

单词 repose


noun rɪˈpəʊzrəˈpoʊz
mass noun
  • 1A state of rest, sleep, or tranquillity.

    in repose her face looked relaxed


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Its surface of turbulent waves, sprayed with twelve coats of turquoise automobile paint, floats the eye up to artifacts lifted in moments of repose above the sea of intensity.
    • For those who have consulted dictionaries for the word, its typical appearance between serenade and serene may bring a sense of tranquility and unruffled repose.
    • It is highly evocative, both in violent action and in repose.
    • Walled off from the two adjacent streets, it is a quiet space of contemplation and repose.
    • Blue turned her head slightly and saw that Ciel's eyes had shut and she was breathing silently, as if in eternal repose.
    • Innocence and repose are the oratorio's distinguishing features.
    • However, to end this review, I think we should move away from the energetic questing Ives and hear a moment of tranquil repose.
    • The work captures O'Hara in repose yet with the suggestion that he would be ready at an instant to bounce into action.
    • Balanced sonorities and evenness of metre direct listeners on a course of undiminishing grandeur that leads naturally to calmness in repose.
    • Celtic legends tell of the misty westward isles, the place of repose to which the soul is borne after death.
    • When we do see the dead couple, they are in a state of peacefulness and repose.
    • The faces of most cast figures are in repose, and when the artist attempts to animate them, they most often end up resembling masks or caricatures.
    • In a sense, it was this next generation that drove neorealism into repose, making it a relic of a particular time and place.
    • The subject is a rendering of a female in repose, wrapped in a blanket of stars and night sky.
    • But those moments of rest and repose are important to feed the soul.
    • The strife of the birds and its sharp sounds are an instance of repose to me, a moment whose inclination is towards an ecstasy, sure as sure can be.
    • Other pieces depict odd moments of repose, for instance two identical boys asleep on a field of camouflage.
    • And in focussing on the heel and away from the forced point, she accented the descent - the moment of repose.
    • It is desirable, at certain times of day or night, to look deeply at objects in repose: wheels that have run long dusty distances bearing great loads of vegetable or mineral, coal sacks, barrels, baskets, carpenters' hafts and helves.
    • Classical storytelling and notions of time are mostly eschewed, while actors connect to one another with a generosity that approaches some sort of spiritual repose.
    rest, relaxation, inactivity, restfulness, stillness, idleness
    sleep, slumber
    1. 1.1 The state of being calm and composed.
      he had lost none of his grace or his repose


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is not the social disaster which we hark back to, but the emotive response - the existential repose and quietude with which men confronted their impending doom.
      • Certainly Lieberson has written a virtuosic orchestral showpiece with some lovely, moving moments of repose.
      • The beginning of the poem images the self's divisions as the body pulls the speaker's ascending thoughts down from a scene of repose, tranquillity and safety.
      • The placid look of his countenance never changed for an instant; his whole frame rested, uncontrolled, in perfect stillness and repose; not a muscle was seen to twitch.
      peace, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness, quietude, calm, calmness, tranquillity, stillness
      leisure, ease, respite, time off, breathing space
      composure, calmness, serenity, tranquillity, equanimity, peace of mind
      poise, self-possession, aplomb, self-assurance, dignity
    2. 1.2Art Harmonious arrangement of colours and forms, providing a restful visual effect.
      many of the qualities of the great Piero della Francescas—the sense of grand stasis, of timeless repose—seem strongly reincarnated in this work
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The canvas is at once typical and atypical of the artist's expressionist manner, familiar in its emphatic and swelling interlocking forms, yet unexpectedly still and harmonious in its quality of repose.
      • But the dreamlike quality conveyed by Metaphysical painters differed from that of the Surrealists because of their concern with pictorial structure and a strongly architectural sense of repose deriving from Italian Renaissance art.
      • Rendered with harsh black lines in Pierson's characteristic expressionist style, the figure bows its head in abject repose.
      • He has transformed these overlooked discards into miniatures of intimate beauty and repose.
      • The trees, with their gently curving trunks, offer a sense of repose, while the references to art history establish Otnes's dialogue with the art before his own.
verb rɪˈpəʊzrəˈpoʊz
  • 1no object, with adverbial of place Be situated or kept in a particular place.


