

单词 notice

Definition of notice in English:


noun ˈnəʊtɪsˈnoʊdəs
  • 1mass noun The fact of observing or paying attention to something.

    their silence did not escape my notice


    it has come to our notice that you have been missing school


    Example sentencesExamples
    • These are the kind of clues that might escape the notice of the casual observer.
    • The first thing you'll notice is the fact that the franchise interface has been completely revamped.
    • While I spoke I couldn't help but notice how his full attention was on me.
    • Teachers need to observe each child and notice if modifications need to be made in teaching reading to children.
    • Despite massive opposition by the British public, it looks unlikely that our elected representatives will take much notice of this fact.
    • Obviously no papers have come to his notice on his six hours' train journey.
    • No one around this school ever noticed him or paid much attention if they did notice.
    • The woman had brightened up amazingly when it had come to her notice that well over half the population where male.
    • Petrov is the main beneficiary of O'Neill's latest reorganisation, a fact that has not escaped the manager's notice.
    • We didn't really take much notice of the fact that he was an aristocrat and a monarchist.
    • The word ‘despicable’ is mild in comparison with other descriptions that have come to my notice.
    • The men that were beside her stayed where they were and didn't take any notice to the fact that she had just done what she had just done.
    • Since then it has come to my notice how little is being done to make shopping easier for disabled people in the way of access to goods in some stores.
    • Maddy laughed as Joan passed Luke without much notice to the fact that he couldn't stop watching her.
    • It didn't escape their notice that even though he carried a sword, he had never once drawn it.
    • My Sunday school teacher suggested that maybe the fact that I'm trying to escape notice inadvertently brings me into the limelight.
    • When they come to our notice, therefore, it is mainly by accident.
    • It is hard for a biologist in the field to escape their notice, so it is hard to observe them closely.
    • Cases like these have not come to my notice but if there really are such instances, we will definitely take action.
    • In fact, you barely notice after a while, since you're so absorbed in Eddie's arcane ramblings.
    attention, observation, awareness, consciousness, perception, cognizance, heed, note
    regard, consideration, scrutiny, interest, thought, mindfulness, watchfulness, vigilance, attentiveness
  • 2mass noun Notification or warning of something, especially to allow preparations to be made.


    interest rates are subject to fluctuation without notice


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We are looking forward to a good entry and hope this advance notice will allow producers of breeding sheep to get together a healthy entry.
    • We are prepared at moment's notice to release the nerve gas over the city.
    • This timely notice gives time to prepare children for this very popular event.
    • The lawsuit was based on the fact that the city gave no warning or notice that they would be cleaning debris from the riverbank.
    • He says some Maori were given less than a day's notice to prepare an oral submission, on what is a major piece of legislation.
    • IBM argues that fraud allegations must be backed up in great detail, and give the defendant fair notice to prepare a defense.
    • Under section 84 the parole board gives the community adequate notice of the parolee's application.
    • Earlier Mr Sinclair had complained that he had not had enough notice to prepare for Mr Williams' appearance at the inquiry.
    • They have swiped hundreds of signs, including chevrons and direction indicators giving motorists advance notice of hazards.
    • Local oil companies have told the bureau that they need three months' notice to prepare for the new fuel specification.
    • The absence of wirescape and the impressive decorative lamp standards give advance notice of an unusually fine town landscape.
    • These regulations should be extended to cover all insurances with advance notice of 10 weeks minimum applying.
    • Lunch and dinner are available on giving advance notice.
    • The tenant charged the premises without giving notice, and allowed the specified date to pass without making the reconstruction.
    • That is, it's something that happened and could happen again without notice or warning.
    • I think it's far from necessary to allow our enemies detailed advanced notice of our next move.
    • For savers who are prepared to give notice before taking out their money, interest rates payable are generally higher.
    notification, (advance) warning, announcement, apprisal, intimation
    information, news, communication, intelligence, word
    1. 2.1 A formal declaration of one's intention to end an agreement, typically one concerning employment or tenancy, at a specified time.
      she handed in her notice


