

单词 basic


adjective ˈbeɪsɪkˈbeɪsɪk
  • 1Forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental.


    certain basic rules must be obeyed


    the laying down of arms is basic to the agreement


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Abundance and the variety and quality of raw ingredients have been basic to American cookery from the beginning.
    • It is basic to our sense of security, stability, educational success and health.
    • A more flexible labour market is basic to our recent economic success.
    • Worship, silence and manual labour were basic to the regime of communities which later provided educational and medical services.
    • This kind of scepticism is basic to the English political tradition, whose truths force themselves upon all governments.
    • Readers' support is no doubt very basic to the survival of any periodical.
    • This mix of a legume and grass is basic to pasture in New Zealand.
    • The question you have asked is basic to much of modern-day science activity.
    • Throughout the day they constantly freshened their makeup and adjusted their hair ornaments, and a mirror was of course basic to these tasks.
    • Differentiation, diversity and thus complexity are basic to the beauty of creation.
    • Design and craft fulfil practical needs, but they are elevated from the absolute basic to an interactive experience.
    • Writing about the environment and about how science affects people is as basic to the trade as writing about money or politics.
    • I take this to be basic to poetry and to art in general, though I realize that this is not true for many poets, at the moment.
    • Access to information is basic to the democratic way of life.
    • Cheap labor and materials are basic to postwar industry and finances.
    • Digital imaging standardization is basic to all image decision support systems.
    • Principles generally accepted as basic to democracy are those of political equality and popular control of government.
    • Place the things that are most important and functionally basic to the site's purpose at the forefront.
    • Reciprocity was basic to all forms of social interaction in ancient Mediterranean society.
    • He claimed that outstanding scientific collections were basic to first-rate scientific work.
    fundamental, rudimentary, primary, principal, cardinal, chief, elementary, elemental, root
    central, pivotal, critical, key, focal, salient, staple
    essential, quintessential, bare-bones, stripped down, cut down, vital, necessary, indispensable, foundational, intrinsic, underlying, ingrained
    1. 1.1 Offering or constituting the minimum required without elaboration or luxury.
      the food was good, if a bit basic


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We are not talking about luxury extras, but basic programmed repairs.
      • Forest dwelling hunter-gatherer communities are never very large, but they need a basic minimum area for subsistence.
      • You'll find the most basic offerings are the healthiest ones as well.
      • Shopping carts range from basic to those with more advanced options.
      • Accommodation on safari varies from basic camping to luxury lodges and tented camps.
      • But, in general the musical tastes of the kids in Wales was basic to say the least.
      • The question seems almost too basic: What constitutes successful treatment?
      • This should lead to a form that requires families to list their basic contact information.
      • It has some really fun recipes, ranging from very basic to quite advanced.
      • What are the basic minimum requirements for one to set up a restaurant and do these so called restaurants meet the standards?
      • We will illustrate this in several conservative portfolios running from basic to fully developed.
      • Keep your potatoes basic to make them a beneficial part of your diet.
      • Let's take a look at several different toplogies, from basic to more advanced.
      • Almost any operating system can meet the basic task requirements you listed.
      • I know it seems kinda basic to be writing this, I mean, we're all skiers here right?
      • The business jet also comes with a choice of interior decoration ranging from the basic to sumptuous.
      • Though we found them to be tasty enough, it would be difficult for such basic offerings to be made truly impressive.
      • The following list is a minimum basic guide as to what you will need.
      • His product has the advantage of being faster than most rivals' basic broadband offerings.
      • Contestants will have limited food and are only allowed to take with them two basic luxury items.
      lowest, bottom, starting, ground, undermost
      without commission
      plain, simple, unsophisticated, straightforward, adequate, unadorned, undecorated, unornamented, without frills
      spartan, sparse, stark, severe, austere, limited, meagre, rudimentary, patchy, sketchy, minimal
      modest, ordinary, unpretentious, unostentatious, unfussy, homely, homespun
      rough, rough and ready, rough-hewn, crude, makeshift
      restrained, muted
      informal bog-standard
    2. 1.2 Common to or required by everyone; primary and ineradicable or inalienable.
      basic human rights


