

单词 puritan

Definition of puritan in English:


noun ˈpjʊərɪt(ə)n
  • 1A member of a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the Reformation of the Church under Elizabeth I as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Puritans, who were Protestant fundamentalists, were also devout believers in the Bible.
    • In appealing to the Bible, the Puritans exercised a merciless critique of the spiritual life in Anglicanism.
    • The difference between Puritans and Anglicans is nicely illustrated in sermons from the period.
    • From its inception there had been a committed Protestant minority who aspired to complete a full Protestant reformation - the Puritans.
    • Back in the 17th century, at the time of the Commonwealth, the Puritans tried to ban Christmas.
    • He propagated ideas and emphases which departed from the biblical tradition established by the Reformers and Puritans.
    • Closer to our own century, the Puritans wrote extensively on mutuality within marriage.
    • Less promising for the art of music were the activities of the Reformed Calvinists, including the Puritans who settled New England.
    • Earlier, it had been banned in England during the 17th century when the Puritans were strong.
    • James had none of Elizabeth's fearful paranoia about Catholics and Puritans.
    • During the 1650s, English Puritans attempted to replace the irregular festival calendar with the weekly and subdued Sabbath rest.
    • These men would return and become the leaders of the English Puritans in the reign of Elizabeth.
    • That is to say, Milton at this time had notions that would have been deemed as heretical by the Calvinist theology of the ascendant Presbyterian Puritans.
    • Unlike the English Puritans, the Dutch Reformed ministers made no efforts to evangelise the native peoples of the area.
    • The Puritans, who had first sought peace with the Native Americans, quickly fell into conflict with them.
    • Both Calvin and the Puritans held to a view of Scripture that created its own difficulties.
    • It arose rather in a body that had actually persecuted the Puritans - the Church of England.
    • Bishops and Puritans knew each other well and in several cases were old friends.
    • Excessive frivolity has always been frowned upon by some, and Christmas was not celebrated by the Puritans or Calvinists.
    • If you read the Puritans regularly, their Bible-centeredness becomes contagious.
    nonconformist, protestant, freethinker, recusant
    1. 1.1 A person with censorious moral beliefs, especially about self-indulgence and sex.
      my mother was a puritan about sex
      don't be such a puritan
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A few centuries ago it may not have seemed out of place, but even modern-day American puritans have been shocked by Florida's so-called ‘Scarlet Letter’ law.
      • Like most puritans he despairs that we keep smoking, ‘which is curious considering that very few smokers nowadays are not aware of the health risks associated with smoking’.
      • The human cloth is dyed into too many different shades to allow either puritans or libertarians to have the last word.
      • The liberal puritans, by contrast, are riding high in the media and in the courts.
      • These are precisely the values the puritans and zealots of many faiths and ideologies would destroy.
      • But they're not puritans, and like to let their hair down once in a while.
      • The folks behind this campaign, which invited the wrath of the puritans, are two young men based in Bangalore.
      • Well, I think the press - they're kind of decadent puritans.
      • Teetotalers, or people who drink in moderation, on the other hand are boring, no fun, puritans, kill-joys etc.
      • So begone, hypocritical puritans, and let the rest of us get on with enjoying our daily dose of sex and gossip.
      • I agree with him that such resources have been misappropriated by puritans and extremists.
      • At this point He could be fairly accused of being a cabal of anti-car puritans.
      • In addition, many people do not know that there are Chinese versions of puritans with clean hands burning with passion for communist ideology.
      • Many of us are not puritans and puritans don't go to strip clubs - why make an issue about it?
      • He is the puritan who is to shut down the stages of London, who - like other puritans in the 1990s, perhaps - feels that he has the only acceptable handle on social control.
      • He would be ostracized by the puritans on both the right and the left - by the feminists patrolling the sexual borders of contemporary life and by the politicos peddling decency.
      • Modern social puritans see recess as a frivolous luxury, and the trend has caught on with alarming speed.
      • But tackling Spears in public would have made the far right look like scolds or puritans.
      • Where will prosecutors and overzealous puritans draw the line?
      • But the new puritans argue that any risk, no matter how infinitesimal, is intolerable.
      moralist, pietist, prude, prig, moral zealot/fanatic, killjoy, Mrs Grundy, Grundy, old maid, schoolmarm, Victorian, priggish person, ascetic
      informal goody-goody, Goody Two-Shoes, holy Joe, holy Willie, Miss Prim
      North American informal bluenose
adjective ˈpjʊərɪt(ə)n
  • 1Relating to the Puritans.


