On their special day a good fairy came to them and said that because they had been such a devoted couple she would grant each of them a very special wish.
How many times do we think some good fairy is going to appear and offer to do something to save this building?
The story was narrated and moved along by the good fairy, ably played by Nicky Lawless.
Protecting the two children will be Julie Smith and Rachael Ogden as the principal boy and girl, and Katrina Knights as the good fairy.
We will find again our lost world, the good fairy will smile on us all again.
For two days, the good fairy saw no sign of Prince Leo and his men.
She meets a good fairy who gives her three wishes.
This year's event has all the traditional elements of a dame, a wicked witch, a good fairy and even a haunted bedroom.
I hope that the good fairy comes in as quickly as possible to save this club because it cannot be allowed to close.
The good fairy is all goodness but she looks so silly.
The royal family distraught, Merryweather - the third good fairy - bequeaths her gift to the baby.
‘I love this part,’ I said aloud, knowing it was where the three good fairies arrived to each bless the infant Aurora with a gift.
There was no Santa, no good fairy, nobody who cared.
It was carved by one of the good fairies that do exist, named Sarita.
Unfortunately, the good fairy did not attend the ceremony.
Her good fairy, and we all have one, makes this occur but only between the hours of the end of the seven o'clock news and the end of the late night movie.
Well you must have had a good fairy with you, then, that's all I can say.