

单词 giant

Definition of giant in English:


noun ˈdʒʌɪəntˈdʒaɪənt
  • 1An imaginary or mythical being of human form but superhuman size.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Leprechauns, trolls, giants, faeries of all kinds.
    • Now all of the time she had been helped by the giant, the giant's parents had treated him as stupid.
    • A table, made of a dark wood and engraved with images of giants and trolls and enchanting dragons, loomed as the centerpiece of the room.
    • For all of us know, at least by now, that superheroes can carry giants on their shoulders, and that they never ever lie.
    • He had defeated giants, trolls, fearsome dragons with his skill and his Holy Sword.
    • Under his better judgement he proposed the idea to rid the world of rogue creatures like dragons and giants and even trolls that threatened the people living around them.
    • Alain was a slayer of giants and dragons, a protector of people.
    • They include goblins, vampires, werewolves, giants, trolls, centaurs, and many more.
    • The narrative is filled with ghosts, vaults, giants, living statues, mysterious appearances, and violent emotions of terror, anguish, and love.
    • The film is essentially a myth of power, love, and renunciation, expressed in a dramatic conflict fought out between gods, giants, humans, dwarfs, and other beings.
    • There are stories of mythical fish, giants, time-warped towns, war heroics and bank robberies.
    • Other emblems of the English imagination he identifies are hills and waves, the weather and giants, fairies and monsters.
    • The travellers conjured up a world of fairies, selkies and giants to give their kids a bit of moral guidance, not to mention a little fun.
    • ‘I can imagine that giants would be very self-conscious in a crowd of humans,’ she agrees.
    • It is the city and the mob that have created the imaginary lives of giants out of the experience of dwarves.
    • The world of science, logic, and technology has killed off the world of dragons, giants, and heroes.
    • Dwarves, trolls, giants, and goblins were of a lesser intelligence and did not associate much with humans and faeries.
    • Deep in the heart of the countryside, unsuspecting visitors can meet sleeping giants, crawl through giant skulls and get soaked by smiling stones.
    • Myths about giants and oversize human ancestors need not be linked to the finding of Pleistocene mammoth bones.
    • Along the north-west coast of Britain, megalithic sites were commonly associated with mythical giants or were giants turned to stone.
    colossus, man mountain, behemoth, Brobdingnagian, mammoth, leviathan, monster, monstrosity, ogre
    informal jumbo
    1. 1.1 An abnormally or extremely tall or large person, animal, or plant.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In seventeenth and eighteenth-century Europe, royalty collected the extremely tall and extremely short in the form of court giants or dwarfs.
      • People think the gorilla is a very vicious animal, yet they're gentle giants.
      • Even somebody from lands foreign would have pegged him as a giant: he was unusually tall for a mammalian biped, and more powerful than an elephant.
      • He was a tall man, not a giant but tall, and he wore the same uniform as the other men - gray with a matching newsboy cap.
      • He was 180 cm tall, a huge giant for his time and for Japanese men.
      • Mike was a giant of a man, standing over seven feet tall.
      • He is a giant even by the extreme standards of the NBA, where the average height is a healthy 6ft 5in.
      • At nearly six feet tall, Marcy must appear quite the giant, she speculated.
      • Historic parkland in North Yorkshire is now home to some gentle giants of the animal kingdom - a herd of North American bison.
      • Trees are wooden giants, towering over us puny animals.
      • The giants of the plant world, trees are the largest and oldest living things on earth.
      • Plants range from short groundcovers to 55-foot-tall giants.
      • Alongside these giants were more conventionally sized invertebrates.
      • Not even the tallest of giants could climb over it, as the arch was directly connected to the ceiling.
      • Gary and Ray were even taller than the half-witted giant, Seth.
      • Verbascums are well known as tall yellow giants excellent for growing in dry soil at the back of the border.
      • We hired horses and rode, as Paddy did, between tall forest giants, listening to the jungle buzz and background twitterings.
      • At more than seven feet long, the coffin seemed to have been made for someone immensely tall, a giant by mediaeval standards.
      • Plants and saplings fight to dose openings made by fallen giants.
      • He's not exactly a giant, but he is tall; taller than I am.
    2. 1.2 A very large company or organization.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Rampant futurism used to be an integral feature of theme parks, often sponsored by industry giants as a means of promoting their products.
      • Obviously, those marketing giants have a head start on successfully convincing the public that their drinks are wholesome and fun to drink.
      • The top five-year earners also included three tech companies, three drugmakers, and three financial giants.
      • Financial giants used loss-leading loans to telecom companies as a way of getting investment banking business and fees.
      • These companies are stock market giants which can turn huge profits on their products, but they do not face the same outright opposition.
      • Several international oil giants and oilfield service companies are based in Port Harcourt.
      • Some observers predict mergers and rationalisation among the industry's smaller companies as the global giants invest massively to expand their production and market share.
      • It is possible to find funds specialising in everything from small companies to international giants, from UK to Taiwan, and from food production to tin mining.
      • Even as the economy weakens, the new wine giants use their financial strength to win market share from poorly capitalized French competition.
      • When are they going to shut down the corporations, retail giants and mega-food producers who hire those illegals?
      • There are a lot of recent examples of corporate giants that didn't manage risk, usually to their detriment.
      • In the global South, however, higher risk and lower rates of return mean that the water giants require massive public financing to make privatization work.
      • They are considered something of a sideshow in the struggle of corporate giants for control of markets and influence over the state.
      • What do these two business giants have in common?
      • Working with a base of small businesses through to corporate giants, Mr Weir said: ‘It's exciting for me to be at the forefront of technology.’
      • Dot-com upstarts, telecomm giants, media firms, and consumer-electronics companies are far more aggressive and market savvy.
      • There, Chandler concluded that the management of corporate giants had superseded market mechanisms as the defining element of economic activity.
      • Market manipulation by energy giants produced a power shortage that led to rolling blackouts and rising costs for consumers.
      • Share investments, such as funds, cover a large risk spectrum, from the small growing companies to national and global giants with well-established businesses.
      • If consumers are the losers, creditors, including retail giants, banks and mortgage companies, are the clear winners.
    3. 1.3 A person of exceptional talent or qualities.
      a giant among sportsmen


