

单词 capture

Definition of capture in English:


[with object]
  • 1Take into one's possession or control by force.


    the island was captured by Australian forces in 1914
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the past two days, U.S. forces say they've captured some 200 suspected insurgents.
    • In other words, by the end of the 11 th century the forces of Islam had captured two-thirds of the Christian world.
    • At the end of the war in Europe, they were among the mass of German papers captured by advancing Soviet forces when they took Berlin.
    • The French controlled the island until British forces captured it in 1762.
    • In 1782, Spain captured Minorca from British forces.
    • At sunset, tribal forces claimed to have captured a ridge on the Milawa valley adjacent to the Tora Bora valley.
    • The Jerusalem Post is reporting that American forces have captured an installation used to manufacture chemical weapons.
    • So the information referred to above presumably came from documents or other materials that were in his possession when he was captured.
    • They captured teenage girls and forced them into temporary marriages with ‘the holy warriors.’
    • Soldiers are accused of using unprovoked deadly force in capturing civilians, some of whom were then allegedly subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment leading to deaths in custody.
    • More disturbing was the reportage from places captured by the coalition forces.
    • Ethiopian forces claim to have captured the town for strategic reasons and insist they intend to withdraw later.
    • Yet, the rebels say this is wishful thinking and that their weapons are captured from government forces.
    • Palau was occupied by Japan during World War I and remained under Japanese control until 1944, when it was captured by Allied forces.
    • Only a few years later, the idea of a yeast that was out of control would capture the public imagination.
    • A couple of weeks later another small force were captured off Lough Swilly when their ships were surrounded by a British squadron before they even got to land.
    • The paper said security forces were unable to capture the assailants but managed to recover abandoned weapons and military uniforms.
    • In 1917, during World War I, Jerusalem was captured by British forces under Gen. Edmund Allenby.
    • Greek special forces have captured a freighter carrying 680 tons of explosives, along with detonators and fuses, bound for North Africa.
    • Sir Thomas Fairfax's wife is said to have been captured by Royalist forces in 1643 on the spot where it now stands.
    catch, apprehend, seize, arrest
    take prisoner, take captive, take into custody
    imprison, detain, put/throw in jail, put behind bars, put under lock and key, incarcerate
    lay hold of, abduct, carry off, take
    trap, snare, ensnare, net, hook, reel in, land, beach
    informal nab, collar, pinch, lift, nail, bust, pick up, bag, run in, haul in, pull in, feel someone's collar
    British informal nick
    occupy, invade, conquer, seize, take, take over, take possession of, annex, subjugate
    win, gain, secure
    1. 1.1 (in chess and other board games) make a move that secures the removal of (an opposing piece) from the board.
      Black cannot capture the knight
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A player could capture an enemy piece by either moving onto the piece or any one of these chits, which captured the piece as of that location.
      • After some deliberation, he moved his queen diagonally across the board, capturing Adam's remaining knight.
      • Balls that are jumped or isolated due to the removal of disks are captured but capturing the right colored balls is the key to winning.
      • Kevin looked down at the chess game, and made a move capturing a piece.
      • Finally, a single piece is automatically captured if two opposing pieces of another color move into its triangle.
      • Arduus weighed his options - he could easily capture the piece with his, but the game would end in a tie, and he hated loose ends.
      • And the white King cannot capture this new piece, because it's a piece of his own color!
      • Although the check has been blocked, the rook is completely undefended and the White queen can immediately capture this valuable piece.
      • Just as no player can capture the other side's king without sacrificing some important pieces, she is willing to give things up for chess glory.
      • In times gone by, when an opponent sacrificed a piece to launch an attack, it was considered dishonorable not to capture the sacrificed piece.
      • Jerome rubbed his chin, and after a few minutes of thought, moved his knight, capturing Adam's last bishop.
    2. 1.2Astronomy (of a star, planet, or other celestial body) bring (a less massive body) permanently within its gravitational influence.
      Jupiter's gravity captured a small percentage of these planetesimals
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Instead of orbiting the Sun, like most comets, however, this one had been captured by Jupiter's gravity and the rocky fragments now orbited the King of Planets itself.
      • Stuff moving more slowly relative to Earth can be captured by the planet's gravity and survive the plunge.
      • Their findings suggest the purported moons arose from collisions or were captured by the planet shortly after the solar system formed.
      • After 398 million km, the spacecraft fired its engines and slowed down enough to be captured by the Martian gravity.
      • Some small moons orbiting Jupiter, as well as Phobos and Deimos, may have originally been asteroids captured into orbit by the gravity of Mars and Jupiter.
  • 2Record accurately in words or pictures.


