

单词 replicate

Definition of replicate in English:


verb ˈrɛplɪkeɪtˈrɛpləˌkeɪt
[with object]
  • 1Make an exact copy of; reproduce.


    it might be impractical to replicate Eastern culture in the west


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In another plaque, Prussian blue pigment, meant to replicate copper corrosion, obscures much of the surface.
    • The London version may come from the large room, which Pacheco saw on his visit to El Greco, full of reduced versions of his paintings which he kept for replicating his works or as a record of their authenticity.
    • Made up of roughly circular lines that form tight clusters, they're somewhat like the system drawings of Tara Donovan or James Siena, often replicating the organic structure of fungi or barnacles.
    • Hobby's architectural hypothesis that places parent-child bonds at the core of all forms of love is true on this view because of the operation of universal organic drives to reproduce or replicate ourselves.
    • The form of the headdress also almost completely replicates the form of the short-handled agricultural hoe.
    • Likewise, their movements are falling into selected rhythmic patterns by age 3, and they are capable of clapping rhythmically and replicating short rhythms on instruments before kindergarten.
    • In particular, it would be important to replicate this study using different cultural products in order to see if the observed effects can be generalized across art product categories.
    • A lot of immigrants finish up replicating the culture they came from.
    • This is of particular importance since the surviving imperial portraits are copies that replicate officially sanctioned prototypes with varying degrees of fidelity and skill.
    • She does idealize the island, at times, particularly as her characters try to replicate island culture within their (often dismal) mainland barrios.
    • In addition, in its celebration of irreducible difference, postmodernism has been castigated for replicating the very categories of racist ideological thought that it is intended to supersede.
    • However, with the amount media circulating today there is no communication by replicating traditional design principles.
    • Cloning will be used for far more than replicating a mammal or reproducing a child.
    • A full copy snapshot replicates the data set in its entirety.
    • ‘This method replicates how problems occur in life,’ he says.
    • What it concerns itself more with is with replicating the successes of genre titles gone by.
    • In a sense, this private menagerie replicates the oldest of human/animal relationships which was the aristocratic privilege of ownership that was the prevalent model until the French Revolution.
    • In the days before xerox machines, a carbon copy was the best way of replicating a piece of writing.
    • Perhaps they replicate each other and work together on occasion, but their roles are different.
    • This vaccine induces protective immunity but does not allow the virus to replicate - copy itself - or pass from bird to bird.
    copy, reproduce, duplicate, make a copy of, make a replica of
    recreate, repeat, perform again
    1. 1.1replicate itself (of genetic material or a living organism) reproduce or give rise to a copy of itself.
      interleukin-16 prevents the virus from replicating itself


      no object in order to replicate, cells must make copies of their DNA
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He says, ‘This fungus can replicate itself on daylilies, but another type of plant host is necessary for it to complete its life cycle.’
      • It was hoped the gene would be absorbed by the brain and eventually replicate itself.
      • Researchers also had to tweak the organism's DNA so it would expend most of its energy making propanediol rather than replicating itself.
      • Like the AIDS virus, it uses RNA and not DNA to replicate itself.
      • Like most RNA viruses they accumulate mutations very fast, and the way the virus RNA replicates itself facilitates frequent recombination.
      • Instead of creating new cell material, the cell is confused and replicates the virus, which then replicates itself and spreads throughout the body.
      • AAV cannot replicate itself on its own, requiring a ‘helper’ virus infecting the same cell in the body.
      • But when Diener announced his discovery, he was overturning scientific dogma that held that an organism with no proteins couldn't replicate itself.
      • With this deletion, the chimeric virus was less able to replicate itself when injected into the monkeys.
      • Every time a chromosome replicates itself, its telomeres shorten in length.
      • A single egg cell replicates itself, and the offspring cells in turn replicate themselves, and so on.
      • And in doing so, the gene creates copies of its genetic material by replicating itself through intricate processes of cell division.
      • Moreover, arginine makes it possible for the herpes virus to replicate itself, so if you're troubled by frequent cold sores, give it a pass.
      • These scientists suggest that RNA was capable of ordering the sequence of amino acids, forming proteins, and replicating itself in a type of ‘RNA world,’ in which RNA was more important than DNA.
      • But actually, HIV replicates itself rapidly during all phases of infection.
      • Fewer than 5 percent of co-infection cases become chronic; HDV seems to suppress HBV replication and does not have the ability to replicate itself.
      • When serum is present, alpha-defensin - 1 acts on vulnerable cells to block HIV infection at the stage when the virus is taken up by the cell and begins replicating itself and integrating into the host.
      • Despite the macrophages' defenses, the creature, because of its thick rind, often survives and slowly replicates itself until each macrophage is so full of tuberculosis bacteria that the cell bursts and dies.
      • The virus would have been pretty awful if it had taken control of a large number of computers and started replicating itself.
      • But when Diener announced his discovery, he was overturning the scientific dogma that held that an organism with no proteins wasn't supposed to be able to replicate itself.
    2. 1.2 Repeat (a scientific experiment or trial) to obtain a consistent result.
      these findings have been replicated by Metzger and Antes