      Example sentencesExamples
      • At 27, he's already a giant among local comic artists - and not just because of his large frame and infamously squeaky voice.
      • He may now be a giant among contemporary composers, but it is a minor miracle that he survived the tumult of central European history.
      • A predator in every sense of the term, a giant among fast bowlers.
      • He was a giant among his peers in the world of science, obtaining three earned doctorates.
      • I, too, hold that he was a giant among the great thinkers of mankind.
      • It is true that I chair the Church of England's Liturgical Commission, but I am an amateur in these matters, a pygmy among giants.
      • The intellectual giants of history may not all have been happy men, but they were all successful men.
      • On the other hand, it is reassuring to find undisputed giants of human progress like Shakespeare, Newton, Darwin and Brunel up there, too.
      • Dawson, who died in 1970, was once hailed as a giant among historians and philosophers of history, but is almost forgotten today.
      • He will be remembered fondly in all of our hearts and praised among the military giants.
      • The legal world has lost a true intellectual giant.
      • Indeed, one is tempted to suggest that they do not even rank among the giants of Icelandic football.
      • Whatever he was called, there was no doubt that this lightly-built hockey genius was a giant among players.
      • Despite her small stature, she is a giant among concert pianists.
      • He remembered Selina as a freshman, a giant among her peers with amazing speed and foot work… she really was a gifted athlete.
      • Those are considered to be among African's soccer giants.
      • They have long been among the giants of our profession, and, over the years, they have received a number of accolades that testify to their status.
      • He is a true giant among chefs, coming over as a genuinely inspirational figure, and to see him in action in his kitchen is pure joy.
      • You are a giant among giants and I appreciate your possessing the courage to put yourself in harm's way for the rest of us.
      • He moved quietly among established giants, even though his own talent outstripped that of nearly everyone he played with or against.
      • However, among the current giants, he gets lost in the shuffle.
  • 2Astronomy
    A star of relatively great size and luminosity compared to ordinary stars of the main sequence, and 10–100 times the diameter of the sun.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The new Arae Neptune shares the star with two Jovian giants discovered by Butler and company in 2001.
    • Like all the other identified extra-solar planets, the body found orbiting the star in the constellation Lyra is a giant.
adjective ˈdʒʌɪəntˈdʒaɪənt
  • 1attributive Of very great size or force; gigantic.


