

单词 Nubian

Definition of Nubian in English:


adjective ˈnjuːbɪənˈn(j)ubiən
  • Relating to Nubia, its people, or their language.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For its part the Sony Gallery is showcasing black and white photographs taken in the early 1960s by Abdel-Fattah Eid as part of a project to document Nubian culture before the valley was submerged by Lake Nasser.
    • The Nubian boat captain piloted the rudder with his foot.
    • In the far north there are problems also, among the Nubians, the ancient Nubian civilization, which is having a revivalist movement.
    • Elton John and Tim Rice's musical Aida is the story of a Nubian slave princess, Aida, and the forbidden love that she shares with an Egyptian captain, Radames.
    • The museum plays an important role in informing both Egyptian and international visitors about Nubian culture, preserving the record of an ancient civilization while providing a focal point for today's community.
    • For example, Hawass said, on show along with the mummy of Ramses II would be models of his Nubian temples, statues, reliefs and a biography.
    • As Thabo Mbeki observed, the intellectual tradition of the Nubian civilisation, the ancient Egyptians and the great centre of learning in Timbuktu are all part of the continent's rich history.
    • You can see some Nubian villages at Elephantine Island.
    • Were the sadness, the fear, the ferocity, related to the darker side of Nubian culture?
    • In the iconic black-and-white photograph, which has been blown up to fill one wall of the lobby space in the 79 million building, the bare-shouldered Jamison looks like a Nubian princess.
    • Although undoubtedly he made many enemies through a combination of conceit, arrogance and a quick temper, Bankes was an important early figure in Nubian and Near Eastern archaeology, and the nascent study of Egyptology.
    • Braxton plays the title role of Aida, an ancient Egyptian Nubian princess who is captured by Radames, a captain in the Egyptian army, and falls in love with him.
    • Great Nubian musician Hamsa El Din once told me that the traditional melodies for Nubian songs come from the overtone sequence of the specific rhythm that goes with that song.
    • At puberty, Nubian women are marked by a pattern of scars on either side of their abdomens that join at the navel and continue into a point between the breasts.
    • His music and its cryptic codes awaken Akasha (the late Aaliyah), the Nubian queen of all vampires who also ruled Ancient Egypt with despotic violence.
    • In the following year, Loret continued his excavations in the Valley of the Kings and made other significant discoveries: above all the intact tomb of Maiherpri, a non-royal but prominent personage of Nubian origin.
    • The settlement has its origins in British colonialists' abandonment of the Nubian soldiers who fought with the Allies in the first world war.
    • Dr. Fletcher was drawn to the tomb by identifying the forgotten Nubian style wig favoured by royal women in the XVIIIth dynasty during the reign of Akhenaten that was found near three unidentified mummies, two females and a male.
    • But it was much better to take sleeping bags in among the ruins, to lay pillows on the baked-sand bricks and feel, as we slept, the cool wind of the Nubian desert on our faces.
    • The Khartoum School created and defined a Sudanese aesthetic that embraced Islamic, Nubian, African, and Western influences.
noun ˈnjuːbɪənˈn(j)ubiən
  • 1A native or inhabitant of Nubia.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The anthropologist also believes the tetracycline protected the Nubians from bone infections, as all the bones he examined are infection free.
    • If it was ingested by ancient Nubians in their food or medications, what was its source?
    • Cunningham and the group of Islanders joined Nubians, Toda, Zulu and Sioux and ‘the entirely bogus Wild Men of Borneo’ on a tour of North America that lasted almost a year.