    she did a series of sketches, trying to capture all his moods


    Example sentencesExamples
    • National Geographic has found the girl who posed for this haunting picture that so perfectly captures the horror of war.
    • Even Jerly's pictures captured the beauty of the river, in its varied expressions.
    • The pictures captured the mood or essence of the songs.
    • Right away what appeals to you about director Rakeysh Mehra's new film is the fact that it so accurately captures the spirit and mood of the current generation.
    • The film's dialogue is minimal and often earthy but it accurately captures the rebellious mood of the youth.
    • The Sub-Standard uses words and pictures to capture the essence of London's worst August storms ever.
    • Simon's winning portfolio of ten pictures included striking images capturing some of the major events of the last year and the diversity of life in Yorkshire.
    • So have you got any pictures capturing life in Bury in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries?
    • The exhibition through these pictures captures the pain and joy of the unification of North and South Vietnam that took place formally on July 2, 1976.
    • The acting in Candida is realistic and accurately captures the trials and tribulations of courtship.
    • Like most of my sister's stories, it provoked a startling mental picture, capturing a moment in time when one's actions seem both unimaginably cruel and completely natural.
    • Like Tryon's French scene, DeCora's picture is designed to capture a mood rather than illustrate an event.
    • Russell Crowe may have turned in a virtuoso performance, accurately capturing the confusion and paranoia of being in mental turmoil, but let's face it, so what.
    • Indeed, his pictures capture a horror that goes beyond verbal expression.
    • If they have a favourite place or have a picture that they think captures the area we would like to see it and they could win a prize.
    • If you think words can't capture your emotions then you can record your voice and e-mail it.
    • The different meaning of these two words captures something of America's view of itself.
    • Don's picture captures the listless, boarded-up feel of the place better than mine does, but I fell too much in love with the lifts and wanted to make them look beautiful.
    • Perhaps, the mad careening way of life might become more reflective as its mood and mode is captured in image and word.
    • The portrayal of a 13-year old girl is remarkable for the textures captured in her silk dress and her hair while, despite the formal pose, the picture captures a childish awkwardness.
    express, reproduce, represent, show, encapsulate, record
  • 3Cause (data) to be stored in a computer.


    these allow users to capture, edit, and display geographic data
    Example sentencesExamples
    • These programs are both Windows programs that allow users to capture the USB data that is sent to and received from any USB device on a Windows system.
    • Version 2.0 allows users to capture customer e-mail stored in corporate mailboxes in addition to submissions from the Web.
    • The reason I bought the USB instant video is that it is the only alternative for notebook computer users to capture analog video.
    • By electronically capturing the details of each purchase, they capture not just sales totals, but information on what has been removed from goods on hand.
    • But then, what if the spyware captures your keystrokes and stores them for later retrieval?
    feed in, put in, load, insert
  • 4Physics
    Absorb (an atomic or subatomic particle)


    the free electrons were moving too rapidly to be captured by nuclei
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is the process in which a proton is converted into a neutron by the nucleus capturing a negative electron from one of the inner orbits of its atom.
    • Plant chloroplasts normally capture photons to excite electrons to drive photosynthesis.
    • Sensitive detectors can track the alpha particles produced and capture the two photons that are produced when the pion subsequently decays.
    • Not until the ambient temperature in the expanding universe had cooled from trillions down to about 3,000 degrees Kelvin did the nuclei capture electrons.
    • As the universe expanded the nuclei captured electrons to form a cool gas of neutral atoms.
  • 5(of a stream) divert the upper course of (another stream) by encroaching on its catchment area.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Long ago, another stream captured the headwaters of the Wind Gap stream, leaving the gap high and dry.
    • Over time, the Barron River 'captured' some of the headwaters of the Mitchell River.
    • Whenever one stream captures a portion of the drainage of a neighbouring stream, certain results are produced.
noun ˈkaptʃəˈkæptʃər
mass noun
  • 1The action of capturing or of being captured.


