

单词 glow

Definition of glow in English:


verb ɡləʊɡloʊ
[no object]
  • 1Give out steady light without flame.


    the tips of their cigarettes glowed in the dark


    Example sentencesExamples
    • At night it glows softly with solar lights from the interior.
    • A lotion which glows under ultra violet light is also used to train staff in proper handwashing techniques.
    • While the fan can be operated during the daytime to provide cool air for the head, the light glows at night.
    • There's a light bulb glowing over my head that is brighter than the flaring of a sour gas well.
    • The candles glow, what light there is bounces around on the luminescent green walls, and the sound bounces way up to the high ceiling.
    • It's that first sly whiff of tobacco on the air, the steel-blue smoke slinking seductively across a shaft of light, the embers glowing brightly as a smoker draws in.
    • The city had already fallen dark and the light that glowed in the dirty windows seemed to beckon her.
    • It was purchased and now sits proudly on the counter top, pretty lights flashing and glowing and he still just doesn't ‘get it’!
    • A little flower of light glowed around my hand as I lowered the flame down to the candle and lit it.
    • The light should glow for a moment and then go off.
    • It will be able to project a light that glows in rhythm with the heartbeat of the runners.
    • The leaves seem to glow with a light of their own.
    • Nowadays the town is famed for its Saturday market, based in the central square, where at night the restaurants around the edges spill into the open air and lights glow in the trees.
    • The gas excites the phosphorus, creating a light that glows for 10 years without batteries.
    • Her flowing, dark hair seemed to glow with a pale light all its own, while her eyes shone.
    • It glows under ultraviolet light and can be broken down so that a millimetre of hair would be enough to give an analysis.
    • He flipped on the lights and it glowed like a candle in the dark.
    • It was silver and light blue and glowed radiantly in the dark.
    • Setting the stage for something new; for the first time ever, Christmas lights will glow in the black township of Soweto.
    • They glowed brightly, the light dancing amongst the dark surroundings.
    radiate heat, burn without flames, smoulder
    1. 1.1 Have an intense colour and a slight shine.
      with complement a fluorescent screen glowed a faint green colour
      Example sentencesExamples
      • From delicate primrose yellow in the entrance lobby to changing colourwashes in bedrooms, the place glows with colour.
      • Her hand glowed a faint red and touched the person who was pulling her away.
      • As the sun shines in the tall windows, the amber glows in oranges, reds, and dark browns and yellows.
      • Both of her arms began to glow green and red as the ground beneath her began to shake.
      • These creatures glow red, blue, yellow and green like dime store light-up yo-yos.
      • As you turn back from where you came through, you could see the entrance glowing in a silvery colour.
      • In front of these two a boy tended the tandoori oven - a round pit, glowing red with burning charcoal.
      • Protected and looked after by their human ‘minders’, they glow with the colours of the rainbow.
      • Three seascapes are displayed in lightboxes, allowing them to glow with saturated colour.
      • Cars from near and far converged in the night to watch the mountains glow red.
      • They were travelling along the path through the forest, with some soldiers carrying a litter with a strange object on it, that glowed dimly red in the darkness.
      • Why are the boy's eyes glowing red as though he'd been satanically possessed in a cheap straight-to-video horror flick?
      • The mud walls glowed with the colours of sunset and the park-like scattering of acacia trees were back lit by the dusk.
      • Umbrellas, which glow red and green, and those that whistle are also in the market.
      • On weeknights it glows with more traditional colours.
      • This cute little desktop snowman plugs into a USB slot and glows red, green and blue.
      • The globe glows green or red depending on how your stock portfolio is doing.
      • So, if peer at my PC tower in the dark under my desk, it now glows red, green and blue from the chinks in its case.
      • He looked at the street light that was a few houses down, and saw that the filament was still glowing a very faint red, as the heat slowly dissipated.
      • Jade's bracelets began to clatter against each other and the runes began to glow alternate colours; red and gold.
      shine, radiate, shed a glow
      gleam, glimmer, flicker, flare
      rare incandesce, phosphoresce, luminesce
    2. 1.2 (of a person's face) appear pink or red as a result of warmth, health, embarrassment, etc.
      he was glowing with health


