

单词 prune


noun pruːnprun
  • 1A plum preserved by drying and having a black, wrinkled appearance.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I like the concept of this recipe. It's beef and lamb but the spices are cinnamon and ginger and pepper and there's dried prunes and apricots in it too.
    • This time I had semi-dried black figs, large white figs, prunes, mirabelles (a kind of plum), and pears, all of which are from France.
    • European plums have a thick, firm flesh that make excellent prunes, preserves, or desert fruit.
    • Otherwise, I'll prepare my own crunchy muesli by mixing prunes or apricot, honey, lemon and cloves with low-fat yogurt.
    • From a nutritional perspective, prunes are like raisins.
    • However, just as raisins seem different from grapes, so do prunes appear to be distinct from plums.
    • Also on offer: quail with pecans and nuts, rabbit with prunes and cumin, beef tortillas, delicious sweet potato and nicely seasoned rice.
    • Sneak some raisins or puréed prunes or zucchini into whole-wheat pancakes.
    • Each is studded with liquor-soaked prunes, adding soft, sweet little bites that meld perfectly with intense dark chocolate.
  • 2informal An unpleasant or disagreeable person.


    he was a good leader, but a right miserable old prune


    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘Give me that,’ Corie said to Mrs Mood, snatching the paper away from the old prune.
    • McGregor has some good company: that miserable old prune Hugh Morgan (another complete AO) is also a distinguished fellow.
    • I had to put up with all these melodramatic old prunes (not just older people, but people of my own age as well) saying that my life was over, and oh, i would never be able to do my degree and get a good job, and oh, it is such a shame!
    • And no, I'm not turning into some old prune who never wears make-up and who lives in trackie-bottoms.
    • Even pathetic old prunes have their moment in the glare of the gossip mags


Middle English: from Old French, via Latin from Greek prou(m)non 'plum'.

  • plum from Old English:

    Latin prunum is the source of both plum and prune (Late Middle English), a plum preserved by drying. The change from pr- to pl- is not an unusual one. The ‘l’ and ‘r’ are made in very similar parts of the mouth, and some languages do not distinguish between the two sounds. Plum pudding (mid 17th century) was originally made with plums. The use of plum to refer to something highly desirable, ‘the pick of the bunch’, probably arose from the idea of picking the tastiest bits out of a plum pudding. Upper-class people are sometimes said to have a plum in the mouth, or to speak with a plummy voice. The idea of having a plum in the mouth goes right back to the 1530s, though at first it meant that the speech was indistinct rather than posh.


afternoon, attune, autoimmune, baboon, balloon, bassoon, bestrewn, boon, Boone, bridoon, buffoon, Cameroon, Cancún, cardoon, cartoon, Changchun, cocoon, commune, croon, doubloon, dragoon, dune, festoon, galloon, goon, harpoon, hoon, immune, importune, impugn, Irgun, jejune, June, Kowloon, lagoon, lampoon, loon, macaroon, maroon, monsoon, moon, Muldoon, noon, oppugn, picayune, platoon, poltroon, pontoon, poon, puccoon, raccoon, Rangoon, ratoon, rigadoon, rune, saloon, Saskatoon, Sassoon, Scone, soon, spittoon, spoon, swoon, Troon, tune, tycoon, typhoon, Walloon


verb pruːnprun
[with object]
  • 1Trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to encourage growth.


