

单词 put

Definition of put in English:


verbputting, puts pʊtpʊt
  • 1with object and adverbial Move to or place in a particular position.


    Harry put down his cup


    I put my hand out towards her


    watch where you're putting your feet!


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A man crept up behind the girl, putting his hand across her face and dragging her into the undergrowth.
    • He put his arms under Morgan's and lifted her up off her chair.
    • The library includes new technology which means children can borrow a book by putting their thumb on to a machine which recognises their individual thumbprints.
    • He didn't even put his arm behind him to stop his fall.
    • Their eyes remain locked and he puts his hand against the glass.
    • She told the hearing: ‘I was still trying to get her breathing by putting her over my knee and pummelling her back.’
    • Julie reached across the table and put her hand over Caroline's.
    • I sat up, crossing my legs, putting my fist under my chin in thought.
    • Laughing, she sips her wine, then puts the glass back on the table.
    • The waitress put two mugs of hot water on the table along with a bowl of tea bags.
    • My mom shifts her weight from one foot to the other, crossing her arms and putting one hand at her chin, staring intently at the creature.
    • Don't put your fingers too close to the screen.
    • She put the note he wrote to her back on the desk and went down the stairs crying.
    • He moved closer, putting his one strong hand on her face.
    • Scott put the note down and walked into the bathroom.
    • She broke into tears, and then her husband crossed the room to put his arm around her.
    • He moved to put himself between her and the gunman.
    • Writing the letter and putting it under Angel's door, Tess felt much more at ease, knowing that he would know all there is of her past.
    • She said she picked up a programme and put a £5 note in the tin and took a couple of pounds out in change.
    • He enters his house and puts some books down on a desk before turning on the light.
    place, set, put down, set down, lay, lay down, deposit, situate, position, settle
    leave, stow, prop, lean, plant, pose
    informal stick, dump, bung, park, plonk, pop
    North American informal plunk
    rare posit
    1. 1.1 Cause (someone or something) to go to a particular place and remain there for a time.
      India has put three experimental satellites into space


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You must feel angry that those people were constructively seeking to put you behind bars.
      • Once you go into court and testify, you may contribute to someone being put into prison or turned free.
      • Both black and grey water is siphoned into a storage tank, where it is mixed, and then put into the bio-reactor.
      • She dreamed of the King catching her brother and putting him into the prison of the castle's terrible dungeon.
      • Now, why wasn't this man put behind bars?
      • The first of the massive pipes were floated on the high tide on Thursday morning last and put into place.
      • I was put into prison several times and it was there that I had to endure experiences that I did not deserve at all.
      • The builder was arrested shortly after 9am by two police officers who read him his rights before putting him behind bars.
      • Denise said the accident happened after she had been putting Cameron to bed in his own bedroom and someone knocked at the door.
      • They punished me later by putting me illegally in mental hospital.
      • I thought she was going to slap me and put me into a mental institute for rejecting Max.
      • If space is a problem the leaves can be gathered up and put into black bin liners.
      • Poor conditions are likely to make prisoners grow resentful towards the people who put him there.
      • Four innocent people were immediately put behind bars.
      • As she put her silver cross and chain around her neck she ran the past few months through her mind.
      • I think that this is awful but would feel worse if the animals had been taken out of the wild where they had been free, and put into cages.
      • Why take the traffic from two roads and put it on to one inadequate road?
      • He was imprisoned and put into solitary confinement until his death.
      • The carrots are not only handpicked but also washed, top and tailed and put into bags of ten kilos each.
      • He was arrested, handcuffed and put into the back of the police van.
    2. 1.2no object, with adverbial of direction (of a ship) proceed in a particular direction.
      she stepped into the boat and put out to sea


      they put in at Cuba to refit
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The jury later wrote to the coroner, deploring the fact that an unseaworthy ship could put to sea with a drunken captain.
      • Everyone was of the opinion that no boat could put to sea on a day like that.
      • There is no access to the island by air, and only a few boats per year put into the notoriously dangerous harbor.
      • Each evening we put into a French port, and each port greeted us with the same dour dreariness.
      • The Royal Navy's two new assault ships have put to sea side-by-side for the first time.
    3. 1.3US archaic no object, with adverbial of direction (of a river) flow in a particular direction.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A small river puts into Warner Lakes from the southwest.
      • We passed the grand falls of the Columbia just above which a small river puts into the Columbia.
  • 2with object and adverbial Bring into a particular state or condition.


    they tried to put me at ease


    a large aid programme was put into practice


    he is putting himself at risk


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The inquiry has been put on hold unless new evidence comes to light.
    • Spending 40 minutes hanging around at icy bus stops will thicken your blood, putting you at risk of coronary thrombosis, stroke, bronchitis and pneumonia.
    • In effect, this means the roadworks programme has been put on hold until after the April meeting.
    • Some reporters were under the impression he died yesterday, but that story was quickly put to rest.
    • We want the Minister to take a call to put our minds at ease that this amount has not been paid out.
    • Unfortunately, Bradford's gritting operation cannot be put into effect immediately.
    • The hurricane put seven platforms out of action as well as damaging mobile rigs and springing leaks in oil and gas pipelines.
    • But she warned rocketing development could put at risk all that has been achieved.
    • Controversial plans to develop the former Turner's site have been put on hold.
    • It would have been hard to find a man more suited to putting everyone at ease.
    • Celebrations are being put on hold until after his last exam on June 28.
    • Anyone who goes into the test without having a solid understanding of ‘how it works’ is putting themselves at a disadvantage.
    • His company's programme will be put on hold unless new financial backing is found.
    • A Louisiana resident had his camera rolling as floodwaters poured into his home, putting him and his father in immediate danger.
    • He was putting himself and other road users in grave danger.
    • Any thoughts of a shock result were quickly put to rest in the early minutes of the second half.
    • A job seeker that doesn't take advantage of this opportunity is putting themselves at a big disadvantage.
    • The road is narrow enough without loads of cars blocking it even more and putting us all at risk of accidents.
    • First of all, I couldn't believe that he was putting himself at such risk.
    • It is a delicate issue and one stupid comment from me could put everything in jeopardy.
    1. 2.1put oneself in Imagine oneself in (a particular situation)
      it was no use trying to put herself in his place


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I enjoy thinking about scenarios, putting myself in those situations and allowing my mind to draw up conclusions.
      • They are people, and while they are different to me in culture, it terrifies me when I put myself in the present situation of any one of them.
      • I think your columnist should put herself in other people's situations.
      • Please stop and think a minute and put yourself in their situation.
      • But I've been trying to put myself in his situation.
      • I try hard to put myself in that position and imagine what it would be like, but of course, I've always been part of the majority.
      • The enjoyment comes from putting oneself in the situations he describes, it makes no difference if anyone actually experienced them all or not.
      • You've got to put yourself in the pilot's situation.
      • Why can't humans put themselves in the situations that we inflict upon animals.
      • I just tried to put myself in their situation and try to, you know, feel what they felt.
      • He asked me to put myself in his own situation, not married and being accused of all these things.
    2. 2.2 Write or print (something) in a particular place.
      they put my name on the cover page


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Is your complaint that the number that has been put on the respondent's document is the wrong number?
      • It does not matter which candidate's name you elect to put your cross against so long as you make your choice.
      • Reasons for the high figures include misunderstanding of the forms and voters being unhappy about putting their signatures on to a secret ballot paper.
      • The council is appealing to key workers and existing housing association tenants to put their names down on the shared ownership register.
      • Company directors have expressed concerns over being held responsible for putting their names to a statement that they believed to be true at the time of signing but which later turned out to be incorrect.
      • The organisers had named four for every position and then over to you to put X over the name of your choice.
      • It may also be pointed out that it was quite possible to register employees who were not really employed, by putting all sorts of names on a staff list for the sake of meeting the requirement.
      • They have themselves to blame for putting their signatures to a document that was so evidently not ready for implementation.
      • We always use an assumed name when putting our names on waiting lists at restaurants.
      • When Christianity came into the picture, the church tried to change the practice by putting saints' names in the box instead.
      • I really hope you two don't mind me putting your pen names on this.
      • Everyone that wanted a seat put their name on a slip that went into a coffee can.
      write, inscribe, pen, pencil, scribble, scrawl, dash off, add
    3. 2.3 Express (a thought or comment) in a particular way.
      to put it bluntly, he was not really divorced


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As Cross puts it, modern humans can transfer insights from one domain to another, often to a domain that is metaphoric or symbolic.
      • As ever, the finely nuanced statement did not put matters quite so bluntly.
      • Another distinguished citizen, who prefers not to be named, puts it another way.
      • As some perceptive reviewer put it, Barry writes like an angel, but an angel on the side of the fallen.
      • My room was like a pigsty, to put it frankly.
      express, word, phrase, frame, formulate, render, convey, couch
      state, say, utter, voice, speak, articulate, pronounce
  • 3with object and adverbial Cause (someone or something) to be subject to something.


    commentators put some of the blame on Congress


    he defended his decision to put VAT on domestic fuel


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Perhaps entertaining the possibility of winning the series put too much pressure on many of the players.
    • Partly, this might be addressed by putting far more emphasis on education.
    • Do not focus on weight or put pressure on your child to be the best person on the team.
    • Under the Roman empire the system of collecting the revenue put extreme pressure on the poor.
    • I will never reprimand my horse or put pressure on him if he tries.
    • But, crucially, it follows a similar logic of putting the responsibility on to parents to break cycles of deprivation through the sheer force of their parenting skills.
    • This increased weight puts a strain on their backs and pressure on their disks.
    • This way you're putting the load on to the contractor.
    • It puts the pressure on to the employers and government to come up with an offer that can start real negotiations.
    • As staff leave these smaller units even greater pressure is put on those who remain.
    • David stood up straight, groaning for a moment at the strain put on his calf muscles.
    • But competition remains fierce, putting pressure on workers who are the worst paid in food processing.
    • It is understood that pressure is being put on education bosses to backtrack.
    • They prefer to put the blame on to the parents.
    • He argues that other cities have already put the responsibility on the operators of horse drawn carriages to deal with the aftermath of their trade.
    • This deal puts the focus back on to the team's future potential.
    • He said: ‘We really want to put the fear back on to the criminal.’
    lay, pin, place, impose, fix
    attribute to, impute to, attach to, assign to, allocate to, ascribe to
    1. 3.1 Assign a particular value, figure, or limit to.
      it is very difficult to put a figure on the size of the budget


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Insurers had yet to put a figure on the damage, but it was likely that replacing the gutted building would cost another £5m.
      • However he refused to put an exact figure on losses for individual years between 1999-2001.
      • It would be far too early to start putting a figure on how many people would lose their jobs if that were to happen.
      • It's hard to put figures on the export worth of Scotland's haggis.
      • Surely no figure can be put on the value of the experience and commitment of the Peterhead officers.
      • Council leaders have refused to put a figure on the actual cost of the case - estimated at more than £1 million.
      • The Primary Care Trust was unable to put an exact figure on the number of NHS dentists in the borough.
      • He said it was impossible to put figures on the number of young people addicted to drugs who were involved in crime.
      • I have no reference points to start figuring out how to put a dollar value on something like that.
      • Why are you so shy of just putting a rough figure on it?
      • The continued lack of confidence in the Irish company make it difficult to put a value on the company.
      • A North Yorkshire County Council spokesman said school budgets were very tight, but it was not yet possible to put a figure on the average shortfall.
      • Even if we cannot yet fully count the value of the environment as such, we can put a figure on the cost of environmental destruction.
      • Today one of North Yorkshire's leading entrepreneurs put a figure on what this chaos has cost him: £150,000.
      • He declined to put a figure on the number of shops that could close or retailers that could go out of business.
      • But it's impossible to put a figure on something like that.
      • While it is difficult to put an exact figure on the total of undocumented Irish in the United States it's been estimated that there are tens of thousands.
      • Nobody can even put an exact figure on the number of children who have been excluded, which is a disgrace in itself.
      • The agency declined to put a precise figure on the savings.
      • It is difficult to put a dollar figure on the damage the rain-swollen tide from did to the property.
    2. 3.2put something at Estimate something to be (a particular amount)
      estimates put the war's cost at £1 million a day


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One knowledgeable estimate puts pretax profits at $1.5 billion.
      • Some estimates put the turnout at up to 300,000.
      • No one knows exactly how many people died, but many estimates put the total at well over 1,000.
      • Estimates of the unmet demand for consumer advice have been put at up to 1.5 million inquiries a year.
      • American congressional investigators put the latest estimate at more than $20 billion.
      • Some estimates have put the final costs at more than £1 million.
      • Later the workforce was increased, some estimates putting the final figure at about 45,000.
      • An unofficial estimate puts the lost lives at 9,000.
      • The latest estimate puts the project at $260 million, though this is currently being revised.
      • One estimate puts the aggregate increase at £13 bn.
      • Current estimates put the autism rate at one in 500 children, but some recent studies in California, New Jersey, and elsewhere report an incidence as high as one in 150.
      • One estimate put the savings at $20 million each month.
      • Nightjars are now very rare with the latest estimates putting the population at around 3,500 across Britain.
      • One official estimate put the annual profits at $US7 billion in 1996, and it has surely risen since.
      • One estimate from the time puts the English casualties at five hundred whilst the Welsh suffered no losses.
      • Estimates on job losses have been put at upwards of 30,000.
      • Most estimates put the total number at under 100,000.
      • The most recent estimates put his personal fortune at $500 million, and he is guaranteed to earn $1 billion just from repeat fees over the next 20 years.
      • The best study I've seen on the topic puts the estimate at around 25,000 deaths per annum.
      • The first official estimates from about a third of polling stations put the turnout at just over 50 percent.
      estimate, calculate, reckon, gauge, assess, evaluate, value, judge, measure, compute, establish, fix, set, guess
      informal guesstimate
  • 4with object and adverbial Throw (a shot or weight) as an athletic sport.


    she set a women's record by putting the shot 56' 7"


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He successfully putted the shot 20.16m.
    • He went on to long jump 6.71m and put the shot a personal best of 12.68m.
    • There are three primary styles of putting the shot.
nounPlural puts pʊtpʊt
  • 1A throw of a shot or weight.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In June 1984 she achieved a put of 21.00 metres, which would remain her personal best.
    • Nichols recorded a put of 61.05 on his third attempt.
    • She produced a magnificent put to end the competition, the furthest throw in the world for at least two years.
  • 2Stock Market

    short for put option
    Example sentencesExamples
    • If you sell a put, you've agreed to buy stock at a certain price from the owner of the put.
    • A call option is the opposite to a put, and gives a right to buy at a preset price.


  • not know where to put oneself

    • informal Feel deeply embarrassed.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Jamie didn't know where to put herself in this situation.
      • ‘Oh dear, oh dear, Arthur,’ he says and doesn't know where to put himself.
      • Inside is a room of such luxury and taste, I don't know where to put myself.
      • I think the mum with the kid on the swing next to me didn't know where to put herself.
      • The young star looked a little uncomfortable, as if she didn't quite know where to put herself.
  • put something behind one

    • Get over a bad experience by distancing oneself from it.


      they have tried to put their grief behind them and rebuild their lives


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She very much appreciated the kindness shown to her by those around her and is determined to get on with her life and to put this horrible experience behind her.
      • She wanted to start putting her nightmare behind her.
      • I accepted the two months' salary they offered, and I put the experience behind me.
      • Everyone in the family just wants to put this terrible experience behind us and make a fresh start.
      • He tried to get on with life, putting the tragedies behind him and spending as much time with his remaining grandchildren as possible.
      • ‘I had hoped to go faster but at least it shows I'm getting my fitness back and putting the trials behind me,’ she said.
      • Today, they've put this experience behind them.
      • He was hoping to sort out his life and put his crimes behind him.
      • The widowed bride quickly puts the event behind her.
      • They want to put their ordeal behind them and get on with their lives.
      consign something to the past, put something down to experience, forget about something, pay no heed to something, ignore, regard as water under the bridge
  • put the clocks back (or forward)

    • Adjust clocks or watches backwards (or forwards) to take account of official changes in time.


      don't forget to put your clocks back tomorrow night
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We put the clocks forward a couple of days ago, it's British summertime.
      • It's October 27th, and three days before we put the clocks back.
      • Western Australia has started putting their clocks forward over the last two summers.
      • I have put my clocks forward, apart from the three that are radio-controlled and should look after themselves.
      • Don’t forget to put your clocks back tonight.
  • put someone's eyes out

    • Blind someone in a violent way.


      Lucia, the virgin saint who had her eyes put out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They should put their eyes out, so they can't commit any more crimes.
      • Her golden dagger clanged twice as it flashed deep into his visor and put his eyes out.
      • Thieves attacked her and put her eyes out.
      • She punched him, and I think put his eyes out.
  • put one's hands together

    • Applaud; clap.


      I want you all to put your hands together for Barry


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Let's all put our hands together to welcome the bride and bridegroom!
      • Would you please put your hands together and join me in welcoming our debaters tonight.
      • Please put your hands together for our speakers.
      • Now, put your hands together for the first poet tonight.
      • How about we put our hands together and welcome the people that helped the newlyweds put this day together?
      clap, cheer, whistle, give a standing ovation to, put one's hands together
  • put one's hands up

    • Raise one's hands in surrender.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They put their hands up and surrendered to police.
      • Putting my hands up, I turned around.
      • ‘I surrender!’ I put my hands up half-heartedly.
      • Drop your gun and put your hands up.
      • Put your hands up and step out of the vehicle.
  • put it (or oneself) about

    • informal Engage in many casual sexual relationships.

  • put it there

    • informal in imperativeUsed to indicate that the speaker wishes to shake hands with someone in agreement or congratulation.

      〈非正式〉 表示同意或祝贺的用语握手吧

      put it there Steven, we beat them


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When I was a kid, the first thing I heard when my uncle visited was, ‘Put it there, buddy.’
      • ‘Put it there!’ he extended a brawny paw, which closed over the minister's small hand and gave it a shake.
  • put one over on

    • informal Deceive (someone) into accepting something false.


      he was astute–no one was going to put one over on him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The get-rich-quick merchants perhaps gain some personal satisfaction from having put one over on their unsuspecting and perhaps too trusting clientele, but in fact rarely get rich.
      • I think that they were guilty merely of trying to put one over on a man who was acting as a gullible fool.
      • Or do they pretend not to defy him, while secretly preparing to put one over on him?
      • But don't try to put one over on him: ‘If I get the feeling I'm being jerked around, then I want the forfeit.’
      • Had he put one over on the experienced politician?
      • ‘You'd be surprised,’ he told me flintily, ‘how many people try to put one over on us.’
      • Rather than seeing this as your potential partner trying to put one over on you, it's best to see it as his or her attorney doing his job, which is to protect his client.
      • A familiar urban legend plot involves a member of a tribal or ethnic group who decides to put one over on some English speakers by slipping an inappropriate phrase from his native language into their domain.
      • The liar enjoys the feeling of power gained from putting one over on somebody.
      • Public skepticism of schemes of this kind might diminish if the officials in charge didn't act like they were trying to put one over on us.
      deceive, trick, hoodwink, mislead, lead astray, delude, fool, take in, dupe, outwit, steal a march on, throw off the scent, put on the wrong track
  • put up or shut up

    • informal Justify oneself or remain silent.


      they called for the minister to either put up or shut up


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘People who want to make serious allegations against a Member of Parliament or, indeed, anybody else, have got to be prepared essentially to put up or shut up,’ Sir Philip said.
      • He says the Select Committee should be given hard evidence, not just rumour, and employers should either put up or shut up.
      • The FDA was brand-new back then and told the companies to put up or shut up: prove your products are safe and effective or quit making them.
      • He called on his opponents to put up or shut up.
      • Council chairman Coun Colin Lampard said: ‘We have got to the stage where they must either put up or shut up.’
      • It's high time for all you governments to put up or shut up.
      • In these circumstances he should put up or shut up.
      • ‘The issue has been highlighted by me and others and it is now time for the government to put up or shut up,’ said Deputy Flynn.
      • The two brothers at the centre of Australia's most infamous gold swindle have today told one of Western Australia's most senior policemen to put up or shut up.
      • I want to conclude by challenging the Opposition today to put up or shut up.

Phrasal Verbs

  • put about

    • (of a ship) turn on the opposite tack.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As every good captain knows, a schooner that's sailing a bit too close to the wind often goes slower and runs the risk of being put about on the wrong tack.
      • When the boat put about she would toss badly.
      • Nares immediately telegraphed the engine room to stop and had the ship put about and set off back over its track.
      • The vessel put about on the other tack, but for want of wind, or not having sail enough, she drifted into the ground swell towards the beach.
      turn round, change direction, come about, go about, change course, alter course
  • put someone about

    • Upset or trouble someone.