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I turned my head up to see his smiling face glowing down upon me.
      • Hearing of that strange adventure the children's eager faces glowed with delight and excitement.
      • Her face glowed whenever she reminded herself she was engaged to such a wonderful man.
      • Annabelle's face glowed with satisfaction when she reached her two friends.
      • His smilingly face is absolutely glowing from all the alcohol.
      • I sat up and leaned against the armrest, my face glowing as I beamed from ear to ear.
      • Her cheeks felt hot with embarrassment, but when she looked at her new husband, she saw that his face only glowed with his love for her.
      • When he turned back to her, his entire face glowed slightly pink.
      • Nikias grinned, his young face glowing as he charged out of the room.
      • Her face glowed with achievement, in her eyes it was she that deserved the accolade, we were merely her tools.
      • Jane couldn't help the smile that started on her face from rapidly growing, until her whole face was practically glowing.
      • Sonia smiled at them, and her whole face glowed with love for them.
      • Her face was glowing, more from Nick's presence than anything.
      • Their young faces glowed with anticipation, their eyes sparkled in the firelight.
      • A few moments later, his face glowed with the pride of triumph.
      • Afterwards, a hearty lunch was devoured by the group of children, whose happy faces glowed with joy.
      • His face glows in his honesty, as if he's only too happy to share his experiences - his self - with us.
      • He turned to me and I hung my head in embarrassment, my face glowing.
      • Her face glowed as she went up to Kenny to gain access to the disc.
      • Now, my legs still burning from the climb up this hill, my face glowing from sun and wind, I decide that a little nap is just what the doctor ordered.
      flush, blush, redden, go red, colour, colour up, go pink, crimson, go scarlet, be suffused with colour
      burn, radiate heat
      archaic mantle
    3. 1.3 Convey deep pleasure through one's expression or bearing.
      Katy always glowed when he praised her


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sweet little Kiwi chalet girls were still glowing with excitement as they recounted their tales.
      • ‘It's potentially looking like a great year,’ she smiles, her eyes glowing with excitement.
      • Overall it was delightful - Maddy, who had been expecting to be bored to tears, gave me an impressed thumbs up as the first scene ended, and spent the rest of the show glowing with joy.
      • Practically glowing with pleasure, she continued over to the fire, ladling stew into a bowl for breakfast.
      • She hadn't been on stage in 3 years and was quite giddy about it - glowing with sheer happiness to be back.
      • Real ale lover Alan Gardner is glowing with pride after brewery bosses chose his face to launch a new brand of his favourite tipple.
      • Donning childlike smiles and glowing with eager anticipation, we made haste for the dining room just a few steps down the hall.
      • When he came back into the house he was glowing with good spirits.
      • Ten months later Carolyn is the one worrying about work in the small hours while her husband is still glowing with fulfilment.
      • She looked up at him, her grey eyes glowing with concern.
      • Even Palace boss Iain Dowie was glowing with his praise for the Manchester United man after the game.
      • They were glowing with pride, showing off all their own work.
      • That is what I assumed and my eyes were glowing with excitement.
      • She was basically glowing with happiness and excitement.
      • He is positively glowing with self-righteous zeal beside his equally sober betrothed.
      • The choreographers and casting directors were glowing with support and praise.
      • They are glowing with a sense of achievement when they leave.
      • The teachers must be glowing with pride from the praise they've garnered.
      • Isabel lugs it everywhere, glowing with enthusiasm as she shops for the appropriate lingerie in which to embark on her cinq-a-sept affaire.
      • Elle was still sweet and positively glowing with goodwill.
      radiate, tingle, thrill
noun ɡləʊɡloʊ
  • 1A steady radiance of light or heat.


