The old-age pension would rise by R20 to R640 a month.
More than 3,2million South Africans are currently receiving an old-age pension, a disability grant or a child support grant.
We demand that the state guarantee an old-age pension which provides the elderly with a dignified and secure retirement.
Retirement pensions superseded the old-age pension in 1946 for all except those who had no contribution record after 1946.
The Progressive Democrats in Government delivered on their 1997 pledge to increase the old-age pension to €127 a week, according to Ms Harney.
The maximum old-age pension currently available is less than €186 a week.
Besides creating a government old-age pension, it fostered a sense of national unity.
At the moment two-thirds of older people are entirely dependent on the state old-age pension, and unsurprisingly therefore at risk of poverty.
Does the government plan to issue the old-age pension for one month only?
Her platform focuses on unemployment, the old-age pension, and the insecure economic position of single women and widows.
The elderly woman has asked Home Affairs for years to have her birth year corrected from 1945 to 1940, so she can qualify for an old-age pension.
The financing of old-age pensions may be changed from a taxation-financed system to a funded scheme system.
An additional €847m has been allotted to social welfare in 2005, with increases of €12 in the old-age pension and €14 in the dole.
This was swiftly followed by a drastic cut in the old-age pension, and highly conservative social and cultural policies.
And I saw mothers and fathers who said to me not only were they unemployed, they didn't get any kind of income - no old-age pension and no welfare check.
The state grants a small old-age pension, and the Catholic Church runs a senior citizens' home.
He has been forced to do so at this age as the Punjab government has failed to pay him the old-age pension, his only source of livelihood for the past two years.
I have applied for the contributory old-age pension and I may be entitled to a part-pension from social welfare.
Under the new arrangements, the contributory old-age pension will rise to 167.30 per week.
Two weeks after retiring I got a letter from this wonderful government telling me they were taking £5 a week from my old-age pension as I had a company pension.