

单词 remote

Definition of remote in English:


adjectiveremotest, remoter rɪˈməʊtrəˈmoʊt
  • 1(of a place) situated far from the main centres of population; distant.


    the valley is remote from the usual tourist routes
    a remote Welsh valley


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Originating from Lucknow, the fruit is gradually establishing itself in certain pockets of Dindigul and in remote places in Salem.
    • Every Croatian household, from the largest urban center to the most remote village, has a television.
    • Officials generally tolerated prostitution in mining centres, especially in more remote locations.
    • The Himalayan Cataract Project is curing blindness - literally overnight - in the most remote villages of Nepal and India.
    • And many of those areas are very remote, very dangerous areas.
    • He was faintly embarrassed by this and explained that living in a remote place demanded extraordinary measures if he was to keep up with the baseball.
    • Tired of the rat race of modern life, they found a deserted valley in a remote region of the world.
    • So if you want to go in the remote areas inside the valley, you don't have any options.
    • The facts are that since 1981, the Aboriginal population in remote areas has grown by more than 20 per cent.
    • Diseases continue to ravage large populations, especially in remote areas.
    • The aircraft will remain for an indefinite period, delivering supplies to more remote locations.
    • Invitees used a satellite-based interactive system to link up with participants in locations situated in remote locations.
    • They too had been forcibly removed to ‘detention’ centres in mostly remote areas.
    • Similarly, several families have moved closer to urban centres from the remote villages.
    • Well, it's a fairly remote island.
    • This problem centres on our very large landmass, long coastline, remote location and small population.
    • Moreover, since anthropology started as a museum discipline, this has resulted in a focus on exotic and remote locales and populations.
    • In Scotland too, holy wells in remote places attracted the attentions of Presbyterian devotees, often despite the baleful stares of ordained Kirk ministers.
    • Not only that, but if you live in remote places, gifts are often best organised by mail order from down south, which adds another week or two to the process.
    • Christian churches exist in even the most remote villages.
    faraway, distant, far, far off, far removed
    dim and distant
    isolated, out of the way, outlying, off the beaten track, secluded, in the depths of …, hard to find, lonely, in the back of beyond, in the hinterlands, off the map, in the middle of nowhere, godforsaken, obscure, inaccessible, cut-off, unreachable
    faraway, far-flung
    North American in the backwoods, lonesome
    South African in the backveld, in the platteland
    Australian/New Zealand in the backblocks, in the booay
    informal unget-at-able, in the sticks
    North American informal jerkwater, in the tall timbers
    Australian/New Zealand informal Barcoo, beyond the black stump
    literary lone
    archaic unapproachable
    1. 1.1 (of an electronic device) operating or operated at a distance by means of radio or infrared signals.
      a second feature allows pagers to be alerted from remote alarm sensors
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The researchers had already deployed time-lapse cameras mounted to trees and remote microphones to listen for the telltale calls.
      • In the near future, with this type of system users would not know whether they controlled a remote microscope or a virtual microscope.
      • A signal condition monitoring circuit drives an integral two-color LED and an alarm signal for remote monitoring at the control.
      • The specification list is comprehensive for a small car, although the absence of remote mirror adjustment was noted.
      • He attached the little remote device for his ship onto the rifle.
      • With the aid of a remote camera set 50 meters from the den, Christoph spent many hours watching her perform the intimate chores of motherhood.
      • There are several possible new markets, such as remote sensing and space tourism.
      • The concept of the device is to activate a remote sensor that will trigger the device on the vehicle that will bring it to a stop.
      • At the touch of a button one of the blank monitors blipped to life, displaying a scene that was being picked up by a hidden remote camera.
      • The 1.6 comes with electric windows, a radio / CD player, electric heated mirrors, alarm immobiliser and remote locking.
      • A new kid will use a remote explosive to take out a target efficiently, but it's messy and it's also very risky.
      • Walthall has spent hundreds of hours aboard NASA planes, operating remote sensors, but he is doing his research on the ground now.
      • The second type is proprietary and relies on custom software drivers that communicate to the remote chipset.
      • As remote sensing relies heavily on interpretation skills, local experts may help with the interpretation.
      • There are other uses for cheap, expendable remote sensors.
      • Instead, a remote sensor placed outdoors transmits a radio signal to a monitor inside your house, which shows the data on a liquid crystal display.
      • Baghdad and other cities are wracked by small arms and remote bomb ambushes and by mortar and rocket attacks, and are closed to commercial air traffic.
      • He set up a blind in ‘the great marsh’ and a remote camera beside a slough, rigged to take a photo whenever a creature crossed its infrared beam.
      • The SE models gain an electric sunroof, alloys and remote central locking.
      • Options such as ABS brakes and remote locking will cost you extra.
    2. 1.2 Distant in time.
      a golden age in the remote past