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It has to do with the basic human repertoire of emotions, cognitive capabilities and even longevity of life.
      • The business is still profitable as everyone needs basic commodities regardless of price or financial standing.
      • We treat food as a marketable commodity, instead of as a basic human necessity.
      • I agree that substantial freedoms are a vital component of basic human dignity.
      • And the shortest road to equality is to provide for everyone's basic human needs free of charge.
      • Leaving a small child alone at home defies basic, fundamental common sense.
      • Best of all, his choreography speaks unabashedly from and to basic human emotions.
      • Literacy is both an essential skill and a basic human right.
      • The four fundamental interests are embodied in an authoritative code of basic human rights.
      • Being a week of Remembrance, we all need to observe that everyone has the basic human right to freedom of speech.
      • That philosophy is that there is a basic human right of health for everyone.
      • As we hear today what the year may bring forth, I think it is wise to remind ourselves of these three basic human requirements.
      • Many constitutions require that basic rights can be curtailed only if less onerous measures are not available.
      • This bill shows the government's disrespect for basic human rights and established legal principles.
      • Everyone accepts that freedom of speech is a basic human right.
      • Asylum and immigration issues have at their heart the fundamental principles of basic human rights.
      • The meeting would help to raise awareness that everyone should enjoy the basic human right of freedom of choice in marriage, she said.
      • It seems a process of alienation has taken place that has undermined common sense and basic human decency.
      • How many of those elements are set forth in or necessarily implied by the basic human rights instruments?
      • Revenge is a basic human emotion, but revenge only becomes justice if carried out by the State.
    3. 1.3North American derogatory, informal Having tastes, interests, or attitudes regarded as mainstream or conventional (typically used of a woman)
      if your date orders vegetable tempura you know she is totally basic
  • 2Chemistry
    Having the properties of a base, or containing a base; having a pH above 7.

    〔化〕碱的;含碱的;碱性的。常与 ACIDACIDIC 相对;比较 ALKALINE

    these salts yield basic solutions comparable in strength with the mineral alkalis
    Often contrasted with acidic and alkaline
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Blue litmus paper turns red in acidic solution, and red litmus paper turns blue in basic solution.
    • Values between 7 and 14 are found in basic or alkaline solutions such as caustic or washing soda.
    • In the presence of a basic solution, litmus will lose hydronium ions and turn blue.
    • Compounds that react with water to form hydroxide ions are called basic anhydrides.
    • A water solution of soda ash has a basic pH and a strong alkaline taste.
    1. 2.1Geology (of rock, especially lava) relatively poor in silica.
      a coarse-grained, basic, plutonic rock
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Liva Member includes parts of the formation composed of basic lavas and tuffs with only minor interbedded sediments.
      • Quarzitic gneiss, low-grade metamorphic basic rocks, phyllites and dark chert can be abundant in some layers.
      • Enstatite occurs in plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite and norite, and also in some high-grade metamorphic rocks.
      • All the Gardar basic rocks are inferred to have been derived from the mantle, with relatively little crustal contamination.
      • It appears that basic magmas across the Gardar Province were derived from a heterogeneous, enriched lithospheric mantle reservoir.
    2. 2.2Metallurgy Relating to or denoting steel-making processes involving lime-rich refractories and slags.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I moved to the open hearth to explore the use of basic refractories-magnesite, chrome-magnesite and chrome brick-for furnace linings.
      • The lining must resist high temperature, oxidized basic slag and liquid metal.
      • The refractories for casting a basic substance are used for ladles, tundishes, vacuum degasing furnaces, mixers, and the like.
      • Accounting for 60% of the world's total output of crude steel, the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) process is the dominant steelmaking technology.
      • Refractory bricks for steel production include Basic refractory bricks and High-Alumina refractory bricks.
noun ˈbeɪsɪkˈbeɪsɪk
  • 1The essential facts or principles of a subject or skill.


