

单词 siddur

Definition of siddur in English:


nounPlural siddurimˈsɪdʊə
  • A Jewish prayer book containing prayers and other information relevant to the daily liturgy.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • There were moments when the expansive peace and receptivity of Shabbat alighted or the words of the siddur leapt into my mind, the words of Psalms or Torah.
    • It was surreal walking at around 4am with soldiers and Orthodox Jews walking with a siddur in one hand, a rifle slinged over their shoulder.
    • The full text of the ceremony is printed in the siddur.
    • But even so, like so many others, this piyyut can ultimately have no halachic authority and Jews are free, as they have always been, to recite, ignore, or rewrite liturgical additions to the siddur outside the formal prayer service.
    • His handwritten copy is now falling pieces even though it's kept folded up in the siddur.
    • I see her praying in a sunlit patch of yard, swaying back and forth as she reads from her tiny siddur; then she lies in the grass and studies the Torah.
    • As I return my siddur to the seat-pocket in front of me, I reflect on the prayers, just completed.
    • Now I realize how much I am missing out by not understanding my prayers from my siddur.
    • These blessings can be found at the beginning of any siddur, Jewish prayer book, which are readily available in any Jewish bookstore.
    • On Sarah Apel's fifth birthday, her grandfather Jacob presented her with an olivewood-covered siddur.
    • It is a fiction that all the intrusive announcements we've come to accept as a part of worship are necessary; the siddur is not a textbook and the synagogue is not a classroom.
    • One couple wore yarmulkes and carried a siddur; another couple looked like ordained ministers, but I didn't know for sure of which Christian denomination.
    • Study of the siddur itself should enable us to reach a concept of genuine prayer without having to reach such a crisis.
    • Certain books are an essential part of any Jewish home: a siddur (prayer book), a Chumash (Five Books of Moses) and books of philosophy.
    • Indeed the siddur, or Jewish prayer book, honors the advice of Jeremiah by including a prayer on the Sabbath or festival day for the government of the country in which the local community of Jews resides.
    • Later over Friday night dinner I ask for the siddur and offer a pound to anyone who can tell me the first line of the kiddush reading - ‘And it was evening, and it was morning.’
    • Most siddurim list six verses of the Torah that we should recite each day to remind us of who we are and to caution us against idolatry and lashon hara (harmful talk).
    • She could not forget her father's insistence to always pray from a siddur unless there were extenuating circumstances.
    • So I'd tuck a siddur into my purse while rushing out the door, and since there usually wasn't time en route to finish all the dovening, I'd throw a kiss to God as I got off the bus.
    • Shortly before I left the movement, a new siddur came out that changed the order of some traditional Jewish prayers.


Hebrew siddūr, literally 'order'.





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