    the setting sun cast a deep red glow over the city


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She gazed at the yellow glow emanating from the light fixture.
    • The dazzling downtown locations are massive, dominated by skyscrapers whose light bathes the streets in a radiant glow.
    • For example, if a metal object was being heated, a red glow gradually turned to white as the temperature increased.
    • Television footage shown by public broadcaster NHK showed a red glow lighting up the night sky from the eruption.
    • I see the glint off its silver sides, the red glow where re-entry has heated it to some high temperature.
    • A glow of brilliant white light bloomed from the tips of his fingers.
    • The bridge is still bathed in the red glow of the emergency lighting.
    • Firefighters described a red glow lighting up the sky when they arrived at Shuttlewood Boatyard, Waterside Road, Pagglesham.
    • I can see the bright red glow of brake lights up ahead.
    • There was no sound that I could detect and the objects maintained a steady glow - with no blinking lights.
    • The foyer was lit by a gentle glow from the office on the one end, and the atrium to the right, and I could hear hushed voices from both rooms.
    • The sound of trickling water from a fountain and the glow from built-in wooden light fixtures set a soothing mood.
    • A red glow lit up the horizon to the south where another city drowned in flames.
    • Far in the back of his throat was a glimmer of light, a pale glow that illuminated his teeth and palate.
    • They are completely transparent (except for the wick) and have an amazing glow when lit.
    • But then, in the corner of my eye, I catch the red glow of brake lights behind me.
    • But it was too late, as candles lit up in the houses and a brilliant glow pervaded the city.
    • But some of his fellow passengers looked around nervously under the glow of red cabin lights.
    • He frantically dug faster and after several minutes identified a glow as the helmet light.
    • There were lit candles all over, making the room glow in a golden light.
    radiance, light, brightness, luminosity, shine, gleam, glimmer, incandescence, phosphorescence, luminescence
    richness, vividness, brilliance
    warmth, heat
    rare lambency, lucency, irradiance
    1. 1.1 A feeling of warmth in the face or body.
      he could feel the brandy filling him with a warm glow


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's desperately unfashionable to like country music but I get a warm glow inside when I know that Emmylou doesn't share her charms with everyone.
      • When Brits do well, it still gives me a warm glow.
      • I'm not being smug about it or basking in a warm glow.
      • For the most part, the album, like its predecessor, gives a warm glow, akin to talking rubbish over a couple of cans with your mates.
      • In return I received a warm glow knowing that in a few short months I would be walking these shores once again.
      • Coming out of the theatre in the cold and the rain, I felt a warm glow inside me and fervently prayed for a kinder new year.
      • They managed to bring a warm glow even to my increasingly hard heart.
      • The repeated photos in the papers would be more bearable and we could turn the sound down when they speak on telly and still feel a warm glow.
      • She felt a warm glow spread throughout her insides as she looked around the small card table her parents had set up in the family den.
      • The liquid burned his insides, but as it hit his empty stomach a pleasant warm glow radiated through his body.
      • The sun was shining, the food at the restaurant was good and I was left with a warm glow in my tummy afterwards.
      • When I sat up again, I felt a pleasant glow spreading from my shoulder down to my elbow, and I found that the arm had complete freedom of movement again with almost no pain.
      • His mind was still on Myra and his thoughts of her were spreading a warm glow through his body.
      • Your mouth is finally engulfed with a warm glow.
      • If, for instance, we left the square feeling a warm glow, thinking we had done something about world poverty, then the event must be called a failure.
      • Mix eucalyptus or rosemary oil with almond oil, ensuring that it remains strongly scented, and massage into muscles until you feel a warm glow.
      • A warm glow spread through me as I thought about him, managing so well in the madhouse.
      • The Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham has launched its autumn season brochure to help give audiences a warm glow when the summer sun fades.
      • She whispered the words she had been taught so long ago and felt the heat increase, filling her body with a warm glow.
      • It was such a great day and I had a warm glow inside as I watched the events again from someone else's perspective.
    2. 1.2 A redness of the cheeks.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She didn't have to wear blush because her cheeks naturally already had a glow to them.
      • Natural dye from the juice of pokeberries splashed a rosy glow on the cheeks.
      • Her skin was pale, like a winter cream and she had a pink glow about her cheeks.
      • Exercise is also great for skin and gives you a pinkish glow around the cheeks that send out loads of healthy vibes!
      • Pick a bold but sheer shade to give you that naturally flushed, healthy looking glow.
      • When she blushed it gradually became more indistinct, and finally vanished amid the triumphant rush of blood that bathed the whole cheek with its brilliant glow.
      • Doyle was smiling, still slightly flushed with a glow that she recognized.
      • She was very beautiful indeed; a glow in her cheeks as bright as that in the little girl's.
      • Nicola's cheeks had a healthy glow to them now, a glow that had not been there when he first saw her.
      • The mug of hot steaming coffee was a life saver, and the nibble, which turned out to be a plated hot lunch, was enough to bring the glow back to my cheeks and the cheer back to my heart.
      • Her hands went to her face, attempting to rub the telltale glow from her cheeks.
      • She was well dressed, and she had a healthy glow in those rosy cheeks of hers.
      flush, blush, rosiness, pinkness, redness, crimson, scarlet, reddening, ruddiness, high colour
      bloom, radiance
    3. 1.3 A strong feeling of pleasure or well-being.
      with a glow of pride, Mildred walked away


