The bill is introducing a new rapid assessment process for projects that meet the criteria for low-risk genetic modification.
Poor, uneducated people simply don't have the access to the low-risk jobs that wealthier people do.
The financial services industry is always looking for new ways to lure cautious investors out of the deposit account and into the market with low-risk investments.
The authors place emphasis on avoiding the expense of unnecessary testing in low-risk patients and identifying the high-risk group.
The government hopes that building more prisons and releasing more low-risk prisoners on the electronic tag scheme will be enough to tackle the crisis.
It is a fairly low-risk crime in that prosecutors and judges do not give heavy sentences.
The government will treat international students wishing to study at bachelor level or higher as low-risk applicants, regardless of their country of origin.
Their securities are listed as government securities and can be held by banks and thrifts as low-risk bonds.
Patients with poor functional status should undergo non-invasive testing unless low-risk surgery is planned.
The sale of electricity is made on the basis of long-term contracts at prices fixed in advance, and so is low-risk.