

单词 lunatic

Definition of lunatic in English:


noun ˈluːnətɪkˈlunəˌtɪk
  • 1A person who is mentally ill (not in technical use).


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Though I have some mental health issues, I am not a raving lunatic.
    • She watched, with her mouth wide open, for about ten second before taking a deep breath, and letting out a string of curses, loud enough for random passers-by to think she was an insane lunatic.
    • By saying that I am in no way implying that he was a crazed lunatic.
    • Consequently, I babbled like a deranged lunatic, and it wasn't pretty.
    • ‘Probaly some lunatic escaped from a mental hospital,’ Diana suggested, the color slowly seeping back into her face.
    • My guess is that he's either a known criminal or an escaped lunatic.
    • If he had been psychotic before, he was a fuming lunatic now, Evelyn decided.
    • Countless lunatics, criminals, and other undesirables were photographed in the genuine belief that the results would aid science.
    • I didn't shower for at least 3 days and roamed the drugstore aisles like a crazed lunatic.
    • There he encounters a lunatic who is obsessed with murder and who appears to be dripping blood.
    • Everyone you know here is now either dead, a psychopathic killer out for blood, or a lunatic with about a hundred personalities.
    • The gaol was also used for a number of years to house the mentally insane, as lunatics had to be restrained and kept out of sight.
    • Who knew what kind of psychopathic lunatics crept around there?
    • Individuals with severe mental illnesses, branded as ‘non-criminal lunatics,’ are often imprisoned.
    • In the darkness, a lunatic warbled nonsense and a hungry madman babbled on about food.
    • She continued to gape at him as if he was a runaway lunatic from a nearby mental asylum.
    • On the right is the first victim, the lunatic who had lived his last moments in fear of death, and had sadly found it after seeking refuge in my asylum.
    • To many people, these beliefs sound like the delusions of lunatics and it seems inconceivable that anyone in his or her right mind would accept such beliefs.
    • Surely many people who try to attempt suicide are emotionally not entirely unstable - yet they're generally not fools or lunatics.
    • Initially, he's told he's too old and then parcelled off into the Halberdiers, a regiment almost entirely comprised of oddballs, lunatics, misfits and sociopaths.
    maniac, madman, madwoman, psychopath, psychotic
    informal loony, loon, nut, nutter, nutcase, nutjob, cuckoo, head case, headbanger, screwball, psycho
    Scottish informal radge
    US informal wing nut
    1. 1.1 An extremely foolish or eccentric person.
      this lunatic just accelerated out from the side of the road


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He doesn't deserve threats and abuse along these lines from a bunch of lunatics denouncing our democratic process.
      • Those of you who are not my best friend Julie, and therefore not lunatics and hardcore math geeks, may not know that today is Pi Day.
      • Back in the 1970s, its supporters were considered kooks and lunatics.
      • Although we may tend to laugh at the flagellants and read them off as lunatics, they did help medieval men and women cope with the ravages of the plague.
      • And then there are the rest of the lunatics who sign up.
      • I really enjoy hearing from you all (even the complete lunatics).
      • As the playboy freshly back from the U.S. keeps repeating, ‘This is a city of lunatics!’
      • When you see a picture of some mud-spattered lunatic on a 4,000 mile ride through Africa, the lunatic tends to be sitting on a BMW.
      • He had known it, the rest of his friends were raving lunatics.
      • Technically, the old lunatic hadn't retired, he was just on stress leave.
      • He has observed that all the other drivers on the road fall into one of two categories: idiots or lunatics.
      • And by the looks of it, this was one of those lunatics.
      fool, idiot, imbecile, moron
adjective ˈluːnətɪkˈlunəˌtɪk
  • 1Mentally ill (not in technical use)


    a ward of lunatic old ladies
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the rare cases of lunatic parents most places have emancipation provisions already, which should surely have acceleration clauses to allow for quick decisions in cases like this.
    • These are not the ravings of a lunatic person nor the dream of a crazy idealist.
    • Do you remember that one episode of X-Files with that crazed lunatic writer who was in love with Scully?
    • The frustration is so great that the black character believes that he might wind up in a lunatic cell, driven crazy by the insane demands.
    • I said I found him, not that he was some insane lunatic murderer trying to kill me!
    deranged, demented, unbalanced, out of one's mind, crazed, mad, insane
    1. 1.1 Extremely foolish or eccentric.
      he would be asked to acquiesce in some lunatic scheme


