

单词 occupy

Definition of occupy in English:


verboccupied, occupying, occupies ˈɒkjʊpʌɪˈɑkjəˌpaɪ
[with object]
  • 1Reside or have one's place of business in (a building)


    the rented flat she occupies in Hampstead


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The workshop is for Lismore commercial property owners and business operators occupying commercial premises.
    • Fewer than half the shops were occupied by the same businesses that they had housed 10 years ago.
    • Only 30 of the road's 127 houses are occupied and five tenants live in the row likely to be demolished.
    • As a result, undesirable tenants occupied the buildings and disturbed the peace through illegal activities.
    • Many workers already occupy the place I will be calling home for the next three months.
    • During the study individual cells were occupied on average for 2.27 1.28 years.
    • The ground floor of the building is presently occupied by both a taxi and a bookmaking business.
    • Many catering businesses occupy old buildings and ventilation systems are often adapted to fit around the structure.
    • This is one of the key areas for inward investment to improve the quality of both premises and the businesses that occupy them.
    • The three buildings are fully occupied by tenants, it said.
    • Historians say the finds prove the site has been occupied for 10,000 years.
    • She turned to the business people in south Wiltshire whose enterprises occupy listed buildings.
    • Two of the flats above the store were occupied by local tenants, however neither were home at the time.
    • Up to £2,000 is available for new businesses occupying vacant premises and employing at least one member of staff.
    • Prada is taking over 23,000 square feet of space formerly occupied by the Guggenheim museum.
    • The new law is designed for businesses which occupy premises, and not property owners.
    • The refurbishment took place under difficult circumstances, with the tenants still occupying the building, Masilela adds.
    • Travellers occupying a controversial site next to a Southampton playing field are about to be booted off.
    • The main floor is presently occupied by commercial tenants.
    inhabited, lived-in, tenanted, settled
    live in, inhabit, be the tenant of, tenant, lodge in, be established/ensconced in, establish/ensconce oneself in, take up residence in, make one's home in, settle in, move into
    people, populate, settle
    Scottish &amp South African stay in
    formal reside in, dwell in
    1. 1.1 Fill or take up (a space or time)
      two long windows occupied almost the whole of the end wall


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘Ashes and Snow’ was the first solo exhibit ever to occupy the entire space.
      • The machine occupied a whole room, filling it with a tangle of piano wires and pulleys to move its various wheels and gears.
      • He could not occupy the drawer space because it was filled with the props.
      • The purpose is to fill the space occupied by the standard recoil spring guide and also provide a bit of a cushion for the slide.
      • Spain occupies about 85 percent of the Iberian peninsula, with Portugal on its western border.
      • Every parking space was occupied and the line of voters extended from the gymnasium out into the lobby.
      • Her mind drifted towards the girl who had occupied the seat next to hers.
      • The 2,833 lakes in Lithuania occupy about 1.5 percent of the surface area of the nation.
      • School was just something to fill the time, to occupy the space between Tommy and sleep.
      • Water vapor takes up space otherwise occupied by oxygen molecules.
      • The spaces that weren't occupied by ships were filled with lasers in missiles.
      • Then he placed her down on the chair she had occupied earlier.
      • The bed which Peter now occupied once belonged to another girl.
      • According to one rabbinic text, a scholar suggests that David will occupy a throne next to God.
      • The congregation had to negotiate dangerous steep stairs and fill the space not occupied by a spinning wheel and furniture.
      • Though I'm a big fan of Nick, it's good to see somebody else occupying the space as well.
      • Where exposed the umbilicus occupies one-third of basal diameter.
      • These are hollow casts that partially fill the space once occupied by the original crystals of anhydrite.
      • Owner Larry Hyatt estimates ammunition occupies about 15 percent of the shop's space.
      • Fluid fills the space normally occupied by air in the middle ear.
      in use, full, engaged, taken, unavailable
      take up, fill, fill up, cover, extend over, use up, utilize
    2. 1.2 Be situated in or at (a position in a system or hierarchy)
      the Bank of England occupies a central position in the UK financial system


