I made a withdrawal from one of my accounts and gave the teller the details of my new address information, which she wrote on a slip of scrap paper.
He scribbles one on a bit of scrap paper, points to it, saying, ‘That was me.’
The school collected ten tonnes of scrap paper in a year, as part of the school's recycling partnership project.
I would jot down numbers and names on pieces of scrap paper sitting next to the pile of papers on my messy desktop.
Members enjoy collecting items and riding in the school minibus, so they gather the school's scrap paper and take it to the recycling bins at the local supermarket.
Enthusiastic young recyclers were left red faced when they dumped project work along with scrap paper in their school paper bank.
I attempted some trial washes on a piece of scrap paper this morning but my thumb's still not up to it.
I smile and bend down to pick up some scrap paper on the floor; I hum softly.
The school children of the town collected scrap paper.
I would write on bits of scrap paper by the light of a bulb above the bunk.
He added the best way to dispose of chewing gum was to return the used piece back to its wrapper, secure it within scrap paper or, if you insist, swallow it.
Whenever you stamp, it's always a good idea to stamp on a surface with some give such as a mouse pad, a stack of scrap paper, newsprint, or a foam craft sheet.
That means I travel standard class on the railway wherever possible, that we use scrap paper in the office and pay for second class postage where appropriate.
It was 5.30 pm and he was hurrying to the local recycling centre to sell his cartload of scrap paper before it closed at six.
Inside the bag, pieces of scrap paper are neatly separated - coloured paper on one side and white paper on the other.
She casually scribbled her thoughts of adornment on a piece of scrap paper while she half listened to what the teacher was saying.
Then he gets a phone call, and while he's jabbering into his mobile, I have a think, and scribble a diagram on a piece of scrap paper.
It is also a great way to teach recycling, since scrap paper can be used to make new paper.
Before doing the real thing, practice on scrap paper to figure out the perfect amount of paint and pressure needed to make flawless stamps.
This is fine for draft prints from the Internet, notes to ourselves and others, shopping lists and scrap paper for drawing.