    the capture of the city
    he was killed while resisting capture


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The opposition is closed down by capture, arrest, and prison.
    • Stalingrad was a large industrial city at the apex of this line and its speedy capture was essential for the success of the whole German campaign.
    • Apparently, the two men killed had attempted to resist capture.
    • Booth, killed as he fled capture, had imagined history would hail him.
    • For a power so concerned with the stylish symbolism of that city's capture, this was no mere practical measure.
    • Methods of capture are often violent and many animals are accidentally killed in the process or die in transport.
    • This would spread fear through the region, making capture of further cities easier.
    • In exemplary fashion, he resisted every effort by the enemy to make his capture and imprisonment work to their advantage.
    • The number of animals accidentally killed during capture remains unknown.
    • For all she knew, they could have been enslaved or killed after their capture, and here she was in chains, unable to make a move to help.
    • The military code of conduct does require that military personnel resist capture.
    • Many were shot down or simply disappeared, bringing capture, imprisonment, and death to the crews.
    • For several years I wondered whether the ring hit some unfortunate Parisian out for a late afternoon stroll, but finally decided I was safe from capture and arrest.
    • The city inched rather than slid towards capture and after a while the shelling all but paralysed our movement.
    • During the intense gunbattle that followed, three insurgents detonated explosives and killed themselves to avoid capture.
    • That's why this arrest and this capture is so doggone important.
    • Units of the Polish underground Home Army, which had assisted in the city's capture, were arrested and in part deported.
    • The capture of Mexico City did not immediately end the war.
    • I sat down on the hedge and thought: could I hope to run, could I hope to evade capture and imprisonment or worse - what options lay open?
    • The FBI has a $25 million reward for information leading to his capture or arrest.
    arrest, apprehension, seizure, being trapped, being taken prisoner, being taken captive, being taken into custody, imprisonment, being imprisoned
    informal being nabbed, being collared, being pinched, being lifted
    1. 1.1count noun A person or thing that has been captured.
      a bounty hunter who always brings his captures in alive
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He discounted arguments that the secrecy would withhold news of the captures from other terrorists.
      • This assumption often is true, but for locations such as the Gulf Coast in spring, where birds may continue to arrive all day, the method of analyzing first captures is not suitable.
      • The Liberal Democrats' success, disguised by strong votes in very safe Labour seats, but exemplified by some astonishing captures from the labour heartland, should be encouraging in one way.
      • Just one exhibition of more than 20 that make up this year's Mois de la Photo, World Press Photo contains no shortage of similarly dismal captures.
      • We also included data from some additional captures in areas immediately adjacent to the YSG plot.
      • For captures of 100 or more flies, numbers were estimated by weight.
      • We're up to 699 captures because we don't trace calls and tap calls and a lot of people are afraid to call the police.
      • With no real pattern to captures dropping on a shoal may require some luck but an evening stroll along the river, when the fish may give away their presence by rolling, might pay dividends.
      • The decrease in the number of fall captures could reflect natural mortality of overwintering adults and losses due to two prior removal-trapping sessions.
      • His captures were mostly alive when he brought them into the house and we would have to rescue them, lock him in a room for an hour or so and take them back outside.
      • The IDF later announced that there had been no captures, though its soldiers remained in and around Nablus and the adjacent refugee camps.
      • Similar captures have been reported from other waters such as Damph and Shiel over the last few years.
      • In general, a clear pattern of low captures of local individuals early in the season followed by a brief drop in capture totals then an increasing pulse of migrants was evident in these plots.
      • The captures were effected in March and early April - some 4 months before Abu Ghraib prison was re-opened by the US.
      • He had twenty registered captures in those three years while teamed with a partner.
      • Also, although I know nothing about the linked pet store, it's very important to be aware of the source of pet-store birds - you don't want captures.
      • But he declined to make any new predictions of captures.
      • The biggest was 6lb 4oz but they were both accidental captures when pike fishing - these were the first zander that I had caught by design so I was very pleased.
      • The capture of these key members has led to additional captures throughout the Mosul-based AQ-AMZ network.
      • The result, a 13 percent decline in illegal alien captures in Arizona.


  • capture someone's imagination (or attention)

    • Fascinate someone.

      the project has captured the imagination of the local public


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Open with something interesting to capture the audiences' attention right from the start.
      • Wilkins captures our attention by provoking combinations of topics or case examples throughout the book.
      • A shout in the midst of a normal voice or even a whisper will capture people's attention.
      • The aim of advertising boards is to capture one's attention.
      • It took a second query from Jack to capture his attention.
      • For the past six weeks, the conflict in the Middle East has captured the world's attention.
      • We need to try harder to capture people's imaginations, whilst meeting their needs.
      • Traditional poetry simply captures our imagination more easily than formless "free" verse.
      • In India, too, a comprehensive approach to rainwater harvesting has captured the nation's imagination.
      • Now, the ancient Egyptians have long captured our imagination.