      Example sentencesExamples
      • What happens if you break all the rules and throw your reputation behind a lunatic scheme to let people hear world-class classical music for the price of a couple of pints?
      • Lincolnshire roads tend to be populated with lunatic drivers on a Saturday evening, all hurrying to get there first and competing to see who'll be added to the casualty figures for the weekend.
      • Some of this is emanating from the usual sources on the lunatic left of journalism, but the allegations are retailed generally by those who want to believe them, under the guise of merely reporting disquiet.
      • At first, two or three miles may seem well nigh impossible - but eventually such a distance will become easy, and so it goes until running, say, ten miles is no longer a lunatic notion.
      • What sort of lunatic performer was this, driven to go on performing the same stunt, time after time, finally without any audience at all, entirely for his own pleasure?
      • A small smile touched her lips, her eyes alight with a lunatic fire.
      • They will presumably lead to some retraction of the lunatic version of markets that have been imposed by extreme reactionaries in recent years.
      • I am particularly intrigued by the prospect of working for another lunatic director with no interpersonal skills, management ability, or capacity for leadership.
      • There is, blatantly, far too much pampering these days of egos founded not on a record of achievement but on the bloated salaries considered normal amid the lunatic values that have invaded the national sport.
      • Cutting a path through the thickets of misrepresentation, misunderstanding and lunatic theorising that have grown up around the symbol of the Grail is no easy task.
      • I shook my head and locked myself in the bathroom to take a shower, hoping my crazy, lunatic uncle would let us out before then.
      • There have been many other dissenting voices protesting the sale of public sector companies but these have been largely disregarded as the predictable ravings of the lunatic Left.
      • ‘We have arrived at a lunatic situation where there is one law for one group and a different law for others,’ he said.
      • When everything that's going on on-screen is so chaotic and crazy, it doesn't help when it's cut together with such lunatic randomness.
      • This is a hateful thought for greenies, social engineers, media elites and intellectuals everywhere, but the lunatic love affair with the car remains in a state of steamy passion.
      • The silent threat of violence hangs in the air and a bunch of lunatic architects were let loose with gallons of concrete in the 60's and 70's.
      • The United Nations and NASA insist no one can own any part of the moon, but interplanetary auctioneers are selling parts of it at a lunatic price of £10 per acre.
      • It's all there - the hatred, the bitterness, the lunatic conspiracy theories, the utter absence of any substantive discussion of policy issues.
      foolish, silly, unintelligent, idiotic, brainless, mindless, scatterbrained, crackbrained, nonsensical, senseless, irresponsible, unthinking, ill-advised, ill-considered, inept, witless, damfool, unwise, injudicious, indiscreet, short-sighted
      foolish, stupid, silly, idiotic, half-witted, witless, brainless, mindless, thoughtless, imprudent, incautious, irresponsible, injudicious, indiscreet, unwise, unintelligent, unreasonable


Middle English: from Old French lunatique, from late Latin lunaticus, from Latin luna 'moon' (from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity).

  • loon from [late 19th century]:

    This word for ‘a silly person’ comes from the North American loon (mid 17th century), a large water bird also known as a diver. It gets its name from its distinctive cry. The sense silly is from the bird's actions when escaping from danger; perhaps influenced by loony, a mid 19th-century abbreviation of lunatic (Middle English) from Latin luna ‘moon. In the past people thought that the phases of the moon could affect people.

Definition of lunatic in US English:


  • 1A mentally ill person (not in technical use).


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I didn't shower for at least 3 days and roamed the drugstore aisles like a crazed lunatic.
    • Surely many people who try to attempt suicide are emotionally not entirely unstable - yet they're generally not fools or lunatics.
    • To many people, these beliefs sound like the delusions of lunatics and it seems inconceivable that anyone in his or her right mind would accept such beliefs.
    • If he had been psychotic before, he was a fuming lunatic now, Evelyn decided.
    • Who knew what kind of psychopathic lunatics crept around there?
    • ‘Probaly some lunatic escaped from a mental hospital,’ Diana suggested, the color slowly seeping back into her face.
    • She continued to gape at him as if he was a runaway lunatic from a nearby mental asylum.
    • Consequently, I babbled like a deranged lunatic, and it wasn't pretty.
    • Countless lunatics, criminals, and other undesirables were photographed in the genuine belief that the results would aid science.
    • Initially, he's told he's too old and then parcelled off into the Halberdiers, a regiment almost entirely comprised of oddballs, lunatics, misfits and sociopaths.
    • She watched, with her mouth wide open, for about ten second before taking a deep breath, and letting out a string of curses, loud enough for random passers-by to think she was an insane lunatic.
    • Individuals with severe mental illnesses, branded as ‘non-criminal lunatics,’ are often imprisoned.
    • By saying that I am in no way implying that he was a crazed lunatic.
    • In the darkness, a lunatic warbled nonsense and a hungry madman babbled on about food.
    • Though I have some mental health issues, I am not a raving lunatic.
    • My guess is that he's either a known criminal or an escaped lunatic.
    • The gaol was also used for a number of years to house the mentally insane, as lunatics had to be restrained and kept out of sight.
    • On the right is the first victim, the lunatic who had lived his last moments in fear of death, and had sadly found it after seeking refuge in my asylum.
    • Everyone you know here is now either dead, a psychopathic killer out for blood, or a lunatic with about a hundred personalities.
    • There he encounters a lunatic who is obsessed with murder and who appears to be dripping blood.
    maniac, madman, madwoman, psychopath, psychotic
    mad, insane, mentally ill, certifiable, deranged, demented, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, not in one's right mind, sick in the head, not together, crazy, crazed, non compos mentis, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, disturbed, distracted, stark mad, manic, frenzied, raving, distraught, frantic, hysterical, delirious, psychotic, psychopathic, mad as a hatter, mad as a march hare, away with the fairies, foaming at the mouth
    1. 1.1 An extremely foolish or eccentric person.
      this lunatic just accelerated out of the side of the road