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although she had no recent history of trauma, in the remote past she had abdominal trauma that she had chosen not to have repaired.
      • Bonded labour may sound like pages from the remote past but is shockingly a fact in the present day, just an hour's drive from the winter capital of Jammu and Kashmir.
      • It gives us the opportunity to form some opinion not just of the physical circumstances of life in the remote past, but also of how such people might have thought and felt about life.
      • First, there are various pieces of evidence about monkeys being eaten in the remote past or in primitive cultures in more recent times.
      • I would like to think that Colonial House at least gave us a different view of the remote past than the stereotypical textbook treatment we remember from high school.
      • If determinism is true, then our acts are the consequences of the laws of nature and events in the remote past.
      • Seemingly different characters have the same name, a car accident happens in both the recent and the remote past, unrelated events have a strange symmetry.
      • At one level, the novel is about male sexual fantasies, at another it is about the role of memory, both the recent and remote past and how they intermesh with the present.
      • The causes of their deaths were usually said to lie in people's wrong doings in both the recent and the remote past, and their invasion of forbidden domains.
      • Using these legends, he would come up with these radical theories of fabulous civilizations from remote past.
      • In other words, the Aboriginal past was remote and incidental.
      • Is looking at such pictures really ‘necessary’, given that these horrors are in a past remote enough to be beyond punishment?
      • Some of the pictures featured at the show were those sent by spacecraft such as Mariner 9 which reveal extensive channels made by flowing water in the remote past of the planet.
      • This is the zone which, arguably, contains the most important sites for understanding responses to coastal processes in the more remote past, but which is the most difficult to protect or manage.
      • In my anxiety I got a much earlier train, and when I changed onto the branch line was afflicted with almost overpowering excitement at this journey into the remote past.
      • Together, the remote past and the more recent development of ‘traditional’ festivals have much educationally to offer the people of England today.
      • They seem bent on taking the world back to an even more remote past, to when chaos lay on the face of the Earth; a time recorded in the Book of Genesis.
      • Each idyll is a society in the distant future or the remote past that can be held up as a noble alternative to American society.
      • It is also worth noting that the argument has nothing essential to do with a causal circumstance in the remote past.
      • Still anything that engages the average reader with our remote past, even if in the form of a romantic time-condensing allegory, has got to be a good thing.
  • 2Having very little connection with or relationship to.

    没多大联系的, 关系不密切的

    the theory seems rather intellectual and remote from everyday experience


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is ridiculous to suggest that this relationship would become more remote if there were single-seat constituencies.
    • Sometimes they're only related in a very remote way.
    • The remaining six plaintiffs were excluded as claimants because they were in a more remote relationship - but it seems that on appeal they all lost and for a variety of reasons.
    • So there has to be some causal connection, however remote, though, does there not, between the acts done and the race of the person who is offended?
    • Other times, the connection is more remote, or downright nonexistent.
    • Any remote relationship to terrorism will get you involved in one of these tribunals.
    • Some were abstract and suggested forms and shapes, exquisite in themselves but remote from concrete reality.
    • Neither illness has any remote connection to the vaccine.
    • American propaganda painted him as unbalanced and remote from reality.
    irrelevant to, unrelated to, unconnected to, unconcerned with, not pertinent to, inapposite to, immaterial to, unassociated with, inappropriate to
    foreign to, alien to
    rare extrinsic to
    1. 2.1 Distantly related.
      a remote cousin


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Chinese is a language rich in kinship terms, but the point is that, whatever sort of relative Mr Li was, he was a remote one.
      • Status, rank, and patronage opportunities had rarely been of greater importance and even remote family connections could be of real use.
      • He could have made the same point just as well without any discussion of remote genetic relationships.
      • On the face of it, the objection of any surviving relative, however remote, bars any transplant.
  • 3(of a chance or possibility) unlikely to occur.