  • capturer

  • noun
    • Instead of fear she was very angry with her capturers.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But she yelled with no avail, seeming she had no one to hear her, but her capturers.
      • He finally let go, and I whirled around to look at my capturer.
      • The capturers left almost no trail for them to follow.
      • After all who wouldn't like to watch their capturer feel angry and frustrated for a while?


Mid 16th century (as a noun): from French, from Latin captura, from capt- 'seized, taken', from the verb capere.


enrapture, rapture

Definition of capture in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Take into one's possession or control by force.


    the Russians captured 13,000 men


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Greek special forces have captured a freighter carrying 680 tons of explosives, along with detonators and fuses, bound for North Africa.
    • Sir Thomas Fairfax's wife is said to have been captured by Royalist forces in 1643 on the spot where it now stands.
    • Yet, the rebels say this is wishful thinking and that their weapons are captured from government forces.
    • At the end of the war in Europe, they were among the mass of German papers captured by advancing Soviet forces when they took Berlin.
    • So the information referred to above presumably came from documents or other materials that were in his possession when he was captured.
    • Only a few years later, the idea of a yeast that was out of control would capture the public imagination.
    • Ethiopian forces claim to have captured the town for strategic reasons and insist they intend to withdraw later.
    • The Jerusalem Post is reporting that American forces have captured an installation used to manufacture chemical weapons.
    • In other words, by the end of the 11 th century the forces of Islam had captured two-thirds of the Christian world.
    • More disturbing was the reportage from places captured by the coalition forces.
    • In 1782, Spain captured Minorca from British forces.
    • The paper said security forces were unable to capture the assailants but managed to recover abandoned weapons and military uniforms.
    • Soldiers are accused of using unprovoked deadly force in capturing civilians, some of whom were then allegedly subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment leading to deaths in custody.
    • In 1917, during World War I, Jerusalem was captured by British forces under Gen. Edmund Allenby.
    • The French controlled the island until British forces captured it in 1762.
    • Palau was occupied by Japan during World War I and remained under Japanese control until 1944, when it was captured by Allied forces.
    • They captured teenage girls and forced them into temporary marriages with ‘the holy warriors.’
    • A couple of weeks later another small force were captured off Lough Swilly when their ships were surrounded by a British squadron before they even got to land.
    • At sunset, tribal forces claimed to have captured a ridge on the Milawa valley adjacent to the Tora Bora valley.
    • In the past two days, U.S. forces say they've captured some 200 suspected insurgents.
    catch, apprehend, seize, arrest
    occupy, invade, conquer, seize, take, take over, take possession of, annex, subjugate
    1. 1.1 Record or express accurately in words or pictures.
      she did a series of sketches, trying to capture all his moods


