requesting to meet him.
      • We were sometimes requested to play nothing but tangos the whole evening.
      • The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality responded by requesting the James Creek study so that the state could develop its federally mandated water-quality targets for sediment.
      • New clients were calling the school specifically requesting to study with her.


  • by (or on) request

    • In response to an expressed wish.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many are two bedroom with cots available on request, making them ideal for families.
      • A list of the furniture and effects included in the sale is available on request.
      • Don't list references or state, ‘References available on request.’
      • But cassette and video recorders are usually available on request or at least by arrangement.
      • It is also available by request to any school that would like to increase its awareness of threatened and endangered species and what can be done to protect them.
      • The study is available on request from the joint agents.
      • The turnover figures of the pub are available on request.
      • It is also our experience that some court staff are not aware that they are obliged to give copies of these statements to respondents on request.
      • Aim has an approved list of solicitors who are experienced in the area of family law, which is available on request, and leaflets outlining the most frequently asked questions about separation and divorce.
      • Information on stress cracks, starch, protein, and oil is available on request for a fee since they have been classified as ‘official criteria.’


Middle English: from Old French requeste (noun), based on Latin requirere (see require).





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