I searched out the most rabid book-loving professionals I could find, those who eat plots for breakfast and dream ISBN numbers.
These are book-loving men, women and children from the community who volunteer their time, energy and ideas to enrich public libraries, starting with their own local library.
The novel tells the story of Don Quixote, a humble, book-loving village gentleman who dries up his brain by reading too many cheap romances, and decides to throw it all in to become a knight errant.
The book-loving couple was drawn to the local public library; in particular, they liked the children's section which, besides being well-stocked with books, had a variety of activities for kids.
The book-loving Fillmores - Millard and Abigail - overcame congressional opposition to establish the permanent White House library.
His lack of early formal education was in part countered by memories of his book-loving father, and in 1904 he began the laborious process of self-education which was to dominate his youth.
In September, Ms. Gursky received a birthday gift from her husband that earned her the envy of her book-loving friends: the complete collection of the Penguin Classics Library, 1,082 books sold only by Amazon.com for nearly $8,000.
As a book-loving girl in a small Bulgarian town she devoured Charles Dickens and Shakespeare.
A member of the book-loving Alcuin Society, which is organizing the roadshow with Vancouver Public Library, Page first thought about taking books in for appraisal at a prior roadshow.
And bookshops, logically, are also good, especially when they contain book-loving people who bring to our attention interesting books, unusual books, quirky books, really old books and so forth.