    the diamond now reposes in the Louvre


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The other hotel we stayed at, the Shangri-La Rasa Ria, reposes among villages some 40 minutes from the airport.
    • A tall white bed reposed shyly by the lonely window.
    • However, it reads like nothing so much as a visit to the bits and pieces of interview notes reposing in the author's research archives.
    • Literally in a backwater not far from The Hague, Delft reposes among the clefts made through the sleepy Dutch fields by the delta of the Rhine.
    • Whose money reposes in the Liechtenstein account?
    • Its baptismal font (in which many of my ancestors' noggins were wetted) now reposes in a side-chapel of the nearby Johanneskirche.
    • French windows led out into the grassy back yard and a fireplace made of black marble reposed on one side of the room.
    lie, be placed, be set, be situated, be positioned, be supported, rest
    1. 1.1 Lie down in rest.
      how sweetly he would repose in the four-poster bed


      lie, lie down, recline, stretch out
      rest, relax, sleep, slumber, take one's ease
      literary couch
    2. 1.2repose something on/inliterary with object Lay something to rest in or on.
      I'll go to him, and repose our distresses on his friendly bosom


      put, place, lay, lodge, set, consign, invest, entrust
    3. 1.3archaic with object Give rest to.
      he halted to repose his way-worn soldiers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Two hundred and fifty-eight brave sailors and marines and two officers of our Navy, reposing in the fancied security of a friendly harbor, have been hurled to death, grief and want brought to their homes and sorrow to the nation.
      • Sorrow breaks seasons and reposing hours, makes the night morning, and the noontide night.
      • Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,


  • reposeful

  • adjective rɪˈpəʊzfʊlrəˈpoʊzf(ə)l
    • Having a calm and soothing quality; tranquil.

      the desire for reposeful contemplation
      Example sentencesExamples
      • a reposeful haven
      • The Buddhists, says this latest study, are happier than most of us because their religion encourages them to think with a different side of the brain, the peaceful, reposeful side as opposed to the angry bits which drive most of us.
      • Far less reposeful is Andre Derain's Dance, where colours skirmish in an ultra-patterned, stage-set, Gauguinesque jungle.
      • The reposeful haven where the Mahatma was stretching his tired limbs at the time is a quaint brick and wood building named Mani Bhawan.
  • reposefully

  • adverb rɪˈpəʊzf(ʊ)lli
    • But even as a woman sits reposefully, I learned, there is the motion of thought and feeling within her that takes in all of reality.
      When he went to the western front in December 1915, with every possibility of being killed, he wrote to Clementine, ‘My conviction that the greatest of my work is still to be done is strong within me, and I ride reposefully along the gale.’


Late Middle English: from Old French repos (noun), reposer (verb), from late Latin repausare, from re- (expressing intensive force) + pausare 'to pause'.

  • pause from Late Middle English:

    Pause goes back to Greek pausis, from pausein ‘to stop’. This is the same root as repose (Late Middle English), and pose (ME as a verb, but only E19th as a noun). The French word poseur was adopted in the late 19th century. See also puzzle


verb rɪˈpəʊzrəˈpoʊz
[with object]repose something in
  • Place something, especially one's confidence or trust, in.


    we have never betrayed the trust that you have reposed in us


    Example sentencesExamples
    • O ye people, repose your faith in God who is not only your God but God of all and sundry.
    • just how little control you have over how other people will behave when you repose your trust in them!
    • They can now perform and show their gratitude to the captain and the selectors for reposing the faith in them.
    • first the promoters of Shoppers' Stop and Mr. G.L. Raheja, in particular, for having reposed their total faith in him and his team and allowing them to make mistakes; and,
    • Unless the cases be exactly similar, they repose no perfect confidence in applying their past observation to any particular phenomenon.
    • It may, nevertheless, be advisable to repose a discretionary authority in the President of the United States, to continue the currency of the Spanish dollar at a value corresponding with the quantity of fine silver contained in it…
    • God simply is with those who repose their trust in him.
    • So you could repose the power in a panel of psychiatrists.
    • As Butler's fictional author of the Book of the Machines notes, ‘I cannot think it will ever be safe to repose much trust in the moral sense of any machine.’
    • Imams and muezzins have reposed their faith in the credentials of BJP leaders, who do not have great reputation for keeping promises.
    • The Constitution also vests various powers in the governor-general directly; although it is settled that most of these are exercisable on ministerial advice, there are a few cases in which a discretion is reposed in him.
    • But, for the denizens of the Temple City, there are still avenues to get quality products at the most competitive price, if only they repose their faith in the products manufactured by Self-Help Groups.
    • We repose our confidence in them because we believe that they will live up to their own promises.
    • He refused to be dragged into unnecessary political controversy and instead reposed his trust in the discretion of his voters who all are celebrated writers drawn from 22 languages of India.
    • I cannot here give references and authorities for my several statements; and I must trust to the reader reposing some confidence in my accuracy’.
    • I am very humbled and grateful for the fact that for an eighth time they have reposed their confidence in me, and I will do all I can to repay that as their representative over the next 3 years.
    • It is also a powerful cautionary tale for all those who blithely repose their faith in State-led legal reform, codification, standardisation and uniformity.
    • The quality of the Festivals are benchmarks in global standards and local multinational brands and corporate houses have reposed their faith in them by becoming partners to the growth of the DSF.


