

单词 alien

Definition of alien in English:


adjective ˈeɪlɪənˈeɪliən
  • 1Belonging to a foreign country.


    an alien culture
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Despite the alien culture, I felt remarkably at home in Nepal, and as I flew over the Himalayas it was with sadness that I glimpsed their silent magnitude for the last time.
    • This is to familiarise the hosts with the latest fads in styling and lifestyles and an alien culture.
    • What is this alien culture that threatens to infect Anglo-Americans?
    • This is blundering on foreign soil in an alien culture which they fail to grasp and arrogantly underestimate and they will ultimately pay the price of their ignorance.
    • On her first visit to India, Justina's creative mind soon got down to depicting her perceptions of a new land and an alien culture.
    • It's easy to see why as it covers familiar territory of a disillusioned white man seeking redemption in his respect and defence of an alien culture.
    • The moment one of the partners is expected to give up their beliefs and to fit in with an alien culture against their will, we no longer have a healthy marriage.
    • You have Americans, working in an alien culture, travelling with armed men and using translators.
    • A Catholic in a Protestant land, many regarded her as a foreign queen with an alien religion.
    • Would it matter if they were from poverty-stricken foreign lands, steeped in other religions and alien cultures?
    • But if anyone in Selby is genuinely concerned about being overwhelmed by alien cultures no one was saying so yesterday.
    • Hitler had ordained the Final Solution for lesser races and alien faiths.
    • So it's not just the children of today who are being wooed and won by alien thinking and cultures, but many of our adults are hopelessly lost.
    • The presentation brought alive the history, art and music of Russia, stimulating interest in alien culture.
    • It's such an alien culture to our own in so many ways that I find it incredibly fascinating.
    • For right-wing politicians, this commodification is associated with an invasive, alien, foreign culture.
    • Reformation and reconstruction of an alien culture are a daunting task.
    • These ‘vagabonds and outcasts’ came with an alien culture and a tendency to upheaval.
    • As cultists, this group also think their god wants them garbed in the clobber of another age and an alien culture.
    • Despite numerous campaigns among players and fans to try and tackle racism, the game is still submerged in a sea of stereotypes about foreigners and alien cultures.
    • How is it that we are dominated by an alien culture and religion, and even alter our laws to accommodate the practices of others?
    foreign, overseas, non-native, external, distant, remote
    1. 1.1 (of a plant or animal species) introduced from another country and later naturalized.
      many food chains are based upon alien plants
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He urged gardeners to avoid the use of exotic plants and not to plant alien flowers out in the wild or along hedgerows.
      • The controversy over trout introductions has come to focus much of the current awareness on the impact of alien species both plant and animal.
      • The invasion of alien tree species has seriously impacted many natural forest ecosystems around the world.
      • It is well known that the introductions of alien species have wreaked havoc on indigenous fauna and flora worldwide.
      • In this context the issue of alien plant and animal species becomes problematic.
      foreign, non-native, tropical
  • 2Unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful.