      Example sentencesExamples
      • China occupies a central position in Japan's Asian diplomacy, and the Taiwan issue is key to Japanese diplomacy toward China.
      • As teachers we occupy positions in relation to specific knowledges which are necessarily different.
      • Aryabhata occupies a central position in the evolution of knowledge.
      • The story of how middle-class women came to occupy this central position in dance is a complex one, but told often in the literature.
      • The right to property was central to our founding; it occupied a vital place in the system of free government the founders built.
      • Throughout his career, Kennedy has worked to de-mystify painting, as well as the hierarchical system it occupies.
      • Spike slips down within the masculine hierarchy to occupy a significantly marginalized position.
      • Germany has been occupying a leading position among foreign investors in Bulgaria.
      • Why should psychology occupy a central position at all levels of education?
      • Members of the clergy occupy a central position in the lives of rank-and-file church members.
      • The majority of Mexicans occupied a liminal position within the racial hierarchy of the southwestern states.
      • He constitutes the third side of the film's dramatic triangle, occupying a vital position.
      • For example, individuals who have been with the company longer may be more likely to occupy central positions in social networks.
      • Most firms are small, but are linked into networks in which a few large corporations (systems houses) occupy key positions.
      • Wine has come to occupy a central position in the social, cultural and economic life of modern Ireland.
      • The Queensland Orchestra occupies a central place in Queensland's cultural life.
      • According to sociologists, people strive to occupy central positions in social networks in order to advance their careers.
      • The PRC will undoubtedly be an important influence on an international system in which it occupies a rather anomalous position.
      • In today's China, public education occupies the dominant position with non-governmental education sprouting up only in the past 10 years.
      • As Kenya's largest group, the Gikuyu occupy a central position in Kenyan social life.
      • A really democratic and inclusive philosophy must insist that nobody in our culture occupies a central position from whom all others merely differ.
    3. 1.3 Hold (a position or job)
      a very different job from any that he had occupied before
      Example sentencesExamples
      • All the top jobs were occupied by whites before independence.
      • With Merkel now occupying the chancellery, the circle is complete.
      • With Adorno's support, he returned to Frankfurt in 1964 as a professor of philosophy and sociology, occupying the position that Horkheimer had held.
      • She said outgoing officer Terri-Ann Pettet had done an amazing job in the four years she had occupied the position.
      • You now occupy a position of leadership in your profession.
      • A standard course for those currently occupying a supervisory position is also being developed.
      • Even the poor, low-paid jobs occupied by immigrant workers are now coveted.
      • One-third of the 57 respondents occupy the position of CEO or president and the rest are vice-presidents or managers.
      • After all it was thanks to US and European financial and political backing that he occupies the presidency.
      • From 245 on he occupied a dominant position amongst the Achaeans, normally holding the generalship of the confederacy in alternate years.
      • They occupy their positions at the invitation of the president.
      • There is a Manning Clark Professor at ANU who, as I understand it, simply occupies Manning's old job.
      • I wouldn't want to be president, or occupy any other high-ranking position.
      • If the professor has come out, he or she may unwillingly occupy a position of dual authority in the eyes of students.
      • He moved up the hierarchy and, in 1920, occupied the position of press secretary.
      • Professional positions are usually occupied by individuals who have had post-secondary school education.
      • Toward the end of the Middle Ages, a new type of individual began to occupy the position of shadchan - the paid professional.
      • The target is to achieve 10th place, the position currently occupied by the Czech Republic.
      • It is only three weeks ago that Garang was sworn in as first vice president, a position now occupied by his successor, Salva Kiir.
      • Ninety-one percent of the officers in this sample were vice presidents or occupied a position of higher rank.
      hold, be in, fill, have
      informal hold down
  • 2Fill or preoccupy (the mind)

