But if that doesn't seem worth losing a toe or two to frostbite for there's always the ‘lucky bags’, packed with £750 worth of goodies on sale for just under £250.
Meanwhile, she was also looking to take matters into her own hands and decided to buy a lucky bag on the promise that if there was a ring in it, she would propose to David.
She chose bag No.2 and this was the lucky bag containing the car key making her the proud new owner of the famous Fairgreen Volkswagen Beetle.
I remember coming home from school with my latest creation from Mother Rose's craft class, and would nip into Gorman's shop for a packet of Perry Crisps and a lucky bag which cost me a whole sixpence.
Instead he got down to business right away, chatted his young admirers and handed out presents and lucky bags.
A lucky bag revealed three gems as Haworth West Lane Baptist Amateur Operatic Society celebrated its 40th birthday.
Among the items being delivered personally by the Irish soldiers are clothes, food and lucky bags for the children, which have been donated by groups around Ireland.