    giant multinational corporations


    a giant meteorite


    Example sentencesExamples
    • On his arrival at the city hall the crowd swamped him, making it difficult for him to get out of the car, but by virtue of his size the giant fighter made his way to the mayor's reception area.
    • It allows you to create giant posters from normal size photographs.
    • The pain from her leg, ribs, and back swept over her in one giant wave forcing her to the floor again.
    • With a sudden surge of force, a giant whale soars out from the dark blue water and into the air.
    • They are giant multinational corporations, with their tentacles spread across the globe.
    • Every giant multinational corporation was a seed once.
    • During the Pleistocene, herds of giant wombats the size of a rhinoceros roamed the plains of southern Australia.
    • The giant wall sized poster of one outside the museum got my attention, and I finally started to realize what was going on.
    • The teams then compete in different games ranging from giant size, inflatable obstacle courses to relay races, all played against the clock.
    • Matt and Dom took to pillow fighting immediately, positively surprised at the giant size of the pillows that were put on the couches.
    • Six giant multinationals now control virtually all of America's newspapers and television and radio stations.
    • The workers are showing their determination to force the giant transport firm to give them a decent rise.
    • However, such enormous-sounding figures have to be set against the giant size of the American economy.
    • Moments later the boats were smashed to smithereens by the force of the giant wave and the boatmen were believed to have perished.
    • I finished the lot, plus most of a giant chocolate eclair the size of a meatloaf.
    • And because pensions are a form of deferred wages, Labour is really forcing through a giant wage cut.
    • Several drug industry leaders have spoken over the past few years about the need to cut back their giant sales forces.
    • Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history.
    • And I have always been impressed with the immense pride the station's men and women take in the maintenance and efficiency of the giant transport planes.
    • Thinking quickly, I bent down and threw him upwards as he flipped right onto the pool table and crashed, the entire bar shaking with a giant force.
    huge, colossal, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, mammoth, vast, immense, tremendous, mighty, stupendous, monumental, epic, prodigious, mountainous, monstrous, titanic, towering, elephantine, king-sized, king-size, gargantuan, Herculean, Brobdingnagian
    substantial, extensive, hefty, bulky, weighty, heavy, gross
    informal mega, monster, whopping, whopping great, thumping, thumping great, humongous, jumbo, hulking, bumper, astronomical, astronomic
    British informal whacking, whacking great, ginormous
    1. 1.1 Used in names of very large animals and plants, e.g. giant hogweed, giant tortoise.
      用于体型巨大的动植物名称中,如:giant hogweed,giant tortoise
      Example sentencesExamples
      • From these reptiles would come some of the greatest creatures in the history of earth; the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the giant sauropods, to name a few.
      • It also has a magnificent border of giant dahlias, a plant that has been out of fashion for years, but one that gives great value.
      • This mixture is based on black salt and asefetida, a resin obtained from the rhizome of the giant fennel plant that has a strong odor of onion and garlic.
      • In the classroom, they explored the life cycle of the giant moth, tadpoles' transformation into frogs, and plant growth.


