Given the unusual nature of resistance in such carceral regimes, many historians have stressed processes of regulation over patterns of resistance in penal institutions.
Far more pressing, in reality, was the need for reform of Italian justice, with its mixture of a Fascist-derived legal code, arbitrary emergency powers, and chaotic procedural and carceral conditions.
It applied ferocious carceral discipline, related in graphic tales of torture in the parliamentary inquest published in 1881.
Related to this notion of surveillance and carceral institutional space is Foucault's notion of the panopticon, a mechanism for establishing social power.
For him, all forms of bodily discipline are essentially the same: democracy and totalitarianism are equally carceral.
It is a carceral society whose prisons overflowed with an estimated 120,000 people awaiting trial on charges of genocide in the 1990s.
An additional 68,000 black women were locked up, a number higher than the total carceral population of any one major western European country.
Yet the contrast between the carceral and the viewer society is probably overstated.
The prisons represent more of a juxtaposition of architectural fragments along breathtaking perspectives than the atrocities of carceral life.
This carceral city seems, superficially, reminiscent of the Utopia of unbroken visibility and unrelenting surveillance envisaged in Bentham's Panopticon.
The contrast between the ascetic, carceral Hanoi of the 1980s and the sensuous, lively Hanoi of the present is exemplified in the following comments made to me by a Hanoi resident.
Carlisle Circus could be an emblem of an increasingly secular (and carceral?) society, calling to mind Philip Larkin's ‘Church Going’.
Rwanda, a small landlocked country, became a carceral society for the duration of the genocide in which some 500,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutus were massacred by Hutu extremists.
What is reserved in these techniques of self-fashioning is the right to define the terms of being an object for the carceral and clinical gaze.
He argues that in the current period the melding of ghetto and prison through various carceral strategies is the latest method devised for achieving these long-standing objectives.
Despite its monstrous, carceral appearance, the convention centre is in fact only modestly sized by other cities' standards.
Late 16th century: from late Latin carceralis, from carcer 'prison'.