

单词 lust

Definition of lust in English:


noun lʌstləst
mass noun
  • 1Strong sexual desire.


    he knew that his lust for her had returned


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As a result of interviewing many women, Dr. Ogden learned that sexual desire, or lust, was produced by much more than physical stimulation.
    • I was definitely attracted to females, but I never felt this strong lust for them.
    • It sparked to life in the second act, when the symbolism gave way to themes of lust and sexual temptation.
    • You abused them sexually for what must have been your sexual lust under cover of medical examination.
    • A woman talks about her sexual experiences, her lust for celebrities and the self-discoveries inherent in simply living life.
    • Ritter's lust for Bush is probably exceeded only by his lust for pre-pubescent girls.
    • Sometimes, his poems of sexual love and lust simply give accurate portraits of his roving eye.
    • I could imagine his voice as a braying bull violent in its sexual lust intoning orders for bullishness.
    • She was hurt because she was letting herself fall for this man who probably felt nothing stronger than lust for her.
    • I could feel the desire course through my veins, his lust for me as he hardened under my lithe body.
    • So by the end of camp I actually learned how to bowl and my lust for Jane suddenly took a backseat to the dream of going ‘pro.’
    • This can lead to a warped view of women as sexual objects of lust and desire and not much else.
    • And for a would-be monk, the most potent and dangerous form of desire is lust for a woman.
    • His blood lust is of a piece with his sexual lust.
    • The first deals with the carnal desires and sexual lust of the players.
    • Conversely, my usual lust for Colin Firth was wholly overwhelmed by longing just to be walking the same London streets.
    • Who but the gay friend can provide a nineties woman with all of these things, precisely because he is able to rise above trivial sexual lust?
    • I declared my undying and eternal lust for a handful people on about as many pages, or the same people repeatedly in a series of postscripts, announced and denounced.
    sexual desire, sexual appetite, sexual longing, sexual passion, lustfulness, ardour, desire, passion
    libido, sex drive, sexuality, biological urge
    lechery, lecherousness, lasciviousness, lewdness, carnality, licentiousness, salaciousness, prurience
    informal horniness, raunchiness, the hots
    British informal randiness
    rare salacity, concupiscence, nympholepsy
    1. 1.1in singular A passionate desire for something.
      a lust for power


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The evolution of civilisation and social organisation that checks and regulates the lust for revenge and other such instincts compel one to answer in the affirmative.
      • Last Saturday night, witnesses said, men armed with wood planks, iron rail spikes and a lust for revenge battered down the club's steel doors.
      • This is not, however, a movie about the ills of society - it is a beautiful, touching, funny and satirical film about a lust for life that's infectious.
      • For eons they strove, each equally powerful and completely opposed, with no thought but the lust for power, and between them lay the very stuff of life.
      • What you feel when working with them is a sense of intellectual curiosity; a passion to know more; a lust for creative problem solving.
      • ‘I sought the life force blood of Zurvan Akarana out of a lust for greed,’ said Shiva.
      • Becoming Sharp thematically focuses on ambition, jealousy and the lust for fame at any cost.
      • Today, the prophets would once again see truth and justice shackled with chains, enslaved by selfishness and the lust for power and empire.
      • They were motivated by greed and the lust for murder.
      • Now its pretty obvious to the average observer of this species that lurking just below the surface of an insatiable lust for money is malice.
      • George's lust for freedom and happiness for himself is a lust for the freedom and happiness of others.
      • He specifically recognizes that he has no motive for his future crimes but a lust for power that comes entirely from within.
      • Looking at it rationally (i.e., setting aside the lust for something shiny and new), we have a great house, and the only thing we lack is a bit more space.
      • I have a serious lust for well prepared ahi tuna.
      • Here's how to turn up the heat in your career, relationships, hobbies and health so that you can live with more passion - and develop a true lust for life!
      • Being a passionate bloke, Anderson has a lust for the game like few others.
      • Written with a passion for humanity and a utopian lust for science, Metal and Flesh considers the status and future of the body in machine culture.
      • They have a greed and a lust for the Treasury benches and they will do anything to destroy the fabric of a nation going forward.
      • Genghis Khan was a mass murderer who, so far as one can see, was driven by a pure lust for power and a desire to see others terrified of him.
      • The former indicates a commitment to communal happiness, and in fact solar glory, while the latter embodies mere private greed and the lust for lucre.
      greed, greediness, desire, craving, covetousness, eagerness, keenness, avidness, avidity, cupidity, longing, yearning, hunger, thirst, appetite, hankering
    2. 1.2usually lustsTheology A sensuous appetite regarded as sinful.
      lusts of the flesh