    chances of a lasting peace became even more remote


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A free-kick from 30 yards out seemed too remote to be dangerous.
    • Just suppose that cloning a human was no longer a remote possibility, but a scientific reality.
    • If it is, the chances of bringing a successful legal action must be remote.
    • Both prospects seem to me to have been relatively remote.
    • The chances of this kind of relationship coming about between three individuals seems highly remote to me.
    • Once a ball touches an infielder, the chance of a runner interfering with a batted ball becomes remote.
    • And she'd been stupid enough to believe there was even a remote chance he might actually like her as a friend?
    • Is there even a remote possibility of a person who hadn't seen his four previous films, plus his comics and website, understanding the film?
    • It's not hers so there's still that remote chance she's still out there somewhere alive and - we're still clinging to that.
    • The risk of crime - much less terrorism - had always been remote.
    • Because if you use it on weird foot cramps, there's a remote possibility that you could loosen a blood clot and cause heart damage or even death.
    • Many Koreans realize that it is presently unrealistic and a remote possibility to envision a unified Korea.
    • I want you to hear what he said about that albeit remote possibility.
    • As flight lead I hadn't discussed a divert option in detail because I felt the chances were remote based on the weather forecast.
    • The Mining Scout decided to check out the abandoned vessel, on the remote chance that there may still be people aboard.
    • But with two burly dogs giving us a chase, this seemed a remote possibility.
    • Five hundred and sixteen other patients who also had surgery there have been warned of the remote possibility of exposure.
    • If his victory stands, the immediate prospect for reducing tension across the strait appears remote.
    • Nervously, I knew that there was a remote chance that Alex was here, and that Alex had Andrea somewhere.
    • The disease may have been transmitted to 1056 patients through surgical instruments, however, the likelihood of transmission is remote.
    unlikely, improbable, implausible, doubtful, dubious, far-fetched
    faint, slight, slim, small, slender, minimal, marginal, negligible, insignificant, inconsiderable
  • 4Aloof and unfriendly in manner.


    she seemed remote and patronizing
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Visibly thrilled over his visit, he says that contrary to apprehension that he would be cold and remote, the Prince came across as a very amenable and caring person.
    • She is a cold, remote, autocratic figurehead with monarchical delusions and the instincts of a contract killer.
    • While seen as personally remote and aloof, Collins came across as fair and measured in meetings with unions.
    aloof, distant, detached, impersonal, withdrawn, reserved, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unapproachable, unresponsive, indifferent, unconcerned, preoccupied, abstracted
    unfriendly, unsociable, stand-offish, cool, chilly, cold, haughty
    introspective, introvert, introverted
  • 5Computing
    Denoting a device which can only be accessed by means of a network.


    Compare with local
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is challenging to make a Windows system log to a remote device.
    • PingAlarm is a tiny application that sits in the system tray, and has a green light that turns red if any remote device is down.
    • Manufacturers can also use RMS to load new profiles or operating systems into remote devices.
    • Mira allows you to log into a Windows XP computer from a much simpler and less expensive remote device.
    • The rlogin command gives you easier access to remote machines than telnet.
noun rɪˈməʊtrəˈmoʊt
  • A remote control device.


    universal remotes which let you operate all your audio/video components from one handset
    Example sentencesExamples
    • As the user, you can interface with the system via keypads, touch screens, panic buttons, TV screens, computers, telephones, handheld remotes or other devices.
    • Long-time State fans will appreciate the show's insider feel, but most channel surfers will find little reason to lower their remotes.
    • Some high-tech remotes also include programmable timers.
    • Pheobe picked up the remotes and turned on the TV & cable box.
    • He popped one in and jumped back on the couch with remote in hand.
    • I picked up the remote to the stereo and turned it down a bit.
    • Some universal remotes can be large and unwieldy with way too many buttons, many of which wind up going unused.
    • The T.V. went to commercial and Jaime grabbed the remote to turn the mute on.
    • I glared at them both, my arms crossed, remote in hand.
    • She forced him to sit and relax, handing him the remote to the TV.
    • She moved into the kitchen and Merlin picked up a remote off the table.
    • Finally I found what I was looking for, the remote to my stereo.
    • In this case the trailers are for Mystery, Alaska, Outside Providence, and Happy, Texas and are skipped using the chapter search button on most remotes.
    • Then he snatched up the remote off the coffee table and pressed play.
    • They really should make homing devices to go with TV remotes.
    • Then the woman who owns the place uses her remote to turn on a video.
    • Thus, we are often called upon to help customers get hard-to-find batteries for their watches and cordless phones and remotes and stuff.
    • Instead she rolled over and rummaged through her bedside table for the remote to her stereo.
    • She grabbed the remote off the coffee table, and flipped the TV off.
    • Stilled half asleep, he fumbled with the remote to turn it off.


