The ratio of a particular allele to the total of all other alleles of the same gene in a given population.
Example sentencesExamples
These models were first used in biology to describe changes in gene frequency.
Numbers of positive signals were used as absolute gene frequencies of individual alleles in a population.
The process of genetic drift is a change in gene frequency arising from random events.
Little attempt has been made to relate breeding ecology and population demography to spatial variances in gene frequency.
The scientists discovered small changes in gene frequency, the relative percentage of an allele compared to nearby genes.
He also showed that, with heterozygote advantage, the population ultimately approaches the neighborhood of a fixed gene frequency.
In addition to its effects on allelic frequencies within populations, natural selection is expected to affect the extent of divergence in gene frequency between populations.
When studying the inheritance of a trait in these populations, it is assumed that gene frequency is robust and that gametic and zygotic selection are minimal.
This study included only male blood donors, whereas our study included a large population of male and female subjects, which may give a better representation of the gene frequency in the overall population.
So evolution is always a two-step process, involving first developmentally mediated variation and then selection resulting in gene frequency change.
The results were extended to multiple generations by an approximation that did not take into account the change in gene frequency under repeated selection and random drift.
In phylogenetics, likelihood methods were applied first to gene frequency data and subsequently also to molecular sequences.
Second, mathematical geneticists showed that the gene frequency change by mutation is much smaller than the change by natural selection.
Evolution itself has come to be defined as a change in gene frequency in a population.
This effect is due to changes in gene frequency and the corresponding overestimation of phenotypic effects.
Traditional population genetics models have focused on measures such as the probability of identity and the covariance in gene frequency.
Two dichotomous models based on gene frequency perturbations associated with selection at linked loci were proposed to explain the observations.
In fact, it would still be a case of evolution even if the change in gene frequency had no observable phenotypic effect (that is, no detectable difference between individuals with the different variants).
There is no discussion of the many factors that can change gene frequency and no discussion of the general apparatus of evolution.
Genetics might be adequate for explaining microevolution, but microevolutionary changes in gene frequency were not seen as able to turn a reptile into a mammal or to convert a fish into an amphibian.
Definition of gene frequency in US English:
gene frequency
The ratio of a particular allele to the total of all other alleles of the same gene in a given population.
Example sentencesExamples
Little attempt has been made to relate breeding ecology and population demography to spatial variances in gene frequency.
There is no discussion of the many factors that can change gene frequency and no discussion of the general apparatus of evolution.
These models were first used in biology to describe changes in gene frequency.
In phylogenetics, likelihood methods were applied first to gene frequency data and subsequently also to molecular sequences.
In fact, it would still be a case of evolution even if the change in gene frequency had no observable phenotypic effect (that is, no detectable difference between individuals with the different variants).
So evolution is always a two-step process, involving first developmentally mediated variation and then selection resulting in gene frequency change.
Numbers of positive signals were used as absolute gene frequencies of individual alleles in a population.
The results were extended to multiple generations by an approximation that did not take into account the change in gene frequency under repeated selection and random drift.
The process of genetic drift is a change in gene frequency arising from random events.
Traditional population genetics models have focused on measures such as the probability of identity and the covariance in gene frequency.
The scientists discovered small changes in gene frequency, the relative percentage of an allele compared to nearby genes.
Genetics might be adequate for explaining microevolution, but microevolutionary changes in gene frequency were not seen as able to turn a reptile into a mammal or to convert a fish into an amphibian.
He also showed that, with heterozygote advantage, the population ultimately approaches the neighborhood of a fixed gene frequency.
This effect is due to changes in gene frequency and the corresponding overestimation of phenotypic effects.
In addition to its effects on allelic frequencies within populations, natural selection is expected to affect the extent of divergence in gene frequency between populations.
Two dichotomous models based on gene frequency perturbations associated with selection at linked loci were proposed to explain the observations.
When studying the inheritance of a trait in these populations, it is assumed that gene frequency is robust and that gametic and zygotic selection are minimal.
Evolution itself has come to be defined as a change in gene frequency in a population.
Second, mathematical geneticists showed that the gene frequency change by mutation is much smaller than the change by natural selection.
This study included only male blood donors, whereas our study included a large population of male and female subjects, which may give a better representation of the gene frequency in the overall population.