    I learnt the basics of programming on a course


    teachers are going back to basics to encourage pupils to learn English


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And surely they're old enough to learn the basics of critical thinking skills and skeptical analysis.
    • I'm thinking it'll be necessary to go right back to basics.
    • A It's all too easy sometimes to forget the healthcare basics.
    • What really bothers me is that people seem to have an incomplete foundation in the basics of language skills.
    • He felt that the best way to go back to basics was to start teaching.
    • By now you might have taken some of my words to heart, and so here are the basics in buying and owning a scooter
    • More importantly though, it reminded me to get back to basics as far as parenting skills go, and dig out some of the books out of the boxes.
    • It's quite alright to start within your comfort zone to help you build confidence and get the basics down pat.
    • Hence, the need of the hour is a school for our youth and talented players to congregate and learn the basics and the skills of the sport.
    • Most Mothering readers know the basics of a healthy parent-child relationship.
    • Players do the equivalent of tying a piece of string around their finger to remember the basics.
    • This explains why one of the basics of food hygiene is to keep raw or cold food cold, and cooked or hot food, piping hot.
    • Instead we should return to core food values, back to nutritional basics and revert to the heritage school dinners of old.
    • Until you understand the basics of functions and algebra, the thought that a number can be predicted is a surprising one.
    • Most of the suffering due to sickness could be avoided if we knew the basics of health, exercise and nutrition.
    • Once you're comfortable with the tai chi basics, you can do it by yourself.
    • But once the bubble has burst they turn back to basics and begin studying exactly what companies and their profits are up to.
    • Beth ran her through the basics, softly explaining how the gun functioned.
    • Under the program, nutrition educators taught students the basics about healthy eating.
    • It is time to take a good hard look at our daily routines and re-learn the basics that are essential for health and longevity.
    fundamentals, essentials, rudiments, principles, first principles, foundations, preliminaries, groundwork
    essence, basis, core, kernel, nub, marrow, meat, crux, bedrock
    facts, hard facts, practicalities, realities
    Latin sine qua non
    informal nitty-gritty, brass tacks, nuts and bolts, ABC
    1. 1.1 Essential food and other supplies.
      people are facing a shortage of basics like flour


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Here are a few ways to make the most of your party basics without skimping on style or comfort
      • These people are not even afforded the very basics of health care, like vaccines or antibiotics.
      • Customers could still buy basics like salt, vinegar, tobacco, soap and candles.
      • When it comes down to basics it is really nothing more than an amalgam of sugar, salt, herbs, spices and vitamins with brewer's yeast.
      • It is not an addiction, it is simply that good cheese is as high on my list of basics for a decent life as good bread, strong coffee and leafy green salad.
      • Rule one is stick to basics: Order baked or broiled meat dishes, without breading or sauces.
      • Lentils and a few spices and other basics can lead to unexpected winter delights on a budget.
      • Even the animals' access to basics such as water, food and veterinary care is often severely limited.
      • Upon chancing a nibble, however, I felt that it could have done with a little bit more of the basics, namely salt and pepper.
      • On other occasions, the candidate had promised a nation where people do not have to choose between basics, such as food and medicine.
      • Grain farming became less popular - this, again, kept towns and cities short of such basics as bread.
      • The seniors identified a need for basics such as food, water and shelter.
      • They are concerned with getting the basics for survival; shelter, food, water.
      • A $24,000 income leaves no room to purchase basics such as health insurance or new clothing.
      • Restrict yourself to the basics, like a barley soup and some canned vegetables.
      • Many people appear to be saving their spare cash after paying out more for basics such as food, transport and health.
      • In my shopping basket I always have vegetable basics like carrots, broccoli and spinach in a bag.
      • Families crowd into tiny, ramshackle homes and scrounge for food as well as soap, paper and other basics.
      • Aid agencies on the ground continued to warn that millions across the region were without the basics of food and clean water.
      • After surviving such an event, people need basics - food, shelter, medical care, and consolation.