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The different meaning of these two words captures something of America's view of itself.
      • The exhibition through these pictures captures the pain and joy of the unification of North and South Vietnam that took place formally on July 2, 1976.
      • The pictures captured the mood or essence of the songs.
      • Simon's winning portfolio of ten pictures included striking images capturing some of the major events of the last year and the diversity of life in Yorkshire.
      • Don's picture captures the listless, boarded-up feel of the place better than mine does, but I fell too much in love with the lifts and wanted to make them look beautiful.
      • So have you got any pictures capturing life in Bury in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries?
      • The portrayal of a 13-year old girl is remarkable for the textures captured in her silk dress and her hair while, despite the formal pose, the picture captures a childish awkwardness.
      • Like most of my sister's stories, it provoked a startling mental picture, capturing a moment in time when one's actions seem both unimaginably cruel and completely natural.
      • Perhaps, the mad careening way of life might become more reflective as its mood and mode is captured in image and word.
      • National Geographic has found the girl who posed for this haunting picture that so perfectly captures the horror of war.
      • Like Tryon's French scene, DeCora's picture is designed to capture a mood rather than illustrate an event.
      • The film's dialogue is minimal and often earthy but it accurately captures the rebellious mood of the youth.
      • The Sub-Standard uses words and pictures to capture the essence of London's worst August storms ever.
      • Right away what appeals to you about director Rakeysh Mehra's new film is the fact that it so accurately captures the spirit and mood of the current generation.
      • The acting in Candida is realistic and accurately captures the trials and tribulations of courtship.
      • Indeed, his pictures capture a horror that goes beyond verbal expression.
      • If you think words can't capture your emotions then you can record your voice and e-mail it.
      • Russell Crowe may have turned in a virtuoso performance, accurately capturing the confusion and paranoia of being in mental turmoil, but let's face it, so what.
      • If they have a favourite place or have a picture that they think captures the area we would like to see it and they could win a prize.
      • Even Jerly's pictures captured the beauty of the river, in its varied expressions.
      express, reproduce, represent, show, encapsulate, record
    2. 1.2Physics Absorb (an atomic or subatomic particle).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is the process in which a proton is converted into a neutron by the nucleus capturing a negative electron from one of the inner orbits of its atom.
      • Plant chloroplasts normally capture photons to excite electrons to drive photosynthesis.
      • Sensitive detectors can track the alpha particles produced and capture the two photons that are produced when the pion subsequently decays.
      • As the universe expanded the nuclei captured electrons to form a cool gas of neutral atoms.
      • Not until the ambient temperature in the expanding universe had cooled from trillions down to about 3,000 degrees Kelvin did the nuclei capture electrons.
    3. 1.3 (in chess and other board games) make a move that secures the removal of (an opposing piece) from the board.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although the check has been blocked, the rook is completely undefended and the White queen can immediately capture this valuable piece.
      • Just as no player can capture the other side's king without sacrificing some important pieces, she is willing to give things up for chess glory.
      • Jerome rubbed his chin, and after a few minutes of thought, moved his knight, capturing Adam's last bishop.
      • And the white King cannot capture this new piece, because it's a piece of his own color!
      • A player could capture an enemy piece by either moving onto the piece or any one of these chits, which captured the piece as of that location.
      • Arduus weighed his options - he could easily capture the piece with his, but the game would end in a tie, and he hated loose ends.
      • Balls that are jumped or isolated due to the removal of disks are captured but capturing the right colored balls is the key to winning.
      • Kevin looked down at the chess game, and made a move capturing a piece.
      • In times gone by, when an opponent sacrificed a piece to launch an attack, it was considered dishonorable not to capture the sacrificed piece.
      • Finally, a single piece is automatically captured if two opposing pieces of another color move into its triangle.
      • After some deliberation, he moved his queen diagonally across the board, capturing Adam's remaining knight.
    4. 1.4Astronomy (of a star, planet, or other celestial body) bring (a less massive body) permanently within its gravitational influence.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Some small moons orbiting Jupiter, as well as Phobos and Deimos, may have originally been asteroids captured into orbit by the gravity of Mars and Jupiter.
      • Instead of orbiting the Sun, like most comets, however, this one had been captured by Jupiter's gravity and the rocky fragments now orbited the King of Planets itself.
      • Their findings suggest the purported moons arose from collisions or were captured by the planet shortly after the solar system formed.
      • After 398 million km, the spacecraft fired its engines and slowed down enough to be captured by the Martian gravity.
      • Stuff moving more slowly relative to Earth can be captured by the planet's gravity and survive the plunge.
    5. 1.5 (of a stream) divert the upper course of (another stream) by encroaching on its catchment area.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whenever one stream captures a portion of the drainage of a neighbouring stream, certain results are produced.
      • Long ago, another stream captured the headwaters of the Wind Gap stream, leaving the gap high and dry.
      • Over time, the Barron River 'captured' some of the headwaters of the Mitchell River.
    6. 1.6 Cause (data) to be stored in a computer or in a digital format.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The reason I bought the USB instant video is that it is the only alternative for notebook computer users to capture analog video.
      • By electronically capturing the details of each purchase, they capture not just sales totals, but information on what has been removed from goods on hand.
      • These programs are both Windows programs that allow users to capture the USB data that is sent to and received from any USB device on a Windows system.
      • But then, what if the spyware captures your keystrokes and stores them for later retrieval?
      • Version 2.0 allows users to capture customer e-mail stored in corporate mailboxes in addition to submissions from the Web.
      feed in, put in, load, insert
  • 1The action of capturing or of being captured.


