

单词 office

Definition of office in English:


noun ˈɒfɪs
  • 1A room, set of rooms, or building used as a place for commercial, professional, or bureaucratic work.


    as modifier an office job
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He was subsequently ordered to leave the building and did not appear in the office on Saturday.
    • Most of the office space that appears on the market in the second half is also in the suburbs of Sofia.
    • She then took an office job to help her get by while she wrote short stories, novels and poems.
    • As difficult as the artist's life is, and as infrequent as the pay checks can sometimes be, I'll take it over the office job any day.
    • The new building will contain administration offices and meeting rooms and will cost approximately 2 million baht.
    • Now she is not too sure if she wants to return to her office job.
    • She hopped into the truck and backed it into the hangar-like room of the office building.
    • Everyone seems to just want an office job, something nice and easy nowadays.
    • He used the office intercom to order coffee and biscuits for five.
    • My father didn't make enough money at his office job so he had to take on a bunch of odd ones throughout the rest of the day.
    • Although the father works as night watchman of an office building, he has no job security.
    • You can go back to work after about six weeks if you have an office job.
    • The concept is that the salespeople identify local doctor's offices and businesses that cater to similar clientele.
    • Now she has totally abandoned her dream of becoming a film star and taken a job as an office clerk.
    • These pesticides are used in schools, churches, business offices, apartment buildings, grocery stores, and homes on a regular basis.
    • The men handle cash crops if there are any, and may have jobs fishing or building, or in offices in the cities.
    • The office building on the site would be refurbished to include business suites, meetings rooms and secretarial services.
    • The oldest engineering company in Colchester is selling off half its office space but jobs won't be lost.
    • Gillian finds it a juggling act fitting her duties around her demanding job an office manager but believes it is worth it.
    • The plan is to retain the office building and sub-divide it into offices for small businesses and meeting rooms.
    • Inside the interior had the appearance of a normal office building, it's employees decked out in simple black suits.
    • They did everything from small remodel jobs to building small office complexes.
    place of business, place of work, workplace, workroom, studio
    1. 1.1 The local centre of a large business.
      a company which has four US and four European offices


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Today both companies are concentrating on the local branch offices of large corporations as their hot sales prospects.
      • Anticipating a proliferation of internal processing people, he hired business managers for each of his four offices.
      • Bosses announced the company was consolidating three offices into a new building on the Turnpike Business Park.
      • It is also winning business from multinationals that often want small local offices but do not want to commit to long term leases.
      • The insurance giant has said it may be expanding operations at its Witham offices bringing more jobs to the town.
      • The Council now had new civic offices in Dungarvan and local offices in Tramore and Lismore as well as the regional roads design office in Tramore.
      • We need to modernise the Post Office - to give it new business so local offices stay open.
      • Xue's office, the biggest among the 22 local offices, has dealt with over 80,000 notarization cases this year.
      • It urged them to contact local offices for expert advice in dealing with the current problems.
      • He said the company had adopted a policy of employing locals to work in the branch offices to help boost local employment levels.
      • Claimants will be forced to use call centres instead of local offices.
      • I've been here ever since to oversee the operations with some of our folks out of our Washington office.
      • You can find out details of your local Citizens Advice Bureau by using the website's online directory or by looking up its local offices in your telephone directory.
      • GT Group is a local exchange carrier with offices throughout Canada.
      • Following five successful years in Redcliffe and Bristol, the telemarketing company is opening offices at Greenways Business Park.
      • Forms are available from health boards and citizen information centre offices nationwide.
      • We have 29 offices plus the telebetting centre.
      • He tells her that he just started a new job with Outward Bound, which opened an office in this building.
      • Does the business have regional offices extending out from the headquarters that will require a wide area network to connect them?
      • This is me, on my way to their head office and the call centres so I can do away with the lot of them.
      branch, division, section, bureau, department
    2. 1.2 A room, department, or building used to provide a particular service.
      a ticket office