  • put something about

    • Spread information or rumours.


      the rumour had been deliberately put about by the authorities
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He added that ‘misrepresentations, half-truths and downright lies’ had been put about since the judicial review, particularly on the estimated costs.
      • A spokesman added: ‘We dispute the view put about that there is little fraud because few people are being charged.’
      • The nonsense the opposition is putting about that people earning under $52,000 will get nothing from the Budget is scaremongering at its worst.
      • Not long ago, he accused me in an email of putting about stories that he's a drunk.
      • Josefina defends her friend against the ‘lie’ that she disliked children, saying it was put about by a child who was the ringleader of a group that would disturb Beatrix when she was trying to write quietly.
      • It's certainly not us putting these rumours about.
      • I also used to put stories about, hinting that staff were being watched all the time, just to keep them alert.
      • What I do know is that there is a lot of hot air, claim, sheer fantasy and scaremongering being put about which seems designed to strangle any plans at birth.
      • They just get a bit wrapped up in the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming event and start putting about daft ideas.
      • The story put about is that he used his laptop computer without using proper security measures, and therefore may have disclosed information or released it to unauthorized persons.
      spread, spread about, spread around, circulate, make public, make known, disseminate, broadcast, publicize, pass on, propagate, announce, give out, bandy about
  • put something across

    • Communicate something effectively.


      our group must put across its views and gain popular support
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are three main causes of unclear writing: forgetting the needs of the audience; writing for a reason other than communication; and not putting a point across clearly.
      • It's absolutely wonderful to have this whole new box of tools for putting ideas across.
      • I wasn't afraid to stand up and speak in public and I had learned all sorts of lessons about how to put your point across effectively.
      • They have ten weeks to put their views across on the four main projects, which are aimed at upgrading facilities for patients.
      • Chiefly, the author needs to form a point of view and put it across clearly and effectively.
      • There will be more opportunities for people to put their views across in the future.
      • Every speaker needs nervous energy to put his message across effectively.
      • Though forthright, he was seldom blunt, never pontificated and normally put his views across with considerable wit.
      • Always willing to talk to the media, and skilled in putting his view across, he reserved most of his energies for negotiations at the highest political levels.
      • He had a way of putting complex thoughts across in an easy and approachable manner.
      communicate, get across, get over, convey, explain, make clear, make understood, express, spell out, clarify
  • put something aside

    • 1Save money for future use.


      we have a little bit put aside in the bank
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You need to make a Will, plan ahead for inheritance tax and put some money aside for funeral expenses.
      • The study also found that 20 per cent of firms put no budget aside for developing skills, while 39 per cent never measure the value of training schemes.
      • She is putting every cent aside for an operation which will save her son's sight.
      • Imagine putting your money aside for your retirement only to find that it's not there.
      • He is saving slowly, putting a little money aside when he can.
      • It is the second time in just over a year this has happened and I now want the council to put some money aside as a precaution for next year.
      • Bills or no bills you've got to put something aside for the future.
      • Try to budget to put some money aside to cope with an unexpected event.
      • Hopefully I'll still make enough money this month to pay my bills and put some money aside.
      • I will put some money aside for my son and his family, but the rest will go towards the church, the community, and charity.
      save, lay by, put by, put away, lay aside, set aside, put to one side, deposit, reserve, keep in reserve, keep, store, stockpile, hoard, stow away, cache
    • 2Forget or disregard something, typically a feeling or a past difference of opinion.


      the rival firms put aside their differences
      Example sentencesExamples
      • My brothers and I would promise to put our differences aside and try our hardest not to argue, fuss, or fight.
      • I welcome any attempt by all members of this House to join together, put political differences aside, and be constructive for once.
      • We believe that as a result of the discussions the county council reservations will be put aside.
      • Both had their reservations, but a lot of the pettiness had been put aside.
      • In fairness when the election is over we will put political differences aside and look at the bigger issues.
      • Perhaps it is time the families put their differences aside.
      • He softens his heart a little and puts his prejudices aside when confronted with his past on Christmas.
      • As the dinner commenced, all differences were put aside in the spirit of Thanksgiving and sharing.
      • European Union countries are going to have to put their differences aside.
      • Political differences and personality clashes can be put aside at times for the benefit of the whole community.
      disregard, set aside, ignore, pay no heed to, forget, discount, shrug off, bury, consign to oblivion
  • put someone away

    • Confine someone in a prison or psychiatric hospital.


      he deserves to be put away forever


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her husband was trying to put her away in order to get her money.
      • How many more convictions does he have to get before the State takes this seriously and puts him away for life?
      • Giving evidence, the victim told the jury he had threatened to kill her or told her she would be put away.
      • Apparently, if you're at risk of harming yourself or someone else, you can be put away.
      • He was charged with three counts of robbery with violence, and three counts of attempted murder - enough to put him away forever.
      • I still have all the evidence to put you away for a long time.
      • How is it serving the public interest that she is put away for life?
      • He added: ‘They can accuse anyone of anything and put you away for the rest of your life.’
      • I can't really tell you how to do your job Ms. Strong, but I just don't see how putting Jeremy away is going to help him.
      • For example, in Alabama simple possession of steroids can put you away for up to 10 years, while in Alaska steroids aren't even classified as a controlled substance.
      put in prison, put behind bars, imprison, jail, lock away, lock up, shut away, shut up, incarcerate, confine
      commit, certify, section, hospitalize, institutionalize
  • put something away

    • 1Save money for future use.


      I put away some money every week
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She is also trying to put some money away for university, where she hopes to study fashion.
      • Rich retired people have taken to splashing out on themselves rather than putting their money away for their children, according to a new report.
      • They worked hard, and they tried to put a little money away so that their kids and their grandkids could have a better life.
      • We now have a granddaughter and we and her parents would like to put some money away for her future.
      • They feel ‘What is the point in saving if I can get extra from the government without putting my own money away?’
      • We are spending most of what we save within weeks of putting it away for the future.
      • Once debts are under control, it is advisable to take stock of your savings, and try to put some money away regularly for a rainy day.
      • The obvious thing to do therefore is try to put some money away each month into a holiday account.
      • You should decide in advance what you are saving for and how long you want to put the money away.
      • Not enough people are taking professional advice or putting sufficient money away to have an adequate retirement income.
      save, put aside, lay by, put by, lay aside, set aside, put to one side, reserve, keep in reserve, deposit, keep, store, stockpile, hoard, stow away, cache
    • 2Consume food or drink in large quantities.


      Did you see how much food he put away?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Having put a few drinks away, it wasn't hard to go and talk to her.
      • I've managed to put away seven pints and six shots.
      • My wife managed to put away one of the desserts, while I stuck with a cappuccino.
      • He looked as though he'd put a few drinks away, and his red nose suggested that that wasn't unusual for him.
      • I know for sure I can put away two burgers, fries, chili and a small soda easily.
      eat, consume, devour, down, gobble up, bolt, wolf down, guzzle
    • 3(in sport) dispatch or score a goal or shot.


      I put away his lob
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Wexford got two goal chances and put them away and at the end they were the scores that mattered.
      • He got one goal chance and he put it away with style and conviction.
      • Their full back Piper put the goal away to give his side a three point lead.
      • We have to start putting the goals away and start winning.
      • I'll keep making those runs then eventually things will fall to me and hopefully I'll put a few goals away.
      • Had he put it away, United would have finished a total of four points better off, Chelsea one point worse off.
      • A controversial goal was put away by the visitors.
      • The goal he scored was down to our defending but he put the ball away and won United the game.
      • All six Bolton penalties were put away in style.
      • Although they enjoyed considerable possession at this point they simply couldn't put the scores away.
  • put something back

    • 1Reschedule a planned event to a later time or date.


      they have put back the film's release date to September
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The date of the roadworks could be put back to the autumn if that date is preferred.
      • Europeans eager to get their hands on the console will now have to wait the best part of a month for one, now the release date has been put back to 24 November from 26 October.
      • The monthly meeting of the guild has been put back to the later date of Wednesday, May 18.
      • Suggestions are being made that perhaps the event could be put back a little, perhaps to the end of June.
      • With Macclesfield possibly involved in play-offs for promotion, there's a chance the final could be put back from its scheduled date of April 27.
      • Plans by Australian Wool Handlers to run alternate wool auctions have been put back until August to coincide with the new selling season.
      • We originally planned the event for July but then it was put back to September.
      • But at a hearing at a Greek court to set the appeal date it was put back to January 13.
      • Venues could be forced to close if the date is not put back.
      • Although the date of June 4 has been set for trial, it is believed an application could be made by the defence team to put that date back to enable further preparations to be made.
      postpone, defer, delay, put off, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, table
      1. 1.1Delay something.
        greater public control may put back the modernization of the industry


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Rail managers have already admitted that the finishing date of the station facelift has been put back by five months.
        • Its launch has been put back by negotiation delays, although the company confirms it is in negotiations with the larger studios and also with TV companies.
        • The development plans have been put back five to eight years.
        • If the university is not planning on being a partner with the council, it puts the plan back a long way.
        • The company's chief executive has been denied a visa, in a move that surely means the already delayed October 21 start of the trial will be put back still further.
        postpone, defer, delay, put off, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, table
        postpone, defer, delay, put back, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, shelve, table
  • put something by

    • Save money for future use.


  • put someone down

    • 1Criticize someone.


      he put me down in front of my own employees
      stop putting yourself down
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Because people didn't feel good about themselves, they would always be putting you down.
      • But Michael was constantly putting her down, and seemed to enjoy humiliating her, finding fault with everything.
      • A friend will never put you down or make you feel alone
      • The only way they can feel good is to put you down.
      • If your critic has only said it to put you down, this makes you bigger than him.
      • Why was this man so determined to belittle him, and put him down, at every chance?
      • Some people try to puff themselves up by putting you down.
      • We fear that someone talking in another language is talking about us, putting us down.
      • If she's volatile, puts you down or insists on having her way, she's not a good candidate for best friend material.
      • They don't tend to play practical jokes, or engage in humor that humiliates or puts somebody down.
      criticize, belittle, disparage, deprecate, denigrate, take down a peg or two, slight, humiliate, show up, mortify, shame, crush, squash, deflate
    • 2Lay a baby down to sleep.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I wasn't scared at first about becoming a mum, but as the months went on I started to worry about things like bathing her and putting her down to sleep properly.
      • I read to Franklin and put him down for the night, promising to check on him later (thanks for the idea Kyle, it works like a charm).
      • If you have very young children, it is great to be able to put them down for a nap in a completely separate room.
      • He was a healthy, hearty, happy baby and she had no reason to be worried when she put him down to go to sleep that day.
      • If you want her to learn to settle herself, it's best to try to put her down before she nods off.
      • Twenty minutes later lunch was cleaned up and the children were put down to rest.
      • I love that you hug me tightly before I put you down for naps.
      • He had already fed the girls and put them down for the night when she got back from work.
      • Erin came to fetch the baby and put her down in the nursery.
      • Katie put Julie down to sleep and then went over to the dining room table so that she could do her homework and still be able to watch the kids.
      • My wife usually puts her down, and they recount the day and say what they're grateful for.
  • put something down

    • 1Record something in writing.


      he's putting a few thoughts down on paper


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Maybe if I put it down on paper, it'll make more sense to me.
      • As our greatest generation pass on, it seems more of them are putting their stories down on paper before they die.
      • We have had some time to read your judgment, and I want to repeat my thanks to you for putting it down in writing.
      • When we replied that he would probably welcome that, Cole said: ‘Ask him to put any complaints down in writing and I will consider it.’
      • So I truly believe that there was that major concern, and I put it down on paper.
      • I had spent most of last night trying to come up with something to say and I had finally put it down on a very cute piece of purple paper.
      • But as with any scientific law, it's not codified until you put it down in writing.
      • Once a real plan is put down on paper, though, you can do real calculations and figure out whether it really works.
      • Lobbyists are aware that it is far harder to change something once it is put down in writing than when an official is faced with a blank sheet of paper.
      • At first, writing lectures and putting the words down on paper was quite a struggle.
      • In a sense, putting a plan down on paper is forcing you to be very critical about yourself and your business.
      • It's harder for me to put it down on record because then it's clear and can be scrutinized.
      • It's easy to forget that writers are readers, too, and that writing is a dual act - the act of putting the words down and the act of comprehending them both contemporaneously and after the fact.
      write down, put in writing, note down, make a note of, jot down, take down, set down, put in black and white, list, record, register, log, enter
      1. 1.1Make a recording of a piece of music.
        I'll put a load of drum loops down
        Example sentencesExamples
        • I don't care who buys it, I just want to put the songs down and hear them like I hear them in my head.
        • if you want to hear what some experimental beats sound like without being able to actually play them, you can put the tracks down one at a time.
        • My latest recordings have been put down at a studio in Chipstead.
    • 2Suppress a rebellion, coup, or riot by force.


      the security forces put down a coup attempt in the capital
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Within months the revolt was put down by a combined Western force.
      • Slave rebellions were put down with a ferocity which made Peterloo look like a picnic.
      • The Northern Rebellion was put down with liberal use of torture, hanging and decapitation.
      • That caused constant trouble for successive British governments, especially from other Commonwealth countries, who expected them to put the rebellion down by force.
      • He decided to raise an army of loyal troops so that the coup could be put down.
      • When rebellions erupted, he put them down ruthlessly.
      • But after the rebellion has been put down, the emperor dies, leaving a son and heir who is just nine years old.
      • Both risings were put down later in the summer, the royal forces being augmented by foreign mercenaries gathered for war against the Scots.
      • After that riot had been put down, prisoners were locked into yards.
      • Unless the rebellion is put down quickly, and without shedding too much blood in the process, their political position could be destroyed.
      suppress, put an end to, crush, quash, quell, overthrow, stamp out, squash, repress, check, subdue
    • 3Kill an animal because it is sick, injured, or old.


      the horse's condition deteriorated and he was put down
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Animal Shelters are overcrowded and forced to put animals down due to lack of space.
      • Her beloved dog had been put down only days earlier.
      • Healthy animals are put down because we simply can't find homes for them - and more and more come in everyday.
      • Meanwhile, a local vet was called to the scene to assess the severity of the animal's condition and was forced to put the animal down.
      • The animal was taken to a vet who decided to put it down.
      • The horse was put down after suffering a serious injury to a hind leg during the De Vere Gold Cup at Haydock on Saturday.
      • Their conditions were so bad, vets later had to put the animals down.
      • He finds it difficult to put the animals down, but says there is no alternative, especially when there is not enough food for them all.
      • One sad postscript to the race came when a horse was put down after suffering a serious spinal injury.
      • Sick, injured and aggressive animals will be put down.
      destroy, put to sleep, put out of its misery, put to death, kill
    • 4Pay a specified sum as a deposit.


      he put a thousand down and paid the rest over six months


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Last week Jerry put his winnings down as a deposit on a new lorry.
      • Aussies with enough money are already putting deposits down for a vehicle which will not be available for several years.
      • Maybe I will buy some new clothes and put a deposit down on a laptop computer.
      • ‘People are buying straight off the plans now, they're putting their booking deposit down and are probably signing contracts straight away,’ she said.
      • If you've got the money, put a deposit down now - there's a two year waiting list!
      • Decide things early, and put deposits down on things as soon as you can.
      • Neither one of us has anywhere close to the money needed to even put a security deposit down on a place.
      put down, put, set, set down, lay down, deposit, position, plant, rest, stand, sit, settle, station, situate, leave, stow, prop, lean
    • 5Preserve or store food or wine for future use.


      I put down twelve quarts of pickles
      the claret was put down for ageing
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'd put the wine down for 4-5 years and drink it over the following 5 years.
      • Not only do they grow large gardens and put food down for winter, but they work just as long hours at day jobs.
      • Maybe I should put a bottle of this down for three more years and then taste it.
      keep, keep in reserve, stow, stockpile, lay aside, lay in, set aside, put away, put down, put to one side, deposit, save, hoard, cache
    • 6Land an aircraft.

      Shelton put the plane safely down on a taxiway
      the pilot had to put down in a field
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He circled over the landing site once before putting the plane down between two bridges.
      • Therefore, the captain of the accident airplane elected to put the airplane down on a grass area adjacent to the runway.
      • Yesterday's crash landing echoed an engine problem back in May which caused him to put the aircraft down in a remote paddock on Lagoon Farm.
      • General Porter summoned every bit of his airmanship to put the craft back down safely on friendly territory - and he did.
      • You have to wonder where, in all that welter of rock up ahead, the pilot will be able to find a comfortable pocket in which to put his aircraft down.
      • If we had not seen the ship then, we would have put the aircraft down in the water.
      • So now we had to plan our landing and, after the runway opened, plan to put the aircraft down.
      • With the gear up, I know if something goes wrong I can put the airplane down on the end of the runway or off the runway without the fear of the plane turning over and burning.
      • With her two children on board and oil streaming over the windshield, Margie searched the mountains for a place to put the airplane down.
      • Cooper put the plane down in the desert which inflicted heavy damage.
  • put someone down as

    • Consider or judge someone or something to be.


      I'd have put you down as a Vivaldi man


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'd always put her down as someone whose bite was every bit as bad, and probably worse, than her bark.
      • I would never put him down as someone who could kill another human being.
      • I would put you down as a strong girl, who knows her mind and knows how to do things.
      consider, look on, view, see, hold, think, think of, contemplate, count, judge, deem, estimate, evaluate, interpret, appraise, assess, make of, find, put down as, take for, account, reckon, treat, adjudge, size up, value, rate, gauge, sum up, weigh up
  • put someone down for

    • Enter someone's name on a list as wishing to do, join, or subscribe to (something)


      he put his son down for Eton


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We wanted to put him down for the referees course, but he couldn't read or write.
      • But several weeks later he recalled them to say a tumour had grown and put Mary down for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a hysterectomy.
      • When a couple decide to refer after, say, two years, of trying for a baby, the doctor will not immediately put them down for IVF.
      • Can you put me down for a trip to Honolulu for this time next year as well?
      • It's the kind of school where your grandfather the duke has to put you down for enrollment when your dad is born.
  • put something down to

    • Attribute something to.


      if I forget anything, put it down to old age


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He sustained grave internal injuries and his swift recovery was put down to the rapid response of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance, which got him to intensive care without delay.
      • He puts his success down to always looking to tighten operations and make savings, but never at the cost of quality.
      • After a four-and-a-half-hour wait the youngster was examined and his illness was put down to stress.
      • Some of the credit for this improvement has been put down to increased use of the CCTV network.
      • She puts her longevity down to, ‘hard work, hardship and hard times’.
      • I think our success can be put down to our friendly staff and the care we take in removing some of the mystery from buying a home.
      • I would put his erratic behaviour down to two things however: the sheer volume of junk food he devours and the monotony of being on the road for long periods of time.
      • But although his death has been put down to natural causes, police have said there are suspicious circumstances surrounding it.
      • Aged just 38 her death was put down to a wasting disease.
      • This season, part of her winning philosophy has been put down to a new rigid fitness programme.
      ascribe, assign, accredit, credit, impute, allot, allocate
  • put someone forward

    • Recommend someone as a suitable candidate for a job or position.


      he put me forward as head of publicity


      Example sentencesExamples
      • To me, he is the obvious candidate and I would put him forward without any hesitation.
      • The policeman has been put forward for a commendation by his sergeant following his ‘instinctive’ response last Saturday night.
      • They first warned all the party members that they shouldn't put me forward as one of the candidates, and yet a lot of people did.
      • Marion has impressed her colleagues so much that she was put forward as a finalist for an NHS achievement award and beat off stiff competition from more than 20 others to win it.
      • Since the scheme began as a pilot in September, 1999, more than 2,000 pupils from 820 schools across the UK have been put forward for the award.
      • Astonishingly, Elisabeth was put forward for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1911 and 1923 (probably on the basis of her biography of her brother), only to be pipped at the post by Maeterlinck and Yeats.
      • I will be recommending to my superiors that he is put forward for an award.
      • On the day she died, her commanding officer was putting her forward for a commendation for her part in thwarting an armed robbery, which she is now set to receive posthumously.
      • A university student from Dovercourt has been put forward for an award which celebrates young people's achievements.
      • I have lost count of the times an agency has said that they are putting you forward for a position you are interested in and that's the last you hear from them.
      nominate, propose, put forward, recommend
  • put something forward

    • Submit a plan, proposal, or theory for consideration.


      the authority put forward positive proposals
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A package of proposals will be put forward for public debate in the normal way, once we have reached our final conclusions.
      • Alternative suggestions for the future of threatened Borthwick Wharf have been put forward.
      • A Private Members' Bill will be put forward in Parliament on January 7, which Geraldine says she will support.
      • Plans for a £65m entertainment arena in Leeds have been put forward by a London-based developer.
      • The latest proposals were put forward by the county council as part of its general programme to improve the safety of home-to-school walking routes.
      • The protected woodlands in Hazelwood will remain largely untouched, but proposals have been put forward that they be opened up to pedestrians via a series of walkways.
      • Proposals for changes to maternity care in mid Essex have been put forward.
      • The suggestion of a Pedestrian Crossing was put forward as one possible solution.
      • The original proposals were put forward by the agency in December 2001.
      • No concrete proposals were put forward at the meeting, a spokesperson said.
      propose, offer, advance, submit, present, tender, move, introduce, proffer, set forth, table
  • put in

    • with direct speechInterrupt in a conversation or discussion.