    her mind was occupied with alarming questions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • His mind had been too occupied to notice the raging tempest that was taking place up deck.
    • Merely occupying the mind with substitutes for full time work will not do.
    • I roll my eyes and we fall quiet again, occupied with our own thoughts.
    • Dysfunctional families seem to be occupying the minds of Scotland's visiting choreographers.
    • Dalen began asking her questions to occupy her mind.
    • Squash had occupied her mind and as she grew up her only concern was to keep improving.
    • The survey of the top brands occupying consumers' minds was first conducted 20 years ago.
    • They walked without conversation for awhile, each one occupied with thoughts of their own.
    • And my friends were all too occupied to notice my boredom.
    • But what's occupying my mind right now is the following question: do compact discs get slower as they get older?
    • That question was to occupy my mind for some years, before I could finally come up with something.
    • That seems to be the key question occupying the minds of economists at the moment.
    • Cecil was too occupied to notice the last part, and so didn't ask any questions.
    • Two things, you'll be surprised to discover, have been occupying my mind since last night.
    • He had been too occupied earlier to give it a thought until now.
    • These are the kind of pointless questions that occupy the mind when you have nothing better to do.
    • Flashes of inspiration need never go to waste, buried amid the hundreds of other clever thoughts occupying your mind.
    • Once again, she focused solely on the travel and when they entered Trent late the next day, she had other concerns occupying her mind.
    • They fell into a comfortable silence, each occupied with their own thoughts and emotions.
    • They are simply asking themselves the question that occupies any young mind: ‘What will make me happier?’
    engage, busy, employ, distract, absorb, engross, preoccupy, hold, hold the attention of, immerse, interest, involve, entertain, divert, amuse, beguile
    1. 2.1 Keep (someone) busy and active.
      Sarah occupied herself taking the coffee cups over to the sink


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For the next few hours, the remaining soldiers were occupied by burying those of their group that had been killed by the rogues.
      • He grinned silently; she was pretty occupied at the moment.
      • I'm terribly sorry but Mr. Collins is occupied at the moment.
      • At least finding this Daniel Mason person would occupy him for a while when he got back.
      • She hid her face and dashed past them while Jennifer was busy occupying Aaron.
      • ‘I am used to working such long hours I shall need something to occupy me,’ he said.
      • But I have plenty of things to do that can pleasantly occupy me.
      • Occupied with her task she became a different person: calm, businesslike, and driven.
      • Here are some movie and artsite suggestions to occupy you.
      • His parents had gone out to dinner, and his sisters were all occupied at the moment.
      • Wenger has other problems to occupy him ahead of today's Highbury meeting with Southampton.
      • I am a regular visitor to the area and particularly on wet, windy days there is little to occupy the children.
      • My father was occupied for such long hours with administration that I hardly saw him at that time.
      • The new leisure centre will provide services for the community, including essential activities to occupy young people.
      • I thought this was strange, but I was occupied at the time with trying to finalize my divorce.
      • McAllister has more than enough to occupy him at club level.
      • The one-month programme recognises the fact that school children need to be gainfully occupied during summer holidays, he adds.
      • Many families are occupied with the task of simply getting by.
      • So, I've got books to occupy me for the next little while.
      busy, engaged, working, employed, at work, on the job, hard-pressed, active
      absorbed, engrossed, interested, involved, focused on, immersed, preoccupied
      informal tied up, hard at it, wrapped up, on the go, on the trot
      British informal on the hop
  • 3Take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement.