    principles that are alien to them


    they found the world of further education a little alien
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The geography was utterly alien to Patrick, although his unfamiliarity with the picture could have been attributed to the gaps.
    • Everything in it that she had once seen every day now seemed so foreign and alien, like none of these things had ever belonged to her.
    • In fact, the whole act of writing anything at all feels rather strange and alien to me now.
    • It reminds me that nothing human is alien to the Church.
    • Drug taking is alien to most of us in society, and the photograph did show the stereotypical ‘drug taking’ scene; but is drug taking really so alien to the streets of York?
    • They converse in strange tongues, using words and expressions that are totally alien to me.
    • He insists more than his teacher that we recognize the physical presence of elements that are alien to canvas, yet takes extra care to make that presence ambiguous.
    • And the weather, so unpredictable in Melbourne at this time of the year, was cool, cloudy and therefore even more alien to the Englishman's style.
    • The case was referred to higher authority for instructions, since it was so rare and so unusual and so incomprehensible and in a word, so alien to the Chinese mindset.
    • By forming this non-political movement, the members would not be made strange or alien to power.
    • The article about our town in the tabloid on Sunday week last was negativity through and through, depicting a picture of Dungarvan that certainly is alien to me.
    • These experiences are turned into snapshots of worlds that are normally utterly alien to the West, yet become entirely understandable with Kapuscinski as guide.
    • Their hopes, wishes, fears, and aspirations were not ours; their beliefs, tastes, and customs were alien to us.
    • It really is the case that language is a foreign substance whose alien presence in our soul is both necessary and troubling.
    • Tarkovsky's spirituality is profoundly alien to the west's dualism: it is earthly, earthy, as cool and clear and material as the water his camera spends so long dwelling upon.
    • The ones I saw were being guarded, not by Americans, but by brown-skinned soldiers, men of their own size and race, incongruous in alien boots and uniforms.
    • Perhaps it might seem alien to someone unfamiliar with comics.
    • Does this just feel entirely and completely alien to you?
    • To be fair to O'Driscoll, this role was alien to him and the other team's central defenders were big and strong and took no prisoners.
    • For example, much of what the filmmaker does is unknown or alien to the audience.
    unfamiliar, unknown, unheard of, foreign
    strange, peculiar, odd, bizarre, outlandish
    remote, exotic, novel
    incompatible with, unusual for, opposed to, conflicting with, contrary to, adverse to, in conflict with, at variance with, antagonistic to
    unacceptable to, repugnant to, hostile to, inimical to
    rare oppugnant to
  • 3Supposedly from another world; extraterrestrial.


    alien beings
    an alien spacecraft


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Darryl is convinced that one day they will unearth the alien mothership completely intact.
    • Either the eyewitness saw an alien spacecraft or he's a liar.
    • Years ago I used to drink with a chap, sensible in most respects, who was unwaveringly certain of the existence of advanced alien races.
    • One third accepted lucky numbers and 30 percent felt that some UFOs were alien spacecraft.
    • How does any of us as a human being know how an alien race would think?
    • As stated above, he claims that there is a tunnel on the Moon through which alien spacecraft can pass.
    • The thought of first contact with an alien race only through their artifacts is one that is close to the heart of science fiction.
    • General Arthur Exon plus many others suggest this is most likely the crash site of an alien space craft.
    • He claimed the thing was some type of alien spacecraft.
    • Darryl said he wouldn't be surprised if they also found an alien spacecraft in that cave.
    • The inner workings of alien spacecraft are at last revealed!
    • The energy signature belonged to an alien probe that had detected the warp emissions from the warp drive tests.
    • The fact is, there is no consistent relationship between education and belief that UFOs are alien aircraft.
    • Some believe that the crop designs are messages from alien spacecraft.
    • King's program didn't merely advance the notion that an alien spacecraft crashed at Roswell in 1947.
    • Carr is a hero in the UFO literature, but his stories of flying saucers and alien creatures were all delusions.
    • In other episodes, characters are inhabited by alien consciousnesses, or surgically altered so that they resemble other, alien races.
    • The urge to laugh is almost overwhelming as the enticing conspiracy theory degenerates into ranting about reptiles and an alien race plotting to take over the world.
    • The first public announcements from our new alien overlords were supposed to have already occurred.
    • Imagine that an alien race, one that has never had contact with the human race, discovers the following items.
    extraterrestrial, other-worldly, unearthly
    Martian, Venutian, Jovian
noun ˈeɪlɪənˈeɪliən
  • 1A foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she is living.