      Example sentencesExamples
      • While you bask in the glow of victory, I know what you're secretly thinking.
      • But surely he must get a glow of satisfaction when his music is touted as life-changing?
      • They will appear similar to the way you remember them but with the glow of health and happiness.
      • And, as we cheered him around the country, in a sense we cheered ourselves in the autumn glow of his confirmation.
      • With a quiet glow of satisfaction, she smiled at the bride nervously waiting.
      • In A Little Learning Evelyn recalls childhood as ‘an even glow of happiness’.
      • What you encounter is a glow of contentment which stops a safe distance from self-satisfaction; from such a happy condition the book takes its tone.
      • I felt infused with a smug glow of satisfaction until I remembered I had a pile of muddy plant pots festering on my potting table so large it was threatening to engulf me.
      • This is Kennedy's first time helping to organize the fair, which explains why he does not have quite the glow of enthusiasm that the girls do.
      • One can imagine the glow of satisfaction felt by the letters page editor on being able to print those remarks.
      • Different combinations of bows and sashes were arranged for inspection and I saw a glow of squishy maternal pride develop in my mother's eyes.
      • Seconds later and I was basking in the drug-induced glow of pure joy.
      • As the credits played on, a little glow of joy sparked and bloomed into light.
      • That diffuse light you see all around my office is partly the glow of satisfaction, and partly pride.
      • What would bring to his little face a glow of contentment?
      • Some might say the club have taken refuge in recent years in the rosy glow of their triumph of 1967 so they might be as well moving permanently to the Portuguese capital.
      • He felt a glow of pleasure at being right and then a shiver of fear as he remembered the deaths that the case had caused.
      • Sunday I plan to wake up basking in a soft glow of satisfaction having convinced enough pop punters from last night to buy a ticket to the second show.
      • As each task gets done I get a small glow of satisfaction.
      • I had to be content with feeling a great glow of achievement and privilege when he said ‘yes’ to the idea of me reprinting them.
      happiness, contentment, pleasure, satisfaction, gratification, gladness


Old English glōwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gloeien and German glühen.


aglow, ago, alow, although, apropos, art nouveau, Bamako, Bardot, beau, Beaujolais Nouveau, below, bestow, blow, bo, Boileau, bons mots, Bordeaux, Bow, bravo, bro, cachepot, cheerio, Coe, crow, Defoe, de trop, doe, doh, dos-à-dos, do-si-do, dough, dzo, Flo, floe, flow, foe, foreknow, foreshow, forgo, Foucault, froe, go, good-oh, go-slow, grow, gung-ho, Heathrow, heave-ho, heigh-ho, hello, ho, hoe, ho-ho, jo, Joe, kayo, know, lo, low, maillot, malapropos, Marceau, mho, Miró, mo, Mohs, Monroe, mot, mow, Munro, no, Noh, no-show, oh, oho, outgo, outgrow, owe, Perrault, pho, po, Poe, pro, quid pro quo, reshow, righto, roe, Rouault, row, Rowe, sew, shew, show, sloe, slow, snow, so, soh, sow, status quo, stow, Stowe, strow, tally-ho, though, throw, tic-tac-toe, to-and-fro, toe, touch-and-go, tow, trow, undergo, undersow, voe, whacko, whoa, wo, woe, Xuzhou, yo, yo-ho-ho, Zhengzhou, Zhou

Definition of glow in US English:


[no object]
  • 1Give out steady light without flame.