      a Post Office


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Before Sept.11, consular offices or embassies could issue most visas after a routine check.
      • The decision to close seven sub-post offices in York sparked outrage when the plans were announced last year.
      • In the Reading area six sub-post offices have been closed, with another one under threat.
      • The local tourist offices sell day tickets or contact the Glasgow Angling Centre.
      • The jobs are also passed on to local employment offices where they are either filled or advertised.
      • Though under the command of the Ministry of Justice, notary public offices are social public agencies providing legal services.
      • It has information on flights, ferries, local tourist offices and travelling in France.
      • Contact your local tourist office or Burns Society for events closer to home.
      • He said that existing community care offices in each county would remain and a lot of the services and the people delivering them would remain as they are.
      • At the same time, government officials say the system is becoming easier to manage as schools and consular offices become familiar with the procedures.
      • Free copies are available from the six parks, Hounslow Civic Centre, Tourist Information offices and local libraries.
      • Driving students wait for their tests to be conducted at the Licensing office in San Fernando yesterday.
      • The dole office should provide a form that unemployed people could get stamped to say where they were looking for work.
      • Luthi has served in various positions in Swiss diplomatic and consular offices.
      • Walk with friends or in a group or call your community service offices for an escort.
      • Medical and counseling offices are filled with clergy who attempted self-care renewal by themselves.
      • They not only have the law to answer to, but the Hackney Carriage Licensing Authority and the taxi office from which they work.
      • In the year 2000 the Department of State considered some 10 million visa applications at some 200 consular offices.
      • Why not call your base family advocacy or family services offices.
      • Figures on how many had voted were not available as many Americans would have cast their ballot through their home-state election offices, said the consulate.
    3. 1.3North American The consulting room of a professional person.
      a patient walks in to a doctor's office
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then both went into the deans office to discuss the conduct of her children.
      • It needs to be performed at the dental office under professional supervision.
      • So how many psychiatrist's offices did Franken burglarize last week?
      • In the psychiatrists office I sit by the wall and think about melting a lot.
      • Doctors' offices no longer held hard copy medical files, they were now held on computers.
      • We first met at his attorney's office in August.
      • The deans' offices at local schools can point you to nearby assistance.
      • The hall was lined with doors, and he walked down to the end, where the professors' offices were.
      • The little hallway contains many doors, all leading into psychiatrist's offices.
      • We have visited professors' offices one by one, and announced the event in our classes.
      • I spent many hours in professors' offices, tutorials, and reading groups.
      • Last week, five students occupied the principal's office for a week.
      • The wait in the doctor's office was ridiculously long.
      • We walked to the doctor's office in the next building and left the note on his desk.
      • She was slight and the seat felt like an oversized chair that you'd find in a psychiatrists office.
      • For example, in the LEEP environment, students cannot meet for coffee after class or drop into their professors' offices unannounced.
      • They had pledged to show up at the prosecutor's office on Thursday.
  • 2A position of authority or service, typically one of a public nature.


    the office of chief constable
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Traditionally, when a man holds a religious office, or becomes a grandfather, he grows a beard.
    • For the first time in the history of Zambia's politics, we have seen more women appointed in top Government positions and executive offices in statutory bodies and parastatals.
    • Four colonies had established churches but did not exclude clergy from political office.
    • But I have to say that the Office of the Commissioner for Children has not helped.
    • It was transferred as a request out of my office as Acting Prime Minister.
    • The disappointment in the cases may be due to a misconception about the office and authority of the President.
    • I never knew how much the office of "farm wife" entailed until our farm's wife disappeared into the wilds of Italy for two and a half weeks.
    • This bill includes a provision for establishing the office of Chief Coroner.
    • I say this with the authority of my office as president of Sinn Féin.
    • The hierarchy of religious officialdom has its pinnacle in the Vatican and the office of Pope.
    • The only real help here is for bishops to grasp the true nature of their office and live it out.
    • State offices gave them the authority to compel peasants and artisans to surrender the resources of the province.
    • She now holds the office of High Sheriff of Lancashire.
    • Now partly that has to do with the changing nature of the office of the Attorney-General.
    • Essentially, the role of the Office of the President in Ireland is to be one of these checks along with the Judiciary.
    • Before Japan, I would have tried to define the office of a professor in negative terms.
    • She joined the civil service in Dublin in 1980 and was appointed to the office of Public works.
    • How did contemporaries explain the decision to exclude clergy from political office?
    • He has held many offices in professional organizations.
    • He was welcome in the office of the chairman and the studio of the artist and his opinion was valued in both situations.
    post, position, appointment, job, day job, occupation, role, place, situation, station, function, capacity
    1. 2.1mass noun Tenure of an official position, especially that of a Minister of State or of the party forming the government.
      a year ago, when the President took office


