Loss of p16 gene expression and protein down-regulation have been disclosed in various human gliomas, including oligodendrogliomas.
Touch preparations are recommended for pituitary adenomas, oligodendrogliomas, and lymphomas.
Survivin staining was also found in the nuclei of endothelial cells of blood vessels, including delicate arcuate vessels of oligodendrogliomas and in vessels with microvascular proliferation found in GBMs.
Moreover, the data suggest that p27 down-regulation is an important event in malignant transformation of oligodendrogliomas.
It seems unlikely that p21 immunohistochemistry will be of value for determining clinical outcomes for patients with oligodendrogliomas.
Moreover, the extent of dissemination in GC far exceeds that of an infiltrating glioma and oligodendroglioma.
Small undifferentiated cells with hyperchromatic nuclei were also seen, and in some areas the tumor cells displayed relatively uniform round nuclei resembling those of an oligodendroglioma.
No areas with histologic features of neurocytoma, oligodendroglioma, or other mature neuroectodermal component were identified.
Results.-Of the 12 oligodendrogliomas, 6 of 10 informative cases for 1p exhibited loss of heterozygosity.
In summary, we came to the following conclusions: p18 protein expression is closely associated with highgrade oligodendrogliomas and worse outcome.
In contrast to neurocytomas, oligodendrogliomas do not demonstrate any features of neuronal differentiation, either by immunohistochemistry or electron microscopy.
This is currently being done in a variety of tumors, most notably the subgroup called oligodendroglioma.
In a series of 285 supratentorial anaplastic gliomas in adults, 10 tumors were classified as anaplastic oligodendrogliomas.
The present study, which uses specific PCR analysis of alleles on key chromosomes implicated in the pathogenesis of most oligodendrogliomas, confirms and extends these findings.
Histologically, the cellular pattern of the tumor closely resembles that of the oligodendroglioma.
In 12 reoperated tumors, pathologic examination revealed progression toward an anaplastic oligodendroglioma, whereas the remaining 7 exhibited the same histology found in the primary tumor.
Of the 14 anaplastic oligoastrocytomas, 6 were designated astrocytoma predominant and 2 were oligodendroglioma predominant.
Diagnosed 18 years ago with an oligodendroglioma in the front lobe area behind her forehead, she was given four years to live.
We have excluded tumors within the oligodendroglioma category or tumors that may have oligodendroglial components from our study.
By light microscopy, all 117 tumors examined presented the histopathologic appearance typical for pure oligodendrogliomas.