    an enemy alien


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There is more grumbling among Americans that illegal aliens should be deported and the borders fully closed.
    • The concession should not be extended to SADC citizens as this would open a loophole for illegal aliens.
    • And so we have another example of the general disregard for laws pertaining to illegal aliens.
    • When people crossed their threshold they felt like aliens or foreigners.
    • So is the Court right or has it been right in drawing a distinction between aliens and citizens?
    • If one cannot identify an actual immigrant from an illegal alien, the record review has to be problematic.
    • It was a way of reaffirming that they are aliens, not citizens.
    • One assumes it's a sincere position against illegal aliens and illegal immigration.
    • The Parliament cannot directly impose punishment on anyone, on aliens or on citizens.
    • One must assume that a significant portion of these are illegal aliens.
    • In almost all cases, U.S. law precluded Japanese aliens from becoming U.S. citizens.
    • It would also make it harder for illegal aliens to seek political asylum.
    • If she hadn't become a citizen then she would have turned into an enemy alien when the United States joined the war.
    • The prohibition is clear and unambiguous, and admits of no distinction between treatment of aliens and citizens.
    • He was already targeting citizens, not only aliens, from the very beginning of his career.
    • I'll be talking with a leading senator who has a plan to legalize millions of illegal aliens in this country.
    • The Scots and the Irish living in Gaelic parts were aliens, and frequently enemies to the crown.
    • Because he's actually not a citizen, but an illegal alien, Valle is now detained in preparation for deportation.
    • That would mean any non-U.S. citizen, even an illegal alien, would be allowed to vote if that person has a child in the public school system.
    • From an economic and legal standpoint illegal aliens have to be stopped.
    foreigner, foreign national, non-native, immigrant, emigrant, émigré, incomer, newcomer, visitor, outsider, stranger
    1. 1.1 A plant or animal species originally introduced from another country and later naturalized.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They caution that the impact of these aliens on other marine life has yet to be established.
      • What makes them aliens is that they have been introduced into sea areas where they would not normally live.
      • Ordinarily, scientists gauge environmental impacts by comparing before-and-after data on species in a region invaded by an alien.
      • These aliens created too much shade for prairie plants that need full sunlight to survive.
      • I am very much aware of the threat posed by invasive aliens, of all kinds, to our indigenous fauna and flora.
      • Invasive aliens, mainly weeping willows, which are the dominant species at the dam, were eradicated.
  • 2A hypothetical or fictional being from another world.


    she discovers that the alien's spaceship has crashed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The kittens are kicking and rolling inside her tummy, they feel like little aliens trying to get out.
    • Go there and see an awe-inspiring picture of one of the original aliens in its spaceship.
    • On an interstellar penal colony, a group of criminal aliens steal a spaceship and chart a course for Earth.
    • The little alien was wrapping itself around him tighter and tighter.
    • The novel follows the journey of a small group of people who leave our solar system to make contact with these newly discovered aliens.
    • I shiver as I pass the clothes boutiques, where assorted mannequins stare out like different species of plastic aliens.
    • Do you have memories of being abducted by aliens and whisked away in a spaceship?
    • Giving the credit to aliens is selling your species short.
    • The best corollary I can find to myself is a fictional television alien!
    • Near that town in New Mexico a spaceship of aliens crashed in 1947, some people say.
    • Their confrontation is disrupted by the arrival of a spaceship filled with various aliens.
    • I'm a feminist science fiction critic who is married to an alien.
    • When it is dug up it emits the piercing scream, signalling its discovery to the aliens.
    • Reading that he thinks aliens in spaceships brought the DNA that humans came from to earth was enough.
    • The little alien waddled past Eric and down the alley.
    • A lot of people believe they've been abducted by aliens in space ships and taken away and then brought back.
    • When the flying saucer craze began in 1947, aliens were described as little green men.
    • How will we explain this to the aliens when they land their spaceship here?
    • Under no circumstances make spaceships, dinosaurs, aliens, monsters or fantasy art characters.
    • In the child's imagination, fuelled by science-fiction, the aliens are about to land.
    extraterrestrial, ET
    Martian, Venutian, Jovian
    informal little green man


  • alienness

  • noun ˈeɪlɪənnɪs
    • I've always been fascinated by the mix of alienness and similarity one finds in the leaders of countries like Iraq - really across what we used to call the Third World.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He created a strong sense of the alienness of the Antarctic environment and the disorientation it produces.
      • My great interest in Anglo-Indian contact in that period was the profound alienness of each group in the eyes of the other.
      • The film asks us to see our own planet as an alien planet, and to look again at the unconquerable alienness of other people, at the enigma of absence and presence, death and life.
      • Haywood stresses the alienness of these characters to the room to which the ‘action’ is confined.