      his employers gave him two weeks' notice
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The policy allows pilots to give notice on the last day of the month and retire the following day.
      • The two-day hearing was told that the McHardys were given just ten minutes notice of the redundancies.
      • He gave 12 months' notice of his intention to step down in November 2002.
      • He does not depose to the fact that such notice was ever given to the second applicant or the first applicant.
      • It's as if my usual fighting spirit has up and left without any formal notice.
      • Fairness factors may also be considered in assessing reasonable notice.
      • The matter is more urgent because staff have already been given their redundancy notice; once they go, the work is likely to cease.
      • During this time other managers at the centre also decided to leave voluntarily and gave notice to terminate their employment.
      • Grimshaw was given formal notice to quit in 1885, but had probably already returned to Leeds.
      • Obviously we are very close to the final date by which we can give notice and your urgent attention to this matter will be most appreciated.
      • Although Fettis is technically a free agent, players are supposed to give 14 days notice of their intention to leave.
      • Workers who have been made redundant will be able to make claims up to £280 a week for pay, holiday pay, pay in lieu of notice and redundancy.
      • He then held that these requirements were not fulfilled before 19th January 2001 when notice was in fact given.
      • A group of 10 junior pilots was already given a month's compulsory redundancy notice early last week.
      • It will include free training for all miners as soon as they get their redundancy notice as well as the creation of a jobs hotline in the Selby Job Centre.
      • If you leave before you get formal notice of redundancy, you are unlikely to be entitled to any statutory payment.
      • Provisional notice of City's intention to withdraw its membership of the Football League has already been given.
      • The employee was given his notice of redundancy on Friday, June 6.
      • The claimant in that case received notice terminating his employment on 30th September 1977.
      • He has already received his redundancy notice and is due to leave the firm on September 10.
      resignation, letter of resignation
      dismissal, discharge, termination/ending of employment, one's marching orders
      informal the sack, the boot, the bullet, the axe, the (old) heave-ho, the elbow, the push, the bounce
      British informal one's cards, the chop
  • 3A displayed sheet or placard giving news or information.


    the jobs were advertised in a notice posted in the common room


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Walkers are asked to obey any notice with warnings that tree felling may be in progress.
    • The court said the standard warning notice sent to the student was incorrectly worded.
    • Park staff will be posting closure notices where footpaths and bridleways meet with the public highway.
    • I'll be posting notices around the school, so look out.
    • Last year notices were posted along University Road informing us of a proposal to cut the speed restriction on the long, straight stretch from 40 to 30 mph.
    • Public notices will be displayed around car parks and people can view plans online.
    • Bradford Council is also looking closely at objections to the scheme from Ilkley residents, since it put up its formal notice about the planned work.
    • Secretary Peter Kay said members had resorted to sticking information notices of their own on bus stops as the partnership and bus operators had failed to properly publicise diversion routes.
    • Look out for the notice of the Samaritans information evening in the end of September.
    • We posted a notice on the website and the new information went out with the second and third batch of letters.
    • Until that date any parking infringements found will be given an informal warning notice without a penalty.
    • When floodwater rises and obscures this warning notice, it is dangerous to drive ahead.
    • Information notices will be attached to the bus stops in advance of the work so as to advise users of the temporary arrangements.
    • A watchdog has ruled that clamping cannot be allowed in areas where there is no obvious warning notice.
    • This weekend police will display notices on lampposts in and around the triangular zone explaining how the orders work.
    • The college posted huge notices informing students and staff that there would be a three minute silence.
    • Public notices will be displayed in advance and parents who don't comply run the risk of the council clearing the plots.
    • But when I roll up to the Inverey hostel I am greeted by a little notice informing me it will open at 1700 hours.
    • Among the information in the passenger notices was a section on baggage, which stated that the free bag allowance is two pieces of checked luggage per passenger.
    • The shop posted a written notice informing its customers that no invalid bills will be accepted after July 1.
    information sheet, bill, handbill, poster, advertisement, announcement, bulletin, broadsheet, circular, flyer, leaflet, pamphlet, sign, placard
    card, sticker
    French affiche
    North American &amp Australian dodger
    informal ad
    British informal advert
    1. 3.1 A small advertisement or announcement in a newspaper or magazine.
      an obituary notice


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A reprint of the official notice appeared in the newspapers the next day.
      • Please bring this notice to the attention of your family/friends who may be interested in attending the reunion.
      • A newspaper notice follows, giving all the neighbours an opportunity to object to its construction.
      • Site notices will also go up, and there will be notices in local newspapers.
      • Each week, local newspapers carried public notices offering employment to stonebreakers and carters.
      • It was following me having a gentle moan to Yvonne about the notice in our national magazine about medical insurance rates rising.
      • The index to deaths is useful for showing the quarter of the year in which a death occurred and, thus, when newspaper death and funeral notices might appear.
      • Even Martin Harwood's death notice in Saturday's Observer contained a reference to ‘toad’.
      • He saw our notice in the newspapers about that dead woman, found in Trevor Square, and traveled down here by the coach.
      • He pointed out that if the writer had read his own newspaper he would have seen the public notice announcing the roundabout.
      • They include stories and chants, photographs and advertisements, political notices, and letters to the editor.
      • I telephoned Chadwick's so that they could fax the obituary with the funeral notice to the newspapers.
      • Check your local newspaper for notices about missing cats.
      • Wool also placed notices in newspapers requesting the help of volunteers, specifically soldiers who had already mustered out of service.
      • The formal gazette notice, however, provided no explanation for the decision.
      • And, we'd already arranged the notices in newspapers.
      • The Warwickshire captain is used to reading his obituary notice in the columns of the national newspapers.
      • If you have friends who play golf please bring this notice to their attention and get them to register a team early.
      • First she has to put a notice in the local newspaper, and if there are no objections, has been told the court is likely to find in her favour.
      • The company had submitted a similar application to the planning office in May but it was deemed invalid by the planning officials because the site and newspaper notices were out of date.
    2. 3.2usually notices A short published review of a new film, play, or book.
      she had good notices in her first film