      ‘But you're a sybarite, Roger,’ put in Isobel


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘I've got a bit of a cold,’ she put in, wiping her nose.
      • ‘Yes,’ put in Amanda, ‘the Bible says it's good to have a merry heart.’
      • ‘Hey, I'm paying my half of the rent,’ he put in.
      • ‘Besides,’ put in Doris, ‘we have a number of nieces your age.’
  • put something in/into

    • 1Present or submit something formally.


      the airport had put in a claim for damages


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Trust will be putting in a bid for Millard House in the next couple of weeks.
      • Compensation claims are there to protect the rights of the individual putting in the claim.
      • Mr Wood says the six leading clubs had already got together to look at putting in a bid.
      • The pair approached Historic Scotland to ask about possible grants before putting in an offer.
      • At present the bids are put in once a year and residents are only consulted on those which are successful.
      • York council chiefs investigating how cash went missing at the authority's finance centre say they will be putting a claim in to their insurers.
      • One resident would have to put an insurance claim in to get the damage fixed.
      • Tired of putting in offers for houses but being beaten at the last minute?
      • Bolton will be putting in a bid to the government for extra funding to tackle the towns growing problem.
      • I am putting in a proposal to the department of health to explore the mechanisms.
      submit, present, make, file, enter, lodge
      1. 1.1British Apply formally for.
        Adam put in for six months' leave


        Example sentencesExamples
        • I will be putting in for change of use of my premises and turning it into flats.
        • The City is putting in for a bigger road budget.
        • Management has conceded the pay rise that workers put in for.
        • And, to add insult to injury, our councillors have the nerve to put in for more expenses.
        • When the job became available I did put in for it.
        • ‘I am looking to develop the land for bungalows and, once those negotiations are concluded, I hope to put in for planning permission,’ he added.
        • We kept putting in for planning permission but they kept knocking us back.
        • We have put in for a number of smaller trust funds but so far none of the other grants have come through.
        • I am putting in for special leave so I can see him.
        • I'll have to put in for a car park pass as well.
        apply for, put in an application for, request, seek, ask for, try for
    • 2Devote time or effort to (something)


      employed mothers put in the longest hours of all women


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Employees frequently put in at least 50 hours a week.
      • People are putting in long hours to make up for poor organisation and planning in the workplace.
      • But even in the face of potential relapse, many exercisers worry that taking a break for health concerns may undo all the hard work they've put in at the gym.
      • Mother-daughter arguments are normal at this stage, but it's definitely worth putting some effort into improving the relationship.
      • Why don't they instead put the energy into presenting scientific rebuttals against our side?
      • I think it's a reflection of the hard work staff put in at the school.
      • We've been putting in a lot of work over a long period of time, it's been a struggle.
      • Most people do not mind putting in some extra time when there's a crisis or an unexpected rush.
      • We have had almost 120 training sessions, so a monumental effort has been put in.
      • Joe says that by putting in the hours at the social hall, he feels he is giving something back to the community.
      put in, devote, employ
    • 3Invest money or resources in.


      the government are unwilling to put more money into training
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If your company can show that it can create value for investors, people will put their money into your business.
      • The company says it is putting in at least $200 million a year for the next five years.
      • There is no major rush to put your money into the best investments available.
      • Predictably, the best performance was achieved by investors who put their money in property.
      • The Treasury has given several hundred million pounds in addition to what we are already putting in.
      • In the current economic environment, investors have grown increasingly cautious about putting their money into medical technology companies.
      • Investors typically want to put their money into a business that has the potential for huge profitability.
      • A special screening of a few songs is vital when it comes to persuading more investors to put their money into the film.
      • You get the rewards now of all the efforts you have been putting in to your business.
      • She would regularly work on scripts and help raise funding, even putting in her own money.
  • put someone off

    • 1Cancel or postpone an appointment with someone.


      he'd put off Martin until nine o'clock


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Maybe I can keep on putting them off until things are all right.
      • The mother puts him off: until the harvest, until the threshing of the corn, until the baking of the bread.
      • Suddenly amazed at their own good fortune, the Cardinals made overtures to retain Keane, but he put them off until after the World Series.
      • I kept putting her off, telling her it was too soon and if we bought it too early it would go off.
      • He apologised for putting me off so long but asked if I could come over to Manchester the next day.
      • Marcos didn't want to put us off yet again and arranged a slot especially.
      • But a lunch date with Marco beckoned, so reluctantly, we agreed to put Dali off until our next trip to the capital.
      • I was to go back to them but they kept putting me off although I rang them three or four times a week for 12 weeks.
      • My wife had been pestering me to take her shopping for the boys' presents, and I had been putting her off.
    • 2Cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasm.


      she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of night shifts put her off


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am very disappointed at their decision but it won't put me off painting.
      • Yet, while I find myself disappointed, it was not disappointing enough to put me off of the movie in general.
      • A mess on the rocks is sure to put you off your cream tea until a couple of tides have cleaned it up.
      • Transplant teams say more donors are desperately needed - and they urge people not to let distrust of the medical profession put them off giving others the chance of life.
      • This intimidated me a bit, and put me off talking to her.
      • If none of these factors puts you off, you may be interested to know that this book is full of dramatic moments, insights, and images that grip, enlighten, and linger in the memory.
      • The high cost of insurance would probably put me off buying one.
      • It's his duty to encourage our interest in politics and not put us off it.
      • The unpleasantness which followed put her off writing biographies, until she hit on the idea of doing MacGowan's.
      • Last year there were reports he was buying a luxury home in Brigg, north Lincolnshire, but it is thought the press interest put him off.
      deter, discourage, dishearten, demoralize, dissuade, daunt, unnerve, intimidate, scare off
      1. 2.1Cause someone to feel dislike or distrust.
        she had a coldness that just put me off


        Example sentencesExamples
        • His whole attitude put me off.
        • If you know somebody will repeat everything you say over the dinner table to a gossip columnist it will probably put you off the person.
        • His sly schoolboy demeanor puts me off.
        • What really put me off him was the increasingly creepy tenor of the relationship between him and his fans.
        • It must have been my icy coldness towards him that put him off.
    • 3Distract someone.


      don't put me off—I'm trying to concentrate
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In 2003 I lost my world title because I was put off by the times the other riders were doing, so today was all about thinking about my own ride.
      • I don't want to hear your conversations, you're putting me off.
      • The referee awarded a penalty, which was hotly contested by Bryansford, but Gavin Murdock wasn't put off and blasted to the net.
      • I think he was put off by the comments.
      • But the rain delay did not put her off her game as she quickly claimed the next three points to take the first break of the match.
      • I tried to stare at him to inform him that he was putting me off, but he just gave me a friendly and encouraging smile.
      • Far from putting him off, these are the kind of circumstances in which Smith thrives.
      • Some golfers complain about the noise from the nearby M77, but if that is really putting you off your game then you have already lost concentration.
      • He's just one of those guys that nothing really puts him off.
      • She couldn't answer any questions because my ears were so red it was putting her off.
      distract, put someone off their stroke, disturb someone's concentration, cause someone to lose their concentration, divert someone's attention, sidetrack
  • put something off

    • Postpone something.


      they can't put off a decision much longer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Decisions about replacing cages will be put off until 2009.
      • What was said to me was that the decision has been put off until Tuesday.
      • Maintenance schemes costing more than £700,000 to improve the condition of York council homes have been put off - because of a funding shortfall.
      • The proposal, with five others, was considered by Southend's cabinet yesterday but a decision was put off because of an undisclosed technical matter.
      • I kept putting the decision off, until my friend persuaded me to tell the baby's father.
      • Their questions were put off until after the public address.
      • The wish to put things off or to delay them is human, but counterproductive.
      • But a decision was put off for a further four weeks while design issues are resolved.
      • In the last three months, 14 operations were put off because instruments, including scalpels and forceps, were found to be dirty or the protective wrapping was damaged.
      • If your older child is approaching any major milestones, like potty training or moving from a crib to a bed, you may want to put them off until after the baby has been at home for some time.
      postpone, defer, delay, put off, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, table
      postpone, defer, delay, put back, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, shelve, table
  • put someone on

    • Tease or playfully deceive someone.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it
      • It's entirely clear from the context and the over-the-top quality of the leaked chapter that he is putting us on.
      • Oh, come on, you know I was only putting you on.
      • In person he is gentle and friendly, and wouldn't think of putting you on.
      • Of the questions posed above, the only one I can answer definitively is whether Saunders is making this stuff up; she is not putting us on.
  • put something on

    • 1Place a garment, jewellery, etc. on part of one's body.


      Juliet had put on a cotton dress


      she put on fresh make-up


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Anyhow, I have to put some clothes on to head off to work.
      • The teacher turned around, putting his glasses on.
      • Katrina took her shower and put on her clothes in less than 10 minutes.
      • I pull my coat out of my locker put it on and throw my books in.
      • Next she unzipped the garment bag and casually put the dress on, without even looking in the mirror.
      • I put my glasses on and looked at the screen in front of me.
      • He just helped her put on her shoes.
      • I tried to blend in, putting my hooded black sweatshirt on, and walking as fast as I could.
      • I still wish I could have been there when she put her dress on.
      • I finished putting my makeup on, and took a necklace from my jewellery box and put it on.
      get dressed in, dress in, don, clothe oneself in, pull on, climb into, fling on, throw on, pour oneself into, slip into, change into, rig oneself out in
    • 2Cause a device to operate.


      shall I put the light on?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Without putting the hall light on, I went to the door and found two lollipops, one broken, under my lounge window, and the other one still wrapped, by the front door.
      • It's got to the point where even if I put the bathroom light on they scream abuse at me.
      • He was woken by an intruder putting the lights on downstairs.
      • An unmarked police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on.
      • What did I do with conversation lulls before I could say ‘Shall I put the kettle on?’
      • My heart sinks as I reach over to put the light on.
      • He put a hand on it and found the switch, and put the light on.
      • We now have to put lights on almost as soon as we get home from work as dusk descends.
      • She said: ‘If there is someone you trust you should be able to give them a key and ask them to put the lights on at night.’
      • I made a cup of tea and put the iron on.
      switch on, turn on, flick on, power up
      1. 2.1Start to play recorded music or a video.
        she put on some music while they ate
        Example sentencesExamples
        • I put this album on, threw open my front door and watched the neighborhood dance party begin.
        • I wake up, shuffle out of bed, put some music on and meander down the small flight of stairs to the second floor of my house.
        • While doing chores at home, put some music on and build up a sweat dancing.
        • We all went and gathered round the gramophone, and when we were settled the record was put on.
        • A thumping bass boomed over the speakers as the DJ put on a techno dance number.
        • Soon she put the music on and turned up the volume full-blast.
        • He didn't talk much either; we just put some music on and sat in silence.
        • I had the DJ put on slow music so that couples would dance.
        • If I just wanted to listen to your music, I'd put the CD on.
        • Thankfully, the restaurant staff put some music on and drew the blinds, hiding us from passing commuters.
    • 3Organize or present a play, exhibition, or event.


      the museum is putting on an exhibition of Monet's paintings
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I hope that training courses are put on to ensure they can continue in viable and financially rewarding employment elsewhere.
      • While the liner was being escorted into the harbor by a tow boat, a fountain display, folk dancing and music shows were put on for the visitors.
      • I have been putting events on for 28 years and have never had any incidents at all.
      • It makes a difference when an exhibition is put on in lovely surroundings.
      • It was so successful that we are thinking of putting it on as an annual event.
      • The opening is to coincide with Oxford Art Week, and an exhibition will be put on.
      • Lots of kids came out and the guy putting on the show was super nice.
      • We want the community to be active in organising events and putting future shows on for residents.
      • If the exhibition had been put on in Britain or America the importance of Florence as a factor in the evolution of the Pre-Raphaelite movement would probably have been more thoroughly explored.
      • The performance was put on for year seven and eight pupils at Castle View School.
      organize, stage, mount, present, produce
      1. 3.1Provide a public transport service.
        so many people wanted to visit this spot that an extra train had to be put on


        Example sentencesExamples
        • You would think that by now they could figure out to put extra buses on during the festive period.
        • We'll put coaches on to get you there and back.
        • Why can't they put a skeleton service on, at least then we would know where we were.
        • They should have put more trains on.
        provide, lay on, supply, furnish, make available, run
    • 4Increase in body weight; become heavier by a specified amount.


      she's given up her diet and put on 20 lb


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My eldest daughter is ten, my middle daughter is nearly eight and they both often stand on the scales and see if they have put weight on or not!
      • But they are then afraid to give up for fear of putting the weight back on.
      • No matter what I eat - and I do eat a lot - I never put much weight on at all.
      • His back is feeling good at the moment, so simply putting the weight back on is not an option.
      • I've put about ten pounds of the weight I lost back on.
      • Six years ago she began to get tired and put weight on around her abdomen.
      • People who lose pounds on an ordinary diet often put the weight back on once they come off the diet.
      • The fish are still putting weight on and are eating the bulk of the free offerings going in our waters.
      • I've worked way too hard to put the weight back on.
      • In fact, 90 per cent of dieters put the weight back on later.
      1. 4.1Add a specified amount to (the cost of something)
        the news put 12 pence on the share price


        Example sentencesExamples
        • That's substantially more today than you get by putting an extra penny on income tax.
        • However, I was disappointed that Mr Brown put a penny on a pint of beer and 4p on a bottle of wine.
        • The situation could be resolved by the publishers simply putting a penny on the cost of each paper or magazine to cover delivery to the outlets.
      2. 4.2(of batsmen) score a particular number of runs in a partnership.
        Gooch and Broad put on 125 for the first wicket


        Example sentencesExamples
        • The pair put on 54 runs off the first nine overs.
        • Through pure grit and determination the pair put on 41 for the first wicket.
        • They put on a record-breaking 302-run stand in their previous match.
    • 5Assume a particular expression, accent, etc.


      he put on a lugubrious look


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Trying to save face as much as possible, I put a fake smile on and sauntered over to him, planting a quick kiss on his surprised lips.
      • Tina put on her fake sad look.
      • And putting the accent on again, he said, ‘You no crazy at me, you no crazy.’
      • Mark put a fake smile on as Kelly tried to calm down.
      • Theresa, with some effort, puts a calm expression on, and gets up.
      feign, fake, sham, simulate, affect, assume
      1. 5.1Behave deceptively.
        she doesn't feel she has to put on an act


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Was he just putting all of this on to get me to be his girlfriend?
        • They assumed that she was just putting it on to evade detention.
        • Both women are too intelligent to put on an act to catch a man.
        • He's just putting it on, and talking complete rubbish.
        • Most of us, surely, are suspicious of people who seem to be putting on an act.
        pretend, put on an act, play-act, make believe, fake it, go through the motions
    • 6Bet a specified amount of money on.


      he put £1,000 on the horse to win


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you put 100 pounds on India winning, you could walk way with a cool 100,000 pounds.
      • I didn't have a clue what I was doing, so I just put 20 dollars on a random horse.
      • I won't be putting any money on him to go on and win the title.
      • Obviously I'm not putting any money on them myself, but they are all dead certs.
      • My dad put 10p each way on the horse for me that year to keep me quiet I think.
      bet, gamble, stake, wager, place, lay, risk, chance, hazard
  • put someone on to

    • Draw someone's attention to (someone or something useful, notable, or interesting)


      Pike put me on to the Department's Legal Section


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I put her on to an article I'd found in the paper.
      • Maybe I will meet someone who can put me on to a job I would like.
      • Larry put me on to a project that's of interest to me.
      • It was her uncle Darren who put her on to Elvis.
      • He's interested in it, and he might be able to put you on to some similar source material.
      • Thanks to Tony for putting me on to this story.
      • Fortuitously, one of our many and varied listeners emailed me and put me on to this site.
      • I also needed some tennis locations and he put me on to some ones that were perfect.
      • ‘I'll put you on to a man who'll convince you,’ said my friend.
      • He's a new hip-hop artist a friend put me on to, and I'll be ever thankful to her.
  • put out

    • Agree to have sexual intercourse with someone.


      getting a girl to put out for him had not always been a simple matter
  • put someone out

    • 1Cause someone trouble or inconvenience.


      would it put you out too much to let her visit you for a couple of hours?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I don't want to put you out.
      • She acted as if it put her out to ring up my order.
      • Would it really put you out to just let her crash at your place?
      • I know it really puts him out if I cancel within 24 hours.
      inconvenience, trouble, bother, impose on, cause inconvenience to, create difficulties for, put someone to any trouble, disoblige
      1. 1.1Upset or annoy someone.
        he was not put out by the rebuff


        Example sentencesExamples
        • They seem somehow put out that I am losing weight so easily and so enjoyably.
        • I said I was going to take notes and he looked put out, as if this slowed the process to an unacceptable degree.
        • Jim was most put out - he'd only got about a third of the way through his slides.
        • The sport Minister was not put out at having to wait over an hour for the world heavyweight boxing champion to appear at last week's press conference.
        • He looked a tad put out.
        • I got on with it in a businesslike way to show that I wasn't put out.
        annoy, anger, irritate, offend, affront, displease, exasperate, infuriate, provoke, irk, vex, pique, nettle, gall, upset
    • 2(in sport) defeat a player or side and so eliminate them from a competition.


      the Czechs put Rangers out of the European Cup
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was a wonderful goal, acknowledged as the best of the tournament, but it didn't stop Holland from putting us out of the competition.
      • He scored the goal that put Italy out of the World Cup.
      • They put Bradford City out in the first round.
      • The pattern of scoring had been uncannily close to that in the defeat that put England out of the last European Championship.
      • She scored twice for Victoria to put School Green out of the cup.
    • 3Make someone unconscious by means of drugs or an anaesthetic.


      the injection will put you out for ten minutes
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They'll put you out and in about five minutes, the surgery will be over.
      • Just put me out, Doc, and wake me when it's over.
      • My niece just had surgery at the hospital and they had to put her out.
      • I had to hold her down while the doctor tried to put her out with the anaesthetic.
      • Finally Dr. Raymond came and gave her an injection that put her out until the following morning.
  • put something out

    • 1Extinguish something that is burning.


      fire crews from Grangetown put out the blaze


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As a smoker I always ask if the people near me mind me smoking and if they say yes then I move away from them or put out my cigarette.
      • It took fire crews around two hours to put out the blaze, which caused extensive damage to the maisonette.
      • It took firefighters 30 minutes to put the fire out.
      • He looked up at me and grinned, putting out his cigarette on the arm of the bench.
      • Firefighters battled for more than three hours to put out a blaze in a Horwich cotton mill early on Wednesday.
      • The freeway remained closed for two hours while crews put out assorted grass fires.
      • After firefighters put out the flames they made a standard check of the vehicle and made the grim discovery.
      • My teacher ran over with the fire extinguisher and put the fire out.
      • Using a hand held fire extinguisher, they put out the fire in six minutes.
      • Firefighters who were called to put out the blaze said the fire started in the front passenger seat of the car.
      extinguish, quench, douse, stamp out, smother, beat out
      1. 1.1Turn off a light.
        he dashed over to the door and put out the light
        Example sentencesExamples
        • We will not continue shopping while the manager puts the lights out.
        • No outside lights will be allowed and all street lighting will be put out.
        • The torch fell down putting out the light with a hiss.
        • Inside, the house was quiet and the lights had been put out.
        • My son puts the lights out after his bedtime story.
        • It was late enough now that all the lights had been put out inside the Ellis home when the three of them arrived.
        • Sebastian puts the lights out and lights a candle.
        turn off, switch off, stop, stop working, shut off, shut down, cut, cut out, deactivate
    • 2Lay something out ready for use.


      she put out glasses and paper napkins


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When I was a child, my mother would light incense and put the cakes out under the moonlight.
      • The Salvation Army puts out it's kettles and collects money which is used to help needy people all year long.
      • The boat slows down and the crew starting putting out the spread.
      • If your family puts out a spread, choose those dishes that are lower in fat and calories.
      • The couple was just putting out the silverware when a knock was heard on the door.
      • She puts out coffee and cookies every Saturday during the month of December.
    • 3Issue or broadcast something.


      a limited-edition single was put out to promote the album


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Our local organization is great, puts out a great newsletter, and deals well with the local, very difficult politics.
      • Every year the United Nations puts out a report on the status of the world.
      • The children have been left traumatised by the incident and we are putting a warning out to the public.
      • Although a press release was put out, letters were not sent to electors.
      • The crime prevention message is put out as soon as the students set foot on campus as part of the induction process.
      • They put out a small press release with little detail saying an inquiry was underway.
      • The organization puts out annual employment counts and wages by industry, occupation, and state.
      • We can't put out misleading information.
      • He spoke with a couple of New York publishers about putting it out, he says, but in the end decided to print it himself.
      • He also wants to put out a leaflet warning people about what is happening.
      issue, publish, release, bring out, broadcast, circulate, make known, make public, publicize, post
    • 4Dislocate a joint.