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He fully understands our human pride, our lusts, our ambitions… as well as the basic needs and desires of our flesh, mind, heart and soul.
      • Rather, he draws his youthful lusts and his adult vainglory as closely as possible to his identity.
      • ‘Moral ‘no go’ areas are being created in our towns and cities for those who want to indulge their lusts.
      • Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.
      • What is more calculated to gratify a carnal mind than a strong delusion leading one to think himself a Christian, and yet not disturbing his lusts?
verb lʌstləst
[no object]
  • 1Have strong sexual desire for someone.


    he really lusted after me in those days


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Because they're distrusted by wives and lusted after by husbands, single moms are usually pariahs.
    • You certainly get plenty of ‘action,’ but you'd be happier if those who lusted after you were more selective.
    • Only she could transform the superhero's usual meek sex object into a real live girl, actually sexy as opposed to just lusted after.
    • I undressed them with my eyes, the girls that I met, I lusted after them with my thoughts.
    • Blue favored Violet, even though Purple lusted after him.
    • You know how I lusted after Brandon all last fall.
    • Instead I secretly lusted after my favorite from a secret poster hung on the back wall of my closet, behind the clothes… where I could sneak a glance from time to time.
    • He frankly lusted after some of his girl students.
    • I lusted after Denise Clarke with a schoolboy crush after seeing her in Mata Hari - and the lust has never gone away.
    • ‘Nathan and I are the two most lusted after guys in school… And pretty soon you can be too, if you wanna be,’ Chad added as he stood up and dusted his robes off.
    • And Mara will of course seduce this one because she has lusted after him forever.
    • Cinderella thought it was great to be desired and lusted after and said as much to her Mommie Dearest.
    • Christine and her sister always lusted after Spider-Man.
    • On the night of their wedding, January lusted after his new wife, May, believing his forceful actions to be justified because of their ceremonious union.
    • Anyway, it was Yul Brynner I really lusted after.
    • At one point when Mary and the fire chief lusted after each other, he exclaimed ‘it was she who first extinguished my fires!’
    • He likes gay men, and he enjoys being lusted after by them.
    • But how much does it reveal - the stars you've lusted after?
    • I could give sex-me-up-eyes but the boys I lusted after were the aloof ones.
    • Questioned about the suggestion Day had lusted after her, MacGregor replied: ‘I can't put Robin in the category of red-hot lovers.’
    desire, be consumed with desire for, find sexually attractive, find sexy, crave, covet, want, wish for, long for, yearn for, hunger for, thirst for, ache for, burn for, pant for
    informal have the hots for, lech after/over, fancy, have a thing about/for, drool over, have the horn for
    1. 1.1 Have a strong desire for something.
      pregnant women lusting for pickles and ice cream


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And this is a trade that a desperate fan at heart, lusting for something to go to the ballpark for, would make in a heart beat.
      • As she had asked me outright, I thought a sigil wouldn't help her, as she would be lusting for results and as such, presumably ruining the potential success.
      • Because if you're lusting for stuff you don't have, the best antidote's enjoying what you've got - have a massage, eat your favourite food, put on your favourite music.
      • We can never satisfy our innermost desire either by lusting to be, or lusting for, a perfect looking person.
      • Not, however, because we are too strong and proud, lusting for global dominion.
      • As the credit cards pile up and the debt collectors gather, he finds himself reluctantly engaged to prim Marigold Flowers, while lusting for her sister, the brazen Daisy.
      • So is he ready for the swarms of American lovelorn ladies lusting for love, rushing to catch a glimpse of his good looks or snare him for good?
      • You might have been imperialists lusting for glory and gold, but you certainly put the boot in those dreadful Toltecs, eh?
      • Are you lusting for a tantalisingly Elizabethan experience, like only Willy Shake can provide?
      • Please don't think me some bloodthirsty capital punishment cheerleader lusting for more female casualties.
      • He looked up at me with the eyes of man who was lusting for malicious attention.
      • Hell, he was practically lusting for it to fall.
      • Groups who band together merely because they share the same skills, name tags or clothing colors are but gangs lusting for a sense of belonging.
      • Their soul, spirit, and heart are corrupted because they are naturally greedy, lusting for power.
      • Tomorrow, if I were lusting for cash and recognition and all the things people get into broadcasting for, I might decide talk radio was my easiest point of access.
      • I could feel my body shaking from the excitement; I finally had what I have been lusting for in the back of my mind all this time.
      • So they take that person in, friends and relatives of the dead lusting for revenge!
      • There are either greedy materialists lusting for consumer baubles, or enemies of the state on North American payrolls.
      • And why would designers (in my experience, generally not all that well read on politics and/or theology) be lusting for such conversations?
      • Stop lusting for revenge, you've got something more important to think about!
      crave, desire, be consumed with desire for, covet, have one's heart set on, want, wish for, long for, yearn for, dream of, hanker for, hanker after, hunger for, thirst for, ache for