    Syria was occupied by France under a League of Nations mandate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A further influence was the iconography of the early Christian art of the Byzantines who occupied southern Spain.
    • We visited each occupied and previously occupied territory at least twice per month.
    • Militarily occupying countries is a terribly inefficient way to obtain energy.
    • Most of the population occupied what would become the republic of Tajikistan in the former Soviet Union.
    • Now, ironically, it was time to fill the space formerly occupied by indigenous people with indigenous people.
    • In Poland it is looking into the use of several facilities once occupied by Soviet forces.
    • Then in 1882, following a failed attempt by the Egyptian army to end foreign interference, British troops occupied the country.
    • During World War II he parachuted into German occupied territory in a German uniform, and escaped death narrowly.
    • There is no talk of Pearl Harbor, or of fascist, military dictators, or occupied nations, or a fight for democracy.
    • Historically, when military forces occupied belligerent territory, little how-to guidance existed.
    • In 1920, army troops from what was then the Soviet Union invaded and occupied the capital city, Baku.
    • If military forces aggressively occupy an area, the power needed to operate water pumps and plants may not be available.
    • By using ‘air policing,’ the British maintained control without occupying the country.
    • On September 17, Soviet troops invaded and then occupied eastern Poland under the terms of this agreement.
    • In the countries occupied by the Red Army at that time, vicious purges took place against religious leaders of all faiths.
    • We know they have occupied their neighbor Kuwait, and we have thrown them out.
    • The US military will continue to occupy the country, exercising powers amounting to martial law.
    • Washington sent Marines into Haiti in 1915 and militarily occupied the country for nearly 20 years.
    • How can you be a sovereign nation while your country is occupied by the military of another nation?
    • Collective punishment is forbidden by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 governing militarily occupied territories.
    capture, seize, take possession of, conquer, invade, overrun, take over, colonize, garrison, annex, dominate, subjugate, hegemonize, hold, commandeer, requisition
    1. 3.1 Enter and stay in (a building) without authority and often forcibly, especially as a form of protest.
      the workers occupied the factory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Since then the workers have been occupying the factory without general trade union support.
      • The workers occupied the factory after a protest stoppage on January 26 in support of a 300 rupees pay increase owing to them since last year.
      • When workers occupied the banks in protest against closures in January, the unions ordered them to be handed over to the receivers.
      • Protesters threatened to occupy the council building if legislators and the shoe company continue to ignore their demands.
      • Workers occupied the factory in protest over the dismissal of 250 of the company's 500-strong workforce.
      • At the beginning of May, the trade unions had been dissolved; trade union offices were forcibly occupied and leading officials arrested.
      • Workers occupied the plant, stayed for over a year and finally won.
      • As part of their protest, workers occupied the factory roof.
      • Early in September, some 5,000 people from various areas in Sampang, protested the delay by occupying the regency office.
      • On September 5 workers occupied a building at the firm's Poznan headquarters and began a hunger strike.
      • The building is occupied by workers from the Traffic Square Restaurant, and other workers working for the owner.
      • In January 2002, hundreds of workers and supporters occupied the utility headquarters for 36 days.
      • Workers have occupied this sprawling factory since the local government sold it to a private enterprise, three years ago.
      • The workers occupied the factory and after three years are still hoping to be able to buy the factory and get it back into production.
      • You could name them, boycott them, occupy their offices and force them out of business.
      • There are about 400 illegal immigrant farm workers occupying buildings in Seville, Spain, demanding the right to stay in the country.
      • In a threatened workplace by far the best answer is for workers to occupy the factory or plant.
      • In some instances, workers have occupied shutdown plants in protest.
      • The workers subsequently occupied the factory and restarted production, this time operating as owners of a cooperative.
      • Protesters, who occupied the council's building, accused the governor of corruption.


Middle English: formed irregularly from Old French occuper, from Latin occupare 'seize'. A now obsolete vulgar sense 'have sexual relations with' seems to have led to the general avoidance of the word in the 17th and most of the 18th century.

Definition of occupy in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Reside or have one's place of business in (a building)


    the apartment she occupies in Manhattan


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Two of the flats above the store were occupied by local tenants, however neither were home at the time.
    • The refurbishment took place under difficult circumstances, with the tenants still occupying the building, Masilela adds.
    • The workshop is for Lismore commercial property owners and business operators occupying commercial premises.
    • This is one of the key areas for inward investment to improve the quality of both premises and the businesses that occupy them.
    • Prada is taking over 23,000 square feet of space formerly occupied by the Guggenheim museum.
    • During the study individual cells were occupied on average for 2.27 1.28 years.
    • Fewer than half the shops were occupied by the same businesses that they had housed 10 years ago.
    • Up to £2,000 is available for new businesses occupying vacant premises and employing at least one member of staff.
    • She turned to the business people in south Wiltshire whose enterprises occupy listed buildings.
    • As a result, undesirable tenants occupied the buildings and disturbed the peace through illegal activities.
    • The three buildings are fully occupied by tenants, it said.
    • The new law is designed for businesses which occupy premises, and not property owners.
    • Many workers already occupy the place I will be calling home for the next three months.
    • Only 30 of the road's 127 houses are occupied and five tenants live in the row likely to be demolished.
    • Travellers occupying a controversial site next to a Southampton playing field are about to be booted off.
    • The main floor is presently occupied by commercial tenants.
    • Many catering businesses occupy old buildings and ventilation systems are often adapted to fit around the structure.
    • The ground floor of the building is presently occupied by both a taxi and a bookmaking business.
    • Historians say the finds prove the site has been occupied for 10,000 years.
    inhabited, lived-in, tenanted, settled
    live in, inhabit, be the tenant of, tenant, lodge in, be ensconced in, be established in, ensconce oneself in, establish oneself in, take up residence in, make one's home in, settle in, move into
    1. 1.1 Fill or take up (a space or time)
      two long windows occupied almost the whole wall


