Definition of macroglobulinaemia in English:
(also macroglobulinemia)
noun ˌmakrəʊˌɡlɒbjʊlɪˈniːmɪə
An increased level of macroglobulins, especially of immunoglobulin M, in the blood; specifically (more fully "Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia" Brit./ˈvaldənʃtrəːmz/ U.S./ˈwɑldənstrɑmz//ˈvɑldənʃtrəmz/) a lymphoproliferative disorder affecting chiefly the bone marrow and the reticuloendothelial system, characterized by the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulin M (or, rarely, IgG or IgA).
1940s. From German Makroglobulinämie from Makroglobulin + -ämie. The condition was earlier described by Waldenström in 1944, in Acta Med. Scandinavica 117 216.
Definition of macroglobulinaemia in US English:
(also macroglobulinemia)
An increased level of macroglobulins, especially of immunoglobulin M, in the blood; specifically (more fully "Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia" Brit./ˈvaldənʃtrəːmz/ U.S./ˈwɑldənstrɑmz//ˈvɑldənʃtrəmz/) a lymphoproliferative disorder affecting chiefly the bone marrow and the reticuloendothelial system, characterized by the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulin M (or, rarely, IgG or IgA).
1940s. From German Makroglobulinämie from Makroglobulin + -ämie. The condition was earlier described by Waldenström in 1944, in Acta Med. Scandinavica 117 216.