

单词 glaze

Definition of glaze in English:


verb ɡleɪzɡleɪz
[with object]
  • 1Fit panes of glass into (a window or door frame or similar structure)


    windows can be glazed using laminated glass


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All the windows were storm glazed and seven of the windows had their actual stained glass restored.
    • Black marble steps lead to the front door, part glazed in the rectangular panes that are a signature feature of the property.
    • The doors of the bookcase, instead of being glazed, have brass trelliswork framed by a double row of Gothic arcading.
    • An iron framework that was glazed with panes of thick glass.
    • Zelda built an extremely elaborate doll's house for Scottie, which she painted, wallpapered, and furnished, even going so far as to glaze the windows.
    • The door was glazed and was made of redwood, and when Emma pulled it open, it creaked loudly.
    • Standard windows, generally glazed at the factory, come in a great many sizes and shapes, and custom units are limitless.
    • The outer single skin of the thermal flue is glazed with laminated single-paned glass.
    • I hope to have the old frames out by tomorrow lunch time and the window frames built and glazed sometime tomorrow evening before it gets dark.
    • Two of the dual glazed windows in my home have become foggy because of condensed moisture between the panes.
    • I decided to glaze my greenhouse with fiberglass rather than regular glass.
    • A central walk-in shower cubicle with a hardwood glazed door is flanked by a white Heritage wash basin.
    • On his return he founded the monastery of St Peter at the mouth of the river Wear, importing workmen to build a church of stone and to glaze the windows.
    • I hope I can be there to see him on the morning he swoops in great blackness to re-enter his new palace and discovers that the window has been glazed.
    • The windows were glazed, but the glass was so distorted they let light pass but it was impossible to actually see anything through them, from the inside or the outside.
    1. 1.1 Enclose or cover with glass.
      the verandas were glazed in


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Two three-storey blocks of offices flank a central glazed atrium.
      • The long, glazed facade provides uninterrupted views of the track and city skyline beyond.
      • The sandstone, glass and zinc building includes glazed staircases, landscaped courtyards and a high-level glass bridge.
      • Upstairs, etched glass light wells diffuse luminance into the restaurant and glazed screens enclose private rooms.
  • 2Overlay or cover (food, fabric, etc.) with a smooth, shiny coating or finish.

    new potatoes which had been glazed in mint-flavoured butter


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Both glazed and unglazed terra-cotta pottery pieces are sold in markets.
    • I grab a chocolate glazed doughnut and sit with it and my coffee at the counter.
    • Mango pudding made from fresh mangos was my favourite, while the barbecued pork with honey glazing uses the tender meat at the neck rather than the traditional ribs.
    • He also glazes them with ghee (clarified butter) during cooking to keep them soft.
    • I ordered a chocolate cappuccino and a dozen glazed donuts.
    • The Indian navy has salvaged canons, porcelain and brown glazed pottery among other things.
    • Over the last five years he has explored the possibilities of hand-built, richly glazed ceramic sculpture.
    • What you expect are plump oysters, set on cushion of fresh, blanched spinach, napped with a buttery emulsion and flashed under the grill, just enough to cook the oyster and glaze the sauce.
    • Her lips were glazed with a sugary lip-gloss, and pink eyeliner highlighted her hazel eyes.
    • Once dry, goblets and bowls were glazed, fired and ready for use.
    • The crockery is fired and glazed earthenware and the cutlery an inexpensive style.
    • The second evening will involve painting and glazing the pottery piece.
    • Saute over high heat until vegetables are cooked through and glazed with butter.
    • When glazed on both sides, the casserole is meant for oven cooking only.
    • The safest option is a glazed ceramic pot that has been fired at a high temperature.
    • After an all-day epic you wouldn't be crazy enough to stuff 10 glazed doughnuts into your mouth.
    • Pork loin glazed with sweet honey, carrots, potatoes and salted herring.
    • Mia scampered off into the kitchen and came back with some scones with honey butter glazed on them.
    • Place in a hot oven for a few minutes to heat them through and then put under a hot grill to glaze the sugar.
    • The kiln that glazed them must have been the size of a bus.
    varnish, enamel, lacquer, japan, shellac, paint, coat
    gloss, make shiny
    cover, coat
    ice, frost
  • 3no object Lose brightness and animation.