      Example sentencesExamples
      • According to Gallagher, if DMI's test results were to be replicated nationwide, more than 67 million additional gallons would be sold each year in schools alone.
      • Those results were not replicated in any of several subsequent studies.
      • It argues for eliminating ‘cookbook labs,’ in which students replicate experiments where the results are already known.
      • The trials are being replicated in potato and pumpkin fields at The Rodale Institute, and in two other area vineyards.
      • This result is not consistently replicated in a more recent study by Davis-Friday, Liu, and Mittelstaedt.
      • Vermeer experimented with this device and took pains to replicate the optical distortions observed through the apparatus, such as discrepancies of scale, collapsed perspective, halations, and blurred focus.
      • This allows experiments to be replicated independently by anyone skeptical of the original results.
      • As with all such research, its success hinges on findings whose results can be replicated.
      • Therefore, the next step is to see if these results can be replicated and further refined using samples from other universities.
      • It works on strict adherence to the scientific method, through double-blind studies, good lab practices, etc. and the ability to replicate results.
      • The foregoing simulation simply assumes that the trials replicate themselves based on what works.
      copy, reproduce, duplicate, make a copy of, make a replica of
adjective ˈrɛplɪkətˈrɛplɪkət
  • 1attributive Of the nature of a copy.


    a replicate Earth


    another, duplicate, reproduction, twin, double, new, replicate, matching
    1. 1.1 Of the nature of a repetition of a scientific experiment or trial.
      the variation of replicate measurements


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nebraska farmer Jerry Mulliken has conducted replicated trials for six years to assess the effect of row cleaning operations prior to corn planting.
      • In replicated trials, the hybrid was also resistant to Colorado potato beetle, an insect costing U.S. potato, tomato, and eggplant growers about $150 million annually.
      • Because the tests were conducted on corn grown in replicated experiments, they could determine if the diagnostic test level accurately matched the plant response.
      • If the data were from replicated trials, there may not be any statistical difference between the results in the ‘Sample’ and ‘WP’ columns.
      • As part of the Nebraska Soybean and Feed Grains Profitability Project, Jerry Mulliken has conducted replicated trials on his farm in Dodge County for four years to evaluate the effect of row cleaning on corn yield following soybean.
noun ˈrɛplɪkətˈrɛplɪkət
  • 1A close or exact copy; a replica.


    young reptiles should not be considered merely small replicates of adults
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Subsequently, groups were randomly assigned to receive one of the three supplemental treatments (corn, rice bran, or soybean hulls), resulting in three replicates each of two years.
    1. 1.1 A repeated experiment or trial.
      five replicates were performed per dilution
      Example sentencesExamples
      • All fermentations were performed on duplicate days with two replicates per day.
  • 2Music
    A tone one or more octaves above or below the given tone.



  • replicability

  • noun ˌrɛplɪkəˈbɪlɪtɪiˌrɛpləkəˈbɪlədi
    mass noun
    • 1The quality of being able to be exactly copied or reproduced.

      reliability and replicability are fundamental requirements for rules in sporting contests
      1. 1.1 The ability of a scientific experiment or trial to be repeated to obtain a consistent result.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Judith Butler points to the possibility of a breakdown of replicability - a ‘failure to repeat’, as a way of understanding gender identity as a real but tenuous construction.
      • In most cases what is understood as ‘fact’ by scientists has withstood the tests of self-consistency, replicability and peer-review, which are key to the validation of scientific knowledge.
      • As with any other laboratory science, experimental economics has the advantages of replicability and control (see Davis and Holt for a thorough treatment of replicability and control).
      • there was still debate over the replicability of the findings
  • replicable