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He could not occupy the drawer space because it was filled with the props.
      • Where exposed the umbilicus occupies one-third of basal diameter.
      • Though I'm a big fan of Nick, it's good to see somebody else occupying the space as well.
      • Water vapor takes up space otherwise occupied by oxygen molecules.
      • The bed which Peter now occupied once belonged to another girl.
      • School was just something to fill the time, to occupy the space between Tommy and sleep.
      • Her mind drifted towards the girl who had occupied the seat next to hers.
      • The 2,833 lakes in Lithuania occupy about 1.5 percent of the surface area of the nation.
      • The congregation had to negotiate dangerous steep stairs and fill the space not occupied by a spinning wheel and furniture.
      • Owner Larry Hyatt estimates ammunition occupies about 15 percent of the shop's space.
      • Fluid fills the space normally occupied by air in the middle ear.
      • Then he placed her down on the chair she had occupied earlier.
      • The machine occupied a whole room, filling it with a tangle of piano wires and pulleys to move its various wheels and gears.
      • These are hollow casts that partially fill the space once occupied by the original crystals of anhydrite.
      • ‘Ashes and Snow’ was the first solo exhibit ever to occupy the entire space.
      • The purpose is to fill the space occupied by the standard recoil spring guide and also provide a bit of a cushion for the slide.
      • The spaces that weren't occupied by ships were filled with lasers in missiles.
      • According to one rabbinic text, a scholar suggests that David will occupy a throne next to God.
      • Every parking space was occupied and the line of voters extended from the gymnasium out into the lobby.
      • Spain occupies about 85 percent of the Iberian peninsula, with Portugal on its western border.
      in use, full, engaged, taken, unavailable
      take up, fill, fill up, cover, extend over, use up, utilize
    2. 1.2 Be situated in or at (a place or position in a system or hierarchy)
      on the corporate ladder, they occupy the lowest rungs
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As teachers we occupy positions in relation to specific knowledges which are necessarily different.
      • In today's China, public education occupies the dominant position with non-governmental education sprouting up only in the past 10 years.
      • Aryabhata occupies a central position in the evolution of knowledge.
      • China occupies a central position in Japan's Asian diplomacy, and the Taiwan issue is key to Japanese diplomacy toward China.
      • The story of how middle-class women came to occupy this central position in dance is a complex one, but told often in the literature.
      • Spike slips down within the masculine hierarchy to occupy a significantly marginalized position.
      • The Queensland Orchestra occupies a central place in Queensland's cultural life.
      • A really democratic and inclusive philosophy must insist that nobody in our culture occupies a central position from whom all others merely differ.
      • Germany has been occupying a leading position among foreign investors in Bulgaria.
      • He constitutes the third side of the film's dramatic triangle, occupying a vital position.
      • According to sociologists, people strive to occupy central positions in social networks in order to advance their careers.
      • As Kenya's largest group, the Gikuyu occupy a central position in Kenyan social life.
      • Why should psychology occupy a central position at all levels of education?
      • For example, individuals who have been with the company longer may be more likely to occupy central positions in social networks.
      • Members of the clergy occupy a central position in the lives of rank-and-file church members.
      • The right to property was central to our founding; it occupied a vital place in the system of free government the founders built.
      • The majority of Mexicans occupied a liminal position within the racial hierarchy of the southwestern states.
      • Throughout his career, Kennedy has worked to de-mystify painting, as well as the hierarchical system it occupies.
      • Most firms are small, but are linked into networks in which a few large corporations (systems houses) occupy key positions.
      • Wine has come to occupy a central position in the social, cultural and economic life of modern Ireland.
      • The PRC will undoubtedly be an important influence on an international system in which it occupies a rather anomalous position.
    3. 1.3 Hold (a position or job).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ninety-one percent of the officers in this sample were vice presidents or occupied a position of higher rank.
      • Even the poor, low-paid jobs occupied by immigrant workers are now coveted.
      • It is only three weeks ago that Garang was sworn in as first vice president, a position now occupied by his successor, Salva Kiir.
      • He moved up the hierarchy and, in 1920, occupied the position of press secretary.
      • With Adorno's support, he returned to Frankfurt in 1964 as a professor of philosophy and sociology, occupying the position that Horkheimer had held.
      • With Merkel now occupying the chancellery, the circle is complete.
      • You now occupy a position of leadership in your profession.
      • There is a Manning Clark Professor at ANU who, as I understand it, simply occupies Manning's old job.
      • A standard course for those currently occupying a supervisory position is also being developed.
      • If the professor has come out, he or she may unwillingly occupy a position of dual authority in the eyes of students.
      • From 245 on he occupied a dominant position amongst the Achaeans, normally holding the generalship of the confederacy in alternate years.
      • They occupy their positions at the invitation of the president.
      • The target is to achieve 10th place, the position currently occupied by the Czech Republic.
      • Professional positions are usually occupied by individuals who have had post-secondary school education.
      • Toward the end of the Middle Ages, a new type of individual began to occupy the position of shadchan - the paid professional.
      • She said outgoing officer Terri-Ann Pettet had done an amazing job in the four years she had occupied the position.
      • I wouldn't want to be president, or occupy any other high-ranking position.
      • After all it was thanks to US and European financial and political backing that he occupies the presidency.
      • One-third of the 57 respondents occupy the position of CEO or president and the rest are vice-presidents or managers.
      • All the top jobs were occupied by whites before independence.
      hold, be in, fill, have
  • 2often be occupied with/inFill or preoccupy (the mind or thoughts)