    the tips of their cigarettes glowed in the dark


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A little flower of light glowed around my hand as I lowered the flame down to the candle and lit it.
    • It was purchased and now sits proudly on the counter top, pretty lights flashing and glowing and he still just doesn't ‘get it’!
    • It was silver and light blue and glowed radiantly in the dark.
    • Nowadays the town is famed for its Saturday market, based in the central square, where at night the restaurants around the edges spill into the open air and lights glow in the trees.
    • The city had already fallen dark and the light that glowed in the dirty windows seemed to beckon her.
    • The gas excites the phosphorus, creating a light that glows for 10 years without batteries.
    • It glows under ultraviolet light and can be broken down so that a millimetre of hair would be enough to give an analysis.
    • It will be able to project a light that glows in rhythm with the heartbeat of the runners.
    • The light should glow for a moment and then go off.
    • They glowed brightly, the light dancing amongst the dark surroundings.
    • While the fan can be operated during the daytime to provide cool air for the head, the light glows at night.
    • The candles glow, what light there is bounces around on the luminescent green walls, and the sound bounces way up to the high ceiling.
    • At night it glows softly with solar lights from the interior.
    • It's that first sly whiff of tobacco on the air, the steel-blue smoke slinking seductively across a shaft of light, the embers glowing brightly as a smoker draws in.
    • He flipped on the lights and it glowed like a candle in the dark.
    • A lotion which glows under ultra violet light is also used to train staff in proper handwashing techniques.
    • There's a light bulb glowing over my head that is brighter than the flaring of a sour gas well.
    • Setting the stage for something new; for the first time ever, Christmas lights will glow in the black township of Soweto.
    • Her flowing, dark hair seemed to glow with a pale light all its own, while her eyes shone.
    • The leaves seem to glow with a light of their own.
    radiate heat, burn without flames, smoulder
    1. 1.1 Have an intense color and a slight shine.
      with complement faces that glowed red with the cold


      Example sentencesExamples
      • These creatures glow red, blue, yellow and green like dime store light-up yo-yos.
      • As you turn back from where you came through, you could see the entrance glowing in a silvery colour.
      • Her hand glowed a faint red and touched the person who was pulling her away.
      • This cute little desktop snowman plugs into a USB slot and glows red, green and blue.
      • Three seascapes are displayed in lightboxes, allowing them to glow with saturated colour.
      • Jade's bracelets began to clatter against each other and the runes began to glow alternate colours; red and gold.
      • Protected and looked after by their human ‘minders’, they glow with the colours of the rainbow.
      • Why are the boy's eyes glowing red as though he'd been satanically possessed in a cheap straight-to-video horror flick?
      • They were travelling along the path through the forest, with some soldiers carrying a litter with a strange object on it, that glowed dimly red in the darkness.
      • From delicate primrose yellow in the entrance lobby to changing colourwashes in bedrooms, the place glows with colour.
      • So, if peer at my PC tower in the dark under my desk, it now glows red, green and blue from the chinks in its case.
      • As the sun shines in the tall windows, the amber glows in oranges, reds, and dark browns and yellows.
      • Cars from near and far converged in the night to watch the mountains glow red.
      • The globe glows green or red depending on how your stock portfolio is doing.
      • Both of her arms began to glow green and red as the ground beneath her began to shake.
      • In front of these two a boy tended the tandoori oven - a round pit, glowing red with burning charcoal.
      • On weeknights it glows with more traditional colours.
      • The mud walls glowed with the colours of sunset and the park-like scattering of acacia trees were back lit by the dusk.
      • He looked at the street light that was a few houses down, and saw that the filament was still glowing a very faint red, as the heat slowly dissipated.
      • Umbrellas, which glow red and green, and those that whistle are also in the market.
      shine, radiate, shed a glow
    2. 1.2 Have a heightened color or a bloom on the skin as a result of warmth or health.
      he was glowing with health


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her face glowed whenever she reminded herself she was engaged to such a wonderful man.
      • Annabelle's face glowed with satisfaction when she reached her two friends.
      • His smilingly face is absolutely glowing from all the alcohol.
      • He turned to me and I hung my head in embarrassment, my face glowing.
      • I sat up and leaned against the armrest, my face glowing as I beamed from ear to ear.
      • When he turned back to her, his entire face glowed slightly pink.
      • Her cheeks felt hot with embarrassment, but when she looked at her new husband, she saw that his face only glowed with his love for her.
      • Sonia smiled at them, and her whole face glowed with love for them.
      • Afterwards, a hearty lunch was devoured by the group of children, whose happy faces glowed with joy.
      • Her face glowed as she went up to Kenny to gain access to the disc.
      • A few moments later, his face glowed with the pride of triumph.
      • Her face glowed with achievement, in her eyes it was she that deserved the accolade, we were merely her tools.
      • Nikias grinned, his young face glowing as he charged out of the room.
      • Hearing of that strange adventure the children's eager faces glowed with delight and excitement.
      • Her face was glowing, more from Nick's presence than anything.
      • Their young faces glowed with anticipation, their eyes sparkled in the firelight.
      • Now, my legs still burning from the climb up this hill, my face glowing from sun and wind, I decide that a little nap is just what the doctor ordered.
      • His face glows in his honesty, as if he's only too happy to share his experiences - his self - with us.
      • Jane couldn't help the smile that started on her face from rapidly growing, until her whole face was practically glowing.
      • I turned my head up to see his smiling face glowing down upon me.
      flush, blush, redden, go red, colour, colour up, go pink, crimson, go scarlet, be suffused with colour
    3. 1.3 Feel deep pleasure or satisfaction and convey it through one's expression and bearing.
      Katy always glowed when he praised her