      he was ejected from office in 1988


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When the Conservative party returned to office in 1951 it accepted many of them.
      • This wave of resistance swept social democratic parties back into office throughout Europe.
      • We should not be passing laws that are simply aimed at trying to give the Labour Party another term in office.
      • They did so as a shock election result in Spain removed from office the Tory Popular Party of Aznar.
      • This was the first trip abroad of the new prime minister since he took office in the summer.
      • The thrust of the question was to see whether there had been any precedent before this Government took office.
      • The first Labour government took office in January amid high hopes from its supporters.
      • Almost the first act of the Tory council that took office in May was to stop the rebuilding of Barnet football ground.
      • In the British political system a prime minister holds office so long as he or she maintains the confidence of his or her own MPs and cabinet.
      • He asked what was the total growth in Government revenue since the Labour Party came to office.
      • When this Government took office in 1999 we made a promise to run the economy in a responsible way.
      • Their strategy is to tough it out over the next couple of years and hope the Labour Party wins office at the next election.
      • The Democrat started his second term of office with the Republican Party having a majority in both houses.
      • Has anyone else noticed that the Prime Minister has gained about 20 pounds since he took office?
      • Some of us have held office in the Labour Party or been Labour candidates.
      • Hope, when the left and social democrat parties were swept to office only a few short years ago, has turned to despair.
      • After an interim administration, the new president took office this past October.
      • In that year, the Conservatives took office in Ontario under Premier Mike Harris.
      • The governments that took office in post-war western Europe faced a series of challenges.
      • British prime ministers lose office either because they lose a general election or because their party removes them.
    2. 2.2 The quarters, staff, or collective authority of a particular government department or agency.
      the Foreign Office


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Laois Youth Theatre is an initiative of the Arts Office, Laois County Council.
      • It is administered by the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market, based in Spain.
      • The director of the Office of Film and Literature Classification is Des Clark.
      • Anyone interested are asked to contact Laois County Council Sports Office in Portlaoise.
      • The data are collated by the Office for National Statistics.
      • He is Institutional Affairs Attaché at the Quebec Government Office in London.
      • She is the Chair of the Review Board of the Office of Film and Literature Classification.
      • Nóirín praised the Arts Office under the leadership of Muireann Ní Chonaill.
      • This was reprinted with kind permission of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
      • The departments of the Executive office are meant to provide the president with speedy and simple responses to questions asked to it.
      • In February 1948 he was appointed to the Films Division of the Central Office of Information.
      • The matter was referred by the Office of Public Works to Waterways Ireland.
      • The Office of Small Business will be transferred to the new Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Resources.
      • The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights evolved from the Office for Free Elections.
      • She is Crown Counsel with the Office of Prosecutions in Tasmania.
      • Colleagues in the Office for National Statistics struck on Tuesday.
      • The performance is promoted by the Arts Office of Laois County Council.
      • At the start of the war in 1939, Eichmann worked in the Office for Jewish Emigration.
      • Last year saw the Office of the Community and Voluntary Sector established.
      • The General Accounting Office will make the final determination in a few weeks.
  • 3usually officesA service done for another or others.