      she fell off her horse and put her shoulder out


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If I put my shoulder out again he would soon mend it!
      • He fell off a slide, putting his shoulder out.
      • He went carp fishing and put his shoulder out while reeling in a 26-pounder.
      • When he hits the ball, he swings his arms so hard that on Saturday he put a shoulder out.
      • His shoulder was put out again, in the second match against Morocco.
      put out of joint, put out of place, displace, disjoint, disconnect, disengage
    • 5(of a company) allocate work to a contractor or freelancer to be done off the premises.


      a big agency might put the work out to an independent merchandizing company
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The company he worked for decided to close down the lorry maintenance department and put the work out to contractors.
      • Within a small authority the work will need to be undertaken ‘in house’ as resources would not be available to put the work out to private consultants.
      • I decided to put the job out to a contractor.
    • 6(of an engine or motor) produce a particular amount of power.


      the non-turbo is expected to put out about 250 bhp


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The engine puts out a respectable 210-hp.
      • The 2.5-liter engine puts out 300 horsepower.
      • The electric motor puts out 65kW with a top speed of 60 mph.
      • The engine puts out 140 hp and performs very well mated to a VTi automatic transaxle.
      produce, make, manufacture, fabricate, assemble, put together, process, bring out, put out, churn out
  • put something over

    • 1Communicate something effectively.


      we wanted to put over the idea that the developers are interested in talking to the community
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Speaking in Leeds, he said: ‘A general feeling has been put over that I am opposed to vaccination.’
      • It's a very different voice and they are putting it over in a very different way but the principle remains the same.
      • now I'm here I shall put my point over.
      • I am willing to put my point over and can do so in a coherent, understandable manner.
      • I thought he put his argument over very well.
    • 2Postpone something.


      let's put the case over for a few weeks


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Dawson reserved her decision and the case was put over.
      • However, his sentencing was put over to Thursday for the completion of an extensive pre-sentence report.
      • More worrisome still was his answer when the Weekly asked how much of the present problem would be put over to future years.
      • He'll put it over until the next meeting and we'll talk it through some more.
  • put someone through

    • 1Connect someone by telephone to another person or place.


      put me through to the police office, please


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Each time we were put through to a main operator service which was prompt, helpful and friendly.
      • The switchboard should be able to put you through to Revenue's Voluntary Disclosure office.
      • The user will then press a single button to put them through to an operator who can connect them with the number they want to dial.
      • She puts me through to customer service.
      • In the good old days the council switchboard put you through to the relevant department.
      • On each of our three calls, we were greeted with a recorded message apologising for the delay in putting us through.
      • Astonishingly, the telephonist did not ask who was calling and simply put us through to the head of regional targets.
      • First, you are put through to the telephone operator, who asks you which of the emergency services you require.
      • A quick call to the Greenwich borough switchboard as I turned into Wellington Gardens, and I was put through to the police station.
      • He immediately rang the council and was put him through to Shelley's mobile, which was switched off at the time.
    • 2Subject someone to an unpleasant or demanding experience.


      I hate Brian for what he put me through


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He thanked the crowd for their support after he again put them through a nerve-wracking experience at Wimbledon.
      • But I have never experienced anything like the havoc they are putting us through.
      • It's an awful experience to put someone through.
      • That night, sniffing and sneezing, I agonised over why my own mother would put me through such an experience.
      • He was put through a series of demanding fitness tests including press-ups, pull-ups and running.
      • Nine months ago, he had been put through a similar experience, and knew the emotions that came with such an ordeal.
      • She would be prepared to keep her child out of school in September rather than put her through the upset of having to switch schools again.
      • He would have put her through the same hell had they switched positions.
      • This series takes modern recruits and puts them through training exercises based on those their counterparts experienced sixty years ago.
      • She remembered all the suffering he put her through.
      put through, treat with
    • 3Pay for one's child to attend school or college.


      you've spent so much to put your daughter through college
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But we've been too busy raising kids and too broke putting them through college to take on any major home improvement projects.
      • His job at Wal-Mart is putting him through college and he makes good money for a kid his age, well above the minimum wage.
      • She helped put me through college, let me live at her house, helped pay my tuition and was always a great friend.
      • Not only did she scrimp and save but, by taking on three jobs, she even managed to put them through college.
      • They struggled to put me through college and to this day encourage and support me through everything.
      • They put you through college, gave you a place to stay when you were out of work and helped you buy your first home.
      • I hope to join the Marines and they will put me through college in return for four years service when my education is finished.
      • After she put him through college, they decided he would work as an accountant; she would stay home with the children.
      • Tim studied history at the University of Florida, where he joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps, which helped put him through college.
      • He arrives at home to find that his family has become poor, because they have mortgaged everything to put him through college.
  • put something through

    • Initiate something and see it through to a successful conclusion.


      he put through a reform programme to try to save the regime


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When a partner has been selected, we can start putting the project through.
      • The necessary amendments are put through to take them off the payroll.
      • The United Nations complains that it will simply run out of money and be short more than $300 million in the first quarter of 2006 if the new budget is not put through.
  • put someone to

    • Cause (inconvenience or difficulty) to someone.


      I don't want to put you to any trouble


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It put us to greater inconvenience and expense than taking the day off to shop.
      • You have put me to serious inconvenience.
      • They apologised for the trouble we had been put to, which we thought was very nice.
      • The police must realise that there are serious users of the net too and that this direction is likely to put us to great inconvenience.
      • ‘I really am terribly sorry for putting you to this inconvenience,’ he apologized, annoyed and frustrated at his own weakness.
  • put something to

    • 1Submit something to (someone) for consideration or attention.


      we are making a takeover bid and putting an offer to the shareholders


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Later I started putting the same question to audiences across the country.
      • Just a few weeks ago, this question was put to more than 3,000 Americans: ‘Can you tell me the name of the current secretary of defense.’.
      • Members of the public will not be allowed to speak at the extraordinary meeting next Monday but are able to put questions to the council, which had to be submitted by February 16.
      • Detailed questions were put to 200 farmers across the South West region relating to their businesses and personal development.
      • It consulted a network of international yards before putting its bid to the Ministry of Defense.
      • The Herald is putting questions to candidates standing in the local body elections.
      • ‘To have five interested parties is very healthy but it is always very difficult to judge until people start actually putting offers to you,’ said Willis.
      • The officers have been instructed by the Council to talk to the first few authorities considering putting cases to the Government for invitations to take part in private finance initiatives.
      • I shall be putting this question to our MP at the end of April.
      • Towards the end it was the turn of the public to put their questions to him.
      submit, present, tender, offer, proffer, advance, suggest, propose
      1. 1.1with clauseMake a statement or allegation to (someone) and challenge them to deny it.
        I put it to him that he was just a political groupie


        Example sentencesExamples
        • I put it to him that there doesn't seem to be much law in this process.
        • I put it to him that the invitation may have signalled his coming of age.
        • We put it to her that radio adverts or adverts on newspaper sites might be preferable to communicating via bulk email.
    • 2Devote something to (a particular use or purpose)


      they put the land to productive use


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mr Morris said: ‘Rather than leaving it as unused land we want to put it to good use.’
      • He was really delighted to receive the cheque, assuring everyone that the money would be put to very good use.
      • The purposes that technology can be put to can be good or bad.
      • Families were broken up and the landscape of Britain changed - politically but also physically when the pits closed and the land was put to other uses.
      • I'm trying to put the time to good purpose by working.
      • Many of the new concession holders had no intention of putting the land to productive use and speculation and corruption became rampant.
      • By ‘overuse’ one may assume he means that some land might be put to more intensive use than warranted economically.
      • This is a much better use than the building has been put to for some time.
      • ‘Like the gun industry, their exceptional product can be put to bad purposes,’ he says.
      • The decision to turn the site into a lavender farm and distillery is likely to be welcomed by locals who have long fought to ensure the land is put to good use.
    • 3Couple an animal with (another of the opposite sex) for breeding.


      he put the stallion to the mare Grove Chance
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you were to put him to a cob mare you would get a slighter sort of foal.
      • I put your stallion to the mare I raised.
      • He won't put his Stallion to mares that aren't correct as it pulls down his horse!
  • put something together

    • Make something by assembling different parts or people.


      he can take a clock apart and put it back together again


      they decided to put a new band together


      Example sentencesExamples
      • From when I was very small, I was always interested seeing how various things are put together.
      • It can be put together on an assembly line, like an automobile.
      • Purchasers had been entitled to assume that their homes would be put together in the traditional way using tried and tested materials such as solid house-bricks.
      • The machines are put together largely from non-aircraft components.
      • Needing to take the music out on to the road, a new band was put together.
      • Valentine displays have been put together by staff with a sense of romance.
      • I have always been fascinated by how things are put together whether it is wirelesses or motor cars.
      • After the bars are cut, Thurston replaces the tubing with a fresh piece and puts the car back together.
      • The auto carriers are put together and taken apart while passengers are aboard their section of the train.
      • It was interesting to take other peoples' songs apart, see how they were put together and arranged.
      • The costumes were put together by Dee Armstrong.
      assemble, compile, make up, collate, compose, marshal, organize, arrange, sort out, systematize, systemize, anthologize
  • put someone under

    • Make someone unconscious by means of drugs or an anaesthetic.


      Sam had tucked him into bed hours before when the sedatives had finally put him under
  • put up

    • Stay temporarily in accommodation other than one's own home.


      we put up at a hotel in the city centre


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You cruise through Pensacola and put up in a motel in Marianna
      • We put up in a hotel full of flies.
      • We put up in a little hotel, three or four of us in a bed, four or five of us on the floor.
  • put someone up

    • 1Accommodate someone temporarily.


      we're going to put him up for a few days
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We put them up in a shared house and pay for their petrol.
      • The Health Board put her up in a house with the children and that same night she moved a man into the house.
      • She asked us where we were staying, and when she heard that we were in a hotel, she said that was a total waste of money, and put us up in her house for three weeks.
      • In fact four different people offered to put me up until I found a house, which bearing in mind they hardly knew me, was nice. Bert is from Texas and continually makes references to the Cattleman's Club and the Oil Baron's Ball.
      • The best part is they will put us up at someone's house and take us out every night in Rome.
      • He gladly chose to stay where he was and he was put up in a boarding house.
      • The RAF took care of our billeting and put us up with local British residents.
      • Presenting himself at Liberty Hall with no money or home, he is put up in a safe house by the union.
      • He has been either been sleeping rough or staying at friends' houses when they are able to put him up.
      • Two hotels were so touched by the men's efforts for charity, that they put them up for nothing.
      give accommodation to, provide with accommodation, accommodate, house, take in, give a roof to, give a bed to, lodge, quarter, billet
    • 2Propose someone for election or adoption.


      the party had put up a candidate in each constituency


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.
      • They loved the baby, but felt too young to take care of her and decided to put her up for adoption.
      • His parents never married, and he had been put up for adoption.
      • His mother put him up for adoption, never telling him who his father was.
      • Maybe all parties should give candidates a mental health screening before putting them up for nomination?
      • Ten years ago, at the age of 6, I was put up for adoption.
      • To hush up the secret in her married mother's middle-class family, she was put up for adoption.
      • They asked him to use his influence to stop the party putting up candidates against them.
      • We were voting for captains today, and I really hoped people would put me up as a candidate.
      • You know that she never wanted to put me up for adoption.
      nominate, propose, put forward, recommend
  • put something up

    • 1Construct or erect something.


      I put up the tent and cooked a meal


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In an exposed garden, it is worth putting up a temporary windbreak to protect the cuttings from drying winds.
      • The simple solution of putting up a fence at the school solved the problem, and within months had paid for itself.
      • It's unbelievable how quickly they put buildings up.
      • You have to build the foundations of a house before you think about putting the walls up.
      • In seaside towns, they are putting up boards along the seafront, ready for the big waves.
      • The centre will be closing for four days from March 29 to April 2, while temporary buildings are put up on the site.
      • According to descriptions of the event at the time, tents for spectators were put up at the side of the road and bonfires were lit for warmth.
      • The report said poor quality buildings were put up in the 1960s and 1970s, and there are even older temporary buildings.
      • When there is too little space, a tent is put up in front of people's homes for the guests.
      • Protesters block the path in North Road, Kew, to prevent the company from putting up a phone mast.
      build, construct, erect, raise, set up
    • 2Raise one's hand to signal that one wishes to answer or ask a question.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I then had history where I put my hand up 12 times and answered correctly.
      • She told him to put his hand up when he had a question.
      • In class, he put his hand up so often and got the wrong answer so frequently that his teachers told him to shut up.
      • Perhaps we could put the lights up and if there's a question that you have, put your hand up.
      • We watched him putting his hand up to ask a question during a lecture.
    • 3Display a notice, sign, or poster.


      she put up a sign advertising the guest house
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Joe is at the General Store putting up a sign advertising himself as a handyman.
      • Companies should apply for the proper permissions before putting signs up.
      • Since Jamie's death up to three ‘deep water’ signs had been put up.
      • There is no way that the Palace Theatre and Opera House have been involved in putting up fly-posters.
      • They then hope to put up a notice board to educate people about the site's history.
      • They will also be busy putting up posters and canvassing support around the school at break and lunch times.
      • Your dad has been around town putting up posters with your picture on.
      • I have spent much of today helping put up posters.
      • The pub was putting up notices telling people to stay away if they intend to smoke.
      • ‘Mind Your Head’ signs were put up all over the hotel to prevent any accidents.
      display, pin up, stick up, hang up, nail up, post
      1. 3.1Present a proposal, theory, or argument for discussion or consideration.
        they asked local architects to put up alternative schemes
        Example sentencesExamples
        • That was attacked as being a step that would weaken the union and the same argument has been put up again.
        • I weighed that amendment up very seriously, because I fully believe that the doctor would not have put it up without serious consideration.
        • I remember, when I put the proposal up to Cabinet, that there were all sorts of comments about how it would be a waste of money, and all that type of thing.
        • That argument is really, really stupid, but it is put up almost every time by people in favour of somehow lowering that top tax rate.
        • I can't think of any occasion when this argument was put up before.
        • Commanding officers' recommendations are put up to the brigade commander, who receives such recommendations from many of the battalions.
        • It is of no comfort to them whatsoever to argue for an entrenchment clause, and I am ashamed to think that a lawyer would put it up as a proposal.
        • It is just possible to put some recommendations up.
        • Sometimes arguments are put up which courts do not deal with because they do not have to deal with it.
        propose, put forward, present, submit, recommend, suggest, tender
    • 4Increase the cost of something.


      I'm afraid I've got to put your rent up


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The claim that we are putting our prices up 25% is nonsense and the message is entirely spurious.
      • We are not putting our prices up.
      • Small or large companies do not have the luxury of putting up their prices as councils can put up the council tax to cover costs.
      • Of course, you can't entirely blame the small business people who are putting prices up because their suppliers have told them they'll be passing on the full ten percent.
      • I would have to put the rent up by about £200 a month to cover the mortgage payments.
      • The travel industry comes in for stick for putting up prices during school holidays.
      • They have said they are going to be putting up taxes to cover expenses, which they say will make things better.
      • Landlords of rented houses will simply put the rents up to cover the cost, but how are the rest of us supposed to raise the extra money?
      • First they put the prices up and now they won't be running the buses at all.
      • We review our prices each August and if fuel continues to increase we will inevitably have to put our prices up.
      increase, raise, lift
    • 5Provide money as backing for an enterprise.


      the sponsors are putting up £5,000 for the event


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We believe they did have the knowledge at the time, but they would not put the money up for testing.
      • The Government has shown willing by putting up more than half the cost of the Malton and Norton scheme.
      • It is a great idea to put this money up, but the question is - can anyone match it?
      • I wish they'd put the money up to secure the loose nuclear materials in Russia.
      • I really wouldn't want to divulge figures, as that might be impolite to the folks who are putting the money up.
      • My message to the Minister for Education and to the Government will be this - ‘if you believe in it, put the money up and let's get on with it’.
      • She tried to buy the film from the BBC, which had put the money up.
      • A London-based private equity group is putting the money up and is backing the management buyout.
      • On Friday he was told North Ayrshire would not be putting up the cash, and he is still waiting to hear from the others.
      • What came through, as well as putting his money up for the club, was how enthusiastic he was.
      provide, supply, furnish, give, come up with, contribute, donate, pledge, pay, advance
    • 6Offer or show a particular degree of resistance, effort, or skill in a fight or competitive situation.


      he put up a brave fight


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She put up a struggle which resulted in her head being struck against a wall and the suspect fled.
      • I would be surprised if much resistance is put up.
      • But the break did not help her as she lost the set and the match without even putting up a fight.
      • Congratulations to the team for getting so far and for putting up a good fight!
      • We will back whatever resistance is put up by the administration.
      • Still, they have a long way to go, even if they were clearly putting up a fight.
      • He's going to resist and resent and put a fight up.
      • The spokesman said that to his knowledge no resistance had been put up to the show of strength and no casualties had resulted.
      • There are those who still blame McConnell for not putting up a bigger fight.
      • The girls started well and despite putting up a brave battle lost out to the stronger side.
      • Others say they are willing to put up a fight in an effort to stay in Moss Side.
    • 7Offer something for sale or auction.


      the mill was closed and put up for sale
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sites were put up for sale after Carlow Town Council decided to sell them to improve the town centre as part of their Local Area Plan.
      • However, this plan was shelved when the centre was put up for sale in December.
      • But a record number of Scotland's sporting estates have been put up for sale this year as their owners cash in on soaring prices.
      • It's been more than a year now since the club was put up for sale.
      • Within the last month, the land has been put up for sale.
      • An exact replica of the painting was put up for sale six months ago by Christie's for around £1million.
      • Now one of the most coveted trophies in the horse-racing world, dating back to the 18th century, will be unveiled again when it is put up for auction this month.
      • These days when a farm is put up for sale it is more likely to be snapped up by a wealthy city worker looking for a weekend retreat than taken on by a new farmer.
      • He had been informed that the remaining sites might be put up for auction.
      • Even with a torn spine and a small section of the cover missing, the pamphlet is expected to sell for around £700 when it is put up for auction at Christie's, London.
    • 8Cause game to rise from cover.


      his dog put up an otter from the riverside
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One of the dogs put a pheasant up.
      • I foraged about, and put a deer up.
      • The old boy I used to go out with had a great little Jack Russel, not the fastest thing on four legs, but by God when he put a rabbit up he would follow it.
    • 9Return a sword to its sheath.


      he put up his sword and gave the body a kick
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Put up your swords; you know not what you do.
      • Put up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.
      • He put up his sword in silence.
      • He grew calm and put up his sword in its place.
  • be put upon

    • Be taken advantage of through having one's good nature exploited.

      a put-upon drudge who slaved for her employer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The critics, pretty much to a person, condemned the art, and were certain they were being put upon.
      • They want to punish someone to show all the world they will not be put upon.
      • A people who know their traditional rights will not let themselves be put upon.
      • We will never allow our players to be put upon like that again.
      • Chances are the older the woman is, the more she has lost hope, suffered failure in relationships and marriages and is put upon by life.
      • She was always being put upon, always being ripped off.
      • But that community knows that it is being put upon by this so-called research levy.
      • They have been put upon and shoved and pushed and rooted out of any legitimate role in that society, and it is a huge human tragedy.
      • I think it's very important that people should be aware that you have the access to legal help if you're being put upon by a landlord or he's ripping you off.
      • Divorce often results when a partner has had enough of being put upon and taken for granted.
      take advantage of, impose on, take for granted, exploit, use, misuse
  • put someone up to

    • 1Encourage someone to do (something wrong or unwise)


      Who else would play a trick like that on me? I expect Rose put him up to it


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Was Franklin only charged with mishandling classified material because a more serious charge would also involve having to charge the guy who put him up to it?
      • It had to be some sort of dare someone put him up to.
      • It is not the sort of thing I would expect Junior to do and I can only believe he has been put up to it.
      • The informants claimed they were put up to everything by O'Dowd.
      • We think the media is trying to make it look like we were put up to protesting.
      • He robbed a car of children's Christmas presents because he was terrified of the guy who put him up to it.
      • She is shaking her head and laughing, and she then stops laughing, and becomes serious, ‘Did my friends put you up to this?’
      • Who was he really and who had put him up to this wind-up?
      • I don't know why Wade put you up to this, or how much he paid you, but I'm not falling for it.
      • No doubt his unemployed mates had put him up to it.
      persuade to, encourage to, urge to, spur on to, egg on to, incite to, goad to
    • 2Inform someone about (something)


      Ned's put me up to a good thing or two
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He put me up to one or two things worth knowing.
      • My husband had a long talk with Mr. Brewster, who put him up to all that had happened.
      • How was it that all the clever people of Cambridge had never put him up to this simple rejoinder?
  • put up with

    • Tolerate; endure.