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Since its launch in January, the ratings have been abysmal and the critical notices worse.
      • Audiences, on the other hand, seem perplexed that their response differs so markedly to those reflected in the film's notices.
      • A short notice cannot do justice to this admirable and thought-provoking book.
      • The work received mixed notices from the critics.
      • The show duly received glowing notices in every newspaper.
      • Nationwide, Cason's book inspired reviews and notices in many leading newspapers and periodicals.
      • That volume commanded polite notices and some positive reviews.
      • It's therefore an edgy time as she awaits the notices for a book that she spent three years writing.
      • The book drew favourable notices and went through five print runs, but in summer 2002 it was not on many radar screens.
      • The notices were extraordinary, one critic from the Literary Review describing Wallace as a cross between Franz Kafka and David Lynch.
      • He was not the sort of writer who claimed never to read notices of his books; he was too engaged, too polemical to remain that aloof.
      • His efforts to find viable synonyms were not in vain: the book was released to admiring notices in January 2004.
      • We all know how book blurbs and theatre notices can, by careful editing, turn critical comments into a rave review.
      • His books have also stopped receiving notices.
      • There were some negative notices, however, with several finding the films pace too slow for comfort and its narrative going nowhere, slowly.
      • The latest volume in this series contains six original essays, a lengthy review article, and a number of book notices.
      • Although many of the critics have yet to publish their reactions in America, notices so far have been generally positive.
      • It received good notices from the critics and respectable ratings at first.
      • He thought the London location would alter the emphasis from paying attention to the working class audience to one of trying to get good notices from the London critics.
      • Despite the presence of the two stars the film received mixed notices.
      review, write-up, critique, criticism
      French compte rendu
      British informal crit
verb ˈnəʊtɪsˈnoʊdəs
[with object]
  • 1Become aware of.


    he noticed the youths behaving suspiciously


    with clause I noticed that she was looking tired


    no object they were too drunk to notice


    Example sentencesExamples
    • You observe yourself everyday and notice your weaknesses and because you realize this you are unhappy.
    • At that time it was noticed that the defendant was behaving strangely, said the prosecution.
    • Its something that I wasn't really aware of until recently, but I'm starting to notice this phenomenon more and more.
    • It's little things like that which get noticed by observant kids such as myself.
    • Ever the observant one, Barry notices these things about me even in these circumstances.
    • A keen observer might notice the Star of David she wears around her neck.
    • Her main involvement was to help Gabriel be aware of children who had questions when he did not notice their raised hands.
    • Sharp-eyed observers may notice the addition of one tiny syllable to this site overnight.
    • Despite being a medical man, I did not have my friend's amazing power of observation to notice the subtle differences in ears.
    • Since good news doesn't make the news, we don't notice it nor realize how often the good things are happening.
    • He was trying to concentrate on each miserable step forward; and so he didn't notice the gang of youths until he'd bumped into one of them.
    • I couldn't help but notice the realization that dawned on my father's face.
    • Altered states allow us to become more aware, so we tend to notice things we normally wouldn't.
    • She didn't realize that he was noticing the greenish bruises that still covered her cheeks.
    • Only a trained observer would notice her hands and feet look somewhat larger and more masculine.
    • Deep in his thoughts, Luther did not notice the drunk that was approaching him.
    • He noticed the youth was wearing dark clothes and there was a helmet lying on the road.
    • He probably didn't notice anything, but I know that I was aware of the big smirk on her face, as was Abby.
    • You may notice obsessive patterns and habits of mind you weren't aware of before starting this practice.
    • Know your body, be aware of any changes and contact your doctor if you notice anything unusual.
    observe, perceive, note, see, become aware of, discern, detect, spot, distinguish, catch sight of, make out, take notice of, mark, remark
    pay attention to, take note of, heed, take heed of, pay heed to
    British informal clock
    literary behold, descry, espy
    1. 1.1 Treat (someone) as worthy of recognition or attention.
      it was only last year that the singer really began to be noticed