    rescued through the good offices of the Italian Ambassador, he was returned safely to England
    assistance, help, aid, services, intervention, intercession, mediation, intermediation, agency, support, backing, patronage, aegis, auspices, advocacy
    1. 3.1dated A duty attaching to one's position.
      the offices of a nurse


      chore, duty, job, task, obligation, assignment, service, responsibility, charge, commission
      work, employment
  • 4Christian Church
    The series of services of prayers and psalms said (or chanted) daily by Catholic priests, members of religious orders, and other clergy.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Though she loved the Divine Office and appreciated the Chant, she could not sing two notes in tune.
    • It is not a virtue for the monk… to lack time in which to attend the common recitation of the Divine Office, read a certain amount, and mix with his community.
    • When polyphonic motets were intended to replace Gregorian chants in the Mass or Divine Office, they generally reproduce their texts exactly.
    • Latin hymns are sung at the Divine Office, and are assigned to different liturgical occasions, according to time of day, season of the year, or Holy Day.
    • The Divine Office has always been faithfully kept by lay people - not just clergy, monks and nuns-for centuries.
    1. 4.1 A service conducted daily as part of the office.
      the noon office


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His book is designed for up to four daily offices (morning, noon, evening and night).
      • The Prayer Book contained morning and evening offices, and forms for the administration of the sacraments as well as the psalter.
      • Chapters 3 and 4 treat Evening Prayer as a counter to Morning Prayer and the minor offices as occasional rather than daily prayer.
      • The seven daily offices punctuate a way of life regulated by prayer, while the passing of the seasons marks time.
      • A few days after reading this report I opened my Bible to read the lesson for the daily office.
  • 5usually usual officesBritish dated The parts of a house given over to household work or to storage.


    1. 5.1usually usual officeseuphemistic A toilet.


Middle English: via Old French from Latin officium 'performance of a task' (in medieval Latin also 'office, divine service'), based on opus 'work' + facere 'do'.

  • In the Middle Ages office meant a duty that went with someone's position or employment. It goes back ultimately to Latin officium ‘performance of a task’, which in turn comes from the combined elements of opus ‘work’ (source of English opus in the early 19th century and of operation (Late Middle English)) and facere ‘to do’. The sense of ‘a place for business’ is recorded from the later Middle Ages. Someone officious (Late Middle English) was originally obliging or efficient in carrying out their office. The word developed its modern negative sense at the end of the 16th century.

Definition of office in US English:


  • 1A room, set of rooms, or building used as a place for commercial, professional, or bureaucratic work.


    as modifier an office job
    computers first appeared in offices in the late 1970s


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The new building will contain administration offices and meeting rooms and will cost approximately 2 million baht.
    • Now she has totally abandoned her dream of becoming a film star and taken a job as an office clerk.
    • These pesticides are used in schools, churches, business offices, apartment buildings, grocery stores, and homes on a regular basis.
    • Inside the interior had the appearance of a normal office building, it's employees decked out in simple black suits.
    • She then took an office job to help her get by while she wrote short stories, novels and poems.
    • The plan is to retain the office building and sub-divide it into offices for small businesses and meeting rooms.
    • Although the father works as night watchman of an office building, he has no job security.
    • The concept is that the salespeople identify local doctor's offices and businesses that cater to similar clientele.
    • She hopped into the truck and backed it into the hangar-like room of the office building.
    • You can go back to work after about six weeks if you have an office job.
    • My father didn't make enough money at his office job so he had to take on a bunch of odd ones throughout the rest of the day.
    • He used the office intercom to order coffee and biscuits for five.
    • Gillian finds it a juggling act fitting her duties around her demanding job an office manager but believes it is worth it.
    • He was subsequently ordered to leave the building and did not appear in the office on Saturday.
    • They did everything from small remodel jobs to building small office complexes.
    • Most of the office space that appears on the market in the second half is also in the suburbs of Sofia.
    • Now she is not too sure if she wants to return to her office job.
    • As difficult as the artist's life is, and as infrequent as the pay checks can sometimes be, I'll take it over the office job any day.
    • The men handle cash crops if there are any, and may have jobs fishing or building, or in offices in the cities.
    • The oldest engineering company in Colchester is selling off half its office space but jobs won't be lost.
    • Everyone seems to just want an office job, something nice and easy nowadays.
    • The office building on the site would be refurbished to include business suites, meetings rooms and secretarial services.
    place of business, place of work, workplace, workroom, studio
    1. 1.1 The local center of a large business.
      a company that has four U.S. and four European offices