    her mind was occupied with alarming questions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Merely occupying the mind with substitutes for full time work will not do.
    • Flashes of inspiration need never go to waste, buried amid the hundreds of other clever thoughts occupying your mind.
    • His mind had been too occupied to notice the raging tempest that was taking place up deck.
    • They fell into a comfortable silence, each occupied with their own thoughts and emotions.
    • And my friends were all too occupied to notice my boredom.
    • Two things, you'll be surprised to discover, have been occupying my mind since last night.
    • I roll my eyes and we fall quiet again, occupied with our own thoughts.
    • The survey of the top brands occupying consumers' minds was first conducted 20 years ago.
    • That question was to occupy my mind for some years, before I could finally come up with something.
    • They are simply asking themselves the question that occupies any young mind: ‘What will make me happier?’
    • Dalen began asking her questions to occupy her mind.
    • These are the kind of pointless questions that occupy the mind when you have nothing better to do.
    • Squash had occupied her mind and as she grew up her only concern was to keep improving.
    • He had been too occupied earlier to give it a thought until now.
    • That seems to be the key question occupying the minds of economists at the moment.
    • Dysfunctional families seem to be occupying the minds of Scotland's visiting choreographers.
    • Once again, she focused solely on the travel and when they entered Trent late the next day, she had other concerns occupying her mind.
    • But what's occupying my mind right now is the following question: do compact discs get slower as they get older?
    • They walked without conversation for awhile, each one occupied with thoughts of their own.
    • Cecil was too occupied to notice the last part, and so didn't ask any questions.
    engage, busy, employ, distract, absorb, engross, preoccupy, hold, hold the attention of, immerse, interest, involve, entertain, divert, amuse, beguile
    1. 2.1 Keep (someone) busy and active.
      Sarah occupied herself taking the coffee cups over to the sink


      Example sentencesExamples
      • McAllister has more than enough to occupy him at club level.
      • She hid her face and dashed past them while Jennifer was busy occupying Aaron.
      • Wenger has other problems to occupy him ahead of today's Highbury meeting with Southampton.
      • I am a regular visitor to the area and particularly on wet, windy days there is little to occupy the children.
      • My father was occupied for such long hours with administration that I hardly saw him at that time.
      • So, I've got books to occupy me for the next little while.
      • The new leisure centre will provide services for the community, including essential activities to occupy young people.
      • Here are some movie and artsite suggestions to occupy you.
      • ‘I am used to working such long hours I shall need something to occupy me,’ he said.
      • I thought this was strange, but I was occupied at the time with trying to finalize my divorce.
      • At least finding this Daniel Mason person would occupy him for a while when he got back.
      • His parents had gone out to dinner, and his sisters were all occupied at the moment.
      • Many families are occupied with the task of simply getting by.
      • The one-month programme recognises the fact that school children need to be gainfully occupied during summer holidays, he adds.
      • Occupied with her task she became a different person: calm, businesslike, and driven.
      • I'm terribly sorry but Mr. Collins is occupied at the moment.
      • For the next few hours, the remaining soldiers were occupied by burying those of their group that had been killed by the rogues.
      • He grinned silently; she was pretty occupied at the moment.
      • But I have plenty of things to do that can pleasantly occupy me.
      busy, engaged, working, employed, at work, on the job, hard-pressed, active
  • 3Take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement.