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Those of you who are not my best friend Julie, and therefore not lunatics and hardcore math geeks, may not know that today is Pi Day.
      • He doesn't deserve threats and abuse along these lines from a bunch of lunatics denouncing our democratic process.
      • Back in the 1970s, its supporters were considered kooks and lunatics.
      • And by the looks of it, this was one of those lunatics.
      • He has observed that all the other drivers on the road fall into one of two categories: idiots or lunatics.
      • Although we may tend to laugh at the flagellants and read them off as lunatics, they did help medieval men and women cope with the ravages of the plague.
      • When you see a picture of some mud-spattered lunatic on a 4,000 mile ride through Africa, the lunatic tends to be sitting on a BMW.
      • Technically, the old lunatic hadn't retired, he was just on stress leave.
      • I really enjoy hearing from you all (even the complete lunatics).
      • And then there are the rest of the lunatics who sign up.
      • As the playboy freshly back from the U.S. keeps repeating, ‘This is a city of lunatics!’
      • He had known it, the rest of his friends were raving lunatics.
      fool, idiot, imbecile, moron
  • 1Mentally ill (not in technical use).


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The frustration is so great that the black character believes that he might wind up in a lunatic cell, driven crazy by the insane demands.
    • I said I found him, not that he was some insane lunatic murderer trying to kill me!
    • In the rare cases of lunatic parents most places have emancipation provisions already, which should surely have acceleration clauses to allow for quick decisions in cases like this.
    • Do you remember that one episode of X-Files with that crazed lunatic writer who was in love with Scully?
    • These are not the ravings of a lunatic person nor the dream of a crazy idealist.
    deranged, demented, unbalanced, out of one's mind, crazed, mad, insane
    1. 1.1 Extremely foolish, eccentric, or absurd.
      he would be asked to acquiesce in some lunatic scheme


      Example sentencesExamples
      • What happens if you break all the rules and throw your reputation behind a lunatic scheme to let people hear world-class classical music for the price of a couple of pints?
      • When everything that's going on on-screen is so chaotic and crazy, it doesn't help when it's cut together with such lunatic randomness.
      • Lincolnshire roads tend to be populated with lunatic drivers on a Saturday evening, all hurrying to get there first and competing to see who'll be added to the casualty figures for the weekend.
      • What sort of lunatic performer was this, driven to go on performing the same stunt, time after time, finally without any audience at all, entirely for his own pleasure?
      • I shook my head and locked myself in the bathroom to take a shower, hoping my crazy, lunatic uncle would let us out before then.
      • A small smile touched her lips, her eyes alight with a lunatic fire.
      • The silent threat of violence hangs in the air and a bunch of lunatic architects were let loose with gallons of concrete in the 60's and 70's.
      • The United Nations and NASA insist no one can own any part of the moon, but interplanetary auctioneers are selling parts of it at a lunatic price of £10 per acre.
      • Cutting a path through the thickets of misrepresentation, misunderstanding and lunatic theorising that have grown up around the symbol of the Grail is no easy task.
      • Some of this is emanating from the usual sources on the lunatic left of journalism, but the allegations are retailed generally by those who want to believe them, under the guise of merely reporting disquiet.
      • There have been many other dissenting voices protesting the sale of public sector companies but these have been largely disregarded as the predictable ravings of the lunatic Left.
      • They will presumably lead to some retraction of the lunatic version of markets that have been imposed by extreme reactionaries in recent years.
      • There is, blatantly, far too much pampering these days of egos founded not on a record of achievement but on the bloated salaries considered normal amid the lunatic values that have invaded the national sport.
      • It's all there - the hatred, the bitterness, the lunatic conspiracy theories, the utter absence of any substantive discussion of policy issues.
      • ‘We have arrived at a lunatic situation where there is one law for one group and a different law for others,’ he said.
      • This is a hateful thought for greenies, social engineers, media elites and intellectuals everywhere, but the lunatic love affair with the car remains in a state of steamy passion.
      • I am particularly intrigued by the prospect of working for another lunatic director with no interpersonal skills, management ability, or capacity for leadership.
      • At first, two or three miles may seem well nigh impossible - but eventually such a distance will become easy, and so it goes until running, say, ten miles is no longer a lunatic notion.
      foolish, silly, unintelligent, idiotic, brainless, mindless, scatterbrained, crackbrained, nonsensical, senseless, irresponsible, unthinking, ill-advised, ill-considered, inept, witless, damfool, unwise, injudicious, indiscreet, short-sighted
      foolish, stupid, silly, idiotic, half-witted, witless, brainless, mindless, thoughtless, imprudent, incautious, irresponsible, injudicious, indiscreet, unwise, unintelligent, unreasonable


Middle English: from Old French lunatique, from late Latin lunaticus, from Latin luna ‘moon’ (from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity).





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