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is me, on my way to their head office and the call centres so I can do away with the lot of them.
      • We have 29 offices plus the telebetting centre.
      • I've been here ever since to oversee the operations with some of our folks out of our Washington office.
      • It is also winning business from multinationals that often want small local offices but do not want to commit to long term leases.
      • Bosses announced the company was consolidating three offices into a new building on the Turnpike Business Park.
      • GT Group is a local exchange carrier with offices throughout Canada.
      • Forms are available from health boards and citizen information centre offices nationwide.
      • We need to modernise the Post Office - to give it new business so local offices stay open.
      • Xue's office, the biggest among the 22 local offices, has dealt with over 80,000 notarization cases this year.
      • Claimants will be forced to use call centres instead of local offices.
      • You can find out details of your local Citizens Advice Bureau by using the website's online directory or by looking up its local offices in your telephone directory.
      • The Council now had new civic offices in Dungarvan and local offices in Tramore and Lismore as well as the regional roads design office in Tramore.
      • He said the company had adopted a policy of employing locals to work in the branch offices to help boost local employment levels.
      • It urged them to contact local offices for expert advice in dealing with the current problems.
      • Does the business have regional offices extending out from the headquarters that will require a wide area network to connect them?
      • He tells her that he just started a new job with Outward Bound, which opened an office in this building.
      • Today both companies are concentrating on the local branch offices of large corporations as their hot sales prospects.
      • Anticipating a proliferation of internal processing people, he hired business managers for each of his four offices.
      • The insurance giant has said it may be expanding operations at its Witham offices bringing more jobs to the town.
      • Following five successful years in Redcliffe and Bristol, the telemarketing company is opening offices at Greenways Business Park.
      branch, division, section, bureau, department
    2. 1.2 A room, department, or building used to provide a particular service.
      a ticket office


      a Post Office


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The dole office should provide a form that unemployed people could get stamped to say where they were looking for work.
      • The decision to close seven sub-post offices in York sparked outrage when the plans were announced last year.
      • Though under the command of the Ministry of Justice, notary public offices are social public agencies providing legal services.
      • Medical and counseling offices are filled with clergy who attempted self-care renewal by themselves.
      • Free copies are available from the six parks, Hounslow Civic Centre, Tourist Information offices and local libraries.
      • At the same time, government officials say the system is becoming easier to manage as schools and consular offices become familiar with the procedures.
      • Luthi has served in various positions in Swiss diplomatic and consular offices.
      • Before Sept.11, consular offices or embassies could issue most visas after a routine check.
      • It has information on flights, ferries, local tourist offices and travelling in France.
      • Figures on how many had voted were not available as many Americans would have cast their ballot through their home-state election offices, said the consulate.
      • The local tourist offices sell day tickets or contact the Glasgow Angling Centre.
      • Why not call your base family advocacy or family services offices.
      • They not only have the law to answer to, but the Hackney Carriage Licensing Authority and the taxi office from which they work.
      • In the Reading area six sub-post offices have been closed, with another one under threat.
      • Contact your local tourist office or Burns Society for events closer to home.
      • Driving students wait for their tests to be conducted at the Licensing office in San Fernando yesterday.
      • Walk with friends or in a group or call your community service offices for an escort.
      • In the year 2000 the Department of State considered some 10 million visa applications at some 200 consular offices.
      • He said that existing community care offices in each county would remain and a lot of the services and the people delivering them would remain as they are.
      • The jobs are also passed on to local employment offices where they are either filled or advertised.
    3. 1.3North American The consulting room of a professional person.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • For example, in the LEEP environment, students cannot meet for coffee after class or drop into their professors' offices unannounced.
      • The little hallway contains many doors, all leading into psychiatrist's offices.
      • In the psychiatrists office I sit by the wall and think about melting a lot.
      • The wait in the doctor's office was ridiculously long.
      • Then both went into the deans office to discuss the conduct of her children.
      • Last week, five students occupied the principal's office for a week.
      • She was slight and the seat felt like an oversized chair that you'd find in a psychiatrists office.
      • We walked to the doctor's office in the next building and left the note on his desk.
      • The hall was lined with doors, and he walked down to the end, where the professors' offices were.
      • We first met at his attorney's office in August.
      • They had pledged to show up at the prosecutor's office on Thursday.
      • So how many psychiatrist's offices did Franken burglarize last week?
      • It needs to be performed at the dental office under professional supervision.
      • Doctors' offices no longer held hard copy medical files, they were now held on computers.
      • The deans' offices at local schools can point you to nearby assistance.
      • I spent many hours in professors' offices, tutorials, and reading groups.
      • We have visited professors' offices one by one, and announced the event in our classes.
  • 2A position of authority or service, typically one of a public nature.