Late Middle English (in the sense 'far apart'): from Latin remotus 'removed', past participle of removere (see remove).

Definition of remote in US English:


  • 1(of a place) situated far from the main centers of population; distant.


    a remote Oregon valley


    I'd chosen a spot that looked as remote from any road as possible


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Officials generally tolerated prostitution in mining centres, especially in more remote locations.
    • He was faintly embarrassed by this and explained that living in a remote place demanded extraordinary measures if he was to keep up with the baseball.
    • Not only that, but if you live in remote places, gifts are often best organised by mail order from down south, which adds another week or two to the process.
    • Moreover, since anthropology started as a museum discipline, this has resulted in a focus on exotic and remote locales and populations.
    • And many of those areas are very remote, very dangerous areas.
    • Invitees used a satellite-based interactive system to link up with participants in locations situated in remote locations.
    • Similarly, several families have moved closer to urban centres from the remote villages.
    • Every Croatian household, from the largest urban center to the most remote village, has a television.
    • The facts are that since 1981, the Aboriginal population in remote areas has grown by more than 20 per cent.
    • Tired of the rat race of modern life, they found a deserted valley in a remote region of the world.
    • Diseases continue to ravage large populations, especially in remote areas.
    • The aircraft will remain for an indefinite period, delivering supplies to more remote locations.
    • The Himalayan Cataract Project is curing blindness - literally overnight - in the most remote villages of Nepal and India.
    • In Scotland too, holy wells in remote places attracted the attentions of Presbyterian devotees, often despite the baleful stares of ordained Kirk ministers.
    • Well, it's a fairly remote island.
    • They too had been forcibly removed to ‘detention’ centres in mostly remote areas.
    • So if you want to go in the remote areas inside the valley, you don't have any options.
    • Christian churches exist in even the most remote villages.
    • Originating from Lucknow, the fruit is gradually establishing itself in certain pockets of Dindigul and in remote places in Salem.
    • This problem centres on our very large landmass, long coastline, remote location and small population.
    faraway, distant, far, far off, far removed
    isolated, out of the way, outlying, off the beaten track, secluded, in the depths of …, hard to find, lonely, in the back of beyond, in the hinterlands, off the map, in the middle of nowhere, godforsaken, obscure, inaccessible, cut-off, unreachable
    1. 1.1 (of an electronic device) operating or operated by means of radio or infrared signals.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are other uses for cheap, expendable remote sensors.
      • As remote sensing relies heavily on interpretation skills, local experts may help with the interpretation.
      • Baghdad and other cities are wracked by small arms and remote bomb ambushes and by mortar and rocket attacks, and are closed to commercial air traffic.
      • Options such as ABS brakes and remote locking will cost you extra.
      • The 1.6 comes with electric windows, a radio / CD player, electric heated mirrors, alarm immobiliser and remote locking.
      • The SE models gain an electric sunroof, alloys and remote central locking.
      • A signal condition monitoring circuit drives an integral two-color LED and an alarm signal for remote monitoring at the control.
      • With the aid of a remote camera set 50 meters from the den, Christoph spent many hours watching her perform the intimate chores of motherhood.
      • The second type is proprietary and relies on custom software drivers that communicate to the remote chipset.
      • Walthall has spent hundreds of hours aboard NASA planes, operating remote sensors, but he is doing his research on the ground now.
      • A new kid will use a remote explosive to take out a target efficiently, but it's messy and it's also very risky.
      • The concept of the device is to activate a remote sensor that will trigger the device on the vehicle that will bring it to a stop.
      • He attached the little remote device for his ship onto the rifle.
      • At the touch of a button one of the blank monitors blipped to life, displaying a scene that was being picked up by a hidden remote camera.
      • The specification list is comprehensive for a small car, although the absence of remote mirror adjustment was noted.
      • He set up a blind in ‘the great marsh’ and a remote camera beside a slough, rigged to take a photo whenever a creature crossed its infrared beam.
      • The researchers had already deployed time-lapse cameras mounted to trees and remote microphones to listen for the telltale calls.
      • In the near future, with this type of system users would not know whether they controlled a remote microscope or a virtual microscope.
      • There are several possible new markets, such as remote sensing and space tourism.
      • Instead, a remote sensor placed outdoors transmits a radio signal to a monitor inside your house, which shows the data on a liquid crystal display.
    2. 1.2 Distant in time.
      a golden age in the remote past