  • reposal

  • noun rɪˈpəʊzəl
    mass nounrare
    • The action of placing something, especially confidence or trust, in a person or thing.


      the mutual reposal of trust and confidence among shareholders


Late Middle English (in the sense 'put back in the same position'): from re- 'again' + the verb pose1, suggested by Latin reponere 'replace', from re- (expressing intensive force) + ponere 'to place'.


  • 1A state of rest, sleep, or tranquility.

    in repose her face looked relaxed


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The faces of most cast figures are in repose, and when the artist attempts to animate them, they most often end up resembling masks or caricatures.
    • Other pieces depict odd moments of repose, for instance two identical boys asleep on a field of camouflage.
    • However, to end this review, I think we should move away from the energetic questing Ives and hear a moment of tranquil repose.
    • Celtic legends tell of the misty westward isles, the place of repose to which the soul is borne after death.
    • For those who have consulted dictionaries for the word, its typical appearance between serenade and serene may bring a sense of tranquility and unruffled repose.
    • Blue turned her head slightly and saw that Ciel's eyes had shut and she was breathing silently, as if in eternal repose.
    • Innocence and repose are the oratorio's distinguishing features.
    • Balanced sonorities and evenness of metre direct listeners on a course of undiminishing grandeur that leads naturally to calmness in repose.
    • When we do see the dead couple, they are in a state of peacefulness and repose.
    • The work captures O'Hara in repose yet with the suggestion that he would be ready at an instant to bounce into action.
    • Its surface of turbulent waves, sprayed with twelve coats of turquoise automobile paint, floats the eye up to artifacts lifted in moments of repose above the sea of intensity.
    • In a sense, it was this next generation that drove neorealism into repose, making it a relic of a particular time and place.
    • Classical storytelling and notions of time are mostly eschewed, while actors connect to one another with a generosity that approaches some sort of spiritual repose.
    • It is highly evocative, both in violent action and in repose.
    • And in focussing on the heel and away from the forced point, she accented the descent - the moment of repose.
    • It is desirable, at certain times of day or night, to look deeply at objects in repose: wheels that have run long dusty distances bearing great loads of vegetable or mineral, coal sacks, barrels, baskets, carpenters' hafts and helves.
    • Walled off from the two adjacent streets, it is a quiet space of contemplation and repose.
    • But those moments of rest and repose are important to feed the soul.
    • The strife of the birds and its sharp sounds are an instance of repose to me, a moment whose inclination is towards an ecstasy, sure as sure can be.
    • The subject is a rendering of a female in repose, wrapped in a blanket of stars and night sky.
    rest, relaxation, inactivity, restfulness, stillness, idleness
    peace, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness, quietude, calm, calmness, tranquillity, stillness
    1. 1.1 Composure.
      he had lost none of his grace or his repose


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Certainly Lieberson has written a virtuosic orchestral showpiece with some lovely, moving moments of repose.
      • The beginning of the poem images the self's divisions as the body pulls the speaker's ascending thoughts down from a scene of repose, tranquillity and safety.
      • The placid look of his countenance never changed for an instant; his whole frame rested, uncontrolled, in perfect stillness and repose; not a muscle was seen to twitch.
      • It is not the social disaster which we hark back to, but the emotive response - the existential repose and quietude with which men confronted their impending doom.
      peace, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness, quietude, calm, calmness, tranquillity, stillness
      composure, calmness, serenity, tranquillity, equanimity, peace of mind
    2. 1.2Art Harmonious arrangement of colors and forms, providing a restful visual effect.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Rendered with harsh black lines in Pierson's characteristic expressionist style, the figure bows its head in abject repose.
      • He has transformed these overlooked discards into miniatures of intimate beauty and repose.
      • But the dreamlike quality conveyed by Metaphysical painters differed from that of the Surrealists because of their concern with pictorial structure and a strongly architectural sense of repose deriving from Italian Renaissance art.
      • The canvas is at once typical and atypical of the artist's expressionist manner, familiar in its emphatic and swelling interlocking forms, yet unexpectedly still and harmonious in its quality of repose.
      • The trees, with their gently curving trunks, offer a sense of repose, while the references to art history establish Otnes's dialogue with the art before his own.
  • 1no object, with adverbial of place Be lying, situated, or kept in a particular place.


