

单词 bottle blonde

Definition of bottle blonde in English:

bottle blonde

(also bottle blond)
  • (of a woman's hair) of a shade of blonde that looks as if it has been artificially lightened or bleached.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • While the bottle-blond hair may have gone, the ambition remains the same.
    • She had bottle-blond, stick-straight hair pulled back into a tight bun, brown eyes, and a slightly plump figure.
    • After her eyes, and her swollen cheekbones, her most striking feature is her bottle-blonde hair.
    • Lanie Kerrigan is a reporter at a Seattle news station with bottle-blond hair, designer bod and pad, sports star boyfriend, and ambition to spare.
    • However, she needs to be more bottle-blonde ditzy, more Marilyn Monroe.
    • The director stars as Sarah, a bottle-blonde burnout who appears one day to rescue her eight year old son Jeremiah from his caring foster parents.
    • There were leather-faced men in bright shirts and brown jackets, with signet rings and bottle-blonde girlfriends.
    • I saw Dr. Wright talking to a bottle-blonde woman who had her back to me.
    • Also, the notion of conditioning women who are aggressive go-getters into cookie-baking, bottle-blonde Barbie dolls is just plain offensive.
    • Although how she could spoil the memory of a weedy, mustachioed guy with a bottle-blonde mullet is beyond me.
    • The personalised leather tote bags made the unfortunate souls at the back pull furiously at their bottle-blonde locks, tearing chunks out at the root.
    • We sat by the window where we could watch the bottle-blonde girls totter along on their ridiculously tall high heels, gripping at the bottom of their belt-like skirts to stop them riding up.
    • Meanwhile back at the surgery, Joanna, the bottle-blonde receptionist, has found a shade of mascara which matches her top.
    • Today she's milky white in the London sunshine, bottle-blonde hair cropped and quiffed, a palisade of lashes guarding ice-blue eyes.
    • But in person Concetta is giggly and shy, with bottle-blonde hair and a Betty Boop voice.
    • Back in the days when Andre Agassi had flowing, bottle-blond locks, he was a trend-setter and an icon.
    • It's a story of a very English glamour: of leopard-print chairs, flock carpets, diamonds, heavy décolletage and bottle-blonde hair.
    • As bottle-blonde Maureen, the requisite tragic heroine, Reilly must appear naked in various tableaux vivants.
    • We first see Spider's father as a brutal heavy drinker who escapes to the pub from which he then slips off with a bottle-blonde tart with a haggy cackle.
    • It's said that these bottle-blonde women are even more loud-mouthed than male enthusiasts, which adds to the atmosphere.
    blond, blonde, yellow, yellowish, golden, flaxen, light, light brown, light-coloured, strawberry blonde, tow-coloured, platinum, ash blonde, bleached, bleached-blonde, sun-bleached, peroxide, bottle-blonde
  • A woman with dyed or bleached blonde hair.

    a bottle blonde who winks at the camera
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Evidence of Madonna's iconic status was as easy to spot as roots among the bottle blondes outside the First Union Center in Philadelphia the night of the U.S. debut of her ‘Drowned World’ tour.
    • ‘Look,’ said Mary, a bottle blonde from the Midlands, brandishing a fake Louise Voitton handbag.
    • A bottle blonde with a tan leaning toward that cured leather look, she had the unmistakable aura of a woman who had, on more than one occasion, awakened in an unfamiliar bed wearing some cowboy's shirt.
    • She snorted, and accused me of obliging her to become a bottle blonde.
    • Janelle tells Stingray the caller was just a client wanting to ring her at home to make an appointment, and that the secret is just that she's a bottle blonde.
    • Oliver Stone's casting of Colin Farrell as a bottle blond has sparked a backlash from traditionalists.
    • The bottle blonde also claimed to have had an affair with a policeman who went to her home to investigate a burglary - although he denied any impropriety.
    • Supper came from the same barbecue joint where I recently eavesdropped on a conversation between a bottle blonde and her young friend.
    • When I finally did leap upon a 19, grabbing the back of the top deck, I found myself behind two bottle blondes and a toddler.
    • I had heard bottle blondes and blonde bombshells spoken of with contempt.
    • The 34-year-old bottle blonde was wearing a white dress and a lilac leather jacket as she stormed around the courtroom.
    • The waitress was a brassy, down-to-earth bottle blond with a heavy New Yawk accent.
    • Wake up, you studio heads - she is smarter and sexier than the braindead bottle blondes you guys keep sticking on the A-list.
    • I think I took in most of the information, despite being a bottle blonde, but there was something which was distracting me.
    • A quick peek at their website biographies will reveal the contestants before the gloss of network television: ratted bangs, bottle blondes, and trailer park princesses who place all of their hopes and dreams in a deftly arched back.
    • Chrissie, if anything, was Sabrina's complete opposite: being a loud-mouthed, bottle-blonde with too much make up, she was the most popular girl in school.
    • At best, bottle blondes are equated with an artifice and at worst, deceitfulness and Machiavellian scheming.




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