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Using these legends, he would come up with these radical theories of fabulous civilizations from remote past.
      • Although she had no recent history of trauma, in the remote past she had abdominal trauma that she had chosen not to have repaired.
      • In other words, the Aboriginal past was remote and incidental.
      • In my anxiety I got a much earlier train, and when I changed onto the branch line was afflicted with almost overpowering excitement at this journey into the remote past.
      • The causes of their deaths were usually said to lie in people's wrong doings in both the recent and the remote past, and their invasion of forbidden domains.
      • If determinism is true, then our acts are the consequences of the laws of nature and events in the remote past.
      • Seemingly different characters have the same name, a car accident happens in both the recent and the remote past, unrelated events have a strange symmetry.
      • I would like to think that Colonial House at least gave us a different view of the remote past than the stereotypical textbook treatment we remember from high school.
      • Bonded labour may sound like pages from the remote past but is shockingly a fact in the present day, just an hour's drive from the winter capital of Jammu and Kashmir.
      • They seem bent on taking the world back to an even more remote past, to when chaos lay on the face of the Earth; a time recorded in the Book of Genesis.
      • Some of the pictures featured at the show were those sent by spacecraft such as Mariner 9 which reveal extensive channels made by flowing water in the remote past of the planet.
      • Each idyll is a society in the distant future or the remote past that can be held up as a noble alternative to American society.
      • It gives us the opportunity to form some opinion not just of the physical circumstances of life in the remote past, but also of how such people might have thought and felt about life.
      • Still anything that engages the average reader with our remote past, even if in the form of a romantic time-condensing allegory, has got to be a good thing.
      • Together, the remote past and the more recent development of ‘traditional’ festivals have much educationally to offer the people of England today.
      • This is the zone which, arguably, contains the most important sites for understanding responses to coastal processes in the more remote past, but which is the most difficult to protect or manage.
      • It is also worth noting that the argument has nothing essential to do with a causal circumstance in the remote past.
      • At one level, the novel is about male sexual fantasies, at another it is about the role of memory, both the recent and remote past and how they intermesh with the present.
      • Is looking at such pictures really ‘necessary’, given that these horrors are in a past remote enough to be beyond punishment?
      • First, there are various pieces of evidence about monkeys being eaten in the remote past or in primitive cultures in more recent times.
  • 2Having very little connection with or relationship to.

    没多大联系的, 关系不密切的

    the theory seems rather intellectual and remote from everyday experience


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some were abstract and suggested forms and shapes, exquisite in themselves but remote from concrete reality.
    • Neither illness has any remote connection to the vaccine.
    • Sometimes they're only related in a very remote way.
    • Other times, the connection is more remote, or downright nonexistent.
    • The remaining six plaintiffs were excluded as claimants because they were in a more remote relationship - but it seems that on appeal they all lost and for a variety of reasons.
    • Any remote relationship to terrorism will get you involved in one of these tribunals.
    • So there has to be some causal connection, however remote, though, does there not, between the acts done and the race of the person who is offended?
    • American propaganda painted him as unbalanced and remote from reality.
    • It is ridiculous to suggest that this relationship would become more remote if there were single-seat constituencies.
    irrelevant to, unrelated to, unconnected to, unconcerned with, not pertinent to, inapposite to, immaterial to, unassociated with, inappropriate to
    1. 2.1 Distantly related.
      a remote cousin


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He could have made the same point just as well without any discussion of remote genetic relationships.
      • Status, rank, and patronage opportunities had rarely been of greater importance and even remote family connections could be of real use.
      • Chinese is a language rich in kinship terms, but the point is that, whatever sort of relative Mr Li was, he was a remote one.
      • On the face of it, the objection of any surviving relative, however remote, bars any transplant.
  • 3(of a chance or possibility) unlikely to occur.