Old English (also in the sense 'pleasure, delight'), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch lust and German Lust.


adjust, august, bust, combust, crust, dust, encrust, entrust, gust, just, mistrust, must, robust, rust, thrust, trust, undiscussed

Definition of lust in US English:


  • 1Very strong sexual desire.


    he knew that his lust for her had returned


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A woman talks about her sexual experiences, her lust for celebrities and the self-discoveries inherent in simply living life.
    • Ritter's lust for Bush is probably exceeded only by his lust for pre-pubescent girls.
    • And for a would-be monk, the most potent and dangerous form of desire is lust for a woman.
    • Sometimes, his poems of sexual love and lust simply give accurate portraits of his roving eye.
    • His blood lust is of a piece with his sexual lust.
    • Conversely, my usual lust for Colin Firth was wholly overwhelmed by longing just to be walking the same London streets.
    • Who but the gay friend can provide a nineties woman with all of these things, precisely because he is able to rise above trivial sexual lust?
    • I was definitely attracted to females, but I never felt this strong lust for them.
    • I could feel the desire course through my veins, his lust for me as he hardened under my lithe body.
    • You abused them sexually for what must have been your sexual lust under cover of medical examination.
    • I could imagine his voice as a braying bull violent in its sexual lust intoning orders for bullishness.
    • She was hurt because she was letting herself fall for this man who probably felt nothing stronger than lust for her.
    • I declared my undying and eternal lust for a handful people on about as many pages, or the same people repeatedly in a series of postscripts, announced and denounced.
    • This can lead to a warped view of women as sexual objects of lust and desire and not much else.
    • So by the end of camp I actually learned how to bowl and my lust for Jane suddenly took a backseat to the dream of going ‘pro.’
    • The first deals with the carnal desires and sexual lust of the players.
    • It sparked to life in the second act, when the symbolism gave way to themes of lust and sexual temptation.
    • As a result of interviewing many women, Dr. Ogden learned that sexual desire, or lust, was produced by much more than physical stimulation.
    sexual desire, sexual appetite, sexual longing, sexual passion, lustfulness, ardour, desire, passion
    1. 1.1in singular A passionate desire for something.
      a lust for power


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Written with a passion for humanity and a utopian lust for science, Metal and Flesh considers the status and future of the body in machine culture.
      • Today, the prophets would once again see truth and justice shackled with chains, enslaved by selfishness and the lust for power and empire.
      • They were motivated by greed and the lust for murder.
      • For eons they strove, each equally powerful and completely opposed, with no thought but the lust for power, and between them lay the very stuff of life.
      • The former indicates a commitment to communal happiness, and in fact solar glory, while the latter embodies mere private greed and the lust for lucre.
      • He specifically recognizes that he has no motive for his future crimes but a lust for power that comes entirely from within.
      • I have a serious lust for well prepared ahi tuna.
      • George's lust for freedom and happiness for himself is a lust for the freedom and happiness of others.
      • The evolution of civilisation and social organisation that checks and regulates the lust for revenge and other such instincts compel one to answer in the affirmative.
      • Genghis Khan was a mass murderer who, so far as one can see, was driven by a pure lust for power and a desire to see others terrified of him.
      • Looking at it rationally (i.e., setting aside the lust for something shiny and new), we have a great house, and the only thing we lack is a bit more space.
      • Being a passionate bloke, Anderson has a lust for the game like few others.
      • What you feel when working with them is a sense of intellectual curiosity; a passion to know more; a lust for creative problem solving.
      • ‘I sought the life force blood of Zurvan Akarana out of a lust for greed,’ said Shiva.
      • Here's how to turn up the heat in your career, relationships, hobbies and health so that you can live with more passion - and develop a true lust for life!
      • Becoming Sharp thematically focuses on ambition, jealousy and the lust for fame at any cost.
      • They have a greed and a lust for the Treasury benches and they will do anything to destroy the fabric of a nation going forward.
      • This is not, however, a movie about the ills of society - it is a beautiful, touching, funny and satirical film about a lust for life that's infectious.
      • Now its pretty obvious to the average observer of this species that lurking just below the surface of an insatiable lust for money is malice.
      • Last Saturday night, witnesses said, men armed with wood planks, iron rail spikes and a lust for revenge battered down the club's steel doors.
      greed, greediness, desire, craving, covetousness, eagerness, keenness, avidness, avidity, cupidity, longing, yearning, hunger, thirst, appetite, hankering
    2. 1.2usually lustsTheology A sensual appetite regarded as sinful.
      lusts of the flesh