    the diamond now reposes in the Louvre


    Example sentencesExamples
    • However, it reads like nothing so much as a visit to the bits and pieces of interview notes reposing in the author's research archives.
    • Literally in a backwater not far from The Hague, Delft reposes among the clefts made through the sleepy Dutch fields by the delta of the Rhine.
    • French windows led out into the grassy back yard and a fireplace made of black marble reposed on one side of the room.
    • Its baptismal font (in which many of my ancestors' noggins were wetted) now reposes in a side-chapel of the nearby Johanneskirche.
    • A tall white bed reposed shyly by the lonely window.
    • Whose money reposes in the Liechtenstein account?
    • The other hotel we stayed at, the Shangri-La Rasa Ria, reposes among villages some 40 minutes from the airport.
    lie, be placed, be set, be situated, be positioned, be supported, rest
    1. 1.1 Lie down in rest.
      how sweetly he would repose in the four-poster bed


      lie, lie down, recline, stretch out
    2. 1.2repose something on/inliterary with object Lay something to rest in or on (something)
      I'll go to him, and repose our distresses on his friendly bosom


      put, place, lay, lodge, set, consign, invest, entrust
    3. 1.3archaic with object Give rest to.
      he halted to repose his wayworn soldiers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sorrow breaks seasons and reposing hours, makes the night morning, and the noontide night.
      • Two hundred and fifty-eight brave sailors and marines and two officers of our Navy, reposing in the fancied security of a friendly harbor, have been hurled to death, grief and want brought to their homes and sorrow to the nation.
      • Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,


Late Middle English: from Old French repos (noun), reposer (verb), from late Latin repausare, from re- (expressing intensive force) + pausare ‘to pause’.


[with object]repose something in
  • Place something, especially one's confidence or trust, in.


    we have never betrayed the trust that you have reposed in us


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As Butler's fictional author of the Book of the Machines notes, ‘I cannot think it will ever be safe to repose much trust in the moral sense of any machine.’
    • Unless the cases be exactly similar, they repose no perfect confidence in applying their past observation to any particular phenomenon.
    • He refused to be dragged into unnecessary political controversy and instead reposed his trust in the discretion of his voters who all are celebrated writers drawn from 22 languages of India.
    • We repose our confidence in them because we believe that they will live up to their own promises.
    • The Constitution also vests various powers in the governor-general directly; although it is settled that most of these are exercisable on ministerial advice, there are a few cases in which a discretion is reposed in him.
    • first the promoters of Shoppers' Stop and Mr. G.L. Raheja, in particular, for having reposed their total faith in him and his team and allowing them to make mistakes; and,
    • It is also a powerful cautionary tale for all those who blithely repose their faith in State-led legal reform, codification, standardisation and uniformity.
    • So you could repose the power in a panel of psychiatrists.
    • But, for the denizens of the Temple City, there are still avenues to get quality products at the most competitive price, if only they repose their faith in the products manufactured by Self-Help Groups.
    • The quality of the Festivals are benchmarks in global standards and local multinational brands and corporate houses have reposed their faith in them by becoming partners to the growth of the DSF.
    • They can now perform and show their gratitude to the captain and the selectors for reposing the faith in them.
    • just how little control you have over how other people will behave when you repose your trust in them!
    • O ye people, repose your faith in God who is not only your God but God of all and sundry.
    • Imams and muezzins have reposed their faith in the credentials of BJP leaders, who do not have great reputation for keeping promises.
    • I am very humbled and grateful for the fact that for an eighth time they have reposed their confidence in me, and I will do all I can to repay that as their representative over the next 3 years.
    • I cannot here give references and authorities for my several statements; and I must trust to the reader reposing some confidence in my accuracy’.
    • It may, nevertheless, be advisable to repose a discretionary authority in the President of the United States, to continue the currency of the Spanish dollar at a value corresponding with the quantity of fine silver contained in it…
    • God simply is with those who repose their trust in him.


Late Middle English (in the sense ‘put back in the same position’): from re- ‘again’ + the verb pose, suggested by Latin reponere ‘replace’, from re- (expressing intensive force) + ponere ‘to place’.





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