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He is positively glowing with self-righteous zeal beside his equally sober betrothed.
      • Even Palace boss Iain Dowie was glowing with his praise for the Manchester United man after the game.
      • She hadn't been on stage in 3 years and was quite giddy about it - glowing with sheer happiness to be back.
      • Overall it was delightful - Maddy, who had been expecting to be bored to tears, gave me an impressed thumbs up as the first scene ended, and spent the rest of the show glowing with joy.
      • Real ale lover Alan Gardner is glowing with pride after brewery bosses chose his face to launch a new brand of his favourite tipple.
      • They are glowing with a sense of achievement when they leave.
      • When he came back into the house he was glowing with good spirits.
      • The choreographers and casting directors were glowing with support and praise.
      • That is what I assumed and my eyes were glowing with excitement.
      • The teachers must be glowing with pride from the praise they've garnered.
      • The sweet little Kiwi chalet girls were still glowing with excitement as they recounted their tales.
      • Practically glowing with pleasure, she continued over to the fire, ladling stew into a bowl for breakfast.
      • ‘It's potentially looking like a great year,’ she smiles, her eyes glowing with excitement.
      • Isabel lugs it everywhere, glowing with enthusiasm as she shops for the appropriate lingerie in which to embark on her cinq-a-sept affaire.
      • Donning childlike smiles and glowing with eager anticipation, we made haste for the dining room just a few steps down the hall.
      • Elle was still sweet and positively glowing with goodwill.
      • They were glowing with pride, showing off all their own work.
      • She looked up at him, her grey eyes glowing with concern.
      • She was basically glowing with happiness and excitement.
      • Ten months later Carolyn is the one worrying about work in the small hours while her husband is still glowing with fulfilment.
      radiate, tingle, thrill
  • 1A steady radiance of light or heat.


    the setting sun cast a deep red glow over the city


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A red glow lit up the horizon to the south where another city drowned in flames.
    • She gazed at the yellow glow emanating from the light fixture.
    • I see the glint off its silver sides, the red glow where re-entry has heated it to some high temperature.
    • Far in the back of his throat was a glimmer of light, a pale glow that illuminated his teeth and palate.
    • The foyer was lit by a gentle glow from the office on the one end, and the atrium to the right, and I could hear hushed voices from both rooms.
    • They are completely transparent (except for the wick) and have an amazing glow when lit.
    • There was no sound that I could detect and the objects maintained a steady glow - with no blinking lights.
    • But some of his fellow passengers looked around nervously under the glow of red cabin lights.
    • Television footage shown by public broadcaster NHK showed a red glow lighting up the night sky from the eruption.
    • He frantically dug faster and after several minutes identified a glow as the helmet light.
    • But then, in the corner of my eye, I catch the red glow of brake lights behind me.
    • The sound of trickling water from a fountain and the glow from built-in wooden light fixtures set a soothing mood.
    • The bridge is still bathed in the red glow of the emergency lighting.
    • For example, if a metal object was being heated, a red glow gradually turned to white as the temperature increased.
    • There were lit candles all over, making the room glow in a golden light.
    • A glow of brilliant white light bloomed from the tips of his fingers.
    • I can see the bright red glow of brake lights up ahead.
    • Firefighters described a red glow lighting up the sky when they arrived at Shuttlewood Boatyard, Waterside Road, Pagglesham.
    • The dazzling downtown locations are massive, dominated by skyscrapers whose light bathes the streets in a radiant glow.
    • But it was too late, as candles lit up in the houses and a brilliant glow pervaded the city.
    radiance, light, brightness, luminosity, shine, gleam, glimmer, incandescence, phosphorescence, luminescence
    1. 1.1 A feeling of warmth in the face or body; the visible effects of this as a redness of the cheeks.
      he could feel the brandy filling him with a warm glow