  • adjective ˈrɛplɪkəb(ə)l
    • It's not replicable anywhere else but in a museum.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The fund, established as a nonprofit in 1990, works to develop sustainable growth in emerging markets by capitalizing smaller, private-sector businesses that can serve as replicable models for local entrepreneurs and investors.
      • The rationale behind testing is the standardisation of education, the production of predictable and replicable outcomes in the classroom.
      • We can, and do, demand that scientific results be replicable; we can't demand a rerun of a miracle.
      • We cannot make a policy of ignoring consistently replicable results solely on the ground that they threaten some favourite views.


Late Middle English (in the sense 'repeat'): from Latin replicat-, from the verb replicare, from re- 'back, again' + plicare 'to fold'. The current senses date from the late 19th century.

Definition of replicate in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Make an exact copy of; reproduce.


    it might be impractical to replicate Eastern culture in the west


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In addition, in its celebration of irreducible difference, postmodernism has been castigated for replicating the very categories of racist ideological thought that it is intended to supersede.
    • In the days before xerox machines, a carbon copy was the best way of replicating a piece of writing.
    • Perhaps they replicate each other and work together on occasion, but their roles are different.
    • What it concerns itself more with is with replicating the successes of genre titles gone by.
    • A lot of immigrants finish up replicating the culture they came from.
    • The London version may come from the large room, which Pacheco saw on his visit to El Greco, full of reduced versions of his paintings which he kept for replicating his works or as a record of their authenticity.
    • In particular, it would be important to replicate this study using different cultural products in order to see if the observed effects can be generalized across art product categories.
    • Cloning will be used for far more than replicating a mammal or reproducing a child.
    • Likewise, their movements are falling into selected rhythmic patterns by age 3, and they are capable of clapping rhythmically and replicating short rhythms on instruments before kindergarten.
    • In another plaque, Prussian blue pigment, meant to replicate copper corrosion, obscures much of the surface.
    • Made up of roughly circular lines that form tight clusters, they're somewhat like the system drawings of Tara Donovan or James Siena, often replicating the organic structure of fungi or barnacles.
    • This is of particular importance since the surviving imperial portraits are copies that replicate officially sanctioned prototypes with varying degrees of fidelity and skill.
    • However, with the amount media circulating today there is no communication by replicating traditional design principles.
    • She does idealize the island, at times, particularly as her characters try to replicate island culture within their (often dismal) mainland barrios.
    • In a sense, this private menagerie replicates the oldest of human/animal relationships which was the aristocratic privilege of ownership that was the prevalent model until the French Revolution.
    • Hobby's architectural hypothesis that places parent-child bonds at the core of all forms of love is true on this view because of the operation of universal organic drives to reproduce or replicate ourselves.
    • ‘This method replicates how problems occur in life,’ he says.
    • A full copy snapshot replicates the data set in its entirety.
    • This vaccine induces protective immunity but does not allow the virus to replicate - copy itself - or pass from bird to bird.
    • The form of the headdress also almost completely replicates the form of the short-handled agricultural hoe.
    copy, reproduce, duplicate, make a copy of, make a replica of
    1. 1.1replicate itself (of genetic material or a living organism) reproduce or give rise to a copy of itself.
      interleukin-16 prevents the virus from replicating itself