Mid 19th century: from base1 + -ic.


noun ˈbeɪsɪkˈbeɪsɪk
mass noun
  • A simple high-level computer programming language that uses familiar English words, designed for beginners and formerly used widely.


1960s: acronym from Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.


  • 1Forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental.


    certain basic rules must be obeyed


    the laying down of arms is basic to the agreement


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Abundance and the variety and quality of raw ingredients have been basic to American cookery from the beginning.
    • Access to information is basic to the democratic way of life.
    • Throughout the day they constantly freshened their makeup and adjusted their hair ornaments, and a mirror was of course basic to these tasks.
    • The question you have asked is basic to much of modern-day science activity.
    • Place the things that are most important and functionally basic to the site's purpose at the forefront.
    • Differentiation, diversity and thus complexity are basic to the beauty of creation.
    • Readers' support is no doubt very basic to the survival of any periodical.
    • Digital imaging standardization is basic to all image decision support systems.
    • Design and craft fulfil practical needs, but they are elevated from the absolute basic to an interactive experience.
    • Worship, silence and manual labour were basic to the regime of communities which later provided educational and medical services.
    • Reciprocity was basic to all forms of social interaction in ancient Mediterranean society.
    • I take this to be basic to poetry and to art in general, though I realize that this is not true for many poets, at the moment.
    • Writing about the environment and about how science affects people is as basic to the trade as writing about money or politics.
    • Cheap labor and materials are basic to postwar industry and finances.
    • This mix of a legume and grass is basic to pasture in New Zealand.
    • It is basic to our sense of security, stability, educational success and health.
    • Principles generally accepted as basic to democracy are those of political equality and popular control of government.
    • This kind of scepticism is basic to the English political tradition, whose truths force themselves upon all governments.
    • A more flexible labour market is basic to our recent economic success.
    • He claimed that outstanding scientific collections were basic to first-rate scientific work.
    fundamental, rudimentary, primary, principal, cardinal, chief, elementary, elemental, root
    1. 1.1 Offering or consisting in the minimum required without elaboration or luxury; simplest or lowest in level.
      the food was good, if a bit basic


      basic and unsophisticated resorts
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We will illustrate this in several conservative portfolios running from basic to fully developed.
      • What are the basic minimum requirements for one to set up a restaurant and do these so called restaurants meet the standards?
      • It has some really fun recipes, ranging from very basic to quite advanced.
      • You'll find the most basic offerings are the healthiest ones as well.
      • Almost any operating system can meet the basic task requirements you listed.
      • I know it seems kinda basic to be writing this, I mean, we're all skiers here right?
      • His product has the advantage of being faster than most rivals' basic broadband offerings.
      • This should lead to a form that requires families to list their basic contact information.
      • The following list is a minimum basic guide as to what you will need.
      • We are not talking about luxury extras, but basic programmed repairs.
      • The question seems almost too basic: What constitutes successful treatment?
      • Though we found them to be tasty enough, it would be difficult for such basic offerings to be made truly impressive.
      • The business jet also comes with a choice of interior decoration ranging from the basic to sumptuous.
      • But, in general the musical tastes of the kids in Wales was basic to say the least.
      • Forest dwelling hunter-gatherer communities are never very large, but they need a basic minimum area for subsistence.
      • Contestants will have limited food and are only allowed to take with them two basic luxury items.
      • Keep your potatoes basic to make them a beneficial part of your diet.
      • Let's take a look at several different toplogies, from basic to more advanced.
      • Shopping carts range from basic to those with more advanced options.
      • Accommodation on safari varies from basic camping to luxury lodges and tented camps.
      lowest, bottom, starting, ground, undermost
      plain, simple, unsophisticated, straightforward, adequate, unadorned, undecorated, unornamented, without frills
    2. 1.2 Common to or required by everyone; primary and ineradicable or inalienable.
      basic human rights