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He fully understands our human pride, our lusts, our ambitions… as well as the basic needs and desires of our flesh, mind, heart and soul.
      • Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.
      • What is more calculated to gratify a carnal mind than a strong delusion leading one to think himself a Christian, and yet not disturbing his lusts?
      • ‘Moral ‘no go’ areas are being created in our towns and cities for those who want to indulge their lusts.
      • Rather, he draws his youthful lusts and his adult vainglory as closely as possible to his identity.
[no object]
  • 1Have a very strong sexual desire for someone.


    he really lusted after me in those days


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I could give sex-me-up-eyes but the boys I lusted after were the aloof ones.
    • Because they're distrusted by wives and lusted after by husbands, single moms are usually pariahs.
    • Instead I secretly lusted after my favorite from a secret poster hung on the back wall of my closet, behind the clothes… where I could sneak a glance from time to time.
    • Anyway, it was Yul Brynner I really lusted after.
    • Only she could transform the superhero's usual meek sex object into a real live girl, actually sexy as opposed to just lusted after.
    • At one point when Mary and the fire chief lusted after each other, he exclaimed ‘it was she who first extinguished my fires!’
    • I undressed them with my eyes, the girls that I met, I lusted after them with my thoughts.
    • He likes gay men, and he enjoys being lusted after by them.
    • You know how I lusted after Brandon all last fall.
    • Questioned about the suggestion Day had lusted after her, MacGregor replied: ‘I can't put Robin in the category of red-hot lovers.’
    • Blue favored Violet, even though Purple lusted after him.
    • He frankly lusted after some of his girl students.
    • Christine and her sister always lusted after Spider-Man.
    • But how much does it reveal - the stars you've lusted after?
    • I lusted after Denise Clarke with a schoolboy crush after seeing her in Mata Hari - and the lust has never gone away.
    • On the night of their wedding, January lusted after his new wife, May, believing his forceful actions to be justified because of their ceremonious union.
    • ‘Nathan and I are the two most lusted after guys in school… And pretty soon you can be too, if you wanna be,’ Chad added as he stood up and dusted his robes off.
    • And Mara will of course seduce this one because she has lusted after him forever.
    • You certainly get plenty of ‘action,’ but you'd be happier if those who lusted after you were more selective.
    • Cinderella thought it was great to be desired and lusted after and said as much to her Mommie Dearest.
    desire, be consumed with desire for, find sexually attractive, find sexy, crave, covet, want, wish for, long for, yearn for, hunger for, thirst for, ache for, burn for, pant for
    1. 1.1 Feel a strong desire for something.
      pregnant women lusting for pickles and ice cream


      Example sentencesExamples
      • So is he ready for the swarms of American lovelorn ladies lusting for love, rushing to catch a glimpse of his good looks or snare him for good?
      • So they take that person in, friends and relatives of the dead lusting for revenge!
      • And this is a trade that a desperate fan at heart, lusting for something to go to the ballpark for, would make in a heart beat.
      • I could feel my body shaking from the excitement; I finally had what I have been lusting for in the back of my mind all this time.
      • Stop lusting for revenge, you've got something more important to think about!
      • Because if you're lusting for stuff you don't have, the best antidote's enjoying what you've got - have a massage, eat your favourite food, put on your favourite music.
      • Groups who band together merely because they share the same skills, name tags or clothing colors are but gangs lusting for a sense of belonging.
      • Hell, he was practically lusting for it to fall.
      • Are you lusting for a tantalisingly Elizabethan experience, like only Willy Shake can provide?
      • There are either greedy materialists lusting for consumer baubles, or enemies of the state on North American payrolls.
      • He looked up at me with the eyes of man who was lusting for malicious attention.
      • Tomorrow, if I were lusting for cash and recognition and all the things people get into broadcasting for, I might decide talk radio was my easiest point of access.
      • Not, however, because we are too strong and proud, lusting for global dominion.
      • Their soul, spirit, and heart are corrupted because they are naturally greedy, lusting for power.
      • We can never satisfy our innermost desire either by lusting to be, or lusting for, a perfect looking person.
      • And why would designers (in my experience, generally not all that well read on politics and/or theology) be lusting for such conversations?
      • As the credit cards pile up and the debt collectors gather, he finds himself reluctantly engaged to prim Marigold Flowers, while lusting for her sister, the brazen Daisy.
      • Please don't think me some bloodthirsty capital punishment cheerleader lusting for more female casualties.
      • You might have been imperialists lusting for glory and gold, but you certainly put the boot in those dreadful Toltecs, eh?
      • As she had asked me outright, I thought a sigil wouldn't help her, as she would be lusting for results and as such, presumably ruining the potential success.
      crave, desire, be consumed with desire for, covet, have one's heart set on, want, wish for, long for, yearn for, dream of, hanker for, hanker after, hunger for, thirst for, ache for


Old English (also in the sense ‘pleasure, delight’), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch lust and German Lust.





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