      no object in order to replicate, cells must make copies of their DNA
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And in doing so, the gene creates copies of its genetic material by replicating itself through intricate processes of cell division.
      • With this deletion, the chimeric virus was less able to replicate itself when injected into the monkeys.
      • But when Diener announced his discovery, he was overturning scientific dogma that held that an organism with no proteins couldn't replicate itself.
      • Researchers also had to tweak the organism's DNA so it would expend most of its energy making propanediol rather than replicating itself.
      • Every time a chromosome replicates itself, its telomeres shorten in length.
      • These scientists suggest that RNA was capable of ordering the sequence of amino acids, forming proteins, and replicating itself in a type of ‘RNA world,’ in which RNA was more important than DNA.
      • Like most RNA viruses they accumulate mutations very fast, and the way the virus RNA replicates itself facilitates frequent recombination.
      • When serum is present, alpha-defensin - 1 acts on vulnerable cells to block HIV infection at the stage when the virus is taken up by the cell and begins replicating itself and integrating into the host.
      • It was hoped the gene would be absorbed by the brain and eventually replicate itself.
      • Like the AIDS virus, it uses RNA and not DNA to replicate itself.
      • He says, ‘This fungus can replicate itself on daylilies, but another type of plant host is necessary for it to complete its life cycle.’
      • But actually, HIV replicates itself rapidly during all phases of infection.
      • Moreover, arginine makes it possible for the herpes virus to replicate itself, so if you're troubled by frequent cold sores, give it a pass.
      • Fewer than 5 percent of co-infection cases become chronic; HDV seems to suppress HBV replication and does not have the ability to replicate itself.
      • But when Diener announced his discovery, he was overturning the scientific dogma that held that an organism with no proteins wasn't supposed to be able to replicate itself.
      • AAV cannot replicate itself on its own, requiring a ‘helper’ virus infecting the same cell in the body.
      • Instead of creating new cell material, the cell is confused and replicates the virus, which then replicates itself and spreads throughout the body.
      • The virus would have been pretty awful if it had taken control of a large number of computers and started replicating itself.
      • Despite the macrophages' defenses, the creature, because of its thick rind, often survives and slowly replicates itself until each macrophage is so full of tuberculosis bacteria that the cell bursts and dies.
      • A single egg cell replicates itself, and the offspring cells in turn replicate themselves, and so on.
    2. 1.2 Repeat (a scientific experiment or trial) to obtain a consistent result.
      these findings have been replicated by Atwood and Jackson


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Those results were not replicated in any of several subsequent studies.
      • The foregoing simulation simply assumes that the trials replicate themselves based on what works.
      • Therefore, the next step is to see if these results can be replicated and further refined using samples from other universities.
      • As with all such research, its success hinges on findings whose results can be replicated.
      • It argues for eliminating ‘cookbook labs,’ in which students replicate experiments where the results are already known.
      • Vermeer experimented with this device and took pains to replicate the optical distortions observed through the apparatus, such as discrepancies of scale, collapsed perspective, halations, and blurred focus.
      • The trials are being replicated in potato and pumpkin fields at The Rodale Institute, and in two other area vineyards.
      • According to Gallagher, if DMI's test results were to be replicated nationwide, more than 67 million additional gallons would be sold each year in schools alone.
      • It works on strict adherence to the scientific method, through double-blind studies, good lab practices, etc. and the ability to replicate results.
      • This result is not consistently replicated in a more recent study by Davis-Friday, Liu, and Mittelstaedt.
      • This allows experiments to be replicated independently by anyone skeptical of the original results.
      copy, reproduce, duplicate, make a copy of, make a replica of
  • 1attributive Of the nature of a copy.


    a replicate Earth


    another, duplicate, reproduction, twin, double, new, replicate, matching
    1. 1.1 Of the nature of a repetition of a scientific experiment or trial.
      the variation of replicate measurements


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nebraska farmer Jerry Mulliken has conducted replicated trials for six years to assess the effect of row cleaning operations prior to corn planting.
      • Because the tests were conducted on corn grown in replicated experiments, they could determine if the diagnostic test level accurately matched the plant response.
      • As part of the Nebraska Soybean and Feed Grains Profitability Project, Jerry Mulliken has conducted replicated trials on his farm in Dodge County for four years to evaluate the effect of row cleaning on corn yield following soybean.
      • If the data were from replicated trials, there may not be any statistical difference between the results in the ‘Sample’ and ‘WP’ columns.
      • In replicated trials, the hybrid was also resistant to Colorado potato beetle, an insect costing U.S. potato, tomato, and eggplant growers about $150 million annually.
  • 1A close or exact copy; a replica.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Subsequently, groups were randomly assigned to receive one of the three supplemental treatments (corn, rice bran, or soybean hulls), resulting in three replicates each of two years.
    1. 1.1 A repetition of an experimental test or procedure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • All fermentations were performed on duplicate days with two replicates per day.
  • 2Music
    A tone one or more octaves above or below the given tone.



Late Middle English (in the sense ‘repeat’): from Latin replicat-, from the verb replicare, from re- ‘back, again’ + plicare ‘to fold’. The current senses date from the late 19th century.





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