    the prospect makes my eyes glaze over with boredom


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Before your eyes glaze over and you run screaming to the mall, $4.50 latte in hand, think for a moment about how you will pay your bills when your career ends.
    • Her voice was firm, almost amused, but her eyes were still slightly glazed over.
    • I watched his bosom heave, his chest swell and his eyes glaze over.
    • Her face was completely dry, her eyes not glossy or glazed with unshed tears.
    • Then other Web sites started saying, there were discrepancies between the fonts and the way these were used, and stuff that would make your eyes glaze over.
    • Their eyes glaze over when you talk to them about the problem.
    • Her eyes glazing with tears, Martina stares at him as he walks behind her.
    • But frankly, too many facts and figures about corporations make my eyes glaze over and I expect yours would too.
    • And if someone else does the arithmetic, most eyes will glaze over before anyone will ever get a chance to understand it.
    • Today I made a big pot of corn and tomato stew and think I'll sit inside, watch the clouds and read magazines until my eyes glaze over.
    • I don't know, as I sat and listened to this particular woman share horror story after horror story, my eyes began to glaze over and I felt my soul leave my body.
    • When performing, her eyes seem to glaze over, creating what seems to be a hypnotic state, both for the performer and the audience.
    • His eyes glaze over when he tells me how he got to to this place.
    • Or is the big bloke still waffling on till your eyes glaze over?
    • Here, my eyes would glaze over as I flash backed to the summer I spent putting little purple microdot tabs of mescaline in my mouth, waiting for that hallucinatory high.
    • Lyra's eyes glazed slightly, trying to explain.
    • And a lot of those things that you have mentioned are complicated and they make people's eyes glaze over.
    • Last night I was reminded once again that despite my best intentions, political discussions make my eyes glaze over like two yummy little doughnut holes.
    • Her sharp green eyes were glazed over and not focused as she stared down the wooden table.
    • But tell me, are your eyes starting to glaze over?
    become glassy, grow expressionless, go blank, be motionless
    mist over, film over
noun ɡleɪzɡleɪz
  • 1A vitreous substance fused on to the surface of pottery to form an impervious decorative coating.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Sheffield Leadmill was built in 1759 and produced pigments for paint and pottery glazes.
    • For upper grades, students may want to try to mix their own ash glazes and test fire on pieces of pottery in their school's kiln, if the school has one.
    • After the first firing, each layer is taken apart and glazed with a clear glaze.
    • Faience is a glass-like material, made by heating a paste consisting of sand or crushed quartz, an alkali such as plant ash, and a glaze, until vitrification occurs.
    • At the same time, Iraqi potters developed luster glazes by adding metallic elements to the surface of the glazed piece before a second firing in the kiln.
    • People learn how to hand decorate a collection of unglazed pottery with water-based glazes.
    • My new pots are clay and are finished with a decorative glaze.
    • Strontium sulfate is sometimes used to produce iridescence in glass and pottery glazes, and can also be used as a fining agent (to remove bubbles in the molten glass) in crystal glass.
    • A water coupe, often decorated with a peach-bloom glaze, was a small, precious vessel designed for a scholar's table.
    • As time went by, the invention of glass made jewelry less expensive and glazes became possible that made pottery waterproof.
    • Each student may choose no more than two different glazes - this helps to eliminate the problem of runny glazes caused by too-thick coatings.
    • After the bisque firing has been completed, the item is ready for glazing - the glaze is made from elements extracted from the Earth.
    • They are also made with the potter's wheel as well as glazes and enamels introduced from Spain.
    • A transparent glaze is applied overall and, finally, the piece is fired again.
    • Potters also discovered that the ash could be used to create glazes for ceramic crafts.
    • Later, colorful enamels were added on top of the clear glaze.
    • As the glaze melts in firing, it fuses with the decoration, forming a glossy surface that maintains the line quality of the surface decoration.
    • Light reflections on the ceramic glaze and the lacquer surface emphasize the lustrous qualities of each.
    • Its color is derived primarily from the clay, but can be varied even further with coatings, glazes, and other additives.
    varnish, enamel, lacquer, finish, coating
    lustre, shine, gloss
    1. 1.1 A smooth, shiny surface formed on pottery by glazing.
      the glaze of the white cups


