Whatever way you look at it, it's the most longed-for celebration on the nation's calendar.
The exams didn't go as well as hoped, the grades weren't there - and that longed-for university place looks like going up in smoke.
Three years ago, she began the search for a clinic which could give her the longed-for fourth baby.
School holidays have finally arrived, and with them looms the prospect for many of finally being able to take that much longed-for summer holiday.
In my part of the country, the oppressive days of late summer are now past, and the first hint of the longed-for winter rains have teased us by speckling the dusty ground.
Then I realised that the longed-for news of peace had come through on the last news.
Crucial documentation surrounding the case is currently being studied by counsel in the hope of launching proceedings which could result in a longed-for conviction.
Despite being described as the most exciting and wide-ranging British actor since Daniel Day-Lewis, fatherhood has been his longed-for role.
Luke was a longed-for baby.
Through Edmund's influence Summers is given his longed-for captaincy.
Make a list of your fundamental needs and your most longed-for wants.
Margo was second youngest, the only and much longed-for girl.
With coaching, people from all walks of live are experiencing significant shifts in their lives and achieving more of their longed-for goals in every conceivable area.
Her ailing father turned his face to the wall when he was presented with a princess, rather than the longed-for male heir.
The habitual, gentle and ordinarily longed-for oblivion of the end of the day had morphed into something considerably more sinister.
People with terminal illnesses living in the Sheffield and Peak District areas will be able to apply for bursaries from the charity to help them realise longed-for dreams.
Amelio succeeds in showing the abysmal sadness that results when the longed-for miracle of education doesn't quite live up to its hype.
They are a happy, successful couple whose only flaw is the absence of a longed-for child.
A pair of love birds found out what it was like to be treated like royalty when a longed-for letter from the Queen arrived by special delivery.
My father, who had no interest in fishing himself, eventually accepted this was no passing childhood whim and one day the longed-for parcel arrived.
attractive, sought-after, in demand, popular, looked-for, desired