    the office of attorney general
    Example sentencesExamples
    • She joined the civil service in Dublin in 1980 and was appointed to the office of Public works.
    • Four colonies had established churches but did not exclude clergy from political office.
    • The hierarchy of religious officialdom has its pinnacle in the Vatican and the office of Pope.
    • The only real help here is for bishops to grasp the true nature of their office and live it out.
    • He has held many offices in professional organizations.
    • How did contemporaries explain the decision to exclude clergy from political office?
    • She now holds the office of High Sheriff of Lancashire.
    • Before Japan, I would have tried to define the office of a professor in negative terms.
    • Essentially, the role of the Office of the President in Ireland is to be one of these checks along with the Judiciary.
    • For the first time in the history of Zambia's politics, we have seen more women appointed in top Government positions and executive offices in statutory bodies and parastatals.
    • I never knew how much the office of "farm wife" entailed until our farm's wife disappeared into the wilds of Italy for two and a half weeks.
    • The disappointment in the cases may be due to a misconception about the office and authority of the President.
    • Now partly that has to do with the changing nature of the office of the Attorney-General.
    • I say this with the authority of my office as president of Sinn Féin.
    • State offices gave them the authority to compel peasants and artisans to surrender the resources of the province.
    • But I have to say that the Office of the Commissioner for Children has not helped.
    • He was welcome in the office of the chairman and the studio of the artist and his opinion was valued in both situations.
    • This bill includes a provision for establishing the office of Chief Coroner.
    • Traditionally, when a man holds a religious office, or becomes a grandfather, he grows a beard.
    • It was transferred as a request out of my office as Acting Prime Minister.
    post, position, appointment, job, day job, occupation, role, place, situation, station, function, capacity
    1. 2.1 Tenure of an official position, especially a government position.
      a year ago, when the President took office


      he was ejected from office in 1988


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We should not be passing laws that are simply aimed at trying to give the Labour Party another term in office.
      • The first Labour government took office in January amid high hopes from its supporters.
      • Almost the first act of the Tory council that took office in May was to stop the rebuilding of Barnet football ground.
      • In that year, the Conservatives took office in Ontario under Premier Mike Harris.
      • Their strategy is to tough it out over the next couple of years and hope the Labour Party wins office at the next election.
      • This wave of resistance swept social democratic parties back into office throughout Europe.
      • When the Conservative party returned to office in 1951 it accepted many of them.
      • This was the first trip abroad of the new prime minister since he took office in the summer.
      • The governments that took office in post-war western Europe faced a series of challenges.
      • Some of us have held office in the Labour Party or been Labour candidates.
      • He asked what was the total growth in Government revenue since the Labour Party came to office.
      • Hope, when the left and social democrat parties were swept to office only a few short years ago, has turned to despair.
      • After an interim administration, the new president took office this past October.
      • The thrust of the question was to see whether there had been any precedent before this Government took office.
      • The Democrat started his second term of office with the Republican Party having a majority in both houses.
      • In the British political system a prime minister holds office so long as he or she maintains the confidence of his or her own MPs and cabinet.
      • Has anyone else noticed that the Prime Minister has gained about 20 pounds since he took office?
      • When this Government took office in 1999 we made a promise to run the economy in a responsible way.
      • They did so as a shock election result in Spain removed from office the Tory Popular Party of Aznar.
      • British prime ministers lose office either because they lose a general election or because their party removes them.
    2. 2.2 The quarters, staff, or collective authority of a particular government department or agency.
      the Foreign Office