  • giantlike

  • adjective
    • It is barely a decade since astronomers began to find ‘extra-solar’ planets in orbit around other stars; but even with some 170 such planets found to date, they all seem to be giantlike and too close to their suns, and thus unsuitable for Life.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I do not know what it was that ailed me, but I was prepared to be alarmed, when of a surety I saw something standing in the hedge, ghastly, giantlike, and with outstretched arms.
      • As the ‘black, horrible, giantlike mass was thrust out of the water they beheld a colossal elephant's head.
      • Unfortunately, Mike is caught by Dr. Badham, and his assistant Angus, a giantlike man with a child's mind.
      • He describes their thoughts as giantlike and godlike, stressing the manhood he sees in simply thinking rather than doing.


Middle English geant (with the first syllable later influenced by Latin gigant-), from Old French, via Latin from Greek gigas, gigant-.


affiant, Bryant, client, compliant, defiant, pliant, reliant

Definition of giant in US English:


  • 1An imaginary or mythical being of human form but superhuman size.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The narrative is filled with ghosts, vaults, giants, living statues, mysterious appearances, and violent emotions of terror, anguish, and love.
    • Dwarves, trolls, giants, and goblins were of a lesser intelligence and did not associate much with humans and faeries.
    • For all of us know, at least by now, that superheroes can carry giants on their shoulders, and that they never ever lie.
    • Along the north-west coast of Britain, megalithic sites were commonly associated with mythical giants or were giants turned to stone.
    • The film is essentially a myth of power, love, and renunciation, expressed in a dramatic conflict fought out between gods, giants, humans, dwarfs, and other beings.
    • Myths about giants and oversize human ancestors need not be linked to the finding of Pleistocene mammoth bones.
    • Alain was a slayer of giants and dragons, a protector of people.
    • Under his better judgement he proposed the idea to rid the world of rogue creatures like dragons and giants and even trolls that threatened the people living around them.
    • Deep in the heart of the countryside, unsuspecting visitors can meet sleeping giants, crawl through giant skulls and get soaked by smiling stones.
    • They include goblins, vampires, werewolves, giants, trolls, centaurs, and many more.
    • He had defeated giants, trolls, fearsome dragons with his skill and his Holy Sword.
    • A table, made of a dark wood and engraved with images of giants and trolls and enchanting dragons, loomed as the centerpiece of the room.
    • Now all of the time she had been helped by the giant, the giant's parents had treated him as stupid.
    • The travellers conjured up a world of fairies, selkies and giants to give their kids a bit of moral guidance, not to mention a little fun.
    • Leprechauns, trolls, giants, faeries of all kinds.
    • The world of science, logic, and technology has killed off the world of dragons, giants, and heroes.
    • ‘I can imagine that giants would be very self-conscious in a crowd of humans,’ she agrees.
    • It is the city and the mob that have created the imaginary lives of giants out of the experience of dwarves.
    • There are stories of mythical fish, giants, time-warped towns, war heroics and bank robberies.
    • Other emblems of the English imagination he identifies are hills and waves, the weather and giants, fairies and monsters.
    colossus, man mountain, behemoth, brobdingnagian, mammoth, leviathan, monster, monstrosity, ogre
    1. 1.1 An abnormally tall or large person, animal, or plant.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was a tall man, not a giant but tall, and he wore the same uniform as the other men - gray with a matching newsboy cap.
      • He's not exactly a giant, but he is tall; taller than I am.
      • Alongside these giants were more conventionally sized invertebrates.
      • He is a giant even by the extreme standards of the NBA, where the average height is a healthy 6ft 5in.
      • The giants of the plant world, trees are the largest and oldest living things on earth.
      • Plants and saplings fight to dose openings made by fallen giants.
      • Even somebody from lands foreign would have pegged him as a giant: he was unusually tall for a mammalian biped, and more powerful than an elephant.
      • Historic parkland in North Yorkshire is now home to some gentle giants of the animal kingdom - a herd of North American bison.
      • He was 180 cm tall, a huge giant for his time and for Japanese men.
      • Gary and Ray were even taller than the half-witted giant, Seth.
      • Mike was a giant of a man, standing over seven feet tall.
      • Plants range from short groundcovers to 55-foot-tall giants.
      • Not even the tallest of giants could climb over it, as the arch was directly connected to the ceiling.
      • Verbascums are well known as tall yellow giants excellent for growing in dry soil at the back of the border.
      • In seventeenth and eighteenth-century Europe, royalty collected the extremely tall and extremely short in the form of court giants or dwarfs.
      • People think the gorilla is a very vicious animal, yet they're gentle giants.
      • At more than seven feet long, the coffin seemed to have been made for someone immensely tall, a giant by mediaeval standards.
      • We hired horses and rode, as Paddy did, between tall forest giants, listening to the jungle buzz and background twitterings.
      • Trees are wooden giants, towering over us puny animals.
      • At nearly six feet tall, Marcy must appear quite the giant, she speculated.
    2. 1.2 A very large company or organization.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Several international oil giants and oilfield service companies are based in Port Harcourt.
      • These companies are stock market giants which can turn huge profits on their products, but they do not face the same outright opposition.
      • Some observers predict mergers and rationalisation among the industry's smaller companies as the global giants invest massively to expand their production and market share.
      • Dot-com upstarts, telecomm giants, media firms, and consumer-electronics companies are far more aggressive and market savvy.
      • Working with a base of small businesses through to corporate giants, Mr Weir said: ‘It's exciting for me to be at the forefront of technology.’
      • Rampant futurism used to be an integral feature of theme parks, often sponsored by industry giants as a means of promoting their products.
      • If consumers are the losers, creditors, including retail giants, banks and mortgage companies, are the clear winners.
      • In the global South, however, higher risk and lower rates of return mean that the water giants require massive public financing to make privatization work.
      • What do these two business giants have in common?
      • Share investments, such as funds, cover a large risk spectrum, from the small growing companies to national and global giants with well-established businesses.
      • There are a lot of recent examples of corporate giants that didn't manage risk, usually to their detriment.
      • It is possible to find funds specialising in everything from small companies to international giants, from UK to Taiwan, and from food production to tin mining.
      • There, Chandler concluded that the management of corporate giants had superseded market mechanisms as the defining element of economic activity.
      • The top five-year earners also included three tech companies, three drugmakers, and three financial giants.
      • Market manipulation by energy giants produced a power shortage that led to rolling blackouts and rising costs for consumers.
      • Obviously, those marketing giants have a head start on successfully convincing the public that their drinks are wholesome and fun to drink.
      • They are considered something of a sideshow in the struggle of corporate giants for control of markets and influence over the state.
      • Financial giants used loss-leading loans to telecom companies as a way of getting investment banking business and fees.
      • When are they going to shut down the corporations, retail giants and mega-food producers who hire those illegals?
      • Even as the economy weakens, the new wine giants use their financial strength to win market share from poorly capitalized French competition.
    3. 1.3 A person of exceptional talent or qualities.
      a giant among sportsmen