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Because of that little conversation that he heard, Ian began to notice Michelle more.
      • I can't seem to take her anywhere without people noticing her and talking.
      • I was trying to get your attention, to make you notice me.
      • He is one of the best skateboarders coming out of Miami, and people are noticing him.
      • Yes, in many ways, I think that because I'm Chinese, people don't notice me as much.
      • I see now why he showed me all those theories, to get me to notice him, to get me to pay attention.
      • Would Ariella begin to notice him the way he noticed her if he acted like his brother did?
      • I still wait for people to notice me and come and talk to me.
      • I just wanted you to notice me for a change and treat me like a real person.
      • He already knew where she lived and she might begin to notice him if he caught the same bus as her.
      • Now Silverwood is eager to get back on track but he knows that he must first of all pick up wickets with Yorkshire before England start to notice him again.
      • He did, however, have an innate grasp of public relations, dressing with flair so people would notice him.
      • I write in part to have people notice me and my thoughts, which I think are worth noticing.
      • We can't just sit around, we have to do something a bit special to get people to notice us.
    2. 1.2archaic Mention or remark on.
      she looked so much better that Sir Charles noticed it to Lady Harriet



  • at short (or a moment's) notice

    • With little warning or time for preparation.


      tours may be cancelled at short notice


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have been commanded to return them to the property forthwith so they can be consulted at a moment's notice.
      • Little on the plant floor is welded down, so machines and modular furniture can be rearranged at a moment's notice.
      • All hospitals in the area have to be prepared to evacuate at a moment's notice.
      • If you're feeling creative, hollow out tangerine shells, freeze them, then fill with granita and keep in the freezer to pull out at a moment's notice.
      • His mouth was one that could give easy smiles at a moment's notice, but I had only seen him smile once since I met him.
      • Visits were sometimes cancelled at a moment's notice when this happened, and her friends came to accept this.
      • The ground units would, of course, be backed by massive conventional air and sea power, ready to subject the enemy to a lethal barrage at a moment's notice.
      • Children have been told to stay close to the school building and staff are being extra vigilant at break times ready to bring pupils indoors at a moment's notice.
      • We'd certainly be more productive if more of our days were free of the kinds of crises that seem to erupt at a moment's notice.
      • The funds have been transferred to my offshore account, and I am prepared to leave at a moment's notice.
  • put someone on notice

    • Warn someone of something about or likely to occur, especially in a formal or threatening manner.


      we're going to put foreign governments on notice that we want a change of trade policy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Another 300 letters will go to bars and clubs in Hong Kong putting them on notice of what constitutes the legal and illegal screening of pay-TV services.
      • We expect to put Mr Byers on notice of our intentions soon.
      • It would put them on notice that readers would be watching.
      • ISPs have been made responsible for removing illegal and harmful content under so-called notice and takedown procedures, once they have been put on notice by a complainant.
      • Now we're off to a good start in putting them on notice here in the Horn of Africa.
      • But we also want to put him on notice that we're coming after him.
      • And that's when I think she really put us on notice.
      • We just want to put him on notice to remind him what we will be doing.
      • In those circumstances, we put you on notice that we will be making an application to the court to extend time for service of our Defence for a further 3 months from today's date.
      • As advised, I contacted Mr Cloke by telephone the same day putting him on notice of our letter of 5th March which was being faxed over for his attention.
      notify, alert, apprise, give notice, inform, tell, let someone know, make someone aware, give a warning to, give fair warning to, forewarn, put someone on guard, put someone on notice, remind
  • take no notice

    • Pay no attention to someone or something.


      he took no notice of her frantic gestures
      Example sentencesExamples
      • People are once again taking no notice of parking restrictions because we have no enforcement officer.
      • They are sitting in their offices in London taking no notice.
      • But the government took no notice, until the consequences became manifest.
      • Their occupied attention caused them to take no notice of their muscled and bulky master calling for them.
      • When she approached the junction with Church Road she noticed a blue hatchback car moving slowly very close to the kerb, but took no notice because she thought he was lost.
      • Several servants bowed as he passed, but he took no notice of it.
      • Judging from the number of people who took no notice, I suggest plans for next year are changed.
      • Much later, he crept downstairs and drank from his water dish, but he wasn't his old self and took no notice of me.
      • My husband told them not to do it but they took no notice.
      • Clearly, her colleagues took no notice of the warning.
      pay no attention, pay no attention to, ignore, disregard, pay no heed, pay no heed to, take no account, take no account of, turn a deaf ear, turn a deaf ear to, brush aside, shrug off, set aside, turn a blind eye, turn a blind eye to, shut one's eyes, shut one's eyes to, pass over, let pass, let go, overlook, look the other way, pretend not to notice
  • take notice

    • Pay attention; show signs of interest.


      when the show was broadcast, he made TV viewers sit up and take notice
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But Cheryl and Kelly were aware of the traffic and taking notice of it.
      • This was a big push, and suddenly - and the polls show this - people sat up and took notice.
      • The last man, the fifth, took notice of the boy's icy glare, took interest and then verged off his path.
      • If the gaggle of magazine cover stories and press articles is any guide, it is worth taking notice because it is sign things may be about to happen.
      • Hollywood took notice of Douglas and began to send the appropriate signals.
      • I had thought that if I caught her off guard then she would take notice and try to scold me.
      • Darnell was not aware that anyone took notice, yet everyone heard the magic in the two words.
      • And despite all the smiles and media attention, there are people taking notice of Webb.
      • An obscure weekly published from Calcutta took notice of the event.
      • I just hope they will take notice of warning signs we have put up and look out for them on the roads.