    he was killed while resisting capture


    the capture of the city marks the high point of his career


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The military code of conduct does require that military personnel resist capture.
    • For all she knew, they could have been enslaved or killed after their capture, and here she was in chains, unable to make a move to help.
    • The number of animals accidentally killed during capture remains unknown.
    • For a power so concerned with the stylish symbolism of that city's capture, this was no mere practical measure.
    • During the intense gunbattle that followed, three insurgents detonated explosives and killed themselves to avoid capture.
    • I sat down on the hedge and thought: could I hope to run, could I hope to evade capture and imprisonment or worse - what options lay open?
    • The FBI has a $25 million reward for information leading to his capture or arrest.
    • For several years I wondered whether the ring hit some unfortunate Parisian out for a late afternoon stroll, but finally decided I was safe from capture and arrest.
    • Methods of capture are often violent and many animals are accidentally killed in the process or die in transport.
    • Stalingrad was a large industrial city at the apex of this line and its speedy capture was essential for the success of the whole German campaign.
    • The capture of Mexico City did not immediately end the war.
    • Apparently, the two men killed had attempted to resist capture.
    • The opposition is closed down by capture, arrest, and prison.
    • Units of the Polish underground Home Army, which had assisted in the city's capture, were arrested and in part deported.
    • Booth, killed as he fled capture, had imagined history would hail him.
    • That's why this arrest and this capture is so doggone important.
    • Many were shot down or simply disappeared, bringing capture, imprisonment, and death to the crews.
    • In exemplary fashion, he resisted every effort by the enemy to make his capture and imprisonment work to their advantage.
    • The city inched rather than slid towards capture and after a while the shelling all but paralysed our movement.
    • This would spread fear through the region, making capture of further cities easier.
    arrest, apprehension, seizure, being trapped, being taken prisoner, being taken captive, being taken into custody, imprisonment, being imprisoned
    1. 1.1 A person or thing that has been captured.
      a bounty hunter who always brings his captures in alive
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Similar captures have been reported from other waters such as Damph and Shiel over the last few years.
      • The Liberal Democrats' success, disguised by strong votes in very safe Labour seats, but exemplified by some astonishing captures from the labour heartland, should be encouraging in one way.
      • But he declined to make any new predictions of captures.
      • The biggest was 6lb 4oz but they were both accidental captures when pike fishing - these were the first zander that I had caught by design so I was very pleased.
      • He discounted arguments that the secrecy would withhold news of the captures from other terrorists.
      • We're up to 699 captures because we don't trace calls and tap calls and a lot of people are afraid to call the police.
      • This assumption often is true, but for locations such as the Gulf Coast in spring, where birds may continue to arrive all day, the method of analyzing first captures is not suitable.
      • Just one exhibition of more than 20 that make up this year's Mois de la Photo, World Press Photo contains no shortage of similarly dismal captures.
      • The result, a 13 percent decline in illegal alien captures in Arizona.
      • His captures were mostly alive when he brought them into the house and we would have to rescue them, lock him in a room for an hour or so and take them back outside.
      • The decrease in the number of fall captures could reflect natural mortality of overwintering adults and losses due to two prior removal-trapping sessions.
      • For captures of 100 or more flies, numbers were estimated by weight.
      • We also included data from some additional captures in areas immediately adjacent to the YSG plot.
      • He had twenty registered captures in those three years while teamed with a partner.
      • In general, a clear pattern of low captures of local individuals early in the season followed by a brief drop in capture totals then an increasing pulse of migrants was evident in these plots.
      • With no real pattern to captures dropping on a shoal may require some luck but an evening stroll along the river, when the fish may give away their presence by rolling, might pay dividends.
      • The captures were effected in March and early April - some 4 months before Abu Ghraib prison was re-opened by the US.
      • The capture of these key members has led to additional captures throughout the Mosul-based AQ-AMZ network.
      • Also, although I know nothing about the linked pet store, it's very important to be aware of the source of pet-store birds - you don't want captures.
      • The IDF later announced that there had been no captures, though its soldiers remained in and around Nablus and the adjacent refugee camps.


  • capture someone's imagination (or attention)

    • Fascinate someone.

      the project has captured the imagination of the local public


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It took a second query from Jack to capture his attention.
      • A shout in the midst of a normal voice or even a whisper will capture people's attention.
      • Wilkins captures our attention by provoking combinations of topics or case examples throughout the book.
      • For the past six weeks, the conflict in the Middle East has captured the world's attention.
      • We need to try harder to capture people's imaginations, whilst meeting their needs.
      • Traditional poetry simply captures our imagination more easily than formless "free" verse.
      • In India, too, a comprehensive approach to rainwater harvesting has captured the nation's imagination.
      • Now, the ancient Egyptians have long captured our imagination.
      • The aim of advertising boards is to capture one's attention.
      • Open with something interesting to capture the audiences' attention right from the start.


Mid 16th century (as a noun): from French, from Latin captura, from capt- ‘seized, taken’, from the verb capere.





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