      I'm too tired to put up with any nonsense


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have more important things to do than put up with more of her silly mind games.
      • We wish to object to the disgusting sight we have to put up with whenever we look out of our window.
      • There would be howls of outrage from the drinks industry but we can put up with that.
      • Three hours is a long time in the cinema, longer than most audiences are prepared to put up with.
      • I can certainly appreciate what the miners had to put up with just to earn a crust.
      • What they will not put up with, however, is a lack of control over other people.
      • She was prepared to put up with almost anything in order not to have to face up to her past.
      • Luckily, she's about as understanding as they come, and puts up with most of my antics.
      • He is apparently quite passive, and puts up with all this verbal aggression from his wife.
      • I've been putting up with the problem for a long time now.
      tolerate, take, stand, stand for, accept, stomach, swallow, endure, bear, brook, support, submit to, take something lying down


Old English (recorded only in the verbal noun putung), of unknown origin; compare with dialect pote 'to push, thrust' (an early sense of the verb put).


afoot, clubfoot, foot, hotfoot, kaput, soot, splay-foot, underfoot, wrong-foot, Yakut

Definition of put in US English:


  • 1Move to or place in a particular position.


    Harry put down his cup


    I put my hand out toward her


    watch where you're putting your feet!


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He moved to put himself between her and the gunman.
    • The waitress put two mugs of hot water on the table along with a bowl of tea bags.
    • She said she picked up a programme and put a £5 note in the tin and took a couple of pounds out in change.
    • She broke into tears, and then her husband crossed the room to put his arm around her.
    • She put the note he wrote to her back on the desk and went down the stairs crying.
    • He enters his house and puts some books down on a desk before turning on the light.
    • I sat up, crossing my legs, putting my fist under my chin in thought.
    • The library includes new technology which means children can borrow a book by putting their thumb on to a machine which recognises their individual thumbprints.
    • A man crept up behind the girl, putting his hand across her face and dragging her into the undergrowth.
    • He put his arms under Morgan's and lifted her up off her chair.
    • Writing the letter and putting it under Angel's door, Tess felt much more at ease, knowing that he would know all there is of her past.
    • Julie reached across the table and put her hand over Caroline's.
    • Scott put the note down and walked into the bathroom.
    • He moved closer, putting his one strong hand on her face.
    • Don't put your fingers too close to the screen.
    • My mom shifts her weight from one foot to the other, crossing her arms and putting one hand at her chin, staring intently at the creature.
    • He didn't even put his arm behind him to stop his fall.
    • She told the hearing: ‘I was still trying to get her breathing by putting her over my knee and pummelling her back.’
    • Laughing, she sips her wine, then puts the glass back on the table.
    • Their eyes remain locked and he puts his hand against the glass.
    place, set, put down, set down, lay, lay down, deposit, situate, position, settle
    1. 1.1 Cause (someone or something) to go to a particular place and remain there for a time.
      India has put three experimental satellites into space


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once you go into court and testify, you may contribute to someone being put into prison or turned free.
      • He was arrested, handcuffed and put into the back of the police van.
      • Now, why wasn't this man put behind bars?
      • As she put her silver cross and chain around her neck she ran the past few months through her mind.
      • Why take the traffic from two roads and put it on to one inadequate road?
      • The carrots are not only handpicked but also washed, top and tailed and put into bags of ten kilos each.
      • They punished me later by putting me illegally in mental hospital.
      • If space is a problem the leaves can be gathered up and put into black bin liners.
      • Poor conditions are likely to make prisoners grow resentful towards the people who put him there.
      • I was put into prison several times and it was there that I had to endure experiences that I did not deserve at all.
      • Both black and grey water is siphoned into a storage tank, where it is mixed, and then put into the bio-reactor.
      • She dreamed of the King catching her brother and putting him into the prison of the castle's terrible dungeon.
      • I think that this is awful but would feel worse if the animals had been taken out of the wild where they had been free, and put into cages.
      • The builder was arrested shortly after 9am by two police officers who read him his rights before putting him behind bars.
      • Denise said the accident happened after she had been putting Cameron to bed in his own bedroom and someone knocked at the door.
      • He was imprisoned and put into solitary confinement until his death.
      • The first of the massive pipes were floated on the high tide on Thursday morning last and put into place.
      • I thought she was going to slap me and put me into a mental institute for rejecting Max.
      • You must feel angry that those people were constructively seeking to put you behind bars.
      • Four innocent people were immediately put behind bars.
    2. 1.2no object, with adverbial of direction (of a ship or the people on it) proceed in a particular direction.
      she stepped into the boat and put out to sea


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is no access to the island by air, and only a few boats per year put into the notoriously dangerous harbor.
      • Each evening we put into a French port, and each port greeted us with the same dour dreariness.
      • Everyone was of the opinion that no boat could put to sea on a day like that.
      • The Royal Navy's two new assault ships have put to sea side-by-side for the first time.
      • The jury later wrote to the coroner, deploring the fact that an unseaworthy ship could put to sea with a drunken captain.
    3. 1.3US archaic no object, with adverbial of direction (of a river) flow in a particular direction.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We passed the grand falls of the Columbia just above which a small river puts into the Columbia.
      • A small river puts into Warner Lakes from the southwest.
  • 2Bring into a particular state or condition.


    they tried to put me at ease


    a large aid program was put into effect


    he is putting himself at risk


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In effect, this means the roadworks programme has been put on hold until after the April meeting.
    • The inquiry has been put on hold unless new evidence comes to light.
    • A job seeker that doesn't take advantage of this opportunity is putting themselves at a big disadvantage.
    • It is a delicate issue and one stupid comment from me could put everything in jeopardy.
    • Unfortunately, Bradford's gritting operation cannot be put into effect immediately.
    • A Louisiana resident had his camera rolling as floodwaters poured into his home, putting him and his father in immediate danger.
    • Any thoughts of a shock result were quickly put to rest in the early minutes of the second half.
    • The hurricane put seven platforms out of action as well as damaging mobile rigs and springing leaks in oil and gas pipelines.
    • It would have been hard to find a man more suited to putting everyone at ease.
    • Celebrations are being put on hold until after his last exam on June 28.
    • Anyone who goes into the test without having a solid understanding of ‘how it works’ is putting themselves at a disadvantage.
    • The road is narrow enough without loads of cars blocking it even more and putting us all at risk of accidents.
    • Controversial plans to develop the former Turner's site have been put on hold.
    • We want the Minister to take a call to put our minds at ease that this amount has not been paid out.
    • But she warned rocketing development could put at risk all that has been achieved.
    • Some reporters were under the impression he died yesterday, but that story was quickly put to rest.
    • First of all, I couldn't believe that he was putting himself at such risk.
    • He was putting himself and other road users in grave danger.
    • Spending 40 minutes hanging around at icy bus stops will thicken your blood, putting you at risk of coronary thrombosis, stroke, bronchitis and pneumonia.
    • His company's programme will be put on hold unless new financial backing is found.
    1. 2.1put oneself in Imagine oneself in (a particular situation)
      it was no use trying to put herself in his place


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I enjoy thinking about scenarios, putting myself in those situations and allowing my mind to draw up conclusions.
      • The enjoyment comes from putting oneself in the situations he describes, it makes no difference if anyone actually experienced them all or not.
      • He asked me to put myself in his own situation, not married and being accused of all these things.
      • They are people, and while they are different to me in culture, it terrifies me when I put myself in the present situation of any one of them.
      • I try hard to put myself in that position and imagine what it would be like, but of course, I've always been part of the majority.
      • But I've been trying to put myself in his situation.
      • I think your columnist should put herself in other people's situations.
      • I just tried to put myself in their situation and try to, you know, feel what they felt.
      • You've got to put yourself in the pilot's situation.
      • Please stop and think a minute and put yourself in their situation.
      • Why can't humans put themselves in the situations that we inflict upon animals.
    2. 2.2 Write or print (something) in a particular place.
      they put my name on the cover page


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They have themselves to blame for putting their signatures to a document that was so evidently not ready for implementation.
      • It does not matter which candidate's name you elect to put your cross against so long as you make your choice.
      • The council is appealing to key workers and existing housing association tenants to put their names down on the shared ownership register.
      • Everyone that wanted a seat put their name on a slip that went into a coffee can.
      • When Christianity came into the picture, the church tried to change the practice by putting saints' names in the box instead.
      • Is your complaint that the number that has been put on the respondent's document is the wrong number?
      • Reasons for the high figures include misunderstanding of the forms and voters being unhappy about putting their signatures on to a secret ballot paper.
      • Company directors have expressed concerns over being held responsible for putting their names to a statement that they believed to be true at the time of signing but which later turned out to be incorrect.
      • It may also be pointed out that it was quite possible to register employees who were not really employed, by putting all sorts of names on a staff list for the sake of meeting the requirement.
      • The organisers had named four for every position and then over to you to put X over the name of your choice.
      • I really hope you two don't mind me putting your pen names on this.
      • We always use an assumed name when putting our names on waiting lists at restaurants.
      write, inscribe, pen, pencil, scribble, scrawl, dash off, add
    3. 2.3 Express (a thought or comment) in a particular way, form, or language.
      to put it bluntly, he was not really divorced


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My room was like a pigsty, to put it frankly.
      • Another distinguished citizen, who prefers not to be named, puts it another way.
      • As some perceptive reviewer put it, Barry writes like an angel, but an angel on the side of the fallen.
      • As Cross puts it, modern humans can transfer insights from one domain to another, often to a domain that is metaphoric or symbolic.
      • As ever, the finely nuanced statement did not put matters quite so bluntly.
      express, word, phrase, frame, formulate, render, convey, couch
  • 3put something on/ontoCause (someone or something) to carry or be subject to something.


    commentators put some of the blame on Congress


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Do not focus on weight or put pressure on your child to be the best person on the team.
    • As staff leave these smaller units even greater pressure is put on those who remain.
    • Perhaps entertaining the possibility of winning the series put too much pressure on many of the players.
    • He said: ‘We really want to put the fear back on to the criminal.’
    • Partly, this might be addressed by putting far more emphasis on education.
    • But, crucially, it follows a similar logic of putting the responsibility on to parents to break cycles of deprivation through the sheer force of their parenting skills.
    • But competition remains fierce, putting pressure on workers who are the worst paid in food processing.
    • Under the Roman empire the system of collecting the revenue put extreme pressure on the poor.
    • This increased weight puts a strain on their backs and pressure on their disks.
    • This way you're putting the load on to the contractor.
    • This deal puts the focus back on to the team's future potential.
    • They prefer to put the blame on to the parents.
    • David stood up straight, groaning for a moment at the strain put on his calf muscles.
    • It is understood that pressure is being put on education bosses to backtrack.
    • He argues that other cities have already put the responsibility on the operators of horse drawn carriages to deal with the aftermath of their trade.
    • I will never reprimand my horse or put pressure on him if he tries.
    • It puts the pressure on to the employers and government to come up with an offer that can start real negotiations.
    lay, pin, place, impose, fix
    1. 3.1 Assign a particular value, figure, or limit to.
      it is very difficult to put a figure on the size of the budget


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have no reference points to start figuring out how to put a dollar value on something like that.
      • Surely no figure can be put on the value of the experience and commitment of the Peterhead officers.
      • It is difficult to put a dollar figure on the damage the rain-swollen tide from did to the property.
      • Council leaders have refused to put a figure on the actual cost of the case - estimated at more than £1 million.
      • It's hard to put figures on the export worth of Scotland's haggis.
      • Nobody can even put an exact figure on the number of children who have been excluded, which is a disgrace in itself.
      • The continued lack of confidence in the Irish company make it difficult to put a value on the company.
      • A North Yorkshire County Council spokesman said school budgets were very tight, but it was not yet possible to put a figure on the average shortfall.
      • The Primary Care Trust was unable to put an exact figure on the number of NHS dentists in the borough.
      • Today one of North Yorkshire's leading entrepreneurs put a figure on what this chaos has cost him: £150,000.
      • But it's impossible to put a figure on something like that.
      • He declined to put a figure on the number of shops that could close or retailers that could go out of business.
      • Why are you so shy of just putting a rough figure on it?
      • Insurers had yet to put a figure on the damage, but it was likely that replacing the gutted building would cost another £5m.
      • While it is difficult to put an exact figure on the total of undocumented Irish in the United States it's been estimated that there are tens of thousands.
      • The agency declined to put a precise figure on the savings.
      • Even if we cannot yet fully count the value of the environment as such, we can put a figure on the cost of environmental destruction.
      • He said it was impossible to put figures on the number of young people addicted to drugs who were involved in crime.
      • However he refused to put an exact figure on losses for individual years between 1999-2001.
      • It would be far too early to start putting a figure on how many people would lose their jobs if that were to happen.
    2. 3.2put something at Estimate something to be (a particular amount)
      estimates put the war's cost at $1,000,000 a day


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One official estimate put the annual profits at $US7 billion in 1996, and it has surely risen since.
      • The first official estimates from about a third of polling stations put the turnout at just over 50 percent.
      • One estimate from the time puts the English casualties at five hundred whilst the Welsh suffered no losses.
      • Most estimates put the total number at under 100,000.
      • Some estimates put the turnout at up to 300,000.
      • American congressional investigators put the latest estimate at more than $20 billion.
      • One estimate puts the aggregate increase at £13 bn.
      • One knowledgeable estimate puts pretax profits at $1.5 billion.
      • Later the workforce was increased, some estimates putting the final figure at about 45,000.
      • The latest estimate puts the project at $260 million, though this is currently being revised.
      • Estimates on job losses have been put at upwards of 30,000.
      • Nightjars are now very rare with the latest estimates putting the population at around 3,500 across Britain.
      • One estimate put the savings at $20 million each month.
      • Current estimates put the autism rate at one in 500 children, but some recent studies in California, New Jersey, and elsewhere report an incidence as high as one in 150.
      • The most recent estimates put his personal fortune at $500 million, and he is guaranteed to earn $1 billion just from repeat fees over the next 20 years.
      • No one knows exactly how many people died, but many estimates put the total at well over 1,000.
      • The best study I've seen on the topic puts the estimate at around 25,000 deaths per annum.
      • Some estimates have put the final costs at more than £1 million.
      • Estimates of the unmet demand for consumer advice have been put at up to 1.5 million inquiries a year.
      • An unofficial estimate puts the lost lives at 9,000.
      estimate, calculate, reckon, gauge, assess, evaluate, value, judge, measure, compute, establish, fix, set, guess
  • 4Throw (a shot or weight) as an athletic sport.


    she set a women's record by putting the shot 56' 7"


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There are three primary styles of putting the shot.
    • He went on to long jump 6.71m and put the shot a personal best of 12.68m.
    • He successfully putted the shot 20.16m.
  • 1A throw of a shot or weight.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In June 1984 she achieved a put of 21.00 metres, which would remain her personal best.
    • She produced a magnificent put to end the competition, the furthest throw in the world for at least two years.
    • Nichols recorded a put of 61.05 on his third attempt.
  • 2Stock Market

    short for put option
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A call option is the opposite to a put, and gives a right to buy at a preset price.
    • If you sell a put, you've agreed to buy stock at a certain price from the owner of the put.


  • put something behind one

    • Get over a bad experience by distancing oneself from it.


      they have tried to put their grief behind them and rebuild their lives


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘I had hoped to go faster but at least it shows I'm getting my fitness back and putting the trials behind me,’ she said.
      • He was hoping to sort out his life and put his crimes behind him.
      • She wanted to start putting her nightmare behind her.
      • I accepted the two months' salary they offered, and I put the experience behind me.
      • She very much appreciated the kindness shown to her by those around her and is determined to get on with her life and to put this horrible experience behind her.
      • The widowed bride quickly puts the event behind her.
      • Everyone in the family just wants to put this terrible experience behind us and make a fresh start.
      • They want to put their ordeal behind them and get on with their lives.
      • He tried to get on with life, putting the tragedies behind him and spending as much time with his remaining grandchildren as possible.
      • Today, they've put this experience behind them.
      consign something to the past, put something down to experience, forget about something, pay no heed to something, ignore, regard as water under the bridge
  • put the clocks back (or forward)

    • Adjust clocks or watches backward (or forward) to take account of official changes in time.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have put my clocks forward, apart from the three that are radio-controlled and should look after themselves.
      • It's October 27th, and three days before we put the clocks back.
      • Don’t forget to put your clocks back tonight.
      • Western Australia has started putting their clocks forward over the last two summers.
      • We put the clocks forward a couple of days ago, it's British summertime.
  • put someone's eyes out

    • Blind someone in a violent way.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her golden dagger clanged twice as it flashed deep into his visor and put his eyes out.
      • Thieves attacked her and put her eyes out.
      • They should put their eyes out, so they can't commit any more crimes.
      • She punched him, and I think put his eyes out.
  • put one's hands together

    • Applaud; clap.


      I want you all to put your hands together for Barry


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now, put your hands together for the first poet tonight.
      • Would you please put your hands together and join me in welcoming our debaters tonight.
      • How about we put our hands together and welcome the people that helped the newlyweds put this day together?
      • Let's all put our hands together to welcome the bride and bridegroom!
      • Please put your hands together for our speakers.
      clap, cheer, whistle, give a standing ovation to, put one's hands together
  • put one's hands up

    • Raise one's hands in surrender.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Putting my hands up, I turned around.
      • ‘I surrender!’ I put my hands up half-heartedly.
      • Drop your gun and put your hands up.
      • Put your hands up and step out of the vehicle.
      • They put their hands up and surrendered to police.
  • put it there

    • informal in imperativeUsed to indicate that the speaker wishes to shake hands with someone in agreement or congratulation.

      〈非正式〉 表示同意或祝贺的用语握手吧

      put it there Steven, we beat them


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘Put it there!’ he extended a brawny paw, which closed over the minister's small hand and gave it a shake.
      • When I was a kid, the first thing I heard when my uncle visited was, ‘Put it there, buddy.’
  • put one over on

    • informal Deceive (someone) into accepting something false.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Had he put one over on the experienced politician?
      • Public skepticism of schemes of this kind might diminish if the officials in charge didn't act like they were trying to put one over on us.
      • I think that they were guilty merely of trying to put one over on a man who was acting as a gullible fool.
      • Rather than seeing this as your potential partner trying to put one over on you, it's best to see it as his or her attorney doing his job, which is to protect his client.
      • ‘You'd be surprised,’ he told me flintily, ‘how many people try to put one over on us.’
      • Or do they pretend not to defy him, while secretly preparing to put one over on him?
      • But don't try to put one over on him: ‘If I get the feeling I'm being jerked around, then I want the forfeit.’
      • The liar enjoys the feeling of power gained from putting one over on somebody.
      • A familiar urban legend plot involves a member of a tribal or ethnic group who decides to put one over on some English speakers by slipping an inappropriate phrase from his native language into their domain.
      • The get-rich-quick merchants perhaps gain some personal satisfaction from having put one over on their unsuspecting and perhaps too trusting clientele, but in fact rarely get rich.
      deceive, trick, hoodwink, mislead, lead astray, delude, fool, take in, dupe, outwit, steal a march on, throw off the scent, put on the wrong track
  • put up or shut up

    • informal Justify oneself or remain silent.


      they called for the alderman to either put up or shut up


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘People who want to make serious allegations against a Member of Parliament or, indeed, anybody else, have got to be prepared essentially to put up or shut up,’ Sir Philip said.
      • ‘The issue has been highlighted by me and others and it is now time for the government to put up or shut up,’ said Deputy Flynn.
      • He says the Select Committee should be given hard evidence, not just rumour, and employers should either put up or shut up.
      • He called on his opponents to put up or shut up.
      • I want to conclude by challenging the Opposition today to put up or shut up.
      • The two brothers at the centre of Australia's most infamous gold swindle have today told one of Western Australia's most senior policemen to put up or shut up.
      • It's high time for all you governments to put up or shut up.
      • The FDA was brand-new back then and told the companies to put up or shut up: prove your products are safe and effective or quit making them.
      • In these circumstances he should put up or shut up.
      • Council chairman Coun Colin Lampard said: ‘We have got to the stage where they must either put up or shut up.’
  • put it to

    • with clauseMake a statement or allegation to (someone) and challenge them to deny it.


      I put it to him that he was just a political groupie


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We put it to her that radio adverts or adverts on newspaper sites might be preferable to communicating via bulk email.
      • I put it to him that there doesn't seem to be much law in this process.
      • I put it to him that the invitation may have signalled his coming of age.