Late Middle English (in sense 2 of the noun): from Old French, from Latin notitia 'being known', from notus 'known' (see notion).


myosotis, Otis

Definition of notice in US English:


  • 1The fact of observing or paying attention to something.

    their silence did not escape my notice


    it has come to our notice that you have been missing school


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The men that were beside her stayed where they were and didn't take any notice to the fact that she had just done what she had just done.
    • Teachers need to observe each child and notice if modifications need to be made in teaching reading to children.
    • Since then it has come to my notice how little is being done to make shopping easier for disabled people in the way of access to goods in some stores.
    • Cases like these have not come to my notice but if there really are such instances, we will definitely take action.
    • It didn't escape their notice that even though he carried a sword, he had never once drawn it.
    • The woman had brightened up amazingly when it had come to her notice that well over half the population where male.
    • No one around this school ever noticed him or paid much attention if they did notice.
    • In fact, you barely notice after a while, since you're so absorbed in Eddie's arcane ramblings.
    • It is hard for a biologist in the field to escape their notice, so it is hard to observe them closely.
    • Petrov is the main beneficiary of O'Neill's latest reorganisation, a fact that has not escaped the manager's notice.
    • My Sunday school teacher suggested that maybe the fact that I'm trying to escape notice inadvertently brings me into the limelight.
    • When they come to our notice, therefore, it is mainly by accident.
    • Despite massive opposition by the British public, it looks unlikely that our elected representatives will take much notice of this fact.
    • Obviously no papers have come to his notice on his six hours' train journey.
    • While I spoke I couldn't help but notice how his full attention was on me.
    • The first thing you'll notice is the fact that the franchise interface has been completely revamped.
    • Maddy laughed as Joan passed Luke without much notice to the fact that he couldn't stop watching her.
    • These are the kind of clues that might escape the notice of the casual observer.
    • We didn't really take much notice of the fact that he was an aristocrat and a monarchist.
    • The word ‘despicable’ is mild in comparison with other descriptions that have come to my notice.
    attention, observation, awareness, consciousness, perception, cognizance, heed, note
  • 2Notification or warning of something, especially to allow preparations to be made.


    interest rates are subject to fluctuation without notice


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They have swiped hundreds of signs, including chevrons and direction indicators giving motorists advance notice of hazards.
    • Local oil companies have told the bureau that they need three months' notice to prepare for the new fuel specification.
    • Earlier Mr Sinclair had complained that he had not had enough notice to prepare for Mr Williams' appearance at the inquiry.
    • I think it's far from necessary to allow our enemies detailed advanced notice of our next move.
    • The absence of wirescape and the impressive decorative lamp standards give advance notice of an unusually fine town landscape.
    • We are looking forward to a good entry and hope this advance notice will allow producers of breeding sheep to get together a healthy entry.
    • Lunch and dinner are available on giving advance notice.
    • The lawsuit was based on the fact that the city gave no warning or notice that they would be cleaning debris from the riverbank.
    • For savers who are prepared to give notice before taking out their money, interest rates payable are generally higher.
    • These regulations should be extended to cover all insurances with advance notice of 10 weeks minimum applying.
    • He says some Maori were given less than a day's notice to prepare an oral submission, on what is a major piece of legislation.
    • IBM argues that fraud allegations must be backed up in great detail, and give the defendant fair notice to prepare a defense.
    • This timely notice gives time to prepare children for this very popular event.
    • The tenant charged the premises without giving notice, and allowed the specified date to pass without making the reconstruction.
    • We are prepared at moment's notice to release the nerve gas over the city.
    • That is, it's something that happened and could happen again without notice or warning.
    • Under section 84 the parole board gives the community adequate notice of the parolee's application.
    notification, warning, advance warning, announcement, apprisal, intimation
    1. 2.1 A formal declaration of one's intention to end an agreement, typically one concerning employment or tenancy, at a specified time.
      she handed in her notice