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He made a number of vases with opaque white glazes applied over mat green, blue, and white glazes.
      • The painted decoration soaks into the white glaze.
      • The scabbard was decorated with patterns much similar to that of the hilt, and was enameled in a smooth glaze.
      • It is then fabric-painted and polished to give it a glaze before being fixed on the base object.
      • It had a smiley face, garish colors, a bright glaze - 40s or 50s kitsch.
    2. 1.2Art A thin topcoat of transparent paint used to modify the tone of an underlying colour.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Apply the crackle glaze at the thickness that worked best for you when you did your test samples.
      • When used in media such as egg tempera these pigments are insufficiently transparent to make true glazes.
      • He drew with his brush in transparent glaze and build up form with multiple stokes.
      • I sometimes use liquid matt glazes and sometimes use gloss glazes.
      • I use wax to then apply a gloss glaze over an area in a different manner.
  • 2A liquid such as milk or beaten egg used to form a smooth, shiny coating on food.


    brush the cake with an apricot glaze
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Their screams are a honey glaze like you might find pooling beneath a baklava.
    • And I was impressed enough to pick up a jar of Cabernet wine jelly, which I hope to use as a glaze on some lamb.
    • Fold in the egg whites and apricot glaze and fold until just combined.
    • Raise the heat a little, stirring until the liquid evaporates away leaving a silky glaze.
    • If desired, drizzle with icing sugar glaze.
    • Two light coats of egg wash or milk and oil glaze are better than one heavy coat.
    • For the glaze: whisk the egg, yolk, water, and salt together, then brush the surfaces.
    • I'm struggling with what to use as cake topping: chocolate glaze?
    • Lobster bisque is solid, but the lobster roll is mushy, gaining zippola from a pepper glaze.
    • Wacky Pennies are made of a delicious South American imitation chocolate with a fine brownish sugar glaze.
    • A sweet, tangy soy glaze will please even people who aren't crazy about fish.
    • In a small skillet, melt remaining butter; add carrots and chicken stock and cook until liquid in pan has reduced to a glaze.
    • But ultimately, they tasted like baked donuts with an apple glaze.
    • Succulent beef was grilled and marinated in a spicy glaze then tossed with hot chilies, fresh cilantro leaves, and cooling slices of cucumbers.
    • Use a spoon to spread a little glaze on each bun, in the shape of a cross.
    • Fold in the egg whites, apricot glaze, food coloring and mint extract.
    • Spoon the vinaigrette in between the saffron glaze border and the tuna.
    • They tasted like glue and the honey glaze was too hard I nearly lost a tooth.
    • Brush the glaze over each filet one minute before cooking is through.
    • They are a traditional ring doughnut with a wafer thin sugar glaze.
    coating, topping
    icing, frosting
  • 3North American A thin, glassy coating of ice on the ground or water.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There may be a thin glaze of ice where water is standing.
    • Today there's a glaze of ice underneath most sections and a fresh inch or so of snow on top.
    • After about a mile I kinked down to cross the Seven where there's a good, arched bridge and where the river, flowing through fields of virgin snow, was trimmed with a glaze of grey translucent ice.


  • glazer

  • noun ˈɡleɪzəˈɡleɪzər
    • This iron consists of a projecting portion having a face of suitable shape and size for use as a glazer or burnisher.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's an interesting idea as the glazer makes the surface a lot smoother, almost like ice.
  • glazy

  • adjective ˈɡleɪzi
    • The waters were sparkling against the shine of the moon and the sparkling lights of the city created a glazy layer on the surface.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • His hair was a big yellow mess, his eyes glazy and bloodshot, one shirtsleeve was rolled up, the other down and unbuttoned.
      • He has dark sea blue hair in spikes and glazy blue eyes.
      • Everyone, worried, shot their quizzical looks at one another, staring miserably at each dank spaces that invaded their glazy eyes.
      • Moaning, Chris fell back against the chair behind him, watching his mates on the couch with glazy eyes.
      • And everything made of dreamy, glazy glass so warm to touch and so impossible to shatter.
      • Rian automatically smirked when she saw him in the state he was in, with his wrinkled shirt and glazy eyes.