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Everyone accepts that freedom of speech is a basic human right.
      • Being a week of Remembrance, we all need to observe that everyone has the basic human right to freedom of speech.
      • The four fundamental interests are embodied in an authoritative code of basic human rights.
      • How many of those elements are set forth in or necessarily implied by the basic human rights instruments?
      • That philosophy is that there is a basic human right of health for everyone.
      • The business is still profitable as everyone needs basic commodities regardless of price or financial standing.
      • Leaving a small child alone at home defies basic, fundamental common sense.
      • And the shortest road to equality is to provide for everyone's basic human needs free of charge.
      • Asylum and immigration issues have at their heart the fundamental principles of basic human rights.
      • The meeting would help to raise awareness that everyone should enjoy the basic human right of freedom of choice in marriage, she said.
      • Literacy is both an essential skill and a basic human right.
      • As we hear today what the year may bring forth, I think it is wise to remind ourselves of these three basic human requirements.
      • This bill shows the government's disrespect for basic human rights and established legal principles.
      • Best of all, his choreography speaks unabashedly from and to basic human emotions.
      • I agree that substantial freedoms are a vital component of basic human dignity.
      • Many constitutions require that basic rights can be curtailed only if less onerous measures are not available.
      • It has to do with the basic human repertoire of emotions, cognitive capabilities and even longevity of life.
      • It seems a process of alienation has taken place that has undermined common sense and basic human decency.
      • Revenge is a basic human emotion, but revenge only becomes justice if carried out by the State.
      • We treat food as a marketable commodity, instead of as a basic human necessity.
    3. 1.3North American derogatory, informal Having tastes, interests, or attitudes regarded as mainstream or conventional (typically used of a woman)
      if your date orders vegetable tempura you know she is totally basic
  • 2Chemistry
    Having the properties of a base, or containing a base; having a pH greater than 7.

    〔化〕碱的;含碱的;碱性的。常与 ACIDACIDIC 相对;比较 ALKALINE

    Often contrasted with acid or acidic; compare with alkaline
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the presence of a basic solution, litmus will lose hydronium ions and turn blue.
    • Compounds that react with water to form hydroxide ions are called basic anhydrides.
    • A water solution of soda ash has a basic pH and a strong alkaline taste.
    • Values between 7 and 14 are found in basic or alkaline solutions such as caustic or washing soda.
    • Blue litmus paper turns red in acidic solution, and red litmus paper turns blue in basic solution.
    1. 2.1Geology (of rock, especially igneous rock) relatively poor in silica.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It appears that basic magmas across the Gardar Province were derived from a heterogeneous, enriched lithospheric mantle reservoir.
      • All the Gardar basic rocks are inferred to have been derived from the mantle, with relatively little crustal contamination.
      • The Liva Member includes parts of the formation composed of basic lavas and tuffs with only minor interbedded sediments.
      • Enstatite occurs in plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite and norite, and also in some high-grade metamorphic rocks.
      • Quarzitic gneiss, low-grade metamorphic basic rocks, phyllites and dark chert can be abundant in some layers.
    2. 2.2Metallurgy Relating to or denoting steelmaking processes involving lime-rich refractories and slags.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Accounting for 60% of the world's total output of crude steel, the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) process is the dominant steelmaking technology.
      • Refractory bricks for steel production include Basic refractory bricks and High-Alumina refractory bricks.
      • The lining must resist high temperature, oxidized basic slag and liquid metal.
      • The refractories for casting a basic substance are used for ladles, tundishes, vacuum degasing furnaces, mixers, and the like.
      • I moved to the open hearth to explore the use of basic refractories-magnesite, chrome-magnesite and chrome brick-for furnace linings.
  • 1The essential facts or principles of a subject or skill.


