

单词 capricious

Definition of capricious in English:


adjective kəˈprɪʃəs
  • 1Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.


    a capricious and often brutal administration


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In any event, I reserve the right to be arbitrary and capricious in choosing which comments to delete because they cross the line.
    • Nature is regarded as the provider of bounty, but also as wild, awesome and capricious, with unpredictable catastrophes, like floods and storms at sea.
    • He can be so sweet sometimes, he's just very capricious and whimsical.
    • It is an immensely tough way of living but one which now, with over-grazing and an increasingly capricious climate, is beginning to look very vulnerable.
    • It is as if we, temperamental and capricious, have been having a stormy affair with aloof, indifferent El Niño.
    • I miss her because she was capricious and unreliable, and because minis are the kind of car that make people smile.
    • Please allow me to maintain my self-image as capricious, arbitrary and unfair.
    • The true gods are fickle and capricious and care little for the affairs of men, but the piper was different.
    • Let us say that on a rare, windy day in Waterloo, someone leaves a copy of our beloved Imprint on a bench outside, completely at the mercy of the fickle, capricious wind.
    • While the sprites that run the weather here are capricious, their temperaments are contained within some very strict limits.
    • The woman was so fickle-minded and capricious that Agueda often found herself confused.
    • It will be a difficult task as the ship has become overloaded, capricious and the ocean is tempestuous.
    • Luckily enough, ostriches are not capricious animals and easily adapt to the climate in Bulgaria.
    • It's an amusing idea, that even the harbingers of capitalism are subject to the ever-changing moods of capricious Mother Nature.
    • Ultimately, that's for the voters to decide, and recent history shows them to be a mercurial, at times capricious lot.
    • Even those who have climbed in the Alps or the lower Himalayas, find it hard to understand the appeal of such a brutal and capricious mountain.
    • I have a strange, queasy feeling that I can never impart to him about how capricious and arbitrary a regime like this can be.
    • It is capricious and fickle, changing moods easily.
    • The capricious god changed Ariadne into the Corona Cressa, or Cretan Diadem, already visible in the heavens in Titian's Bacchus and Ariadne as an omen at their first meeting.
    • Exhausted and in constant pain, she had to contend with vast, unfathomable personality changes that made her capricious, indecisive, impatient and intolerant.
    fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable, unstable, mercurial, volatile, erratic, vacillating, irregular, inconsistent, fitful, arbitrary
    impulsive, temperamental, wild, ungovernable
    whimsical, fanciful, flighty, wayward, quirky, faddish, freakish
    unpredictable, random, chance, haphazard
    1. 1.1 Changing according to no discernible rules; unpredictable.
      a capricious climate


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whatever the cause, it would appear arbitrary and capricious to limit the number of years students are given to learn English.
      • Arbitrary and capricious rather than democratic procedures prevailed.
      • The purpose of the provision in paragraph 18.15 is to prevent arbitrary or capricious searches.
      • To a casual observer, the conversation might have seemed haphazard and capricious: it was anything but.
      • To claim that God engages in this same capricious and barbaric behavior is to blaspheme God.
      • Upon such changing moods, and seemingly capricious events, the future spiritual welfare of our nation has depended.
      • In those circumstances the arrest, though subsequently found to be unlawful, could not be said to be capricious or arbitrary.
      • Having laws you're not going to enforce is an invitation for capricious and arbitrary prosecution.
      • In using the police power in this broad way, municipalities can avoid charges of arbitrary and capricious acts.
      • The workings of the system were entirely capricious and arbitrary.
      • In that event the basis for the exercise of power is absent, just as if it were shown that the opinion was arbitrary, capricious, irrational, or not bona fide.
      • Copies of the memorandum went to the membership of appeals committees that had found the provost's decisions to be arbitrary and capricious.
      • The increasing confidence of the Irish labour force means that employees are less inclined to tolerate biased, arbitrary or capricious employer decisions.
      • But Powell's fatalistic words do convey a career military man's appreciation of the arbitrary and capricious nature of war.
      • Your Honour, from my perspective I am trying to understand the arbitrary and capricious argument that my learned friends are putting forward.
      • Georgia, the Supreme Court temporarily ended the death penalty in America, deeming its application arbitrary and capricious.
      • In short, they're picky eaters, and their appetites are capricious and unpredictable.
      • Relatively incorrupt, they brought an end to the capricious violence of the warlords who ruled in the post-Soviet vacuum.
      • Objectively, it seems to me it's arbitrary, capricious, inconsistent.
      • Targeting aid resources without adequate awareness of the size of the population involved in illicit crops is capricious and arbitrary.
      unpredictable, changeable, variable, inconstant, inconsistent, uncertain, erratic, irregular, unstable, turbulent, unsteady, unsettled, unreliable, undependable, changing, ever-changing, varying, shifting, fluctuating, fluid, mutable, protean, fitful, wavering, full of ups and downs