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The liquid burned his insides, but as it hit his empty stomach a pleasant warm glow radiated through his body.
      • She felt a warm glow spread throughout her insides as she looked around the small card table her parents had set up in the family den.
      • In return I received a warm glow knowing that in a few short months I would be walking these shores once again.
      • If, for instance, we left the square feeling a warm glow, thinking we had done something about world poverty, then the event must be called a failure.
      • They managed to bring a warm glow even to my increasingly hard heart.
      • The Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham has launched its autumn season brochure to help give audiences a warm glow when the summer sun fades.
      • She whispered the words she had been taught so long ago and felt the heat increase, filling her body with a warm glow.
      • It was such a great day and I had a warm glow inside as I watched the events again from someone else's perspective.
      • When I sat up again, I felt a pleasant glow spreading from my shoulder down to my elbow, and I found that the arm had complete freedom of movement again with almost no pain.
      • Coming out of the theatre in the cold and the rain, I felt a warm glow inside me and fervently prayed for a kinder new year.
      • The repeated photos in the papers would be more bearable and we could turn the sound down when they speak on telly and still feel a warm glow.
      • I'm not being smug about it or basking in a warm glow.
      • His mind was still on Myra and his thoughts of her were spreading a warm glow through his body.
      • It's desperately unfashionable to like country music but I get a warm glow inside when I know that Emmylou doesn't share her charms with everyone.
      • When Brits do well, it still gives me a warm glow.
      • Mix eucalyptus or rosemary oil with almond oil, ensuring that it remains strongly scented, and massage into muscles until you feel a warm glow.
      • Your mouth is finally engulfed with a warm glow.
      • For the most part, the album, like its predecessor, gives a warm glow, akin to talking rubbish over a couple of cans with your mates.
      • A warm glow spread through me as I thought about him, managing so well in the madhouse.
      • The sun was shining, the food at the restaurant was good and I was left with a warm glow in my tummy afterwards.
    2. 1.2 A strong feeling of pleasure or well-being.
      with a glow of pride, Mildred walked away


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As the credits played on, a little glow of joy sparked and bloomed into light.
      • As each task gets done I get a small glow of satisfaction.
      • But surely he must get a glow of satisfaction when his music is touted as life-changing?
      • While you bask in the glow of victory, I know what you're secretly thinking.
      • This is Kennedy's first time helping to organize the fair, which explains why he does not have quite the glow of enthusiasm that the girls do.
      • What you encounter is a glow of contentment which stops a safe distance from self-satisfaction; from such a happy condition the book takes its tone.
      • Some might say the club have taken refuge in recent years in the rosy glow of their triumph of 1967 so they might be as well moving permanently to the Portuguese capital.
      • I had to be content with feeling a great glow of achievement and privilege when he said ‘yes’ to the idea of me reprinting them.
      • In A Little Learning Evelyn recalls childhood as ‘an even glow of happiness’.
      • With a quiet glow of satisfaction, she smiled at the bride nervously waiting.
      • Seconds later and I was basking in the drug-induced glow of pure joy.
      • I felt infused with a smug glow of satisfaction until I remembered I had a pile of muddy plant pots festering on my potting table so large it was threatening to engulf me.
      • And, as we cheered him around the country, in a sense we cheered ourselves in the autumn glow of his confirmation.
      • Different combinations of bows and sashes were arranged for inspection and I saw a glow of squishy maternal pride develop in my mother's eyes.
      • What would bring to his little face a glow of contentment?
      • One can imagine the glow of satisfaction felt by the letters page editor on being able to print those remarks.
      • They will appear similar to the way you remember them but with the glow of health and happiness.
      • He felt a glow of pleasure at being right and then a shiver of fear as he remembered the deaths that the case had caused.
      • Sunday I plan to wake up basking in a soft glow of satisfaction having convinced enough pop punters from last night to buy a ticket to the second show.
      • That diffuse light you see all around my office is partly the glow of satisfaction, and partly pride.
      happiness, contentment, pleasure, satisfaction, gratification, gladness


Old English glōwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gloeien and German glühen.





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