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The two-day hearing was told that the McHardys were given just ten minutes notice of the redundancies.
      • He does not depose to the fact that such notice was ever given to the second applicant or the first applicant.
      • He gave 12 months' notice of his intention to step down in November 2002.
      • Provisional notice of City's intention to withdraw its membership of the Football League has already been given.
      • He has already received his redundancy notice and is due to leave the firm on September 10.
      • The matter is more urgent because staff have already been given their redundancy notice; once they go, the work is likely to cease.
      • Obviously we are very close to the final date by which we can give notice and your urgent attention to this matter will be most appreciated.
      • The employee was given his notice of redundancy on Friday, June 6.
      • Workers who have been made redundant will be able to make claims up to £280 a week for pay, holiday pay, pay in lieu of notice and redundancy.
      • It will include free training for all miners as soon as they get their redundancy notice as well as the creation of a jobs hotline in the Selby Job Centre.
      • It's as if my usual fighting spirit has up and left without any formal notice.
      • He then held that these requirements were not fulfilled before 19th January 2001 when notice was in fact given.
      • If you leave before you get formal notice of redundancy, you are unlikely to be entitled to any statutory payment.
      • The claimant in that case received notice terminating his employment on 30th September 1977.
      • A group of 10 junior pilots was already given a month's compulsory redundancy notice early last week.
      • During this time other managers at the centre also decided to leave voluntarily and gave notice to terminate their employment.
      • Although Fettis is technically a free agent, players are supposed to give 14 days notice of their intention to leave.
      • Fairness factors may also be considered in assessing reasonable notice.
      • The policy allows pilots to give notice on the last day of the month and retire the following day.
      • Grimshaw was given formal notice to quit in 1885, but had probably already returned to Leeds.
      resignation, letter of resignation
      dismissal, discharge, ending of employment, termination of employment, one's marching orders
  • 3A displayed sheet or placard giving news or information.


    the jobs were advertised in a notice posted in the common room


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A watchdog has ruled that clamping cannot be allowed in areas where there is no obvious warning notice.
    • We posted a notice on the website and the new information went out with the second and third batch of letters.
    • Bradford Council is also looking closely at objections to the scheme from Ilkley residents, since it put up its formal notice about the planned work.
    • The shop posted a written notice informing its customers that no invalid bills will be accepted after July 1.
    • Last year notices were posted along University Road informing us of a proposal to cut the speed restriction on the long, straight stretch from 40 to 30 mph.
    • Until that date any parking infringements found will be given an informal warning notice without a penalty.
    • Secretary Peter Kay said members had resorted to sticking information notices of their own on bus stops as the partnership and bus operators had failed to properly publicise diversion routes.
    • Walkers are asked to obey any notice with warnings that tree felling may be in progress.
    • Public notices will be displayed around car parks and people can view plans online.
    • When floodwater rises and obscures this warning notice, it is dangerous to drive ahead.
    • This weekend police will display notices on lampposts in and around the triangular zone explaining how the orders work.
    • The court said the standard warning notice sent to the student was incorrectly worded.
    • The college posted huge notices informing students and staff that there would be a three minute silence.
    • Information notices will be attached to the bus stops in advance of the work so as to advise users of the temporary arrangements.
    • Park staff will be posting closure notices where footpaths and bridleways meet with the public highway.
    • Look out for the notice of the Samaritans information evening in the end of September.
    • Public notices will be displayed in advance and parents who don't comply run the risk of the council clearing the plots.
    • But when I roll up to the Inverey hostel I am greeted by a little notice informing me it will open at 1700 hours.
    • Among the information in the passenger notices was a section on baggage, which stated that the free bag allowance is two pieces of checked luggage per passenger.
    • I'll be posting notices around the school, so look out.
    information sheet, bill, handbill, poster, advertisement, announcement, bulletin, broadsheet, circular, flyer, leaflet, pamphlet, sign, placard
    1. 3.1 A small advertisement or announcement in a newspaper or magazine.
      an obituary notice


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He pointed out that if the writer had read his own newspaper he would have seen the public notice announcing the roundabout.
      • They include stories and chants, photographs and advertisements, political notices, and letters to the editor.
      • Check your local newspaper for notices about missing cats.
      • A reprint of the official notice appeared in the newspapers the next day.
      • Each week, local newspapers carried public notices offering employment to stonebreakers and carters.
      • It was following me having a gentle moan to Yvonne about the notice in our national magazine about medical insurance rates rising.
      • The Warwickshire captain is used to reading his obituary notice in the columns of the national newspapers.
      • Even Martin Harwood's death notice in Saturday's Observer contained a reference to ‘toad’.
      • He saw our notice in the newspapers about that dead woman, found in Trevor Square, and traveled down here by the coach.
      • If you have friends who play golf please bring this notice to their attention and get them to register a team early.
      • I telephoned Chadwick's so that they could fax the obituary with the funeral notice to the newspapers.
      • Site notices will also go up, and there will be notices in local newspapers.
      • First she has to put a notice in the local newspaper, and if there are no objections, has been told the court is likely to find in her favour.
      • And, we'd already arranged the notices in newspapers.
      • A newspaper notice follows, giving all the neighbours an opportunity to object to its construction.
      • Please bring this notice to the attention of your family/friends who may be interested in attending the reunion.
      • Wool also placed notices in newspapers requesting the help of volunteers, specifically soldiers who had already mustered out of service.
      • The company had submitted a similar application to the planning office in May but it was deemed invalid by the planning officials because the site and newspaper notices were out of date.
      • The index to deaths is useful for showing the quarter of the year in which a death occurred and, thus, when newspaper death and funeral notices might appear.
      • The formal gazette notice, however, provided no explanation for the decision.
    2. 3.2usually notices A short published review or comment about a new film, play, or book.
      she had good notices in her first film