    • The government owns the deeds to the Kibera land and the Nubians, who live in the slum themselves, rent out the ramshackle corrugated iron dwellings and mud huts.
    • Even more dubious was a tendency - now largely discredited - to see the Pharaonic state's southward expansion as especially similar to modern imperialism because, supposedly, it involved conquest by white Egyptians of black Nubians.
    • Curtis found that both predynastic Egyptians and Nubians rarely had wisdom teeth problems, but they often existed in persons living in later periods of history.
    • Snofru sent out quarrying expeditions to the Sinai turquoise mines at Maghara, and also sent successful military expeditions against the Libyans and Nubians to secure Egypt's borders.
    • Most of the Egyptians here are really Nubians, although they dress as Egyptians, their skin is the dark brown of the betel nut.
    • The 50,000 Nubians living within Egyptian territorial borders were all evacuated and re-settled in what could be described as, at best, culturally indifferent government housing in Kom Ombo, north of Aswan.
    • But the traditionalists point out that the Egyptians distinguished themselves from the Nubians and other African and Mediterranean peoples in appearance and dress.
    • Millions of Egyptian Nubians are committed Muslims who are non-Arab Africans with a glorious history of governing Egypt and Sudan for centuries.
    • Aswan is home of the Nubians, a dark skinned people, related to the people of the north of the Sudan.
    • Initially we thought that during famine or drought, the ancient Nubians and Egyptians might have been forced to eat moldy grain.
    • The Nubians have a strange predilection for gospel music.
    • Along the date-lined banks of the Nile are the relics of those peoples who carved out their own world here - not only the Nubians and the Shaigia but the Kushites and before them the little-known Kerma culture.
    • These include the Jamala and the Nubians in the north; the Beja in the Red Sea Hills; and several Nilotic peoples in the south, including the Azande, Dinka, Nuer, and Shilluk.
    • The Nubians fought bitter battles against Arab armies from the north, but then, in AD652, signed a peace treaty which led to centuries of trade.
    • Further tests convinced him that the Nubian had not been put up to this by someone who could read the almanac.
    • Given that the ancient Nubians and Egyptians were getting doses of tetracycline, another question is whether this afforded them any medical benefits.
    • About 10,000 Ugandans of Sudanese descent are classified as Nubians.
  • 2mass noun The Nilo-Saharan language spoken by the Nubians.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There are more than one hundred different indigenous languages spoken in Sudan, including Nubian, Ta Bedawie, and dialects of Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic languages.
  • 3A goat of a short-haired breed with long pendant ears and long legs, originally from Africa.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Milk from Hahns's herd of Nubian, La Mancha and Saanen goats goes into her much-sought-after line of handmade soaps.
    • To give a summary of our operation, it comprises 400 head of Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Saanen and Toggenburg breeds.
    • Having raised dairy goats for nearly 20 years, Gail Damerow says one reason she keeps a small herd of Nubians on their farm in Tennessee is for extra milk to make yogurt, simple cheese and ice cream - lots and lots of ice cream, in many flavors.
    • Several characteristics distinguish Nubians from other dairy breeds: They have floppy ears, a convex, Roman nose and an energetic disposition some say is just plain stubborn.
    • LaManchas and Nubians hail from tropical and desert climates where it's warmer, and they tolerate hot summer conditions better than the Swiss breeds.