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He remembered Selina as a freshman, a giant among her peers with amazing speed and foot work… she really was a gifted athlete.
      • They have long been among the giants of our profession, and, over the years, they have received a number of accolades that testify to their status.
      • On the other hand, it is reassuring to find undisputed giants of human progress like Shakespeare, Newton, Darwin and Brunel up there, too.
      • He was a giant among his peers in the world of science, obtaining three earned doctorates.
      • He moved quietly among established giants, even though his own talent outstripped that of nearly everyone he played with or against.
      • Those are considered to be among African's soccer giants.
      • The intellectual giants of history may not all have been happy men, but they were all successful men.
      • It is true that I chair the Church of England's Liturgical Commission, but I am an amateur in these matters, a pygmy among giants.
      • Indeed, one is tempted to suggest that they do not even rank among the giants of Icelandic football.
      • You are a giant among giants and I appreciate your possessing the courage to put yourself in harm's way for the rest of us.
      • He may now be a giant among contemporary composers, but it is a minor miracle that he survived the tumult of central European history.
      • Dawson, who died in 1970, was once hailed as a giant among historians and philosophers of history, but is almost forgotten today.
      • The legal world has lost a true intellectual giant.
      • Despite her small stature, she is a giant among concert pianists.
      • He is a true giant among chefs, coming over as a genuinely inspirational figure, and to see him in action in his kitchen is pure joy.
      • However, among the current giants, he gets lost in the shuffle.
      • At 27, he's already a giant among local comic artists - and not just because of his large frame and infamously squeaky voice.
      • He will be remembered fondly in all of our hearts and praised among the military giants.
      • A predator in every sense of the term, a giant among fast bowlers.
      • Whatever he was called, there was no doubt that this lightly-built hockey genius was a giant among players.
      • I, too, hold that he was a giant among the great thinkers of mankind.
  • 2Astronomy
    A star of relatively great size and luminosity compared to ordinary stars of the main sequence, and 10–100 times the diameter of the sun.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Like all the other identified extra-solar planets, the body found orbiting the star in the constellation Lyra is a giant.
    • The new Arae Neptune shares the star with two Jovian giants discovered by Butler and company in 2001.
  • 1attributive Of very great size or force; gigantic.