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although many of the critics have yet to publish their reactions in America, notices so far have been generally positive.
      • The work received mixed notices from the critics.
      • The latest volume in this series contains six original essays, a lengthy review article, and a number of book notices.
      • Audiences, on the other hand, seem perplexed that their response differs so markedly to those reflected in the film's notices.
      • The book drew favourable notices and went through five print runs, but in summer 2002 it was not on many radar screens.
      • It's therefore an edgy time as she awaits the notices for a book that she spent three years writing.
      • His efforts to find viable synonyms were not in vain: the book was released to admiring notices in January 2004.
      • He thought the London location would alter the emphasis from paying attention to the working class audience to one of trying to get good notices from the London critics.
      • Since its launch in January, the ratings have been abysmal and the critical notices worse.
      • There were some negative notices, however, with several finding the films pace too slow for comfort and its narrative going nowhere, slowly.
      • The show duly received glowing notices in every newspaper.
      • His books have also stopped receiving notices.
      • A short notice cannot do justice to this admirable and thought-provoking book.
      • Nationwide, Cason's book inspired reviews and notices in many leading newspapers and periodicals.
      • He was not the sort of writer who claimed never to read notices of his books; he was too engaged, too polemical to remain that aloof.
      • That volume commanded polite notices and some positive reviews.
      • We all know how book blurbs and theatre notices can, by careful editing, turn critical comments into a rave review.
      • It received good notices from the critics and respectable ratings at first.
      • Despite the presence of the two stars the film received mixed notices.
      • The notices were extraordinary, one critic from the Literary Review describing Wallace as a cross between Franz Kafka and David Lynch.
      review, write-up, critique, criticism
[with object]
  • 1Become aware of.


    he noticed the youths behaving suspiciously


    with clause I noticed that she was looking tired


    no object they were too drunk to notice


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Her main involvement was to help Gabriel be aware of children who had questions when he did not notice their raised hands.
    • He was trying to concentrate on each miserable step forward; and so he didn't notice the gang of youths until he'd bumped into one of them.
    • Ever the observant one, Barry notices these things about me even in these circumstances.
    • Despite being a medical man, I did not have my friend's amazing power of observation to notice the subtle differences in ears.
    • It's little things like that which get noticed by observant kids such as myself.
    • Deep in his thoughts, Luther did not notice the drunk that was approaching him.
    • Only a trained observer would notice her hands and feet look somewhat larger and more masculine.
    • You may notice obsessive patterns and habits of mind you weren't aware of before starting this practice.
    • Its something that I wasn't really aware of until recently, but I'm starting to notice this phenomenon more and more.
    • Since good news doesn't make the news, we don't notice it nor realize how often the good things are happening.
    • She didn't realize that he was noticing the greenish bruises that still covered her cheeks.
    • He probably didn't notice anything, but I know that I was aware of the big smirk on her face, as was Abby.
    • Know your body, be aware of any changes and contact your doctor if you notice anything unusual.
    • Altered states allow us to become more aware, so we tend to notice things we normally wouldn't.
    • A keen observer might notice the Star of David she wears around her neck.
    • At that time it was noticed that the defendant was behaving strangely, said the prosecution.
    • Sharp-eyed observers may notice the addition of one tiny syllable to this site overnight.
    • You observe yourself everyday and notice your weaknesses and because you realize this you are unhappy.
    • He noticed the youth was wearing dark clothes and there was a helmet lying on the road.
    • I couldn't help but notice the realization that dawned on my father's face.
    observe, perceive, note, see, become aware of, discern, detect, spot, distinguish, catch sight of, make out, take notice of, mark, remark
    1. 1.1usually be noticed Treat (someone) with some degree of attention or recognition.
      it was only last year that the singer really began to be noticed


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I see now why he showed me all those theories, to get me to notice him, to get me to pay attention.
      • Because of that little conversation that he heard, Ian began to notice Michelle more.
      • I was trying to get your attention, to make you notice me.
      • Would Ariella begin to notice him the way he noticed her if he acted like his brother did?
      • He did, however, have an innate grasp of public relations, dressing with flair so people would notice him.
      • I still wait for people to notice me and come and talk to me.
      • I can't seem to take her anywhere without people noticing her and talking.
      • I just wanted you to notice me for a change and treat me like a real person.
      • He already knew where she lived and she might begin to notice him if he caught the same bus as her.
      • I write in part to have people notice me and my thoughts, which I think are worth noticing.
      • We can't just sit around, we have to do something a bit special to get people to notice us.
      • Yes, in many ways, I think that because I'm Chinese, people don't notice me as much.
      • Now Silverwood is eager to get back on track but he knows that he must first of all pick up wickets with Yorkshire before England start to notice him again.
      • He is one of the best skateboarders coming out of Miami, and people are noticing him.
    2. 1.2archaic Remark upon.
      she looked so much better that Sir Charles noticed it to Lady Harriet