Definition of Nubian in US English:


  • Relating to Nubia, its people, or their language.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the iconic black-and-white photograph, which has been blown up to fill one wall of the lobby space in the 79 million building, the bare-shouldered Jamison looks like a Nubian princess.
    • The settlement has its origins in British colonialists' abandonment of the Nubian soldiers who fought with the Allies in the first world war.
    • But it was much better to take sleeping bags in among the ruins, to lay pillows on the baked-sand bricks and feel, as we slept, the cool wind of the Nubian desert on our faces.
    • For example, Hawass said, on show along with the mummy of Ramses II would be models of his Nubian temples, statues, reliefs and a biography.
    • In the following year, Loret continued his excavations in the Valley of the Kings and made other significant discoveries: above all the intact tomb of Maiherpri, a non-royal but prominent personage of Nubian origin.
    • You can see some Nubian villages at Elephantine Island.
    • The museum plays an important role in informing both Egyptian and international visitors about Nubian culture, preserving the record of an ancient civilization while providing a focal point for today's community.
    • For its part the Sony Gallery is showcasing black and white photographs taken in the early 1960s by Abdel-Fattah Eid as part of a project to document Nubian culture before the valley was submerged by Lake Nasser.
    • Were the sadness, the fear, the ferocity, related to the darker side of Nubian culture?
    • Elton John and Tim Rice's musical Aida is the story of a Nubian slave princess, Aida, and the forbidden love that she shares with an Egyptian captain, Radames.
    • As Thabo Mbeki observed, the intellectual tradition of the Nubian civilisation, the ancient Egyptians and the great centre of learning in Timbuktu are all part of the continent's rich history.
    • In the far north there are problems also, among the Nubians, the ancient Nubian civilization, which is having a revivalist movement.
    • At puberty, Nubian women are marked by a pattern of scars on either side of their abdomens that join at the navel and continue into a point between the breasts.
    • Although undoubtedly he made many enemies through a combination of conceit, arrogance and a quick temper, Bankes was an important early figure in Nubian and Near Eastern archaeology, and the nascent study of Egyptology.
    • Braxton plays the title role of Aida, an ancient Egyptian Nubian princess who is captured by Radames, a captain in the Egyptian army, and falls in love with him.
    • Great Nubian musician Hamsa El Din once told me that the traditional melodies for Nubian songs come from the overtone sequence of the specific rhythm that goes with that song.
    • Dr. Fletcher was drawn to the tomb by identifying the forgotten Nubian style wig favoured by royal women in the XVIIIth dynasty during the reign of Akhenaten that was found near three unidentified mummies, two females and a male.
    • His music and its cryptic codes awaken Akasha (the late Aaliyah), the Nubian queen of all vampires who also ruled Ancient Egypt with despotic violence.
    • The Khartoum School created and defined a Sudanese aesthetic that embraced Islamic, Nubian, African, and Western influences.
    • The Nubian boat captain piloted the rudder with his foot.
  • 1A native or inhabitant of Nubia.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The anthropologist also believes the tetracycline protected the Nubians from bone infections, as all the bones he examined are infection free.
    • But the traditionalists point out that the Egyptians distinguished themselves from the Nubians and other African and Mediterranean peoples in appearance and dress.
    • Along the date-lined banks of the Nile are the relics of those peoples who carved out their own world here - not only the Nubians and the Shaigia but the Kushites and before them the little-known Kerma culture.
    • Cunningham and the group of Islanders joined Nubians, Toda, Zulu and Sioux and ‘the entirely bogus Wild Men of Borneo’ on a tour of North America that lasted almost a year.
    • Given that the ancient Nubians and Egyptians were getting doses of tetracycline, another question is whether this afforded them any medical benefits.
    • Further tests convinced him that the Nubian had not been put up to this by someone who could read the almanac.
    • The Nubians have a strange predilection for gospel music.
    • Millions of Egyptian Nubians are committed Muslims who are non-Arab Africans with a glorious history of governing Egypt and Sudan for centuries.
    • Even more dubious was a tendency - now largely discredited - to see the Pharaonic state's southward expansion as especially similar to modern imperialism because, supposedly, it involved conquest by white Egyptians of black Nubians.
    • Curtis found that both predynastic Egyptians and Nubians rarely had wisdom teeth problems, but they often existed in persons living in later periods of history.
    • Most of the Egyptians here are really Nubians, although they dress as Egyptians, their skin is the dark brown of the betel nut.
    • Aswan is home of the Nubians, a dark skinned people, related to the people of the north of the Sudan.
    • These include the Jamala and the Nubians in the north; the Beja in the Red Sea Hills; and several Nilotic peoples in the south, including the Azande, Dinka, Nuer, and Shilluk.
    • About 10,000 Ugandans of Sudanese descent are classified as Nubians.
    • The government owns the deeds to the Kibera land and the Nubians, who live in the slum themselves, rent out the ramshackle corrugated iron dwellings and mud huts.
    • Initially we thought that during famine or drought, the ancient Nubians and Egyptians might have been forced to eat moldy grain.
    • The 50,000 Nubians living within Egyptian territorial borders were all evacuated and re-settled in what could be described as, at best, culturally indifferent government housing in Kom Ombo, north of Aswan.
    • The Nubians fought bitter battles against Arab armies from the north, but then, in AD652, signed a peace treaty which led to centuries of trade.
    • If it was ingested by ancient Nubians in their food or medications, what was its source?
    • Snofru sent out quarrying expeditions to the Sinai turquoise mines at Maghara, and also sent successful military expeditions against the Libyans and Nubians to secure Egypt's borders.
  • 2The Nilo-Saharan language of the Nubians.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There are more than one hundred different indigenous languages spoken in Sudan, including Nubian, Ta Bedawie, and dialects of Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic languages.
  • 3A goat of a short-haired breed with long pendant ears and long legs, originally from Africa.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • To give a summary of our operation, it comprises 400 head of Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Saanen and Toggenburg breeds.
    • Milk from Hahns's herd of Nubian, La Mancha and Saanen goats goes into her much-sought-after line of handmade soaps.
    • Several characteristics distinguish Nubians from other dairy breeds: They have floppy ears, a convex, Roman nose and an energetic disposition some say is just plain stubborn.
    • LaManchas and Nubians hail from tropical and desert climates where it's warmer, and they tolerate hot summer conditions better than the Swiss breeds.
    • Having raised dairy goats for nearly 20 years, Gail Damerow says one reason she keeps a small herd of Nubians on their farm in Tennessee is for extra milk to make yogurt, simple cheese and ice cream - lots and lots of ice cream, in many flavors.




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