    now is the time to prune roses
    no object to limit growth, prune in summer
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is illegal to clear development sites, carry out roofing work, treat timber or prune hedges or trees if nests are present.
    • Pinch back or tip prune to encourage branches as well as shorten long streamers later in the growing season.
    • Ideally, you should start pruning your tree to limit its size before it reaches full size.
    • Also prune to shape overgrown hedges and spring-flowering vines and shrubs after they bloom.
    • Repot root-bound houseplants and prune any that are looking very ragged.
    • Over the last 12 months we have spent a great deal of time pruning and thinning overgrown shrubs in both the front and back garden.
    • Be sure and wait to prune shrubs that flower on last year's growth after they bloom.
    • For early blooming shrubs such as forsythia and viburnum, prune them as soon as blooms have passed.
    • I pruned the rose bushes and gave them a good soaking - it has been a dry winter.
    • Lightly prune young magnolias after they flower to encourage a pyramidal shape.
    • Gently prune large, slow-growing shrubs such as witch hazel, magnolia and Japanese maple.
    • In the late morning and all afternoon we worked outside, R clearing and tidying flower beds, pruning shrubs and potting up some flowers.
    • The best time to prune is just after flowering has ended.
    • Late February is an optimum time to prune trees and shrubs in your landscape.
    • For instance, apple trees flower on wood several years old, so you would prune the tree only to strengthen the fruit-bearing branches.
    • When cleaning out the dead debris from flowerbeds, also prune any shrubs and push plants back into the soil that have heaved with the frosts.
    • Do not prune either streptosolen or fuchsia, for they bloom in winter on growth started in early fall.
    • And prune plants to the ground after the first frost, even if foliage is not damaged.
    • As a general rule, prune when a tree is naturally under the least amount of stress, usually before the main growing season.
    • For example, prune shrubs once a year after flowering for maximum effect.
    cut back, trim, thin, thin out, pinch back, crop, clip, shear, pollard, top, dock
    shape, even up, neaten, tidy (up)
    1. 1.1 Cut away (a branch or stem) from a tree, shrub, etc.
      prune back the branches


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But if you prune back hard or after the tree leafs out in spring, it may be slower to come into bloom that year.
      • After flowering, prune branches back hard, to the edge of the container or basket, to shape.
      • In winter, prune back laterals that are produced to within 24 inches of the main canes.
      • Better to train it against a wall, tying the main stems to wires and pruning back all side branches to within two buds of the main framework each summer.
      • Plants such as fucshias should be pruned back fairly hard now or at least before new side shoots become established.
      • The remaining branches can be pruned hard back in early spring when the new shoots begin to show.
      • Remove old, weak branches at ground level, and prune out any dying shoots or branches that are taking off in awkward directions.
      • When planting a bare-root tree, prune away enough branches to balance the top with roots lost when the tree was dug.
      • You may also need to prune back live branches that are getting out of control.
      • Time to prune back your large, late-flowering hybrid clematis plants.
      • More compact plants result when long branches are pruned back to their junction at a lateral branch during early spring.
      • And today, Coun Kate Hollern, who heads Blackburn with Darwen Council, pledged to ensure staff prune back trees in parks and other authority-owned public spaces.
      • Infected branches must be pruned out early and destroyed if the tree is to be saved.
      • This tree can still be saved, but there will be a large scar on the stem when the upright branches are pruned off.
      • The willows overhanging it discard huge branches which should have been pruned back years ago.
      • If your plant is healthy, you can prune back to a foot or two with no ill effects.
      • Later, if you wish to do a little shaping, prune back to a growth bud pointing in the direction you want a stem to grow.
      • Feed the camellia with a multi-purpose fertiliser with balanced NPK and prune out any weak growth or dead branches, leaving only the strongest.
      • To redirect growth, prune back to a side branch that is growing in a more desirable direction.
      • Should I prune back the bare top branches to stimulate growth?
      cut off, lop (off), chop off, hack off, clip, snip (off), nip off, dock, sever, detach, remove
    2. 1.2 Reduce the extent of (something) by removing superfluous or unwanted parts.
      the workforce was pruned
      Example sentencesExamples
      • With the emphasis now being placed on attracting younger players, the need for reserve football is becoming a thing of the past and clubs are pruning their playing staff accordingly.
      • Acting quickly, Bern closed underperforming stores, pruned the work force, expanded product lines and revised the merchandising strategy.
      • So unless top-line targets are met, the cost base is pruned to compensate.
      • Every day he works on it a little more, pruning the chapters, getting the facts straight, tightening the prose.
      • It should be hoped that the decision on pruning the ministry will not be delayed further and a bill in this regard will be brought forward during the forthcoming session of the legislature.
      • The coalition will be working very hard over the next few months to prune expenditure to bring down this tax rise. The process has already started.
      reduce, cut, cut back, cut down, cut back on, pare, pare down, slim down, make reductions in, make cutbacks in, trim, whittle away/down, salami-slice, decrease, diminish, axe, shrink, minimize
      eliminate, get rid of, do away with
      informal slash
    3. 1.3 Remove (superfluous or unwanted parts) from something.
      Eliot deliberately pruned away details