  • at short (or a moment's) notice

    • With little warning or time for preparation.


      tours may be canceled at short notice


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The ground units would, of course, be backed by massive conventional air and sea power, ready to subject the enemy to a lethal barrage at a moment's notice.
      • The funds have been transferred to my offshore account, and I am prepared to leave at a moment's notice.
      • Visits were sometimes cancelled at a moment's notice when this happened, and her friends came to accept this.
      • If you're feeling creative, hollow out tangerine shells, freeze them, then fill with granita and keep in the freezer to pull out at a moment's notice.
      • Children have been told to stay close to the school building and staff are being extra vigilant at break times ready to bring pupils indoors at a moment's notice.
      • His mouth was one that could give easy smiles at a moment's notice, but I had only seen him smile once since I met him.
      • We'd certainly be more productive if more of our days were free of the kinds of crises that seem to erupt at a moment's notice.
      • Little on the plant floor is welded down, so machines and modular furniture can be rearranged at a moment's notice.
      • I have been commanded to return them to the property forthwith so they can be consulted at a moment's notice.
      • All hospitals in the area have to be prepared to evacuate at a moment's notice.
  • put someone on notice

    • Warn someone of something about or likely to occur, especially in a formal or threatening manner.


      we're going to put foreign governments on notice that we want a change of trade policy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And that's when I think she really put us on notice.
      • As advised, I contacted Mr Cloke by telephone the same day putting him on notice of our letter of 5th March which was being faxed over for his attention.
      • It would put them on notice that readers would be watching.
      • In those circumstances, we put you on notice that we will be making an application to the court to extend time for service of our Defence for a further 3 months from today's date.
      • Now we're off to a good start in putting them on notice here in the Horn of Africa.
      • ISPs have been made responsible for removing illegal and harmful content under so-called notice and takedown procedures, once they have been put on notice by a complainant.
      • But we also want to put him on notice that we're coming after him.
      • We just want to put him on notice to remind him what we will be doing.
      • We expect to put Mr Byers on notice of our intentions soon.
      • Another 300 letters will go to bars and clubs in Hong Kong putting them on notice of what constitutes the legal and illegal screening of pay-TV services.
      notify, alert, apprise, give notice, inform, tell, let someone know, make someone aware, give a warning to, give fair warning to, forewarn, put someone on guard, put someone on notice, remind
  • take no notice

    • Pay no attention to someone or something.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My husband told them not to do it but they took no notice.
      • Clearly, her colleagues took no notice of the warning.
      • Several servants bowed as he passed, but he took no notice of it.
      • But the government took no notice, until the consequences became manifest.
      • They are sitting in their offices in London taking no notice.
      • Judging from the number of people who took no notice, I suggest plans for next year are changed.
      • Their occupied attention caused them to take no notice of their muscled and bulky master calling for them.
      • When she approached the junction with Church Road she noticed a blue hatchback car moving slowly very close to the kerb, but took no notice because she thought he was lost.
      • Much later, he crept downstairs and drank from his water dish, but he wasn't his old self and took no notice of me.
      • People are once again taking no notice of parking restrictions because we have no enforcement officer.
      pay no attention, pay no attention to, ignore, disregard, pay no heed, pay no heed to, take no account, take no account of, turn a deaf ear, turn a deaf ear to, brush aside, shrug off, set aside, turn a blind eye, turn a blind eye to, shut one's eyes, shut one's eyes to, pass over, let pass, let go, overlook, look the other way, pretend not to notice
  • take notice

    • Pay attention; show signs of interest.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I just hope they will take notice of warning signs we have put up and look out for them on the roads.
      • An obscure weekly published from Calcutta took notice of the event.
      • Hollywood took notice of Douglas and began to send the appropriate signals.
      • The last man, the fifth, took notice of the boy's icy glare, took interest and then verged off his path.
      • But Cheryl and Kelly were aware of the traffic and taking notice of it.
      • If the gaggle of magazine cover stories and press articles is any guide, it is worth taking notice because it is sign things may be about to happen.
      • This was a big push, and suddenly - and the polls show this - people sat up and took notice.
      • I had thought that if I caught her off guard then she would take notice and try to scold me.
      • And despite all the smiles and media attention, there are people taking notice of Webb.
      • Darnell was not aware that anyone took notice, yet everyone heard the magic in the two words.


Late Middle English (in notice (sense 2 of the noun)): from Old French, from Latin notitia ‘being known’, from notus ‘known’ (see notion).





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