    learning the basics of the business
    storytelling has re-emerged as people have turned back to basics
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Players do the equivalent of tying a piece of string around their finger to remember the basics.
    • More importantly though, it reminded me to get back to basics as far as parenting skills go, and dig out some of the books out of the boxes.
    • It is time to take a good hard look at our daily routines and re-learn the basics that are essential for health and longevity.
    • He felt that the best way to go back to basics was to start teaching.
    • A It's all too easy sometimes to forget the healthcare basics.
    • Beth ran her through the basics, softly explaining how the gun functioned.
    • By now you might have taken some of my words to heart, and so here are the basics in buying and owning a scooter
    • Hence, the need of the hour is a school for our youth and talented players to congregate and learn the basics and the skills of the sport.
    • Until you understand the basics of functions and algebra, the thought that a number can be predicted is a surprising one.
    • Most of the suffering due to sickness could be avoided if we knew the basics of health, exercise and nutrition.
    • And surely they're old enough to learn the basics of critical thinking skills and skeptical analysis.
    • Once you're comfortable with the tai chi basics, you can do it by yourself.
    • What really bothers me is that people seem to have an incomplete foundation in the basics of language skills.
    • This explains why one of the basics of food hygiene is to keep raw or cold food cold, and cooked or hot food, piping hot.
    • It's quite alright to start within your comfort zone to help you build confidence and get the basics down pat.
    • Instead we should return to core food values, back to nutritional basics and revert to the heritage school dinners of old.
    • But once the bubble has burst they turn back to basics and begin studying exactly what companies and their profits are up to.
    • I'm thinking it'll be necessary to go right back to basics.
    • Most Mothering readers know the basics of a healthy parent-child relationship.
    • Under the program, nutrition educators taught students the basics about healthy eating.
    fundamentals, essentials, rudiments, principles, first principles, foundations, preliminaries, groundwork
    1. 1.1 Essential food and other supplies.
      people are facing a shortage of basics like flour


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The seniors identified a need for basics such as food, water and shelter.
      • Many people appear to be saving their spare cash after paying out more for basics such as food, transport and health.
      • Customers could still buy basics like salt, vinegar, tobacco, soap and candles.
      • On other occasions, the candidate had promised a nation where people do not have to choose between basics, such as food and medicine.
      • Rule one is stick to basics: Order baked or broiled meat dishes, without breading or sauces.
      • When it comes down to basics it is really nothing more than an amalgam of sugar, salt, herbs, spices and vitamins with brewer's yeast.
      • Grain farming became less popular - this, again, kept towns and cities short of such basics as bread.
      • Aid agencies on the ground continued to warn that millions across the region were without the basics of food and clean water.
      • Upon chancing a nibble, however, I felt that it could have done with a little bit more of the basics, namely salt and pepper.
      • Lentils and a few spices and other basics can lead to unexpected winter delights on a budget.
      • Even the animals' access to basics such as water, food and veterinary care is often severely limited.
      • It is not an addiction, it is simply that good cheese is as high on my list of basics for a decent life as good bread, strong coffee and leafy green salad.
      • After surviving such an event, people need basics - food, shelter, medical care, and consolation.
      • In my shopping basket I always have vegetable basics like carrots, broccoli and spinach in a bag.
      • A $24,000 income leaves no room to purchase basics such as health insurance or new clothing.
      • Here are a few ways to make the most of your party basics without skimping on style or comfort
      • These people are not even afforded the very basics of health care, like vaccines or antibiotics.
      • Families crowd into tiny, ramshackle homes and scrounge for food as well as soap, paper and other basics.
      • They are concerned with getting the basics for survival; shelter, food, water.
      • Restrict yourself to the basics, like a barley soup and some canned vegetables.
    2. 1.2Military Basic training.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I would have been there but I had just finished basics and was only 17 and too young.
      • When we did basics in the army, you just mention you're tired all the time and they grab you, jab you with a needle.
      • Yes, I have finished basics!
      • After he finished “basics,” he was transferred to Laredo, Texas, to be trained as an Army Air Force gunner.
      • Sailors learn Army basics to prep for downrange deployment.


Mid 19th century: from base + -ic.


  • A simple high-level computer programming language that uses familiar English words, designed for beginners and formerly used widely.


1960s: acronym from Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.





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更新时间:2024/10/19 17:18:11