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Costs were cut, younger managers encouraged and deadwood pruned away with early retirement.
      • And several bright ideas scattered here and there that never quite worked have been pruned away.
  • An instance of trimming a tree, shrub, or bush.


    they need little care other than an annual prune
    Example sentencesExamples
    • As the weather starts to warm and spring is just around the corner, roses, and shrubs may need a prune.
    • These are usually the more delicate plants such as Clematis viticella, which are best with an annual light prune followed by hard pruning every ten years.
    • They prefer sun or semi shade and a good annual prune to keep them compact and bushy.
    • Unless he can find someone to lease them very soon he will give the trees a minimal prune and basic spray programme to grow apples for processing next season.
    • If you haven't pruned give it a prune, and remove foliage but not new buds.


  • pruner

  • noun ˈpruːnəˈprunər
    • When pruning small branches with hand pruners, make sure the tools are sharp enough to cut the branches cleanly without tearing.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whenever you decide to prune, simply cut down each clump to 3 to 6 inches above ground, using sharp scissors or pruners.
      • If you just want to thin the growth, you can remove branches using your pruners or loppers by cutting the branch back to a fork.
      • For branches too large to be cut with a hand pruner or lopping shears, pruning saws must be used.
      • On shrubs with many crowded shoots, use loppers or hand pruners to cut about a third of the oldest shoots back to the ground at the right time of year for pruning a particular shrub.


Late 15th century (in the sense 'abbreviate'): from Old French pro(o)ignier, possibly based on Latin rotundus 'round'.


  • 1A plum preserved by drying, having a black, wrinkled appearance.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • European plums have a thick, firm flesh that make excellent prunes, preserves, or desert fruit.
    • From a nutritional perspective, prunes are like raisins.
    • Each is studded with liquor-soaked prunes, adding soft, sweet little bites that meld perfectly with intense dark chocolate.
    • Also on offer: quail with pecans and nuts, rabbit with prunes and cumin, beef tortillas, delicious sweet potato and nicely seasoned rice.
    • I like the concept of this recipe. It's beef and lamb but the spices are cinnamon and ginger and pepper and there's dried prunes and apricots in it too.
    • This time I had semi-dried black figs, large white figs, prunes, mirabelles (a kind of plum), and pears, all of which are from France.
    • Otherwise, I'll prepare my own crunchy muesli by mixing prunes or apricot, honey, lemon and cloves with low-fat yogurt.
    • Sneak some raisins or puréed prunes or zucchini into whole-wheat pancakes.
    • However, just as raisins seem different from grapes, so do prunes appear to be distinct from plums.
    1. 1.1informal An unpleasant or disagreeable person.
      he was a good leader, but a miserable old prune


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I had to put up with all these melodramatic old prunes (not just older people, but people of my own age as well) saying that my life was over, and oh, i would never be able to do my degree and get a good job, and oh, it is such a shame!
      • McGregor has some good company: that miserable old prune Hugh Morgan (another complete AO) is also a distinguished fellow.
      • ‘Give me that,’ Corie said to Mrs Mood, snatching the paper away from the old prune.
      • Even pathetic old prunes have their moment in the glare of the gossip mags
      • And no, I'm not turning into some old prune who never wears make-up and who lives in trackie-bottoms.


Middle English: from Old French, via Latin from Greek prou(m)non ‘plum’.


[with object]
  • 1Trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For instance, apple trees flower on wood several years old, so you would prune the tree only to strengthen the fruit-bearing branches.
    • Over the last 12 months we have spent a great deal of time pruning and thinning overgrown shrubs in both the front and back garden.
    • Lightly prune young magnolias after they flower to encourage a pyramidal shape.
    • Pinch back or tip prune to encourage branches as well as shorten long streamers later in the growing season.
    • Repot root-bound houseplants and prune any that are looking very ragged.
    • Also prune to shape overgrown hedges and spring-flowering vines and shrubs after they bloom.
    • For early blooming shrubs such as forsythia and viburnum, prune them as soon as blooms have passed.
    • The best time to prune is just after flowering has ended.
    • I pruned the rose bushes and gave them a good soaking - it has been a dry winter.
    • For example, prune shrubs once a year after flowering for maximum effect.
    • And prune plants to the ground after the first frost, even if foliage is not damaged.
    • As a general rule, prune when a tree is naturally under the least amount of stress, usually before the main growing season.
    • It is illegal to clear development sites, carry out roofing work, treat timber or prune hedges or trees if nests are present.
    • Be sure and wait to prune shrubs that flower on last year's growth after they bloom.
    • Do not prune either streptosolen or fuchsia, for they bloom in winter on growth started in early fall.
    • Ideally, you should start pruning your tree to limit its size before it reaches full size.
    • In the late morning and all afternoon we worked outside, R clearing and tidying flower beds, pruning shrubs and potting up some flowers.
    • Gently prune large, slow-growing shrubs such as witch hazel, magnolia and Japanese maple.
    • When cleaning out the dead debris from flowerbeds, also prune any shrubs and push plants back into the soil that have heaved with the frosts.
    • Late February is an optimum time to prune trees and shrubs in your landscape.
    cut back, trim, thin, thin out, pinch back, crop, clip, shear, pollard, top, dock
    1. 1.1 Cut away (a branch or stem)
      prune back the branches