Late Middle English glase, from glass.


ablaze, amaze, appraise, baize, Blaise, blaze, braise, broderie anglaise, chaise, craze, daze, écossaise, erase, faze, gaze, graze, Hayes, Hays, haze, laze, liaise, lyonnaise, maize, malaise, Marseillaise, mayonnaise, Mays, maze, phase, phrase, polonaise, praise, prase, raise, raze, upraise

Definition of glaze in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Fit panes of glass into (a window or doorframe or similar structure)


    windows can be glazed using laminated glass


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The door was glazed and was made of redwood, and when Emma pulled it open, it creaked loudly.
    • The doors of the bookcase, instead of being glazed, have brass trelliswork framed by a double row of Gothic arcading.
    • The windows were glazed, but the glass was so distorted they let light pass but it was impossible to actually see anything through them, from the inside or the outside.
    • Two of the dual glazed windows in my home have become foggy because of condensed moisture between the panes.
    • All the windows were storm glazed and seven of the windows had their actual stained glass restored.
    • The outer single skin of the thermal flue is glazed with laminated single-paned glass.
    • On his return he founded the monastery of St Peter at the mouth of the river Wear, importing workmen to build a church of stone and to glaze the windows.
    • Zelda built an extremely elaborate doll's house for Scottie, which she painted, wallpapered, and furnished, even going so far as to glaze the windows.
    • A central walk-in shower cubicle with a hardwood glazed door is flanked by a white Heritage wash basin.
    • An iron framework that was glazed with panes of thick glass.
    • I decided to glaze my greenhouse with fiberglass rather than regular glass.
    • I hope to have the old frames out by tomorrow lunch time and the window frames built and glazed sometime tomorrow evening before it gets dark.
    • Black marble steps lead to the front door, part glazed in the rectangular panes that are a signature feature of the property.
    • I hope I can be there to see him on the morning he swoops in great blackness to re-enter his new palace and discovers that the window has been glazed.
    • Standard windows, generally glazed at the factory, come in a great many sizes and shapes, and custom units are limitless.
    1. 1.1 Enclose or cover with glass.
      the verandas were glazed in


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Upstairs, etched glass light wells diffuse luminance into the restaurant and glazed screens enclose private rooms.
      • The long, glazed facade provides uninterrupted views of the track and city skyline beyond.
      • Two three-storey blocks of offices flank a central glazed atrium.
      • The sandstone, glass and zinc building includes glazed staircases, landscaped courtyards and a high-level glass bridge.
  • 2Overlay or cover (food, fabric, etc.) with a smooth, shiny coating or finish.

    new potatoes that had been glazed in mint-flavored butter


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I ordered a chocolate cappuccino and a dozen glazed donuts.
    • The crockery is fired and glazed earthenware and the cutlery an inexpensive style.
    • The kiln that glazed them must have been the size of a bus.
    • Her lips were glazed with a sugary lip-gloss, and pink eyeliner highlighted her hazel eyes.
    • When glazed on both sides, the casserole is meant for oven cooking only.
    • Mia scampered off into the kitchen and came back with some scones with honey butter glazed on them.
    • After an all-day epic you wouldn't be crazy enough to stuff 10 glazed doughnuts into your mouth.
    • He also glazes them with ghee (clarified butter) during cooking to keep them soft.
    • I grab a chocolate glazed doughnut and sit with it and my coffee at the counter.
    • What you expect are plump oysters, set on cushion of fresh, blanched spinach, napped with a buttery emulsion and flashed under the grill, just enough to cook the oyster and glaze the sauce.
    • The Indian navy has salvaged canons, porcelain and brown glazed pottery among other things.
    • Both glazed and unglazed terra-cotta pottery pieces are sold in markets.
    • Mango pudding made from fresh mangos was my favourite, while the barbecued pork with honey glazing uses the tender meat at the neck rather than the traditional ribs.
    • Saute over high heat until vegetables are cooked through and glazed with butter.
    • Over the last five years he has explored the possibilities of hand-built, richly glazed ceramic sculpture.
    • The second evening will involve painting and glazing the pottery piece.
    • The safest option is a glazed ceramic pot that has been fired at a high temperature.
    • Place in a hot oven for a few minutes to heat them through and then put under a hot grill to glaze the sugar.
    • Once dry, goblets and bowls were glazed, fired and ready for use.
    • Pork loin glazed with sweet honey, carrots, potatoes and salted herring.
    varnish, enamel, lacquer, japan, shellac, paint, coat
    cover, coat
  • 3no object Lose brightness and animation.