Middle English: via Old French from Latin alienus 'belonging to another', from alius 'other'.

  • The word came via Old French from Latin alienus ‘belonging to another’, from alius ‘other’. It was initially used for foreigners, but since the 1950s has mostly been used for beings from another planet. From the same base is early 16th-century alienate and alienation (Late Middle English). The theatrical phrase alienation effect dates from the 1940s and is a translation of German Verfremdungseffekt.


Australian, bacchanalian, Castalian, Deucalion, episcopalian, Hegelian, madrigalian, mammalian, Pygmalion, Salian, saturnalian, sesquipedalian, tatterdemalion, Thessalian, Westphalian

Definition of alien in US English:


  • 1Belonging to a foreign country or nation.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For right-wing politicians, this commodification is associated with an invasive, alien, foreign culture.
    • These ‘vagabonds and outcasts’ came with an alien culture and a tendency to upheaval.
    • A Catholic in a Protestant land, many regarded her as a foreign queen with an alien religion.
    • It's such an alien culture to our own in so many ways that I find it incredibly fascinating.
    • But if anyone in Selby is genuinely concerned about being overwhelmed by alien cultures no one was saying so yesterday.
    • How is it that we are dominated by an alien culture and religion, and even alter our laws to accommodate the practices of others?
    • What is this alien culture that threatens to infect Anglo-Americans?
    • The moment one of the partners is expected to give up their beliefs and to fit in with an alien culture against their will, we no longer have a healthy marriage.
    • Reformation and reconstruction of an alien culture are a daunting task.
    • The presentation brought alive the history, art and music of Russia, stimulating interest in alien culture.
    • So it's not just the children of today who are being wooed and won by alien thinking and cultures, but many of our adults are hopelessly lost.
    • Hitler had ordained the Final Solution for lesser races and alien faiths.
    • This is to familiarise the hosts with the latest fads in styling and lifestyles and an alien culture.
    • Despite the alien culture, I felt remarkably at home in Nepal, and as I flew over the Himalayas it was with sadness that I glimpsed their silent magnitude for the last time.
    • Despite numerous campaigns among players and fans to try and tackle racism, the game is still submerged in a sea of stereotypes about foreigners and alien cultures.
    • It's easy to see why as it covers familiar territory of a disillusioned white man seeking redemption in his respect and defence of an alien culture.
    • You have Americans, working in an alien culture, travelling with armed men and using translators.
    • On her first visit to India, Justina's creative mind soon got down to depicting her perceptions of a new land and an alien culture.
    • This is blundering on foreign soil in an alien culture which they fail to grasp and arrogantly underestimate and they will ultimately pay the price of their ignorance.
    • As cultists, this group also think their god wants them garbed in the clobber of another age and an alien culture.
    • Would it matter if they were from poverty-stricken foreign lands, steeped in other religions and alien cultures?
    foreign, overseas, non-native, external, distant, remote
    1. 1.1 Unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful.
      bossing anyone around was alien to him
      they found the world of adult education a little alien
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The case was referred to higher authority for instructions, since it was so rare and so unusual and so incomprehensible and in a word, so alien to the Chinese mindset.
      • Everything in it that she had once seen every day now seemed so foreign and alien, like none of these things had ever belonged to her.
      • The ones I saw were being guarded, not by Americans, but by brown-skinned soldiers, men of their own size and race, incongruous in alien boots and uniforms.
      • It really is the case that language is a foreign substance whose alien presence in our soul is both necessary and troubling.
      • Their hopes, wishes, fears, and aspirations were not ours; their beliefs, tastes, and customs were alien to us.
      • Tarkovsky's spirituality is profoundly alien to the west's dualism: it is earthly, earthy, as cool and clear and material as the water his camera spends so long dwelling upon.
      • By forming this non-political movement, the members would not be made strange or alien to power.
      • For example, much of what the filmmaker does is unknown or alien to the audience.
      • These experiences are turned into snapshots of worlds that are normally utterly alien to the West, yet become entirely understandable with Kapuscinski as guide.
      • In fact, the whole act of writing anything at all feels rather strange and alien to me now.
      • To be fair to O'Driscoll, this role was alien to him and the other team's central defenders were big and strong and took no prisoners.
      • He insists more than his teacher that we recognize the physical presence of elements that are alien to canvas, yet takes extra care to make that presence ambiguous.
      • The geography was utterly alien to Patrick, although his unfamiliarity with the picture could have been attributed to the gaps.
      • Perhaps it might seem alien to someone unfamiliar with comics.
      • It reminds me that nothing human is alien to the Church.
      • They converse in strange tongues, using words and expressions that are totally alien to me.
      • The article about our town in the tabloid on Sunday week last was negativity through and through, depicting a picture of Dungarvan that certainly is alien to me.
      • Does this just feel entirely and completely alien to you?
      • Drug taking is alien to most of us in society, and the photograph did show the stereotypical ‘drug taking’ scene; but is drug taking really so alien to the streets of York?
      • And the weather, so unpredictable in Melbourne at this time of the year, was cool, cloudy and therefore even more alien to the Englishman's style.
      unfamiliar, unknown, unheard of, foreign
      incompatible with, unusual for, opposed to, conflicting with, contrary to, adverse to, in conflict with, at variance with, antagonistic to
    2. 1.2attributive Relating to or denoting beings supposedly from other worlds; extraterrestrial.
      an alien spacecraft