Phrasal Verbs

  • put about

    • (of a ship) turn on the opposite tack.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nares immediately telegraphed the engine room to stop and had the ship put about and set off back over its track.
      • As every good captain knows, a schooner that's sailing a bit too close to the wind often goes slower and runs the risk of being put about on the wrong tack.
      • The vessel put about on the other tack, but for want of wind, or not having sail enough, she drifted into the ground swell towards the beach.
      • When the boat put about she would toss badly.
      turn round, change direction, come about, go about, change course, alter course
  • put something about


    • Spread information or rumors.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Josefina defends her friend against the ‘lie’ that she disliked children, saying it was put about by a child who was the ringleader of a group that would disturb Beatrix when she was trying to write quietly.
      • It's certainly not us putting these rumours about.
      • I also used to put stories about, hinting that staff were being watched all the time, just to keep them alert.
      • The story put about is that he used his laptop computer without using proper security measures, and therefore may have disclosed information or released it to unauthorized persons.
      • They just get a bit wrapped up in the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming event and start putting about daft ideas.
      • The nonsense the opposition is putting about that people earning under $52,000 will get nothing from the Budget is scaremongering at its worst.
      • He added that ‘misrepresentations, half-truths and downright lies’ had been put about since the judicial review, particularly on the estimated costs.
      • What I do know is that there is a lot of hot air, claim, sheer fantasy and scaremongering being put about which seems designed to strangle any plans at birth.
      • Not long ago, he accused me in an email of putting about stories that he's a drunk.
      • A spokesman added: ‘We dispute the view put about that there is little fraud because few people are being charged.’
      spread, spread about, spread around, circulate, make public, make known, disseminate, broadcast, publicize, pass on, propagate, announce, give out, bandy about
  • put something across


    • Communicate something effectively.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He had a way of putting complex thoughts across in an easy and approachable manner.
      • There will be more opportunities for people to put their views across in the future.
      • I wasn't afraid to stand up and speak in public and I had learned all sorts of lessons about how to put your point across effectively.
      • They have ten weeks to put their views across on the four main projects, which are aimed at upgrading facilities for patients.
      • Chiefly, the author needs to form a point of view and put it across clearly and effectively.
      • Every speaker needs nervous energy to put his message across effectively.
      • It's absolutely wonderful to have this whole new box of tools for putting ideas across.
      • There are three main causes of unclear writing: forgetting the needs of the audience; writing for a reason other than communication; and not putting a point across clearly.
      • Though forthright, he was seldom blunt, never pontificated and normally put his views across with considerable wit.
      • Always willing to talk to the media, and skilled in putting his view across, he reserved most of his energies for negotiations at the highest political levels.
      communicate, get across, get over, convey, explain, make clear, make understood, express, spell out, clarify
  • put something aside

    • 1Save money for future use.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You need to make a Will, plan ahead for inheritance tax and put some money aside for funeral expenses.
      • Imagine putting your money aside for your retirement only to find that it's not there.
      • Try to budget to put some money aside to cope with an unexpected event.
      • Hopefully I'll still make enough money this month to pay my bills and put some money aside.
      • Bills or no bills you've got to put something aside for the future.
      • He is saving slowly, putting a little money aside when he can.
      • I will put some money aside for my son and his family, but the rest will go towards the church, the community, and charity.
      • She is putting every cent aside for an operation which will save her son's sight.
      • The study also found that 20 per cent of firms put no budget aside for developing skills, while 39 per cent never measure the value of training schemes.
      • It is the second time in just over a year this has happened and I now want the council to put some money aside as a precaution for next year.
      save, lay by, put by, put away, lay aside, set aside, put to one side, deposit, reserve, keep in reserve, keep, store, stockpile, hoard, stow away, cache
    • 2Forget or disregard something, typically a feeling or a past difference.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As the dinner commenced, all differences were put aside in the spirit of Thanksgiving and sharing.
      • Political differences and personality clashes can be put aside at times for the benefit of the whole community.
      • Both had their reservations, but a lot of the pettiness had been put aside.
      • My brothers and I would promise to put our differences aside and try our hardest not to argue, fuss, or fight.
      • I welcome any attempt by all members of this House to join together, put political differences aside, and be constructive for once.
      • In fairness when the election is over we will put political differences aside and look at the bigger issues.
      • Perhaps it is time the families put their differences aside.
      • He softens his heart a little and puts his prejudices aside when confronted with his past on Christmas.
      • European Union countries are going to have to put their differences aside.
      • We believe that as a result of the discussions the county council reservations will be put aside.
      disregard, set aside, ignore, pay no heed to, forget, discount, shrug off, bury, consign to oblivion
  • put someone away

    • Confine someone in a prison or psychiatric hospital.


      he deserves to be put away forever


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was charged with three counts of robbery with violence, and three counts of attempted murder - enough to put him away forever.
      • I can't really tell you how to do your job Ms. Strong, but I just don't see how putting Jeremy away is going to help him.
      • I still have all the evidence to put you away for a long time.
      • Giving evidence, the victim told the jury he had threatened to kill her or told her she would be put away.
      • Apparently, if you're at risk of harming yourself or someone else, you can be put away.
      • He added: ‘They can accuse anyone of anything and put you away for the rest of your life.’
      • How is it serving the public interest that she is put away for life?
      • How many more convictions does he have to get before the State takes this seriously and puts him away for life?
      • Her husband was trying to put her away in order to get her money.
      • For example, in Alabama simple possession of steroids can put you away for up to 10 years, while in Alaska steroids aren't even classified as a controlled substance.
      put in prison, put behind bars, imprison, jail, lock away, lock up, shut away, shut up, incarcerate, confine
      commit, certify, section, hospitalize, institutionalize
  • put something away


    • 1Save money for future use.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We are spending most of what we save within weeks of putting it away for the future.
      • Not enough people are taking professional advice or putting sufficient money away to have an adequate retirement income.
      • They worked hard, and they tried to put a little money away so that their kids and their grandkids could have a better life.
      • She is also trying to put some money away for university, where she hopes to study fashion.
      • You should decide in advance what you are saving for and how long you want to put the money away.
      • Rich retired people have taken to splashing out on themselves rather than putting their money away for their children, according to a new report.
      • Once debts are under control, it is advisable to take stock of your savings, and try to put some money away regularly for a rainy day.
      • They feel ‘What is the point in saving if I can get extra from the government without putting my own money away?’
      • We now have a granddaughter and we and her parents would like to put some money away for her future.
      • The obvious thing to do therefore is try to put some money away each month into a holiday account.
      save, put aside, lay by, put by, lay aside, set aside, put to one side, reserve, keep in reserve, deposit, keep, store, stockpile, hoard, stow away, cache
    • 2Consume food or drink in large quantities.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He looked as though he'd put a few drinks away, and his red nose suggested that that wasn't unusual for him.
      • Having put a few drinks away, it wasn't hard to go and talk to her.
      • I've managed to put away seven pints and six shots.
      • I know for sure I can put away two burgers, fries, chili and a small soda easily.
      • My wife managed to put away one of the desserts, while I stuck with a cappuccino.
      eat, consume, devour, down, gobble up, bolt, wolf down, guzzle
    • 3(in sports) dispatch or deal with a goal or shot.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'll keep making those runs then eventually things will fall to me and hopefully I'll put a few goals away.
      • The goal he scored was down to our defending but he put the ball away and won United the game.
      • Had he put it away, United would have finished a total of four points better off, Chelsea one point worse off.
      • Wexford got two goal chances and put them away and at the end they were the scores that mattered.
      • He got one goal chance and he put it away with style and conviction.
      • A controversial goal was put away by the visitors.
      • All six Bolton penalties were put away in style.
      • We have to start putting the goals away and start winning.
      • Their full back Piper put the goal away to give his side a three point lead.
      • Although they enjoyed considerable possession at this point they simply couldn't put the scores away.
  • put something back


    • 1Reschedule a planned event to a later time or date.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Europeans eager to get their hands on the console will now have to wait the best part of a month for one, now the release date has been put back to 24 November from 26 October.
      • Although the date of June 4 has been set for trial, it is believed an application could be made by the defence team to put that date back to enable further preparations to be made.
      • Venues could be forced to close if the date is not put back.
      • The date of the roadworks could be put back to the autumn if that date is preferred.
      • Plans by Australian Wool Handlers to run alternate wool auctions have been put back until August to coincide with the new selling season.
      • We originally planned the event for July but then it was put back to September.
      • With Macclesfield possibly involved in play-offs for promotion, there's a chance the final could be put back from its scheduled date of April 27.
      • Suggestions are being made that perhaps the event could be put back a little, perhaps to the end of June.
      • But at a hearing at a Greek court to set the appeal date it was put back to January 13.
      • The monthly meeting of the guild has been put back to the later date of Wednesday, May 18.
      postpone, defer, delay, put off, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, table
      1. 1.1Delay something.
        greater public control may put back the modernization of the industry


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Rail managers have already admitted that the finishing date of the station facelift has been put back by five months.
        • If the university is not planning on being a partner with the council, it puts the plan back a long way.
        • Its launch has been put back by negotiation delays, although the company confirms it is in negotiations with the larger studios and also with TV companies.
        • The development plans have been put back five to eight years.
        • The company's chief executive has been denied a visa, in a move that surely means the already delayed October 21 start of the trial will be put back still further.
        postpone, defer, delay, put off, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, table
        postpone, defer, delay, put back, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, shelve, table
  • put something by


    • Save money for future use.


  • put someone down

    • 1Lower someone's self-esteem by criticizing them in front of others.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We fear that someone talking in another language is talking about us, putting us down.
      • But Michael was constantly putting her down, and seemed to enjoy humiliating her, finding fault with everything.
      • If she's volatile, puts you down or insists on having her way, she's not a good candidate for best friend material.
      • Because people didn't feel good about themselves, they would always be putting you down.
      • They don't tend to play practical jokes, or engage in humor that humiliates or puts somebody down.
      • Why was this man so determined to belittle him, and put him down, at every chance?
      • The only way they can feel good is to put you down.
      • Some people try to puff themselves up by putting you down.
      • If your critic has only said it to put you down, this makes you bigger than him.
      • A friend will never put you down or make you feel alone
      criticize, belittle, disparage, deprecate, denigrate, take down a peg or two, slight, humiliate, show up, mortify, shame, crush, squash, deflate
    • 2Lay a baby down to sleep.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you have very young children, it is great to be able to put them down for a nap in a completely separate room.
      • If you want her to learn to settle herself, it's best to try to put her down before she nods off.
      • Katie put Julie down to sleep and then went over to the dining room table so that she could do her homework and still be able to watch the kids.
      • My wife usually puts her down, and they recount the day and say what they're grateful for.
      • Twenty minutes later lunch was cleaned up and the children were put down to rest.
      • He had already fed the girls and put them down for the night when she got back from work.
      • Erin came to fetch the baby and put her down in the nursery.
      • He was a healthy, hearty, happy baby and she had no reason to be worried when she put him down to go to sleep that day.
      • I wasn't scared at first about becoming a mum, but as the months went on I started to worry about things like bathing her and putting her down to sleep properly.
      • I love that you hug me tightly before I put you down for naps.
      • I read to Franklin and put him down for the night, promising to check on him later (thanks for the idea Kyle, it works like a charm).
  • put something down


    • 1Record something in writing.


      he's putting a few thoughts down on paper


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We have had some time to read your judgment, and I want to repeat my thanks to you for putting it down in writing.
      • When we replied that he would probably welcome that, Cole said: ‘Ask him to put any complaints down in writing and I will consider it.’
      • So I truly believe that there was that major concern, and I put it down on paper.
      • In a sense, putting a plan down on paper is forcing you to be very critical about yourself and your business.
      • At first, writing lectures and putting the words down on paper was quite a struggle.
      • But as with any scientific law, it's not codified until you put it down in writing.
      • It's easy to forget that writers are readers, too, and that writing is a dual act - the act of putting the words down and the act of comprehending them both contemporaneously and after the fact.
      • As our greatest generation pass on, it seems more of them are putting their stories down on paper before they die.
      • Lobbyists are aware that it is far harder to change something once it is put down in writing than when an official is faced with a blank sheet of paper.
      • I had spent most of last night trying to come up with something to say and I had finally put it down on a very cute piece of purple paper.
      • It's harder for me to put it down on record because then it's clear and can be scrutinized.
      • Maybe if I put it down on paper, it'll make more sense to me.
      • Once a real plan is put down on paper, though, you can do real calculations and figure out whether it really works.
      write down, put in writing, note down, make a note of, jot down, take down, set down, put in black and white, list, record, register, log, enter
    • 2Suppress a rebellion, riot, or other disturbance by force.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He decided to raise an army of loyal troops so that the coup could be put down.
      • Within months the revolt was put down by a combined Western force.
      • But after the rebellion has been put down, the emperor dies, leaving a son and heir who is just nine years old.
      • After that riot had been put down, prisoners were locked into yards.
      • Both risings were put down later in the summer, the royal forces being augmented by foreign mercenaries gathered for war against the Scots.
      • Unless the rebellion is put down quickly, and without shedding too much blood in the process, their political position could be destroyed.
      • Slave rebellions were put down with a ferocity which made Peterloo look like a picnic.
      • When rebellions erupted, he put them down ruthlessly.
      • The Northern Rebellion was put down with liberal use of torture, hanging and decapitation.
      • That caused constant trouble for successive British governments, especially from other Commonwealth countries, who expected them to put the rebellion down by force.
      suppress, put an end to, crush, quash, quell, overthrow, stamp out, squash, repress, check, subdue
    • 3Kill an animal because it is sick, injured, or old.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Their conditions were so bad, vets later had to put the animals down.
      • Her beloved dog had been put down only days earlier.
      • Healthy animals are put down because we simply can't find homes for them - and more and more come in everyday.
      • The animal was taken to a vet who decided to put it down.
      • One sad postscript to the race came when a horse was put down after suffering a serious spinal injury.
      • Meanwhile, a local vet was called to the scene to assess the severity of the animal's condition and was forced to put the animal down.
      • Animal Shelters are overcrowded and forced to put animals down due to lack of space.
      • The horse was put down after suffering a serious injury to a hind leg during the De Vere Gold Cup at Haydock on Saturday.
      • He finds it difficult to put the animals down, but says there is no alternative, especially when there is not enough food for them all.
      • Sick, injured and aggressive animals will be put down.
      destroy, put to sleep, put out of its misery, put to death, kill
    • 4Pay a specified sum as a deposit.


      he put a thousand down and paid the rest over six months


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Decide things early, and put deposits down on things as soon as you can.
      • Maybe I will buy some new clothes and put a deposit down on a laptop computer.
      • If you've got the money, put a deposit down now - there's a two year waiting list!
      • Neither one of us has anywhere close to the money needed to even put a security deposit down on a place.
      • ‘People are buying straight off the plans now, they're putting their booking deposit down and are probably signing contracts straight away,’ she said.
      • Last week Jerry put his winnings down as a deposit on a new lorry.
      • Aussies with enough money are already putting deposits down for a vehicle which will not be available for several years.
      put down, put, set, set down, lay down, deposit, position, plant, rest, stand, sit, settle, station, situate, leave, stow, prop, lean
    • 5Preserve or store food or wine for future use.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Not only do they grow large gardens and put food down for winter, but they work just as long hours at day jobs.
      • Maybe I should put a bottle of this down for three more years and then taste it.
      • I'd put the wine down for 4-5 years and drink it over the following 5 years.
      keep, keep in reserve, stow, stockpile, lay aside, lay in, set aside, put away, put down, put to one side, deposit, save, hoard, cache
    • 6Land an aircraft.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • He circled over the landing site once before putting the plane down between two bridges.
      • You have to wonder where, in all that welter of rock up ahead, the pilot will be able to find a comfortable pocket in which to put his aircraft down.
      • Therefore, the captain of the accident airplane elected to put the airplane down on a grass area adjacent to the runway.
      • Yesterday's crash landing echoed an engine problem back in May which caused him to put the aircraft down in a remote paddock on Lagoon Farm.
      • Cooper put the plane down in the desert which inflicted heavy damage.
      • If we had not seen the ship then, we would have put the aircraft down in the water.
      • So now we had to plan our landing and, after the runway opened, plan to put the aircraft down.
      • With the gear up, I know if something goes wrong I can put the airplane down on the end of the runway or off the runway without the fear of the plane turning over and burning.
      • With her two children on board and oil streaming over the windshield, Margie searched the mountains for a place to put the airplane down.
      • General Porter summoned every bit of his airmanship to put the craft back down safely on friendly territory - and he did.
  • put someone down as

    • Consider or judge someone or something to be.


      I'd have put you down as a Vivaldi man


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'd always put her down as someone whose bite was every bit as bad, and probably worse, than her bark.
      • I would never put him down as someone who could kill another human being.
      • I would put you down as a strong girl, who knows her mind and knows how to do things.
      consider, look on, view, see, hold, think, think of, contemplate, count, judge, deem, estimate, evaluate, interpret, appraise, assess, make of, find, put down as, take for, account, reckon, treat, adjudge, size up, value, rate, gauge, sum up, weigh up
  • put something down to


    • Attribute something to.


      if I forget anything, put it down to old age


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She puts her longevity down to, ‘hard work, hardship and hard times’.
      • Aged just 38 her death was put down to a wasting disease.
      • This season, part of her winning philosophy has been put down to a new rigid fitness programme.
      • But although his death has been put down to natural causes, police have said there are suspicious circumstances surrounding it.
      • I think our success can be put down to our friendly staff and the care we take in removing some of the mystery from buying a home.
      • He puts his success down to always looking to tighten operations and make savings, but never at the cost of quality.
      • He sustained grave internal injuries and his swift recovery was put down to the rapid response of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance, which got him to intensive care without delay.
      • I would put his erratic behaviour down to two things however: the sheer volume of junk food he devours and the monotony of being on the road for long periods of time.
      • Some of the credit for this improvement has been put down to increased use of the CCTV network.
      • After a four-and-a-half-hour wait the youngster was examined and his illness was put down to stress.
      ascribe, assign, accredit, credit, impute, allot, allocate
  • put someone forward

    • Recommend someone as a suitable candidate for a job or position.


      he put me forward as head of publicity


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A university student from Dovercourt has been put forward for an award which celebrates young people's achievements.
      • Marion has impressed her colleagues so much that she was put forward as a finalist for an NHS achievement award and beat off stiff competition from more than 20 others to win it.
      • Since the scheme began as a pilot in September, 1999, more than 2,000 pupils from 820 schools across the UK have been put forward for the award.
      • On the day she died, her commanding officer was putting her forward for a commendation for her part in thwarting an armed robbery, which she is now set to receive posthumously.
      • I have lost count of the times an agency has said that they are putting you forward for a position you are interested in and that's the last you hear from them.
      • To me, he is the obvious candidate and I would put him forward without any hesitation.
      • The policeman has been put forward for a commendation by his sergeant following his ‘instinctive’ response last Saturday night.
      • I will be recommending to my superiors that he is put forward for an award.
      • Astonishingly, Elisabeth was put forward for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1911 and 1923 (probably on the basis of her biography of her brother), only to be pipped at the post by Maeterlinck and Yeats.
      • They first warned all the party members that they shouldn't put me forward as one of the candidates, and yet a lot of people did.
      nominate, propose, put forward, recommend
  • put something forward

    • Submit a plan, proposal, or theory for consideration.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The protected woodlands in Hazelwood will remain largely untouched, but proposals have been put forward that they be opened up to pedestrians via a series of walkways.
      • Proposals for changes to maternity care in mid Essex have been put forward.
      • The original proposals were put forward by the agency in December 2001.
      • Plans for a £65m entertainment arena in Leeds have been put forward by a London-based developer.
      • The latest proposals were put forward by the county council as part of its general programme to improve the safety of home-to-school walking routes.
      • The suggestion of a Pedestrian Crossing was put forward as one possible solution.
      • No concrete proposals were put forward at the meeting, a spokesperson said.
      • Alternative suggestions for the future of threatened Borthwick Wharf have been put forward.
      • A Private Members' Bill will be put forward in Parliament on January 7, which Geraldine says she will support.
      • A package of proposals will be put forward for public debate in the normal way, once we have reached our final conclusions.
      propose, offer, advance, submit, present, tender, move, introduce, proffer, set forth, table
  • put in

    • with direct speechInterrupt in a conversation or discussion.