  • capriciously

  • adverb kəˈprɪʃəsli
    • Officials who treat citizens capriciously should not be surprised when citizens use the legislature to put the officials on a shorter leash.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But can an Assembly be dissolved arbitrarily, capriciously, whimsically, at the absolute discretion of a Chief Minister?
      • I don't want laws that aren't enforced but serve a symbolic function - except when they're capriciously enforced.
      • Neither has the tsunami anything in common with God's final judgement, as the tsunami killed and destroyed capriciously, without rhyme or reason.
      • We felt that we were asking them to abide by their standards, which were being executed capriciously.
  • capriciousness

  • noun kəˈprɪʃəsnəs
    • As it was, this random capriciousness on his part ended up providing me with my main home address for the next 16 years.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And I like to think there's still a little of that capriciousness to my choices.
      • Y'know, I'm starting to be concerned at my own capriciousness.
      • The Romans, intuitively, seemed to know better, for they named it after the goddess they feared for her vengefulness, capriciousness and cruelty.
      • Whether you interpret such behavior as capriciousness or hard-core adventure, enduring it is a price you must occasionally pay.


Early 17th century: from French capricieux, from Italian (see capriccioso).


adventitious, Aloysius, ambitious, auspicious, avaricious, conspicuous, delicious, expeditious, factitious, fictitious, flagitious, judicious, lubricious, malicious, Mauritius, meretricious, nutritious, officious, pernicious, propitious, repetitious, seditious, siliceous, superstitious, suppositious, surreptitious, suspicious, vicious

Definition of capricious in US English:


  • Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.


    a capricious and often brutal administration


    a capricious climate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is as if we, temperamental and capricious, have been having a stormy affair with aloof, indifferent El Niño.
    • Let us say that on a rare, windy day in Waterloo, someone leaves a copy of our beloved Imprint on a bench outside, completely at the mercy of the fickle, capricious wind.
    • Exhausted and in constant pain, she had to contend with vast, unfathomable personality changes that made her capricious, indecisive, impatient and intolerant.
    • It's an amusing idea, that even the harbingers of capitalism are subject to the ever-changing moods of capricious Mother Nature.
    • Luckily enough, ostriches are not capricious animals and easily adapt to the climate in Bulgaria.
    • While the sprites that run the weather here are capricious, their temperaments are contained within some very strict limits.
    • The capricious god changed Ariadne into the Corona Cressa, or Cretan Diadem, already visible in the heavens in Titian's Bacchus and Ariadne as an omen at their first meeting.
    • It will be a difficult task as the ship has become overloaded, capricious and the ocean is tempestuous.
    • I miss her because she was capricious and unreliable, and because minis are the kind of car that make people smile.
    • The true gods are fickle and capricious and care little for the affairs of men, but the piper was different.
    • It is an immensely tough way of living but one which now, with over-grazing and an increasingly capricious climate, is beginning to look very vulnerable.
    • He can be so sweet sometimes, he's just very capricious and whimsical.
    • The woman was so fickle-minded and capricious that Agueda often found herself confused.
    • I have a strange, queasy feeling that I can never impart to him about how capricious and arbitrary a regime like this can be.
    • In any event, I reserve the right to be arbitrary and capricious in choosing which comments to delete because they cross the line.
    • Please allow me to maintain my self-image as capricious, arbitrary and unfair.
    • It is capricious and fickle, changing moods easily.
    • Nature is regarded as the provider of bounty, but also as wild, awesome and capricious, with unpredictable catastrophes, like floods and storms at sea.
    • Ultimately, that's for the voters to decide, and recent history shows them to be a mercurial, at times capricious lot.
    • Even those who have climbed in the Alps or the lower Himalayas, find it hard to understand the appeal of such a brutal and capricious mountain.
    fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable, unstable, mercurial, volatile, erratic, vacillating, irregular, inconsistent, fitful, arbitrary


Early 17th century: from French capricieux, from Italian (see capriccioso).





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