    a Puritan parliamentarian
    he was of Puritan stock
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Andrea was amongst the first group of younger men to translate and print Puritan works in Italian while still a student in Rome.
    • If official policy destroyed Stuart Britain's important collections, disasters also came at a lower level as Puritan iconoclasts embarked on an orgy of destruction of religious art.
    • His career as an MP ended with the Addled Parliament of 1614, and he died in 1620, leaving money - and a share in a Smithfield pub - to a number of puritan causes.
    • Individuals who willfully refused to comply with Puritan precepts were excluded altogether from the promise of grace.
    • Such warfare was at odds with both Puritan theology and accepted military practices.
    • In England, it remained distinctively regional, and was particularly associated with areas of Puritan activism and social predominance like Essex.
    • So, for instance, we have one essay on John Browne's purchase of crown lands in Boston after the dissolution of the monasteries, while another looks at puritan reform in Chester through the career of the wonderfully named Henry Hardware.
    • The religious intensity of Puritan settlers infused every facet of life in seventeenth-century New England, including criminality.
    • The long arm of Puritan persecution continued to harass those who embraced dissenting views causing a Baptist migration to New Jersey.
    • Byrd only explains williams's response to Puritan hermeneutics.
    • To the extent that Puritan discipline is derived from scripture only indirectly, some form of interpretation is occurring.
    • The religious experiments of Archbishop Laud reactivated Puritan militancy.
    • However, the style of argument used by Owen, in line with most other puritan writers, may prove rather difficult for readers who have neither the time nor the inclination to consider this subject in detail.
    • On both sides of her family she could trace her ancestry back to Puritan settlers and landed gentry.
    • To trace their sources one can turn to sixteenth-and seventeenth-century Puritan thought and practice.
    • With all Puritan preachers, Biblical texts provided the fundamental concepts for religious discourse.
    • Our data from the cemetery in Harvard Square, a bastion of Puritan religious and intellectual power, seems to demonstrate this point.
    • She sets this change within the context of a wider intellectual shift from Puritan piety to the Enlightenment's faith in progress and the inherent goodness of man.
    • The generosity of Hooker's reading of Scripture made it accessible to those who could never belong to Puritan society.
    • A number of Puritan clerics in Old England harshly criticized their New England brethren for not converting the Indians before killing them.
    1. 1.1 Having or displaying censorious moral beliefs, especially about self-indulgence and sex.
      as the puritan ethic has weakened, hedonism has replaced it
      a puritan conscience
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Our puritan culture often inhibits us from thoroughly educating our adolescents or at times from even allowing frank and open discussion on sex education and the human body.
      • A small number of people in London and puritan Connecticut developed the takeover scheme and English gunboats found an overwhelmed, isolated populace not prepared to fight for a company they increasingly disliked.
      • Many of Wahhab's puritan teachings bore certain similarities to those of Cromwell's 17th century supporters in England and their cousins in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
      • Your favorite bookstore will not turn into puritan central.
      • Gaiman even managed to make Milton - that old puritan codger - seem sexy and that's praise enough, right there.
      • I felt as if I were surrounded by the austere puritan heritage of a Protestant church in New England.
      • Suffused with puritan guilt, his self interest had its limits.
      • This is Jacobean comedy at its documentary best: a salty, vivid report on the eternal clash between the puritan ethic and spendthrift snobbery.
      • Townsend referred to his ‘substructure of puritan tradition’ and the austerity of his ‘intellectual integrity of attitude’.
      • The biggest sleep robber of all, however, is work - the puritan ethic gone haywire in an era of global markets.
      • For this puritan economic ethic it was about getting the economic essentials right.
      • A left-over puritan work ethic encourages us to buy into the glib sales pitches, You have to work the principles for the principles to work for you.
      • It came as a great surprise to me that Toronto - who still gives off a bit of puritan vibe until you get to know her - is as slothful in the mornings as a couple newly in love.
      • She would never regard the frontier as the breeding ground of puritan virtues.
      • The roof's prism casts the light throughout the chapel, balancing the only other objects inside - a puritan aesthetic of elegantly austere seating, a simple organ and the barest suggestion of an altar.
      • Bangalore seemed to suit him better, with its catholicity of social life and its absence of puritan guardians of moral behaviour.
      • Its appeal to the work ethic and to clan loyalty should go straight to Scotland's puritan heart.
      • Feng Yuxiang's forces were subjected with severity to their commander's puritan morals: no drinking, gambling, swearing, or resort to prostitutes was permitted.
      • Individualism in our culture is further reinforced by competitive capitalism, at least partially rooted in the puritan ethic of our forebears.
      • Stephen King has said that he sees himself as an heir to puritan preacher Jonathan Edwards.
      moralistic, pietistic, strait-laced, tight-laced, stuffy, starchy, prissy, prudish, puritan, prim, priggish, victorian, schoolmarmish, schoolmistressy, old-maidish, narrow-minded, censorious, sententious


Late 16th century: from late Latin puritas 'purity' + -an.





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