    chances of a genuine and lasting peace become even more remote


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Five hundred and sixteen other patients who also had surgery there have been warned of the remote possibility of exposure.
    • I want you to hear what he said about that albeit remote possibility.
    • It's not hers so there's still that remote chance she's still out there somewhere alive and - we're still clinging to that.
    • Is there even a remote possibility of a person who hadn't seen his four previous films, plus his comics and website, understanding the film?
    • Both prospects seem to me to have been relatively remote.
    • The disease may have been transmitted to 1056 patients through surgical instruments, however, the likelihood of transmission is remote.
    • If his victory stands, the immediate prospect for reducing tension across the strait appears remote.
    • A free-kick from 30 yards out seemed too remote to be dangerous.
    • The Mining Scout decided to check out the abandoned vessel, on the remote chance that there may still be people aboard.
    • If it is, the chances of bringing a successful legal action must be remote.
    • The chances of this kind of relationship coming about between three individuals seems highly remote to me.
    • Because if you use it on weird foot cramps, there's a remote possibility that you could loosen a blood clot and cause heart damage or even death.
    • And she'd been stupid enough to believe there was even a remote chance he might actually like her as a friend?
    • Once a ball touches an infielder, the chance of a runner interfering with a batted ball becomes remote.
    • Just suppose that cloning a human was no longer a remote possibility, but a scientific reality.
    • The risk of crime - much less terrorism - had always been remote.
    • As flight lead I hadn't discussed a divert option in detail because I felt the chances were remote based on the weather forecast.
    • But with two burly dogs giving us a chase, this seemed a remote possibility.
    • Many Koreans realize that it is presently unrealistic and a remote possibility to envision a unified Korea.
    • Nervously, I knew that there was a remote chance that Alex was here, and that Alex had Andrea somewhere.
    unlikely, improbable, implausible, doubtful, dubious, far-fetched
  • 4(of a person) aloof and unfriendly in manner.


    Maria seemed remote and patronizing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • While seen as personally remote and aloof, Collins came across as fair and measured in meetings with unions.
    • Visibly thrilled over his visit, he says that contrary to apprehension that he would be cold and remote, the Prince came across as a very amenable and caring person.
    • She is a cold, remote, autocratic figurehead with monarchical delusions and the instincts of a contract killer.
    aloof, distant, detached, impersonal, withdrawn, reserved, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unapproachable, unresponsive, indifferent, unconcerned, preoccupied, abstracted
  • 5Computing
    Denoting a device which can only be accessed by means of a network.


    Compare with local
    Example sentencesExamples
    • PingAlarm is a tiny application that sits in the system tray, and has a green light that turns red if any remote device is down.
    • Mira allows you to log into a Windows XP computer from a much simpler and less expensive remote device.
    • The rlogin command gives you easier access to remote machines than telnet.
    • It is challenging to make a Windows system log to a remote device.
    • Manufacturers can also use RMS to load new profiles or operating systems into remote devices.
  • A remote control device.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I glared at them both, my arms crossed, remote in hand.
    • Then the woman who owns the place uses her remote to turn on a video.
    • In this case the trailers are for Mystery, Alaska, Outside Providence, and Happy, Texas and are skipped using the chapter search button on most remotes.
    • Stilled half asleep, he fumbled with the remote to turn it off.
    • Long-time State fans will appreciate the show's insider feel, but most channel surfers will find little reason to lower their remotes.
    • Pheobe picked up the remotes and turned on the TV & cable box.
    • Some high-tech remotes also include programmable timers.
    • They really should make homing devices to go with TV remotes.
    • She moved into the kitchen and Merlin picked up a remote off the table.
    • I picked up the remote to the stereo and turned it down a bit.
    • Finally I found what I was looking for, the remote to my stereo.
    • Instead she rolled over and rummaged through her bedside table for the remote to her stereo.
    • Then he snatched up the remote off the coffee table and pressed play.
    • He popped one in and jumped back on the couch with remote in hand.
    • The T.V. went to commercial and Jaime grabbed the remote to turn the mute on.
    • She forced him to sit and relax, handing him the remote to the TV.
    • Thus, we are often called upon to help customers get hard-to-find batteries for their watches and cordless phones and remotes and stuff.
    • Some universal remotes can be large and unwieldy with way too many buttons, many of which wind up going unused.
    • She grabbed the remote off the coffee table, and flipped the TV off.
    • As the user, you can interface with the system via keypads, touch screens, panic buttons, TV screens, computers, telephones, handheld remotes or other devices.


Late Middle English (in the sense ‘far apart’): from Latin remotus ‘removed’, past participle of removere (see remove).





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