    giant multinational corporations


    a giant meteorite


    a giant transport plane


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Six giant multinationals now control virtually all of America's newspapers and television and radio stations.
    • With a sudden surge of force, a giant whale soars out from the dark blue water and into the air.
    • And because pensions are a form of deferred wages, Labour is really forcing through a giant wage cut.
    • Several drug industry leaders have spoken over the past few years about the need to cut back their giant sales forces.
    • I finished the lot, plus most of a giant chocolate eclair the size of a meatloaf.
    • During the Pleistocene, herds of giant wombats the size of a rhinoceros roamed the plains of southern Australia.
    • It allows you to create giant posters from normal size photographs.
    • However, such enormous-sounding figures have to be set against the giant size of the American economy.
    • On his arrival at the city hall the crowd swamped him, making it difficult for him to get out of the car, but by virtue of his size the giant fighter made his way to the mayor's reception area.
    • And I have always been impressed with the immense pride the station's men and women take in the maintenance and efficiency of the giant transport planes.
    • Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history.
    • Thinking quickly, I bent down and threw him upwards as he flipped right onto the pool table and crashed, the entire bar shaking with a giant force.
    • The workers are showing their determination to force the giant transport firm to give them a decent rise.
    • The teams then compete in different games ranging from giant size, inflatable obstacle courses to relay races, all played against the clock.
    • They are giant multinational corporations, with their tentacles spread across the globe.
    • Matt and Dom took to pillow fighting immediately, positively surprised at the giant size of the pillows that were put on the couches.
    • The giant wall sized poster of one outside the museum got my attention, and I finally started to realize what was going on.
    • The pain from her leg, ribs, and back swept over her in one giant wave forcing her to the floor again.
    • Every giant multinational corporation was a seed once.
    • Moments later the boats were smashed to smithereens by the force of the giant wave and the boatmen were believed to have perished.
    huge, colossal, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, mammoth, vast, immense, tremendous, mighty, stupendous, monumental, epic, prodigious, mountainous, monstrous, titanic, towering, elephantine, king-sized, king-size, gargantuan, herculean, brobdingnagian
    1. 1.1 Used in names of very large animals and plants, e.g. giant hogweed, giant tortoise.
      用于体型巨大的动植物名称中,如:giant hogweed,giant tortoise
      Example sentencesExamples
      • From these reptiles would come some of the greatest creatures in the history of earth; the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the giant sauropods, to name a few.
      • In the classroom, they explored the life cycle of the giant moth, tadpoles' transformation into frogs, and plant growth.
      • It also has a magnificent border of giant dahlias, a plant that has been out of fashion for years, but one that gives great value.
      • This mixture is based on black salt and asefetida, a resin obtained from the rhizome of the giant fennel plant that has a strong odor of onion and garlic.


Middle English geant (with the first syllable later influenced by Latin gigant-), from Old French, via Latin from Greek gigas, gigant-.





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更新时间:2024/10/19 16:25:39