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The departments of the Executive office are meant to provide the president with speedy and simple responses to questions asked to it.
      • She is the Chair of the Review Board of the Office of Film and Literature Classification.
      • The data are collated by the Office for National Statistics.
      • This was reprinted with kind permission of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
      • The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights evolved from the Office for Free Elections.
      • Last year saw the Office of the Community and Voluntary Sector established.
      • Anyone interested are asked to contact Laois County Council Sports Office in Portlaoise.
      • The General Accounting Office will make the final determination in a few weeks.
      • Colleagues in the Office for National Statistics struck on Tuesday.
      • At the start of the war in 1939, Eichmann worked in the Office for Jewish Emigration.
      • The Office of Small Business will be transferred to the new Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Resources.
      • The director of the Office of Film and Literature Classification is Des Clark.
      • The matter was referred by the Office of Public Works to Waterways Ireland.
      • He is Institutional Affairs Attaché at the Quebec Government Office in London.
      • In February 1948 he was appointed to the Films Division of the Central Office of Information.
      • It is administered by the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market, based in Spain.
      • She is Crown Counsel with the Office of Prosecutions in Tasmania.
      • The performance is promoted by the Arts Office of Laois County Council.
      • The Laois Youth Theatre is an initiative of the Arts Office, Laois County Council.
      • Nóirín praised the Arts Office under the leadership of Muireann Ní Chonaill.
  • 3usually officesA service or kindness done for another person or group of people.


    rescued through the good offices of the Italian Ambassador, he was returned safely to England
    assistance, help, aid, services, intervention, intercession, mediation, intermediation, agency, support, backing, patronage, aegis, auspices, advocacy
    1. 3.1dated A duty attaching to one's position; a task or function.
      the offices of a nurse


      chore, duty, job, task, obligation, assignment, service, responsibility, charge, commission
  • 4Christian Church
    The series of services of prayers and psalms said (or chanted) daily by Roman Catholic priests, members of religious orders, and other clergy.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Divine Office has always been faithfully kept by lay people - not just clergy, monks and nuns-for centuries.
    • It is not a virtue for the monk… to lack time in which to attend the common recitation of the Divine Office, read a certain amount, and mix with his community.
    • When polyphonic motets were intended to replace Gregorian chants in the Mass or Divine Office, they generally reproduce their texts exactly.
    • Though she loved the Divine Office and appreciated the Chant, she could not sing two notes in tune.
    • Latin hymns are sung at the Divine Office, and are assigned to different liturgical occasions, according to time of day, season of the year, or Holy Day.
    1. 4.1 A prayer service conducted daily as part of the Divine Office.
      the noon office


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The seven daily offices punctuate a way of life regulated by prayer, while the passing of the seasons marks time.
      • Chapters 3 and 4 treat Evening Prayer as a counter to Morning Prayer and the minor offices as occasional rather than daily prayer.
      • The Prayer Book contained morning and evening offices, and forms for the administration of the sacraments as well as the psalter.
      • A few days after reading this report I opened my Bible to read the lesson for the daily office.
      • His book is designed for up to four daily offices (morning, noon, evening and night).


Middle English: via Old French from Latin officium ‘performance of a task’ (in medieval Latin also ‘office, divine service’), based on opus ‘work’ + facere ‘do’.





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