

单词 rugby tackle

Definition of rugby tackle in English:

rugby tackle

  • 1(in rugby) an act of seizing and attempting to stop an opposing player in possession of the ball by bringing them to the ground.

    he performed a textbook rugby tackle during the match
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Hyperextension of the neck that may occur with a vigorous rugby tackle or with a whiplash injury during a car accident may also cause trauma to the jaw joint.
    • A classic rugby tackle involves grabbing your opponent around the thighs and bringing him crashing earthwards.
    • His spinal cord was damaged in a rugby tackle when he was 16 and he is now paralysed from the chest down.
    • He said he had been so shaken by his first rugby tackle that he could not face any more.
    • Archers can only cope with a small amount or their aim will wobble, while the huge physical effort of making a rugby tackle or throwing a jab in the ring needs tons of the stuff.
    • Sometimes they were having their shorts pulled off by a freakishly well-timed rugby tackle.
    1. 1.1 (in general use) an act of seizing a person, typically by the legs or lower body, and bringing them to the ground.
      I fall heavily, poleaxed, slam-dunked on to the turf by a hefty copper's high-velocity rugby tackle
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But apart from that - and the rugby tackle in the marathon - they held a grand tournament.
      • Finally he launches himself into a flying rugby tackle and vanishes from view.
      • If burglars steal property, householders could still use force to recover it, says the leaflet, adding: "A rugby tackle or a single blow would probably be reasonable."
      • A middle aged woman launched herself in a rugby tackle and intercepted just before it landed and then held it aloft proud in the knowledge that she had just scuppered an opportunity for a youngster to be next.
      • Australian fast bowler Terry Alderman reacted to this unwelcome intervention by bringing the man down with a crunching rugby tackle, only to dislocate his shoulder in the process.
      • It does seem almost like a rugby tackle getting out of the tube in the rush hour and you feel as though you've left something of yourself behind dragging yourself out.
      • I was standing on the two seats, back against the window, when Brian decided to practice his best rugby tackle.
      • He was fined $500 for assaulting a policeman for an action, during the melee, likened to a "rugby tackle".
      • All of a sudden, Beth and Alicia cried out simultaneously as a third figure emerged from the bushes and Daniel leapt on him, bringing him to the ground in a rugby tackle.
      • His trousers caught on his feet and he started to fall as one of the Beefeaters finally got hold of him in a rugby tackle.
      • One was felled by a rugby tackle, the other tripped.
[with object]
  • Perform a rugby tackle on.

    PC Jones chased the suspect across the car park and rugby-tackled him to the ground
    Example sentencesExamples
    • As we approached the speeding cars, my only option was to rugby tackle him to a stop.
    • He was promptly rugby tackled and pummelled by two officers twice his age, size and weight.
    • He said a young girl in his party, who was using the same stretch of hill, became so terrified by the speed she was travelling at he was forced to "rugby tackle" her before she hit the fence.
    • Everyone realized how drunk I was when I rugby tackled the girl who caught the bouquet.
    • I will think of you, briefly, as we meander along the creek and take photos of the ducks attempting to rugby tackle their peers in the pursuit of breadcrumbs.
    • It was close - I mean, my tongue had to rugby tackle the words just before they reached my teeth.
    • With warmer weather on the horizon, it's time to rugby tackle the curtains and drapes into a Spring freshness by adding a few drops of lavender oil to the final rinse.
    • The look on a man's face as he is being rugby tackled or when putting 100 per cent effort into hitting or kicking something are quite beyond belief.
    • Rosy-cheeked and with huge grins on their faces they seem the picture of innocence until they rugby tackle their teacher to the ground.
    • He also knew all about technique, teaching Allan to rugby tackle in the classical style of the day, hitting the opponent low in the thighs and sliding to grasp his ankles.
    • He decided to rugby tackle someone in the penalty area and you can't get away with that.
    • I'll rugby tackle the contenders to the floor to get a glimpse of how they are in the rough and tumble of politics.
    • They saw her head hit the car a number of times and Neilson rugby tackle her to the ground, and they heard her screaming.
    • His brother trying to rugby tackle the attacker, who still had the knives in each hand, and a melee ensued.
    • He said that it has him so hungry that if someone brought him food he would rugby tackle them.
    • And, in contrast with the usual pattern, they tried to rugby tackle the security men.
    • They are like an overexcited quarterback when they see a Grandfather clock and would rugby tackle any pensioner that gets in their way.
    • A controversial poet has hired a personal minder after being rugby tackled by a drinker while reciting verse in a pub.
    • When he left the shop, the store's assistant manager rugby tackled him.
    • I chased him and eventually rugby tackled him to the ground.
    intercept, rugby-tackle, challenge, block, stop, attack




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