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Time to prune back your large, late-flowering hybrid clematis plants.
      • More compact plants result when long branches are pruned back to their junction at a lateral branch during early spring.
      • Plants such as fucshias should be pruned back fairly hard now or at least before new side shoots become established.
      • If your plant is healthy, you can prune back to a foot or two with no ill effects.
      • To redirect growth, prune back to a side branch that is growing in a more desirable direction.
      • Should I prune back the bare top branches to stimulate growth?
      • You may also need to prune back live branches that are getting out of control.
      • Infected branches must be pruned out early and destroyed if the tree is to be saved.
      • Remove old, weak branches at ground level, and prune out any dying shoots or branches that are taking off in awkward directions.
      • Feed the camellia with a multi-purpose fertiliser with balanced NPK and prune out any weak growth or dead branches, leaving only the strongest.
      • This tree can still be saved, but there will be a large scar on the stem when the upright branches are pruned off.
      • Better to train it against a wall, tying the main stems to wires and pruning back all side branches to within two buds of the main framework each summer.
      • And today, Coun Kate Hollern, who heads Blackburn with Darwen Council, pledged to ensure staff prune back trees in parks and other authority-owned public spaces.
      • The willows overhanging it discard huge branches which should have been pruned back years ago.
      • When planting a bare-root tree, prune away enough branches to balance the top with roots lost when the tree was dug.
      • Later, if you wish to do a little shaping, prune back to a growth bud pointing in the direction you want a stem to grow.
      • After flowering, prune branches back hard, to the edge of the container or basket, to shape.
      • But if you prune back hard or after the tree leafs out in spring, it may be slower to come into bloom that year.
      • In winter, prune back laterals that are produced to within 24 inches of the main canes.
      • The remaining branches can be pruned hard back in early spring when the new shoots begin to show.
      cut off, lop, lop off, chop off, hack off, clip, snip, snip off, nip off, dock, sever, detach, remove
    2. 1.2 Reduce the extent of (something) by removing superfluous or unwanted parts.
      reduction achieved by working harder or pruning costs
      Example sentencesExamples
      • With the emphasis now being placed on attracting younger players, the need for reserve football is becoming a thing of the past and clubs are pruning their playing staff accordingly.
      • Every day he works on it a little more, pruning the chapters, getting the facts straight, tightening the prose.
      • Acting quickly, Bern closed underperforming stores, pruned the work force, expanded product lines and revised the merchandising strategy.
      • So unless top-line targets are met, the cost base is pruned to compensate.
      • It should be hoped that the decision on pruning the ministry will not be delayed further and a bill in this regard will be brought forward during the forthcoming session of the legislature.
      • The coalition will be working very hard over the next few months to prune expenditure to bring down this tax rise. The process has already started.
      reduce, cut, cut back, cut down, cut back on, pare, pare down, slim down, make reductions in, make cutbacks in, trim, whittle away, whittle down, salami-slice, decrease, diminish, axe, shrink, minimize
    3. 1.3 Remove (superfluous or unwanted parts) from something.
      Elliot deliberately pruned away details


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And several bright ideas scattered here and there that never quite worked have been pruned away.
      • Costs were cut, younger managers encouraged and deadwood pruned away with early retirement.


Late 15th century (in the sense ‘abbreviate’): from Old French pro(o)ignier, possibly based on Latin rotundus ‘round’.





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