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The thought of first contact with an alien race only through their artifacts is one that is close to the heart of science fiction.
      • As stated above, he claims that there is a tunnel on the Moon through which alien spacecraft can pass.
      • How does any of us as a human being know how an alien race would think?
      • In other episodes, characters are inhabited by alien consciousnesses, or surgically altered so that they resemble other, alien races.
      • Some believe that the crop designs are messages from alien spacecraft.
      • King's program didn't merely advance the notion that an alien spacecraft crashed at Roswell in 1947.
      • He claimed the thing was some type of alien spacecraft.
      • Darryl is convinced that one day they will unearth the alien mothership completely intact.
      • The inner workings of alien spacecraft are at last revealed!
      • The energy signature belonged to an alien probe that had detected the warp emissions from the warp drive tests.
      • The first public announcements from our new alien overlords were supposed to have already occurred.
      • The fact is, there is no consistent relationship between education and belief that UFOs are alien aircraft.
      • Darryl said he wouldn't be surprised if they also found an alien spacecraft in that cave.
      • The urge to laugh is almost overwhelming as the enticing conspiracy theory degenerates into ranting about reptiles and an alien race plotting to take over the world.
      • Carr is a hero in the UFO literature, but his stories of flying saucers and alien creatures were all delusions.
      • One third accepted lucky numbers and 30 percent felt that some UFOs were alien spacecraft.
      • Either the eyewitness saw an alien spacecraft or he's a liar.
      • Years ago I used to drink with a chap, sensible in most respects, who was unwaveringly certain of the existence of advanced alien races.
      • General Arthur Exon plus many others suggest this is most likely the crash site of an alien space craft.
      • Imagine that an alien race, one that has never had contact with the human race, discovers the following items.
      extraterrestrial, other-worldly, unearthly
    3. 1.3 (of a plant or animal species) introduced from another country and later naturalized.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The controversy over trout introductions has come to focus much of the current awareness on the impact of alien species both plant and animal.
      • The invasion of alien tree species has seriously impacted many natural forest ecosystems around the world.
      • In this context the issue of alien plant and animal species becomes problematic.
      • It is well known that the introductions of alien species have wreaked havoc on indigenous fauna and flora worldwide.
      • He urged gardeners to avoid the use of exotic plants and not to plant alien flowers out in the wild or along hedgerows.
      foreign, non-native, tropical
  • 1A foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.