    the prospect makes my eyes glaze over with boredom


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Her eyes glazing with tears, Martina stares at him as he walks behind her.
    • Today I made a big pot of corn and tomato stew and think I'll sit inside, watch the clouds and read magazines until my eyes glaze over.
    • Their eyes glaze over when you talk to them about the problem.
    • Then other Web sites started saying, there were discrepancies between the fonts and the way these were used, and stuff that would make your eyes glaze over.
    • And if someone else does the arithmetic, most eyes will glaze over before anyone will ever get a chance to understand it.
    • Before your eyes glaze over and you run screaming to the mall, $4.50 latte in hand, think for a moment about how you will pay your bills when your career ends.
    • His eyes glaze over when he tells me how he got to to this place.
    • But frankly, too many facts and figures about corporations make my eyes glaze over and I expect yours would too.
    • I don't know, as I sat and listened to this particular woman share horror story after horror story, my eyes began to glaze over and I felt my soul leave my body.
    • But tell me, are your eyes starting to glaze over?
    • Her voice was firm, almost amused, but her eyes were still slightly glazed over.
    • Her sharp green eyes were glazed over and not focused as she stared down the wooden table.
    • I watched his bosom heave, his chest swell and his eyes glaze over.
    • Here, my eyes would glaze over as I flash backed to the summer I spent putting little purple microdot tabs of mescaline in my mouth, waiting for that hallucinatory high.
    • Or is the big bloke still waffling on till your eyes glaze over?
    • When performing, her eyes seem to glaze over, creating what seems to be a hypnotic state, both for the performer and the audience.
    • Last night I was reminded once again that despite my best intentions, political discussions make my eyes glaze over like two yummy little doughnut holes.
    • Her face was completely dry, her eyes not glossy or glazed with unshed tears.
    • Lyra's eyes glazed slightly, trying to explain.
    • And a lot of those things that you have mentioned are complicated and they make people's eyes glaze over.
    become glassy, grow expressionless, go blank, be motionless
  • 1A vitreous substance fused on to the surface of pottery to form an impervious decorative coating.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • After the bisque firing has been completed, the item is ready for glazing - the glaze is made from elements extracted from the Earth.
    • As time went by, the invention of glass made jewelry less expensive and glazes became possible that made pottery waterproof.
    • They are also made with the potter's wheel as well as glazes and enamels introduced from Spain.
    • Strontium sulfate is sometimes used to produce iridescence in glass and pottery glazes, and can also be used as a fining agent (to remove bubbles in the molten glass) in crystal glass.
    • A transparent glaze is applied overall and, finally, the piece is fired again.
    • After the first firing, each layer is taken apart and glazed with a clear glaze.
    • Each student may choose no more than two different glazes - this helps to eliminate the problem of runny glazes caused by too-thick coatings.
    • The Sheffield Leadmill was built in 1759 and produced pigments for paint and pottery glazes.
    • My new pots are clay and are finished with a decorative glaze.
    • Later, colorful enamels were added on top of the clear glaze.
    • For upper grades, students may want to try to mix their own ash glazes and test fire on pieces of pottery in their school's kiln, if the school has one.
    • As the glaze melts in firing, it fuses with the decoration, forming a glossy surface that maintains the line quality of the surface decoration.
    • Light reflections on the ceramic glaze and the lacquer surface emphasize the lustrous qualities of each.
    • People learn how to hand decorate a collection of unglazed pottery with water-based glazes.
    • Its color is derived primarily from the clay, but can be varied even further with coatings, glazes, and other additives.
    • Faience is a glass-like material, made by heating a paste consisting of sand or crushed quartz, an alkali such as plant ash, and a glaze, until vitrification occurs.
    • A water coupe, often decorated with a peach-bloom glaze, was a small, precious vessel designed for a scholar's table.
    • Potters also discovered that the ash could be used to create glazes for ceramic crafts.
    • At the same time, Iraqi potters developed luster glazes by adding metallic elements to the surface of the glazed piece before a second firing in the kiln.
    varnish, enamel, lacquer, finish, coating
    1. 1.1 A smooth, shiny surface formed by glazing.
      the glaze of the white cups