    the region was occupied by Britain during World War I
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The US military will continue to occupy the country, exercising powers amounting to martial law.
    • Most of the population occupied what would become the republic of Tajikistan in the former Soviet Union.
    • By using ‘air policing,’ the British maintained control without occupying the country.
    • In the countries occupied by the Red Army at that time, vicious purges took place against religious leaders of all faiths.
    • We know they have occupied their neighbor Kuwait, and we have thrown them out.
    • In Poland it is looking into the use of several facilities once occupied by Soviet forces.
    • Then in 1882, following a failed attempt by the Egyptian army to end foreign interference, British troops occupied the country.
    • There is no talk of Pearl Harbor, or of fascist, military dictators, or occupied nations, or a fight for democracy.
    • A further influence was the iconography of the early Christian art of the Byzantines who occupied southern Spain.
    • Collective punishment is forbidden by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 governing militarily occupied territories.
    • Washington sent Marines into Haiti in 1915 and militarily occupied the country for nearly 20 years.
    • Now, ironically, it was time to fill the space formerly occupied by indigenous people with indigenous people.
    • Militarily occupying countries is a terribly inefficient way to obtain energy.
    • On September 17, Soviet troops invaded and then occupied eastern Poland under the terms of this agreement.
    • How can you be a sovereign nation while your country is occupied by the military of another nation?
    • During World War II he parachuted into German occupied territory in a German uniform, and escaped death narrowly.
    • In 1920, army troops from what was then the Soviet Union invaded and occupied the capital city, Baku.
    • We visited each occupied and previously occupied territory at least twice per month.
    • If military forces aggressively occupy an area, the power needed to operate water pumps and plants may not be available.
    • Historically, when military forces occupied belligerent territory, little how-to guidance existed.
    capture, seize, take possession of, conquer, invade, overrun, take over, colonize, garrison, annex, dominate, subjugate, hegemonize, hold, commandeer, requisition
    1. 3.1 Enter, take control of, and stay in (a building) illegally and often forcibly, especially as a form of protest.
      the workers occupied the factory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Workers occupied the plant, stayed for over a year and finally won.
      • The workers occupied the factory and after three years are still hoping to be able to buy the factory and get it back into production.
      • Early in September, some 5,000 people from various areas in Sampang, protested the delay by occupying the regency office.
      • In January 2002, hundreds of workers and supporters occupied the utility headquarters for 36 days.
      • Since then the workers have been occupying the factory without general trade union support.
      • When workers occupied the banks in protest against closures in January, the unions ordered them to be handed over to the receivers.
      • Protesters, who occupied the council's building, accused the governor of corruption.
      • On September 5 workers occupied a building at the firm's Poznan headquarters and began a hunger strike.
      • As part of their protest, workers occupied the factory roof.
      • You could name them, boycott them, occupy their offices and force them out of business.
      • Protesters threatened to occupy the council building if legislators and the shoe company continue to ignore their demands.
      • The workers occupied the factory after a protest stoppage on January 26 in support of a 300 rupees pay increase owing to them since last year.
      • Workers have occupied this sprawling factory since the local government sold it to a private enterprise, three years ago.
      • Workers occupied the factory in protest over the dismissal of 250 of the company's 500-strong workforce.
      • The workers subsequently occupied the factory and restarted production, this time operating as owners of a cooperative.
      • In a threatened workplace by far the best answer is for workers to occupy the factory or plant.
      • In some instances, workers have occupied shutdown plants in protest.
      • At the beginning of May, the trade unions had been dissolved; trade union offices were forcibly occupied and leading officials arrested.
      • The building is occupied by workers from the Traffic Square Restaurant, and other workers working for the owner.
      • There are about 400 illegal immigrant farm workers occupying buildings in Seville, Spain, demanding the right to stay in the country.


Middle English: formed irregularly from Old French occuper, from Latin occupare ‘seize’. A now obsolete vulgar sense ‘have sexual relations with’ seems to have led to the general avoidance of the word in the 17th and most of the 18th century.





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