      “But you're a sybarite, Roger,” put in Isobel


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘I've got a bit of a cold,’ she put in, wiping her nose.
      • ‘Yes,’ put in Amanda, ‘the Bible says it's good to have a merry heart.’
      • ‘Hey, I'm paying my half of the rent,’ he put in.
      • ‘Besides,’ put in Doris, ‘we have a number of nieces your age.’
  • put someone in

    • 1Appoint someone to fulfill a particular role or job.


      he was put in to rescue the company by the stockbrokers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If the voters put him in, they deserve everything they get.
      • This Government needs to remember that the grey voters put them in, and the grey vote can remove them.
      1. 1.1(in team sports) send a player out to participate into a game.
  • put someone off

    • 1Cancel or postpone an appointment with someone.


      he'd put off Martin until nine o'clock


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I kept putting her off, telling her it was too soon and if we bought it too early it would go off.
      • But a lunch date with Marco beckoned, so reluctantly, we agreed to put Dali off until our next trip to the capital.
      • He apologised for putting me off so long but asked if I could come over to Manchester the next day.
      • Maybe I can keep on putting them off until things are all right.
      • Marcos didn't want to put us off yet again and arranged a slot especially.
      • The mother puts him off: until the harvest, until the threshing of the corn, until the baking of the bread.
      • My wife had been pestering me to take her shopping for the boys' presents, and I had been putting her off.
      • Suddenly amazed at their own good fortune, the Cardinals made overtures to retain Keane, but he put them off until after the World Series.
      • I was to go back to them but they kept putting me off although I rang them three or four times a week for 12 weeks.
    • 2Cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasm.


      she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of night shifts put her off


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am very disappointed at their decision but it won't put me off painting.
      • Transplant teams say more donors are desperately needed - and they urge people not to let distrust of the medical profession put them off giving others the chance of life.
      • A mess on the rocks is sure to put you off your cream tea until a couple of tides have cleaned it up.
      • This intimidated me a bit, and put me off talking to her.
      • The high cost of insurance would probably put me off buying one.
      • If none of these factors puts you off, you may be interested to know that this book is full of dramatic moments, insights, and images that grip, enlighten, and linger in the memory.
      • It's his duty to encourage our interest in politics and not put us off it.
      • Last year there were reports he was buying a luxury home in Brigg, north Lincolnshire, but it is thought the press interest put him off.
      • Yet, while I find myself disappointed, it was not disappointing enough to put me off of the movie in general.
      • The unpleasantness which followed put her off writing biographies, until she hit on the idea of doing MacGowan's.
      deter, discourage, dishearten, demoralize, dissuade, daunt, unnerve, intimidate, scare off
      1. 2.1Cause someone to feel dislike or distrust.
        she had a coldness that just put me off


        Example sentencesExamples
        • If you know somebody will repeat everything you say over the dinner table to a gossip columnist it will probably put you off the person.
        • His whole attitude put me off.
        • It must have been my icy coldness towards him that put him off.
        • His sly schoolboy demeanor puts me off.
        • What really put me off him was the increasingly creepy tenor of the relationship between him and his fans.
    • 3Distract someone.


      you're just trying to put me off my game


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But the rain delay did not put her off her game as she quickly claimed the next three points to take the first break of the match.
      • Far from putting him off, these are the kind of circumstances in which Smith thrives.
      • I don't want to hear your conversations, you're putting me off.
      • I tried to stare at him to inform him that he was putting me off, but he just gave me a friendly and encouraging smile.
      • I think he was put off by the comments.
      • She couldn't answer any questions because my ears were so red it was putting her off.
      • Some golfers complain about the noise from the nearby M77, but if that is really putting you off your game then you have already lost concentration.
      • The referee awarded a penalty, which was hotly contested by Bryansford, but Gavin Murdock wasn't put off and blasted to the net.
      • He's just one of those guys that nothing really puts him off.
      • In 2003 I lost my world title because I was put off by the times the other riders were doing, so today was all about thinking about my own ride.
      distract, put someone off their stroke, disturb someone's concentration, cause someone to lose their concentration, divert someone's attention, sidetrack
  • put something off


    • Postpone something.


      they can't put off a decision much longer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Decisions about replacing cages will be put off until 2009.
      • But a decision was put off for a further four weeks while design issues are resolved.
      • In the last three months, 14 operations were put off because instruments, including scalpels and forceps, were found to be dirty or the protective wrapping was damaged.
      • If your older child is approaching any major milestones, like potty training or moving from a crib to a bed, you may want to put them off until after the baby has been at home for some time.
      • What was said to me was that the decision has been put off until Tuesday.
      • I kept putting the decision off, until my friend persuaded me to tell the baby's father.
      • The proposal, with five others, was considered by Southend's cabinet yesterday but a decision was put off because of an undisclosed technical matter.
      • Maintenance schemes costing more than £700,000 to improve the condition of York council homes have been put off - because of a funding shortfall.
      • The wish to put things off or to delay them is human, but counterproductive.
      • Their questions were put off until after the public address.
      postpone, defer, delay, put off, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, table
      postpone, defer, delay, put back, adjourn, hold over, reschedule, shelve, table
  • put someone on

    • Deceive or hoax someone.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Of the questions posed above, the only one I can answer definitively is whether Saunders is making this stuff up; she is not putting us on.
      • Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it
      • In person he is gentle and friendly, and wouldn't think of putting you on.
      • Oh, come on, you know I was only putting you on.
      • It's entirely clear from the context and the over-the-top quality of the leaked chapter that he is putting us on.
  • put something on


    • 1Place a garment, glasses, or jewelry on part of one's body.


      Julie had put on a cotton dress


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He just helped her put on her shoes.
      • The teacher turned around, putting his glasses on.
      • Katrina took her shower and put on her clothes in less than 10 minutes.
      • I finished putting my makeup on, and took a necklace from my jewellery box and put it on.
      • I pull my coat out of my locker put it on and throw my books in.
      • Anyhow, I have to put some clothes on to head off to work.
      • I still wish I could have been there when she put her dress on.
      • I tried to blend in, putting my hooded black sweatshirt on, and walking as fast as I could.
      • Next she unzipped the garment bag and casually put the dress on, without even looking in the mirror.
      • I put my glasses on and looked at the screen in front of me.
      get dressed in, dress in, don, clothe oneself in, pull on, climb into, fling on, throw on, pour oneself into, slip into, change into, rig oneself out in
      1. 1.1Attach or apply something.
        she put on fresh makeup


    • 2Cause a device to operate.


      shall I put the light on?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • What did I do with conversation lulls before I could say ‘Shall I put the kettle on?’
      • She said: ‘If there is someone you trust you should be able to give them a key and ask them to put the lights on at night.’
      • It's got to the point where even if I put the bathroom light on they scream abuse at me.
      • My heart sinks as I reach over to put the light on.
      • I made a cup of tea and put the iron on.
      • An unmarked police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on.
      • He put a hand on it and found the switch, and put the light on.
      • Without putting the hall light on, I went to the door and found two lollipops, one broken, under my lounge window, and the other one still wrapped, by the front door.
      • He was woken by an intruder putting the lights on downstairs.
      • We now have to put lights on almost as soon as we get home from work as dusk descends.
      switch on, turn on, flick on, power up
      1. 2.1Start cooking something.
        she was moaning that he hadn't put the dinner on


        Example sentencesExamples
        • It can be controlled over a mobile phone, so you can put the dinner on as you leave for home.
        • I get home and put supper on.
        • What say you and I put some dinner on, Rachel?
        • I think he'd put the dinner on and then slipped and the ladders had fallen on him.
        • He gets home at 6.00 normally and he plays with the kids while I put our tea on.
      2. 2.2Play recorded music or a video.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Thankfully, the restaurant staff put some music on and drew the blinds, hiding us from passing commuters.
        • A thumping bass boomed over the speakers as the DJ put on a techno dance number.
        • We all went and gathered round the gramophone, and when we were settled the record was put on.
        • If I just wanted to listen to your music, I'd put the CD on.
        • He didn't talk much either; we just put some music on and sat in silence.
        • I wake up, shuffle out of bed, put some music on and meander down the small flight of stairs to the second floor of my house.
        • I put this album on, threw open my front door and watched the neighborhood dance party begin.
        • Soon she put the music on and turned up the volume full-blast.
        • While doing chores at home, put some music on and build up a sweat dancing.
        • I had the DJ put on slow music so that couples would dance.
    • 3Organize or present a play, exhibition, or event.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We want the community to be active in organising events and putting future shows on for residents.
      • While the liner was being escorted into the harbor by a tow boat, a fountain display, folk dancing and music shows were put on for the visitors.
      • The opening is to coincide with Oxford Art Week, and an exhibition will be put on.
      • Lots of kids came out and the guy putting on the show was super nice.
      • I have been putting events on for 28 years and have never had any incidents at all.
      • It was so successful that we are thinking of putting it on as an annual event.
      • It makes a difference when an exhibition is put on in lovely surroundings.
      • I hope that training courses are put on to ensure they can continue in viable and financially rewarding employment elsewhere.
      • If the exhibition had been put on in Britain or America the importance of Florence as a factor in the evolution of the Pre-Raphaelite movement would probably have been more thoroughly explored.
      • The performance was put on for year seven and eight pupils at Castle View School.
      organize, stage, mount, present, produce
      1. 3.1Provide a public transportation service.
        so many people wanted to visit this spot that an extra flight had to be put on


        Example sentencesExamples
        • You would think that by now they could figure out to put extra buses on during the festive period.
        • We'll put coaches on to get you there and back.
        • Why can't they put a skeleton service on, at least then we would know where we were.
        • They should have put more trains on.
        provide, lay on, supply, furnish, make available, run
    • 4Increase in body weight; become heavier by a specified amount.


      she's given up her diet and put on 20 lbs


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The fish are still putting weight on and are eating the bulk of the free offerings going in our waters.
      • Six years ago she began to get tired and put weight on around her abdomen.
      • In fact, 90 per cent of dieters put the weight back on later.
      • I've worked way too hard to put the weight back on.
      • But they are then afraid to give up for fear of putting the weight back on.
      • His back is feeling good at the moment, so simply putting the weight back on is not an option.
      • I've put about ten pounds of the weight I lost back on.
      • People who lose pounds on an ordinary diet often put the weight back on once they come off the diet.
      • My eldest daughter is ten, my middle daughter is nearly eight and they both often stand on the scales and see if they have put weight on or not!
      • No matter what I eat - and I do eat a lot - I never put much weight on at all.
      1. 4.1Add a specified amount to (the cost of something)
        the news put 12 cents on the share price


        Example sentencesExamples
        • However, I was disappointed that Mr Brown put a penny on a pint of beer and 4p on a bottle of wine.
        • That's substantially more today than you get by putting an extra penny on income tax.
        • The situation could be resolved by the publishers simply putting a penny on the cost of each paper or magazine to cover delivery to the outlets.
    • 5Assume a particular expression, accent, etc.


      he put on a lugubrious look


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Trying to save face as much as possible, I put a fake smile on and sauntered over to him, planting a quick kiss on his surprised lips.
      • And putting the accent on again, he said, ‘You no crazy at me, you no crazy.’
      • Theresa, with some effort, puts a calm expression on, and gets up.
      • Tina put on her fake sad look.
      • Mark put a fake smile on as Kelly tried to calm down.
      feign, fake, sham, simulate, affect, assume
      1. 5.1Behave deceptively.
        she doesn't feel she has to put on an act


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Was he just putting all of this on to get me to be his girlfriend?
        • Most of us, surely, are suspicious of people who seem to be putting on an act.
        • He's just putting it on, and talking complete rubbish.
        • They assumed that she was just putting it on to evade detention.
        • Both women are too intelligent to put on an act to catch a man.
        pretend, put on an act, play-act, make believe, fake it, go through the motions
    • 6Bet a specified amount of money on.


      he put $1,000 on the horse to win


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I didn't have a clue what I was doing, so I just put 20 dollars on a random horse.
      • My dad put 10p each way on the horse for me that year to keep me quiet I think.
      • I won't be putting any money on him to go on and win the title.
      • If you put 100 pounds on India winning, you could walk way with a cool 100,000 pounds.
      • Obviously I'm not putting any money on them myself, but they are all dead certs.
      bet, gamble, stake, wager, place, lay, risk, chance, hazard
  • put someone on to

    • Draw someone's attention to (someone or something useful, notable, or interesting)


      Pike put me on to the Department's Legal Section


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He's a new hip-hop artist a friend put me on to, and I'll be ever thankful to her.
      • Fortuitously, one of our many and varied listeners emailed me and put me on to this site.
      • Larry put me on to a project that's of interest to me.
      • It was her uncle Darren who put her on to Elvis.
      • He's interested in it, and he might be able to put you on to some similar source material.
      • I put her on to an article I'd found in the paper.
      • ‘I'll put you on to a man who'll convince you,’ said my friend.
      • Maybe I will meet someone who can put me on to a job I would like.
      • I also needed some tennis locations and he put me on to some ones that were perfect.
      • Thanks to Tony for putting me on to this story.
  • put out

    • Be willing to have sexual intercourse.


  • put someone out

    • 1Cause someone trouble or inconvenience.


      would it put you out too much to let her visit you for a couple of hours?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I know it really puts him out if I cancel within 24 hours.
      • Would it really put you out to just let her crash at your place?
      • I don't want to put you out.
      • She acted as if it put her out to ring up my order.
      inconvenience, trouble, bother, impose on, cause inconvenience to, create difficulties for, put someone to any trouble, disoblige
      1. 1.1Upset or annoy someone.
        he was not put out by the rebuff


        Example sentencesExamples
        • I got on with it in a businesslike way to show that I wasn't put out.
        • I said I was going to take notes and he looked put out, as if this slowed the process to an unacceptable degree.
        • He looked a tad put out.
        • They seem somehow put out that I am losing weight so easily and so enjoyably.
        • The sport Minister was not put out at having to wait over an hour for the world heavyweight boxing champion to appear at last week's press conference.
        • Jim was most put out - he'd only got about a third of the way through his slides.
        annoy, anger, irritate, offend, affront, displease, exasperate, infuriate, provoke, irk, vex, pique, nettle, gall, upset
    • 2(in sports) defeat a player or team and so cause them to be out of a competition.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was a wonderful goal, acknowledged as the best of the tournament, but it didn't stop Holland from putting us out of the competition.
      • They put Bradford City out in the first round.
      • She scored twice for Victoria to put School Green out of the cup.
      • He scored the goal that put Italy out of the World Cup.
      • The pattern of scoring had been uncannily close to that in the defeat that put England out of the last European Championship.
    • 3Make someone unconscious by means of drugs or an anesthetic.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My niece just had surgery at the hospital and they had to put her out.
      • They'll put you out and in about five minutes, the surgery will be over.
      • Just put me out, Doc, and wake me when it's over.
      • Finally Dr. Raymond came and gave her an injection that put her out until the following morning.
      • I had to hold her down while the doctor tried to put her out with the anaesthetic.
  • put something out


    • 1Extinguish something that is burning.


      firefighters from Georgetown put out the blaze


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It took firefighters 30 minutes to put the fire out.
      • Using a hand held fire extinguisher, they put out the fire in six minutes.
      • As a smoker I always ask if the people near me mind me smoking and if they say yes then I move away from them or put out my cigarette.
      • It took fire crews around two hours to put out the blaze, which caused extensive damage to the maisonette.
      • Firefighters battled for more than three hours to put out a blaze in a Horwich cotton mill early on Wednesday.
      • He looked up at me and grinned, putting out his cigarette on the arm of the bench.
      • The freeway remained closed for two hours while crews put out assorted grass fires.
      • Firefighters who were called to put out the blaze said the fire started in the front passenger seat of the car.
      • After firefighters put out the flames they made a standard check of the vehicle and made the grim discovery.
      • My teacher ran over with the fire extinguisher and put the fire out.
      extinguish, quench, douse, stamp out, smother, beat out
      1. 1.1Turn off a light.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • It was late enough now that all the lights had been put out inside the Ellis home when the three of them arrived.
        • The torch fell down putting out the light with a hiss.
        • My son puts the lights out after his bedtime story.
        • Inside, the house was quiet and the lights had been put out.
        • Sebastian puts the lights out and lights a candle.
        • We will not continue shopping while the manager puts the lights out.
        • No outside lights will be allowed and all street lighting will be put out.
        turn off, switch off, stop, stop working, shut off, shut down, cut, cut out, deactivate
    • 2Lay something out ready for use.


      she put out glasses and paper napkins


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She puts out coffee and cookies every Saturday during the month of December.
      • When I was a child, my mother would light incense and put the cakes out under the moonlight.
      • The boat slows down and the crew starting putting out the spread.
      • The Salvation Army puts out it's kettles and collects money which is used to help needy people all year long.
      • The couple was just putting out the silverware when a knock was heard on the door.
      • If your family puts out a spread, choose those dishes that are lower in fat and calories.
    • 3Issue or broadcast something.


      a limited-edition single was put out to promote the album


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Every year the United Nations puts out a report on the status of the world.
      • He also wants to put out a leaflet warning people about what is happening.
      • They put out a small press release with little detail saying an inquiry was underway.
      • He spoke with a couple of New York publishers about putting it out, he says, but in the end decided to print it himself.
      • Our local organization is great, puts out a great newsletter, and deals well with the local, very difficult politics.
      • Although a press release was put out, letters were not sent to electors.
      • The children have been left traumatised by the incident and we are putting a warning out to the public.
      • The crime prevention message is put out as soon as the students set foot on campus as part of the induction process.
      • We can't put out misleading information.
      • The organization puts out annual employment counts and wages by industry, occupation, and state.
      issue, publish, release, bring out, broadcast, circulate, make known, make public, publicize, post
    • 4Dislocate a joint.


      she fell off her horse and put her shoulder out


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His shoulder was put out again, in the second match against Morocco.
      • He went carp fishing and put his shoulder out while reeling in a 26-pounder.
      • He fell off a slide, putting his shoulder out.
      • When he hits the ball, he swings his arms so hard that on Saturday he put a shoulder out.
      • If I put my shoulder out again he would soon mend it!
      put out of joint, put out of place, displace, disjoint, disconnect, disengage
    • 5(of a company) allocate work to a contractor or freelancer to be done off the premises.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The company he worked for decided to close down the lorry maintenance department and put the work out to contractors.
      • Within a small authority the work will need to be undertaken ‘in house’ as resources would not be available to put the work out to private consultants.
      • I decided to put the job out to a contractor.
    • 6(of an engine or motor) produce a particular amount of power.


      the new motor is expected to put out about 250 h.p


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The 2.5-liter engine puts out 300 horsepower.
      • The engine puts out a respectable 210-hp.
      • The engine puts out 140 hp and performs very well mated to a VTi automatic transaxle.
      • The electric motor puts out 65kW with a top speed of 60 mph.
      produce, make, manufacture, fabricate, assemble, put together, process, bring out, put out, churn out
  • put something over


    • 1Communicate something effectively.


      we wanted to put over the idea that the developers are interested in talking to the community
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Speaking in Leeds, he said: ‘A general feeling has been put over that I am opposed to vaccination.’
      • now I'm here I shall put my point over.
      • It's a very different voice and they are putting it over in a very different way but the principle remains the same.
      • I thought he put his argument over very well.
      • I am willing to put my point over and can do so in a coherent, understandable manner.
    • 2Postpone something.


      let's put the case over for a few weeks


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He'll put it over until the next meeting and we'll talk it through some more.
      • More worrisome still was his answer when the Weekly asked how much of the present problem would be put over to future years.
      • However, his sentencing was put over to Thursday for the completion of an extensive pre-sentence report.
      • Dawson reserved her decision and the case was put over.
  • put someone through

    • 1Connect someone by telephone to another person or place.


      put me through to the mayor, please


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He immediately rang the council and was put him through to Shelley's mobile, which was switched off at the time.
      • The switchboard should be able to put you through to Revenue's Voluntary Disclosure office.
      • Astonishingly, the telephonist did not ask who was calling and simply put us through to the head of regional targets.
      • First, you are put through to the telephone operator, who asks you which of the emergency services you require.
      • She puts me through to customer service.
      • Each time we were put through to a main operator service which was prompt, helpful and friendly.
      • On each of our three calls, we were greeted with a recorded message apologising for the delay in putting us through.
      • In the good old days the council switchboard put you through to the relevant department.
      • A quick call to the Greenwich borough switchboard as I turned into Wellington Gardens, and I was put through to the police station.
      • The user will then press a single button to put them through to an operator who can connect them with the number they want to dial.
    • 2Subject someone to an unpleasant or demanding experience.


      I hate Brian for what he put me through


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This series takes modern recruits and puts them through training exercises based on those their counterparts experienced sixty years ago.
      • He was put through a series of demanding fitness tests including press-ups, pull-ups and running.
      • But I have never experienced anything like the havoc they are putting us through.
      • She would be prepared to keep her child out of school in September rather than put her through the upset of having to switch schools again.
      • He would have put her through the same hell had they switched positions.
      • It's an awful experience to put someone through.
      • That night, sniffing and sneezing, I agonised over why my own mother would put me through such an experience.
      • She remembered all the suffering he put her through.
      • Nine months ago, he had been put through a similar experience, and knew the emotions that came with such an ordeal.
      • He thanked the crowd for their support after he again put them through a nerve-wracking experience at Wimbledon.
      put through, treat with
    • 3Pay for someone to attend school or college.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His job at Wal-Mart is putting him through college and he makes good money for a kid his age, well above the minimum wage.
      • Tim studied history at the University of Florida, where he joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps, which helped put him through college.
      • They struggled to put me through college and to this day encourage and support me through everything.
      • He arrives at home to find that his family has become poor, because they have mortgaged everything to put him through college.
      • But we've been too busy raising kids and too broke putting them through college to take on any major home improvement projects.
      • After she put him through college, they decided he would work as an accountant; she would stay home with the children.
      • I hope to join the Marines and they will put me through college in return for four years service when my education is finished.
      • Not only did she scrimp and save but, by taking on three jobs, she even managed to put them through college.
      • They put you through college, gave you a place to stay when you were out of work and helped you buy your first home.
      • She helped put me through college, let me live at her house, helped pay my tuition and was always a great friend.
  • put something through


    • Initiate something and see it through to a successful conclusion.


      he put through a reform program to try to save the regime


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The United Nations complains that it will simply run out of money and be short more than $300 million in the first quarter of 2006 if the new budget is not put through.
      • When a partner has been selected, we can start putting the project through.
      • The necessary amendments are put through to take them off the payroll.
  • put someone to

    • Cause (inconvenience or difficulty) to someone.