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He made a number of vases with opaque white glazes applied over mat green, blue, and white glazes.
      • It had a smiley face, garish colors, a bright glaze - 40s or 50s kitsch.
      • It is then fabric-painted and polished to give it a glaze before being fixed on the base object.
      • The scabbard was decorated with patterns much similar to that of the hilt, and was enameled in a smooth glaze.
      • The painted decoration soaks into the white glaze.
    2. 1.2Art A thin topcoat of transparent paint used to modify the tone of an underlying color.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I use wax to then apply a gloss glaze over an area in a different manner.
      • Apply the crackle glaze at the thickness that worked best for you when you did your test samples.
      • When used in media such as egg tempera these pigments are insufficiently transparent to make true glazes.
      • He drew with his brush in transparent glaze and build up form with multiple stokes.
      • I sometimes use liquid matt glazes and sometimes use gloss glazes.
  • 2A liquid such as milk or beaten egg used to form a smooth, shiny coating on food.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Wacky Pennies are made of a delicious South American imitation chocolate with a fine brownish sugar glaze.
    • A sweet, tangy soy glaze will please even people who aren't crazy about fish.
    • For the glaze: whisk the egg, yolk, water, and salt together, then brush the surfaces.
    • Use a spoon to spread a little glaze on each bun, in the shape of a cross.
    • Brush the glaze over each filet one minute before cooking is through.
    • But ultimately, they tasted like baked donuts with an apple glaze.
    • Two light coats of egg wash or milk and oil glaze are better than one heavy coat.
    • Raise the heat a little, stirring until the liquid evaporates away leaving a silky glaze.
    • They are a traditional ring doughnut with a wafer thin sugar glaze.
    • Succulent beef was grilled and marinated in a spicy glaze then tossed with hot chilies, fresh cilantro leaves, and cooling slices of cucumbers.
    • If desired, drizzle with icing sugar glaze.
    • Fold in the egg whites, apricot glaze, food coloring and mint extract.
    • And I was impressed enough to pick up a jar of Cabernet wine jelly, which I hope to use as a glaze on some lamb.
    • Their screams are a honey glaze like you might find pooling beneath a baklava.
    • Fold in the egg whites and apricot glaze and fold until just combined.
    • In a small skillet, melt remaining butter; add carrots and chicken stock and cook until liquid in pan has reduced to a glaze.
    • I'm struggling with what to use as cake topping: chocolate glaze?
    • Spoon the vinaigrette in between the saffron glaze border and the tuna.
    • They tasted like glue and the honey glaze was too hard I nearly lost a tooth.
    • Lobster bisque is solid, but the lobster roll is mushy, gaining zippola from a pepper glaze.
    coating, topping
  • 3North American A thin, glassy coating of ice on the ground or the surface of water.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • After about a mile I kinked down to cross the Seven where there's a good, arched bridge and where the river, flowing through fields of virgin snow, was trimmed with a glaze of grey translucent ice.
    • Today there's a glaze of ice underneath most sections and a fresh inch or so of snow on top.
    • There may be a thin glaze of ice where water is standing.


Late Middle English glase, from glass.





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