    an illegal alien
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It would also make it harder for illegal aliens to seek political asylum.
    • It was a way of reaffirming that they are aliens, not citizens.
    • One assumes it's a sincere position against illegal aliens and illegal immigration.
    • The concession should not be extended to SADC citizens as this would open a loophole for illegal aliens.
    • The prohibition is clear and unambiguous, and admits of no distinction between treatment of aliens and citizens.
    • He was already targeting citizens, not only aliens, from the very beginning of his career.
    • From an economic and legal standpoint illegal aliens have to be stopped.
    • In almost all cases, U.S. law precluded Japanese aliens from becoming U.S. citizens.
    • The Scots and the Irish living in Gaelic parts were aliens, and frequently enemies to the crown.
    • If one cannot identify an actual immigrant from an illegal alien, the record review has to be problematic.
    • The Parliament cannot directly impose punishment on anyone, on aliens or on citizens.
    • There is more grumbling among Americans that illegal aliens should be deported and the borders fully closed.
    • So is the Court right or has it been right in drawing a distinction between aliens and citizens?
    • One must assume that a significant portion of these are illegal aliens.
    • That would mean any non-U.S. citizen, even an illegal alien, would be allowed to vote if that person has a child in the public school system.
    • And so we have another example of the general disregard for laws pertaining to illegal aliens.
    • I'll be talking with a leading senator who has a plan to legalize millions of illegal aliens in this country.
    • Because he's actually not a citizen, but an illegal alien, Valle is now detained in preparation for deportation.
    • If she hadn't become a citizen then she would have turned into an enemy alien when the United States joined the war.
    • When people crossed their threshold they felt like aliens or foreigners.
    foreigner, foreign national, non-native, immigrant, emigrant, émigré, incomer, newcomer, visitor, outsider, stranger
    1. 1.1 A hypothetical or fictional being from another world.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The little alien waddled past Eric and down the alley.
      • Reading that he thinks aliens in spaceships brought the DNA that humans came from to earth was enough.
      • Their confrontation is disrupted by the arrival of a spaceship filled with various aliens.
      • The kittens are kicking and rolling inside her tummy, they feel like little aliens trying to get out.
      • The best corollary I can find to myself is a fictional television alien!
      • Near that town in New Mexico a spaceship of aliens crashed in 1947, some people say.
      • When it is dug up it emits the piercing scream, signalling its discovery to the aliens.
      • Go there and see an awe-inspiring picture of one of the original aliens in its spaceship.
      • The novel follows the journey of a small group of people who leave our solar system to make contact with these newly discovered aliens.
      • When the flying saucer craze began in 1947, aliens were described as little green men.
      • On an interstellar penal colony, a group of criminal aliens steal a spaceship and chart a course for Earth.
      • Giving the credit to aliens is selling your species short.
      • I shiver as I pass the clothes boutiques, where assorted mannequins stare out like different species of plastic aliens.
      • In the child's imagination, fuelled by science-fiction, the aliens are about to land.
      • I'm a feminist science fiction critic who is married to an alien.
      • The little alien was wrapping itself around him tighter and tighter.
      • A lot of people believe they've been abducted by aliens in space ships and taken away and then brought back.
      • Do you have memories of being abducted by aliens and whisked away in a spaceship?
      • Under no circumstances make spaceships, dinosaurs, aliens, monsters or fantasy art characters.
      • How will we explain this to the aliens when they land their spaceship here?
      extraterrestrial, et
    2. 1.2 A plant or animal species originally introduced from another country and later naturalized.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Invasive aliens, mainly weeping willows, which are the dominant species at the dam, were eradicated.
      • They caution that the impact of these aliens on other marine life has yet to be established.
      • What makes them aliens is that they have been introduced into sea areas where they would not normally live.
      • These aliens created too much shade for prairie plants that need full sunlight to survive.
      • I am very much aware of the threat posed by invasive aliens, of all kinds, to our indigenous fauna and flora.
      • Ordinarily, scientists gauge environmental impacts by comparing before-and-after data on species in a region invaded by an alien.


Middle English: via Old French from Latin alienus ‘belonging to another’, from alius ‘other’.





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