      I don't want to put you to any trouble


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You have put me to serious inconvenience.
      • They apologised for the trouble we had been put to, which we thought was very nice.
      • ‘I really am terribly sorry for putting you to this inconvenience,’ he apologized, annoyed and frustrated at his own weakness.
      • The police must realise that there are serious users of the net too and that this direction is likely to put us to great inconvenience.
      • It put us to greater inconvenience and expense than taking the day off to shop.
  • put something to


    • 1Submit something to (someone) for consideration or attention.


      we are making a takeover bid and putting an offer to the shareholders


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It consulted a network of international yards before putting its bid to the Ministry of Defense.
      • The officers have been instructed by the Council to talk to the first few authorities considering putting cases to the Government for invitations to take part in private finance initiatives.
      • ‘To have five interested parties is very healthy but it is always very difficult to judge until people start actually putting offers to you,’ said Willis.
      • I shall be putting this question to our MP at the end of April.
      • The Herald is putting questions to candidates standing in the local body elections.
      • Towards the end it was the turn of the public to put their questions to him.
      • Later I started putting the same question to audiences across the country.
      • Detailed questions were put to 200 farmers across the South West region relating to their businesses and personal development.
      • Just a few weeks ago, this question was put to more than 3,000 Americans: ‘Can you tell me the name of the current secretary of defense.’.
      • Members of the public will not be allowed to speak at the extraordinary meeting next Monday but are able to put questions to the council, which had to be submitted by February 16.
      submit, present, tender, offer, proffer, advance, suggest, propose
    • 2Devote something to (a particular use or purpose)


      they put the land to productive use


      Example sentencesExamples
      • By ‘overuse’ one may assume he means that some land might be put to more intensive use than warranted economically.
      • Families were broken up and the landscape of Britain changed - politically but also physically when the pits closed and the land was put to other uses.
      • Mr Morris said: ‘Rather than leaving it as unused land we want to put it to good use.’
      • He was really delighted to receive the cheque, assuring everyone that the money would be put to very good use.
      • The decision to turn the site into a lavender farm and distillery is likely to be welcomed by locals who have long fought to ensure the land is put to good use.
      • I'm trying to put the time to good purpose by working.
      • This is a much better use than the building has been put to for some time.
      • ‘Like the gun industry, their exceptional product can be put to bad purposes,’ he says.
      • The purposes that technology can be put to can be good or bad.
      • Many of the new concession holders had no intention of putting the land to productive use and speculation and corruption became rampant.
  • put something together


    • 1Make something by assembling different parts or people.


      he can take a clock apart and put it back together again


      they decided to put a new band together


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The auto carriers are put together and taken apart while passengers are aboard their section of the train.
      • It was interesting to take other peoples' songs apart, see how they were put together and arranged.
      • The machines are put together largely from non-aircraft components.
      • Purchasers had been entitled to assume that their homes would be put together in the traditional way using tried and tested materials such as solid house-bricks.
      • Valentine displays have been put together by staff with a sense of romance.
      • From when I was very small, I was always interested seeing how various things are put together.
      • After the bars are cut, Thurston replaces the tubing with a fresh piece and puts the car back together.
      • Needing to take the music out on to the road, a new band was put together.
      • I have always been fascinated by how things are put together whether it is wirelesses or motor cars.
      • It can be put together on an assembly line, like an automobile.
      • The costumes were put together by Dee Armstrong.
      assemble, compile, make up, collate, compose, marshal, organize, arrange, sort out, systematize, systemize, anthologize
      1. 1.1Assemble things or people to make something.
        a carpenter puts together shaped pieces of wood to make a table


        Example sentencesExamples
        • There is something naturally fresh, exciting, and interesting in putting pieces together and making them work.
        • I was more interested in putting the pieces together than I was in looking at the picture once I'd finished.
        • He made his way to the very top of the tower and put together his sniper rifle, putting its pieces together silently.
        • The findings of all 12 schools will be put together in a final book format and all schools will meet in the Teacher's Centre on Friday.
        • The various pre-prepared components are put together in a thoroughly routine manner.
        • The antique timepieces include a perpetual calendar whose 12,000 parts have been put together with timeless ingenuity.
        • They are at pains to point out that they were not put together in the manner of a standard boy-band.
        • It was interesting to note that he didn't put the pieces together particularly well.
        • If you don't have enough carpenters to put the wood together, the house won't go up, no matter how much wood you have.
        • With the inspiration and guidance from the curator and director of the museum, the 32 components were put together.
  • put someone under

    • Make someone unconscious by means of drugs or an anesthetic.


      Sam had tucked him into bed hours before when the sedatives had finally put him under
  • put up

    • 1Offer or show (a particular degree of resistance, effort, or skill) in a fight or competitive situation.


      he put up a brave fight


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The girls started well and despite putting up a brave battle lost out to the stronger side.
      • But the break did not help her as she lost the set and the match without even putting up a fight.
      • Still, they have a long way to go, even if they were clearly putting up a fight.
      • There are those who still blame McConnell for not putting up a bigger fight.
      • Others say they are willing to put up a fight in an effort to stay in Moss Side.
      • She put up a struggle which resulted in her head being struck against a wall and the suspect fled.
      • Congratulations to the team for getting so far and for putting up a good fight!
      • We will back whatever resistance is put up by the administration.
      • The spokesman said that to his knowledge no resistance had been put up to the show of strength and no casualties had resulted.
      • He's going to resist and resent and put a fight up.
      • I would be surprised if much resistance is put up.
    • 2Stay temporarily in lodgings other than one's own home.


      we put up at a hotel in the city center


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We put up in a hotel full of flies.
      • We put up in a little hotel, three or four of us in a bed, four or five of us on the floor.
      • You cruise through Pensacola and put up in a motel in Marianna
  • put someone up

    • 1Accommodate someone temporarily.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Two hotels were so touched by the men's efforts for charity, that they put them up for nothing.
      • We put them up in a shared house and pay for their petrol.
      • In fact four different people offered to put me up until I found a house, which bearing in mind they hardly knew me, was nice. Bert is from Texas and continually makes references to the Cattleman's Club and the Oil Baron's Ball.
      • The RAF took care of our billeting and put us up with local British residents.
      • She asked us where we were staying, and when she heard that we were in a hotel, she said that was a total waste of money, and put us up in her house for three weeks.
      • The best part is they will put us up at someone's house and take us out every night in Rome.
      • The Health Board put her up in a house with the children and that same night she moved a man into the house.
      • He gladly chose to stay where he was and he was put up in a boarding house.
      • Presenting himself at Liberty Hall with no money or home, he is put up in a safe house by the union.
      • He has been either been sleeping rough or staying at friends' houses when they are able to put him up.
      give accommodation to, provide with accommodation, accommodate, house, take in, give a roof to, give a bed to, lodge, quarter, billet
    • 2Propose someone for election or adoption.


      they should have put themselves up for election
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We were voting for captains today, and I really hoped people would put me up as a candidate.
      • To hush up the secret in her married mother's middle-class family, she was put up for adoption.
      • His mother put him up for adoption, never telling him who his father was.
      • They asked him to use his influence to stop the party putting up candidates against them.
      • Ten years ago, at the age of 6, I was put up for adoption.
      • They loved the baby, but felt too young to take care of her and decided to put her up for adoption.
      • My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.
      • His parents never married, and he had been put up for adoption.
      • You know that she never wanted to put me up for adoption.
      • Maybe all parties should give candidates a mental health screening before putting them up for nomination?
      nominate, propose, put forward, recommend
  • put something up


    • 1Construct or erect something.


      I put up the tent and cooked a meal


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Protesters block the path in North Road, Kew, to prevent the company from putting up a phone mast.
      • The centre will be closing for four days from March 29 to April 2, while temporary buildings are put up on the site.
      • It's unbelievable how quickly they put buildings up.
      • In an exposed garden, it is worth putting up a temporary windbreak to protect the cuttings from drying winds.
      • When there is too little space, a tent is put up in front of people's homes for the guests.
      • According to descriptions of the event at the time, tents for spectators were put up at the side of the road and bonfires were lit for warmth.
      • You have to build the foundations of a house before you think about putting the walls up.
      • The simple solution of putting up a fence at the school solved the problem, and within months had paid for itself.
      • In seaside towns, they are putting up boards along the seafront, ready for the big waves.
      • The report said poor quality buildings were put up in the 1960s and 1970s, and there are even older temporary buildings.
      build, construct, erect, raise, set up
    • 2Raise one's hand to signal that one wishes to answer or ask a question.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We watched him putting his hand up to ask a question during a lecture.
      • She told him to put his hand up when he had a question.
      • Perhaps we could put the lights up and if there's a question that you have, put your hand up.
      • In class, he put his hand up so often and got the wrong answer so frequently that his teachers told him to shut up.
      • I then had history where I put my hand up 12 times and answered correctly.
    • 3Display a notice, sign, or poster.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There is no way that the Palace Theatre and Opera House have been involved in putting up fly-posters.
      • They then hope to put up a notice board to educate people about the site's history.
      • They will also be busy putting up posters and canvassing support around the school at break and lunch times.
      • Your dad has been around town putting up posters with your picture on.
      • Joe is at the General Store putting up a sign advertising himself as a handyman.
      • Since Jamie's death up to three ‘deep water’ signs had been put up.
      • I have spent much of today helping put up posters.
      • The pub was putting up notices telling people to stay away if they intend to smoke.
      • Companies should apply for the proper permissions before putting signs up.
      • ‘Mind Your Head’ signs were put up all over the hotel to prevent any accidents.
      display, pin up, stick up, hang up, nail up, post
      1. 3.1Present a proposal, theory, or argument for discussion or consideration.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • That argument is really, really stupid, but it is put up almost every time by people in favour of somehow lowering that top tax rate.
        • It is of no comfort to them whatsoever to argue for an entrenchment clause, and I am ashamed to think that a lawyer would put it up as a proposal.
        • That was attacked as being a step that would weaken the union and the same argument has been put up again.
        • I weighed that amendment up very seriously, because I fully believe that the doctor would not have put it up without serious consideration.
        • Sometimes arguments are put up which courts do not deal with because they do not have to deal with it.
        • I can't think of any occasion when this argument was put up before.
        • I remember, when I put the proposal up to Cabinet, that there were all sorts of comments about how it would be a waste of money, and all that type of thing.
        • Commanding officers' recommendations are put up to the brigade commander, who receives such recommendations from many of the battalions.
        • It is just possible to put some recommendations up.
        propose, put forward, present, submit, recommend, suggest, tender
    • 4Increase the cost of something.


      I'm afraid I've got to put your rent up


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We review our prices each August and if fuel continues to increase we will inevitably have to put our prices up.
      • Of course, you can't entirely blame the small business people who are putting prices up because their suppliers have told them they'll be passing on the full ten percent.
      • The travel industry comes in for stick for putting up prices during school holidays.
      • First they put the prices up and now they won't be running the buses at all.
      • They have said they are going to be putting up taxes to cover expenses, which they say will make things better.
      • We are not putting our prices up.
      • The claim that we are putting our prices up 25% is nonsense and the message is entirely spurious.
      • Small or large companies do not have the luxury of putting up their prices as councils can put up the council tax to cover costs.
      • I would have to put the rent up by about £200 a month to cover the mortgage payments.
      • Landlords of rented houses will simply put the rents up to cover the cost, but how are the rest of us supposed to raise the extra money?
      increase, raise, lift
    • 5Provide money as backing for an enterprise.


      the sponsors are putting up $5,000 for the event


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I wish they'd put the money up to secure the loose nuclear materials in Russia.
      • What came through, as well as putting his money up for the club, was how enthusiastic he was.
      • On Friday he was told North Ayrshire would not be putting up the cash, and he is still waiting to hear from the others.
      • It is a great idea to put this money up, but the question is - can anyone match it?
      • My message to the Minister for Education and to the Government will be this - ‘if you believe in it, put the money up and let's get on with it’.
      • We believe they did have the knowledge at the time, but they would not put the money up for testing.
      • She tried to buy the film from the BBC, which had put the money up.
      • The Government has shown willing by putting up more than half the cost of the Malton and Norton scheme.
      • I really wouldn't want to divulge figures, as that might be impolite to the folks who are putting the money up.
      • A London-based private equity group is putting the money up and is backing the management buyout.
      provide, supply, furnish, give, come up with, contribute, donate, pledge, pay, advance
    • 6Offer something for sale or auction.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • An exact replica of the painting was put up for sale six months ago by Christie's for around £1million.
      • Within the last month, the land has been put up for sale.
      • It's been more than a year now since the club was put up for sale.
      • The sites were put up for sale after Carlow Town Council decided to sell them to improve the town centre as part of their Local Area Plan.
      • He had been informed that the remaining sites might be put up for auction.
      • However, this plan was shelved when the centre was put up for sale in December.
      • Even with a torn spine and a small section of the cover missing, the pamphlet is expected to sell for around £700 when it is put up for auction at Christie's, London.
      • But a record number of Scotland's sporting estates have been put up for sale this year as their owners cash in on soaring prices.
      • Now one of the most coveted trophies in the horse-racing world, dating back to the 18th century, will be unveiled again when it is put up for auction this month.
      • These days when a farm is put up for sale it is more likely to be snapped up by a wealthy city worker looking for a weekend retreat than taken on by a new farmer.
    • 7Return a sword to its sheath.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He grew calm and put up his sword in its place.
      • He put up his sword in silence.
      • Put up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.
      • Put up your swords; you know not what you do.
  • put upon

    • Take advantage of (someone) by exploiting their good nature.


      a put-upon drudge who slaved for her employer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She was always being put upon, always being ripped off.
      • They want to punish someone to show all the world they will not be put upon.
      • Divorce often results when a partner has had enough of being put upon and taken for granted.
      • They have been put upon and shoved and pushed and rooted out of any legitimate role in that society, and it is a huge human tragedy.
      • We will never allow our players to be put upon like that again.
      • The critics, pretty much to a person, condemned the art, and were certain they were being put upon.
      • I think it's very important that people should be aware that you have the access to legal help if you're being put upon by a landlord or he's ripping you off.
      • Chances are the older the woman is, the more she has lost hope, suffered failure in relationships and marriages and is put upon by life.
      • But that community knows that it is being put upon by this so-called research levy.
      • A people who know their traditional rights will not let themselves be put upon.
      take advantage of, impose on, take for granted, exploit, use, misuse
  • put someone up to

    • Encourage someone to do (something wrong or unwise)


      Who else would play a trick like that on me? I expect Rose put him up to it


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is not the sort of thing I would expect Junior to do and I can only believe he has been put up to it.
      • Was Franklin only charged with mishandling classified material because a more serious charge would also involve having to charge the guy who put him up to it?
      • We think the media is trying to make it look like we were put up to protesting.
      • He robbed a car of children's Christmas presents because he was terrified of the guy who put him up to it.
      • The informants claimed they were put up to everything by O'Dowd.
      • I don't know why Wade put you up to this, or how much he paid you, but I'm not falling for it.
      • No doubt his unemployed mates had put him up to it.
      • It had to be some sort of dare someone put him up to.
      • She is shaking her head and laughing, and she then stops laughing, and becomes serious, ‘Did my friends put you up to this?’
      • Who was he really and who had put him up to this wind-up?
      persuade to, encourage to, urge to, spur on to, egg on to, incite to, goad to
  • put up with

    • Tolerate; endure.


      I'm too tired to put up with any nonsense


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There would be howls of outrage from the drinks industry but we can put up with that.
      • I have more important things to do than put up with more of her silly mind games.
      • She was prepared to put up with almost anything in order not to have to face up to her past.
      • We wish to object to the disgusting sight we have to put up with whenever we look out of our window.
      • He is apparently quite passive, and puts up with all this verbal aggression from his wife.
      • I've been putting up with the problem for a long time now.
      • What they will not put up with, however, is a lack of control over other people.
      • Luckily, she's about as understanding as they come, and puts up with most of my antics.
      • I can certainly appreciate what the miners had to put up with just to earn a crust.
      • Three hours is a long time in the cinema, longer than most audiences are prepared to put up with.
      tolerate, take, stand, stand for, accept, stomach, swallow, endure, bear, brook, support, submit to, take something lying down
  • put in at/into

    • (of a ship) enter (a port or harbor).


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Ship put in at what used to be Manila, but there wasn't anything there, just green, wild islands.
      • When they arrived at Acre, the captain of the vessel, an experienced sailor, refused to put in at the harbor because he did not hear the harbor-bell rung.
      • The boat was able to put in at nearby Wrightsville Beach via the Intracoastal Waterway for emergency repairs, but only just barely.
      • We'll be putting in at Plymouth just long enough for your disembarkation and us to restock our food supply.
      • Moving swiftly on from the contaminated island, Challenger put in at St. Miguel on July 4, 1873, American Independence Day, for some much-needed shore leave.
  • put something in/into


    • 1Present or submit something formally.


      the airport had put in a claim for damages


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am putting in a proposal to the department of health to explore the mechanisms.
      • At present the bids are put in once a year and residents are only consulted on those which are successful.
      • York council chiefs investigating how cash went missing at the authority's finance centre say they will be putting a claim in to their insurers.
      • Mr Wood says the six leading clubs had already got together to look at putting in a bid.
      • Tired of putting in offers for houses but being beaten at the last minute?
      • Bolton will be putting in a bid to the government for extra funding to tackle the towns growing problem.
      • The pair approached Historic Scotland to ask about possible grants before putting in an offer.
      • Compensation claims are there to protect the rights of the individual putting in the claim.
      • The Trust will be putting in a bid for Millard House in the next couple of weeks.
      • One resident would have to put an insurance claim in to get the damage fixed.
      submit, present, make, file, enter, lodge
      1. 1.1Apply formally for.
        Adam put in for six months' leave


        Example sentencesExamples
        • I am putting in for special leave so I can see him.
        • When the job became available I did put in for it.
        • ‘I am looking to develop the land for bungalows and, once those negotiations are concluded, I hope to put in for planning permission,’ he added.
        • Management has conceded the pay rise that workers put in for.
        • We have put in for a number of smaller trust funds but so far none of the other grants have come through.
        • I will be putting in for change of use of my premises and turning it into flats.
        • We kept putting in for planning permission but they kept knocking us back.
        • The City is putting in for a bigger road budget.
        • And, to add insult to injury, our councillors have the nerve to put in for more expenses.
        • I'll have to put in for a car park pass as well.
        apply for, put in an application for, request, seek, ask for, try for
    • 2Devote time or effort to something.


      employed mothers put in the longest hours of all women


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Why don't they instead put the energy into presenting scientific rebuttals against our side?
      • I think it's a reflection of the hard work staff put in at the school.
      • We have had almost 120 training sessions, so a monumental effort has been put in.
      • Mother-daughter arguments are normal at this stage, but it's definitely worth putting some effort into improving the relationship.
      • But even in the face of potential relapse, many exercisers worry that taking a break for health concerns may undo all the hard work they've put in at the gym.
      • People are putting in long hours to make up for poor organisation and planning in the workplace.
      • Joe says that by putting in the hours at the social hall, he feels he is giving something back to the community.
      • Employees frequently put in at least 50 hours a week.
      • Most people do not mind putting in some extra time when there's a crisis or an unexpected rush.
      • We've been putting in a lot of work over a long period of time, it's been a struggle.
      put in, devote, employ
    • 3Invest money or resources in.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Predictably, the best performance was achieved by investors who put their money in property.
      • The company says it is putting in at least $200 million a year for the next five years.
      • In the current economic environment, investors have grown increasingly cautious about putting their money into medical technology companies.
      • Investors typically want to put their money into a business that has the potential for huge profitability.
      • You get the rewards now of all the efforts you have been putting in to your business.
      • If your company can show that it can create value for investors, people will put their money into your business.
      • There is no major rush to put your money into the best investments available.
      • She would regularly work on scripts and help raise funding, even putting in her own money.
      • A special screening of a few songs is vital when it comes to persuading more investors to put their money into the film.
      • The Treasury has given several hundred million pounds in addition to what we are already putting in.


Old English (recorded only in the verbal noun putung), of unknown origin; compare with dialect pote ‘to push, thrust’ (an early sense of the verb put).





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